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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudos de HQSAR, acoplamento molecular e cálculos de propriedades eletrônicas de compostos com atividade biológica frente aos alvos DPP-IV e FAPa

Martins, Michelle Cristiane Melo Reis January 2018 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Káthia Maria Honório / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia/Química, Santo André, 2018. / Um dos alvos biologicos relacionado ao controle da glicemia e a enzima dipeptidil peptidase-IV (DPP-IV); ela esta associada com a estimulacao do pancreas na producao de insulina, sendo, portanto, um alvo de interesse da pesquisa e da industria farmaceutica para o tratamento do diabetes tipo 2. O diabetes e uma doenca cronica que se caracteriza por um aumento da glicemia causando uma serie de complicacoes fisiologicas com destaque para as doencas cardiacas como a aterosclerose; estima-se que 425 milhoes de pessoas sejam portadoras da doenca. Estudos indicam que inibidores da DPP-IV tambem podem apresentar acao sobre a FAP¿¿, uma enzima que esta relacionada com reparacao de tecidos e crescimento de tumores. Este trabalho consiste em utilizar metodos de modelagem molecular, como a construcao e analise de modelos de HQSAR (Hologram Quantitative Structure-Activity) e de CoMFA (analise comparativa de campos de interacao molecular); acoplamento molecular (docking), analise de propriedades eletronicas e deteccao e caracterizacao de sitios de ligacao da enzima FAP¿¿, com intuito de compreender as principais caracteristicas de ambas as enzimas, assim como a interacao das mesmas com uma serie de compostos bioativos. Os modelos CoMFA construidos apresentaram significativos valores de validacao interna (0,768) e externa (0,986); o alinhamento obtido utilizando a tecnica de acoplamento molecular e complementada com o uso da tecnica BINANA delineou as principais interacoes das enzimas com o conjunto de ligantes; identificou-se tres sitios de ligacao da enzima FAP¿¿ utilizando os servidores FTSite e FTMap. Desta forma, com informacoes sobre ambos os alvos e as interacoes estabelecidas com os ligantes, sera possivel propor com maior seguranca modificacoes moleculares para tais compostos candidatos a farmacos mais seguros para o tratamento do diabetes tipo 2. / One of the biological targets related to glycemic control is the dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) enzyme; it is associated with stimulation of the pancreas in insulin production and it is a target of interest for the researches related to the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by an increase in blood glucose causing a series of physiological complications such as atherosclerosis, it is estimated that 425 million people have this disease. Studies have indicated that DPP-IV inhibitors may also have action on FAPá, an enzyme that is related to tissue repair and tumor growth. This work consists of using molecular modeling methods, such as the construction and analysis of HQSAR (Hologram Quantitative Structure-Activity) and CoMFA (comparative analysis of molecular interaction fields) models; molecular docking, analysis of electronic properties, detection and characterization of FAPá enzyme binding sites, and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties studies; in order to understand the main characteristics of both enzymes, as well as their interaction with a series of bioactive compounds. The CoMFA models presented significant values of internal validation (0,768) and external (0,986) and the alignment obtained using the molecular docking technique outlined the main interactions of the enzymes with the set of ligands. With information on both targets and the interactions established with the ligands, it will be possible to more safely propose molecular modifications for such safer drug candidates for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Coarse-grained modeling with constant pH of the protein complexation phenomena / Modelagem de granularidade grossa com pH constante para o fenômeno da complexação de proteínas

Sergio Alejandro Poveda Cuevas 10 April 2017 (has links)
Theoretical studies of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the formation and stability of protein complexes have gained importance due to their practical applications in the understanding of the molecular basis of several diseases, in protein engineering and biotechnology. The objective of this project is to critically analyze and refine a coarse-grained force field for protein-protein interactions based on experimental thermodynamic properties and to apply it to cancer-related S100A4 protein system. Our ultimate goal is to generate knowledge for a better understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for the association of particular proteins in different environments. We studied the role of short and long-range interactions on the complexation of homo-associations. Furthermore, we analyzed the influence of the pH and its correlation with the charge regulation mechanism. We analyzed and refined the adjustable Lennard-Jones parameter for a mesoscopic model based on experimental second virial data for lysozyme, chymotrypsinogen, and ribonuclease A via Monte Carlo simulations. From of that, the S100A3 protein was used to test the new calibrated parameters. Finally, we evaluated the dimerization process of S100A4 proteins, observing the role of physical-chemistry variables involved in the thermodynamical stability of different oligomers. / Estudos teóricos dos mecanismos moleculares responsáveis pela formação e estabilidade dos complexos de proteínas vêm ganhando importância devido às suas aplicações práticas no entendimento da base molecular de várias doenças, em engenharia de proteínas e biotecnologia. O objetivo deste projeto é analisar criticamente e aperfeiçoar um campo de força de granulidade grossa para interação proteína-proteína com base em propriedades termodinâmicas experimentais e aplicá-lo ao sistema proteico S100A4 relacionado com o câncer. Nosso objetivo final é gerar conhecimento para uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos físicos responsáveis pelas associações de proteínas particulares em diferentes ambientes. Estudamos o papel das interações de curto e longo alcance na complexação de homo-associações. Além disso, analisamos a influência do pH e sua correlação com o mecanismo de regulação de cargas. Por meio de simulações Monte Carlo, analisamos e refinamos o parametro ajustável de Lennard-Jones para um modelo mesoscópico, usando dados experimentais do segundo virial para a lisozima, o quimotripsinogênio e a ribonuclease A. A partir disso, a proteína S100A3 foi usada para testar os novos parâmetros calibrados. Finalmente, foi avaliado o processo de dimerização das proteínas S100A4, observando o papel de algumas variáveis físico-químicas envolvidas na estabilidade termondinâmica de diferentes oligómeros.

Simulace procesů v buněčných membránách / Simulation of processes in cellular membranes

Melcr, Josef January 2018 (has links)
Simulation of processes in cellular membranes Abstract Many important processes in cells involve ions, e.g., fusion of synaptic vesi- cles with neuronal cell membranes is controlled by a divalent cation Ca2+ ; and the exchange of Na+ and K+ drives the the fast electrical signal transmis- sion in neurons. We have investigated model phospholipid membranes and their interactions with these biologically relevant ions. Using state-of-the-art molecular dynamics simulations, we accurately quantified their respective affinites towards neutral and negatively charged phospholipid bilayers. In order to achieve that, we developed a new model of phospholipids termed ECC-lipids, which accounts for the electronic polarization via the electronic continuum correction implemented as charge rescaling. Our simulations with this new force field reach for the first time a quantitative agreement with the experimental lipid electrometer concept for POPC as well as for POPS with all the studied cations. We have also examined the effects of transmembrane voltage on phospholipid bilayers. The electric field induced by the voltage exists exclusively in the hydrophobic region of the membrane, where it has an almost constant strength. This field affects the structure of nearby water molecules highlighting its importance in electroporation. 1

Development of Chemomechanical Functionalization and Nanografting on Silicon Surfaces

Lee, Michael Vernon 18 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Progress in chemomechanical functionalization was made by investigating the binding of molecules and surface coverage on the silicon surface, demonstrating functionalization of silicon with gases by chemomechanical means, analyzing atomic force microscopy probe tip wear in atomic force microscopy (AFM) chemomechanical nanografting, combining chemomechanical functionalization and nanografting to pattern silicon with an atomic force microscope, and extending chemomechanical nanografting to silicon dioxide. Molecular mechanics of alkenes and alkynes bound to Si(001)-2x1 as a model of chemomechanically functionalized surfaces indicated that complete coverage is energetically favorable and becomes more favorable for longer chain species. Scribing a silicon surface in the presence of ethylene and acetylene demonstrated chemomechanical functionalization with gaseous reagents, which simplifies sample cleanup and adds a range of reagents to those possible for chemomechanical functionalization. Thermal desorption spectroscopy was performed on chemomechanically functionalized samples and demonstrated the similarity in binding of molecules to the scribed silicon surface and to the common Si(001)-2x1 and Si(111)-7x7 surfaces. The wearing of atomic force microscope probe tips during chemomechanical functionalization was investigated by correlating change over time and force with widths of created lines to illustrate the detrimental effect of tip wear on mechanically-driven nanopatterning methods. In order to have a starting surface more stable than hydrogen-terminated silicon, silicon reacted with 1-octene was used as a starting surface for AFM chemomechanical functionalization, producing chemomechanical nanografting. Chemomechanical nanografting was then demonstrated on silicon dioxide using silane molecules; the initial passivating layer reduced the tip friction on the surface to allow only partial nanografting of the silane molecules. These studies broadened the scope and understanding of chemomechanical functionalization and nanografting.

Cellular and Computational Evaluation of the Structural Pharmacology of Delta Opioid Receptors

Yazan J Meqbil (14210360) 05 December 2022 (has links)
<p>G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are membrane proteins that constitute ~30% of the FDA-approved drug targets. Opioid receptors are a subtype of GPCRs with four different receptor types: delta, kappa, mu, and nociception opioid receptors. Opioids such as morphine have been used for thousands of years and are deemed the most effective method for treating pain. However, opioids can have detrimental effects if used illicitly or over an extended period of time. Intriguingly, most of the clinically used opioids act on the mu opioid receptor (µOR). Hence, efforts in recent decades have focused on other opioid receptors to treat pain and other disorders. The delta opioid receptor (δOR) is one of four opioid receptors expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system. The δOR has attracted much attention as a potential target for a multitude of diseases and disorders including substance and alcohol use disorders, ischemia, migraine, and neurodegenerative diseases. However, to date, no δOR agonists, or drugs that act directly at the δOR, have been successful as clinical candidates. Nonetheless, the therapeutic potential of the δOR necessitates the targeting its pharmacologically. In this dissertation, I highlight peptide-based modulation as well as the identification of novel agonists at the δOR. I report research findings in the context of biased agonism at δOR, which is a hypothesized cellular signaling mechanism with potential therapeutic benefits. The focus on this work is the molecular determinants of biased agonism, which were investigated using a combination of cellular and computational approaches.  </p>

Structure-Based Computer Aided Drug Design and Analysis for Different Disease Targets

Kumari, Vandana 13 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Directed evolution of human dihydrofolate reductase: towards a better understanding of binding at the active site

Fossati, Elena 11 1900 (has links)
La dihydrofolate réductase humaine (DHFRh) est une enzyme essentielle à la prolifération cellulaire, ce qui en fait une cible de choix pour le traitement de différents cancers. À cet effet, plusieurs inhibiteurs spécifiques de la DHFRh, les antifolates, ont été mis au point : le méthotrexate (MTX) et le pemetrexed (PMTX) en sont de bons exemples. Malgré l’efficacité clinique certaine de ces antifolates, le développement de nouveaux traitements s’avère nécessaire afin de réduire les effets secondaires liés à leur utilisation. Enfin, dans l’optique d’orienter la synthèse de nouveaux composés inhibiteurs des DHFRh, une meilleure connaissance des interactions entre les antifolates et leur enzyme cible est primordiale. À l’aide de l’évolution dirigée, il a été possible d’identifier des mutants de la DHFRh pour lesquels l’affinité envers des antifolates cliniquement actifs se voyait modifiée. La mutagenèse dite ¬¬de saturation a été utilisée afin de générer des banques de mutants présentant une diversité génétique au niveau des résidus du site actif de l’enzyme d’intérêt. De plus, une nouvelle méthode de criblage a été mise au point, laquelle s’est avérée efficace pour départager les mutations ayant entrainé une résistance aux antifolates et/ou un maintient de l’activité enzymatique envers son substrat natif, soient les phénotypes d’activité. La méthode de criblage consiste dans un premier temps en une sélection bactérienne à haut débit, puis dans un second temps en un criblage sur plaques permettant d’identifier les meilleurs candidats. Plusieurs mutants actifs de la DHFRh, résistants aux antifolates, ont ainsi pu être identifiés et caractérisés lors d’études de cinétique enzymatique (kcat et IC50). Sur la base de ces résultats cinétiques, de la modélisation moléculaire et des données structurales de la littérature, une étude structure-activité a été effectuée. En regardant quelles mutations ont les effets les plus significatif sur la liaison, nous avons commencé à construire un carte moléculaire des contacts impliqués dans la liaison des ligands. Enfin, des connaissances supplémentaires sur les propriétés spécifiques de liaison ont put être acquises en variant l’inhibiteur testé, permettant ainsi une meilleure compréhension du phénomène de discrimination du ligand. / Human dihydrofolate reductase (hDHFR) is an essential enzyme for cellular proliferation and it has long been the target of antifolate drugs for the treatment of various types of cancer. Despite the clinical effectiveness of current antifolate treatments, new drugs are required to reduce the side-effects associated with their use. An essential requirement for design of new antifolates is a better understanding of how these drugs interact with their targets. We applied directed evolution to identify mutant hDHFR variants with modified binding to some clinically relevant antifolates. A saturation mutagenesis approach was used to create genetic diversity at active-site residues of hDHFR and a new, efficient screening strategy was developed to identify the amino acids that preserved native activity and/or conferred antifolate resistance. The screening method consists in a high-throughput first-tier bacterial selection coupled with a second-tier in vitro assay that allows for rapid detection of the best variants among the leads, according to user-defined parameters. Many active, antifolate-resistant mutants of hDHFR were identified. Moreover, the approach has proven efficient in rapidly assessing kinetic (kcat) and inhibition parameters of the hDHFR variants (IC50). Structure-function relationship analysis based on kinetic investigation, available structural and functional data as well as modeling were performed. By monitoring which mutations have the greatest effect on binding, we have begun to build a molecular picture of the contacts involved in drug binding. By varying the drugs we test against, we gain a better understanding of the specific binding properties that determine ligand discrimination.

Étude structure/fonction des cotransporteurs Na+/glucose

Sasseville, Louis 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de la relation entre la structure et la fonction chez les cotransporteurs Na+/glucose (SGLTs). Les SGLTs sont des protéines membranaires qui se servent du gradient électrochimique transmembranaire du Na+ afin d’accumuler leurs substrats dans la cellule. Une mise en contexte présentera d’abord un bref résumé des connaissances actuelles dans le domaine, suivi par un survol des différentes techniques expérimentales utilisées dans le cadre de mes travaux. Ces travaux peuvent être divisés en trois projets. Un premier projet a porté sur les bases structurelles de la perméation de l’eau au travers des SGLTs. En utilisant à la fois des techniques de modélisation moléculaire, mais aussi la volumétrie en voltage imposé, nous avons identifié les bases structurelles de cette perméation. Ainsi, nous avons pu identifier in silico la présence d’une voie de perméation passive à l’eau traversant le cotransporteur, pour ensuite corroborer ces résultats à l’aide de mesures faites sur le cotransporteur Na/glucose humain (hSGLT1) exprimé dans les ovocytes. Un second projet a permis d’élucider certaines caractéristiques structurelles de hSGLT1 de par l’utilisation de la dipicrylamine (DPA), un accepteur de fluorescence dont la répartition dans la membrane lipidique dépend du potentiel membranaire. L’utilisation de la DPA, conjuguée aux techniques de fluorescence en voltage imposé et de FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer), a permis de démontrer la position extracellulaire d’une partie de la boucle 12-13 et le fait que hSGLT1 forme des dimères dont les sous-unités sont unies par un pont disulfure. Un dernier projet a eu pour but de caractériser les courants stationnaires et pré-stationaires d’un membre de la famille des SGLTs, soit le cotransporteur Na+/myo-inositol humain hSMIT2 afin de proposer un modèle cinétique qui décrit son fonctionnement. Nous avons démontré que la phlorizine inhibe mal les courants préstationnaires suite à une dépolarisation, et la présence de courants de fuite qui varient en fonction du temps, du potentiel membranaire et des substrats. Un algorithme de recuit simulé a été mis au point afin de permettre la détermination objective de la connectivité et des différents paramètres associés à la modélisation cinétique. / This thesis is about the structure/function relationship in Na+/glucose cotransporters (SGLTs). SGLTs are membrane proteins which use the Na+ transmembrane electrochemical gradient to accumulate their substrates within the cell. As an introduction, a short review of the current state of the field will be followed by a presentation of the different technics used in this work. This work can be divided in three main projects. In the first project, we investigated the structural basis of water permeation through SGLTs. By using molecular modeling technics, we have identified, in silico, a passive permeation pathway used by water to go through the cotransporter across the membrane. Using voltage-clamp volumetric measurement, we were able to corroborate these findings for hSGLT1 expressed in oocytes. A second project allowed elucidation of some of hSGLT1 structural characteristics through the use of dipicrylamine (DPA), a fluorescence acceptor whose repartition in the lipid membrane is voltage-dependant. Use of DPA concomitantly with voltage-clamp fluorescence and FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) has clearly demonstrated the extracellular localisation of part of the 12-13 loop which was previously assumed to be intracellular. In addition, we have shown that hSGLT1 forms a dimeric structure where the subunits are linked by a disulfide bridge. A last project aimed at characterizing the steady-state and pre-steadystate currents of a member of the SGLT family named hSMIT2 (human Na/myo-inositol transporter 2). We showed that phlorizin is a poor inhibitor of pre-steady state currents following depolarisation, and the presence of a time, membrane potential and substrate dependent leak current. A simulated annealing algorithm was developed in order to allow objective determination of both the connectivity and the parameters associated with the optimal kinetic model.

Conception, synthèse et évaluation pharmacologique de maléimides, inhibiteurs potentiels de l'intégrase du VIH-1 / Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of maleimides, potential inhibitors of HIV-1 integrase

Souffrin, Agathe 13 December 2012 (has links)
Notre équipe de recherche a récemment développé les premiers inhibiteurs d’une enzyme à DDE, la transposase MOS1, une enzyme analogue à l’intégrase du VIH-1. Ces molécules, de type bisfurylmaléimides, ont également montré une efficacité contre les activités enzymatiques de l’intégrase du VIH. En se basant sur ces résultats, nous avons entrepris la synthèse de nouveaux bisfurylmaléimides dans le but d’identifier de nouveaux inhibiteurs de l’intégrase et de proposer de nouvelles molécules dans la lutte contre le virus responsable du SIDA. L’originalité de notre démarche est l’utilisation de la transposase MOS1 comme modèle pour concevoir nos molécules. Les méthodologies utilisées pour accéder à ces molécules font essentiellement appel à la chimie catalysée par des métaux de transition mais aussi à des réactions de chimie hétérocyclique telles que des réactions de Mitsunobu, de Knoevenagel ou encore de Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons. L’ensemble des molécules synthétisées a fait l’objet d’une évaluation de leurs activités inhibitrices sur la transposase MOS1 et l’intégrase du VIH-1. Leurs propriétés antivirales contre le VIH ont également été évaluées. Parallèlement à ces travaux, nous nous sommes intéressés à la réactivité du noyau maléimide dans des réactions de couplage pallado-catalysées et plus particulièrement dans des couplages de Sonogashira. / Our research team has recently developed the first inhibitors of a DDE enzyme, MOS1 transposase, an enzyme similar to the HIV-1 integrase. These molecules, having a bisfurylmaleimide structure, also showed efficacy against enzymatic activities of HIV integrase. Based on these results, we undertook the synthesis of new bisfurylmaleimides in order to identify new integrase inhibitors and propose new molecules in the fight against the virus that causes AIDS. The originality of our approach is the use of MOS1 transposase as a model for designing our molecules. Methodologies used to access these molecules are essentially involving chemistry catalyzed by transition metals but also reactions of heterocyclic chemistry such as Mitsunobu, Knoevenagel or Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reactions. All synthesized molecules has been evaluated for their inhibitory activities on the MOS1 transposase and HIV-1 integrase. Their antiviral properties against HIV were also evaluated. Parallel to this work, we investigated the reactivity of the maleimide core in palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions especially in Sonogashira couplings.

Compréhension de l'énantiosélectivité de la lipase B de Candida antarctica : étude par modélisation moléculaire et expérimentation / Comprehensive study of Candida antarctica lipase B enantioselectivity : using experimental and molecular modeling approaches

Chaput, Ludovic 28 September 2012 (has links)
La lipase B de Candida antarctica (CALB) est un enzyme présentant des propriétés énantiosélectives très intéressantes pour l’obtention de molécules énantio pures par dédoublement cinétique de mélanges racémiques,molécules utilisées comme synthons dans l’industrie pharmaceutique. En effet, le principe actif de nombreux médicaments est efficace sous une forme énantio pure, l’autre forme chirale pouvant se révéler délétère pour l’organisme.Les travaux de la thèse s’intéressent à mieux comprendre l’origine de l’énantiosélectivité de la lipase B de Candida antarctica, en particulier pour la résolution d’alcools secondaires par des réactions de transestérification.Nous utilisons pour la première fois la méthode de la perturbation de l’énergie libre pour estimer la différence d’énergie libre entre les intermédiaires tétraédriques obtenus avec les formes R et S d’alcools énantiomères pour une série d’alcools secondaires, dans le but de prédire in silico l’énantiosélectivité de la CALB. Les paramètres cinétiques apparents d’une réaction avec deux alcools substrats énantiopurs sont expérimentalement déterminés et permettent de définir la contribution respective du Km et du kcat de chaque énantiomère pour la définition de l’énantiosélectivité. L’étude expérimentale de l’effet d’empreinte par des molécules co-substrats est réalisée,ainsi qu’une étude par modélisation moléculaire de l’effet d’empreinte par le premier ester substrat de la réaction qui pourrait modifier la conformation du site actif de la CALB. La troisième partie porte sur l’étude de la CALB et de trois variants (T42V, S47A et T42V/S47A) chez lesquels les acides aminés dans la poche stéréospécifiques ont mutés. T42V et S47A permettent d’obtenir une augmentation de l’énantiosélectivité. L’étude propose une étude détaillée de la conformation du site actif à partir de simulations de trajectoires de dynamique moléculaire / The lipase B from Candida antarctica is an enzyme displaying enantioselective properties which are interesting to obtain enantio pure compounds by kinetic resolution of racemic mixtures, which are used as pharmaceutical intermediates and fine chemicals. Indeed, for most of the drugs, only one of the two chiral formsis efficient as bioactive compound, whereas the other chiral form may display deleterious effects. Present work concerns the understanding of the origin of Candida antarctica lipase B enantioselectivity, and more especially in case of the resolution of secondary alcohols by transesterification. We used, for the first time, the free energy perturbation method to evaluate the free energy difference between tetrahedral intermediates with R and S alcohol enantiomers for a series of secondary alcohols in order to predict in silico enantiomeric ratio of CALB-catalyzed reactions. The apparent kinetic parameters were experimentally determined for two enantio pure substrates and allow to evalute the relative contribution of both Km and kcat for R and S enantiomers in the enantiomeric ratio of CALB-catalyzed reactions. Experimental study of imprinting effect hypothesis by co-substrate molecules was done. Molecular modeling studies of imprinting effect hypothesis were performed, in which the first substrate ester of the reaction could mould the active site. At least, the third part of this thesis concerns the study of wild-type CALB and three different variants (T42V and S47A which allow to increase enantioselectivity and T42/S47A) of CALB by molecular modeling. A detailed study of the conformation of the stereo specificity pocket in the active site is presented, based on molecular dynamics simulations.

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