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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anticorpos IgY específicos para rotavírus do grupo Auma abordagem terapêutica para rotavirose em Macaca fascicularis

Vasconcelos, Gentil Arthur Lins Bentes Mendonça de January 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-15T13:03:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 gentil_vasconcelos_ioc_dout_2015.pdf: 3238898 bytes, checksum: 4b0a8f2422705d1ca8dfa7ae9a2ca1da (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / A produção de anticorpos em aves imunizadas seguida da extração desses anticorpos da gema dos ovos (IgY), tem atraído o interesse da comunidade científica, como pode ser demonstrado pelo aumento significativo da literatura sobre a IgY. Esta abordagem, que é apropriada à produção em larga escala, oferece inúmeras vantagens, tais como, baixo custo e alta eficiência da técnica, em vista do extraordinário rendimento de IgY em somente uma ave (20-40 g IgY por ano), e é mais adequada ao conceito bioético quando trata-se da manutenção e do manejo das aves. Destaca-se que a tecnologia da IgY oferece novas possibilidades de aplicação em imunoterapia e métodos de diagnóstico, tanto para aplicação humana quanto veterinária, incluindo estratégias de tratamento de doenças intestinais graves em crianças, particularmente em países pobres. Neste presente estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência terapêutica da IgY utilizando macacos cynomolgus (Macaca fascicularis) jovens desafiados com o rotavírus do grupo A (RVA) humano, a maior causa de morbidade e mortalidade de crianças em todo o mundo, especialmente em países em desenvolvimento. Para esta proposta, anticorpos IgY específicos contra o RVA foram produzidos em aves, purificados por polietileno glicol, caracterizados por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida, western blotting e um teste de neutralização em cultura de células (MA-104). Este experimento preliminar rendeu uma suspensão altamente concentrada de IgY específica anti-rotavírus (IgY anti-RVA) (média de 37 mg/mL) O macaco cynomolgus foi estabelecido como modelo de infecção experimental após uma única administração de suspensão de rotavírus humano (3,1x106 FFU/mL) por sonda gástrica. Os animais foram acompanhados durante onze dias, sendo observadas as manifestações clínicas, cargas virais sérica e fecal, hematologia e dosagem de eletrólitos séricos. O principal sinal clínico (observado em dois dos sete animais inoculados) foi diarreia associada com diminuição dos níveis séricos de potássio durante três dias, seguido de recuperação. O RNA viral foi detectado nas fezes e no soro dos animais infectados, além de partículas infecciosas encontradas nas fezes, sugerindo replicação viral. Na imunoterapia experimental, os macacos foram inoculados com RVA humano (3,1x107 FFU/mL), desafiados com a suspensão de IgY anti-RVA obtida previamente, e foram monitorados durante cinco dias pelos parâmetros observados no experimento anterior. A eficiência terapêutica da imunoterapia com IgY foi confirmada pela ausência de episódios de diarreia, que é reconhecida como \201Cpadrão ouro\201D para eficácia clínica, apesar do RNA viral ter sido detectado nas fezes de 11 de 12 animais inoculados com o RVA. A duração da detecção do RNA foi reduzida em dois dos três grupos de animais tratados com IgY, quando comparado ao grupo controle positivo. Em um animal que foi tratado com IgY pelas vias oral e intravenosa, não foi detectado genoma viral nas fezes. Como conclusão, a aplicação de anticorpos IgY anti-RVA específicos produzidos em aves, apresenta eficácia no tratamento de gastroenterite aguda causada pelo rotavírus do grupo A humano Nossos resultados também confirmam que macacos cynomolgus podem ser considerados hospedeiros suscetíveis à infecção com RVA humano, e apontam para a necessidade de controle sanitário da rotavirose humana em colônias de criação de macacos cynomolgus. Esses resultados preliminares sugerem um papel promissor da imunoterapia passiva utilizando IgY anti-RVA em infecção experimental com o rotavírus do grupo A humano. No entanto, um enfoque direto na patogênese da infecção no trato entérico fornecerá informações adicionais para confirmar a eficácia do tratamento com a IgY / The production of antibodies in chickens and the extraction of specific antibody suspensions from egg yolk (IgY) are increasingly attracting the interest of the scientific community, as demonstrated by the significant growth of the IgY literature. This approach, which is suitable to a large - scal e production, offers several advantages such as the low cost and high efficiency of the technique, in view of the extraordinary yield of IgY by a one hen (20 g – 40 g IgY per year), and its suitability to a more bioethical manner for hen keeping. Of note, the IgY - technology offers new possibilities for application in human and veterinary diagnostics and therapeutics, including strategies for the treatment of severe intestinal diseases in children, particularly in poor countries. In this study, we aimed to e valuate the therapeutic efficacy of the IgY by using young cynomolgus monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ) challenged with human rotavirus group A (RVA), a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide, especially in developing countries. For this purpose, specific IgY antibodies against RVA were produced in hens, purified by polyethylene glycol, characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, western blotting and a neutralization assay in a cell culture system (MA - 104). This preliminary experi ment has yielded a high concentrated suspension of anti - rotavirus specific IgY (anti - RVA IgY) (average 37 mg/ml). The cynomolgus experimental infection model was established after a single administration of a human rotavirus suspension (3.1x10 6 FFU/ml) by oral gavage. The confined animals were followed during a period of eleven days, observed for clinical signs, measurement of serum and faecal viral load, and evaluation of hematology and serum electrolytes. The main clinical sign (observed in two of the sev en inoculated monkeys) was diarrhea associated with a decrease in serum potassium during three days, followed by recovery. Viral RNA was detected in both serum and faeces of the infected animals, thus suggesting viral replication. In cynomolgus experimenta l immunotherapy, the monkeys were inoculated with human RVA (3.1x10 7 FFU/ml), challenged with the anti - RVA IgY suspension previously obtained, and monitored during five days by using the same clinical and biochemical parameters, as previously established. The therapeutic efficacy of the immunotherapy with IgY was confirmed by the absence of episodes of diarrhea, which is recognized as the "gold standard" for clinical efficacy, although viral RNA had been detected in faeces of all but one of the inoculated m onkeys. The duration of RNA detection was shortened in two of the three groups of animals treated with IgY, when compared to the positive control. One animal, which was orally and intravenously treated with the anti - RVA IgY, had no RNA detected in faeces. In conclusion, the application of specific anti - RVA IgY antibodies, produced in hens, presents efficacy in the treatment of acute gastroenteritis caused by human rotavirus group A. Our results also confirm that cynomolgus monkeys can be considered suscepti ble hosts to infection with human RVA, and pointed to the necessity of sanitary control of human rotavirus disease in the breeding colonies of cynomolgus monkeys. Our preliminary results suggest the promising role of passive immunotherapy using anti - RVA Ig Y in experimental infection with human rotavirus group A. However, a direct approach to the pathogenesis of enteric tract infection will provide additional data to confirm the effectiveness of the IgY treatment.

Identification of hepatic glutathione s-transferase(s) involved in aflatoxin B1-8, 9-epoxide conjugating activity in the non-human primate Macaca fascicularis /

Wang, Changhong. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1999. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 107-130).

Effet de la taille des aliments sur la durée de l'alimentation et les rapports sociaux chez le macaque crabier (Macaca fascicularis)

Martayan, Cécile January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Stimulation cérébrale profonde hypothalamique pour l'obésité chez le primate non humain : Une approche préclinique.

Torres, Napoleon 17 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Résume Objet: La stimulation cérébrale profonde (SCP) est devenue une thérapie efficace dans une série de maladies cérébrales. Récemment, dans les cas des algies vasculaires de la face résistantes au traitement (intraitables), chroniques, la SCP hypothalamique a suscité un nouvel intérêt pour cette région, également bien connue pour son implication dans la régulation de la prise alimentaire et de la balance énergétique. Cependant, les risques et les problèmes connexes liés à l'implantation dans cette aire cérébrale ont soulevé plusieurs questions concernant la sûreté de cette technique chirurgicale. Dans cette étude, les auteurs ont proposé l'implantation d'une électrode intraventriculaire insérée dans le troisième ventricule au niveau de l'hypothalamus ventromedial (VMH) chez des singes macaca fascicularis non obèses dans le but de moduler la prise alimentaire et le masse corporelle des sujets. Cette méthode de SCP pourrait s'avérer être un traitement potentiel de l'obésité morbide. Méthodes: Cinq singes de macaca fascicularis adultes (4 sujets et 1 contrôle ou sham) ont été implantés de façon stéréotaxique dans le troisième ventricule. Une électrode chronique Medtronic®, habituellement utilisée dans le cadre de la SCP chez les patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson, a été positionnées dans l'espace intraventriculaire adossée à la paroi de ce dernier au niveau du VMH. Dans la première phase de l'étude, le comportement alimentaire de chaque animal (durée du repas, quantité de nourriture avalée) et son activité motrice ont été enregistrés et analysés en fonction différents paramètres de stimulation (fréquence et intensité) après une période de jeun de 24 heures. Dans la seconde phase du protocole, trois cycles de stimulation intraventriculaire de 8 semaines chacun ont été réalisés à 130Hz, à 80Hz et à 30Hz, suivi des périodes de « washout » de 4 semaines entre les périodes« on - stimulation ». L'index de masse corporelle, le poids (masse corporelle), la « teneur « en graisse, l'épaisseur cutanée et les concentrations hormonales ont été mesurés au début de l'étude pour établir une ligne de base et après chaque session de stimulation. Résultats: Lors de la première phase du protocole réalisée sur des animaux a jeun depuis 24 heures, nous avons remarqué une diminution de la prise alimentaire comprise entre 11 et 19% chez tous les sujets stimulés à une fréquence 80 hertz. A partie de ces résultats, , une diminution de la masse corporelle et du BMI (body mass index indice de masse corporelle) ont été observés chez trois de quatre singes lors des phases de stimulation chronique à une fréquence de 80 hertz : la moyenne de perte pondérale était de 8± 4.4%. Une augmentation de 2-6 ± 2.5% et de 5 ±2,93 %de la masse corporelle a été observée respectivement chez les animaux stimulés à une fréquence de 130Hzet de 30Hz. Une diminution importante des épaisseurs sous-cutanées ( )a été observée pour chacun des quatre sujets à une fréquence de 80 hertz et dans une moindre mesure, une augmentation de cette variable ( ) a été remarquée une fréquence de 130 Hz. Tout au long de l'étude, les variables relevées sur le singe Sham sont restées stables. Sur la durée de l'étude, aucun effet potentielle ment délétère n'a été remarqués sur les animaux. Conclusion: La stimulation de la région de VMH par voie intraventriculaire pourrait s'avérer efficace pour moduler le comportement alimentaire et induire une diminution soutenue de la masse corporelle caractérisée par réduction de la masse graisseuse chez les primates non humains non obèses.

HIV and SIV specific cellular immunity in macaque models /

Mäkitalo, Barbro, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

An analysis of differentiation learning by monkeys

McClearn, Gerald Eugene. January 1954 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin -- Madison, 1954. / Typescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 45-46).

Avaliação da segurança e imunogenicidade da vacina candidata ao controle da tuberculose pVAXhsp65 administrada por eletroporação em macacos cynomolgus (Macaca fascicularis)

Lima, Monique Ribeiro de January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-05T18:38:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) monique_lima_ipec_dout_2014.pdf: 9316756 bytes, checksum: 6817ee76c11bc8b988d293e2c9b5bd82 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-18 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / A tuberculose é uma doença infecciosa crônica causada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis e foi declarada emergência em saúde pública mundial pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. A tuberculose persiste como um problema de saúde mundial, em parte, porque os indivíduos infectados, muitas vezes, não aderem ao longo tratamento de forma devida. A ampla vacinação com a BCG reduziu a ocorrência das formas mais graves de tuberculose em crianças, porém, a forma adulta pulmonar é responsável pela principal causa de morte no mundo. A validação de novas vacinas para utilização na clínica humana, passa pela necessidade de se testá-las, ainda em fase pré-clínica, em modelo animal que desenvolva e reproduza de forma semelhante a doença humana. Avaliamos, neste estudo, os aspectos referentes à segurança do método de eletroporação e a imunogenicidade da vacina pVAX-hsp65, administrada em 3 doses com intervalo de 1 mês cada, em macacos cynomolgus Foram realizadas análises clínicas, hemograma, teste de função renal, hepática, além da avaliação das subpopulações celulares (TCD4, TCD8, NK, linfócitos B, células dendríticas mielóide e plasmacitóide), marcador de ativação celular (HLA-DR e CD69), grânulos citotóxicos (granzima B/perforina), citocinas (IFN-\03B3, TNF-\03B1, IL-12, IL-10, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5 e IL-6), marcadores de proliferação (Ki-67) e ligados a apoptose (BcL-2). A vacina se mostrou segura, sem causar efeitos adversos relacionados ao local da inoculação, não induziu disfunção hepática ou renal nem alterações hematológicas. A vacinação não induziu conversão ao teste tuberculínico. Observamos um aumento de células T CD4+ de memória central, o que caracteriza ativação celular. A indução preferencial de células dendriticas com perfil plasmacitóide foi evidenciada de forma transitória O perfil de citocinas gerado após a vacinação foi preferencialmente induzido pela ix expressão de IFN-\03B3 em células NK e uma tendência ao aumento em linfócitos T CD4 e CD8, o que levaria ao controle da erplicação bacteriana pela presença de resposta inflamatória do tipo Th1. O controle desta resposta pode também estar sendo realizada pela exuberante resposta de TNF-\03B1 e IL-6 que modularia a formação do granuloma e contenção da micobatéria. Assim, nossos resultados apontam para a formação de uma resposta protetora periférica induzida pela vacina pVAX-hsp65 em macacos cynomolgus / Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and was declared a public health emergency by World Health Organization. Tuberculosis remains a worldwide health problem, partly because infected individuals often refuse the long- treatment. Widespread vaccination with BCG reduced the occurrence of severe forms of tuberculosis in children; however, pulmonary tuberculosis in adult is the main cause of death worldwide. To validate new vaccines for clinical use in human, preclinical tests in animal model to reproduce human disease is necessary. Our mean goal was to evaluated, the safety and immunogenicity of a new vaccine pVAX-hsp65, administrated by electroporation in cynomolgus monkeys in three doses with one month apart. Clinical analyzes were performed: Red and white blood cells count, renal and liver functional test, evaluation of lymphocyte subsets (CD4, CD8, NK, B lymphocytes, and myeloid and plasmacytoide dendritic cells), markers for cell activation (HLA-DR and CD69), activation of cytotoxic granules (granzyme B / perforin), cytokines (IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-12, IL-10, IL-2, Il-4, IL-5 and IL-6), proliferation (Ki-67) and anti-apoptosis (BCL-2) markers. The vaccine proved to be safe, with no adverse effects related to the inoculation site and did not induce liver or kidney dysfunction or hematological changes. The vaccination did not convert the tuberculin skin test. We observed an enhancement of central memory TCD4 lymphocytes which indicates cell activation. The preferential induction of plasmacytoide dendritic cells was transient. The profile of cytokines generated after vaccination was preferentially induced by IFN-γ expression in NK cells, showing a tendency to increase in TCD4+ and CD8+ cells, which would lead to control of bacterial growth by induction of a protective Th1 response. The robust immune response observed may either be controlled by secretion of TNF-α and IL-6 that are able to modulate the granuloma maturation and mycobacteria elimination. Thus, our results indicates that the pVAX-hsp65 vaccination, was able to induce a peripheral protective immune respose in cynomolgus monkeys

Epidemiologia, diagnóstico e caracterização molecular do vírus da hepatite E no Brasil

Santos, Débora Regina Lopes dos January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Oliveira (tsilva@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2012-06-02T21:57:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 debora_rl_santos_ioc_bp_0004_2010.pdf: 851931 bytes, checksum: 53ba90215d519794dc32572e27e887e9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-06-02T21:57:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 debora_rl_santos_ioc_bp_0004_2010.pdf: 851931 bytes, checksum: 53ba90215d519794dc32572e27e887e9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de janeiro, RJ, Brasil / Vírus da hepatite E (HEV) detectados em amostras de origem animal vêm sendo associados a casos humanos esporádicos de hepatite E aguda em regiões não endêmicas. No Brasil, a alta prevalência de anticorpos anti-HEV em suínos foi demonstrada em granjas comerciais sugerindo a grande disseminação deste vírus em rebanhos suinícolos. A fim de se comprovar a circulação do HEV no país três investigações foram conduzidas a partir de amostras obtidas de suínos, do ambiente, e de humanos. No primeiro estudo, foi realizado o acompanhamento sorológico de 26 animais desde o nascimento até a idade do abate em uma granja comercial e de 47 animais de uma fazenda modelo nos estados do Rio de Janeiro e Mato Grosso, respectivamente. Amostras de fezes foram coletadas de pocilgas de animais de diferentes faixas etárias. Ao fim deste estudo, a maioria dos animais era sororeativa para anti-HEV. Pela técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), o genoma parcial do HEV foi detectado e as amostras classificadas no genótipo 3, o mesmo que circula em outras populações suínas tanto de regiões endêmicas quanto não-endêmicas. Posteriormente, para se avaliar a incidência de animais com infecção corrente durante o abate, um estudo foi conduzido em três abatedouros fiscalizados pelo Serviço de Inspeção Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (SIE). Pela técnica de PCR em tempo real, o HEV foi detectado em 9,6% das amostras obtidas de animais.Foram realizadas coletas de efluentes não tratados dos abatedouros estudados e o genoma do HEV foi detectado em três pontos de coleta de um abatedouro. A quantificação média observada foi de 101 a 105 cópias/mL para as amostras animais de bile e de 102 cópias/mL para as amostras ambientais. A detecção do genoma parcial pela técnica de nested RT-PCR foi realizada, para caracterização molecular das amostras. Estas foram classificadas no genótipo 3 subtipo 3b do HEV, agrupando-se com as amostras caracterizadas do estudo anterior sugerindo a circulação endêmica do HEV no Rio de Janeiro. Em um estudo retrospectivo realizado com pacientes agudos de hepatite não A-C atendidos no Grupo de Atendimento para Hepatites Virais do IOC/Fiocruz foi identificado o primeiro caso humano confirmado de hepatite E do Brasil. Esta amostra agrupou-se no genótipo 3 subtipo 3b, também relacionada às amostras obtidas de suínos da granja e dos abatedouros. De acordo as informações epidemiológicas do paciente, o consumo de carne de porco pode ter sido a fonte de infecção. Os estudos apresentados foram os primeiros que constataram a circulação do HEV em suínos, amostras ambientais e em humanos no Brasil. / Hepatitis E virus (HEV) detected in samples of animal origin have been associated with sporadic human cases of acute hepatitis E in non-endemic regions. In Brazil, the high prevalence of anti-HEV in pigs on commercial farms has been demonstrated suggesting the wide spread of this virus in herds suinícolos. In order to check the movement of the country HEV three investigations were conducted on samples obtained from pigs, environmental, and human. In the first study, we performed a serological monitoring of 26 animals from birth until the age of slaughter at a commercial farm and 47 animals on a model farm in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Mato Grosso, respectively. Stool samples were collected from pens of animals of different ages. At the end of this study, the majority of animals was sororeativa for anti-HEV. The technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a partial genome of HEV has been detected and classified the samples with genotype 3, which runs the same in other populations of both pork and non-endemic regions endemic. Subsequently, to evaluate the incidence of infected animals during slaughter chain, a study was conducted in three slaughterhouses inspected by the State Inspection Service of Rio de Janeiro (SIE). By PCR in real time, HEV was detected in 9.6% of samples of sampled animais.Foram of untreated effluent from slaughterhouses and studied HEV genome was detected in three sampling points of a slaughterhouse. Quantification was observed mean 101-105 copies / mL for animals samples of bile and 102 copies / mL for environmental samples. The detection of partial genome by the technique of nested RT-PCR was performed for molecular characterization of the samples. These were classified as genotype 3 HEV subtype 3b, grouping with samples characterized in the previous study suggesting the endemic circulation of HEV in Rio de Janeiro. In a retrospective study of patients with acute hepatitis non-AC treated at Care Group for Viral Hepatitis of the IOC / Fiocruz was identified the first confirmed human case of hepatitis E in Brazil. This sample was grouped with genotype 3 subtype 3b, also related to the samples obtained from pigs on the farm and the slaughterhouse. According to epidemiological information of the patient, the consumption of pork may have been the source of infection. The studies presented were the first who observed the circulation of HEV in swine, human and environmental samples in Brazil.

Y-Chromosome Introgression: An Analysis of Spermatogenesis Genes Between Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis

Ruiz, Cody A. 28 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Improving the welfare of laboratory-housed primates through the use of positive reinforcement training : practicalities of implementation

Bowell, Verity A. January 2010 (has links)
Whilst there has been a recent increase in interest in using positive reinforcement training for laboratory-housed primates, there remains a reluctance to put into practice training programmes. Much of this reticence seems to stem from lack of expertise in the running of training programmes, and a perception that training requires a large time investment, with concurrent staff costs. The aim of this thesis was to provide practical recommendations for the use of training programmes in laboratories, providing primate users and carestaff with background information needed to successfully implement training programmes whilst improving the welfare of the animals in their care. Training was carried out with two species, cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) in three different research laboratories to ensure practicability was as wide ranging as possible. Training success and the time investment required were closely related to the primate's temperament, most notably an individual's willingness to interact with humans, in both common marmosets and cynomolgus macaques. Age and sex however had no effect on an individual's trainability. The training of common marmosets was more successful than that with cynomolgus macaques, possibly due to differences in early experience and socialisation. Positive reinforcement training helped both species to cope with the stress of cage change or cleaning, with the monkeys showing less anxiety-related behaviour following the training programme than before. Involving two trainers in the training process did not affect the speed at which common marmosets learned to cooperate with transport box training, but behavioural observations showed that initial training sessions with a new trainer led to animals experiencing some anxiety. This however was relatively transient. Whilst the training of common marmosets to cooperate with hand capture was possible, there seemed little benefit in doing so as the monkeys did not show a reduced behavioural or physiological stress response to trained capture as compared to hand capture prior to training. However strong evidence was found that following both training and positive human interactions the marmosets coped better with capture and stress was reduced. It is recommended that an increased use of early socialisation would benefit laboratory-housed primates, and would also help improve the success of training. Further, the time investment required shows that training is practicable in the laboratory for both species, and that positive reinforcement training is an important way of improving their welfare likely through reducing boredom and fear.

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