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Japonská hospodářská krize a její paralela s poslední krizí ve Spojených státech / českyanglickyněmeckyJapan's economic crisis and its parallels to the current financial crisis in the United StatesKolářová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analysis the parallel between Japan crises in the 90s and the recent financial crisis, which originated in the United States in 2007. A significant part is devoted to analyzing the root causes of the emergence of the Japan crisis and recent financial crisis. Practical part will focus on analysis of economic cycles of these crises, analysis of price behavior on stock and property market, and finaly on analysis of impact of impact of measures taken on subsequent economic development. Conclusion will seek to answer the question whether the United States expect the same economic development as Japan in the nineties.
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Vícekriteriální hodnocení hypoték / Multi-criteria evaluation of mortgagesSuchanová, Romana January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find suitable mortgage, describe important criteria for comparison of mortgages and what types of mortgages the banks offer. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into four parts. At first, I describe methods of determining the weights and methods of multi-criteria decision making. Then I focus on information about mortgage loan and about loan application process. In the third part I present variants and criteria and in the fourth I detect the best mortgage. I used WSA, TOPSIS, ELECTRE III and MAPPAC and add-on of Microsoft Excel - Sanna.
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Souvislosti hospodářského cyklu a vývoje na trhu s hypotéčními úvěry / Connection between the economy cycle and the development on the mortgage credit marketKábelková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the connection between the economy cycle and the development on the mortgage credit market since 2000 until 2010. Mainly it focuses on the problematic of the effectiveness of the currency policy and on the analysis of the main determinants, which leads to the mortgage crisis. The aim of the thesis is to assess the determinants of the credit cycle and their connection with the development of the economy cycle. The main indicator that influence the credit cycle will be analyzed. On the basis of the gained information I will answer the question whether there should exist some strategy of the state in the field of accommodation and whether the currency policy should be controlled according to same rules or rather discretionally. As for the methodology, the descriptive method, the comparative analysis, the trend line and the technique of the deviations from the trend will be applied.
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Hypotéční politika v ČR v období finanční krize v letch 2007-2012 a její perspektivy / Mortgage Policy in Czech Republic in the Time of Financial Crisis (2007 - 2012) and its PerspectivesŠnajdrová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of this work is to analyze progression of mortgages in Czech Republic at start and process of financial crisis, from the first half of the year 2007 till now. The work contains not only the basic informations of mortgages, but it also includes the list of two sections of criteria. The first section is about, what parameters banks demand of their clients and the second one is about, what the main reasons of client are in the choosing of their required banking-house. Development of these criteria in the period of financial crisis is analyzed in the second part of the work. In this part, there are described changes during the financial crisis and comparison with other countries. At the conclusion, the work evaluates present situation at financial market, how it change during the financial crisis and view into the future.
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Hipoteca judiciária / Judicial mortgageNeves, Douglas Ribeiro 29 March 2011 (has links)
O objeto da dissertação é a hipoteca judiciária. O mote que inspirou o trabalho foi a preocupação com a efetividade do processo. Partiu-se do postulado de que o processo não deve ser um instrumento de mera declaração de direitos. Deve, ao revés, viabilizar a alteração da realidade, de modo que, ao final do processo, o jurisdicionado exerça seu direito tal como teria exercido se a correspondente obrigação tivesse sido cumprida espontaneamente. A matéria carece de obras específicas. Salvo alguns poucos artigos, é tratada nos manuais de direito civil e de direito processual civil como assunto de importância nenhuma ou secundária. Embora se trate de direito real de garantia, a circunstância de nascer em razão de um fato processual e com a finalidade de fomentar a efetividade do processo firma-nos a convicção de que o assunto deve ser tratado no âmbito do Direito Processual Civil. Cremos que a ausência de disposição legal a respeito do tema no Código Civil de 2002, eliminando, assim, a exclusão do direito de preferência da hipoteca judiciária, longe de torná-la obsoleta, aumentou a importância do instituto. O primeiro capítulo propõe enquadrar a hipoteca judiciária como instrumento de exercício do direito constitucional à efetividade da tutela jurisdicional. O segundo capítulo reúne as características principais do direito real de hipoteca. O terceiro capítulo contém a evolução histórica da hipoteca judiciária. O quarto capítulo traz notícias sobre a hipoteca judiciária nos ordenamentos jurídicos de Portugal e Itália, com as respectivas semelhanças e diferenças em relação ao modo como o instituto é regrado no ordenamento pátrio. O quinto e sexto capítulos referem-se à natureza jurídica da hipoteca judiciária e sua diferença em relação a institutos com os quais, por vezes, é confundida: a ineficácia da alienação ou oneração de bens em fraude à execução, a tutela cautelar, a tutela executiva, a antecipação de tutela e a hipoteca legal. O sétimo capítulo estuda os requisitos necessários à constituição da hipoteca judiciária: (i) decisão jurisdicional, (ii) reconhecimento de obrigação de pagar, dar, fazer ou não fazer (sem necessidade de preceito condenatório), (iii) contraditório prévio e (iv) proporcionalidade. O oitavo capítulo refere-se às especificidades da hipoteca judiciária gerada com base em sentenças proferidas em ação coletiva, ação popular, dissídio individual trabalhista, arbitragem, por autoridades estrangeiras. Destacamos, nesse capítulo, a defesa de que a decisão interlocutória, dependendo de seu conteúdo, gera hipoteca judiciária. O nono capítulo foi reservado ao estudo da hipoteca judiciária no contexto do processo, como, por exemplo, o fato de que não compõe o objeto do processo, nem está sujeita à preclusão. O décimo capítulo trata da competência para especializar e ordenar o registro da hipoteca judiciária, bem como o meio pelo qual o registro deve ser feito. Sublinha-se, aqui, a discussão sobre o fundamento em razão do qual o efeito suspensivo recursal não deve impedir a constituição da hipoteca judiciária. O décimo primeiro capítulo contém os bens que podem e os que não podem ser objeto de hipoteca judiciária, com a proposição, de lege ferenda, de que alguns bens possam ser objeto de penhor judiciário. O décimo segundo e o décimo terceiro capítulo contém o estudo do direito de preferência que, segundo se propôs, é gerado pela hipoteca judiciária, tratando-o, primeiramente, de forma geral e, depois, no concurso comum e nos concursos especiais de credores (falência, insolvência civil, liquidação extrajudicial e recuperação). O décimo terceiro capítulo contém as conclusões do trabalho. No décimo quarto capítulo, há crítica ao texto que foi aprovado no Senado para substituir o artigo 466 do Código de Processo Civil atual. Finalmente, o décimo quinto capítulo contém a bibliografia referenciada. / The object of this dissertation is the mortgage created by the law to assure the accomplishment of obligations recognized jurisdictionally (judicial mortgage). The motto that inspired the thesis was the concern about the effectiveness of the process. This started from the premise that the process should not be a mere instrument of rights declaration. Must, in reverse, enabling the alteration of reality, so that, by the end of the process, the creditor exercise its right as would have exercised if the corresponding obligation had been fulfilled spontaneously. The matter requires specific works. Except a few articles, is treated in manuals of civil law and civil procedural law as a matter of no importance or secondary. Although it is substantive right (of guaranty), the circumstance of being born from a procedural fact and in order to promote the effectiveness of process conducts to the conviction that the judicial mortgage shall be dealt by litigation doctrine. The absence of legal provision on the subject in the Brazilian Civil Code, thus eliminating the exclusion of preference right of judicial mortgage, far from making it obsolete, increased the institute importance. The first chapter proposes catalogue the judicial mortgage as a tool for exercising the constitutional right to effective judicial protection. The second chapter brings together the main characteristics of the right of mortgage. The third chapter contains its historical evolution. The fourth chapter contains a record of how the mortgage is regulated in Portugal and Italy. The fifth and sixth chapters relate to the legal nature of the judicial mortgage and its difference from the institutes with which it sometimes is mistaken: the ineffectiveness of alienation or lien in fraud, injunction, foreclosure, motion in limine and legal mortgage. The seventh chapter examines the requirements necessary to constitute the judicial mortgage: (i) judiciary decision, (ii) recognition of the obligation to pay, give, do or not do (being unnecessary a condemnation commandment), (iii) prior manifestation of the adversary and (iv) proportionality. The eighth chapter covers the specificities of the judicial mortgage created on the basis of judgments in class action, action to defense the public property, individual labor action, arbitration or by foreign authorities. It stands out in this chapter the defense that the interlocutory decision, depending on its content, creates judicial mortgage. The ninth chapter was reserved for study of the mortgage in the context of judicial proceedings. The tenth chapter deals with the jurisdiction to specialize and to order the registration of the judicial mortgage, as well as the means by which registration must be done. It is stressed here the discussion on the merits on the grounds of which the suspensive effect of the appeal should not prevent the establishment of judicial mortgage. The eleventh chapter contains goods that can and can not be subject to judicial mortgage, with the proposition, lege ferenda, that some goods may be subject to judicial pledge. The twelfth and thirteenth chapter contains a study of preference right, which, according to what was proposed, is generated by the mortgage judicial, treating it, first generally and in special contests creditors (bankruptcy, civil insolvency, liquidation and reorganization). The thirteenth chapter contains the conclusions. In the fourteenth chapter, there is a criticism of the text that was approved in the Senate to replace the current Article 466 of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Law. Finally, the fifteenth chapter contains a bibliography referenced.
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Möjligheten för småföretagande att få banklån : En jämförelsestudie mellan tre banker på mindre orterIbrisagic, Sabina January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att identifiera faktorer som påverkar möjligheten för småföretagare att få banklån på mindre orter. Metoden som används i studien är en kvalitativ metod som bygger på tre stycken intervjuer med respondenter som befinner sig på banker belägna på mindre orter. Kombinerat med detta genomförs en deltagande observation då jag arbetar på en av bankerna. Utifrån det insamlade materialet identifierades det att den lokala kännedomen spelar en stor roll för bankerna vid kreditgivningen tillsammans med småföretagarnas historiska skötsamhet. Samt att bankerna använder sig av scoring där de bedömer småföretagarnas återbetalningsförmåga. I övrigt är det viktigt för bankerna att småföretagen utformar en bra affärsidé som är realistisk och hållbar. Dessa kriterier är desamma oavsett kund de möter. / The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that affect the possibility for small business owners to obtain bank loan in smaller towns. The method used in the study is a qualitative method based on three interviews with relevant respondents on the banks located in smaller towns. Combined with this, a participant observations is performed because I work at one of the banks. Based on the collected material, it was identified that the local knowledge plays a major role for the banks in the granting of credit along with the historical care of the small business owners. The banks also use scoring where they assess the ability of repayment capacity. Otherwise, it is important for the banks that small companies design a good business idea that is realistic and sustainable. These criteria are the same regardless of the customer they meet.
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Relationship Between Liquidity, Asset Quality, and Profitability of Mortgage Banks in NigeriaObaleye, Olabanjo Johnson 01 January 2018 (has links)
Liquidity (LQ) and asset quality (AQ) management present significant challenges to mortgage bankers in their efforts to improve profitability (PR). When liquidity increases, there is no positive impact on mortgage asset growth; however, this trend indicates that asset management and liquidity positions are not well managed. To run a viable mortgage business, mortgage bankers need to have a good grasp of the association between LQ, AQ, and PR. Anchored in the profit theory paradigm, the purpose of this multiple regression study was to examine the relationship between LQ, AQ, and PR of mortgage banks (MBs) in Nigeria. Archival financial data of 16 randomly sampled MBs covering a period of 8 years from 2009 to 2016 were used. Data were analyzed using multiple panel regression incorporating two PR models, net interest margin (NIM) and return on asset (ROA). The regression result indicated that LQ and AQ constructs significantly predicted PR as measured by NIM because F (8, 80) = 2.061, p = 0.014, p < 0.05, and effect size given by R2 = 0.458, signifying 46% variation in NIM. The model of PR as measured by ROA also indicated that LQ and AQ constructs were significant because F (8, 80) = 4.043, p = 0.000, p < 0.05, with effect size measured by R2 = 0.624, indicating 62% variation in ROA. The findings emphasized the need for optimization of LQ and AQ to maximize PR. The implications for positive social change include the potential to provide the business leaders in the mortgage industry with knowledge about optimization of LQ and AQ as drivers of PR. In addition, when business owners achieve increase profitability, they may provide more employment opportunities, better working conditions, better compensation plans, and more access to mortgage finance options.
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Economic determinants of residential mortgage choiceHorowitz, Marvin J. 01 January 1985 (has links)
Variable rate mortgages (VRMs) have been introduced into the mortgage market as a means of addressing the housing finance problems encountered over the past two decades. To learn more about the demand for VRMs, this study analyzes borrower choice behavior and its economic determinants. In order to estimate the probability of borrowers choosing VRMs rather than conventional fixed rate mortgages, discrete choice (logit) models are specified and validated for both cross-section and pooled time-series cross-section data samples. These samples contain mortgage application information for the years 1978 through 1981. They were drawn from the Loan Register Report of the California Department of Savings and Loan. The probability of choosing a VRM is estimated as a function of selected price components of the mortgage instrument, borrower characteristics, and economic expectations.
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Strategies Mortgage Loan Executives Need to Prequalify Mortgage Loan ApplicantsOgunyemi, Clement Olutayo 01 January 2017 (has links)
The mortgage industry played a major role in the recession faced by the U.S. economy in 2008, with approximately 8.8 million borrowers, or 10.8% of all homeowners, with negative equity in their homes. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies mortgage loan executives use to prequalify mortgage loan applicants. The target population consisted of 8 mortgage executives at 5 mortgage lending firms located in northwest Arkansas who demonstrated strategies to enhance the prequalification of mortgage loan applicants. The conceptual framework for the study was the theory of asymmetric information. In-depth, face-to-face interviews were conducted and the home loan toolkit and standard disclosure packets were reviewed. The data analysis technique used in this study followed Yin's 5-step data analysis process. Each interview response was interpreted, synthesized, and shared with the participant for validation during the follow-up member checking meeting. I coded the data to identify similarities in the data and prevalent themes, and to align the new data with previous literature. Based on methodological triangulation and thematic analysis, 4 themes emerged: counseling, government guidelines and regulation, disclosure, and literacy. Social change benefits include a more knowledgeable mortgage consumer that will benefit from enhanced education by the mortgage lender, which may result in lower mortgage defaults. This can increase homeowners' self-esteem, provide for community growth and development, and stabilize, and eventually grow, property tax revenues that could strengthen communities by expanding services and improving infrastructure.
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Strategies for Residential Real Estate Professionals to Mitigate Declining SalesCornelius, Raven 01 January 2018 (has links)
Real estate sales significantly declined during and after the 2008 mortgage crisis. In the United States, real estate sales dropped 35% after the mortgage crisis. Guided by the attention, interest, desire, and action (AIDA) model, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies successful residential real estate organization managers use to mitigate sales decline in a postrecession environment. Three residential real estate organization managers in Southern Maryland and Northern Virginia participated in semistructured interviews. These participants are currently selling homes, worked in the real estate market before the 2008 mortgage crisis, and developed successful strategies to mitigate declining sales in a postrecession environment. The data collection process for this study included the semistructured interviews, review of archival documents, and member checking to explore successful strategies for mitigating declining sales for residential real estate organization managers. The data analysis included data coding, organizing, and making conclusions with the use of Yin's 5 phase process. During analysis, the 4 themes to emerge were customer service, consistent work ethic, innovation, and market specialization. By implementing the identified successful sales strategies, these residential real estate organization managers were able to mitigate a decline in sales in a postrecession environment. Real estate professionals may use these findings to decrease the delays in the home buying process and increase employees' sales performance. More home sales can improve local economies and the welfare of communities.
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