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Mortgage credits and live assurance / Hypoteční úvěry a životní pojištěníKoláček, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Thesis provides an overview of different types of mortgages and mortgage protection assurances available in czech credit and insurance markets. Thesis is composed of detailed description of particular products and case study describing comparison of three types of mortgages: classic anuity mortgage, mortgage with postpone payment of principal in combination with unit linked life assurance, mortgage with postpone payment of principal in combination with investment to securities. The aim was the comparison on the basis of chosen evaluations of unit linked life assurance and securities and determination of boundary percentage value of evaluation by which the combine product become preferable to classic mortgage.
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Hypoteční úvěr / Mortgage loanJiřičková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma thesis is focused on the mortgage loan as a part of national economy. It deals with the main features of the mortgage market in the Czech Republic. The objective/aim of this thesis is to analyze the dependence of the mortgage loans on the development of the selected macroeconomic indicators. This dependence will be firstly described theoretically and verified by the statistical methods afterwards. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the theoretical characteristics of the mortgage loans. The next part, which deals with the analysis of the mortgage market, is divided into several stages according to the mortgage market development. The third part deals with the macroeconomic importance of the mortgage loans and examines the dependence of the mortgage market development on the selected quantities. The hypotheses expressed in the previous part are verified by using statistical analysis in the last part of this thesis.
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Hypoteční úvěr s důrazem na financování bydlení v ČR / Mortgage loans and financing housing in the Czech RepublicZemanová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on mortgage loan as a product for financing own housing and on analysis of development of mortgage loans depending on macroeconomic indicators. The thesis also includes definition of the most important risks related to mortgage loan, connection with real estate market, importance of property lien and forms of national financial aid of financing housing. At the conclusion of the thesis illustrative case showing choice of appropriate mortgage loan is mentioned.
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Metodický postup koupě rodinného domu na hypoteční úvěr z pohledu kupujícího / Methodical Procedure for Buying a House with a Mortgage Loan from the Point of View of the BuyerOlejník, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Master thesis focuses on selected real estate with mortgages. Opinions on displaying processes for buying a property for a mortgage loan in the created graphic process of the Czech Banking Association. Explaining legislation on mortgage banks or building societies.
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Návrh systému financování výstavby rodinného domu / Suggestion of a Financial Concept for the Development of a HouseŠimek, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyzes available methods of financing of a new housing construction with the focus on the possibilities of concurrent investment. The above analysis is demonstrated in a model case study. Practical part contents selection of the products to be analyzed from each evaluated field: suitable mortgage loan, finance market investment, the investment to the alternate heating equipment of the home and photovoltaic power plant. Than demonstrate the possibilities of decreasing the price of the loan with the assistance of concurrent investment into the financial markets or the alternative investment. The risk of investing has been taken into consideration as well. At the end are demonstrated comparative analysis and evaluation of all financing possibilities resulting in suggesting the most suitable method of home loan financing.
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Rozdíly financování nemovitosti mezi hypoteční bankou a stavební spořitelnou / Differences in Real Estate Financing Between Mortgage Bank and Building Savings BankBednářová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the evaluation of suitable alternatives for funding of own housing for specific model examples of clients and purposes. In the theoretical part there are defined the concepts associated with mortgages and building savings. The theoretical part is focused on the current trend in the market of mortgage financing in the Czech Republic. It also contains a prediction of further developments in the field of loan financing. In the practical part the theory is used for analyzing the offers of financial institutions and there is also selected an appropriate way of financing.
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An Analysis of Reverse Mortgage Clients at the Utah State University Family Life Center Housing and Financial Counseling ServicesStokes, Cindy R. 01 December 2010 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to describe and categorize the types of clients seeking reverse mortgage counseling, and to document the growth in demand for reverse mortgage counseling from one counseling center: The USU Family Life Center - Housing and Financial Counseling Services (FLC HFC). A second purpose was to gain a better understanding of the reasons why more senior Americans are seeking reverse mortgages. A third purpose was to gain a better understanding of the retirement preparedness of current seniors seeking reverse mortgages, which could lead to improved counseling services, early retirement intervention awareness, and encourage increased pre-retirement preparation.
Information was collected from 361 inactive reverse mortgage counseling files at the FLC HFC. A subset of 117 more recent and complete files was used to describe, categorize, and gain greater understanding of the clients seeking reverse mortgage counseling, their reasons for considering a reverse mortgage, and their retirement preparation. Descriptive statistics, crosstabs, ANOVAS, and frequency tables were used.
Clientele were mostly Caucasian, married, and retired, and their mean age was 74 for males and 72 for females. Average annual income per client household was $29,483, ranging from $7,860 to $92,400. Most clients were mortgagors compared to homeowners with the most common reason for seeking a reverse mortgage to pay off an existing mortgage followed by increasing income. Slightly more than half (51.4%) did not obtain a reverse mortgage; of those who did, 85.7% received all or some of their funds as a lump sum.
This study was unique in that it analyzed clients seeking counseling for a reverse mortgage rather than just the borrowers who originated a reverse mortgage. It also looked at their reasons for seeking the reverse mortgage. Younger clients were more likely to desire to pay off an existing forward mortgage; older clients were more likely to need increased income. The practical significance of the study's findings can be used to encourage the preparation of near-retirement adults and to encourage senior mortgagors to carefully plan the use of funds received from a reverse mortgage leading to an increase in the financial well-being of seniors.
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Mortgage funds : Examining the emergence of new mortgage finance methods in Sweden / Bolånefonder : En undersökning av nya finansieringsmetoder för bolånBetts, Abdul January 2018 (has links)
Recent reports from the Swedish Financial supervisory authority and the Swedish competition agency suggest that while bank profitability is high in Sweden, the dominant position of a handful of actors have created a situation where consumers are left displeased. The mortgage market has been highlighted as one of the most concerning markets and yet, gross margins on mortgages are reaching record levels. However, as of recent, two new actors have announced their intention to challenge the incumbent banks by importing a new mortgage financing method from the Netherlands. The financing model is rooted in the creation of a mortgage fund and could have several particularly interesting implications for the Swedish mortgage market. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to examine mortgage funds and its ability to change current market structures in Sweden. By examining the relationship between return on assets and cost-to-income ratios for Swedish mortgage brokers during 2011-2017, the level of competition on the Swedish mortgage market is estimated and examined in relation to the introduction of mortgage funds. It is found that the introduction of mortgage funds in Sweden have caused a structural shift of the market by altering the value-chain of Swedish mortgages. The conclusion of this study is that mortgage funds, if managed correctly, can be a helpful addition to the Swedish mortgage market by bolstering competition and diversity. / Finansinspektionen och konkurrensverket har nyligen konstaterat en rad problematiska områden gällande den svenska bolånemarknaden. I sina rapporter konstateras det bland annat att den dominanta positionen som storbankerna håller hämmar konkursen och begränsar konsumenternas valmöjligheter. Samtidigt har storbankerna genererat rekordvinster med just bolån som kassako under det senaste året. Emellertid så har ett antal nya nisch aktörer börja dyka upp på marknaden, där vissa använder sig av alternativa finansieringsmetoder som konkurrensfördel. En sådan finansieringsform är bolånefonder där utgivandet av bolån finanserna genom en fond som riktar sig till institutionella investerare. Modellen med bolånefonder är intressant utifrån et flertal perspektiv, inte minst för dess framgångar på den holländska marknaden där det den lyckats öppna bryta upp marknaden. Syftet med denna studie är således att undersöka bolån som finansieringsmetod i Sverige samt dess möjligheter att bryta upp konkurrensen på den svenska bolånemarknaden. Genom att undersöka förhållandet mellan avkastning på eget kapital och kostnadsinkomstförhållande bland svenska bolåneaktörer under 2011–2017 uppskattas konkurrensen på den svenska bolånemarknaden i relation till bolånefonder. Resultaten indikerar att bolånefonder är ett tydligt exempel på ett skifte av värdekedjan för bolån. Vidare så visar studien att bolånefonder under rätt förhållanden kan vara ett positivt tillskott till den svenskan bolånemarknaden genom att öka effektiviteten och främja konkurrensen.
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Проблемы и перспективы развития российского рынка жилищного ипотечного кредитования : магистерская диссертация / Problems and prospects for the development of the Russian residential mortgage lending marketОвсянникова, Е. А., Ovsyannikova, E. A. January 2023 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические аспекты ипотечного кредитования в коммерческом банке. Во второй главе исследован рынок ипотечного жилищного кредитования в современной России, в том числе показана деятельность регионального банка на данном рынке. В третьей главе предложены обоснованные пути дальнейшего совершенствования механизмов ипотеки для населения. В заключении сформированы основные выводы. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a list of sources used. The first chapter examines the theoretical aspects of mortgage lending in a commercial bank. The second chapter examines the housing mortgage lending market in modern Russia, including showing the activities of a regional bank in this market. The third chapter proposes substantiated ways to further improve mortgage mechanisms for the population. In conclusion, the main conclusions are drawn.
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Совершенствование ипотечного кредитования на примере ПАО «СКБ-банк» : магистерская диссертация / Improving mortgage lending on the example of «SKB-Bank»Мухамедьянова, М. А., Mukhamedyanova, M. A. January 2021 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена вопросам совершенствования ипотечного кредитования. Целью исследования является выявление проблем ипотечного кредитования в России и поиск возможностей для совершенствования ипотечных продуктов. Также в работе проведен обзор ипотечных программ ряда банков и представлен корреляционно-регрессионный анализ зависимости показателей ипотечного рынка от социально-экономических факторов. В качестве научной новизны предложено и обосновано внедрение ипотечного продукта с комбинированным методом уплаты процентов, который позволяет повысить привлекательность ипотечного кредитования для граждан. / The master's thesis is devoted to the improvement of mortgage lending. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of mortgage lending in Russia and to search for opportunities to improve mortgage products. The paper also reviews mortgage programs of a number of banks and presents a correlation and regression analysis of the dependence of mortgage market indicators on socio-economic factors. As a scientific novelty, the introduction of effective mortgage product with a combined method of paying interest is proposed and justified.
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