Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cagnetic field"" "subject:"cmagnetic field""
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Flux de 10Be en Antarctique durant les 800 000 dernières années et interprétation / 10Be flux in Antarctica during the last 800 000 years and interpretationCauquoin, Alexandre 07 October 2013 (has links)
Les glaces polaires, en plus d'améliorer notre compréhension du climat, donnent accès aux retombées de béryllium-10 (10Be), isotope d'origine cosmogénique formé par l'interaction du rayonnement cosmique et des hautes couches de l'atmosphère. Son taux de production dépend de l'intensité du rayonnement cosmique primaire, qui est modulé par l'activité solaire et le champ magnétique terrestre. Le 10Be contient donc des informations sur ces deux paramètres. Il a permis, entre autres, l'amélioration des chronologies des carottes de glace grâce à des marqueurs stratigraphiques absolus liés à des évènements remarquables du champ géomagnétique comme l'excursion de Laschamp ou l'inversion de Brunhes-Matuyama.EPICA Dome C (75° 06' S, 123° 21' E) est une carotte de glace de 3270 m de long forée en Antarctique Est. Elle offre un enregistrement climatique complet durant les 800 000 dernières années (kyr BP). Dans le cadre de cette thèse, 2200 échantillons de 10Be ont été mesurés entre 2384 m (269 kyr BP) et 2627 m (355 kyr BP) de profondeur. Cette séquence continue offre, d'une part, la possibilité d'étudier l'activité solaire durant la période interglaciaire du Stade Isotopique Marin (MIS) 9.3, où la résolution atteint ~20 ans. Nos résultats contrastent avec ceux durant l'Holocène, avec l'absence remarquée du cycle de de Vries (210 ans) dans notre profil de 10Be. D'autre part, cette séquence nous a permis de vérifier que l'estimation classique de l'accumulation de neige obtenue par les modèles de datation de carottes de glace est correcte à 20% près lors de la succession des cycles glaciaires – interglaciaires.Ces mesures ont été combinées avec celles précédemment effectuées sous la responsabilité de Grant Raisbeck (publication en préparation). Ceci permet de disposer d'un profil continu et détaillé (résolution de 20 à 250 ans) entre 200 et 800 kyr BP sur la carotte de glace EPICA Dome C. Les variations de flux de 10Be observées se comparent bien aux changements d'intensité du champ géomagnétique enregistrés dans les sédiments marins. À partir de cette observation, il est possible de proposer une synchronisation de ces profils afin de les placer sur une échelle d'âge commune. Les déphasages observés entre l'augmentation de température en Antarctique (augmentation du D à EDC) et la hausse du niveau marin global (baisse du 18O marin des archives sédimentaires) n'excèdent pas 3200 ans excepté à la Terminaison VII. La faible résolution des enregistrements de 18O dans les sédiments marins rend l'analyse des déphasages délicate. Les résultats obtenus encouragent à analyser des périodes plus récentes autour de la Terminaison II, incluant les excursions géomagnétiques de Blake et d'Iceland Basin. Ceci permettrait en effet de contraindre plus fortement la synchronisation entre le signal paléomagnétique dans les sédiments marins et le flux de 10Be à EDC. / The polar ice cores, in addition to improving our understanding of the climate, give access to beryllium-10 (10Be) fallout, an isotope of cosmogenic origin created by the interaction of Galactic Cosmic Rays with the upper atmosphere. Its production rate depends on the intensity of the primary cosmic rays, which are modulated by solar activity and the Earth's magnetic field. 10Be therefore provides information on these two parameters. It has allowed, among others, the improvement of ice cores chronologies thanks to absolute stratigraphic markers linked to remarkable events of the geomagnetic field as the Laschamp excursion or the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal.EPICA Dome C (75° 06' S, 123° 21' E) is a 3270~m ice core drilled in East Antarctica. It offers a complete climate record over the last 800 000 years (kyr BP). In the framework of the PhD, 2200 10Be samples were measured between 2384 m (269 kyr BP) and 2627 m (355 kyr BP) deep. This continuous sequence provides, on the one hand, the opportunity to study the solar activity during the interglacial period of the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 9.3, where the resolution reaches ~20 years. Our results contrast with those during the Holocene, with the noted absence of the de Vries cycle (210 years) in our 10Be profile. On the other hand, this sequence allowed us to verify that the classical estimate of snow accumulation obtained by the dating models of ice cores is correct to within 20% during the succession of glacial – interglacial cycles.These measurements were combined with those previously performed under the responsibility of Grant Raisbeck (publication in preparation). This allows to dispose of a continuous and detailed profile (resolution: 20 to 250 years) between 200 and 800 kyr BP on the EPICA Dome C ice core. The observed 10Be flux variations compare well with changes in the intensity of the geomagnetic field recorded in marine sediments. From this observation, it is possible to propose a synchronization of these profiles in order to place them on a common age scale. The observed phase shifts between the rise of temperature in Antarctica (increase of D at EDC) and the rise of global sea level (decrease of marine 18O from marine sediments) do not exceed 3200, except at the Termination VII. The low resolution of the 18O records from marine sediments makes it difficult to analyze the phase shifts. The obtained results encourage to analyze more recent periods around Termination II, including the Blake and Iceland Basin geomagnetic excursions. Indeed, this would allow to constrain more strongly the synchronization between the paleomagnetic signal in marine sediments and the 10Be flux at EDC.
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Etudes de FeSe et CePt2In7 sous conditions extrêmes / Studies of FeSe and CePt2In7 under extreme conditionsRaba, Matthias 07 December 2018 (has links)
La supraconductivité non-conventionnelle a récemment été observée à proximité d'un point critique induit sous pression dans CePt$_2$In$_7$ et dans FeSe. Le premier est un fermion lourd tandis que le deuxième fait parti de la famille des supraconducteurs à base de Fer. Cette thèse a pour objectif de contribuer à la compréhension de ces systèmes à électrons fortement corrélés en étudiant les évolutions des structures cristallographiques et magnétiques, ainsi que les surfaces de Fermi sous conditions extrêmes.Tout d'abord, nous présentons une étude de diffraction de neutrons dans la phase magnétique de CePt$_2$In$_7$. Une seule structure magnétique, avec comme vecteur de propagation $textbf{Q} = (0.5,0.5,0.5)$ et $0.45~mu_B$ par atome de Cérium à 2 K, a été détectée en dessous de $T_N = 5.5$ K.Ensuite, des mesures de torque sous champ pulsé de CePt$_2$In$_7$ ne montrent aucun changement des surfaces de Fermi jusqu'à 70 T, bien au-dessus du point critique quantique induit sous champ, attendu à $55-60$ T selon la littérature. Cependant, ces mesures révèlent une claire anomalie métamagnétique à 47 T, très peu dépendante de la température et de l'orientation du champ ainsi qu'une chute des masses effectives vers 50 T. Nous suggérons que ces deux derniers éléments sont la manifestation d'un changement de valence des atomes de Ce de l'ordre de 0.06 électron par atomes de Cérium.L'étude des surfaces de Fermi de CePt$_2$In$_7$ sous pression a nécessité un développement instrumental à partir d'un circuit résonant à base d'une diode tunnel, combinée avec une cellule de pression de type Bridgman. Nous montrons qu'il est tout à fait possible de sonder les surfaces de Fermi à la fois sous champ magnétique et sous pression avec cette technique. Cependant, la fragilité du système résonnant nous amène à considérer des améliorations en vue de fiabiliser la mesure.Enfin, nous analysons une expérience de diffraction de rayons X sur un échantillon de FeSe sous pression hydrostatique. A 20 K, nous quantifions un durcissement de l'axe cristallographique $c$ qui s'opère à 1.9 GPa. A 50 K, outre le passage d'une maille orthorhombique à tétragonale à 1 GPa, nous mettons en évidence qu'une symétrie monoclinique s'installe à partir de 2 GPa, où, selon la littérature, une phase antiferromagnétique apparaît. / Unconventional superconductivity was recently observed in the vicinity of a pressure-induced quantum critical point in CePt$_2$In$_7$ and FeSe. The former is a heavy fermion compound, while the latter is an iron-based superconductor. This PhD thesis aims at improving our understanding of the physics of these newly discovered strongly correlated electron systems. This is achieved by experimental investigation of the evolution of crystal and magnetic structures, as well as of the Fermi surfaces under extreme conditions of high magnetic fields, high pressure, and low temperatures.We have investigated the magnetic structure of CePt$_2$In$_7$ by neutron diffraction. We observed only one magnetic propagation vector $textbf{Q} = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)$ below $T_N = 5.5$ K. The magnetic moment is estimated at $0.45~mu_B$ per cerium atom at 2 K.Our torque measurements on CePt$_2$In$_7$ in pulsed fields suggest that the Fermi surfaces remain unchanged up to 70 T. This is well above the field-induced quantum critical point, which is expected to occur at $55-60$ T according to previous studies. However, a clear metamagnetic-like anomaly is found at 47 T. The anomaly is almost temperature and field-angle independent. Furthermore, a sudden drop of the effective mass is observed at about the same field. We suggest that the last two observations are most naturally accounted for by a valence crossover, where the cerium valence changes by about 0.06, the order of magnitude expected in Ce-based compounds.In order to study the Fermi surfaces of CePt$_2$In$_7$ under pressure, we developed a tunnel diode oscillator combined with a Bridgman-type pressure cell. We have demonstrated that this set-up is suitable for measuring quantum oscillations both at high magnetic fields and under high pressure. However, the working conditions of the oscillator have to be improved in order to obtain a more reliable system.Finally, we performed an X-ray diffraction experiment on FeSe under hydrostatic pressure. At 20 K, we found a change of the bulk modulus along the $c$ axis at 1.9 GPa. At 50 K, the orthorhombic to tetragonal crystallographic phase transition occurs at 1 GPa. We found evidences that this is followed by the emergence of a monoclinic symmetry above 2 GPa, where an antiferromagnetic phase was previously reported.
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Ruído magnético de Barkhausen contínuo rotacional. / Continuous rotational magnetic Barkhausen noise.Caldas Morgan, Manuel Alfredo 10 May 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os avanços no desenvolvimento de um novo método de ensaio não-destrutivo magnético. O método está baseado na técnica do Ruído Magnético de Barkhausen (RMB), particularmente em uma variante denominada Barkhausen Contínuo. O RMB é gerado devido à ação de um campo magnético variável magnetizante que produz mudanças abruptas e irreversíveis na estrutura magnética do material. Essas mudanças são influenciadas pela microestrutura e a distribuição de tensões dentro do mesmo. As medições podem ser usadas para construir uma distribuição bidimensional do RMB ao redor de um ponto fixo, cujo resultado irá refletir o nível de anisotropia magnética, usualmente indicando um eixo de fácil magnetização, parâmetro relevante dado que o comportamento da grande maioria de materiais ferromagnéticos de engenharia é usualmente anisotrópico. As mudanças no eixo de fácil magnetização podem indicar a presença de anomalias mecânicas ou abnormalidades no processo de fabricação e no caso da aplicação de uma tensão externa, podem refletir a magnitude e a direção da mesma. O presente trabalho descreve uma metodologia que faz uso de um campo magnético rotacional para obter sinais RMB relacionados ao angulo de giro, possibilitando a identificação da direção do eixo de fácil magnetização, ultrapassando as capacidades oferecidas pela técnica RMB convencional mediante o fornecimento de informação em tempo real, que permite a obtenção de um conjunto de parâmetros que quantificam a anisotropia magnética de uma amostra. A técnica foi usada para a detecção do eixo de fácil magnetização e o nível de anisotropia magnética em materiais diferentes devida aos efeitos do processo de fabricação. Posteriormente foi demonstrado que a técnica é capaz de monitorar a evolução da tensão uniaxial aplicada, obtendo curvas de calibração, sensíveis ao sentido de aplicação da tensão. Para o caso pouco estudado de amostras submetidas a tensões biaxiais, o uso da técnica do Barkhausen contínuo rotacional fez possível de verificar que as características morfológicas das medições de anisotropia magnética obtidas, guardam relação com a direção das tensões principais. Foi realizada uma avaliação do método aplicado para a medição dinâmica de anisotropia magnética em juntas soldadas, indicando estados de tensão e características microestruturais coerentes com as esperadas. O método tem a possibilidade de ser implementado para medições anisotropia magnética em alta resolução/alta velocidade. / This works presents the current advances on the development of a new method of magnetic non-destructive testing. The method is based on the magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN), more specifically in one branch known as Continuous Barkhausen. MBN is produced due to the effect of a variable magnetic field, which causes abrupt and irreversible changes to the magnetic structure of the material. These changes are influenced by the microstructure of the material and the stress distributions within. Measurements can be used to construct a bi dimensional MBN distribution around a fixed point, which in turn will be a reflect of its magnetic anisotropy level, usually characterized by an easy axis of magnetization, an important parameter given that more often than not, the behavior of most engineering ferromagnetic materials is anisotropic. Variations of the easy axis could be the indication of mechanical anomalies or abnormalities that appear as a result of the fabrication process. If there is an external stress applied to the sample, it can provide information about its magnitude and direction. The present work describes a methodology which uses a precise rotating magnetic field in order to obtain MBN signals related to a given magnetization angle, making possible the finding of the easy axis, exceeding the limits of conventional MBN measurements by providing real time data which in turn will allow to infer a set of parameters that quantify the magnetic anisotropy of the sample. The proposed technique was successfully used to find both the easy axis and a quantitative level of magnetic anisotropy between different materials, consequence of the fabrication process. Subsequently, it was shown that the technique was able to perform a monitoring of the evolution of both uniaxial and biaxial applied stress, obtaining linear relationships (uniaxial case), sensitive to the direction of loading. In not so much studied case of biaxial loading, the use of the continuous rotational Barkhausen method made possible to observe that the morphologic characteristics of the magnetic anisotropy measurements bear a close resemblance to the direction of the principal stress field. An evaluation of the technique as a tool for the dynamic measurement of magnetic anisotropy on welded joints, indicating stress states and microstructural features coherent with the ones expected in this scenario. The method has the possibility of being implemented as a technique for high speed/high resolution measurements of magnetic anisotropy.
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Aimants quadripolaires supraconducteurs pour l'augmentation de la luminosité du grand collisionneur de hadrons / Superconducting quadrupoles magnets for the large hadron collider luminosity upgradeBorgnolutti, Franck 05 November 2009 (has links)
Le travail effectué dans cette thèse a pour thème central la conception d’un aimant quadripolaire supraconducteur en Nb-Ti destiné à remplacer à l’horizon 2014 les aimants d’insertions actuellement utilisés dans le grand collisionneur de Hadrons (LHC) du CERN de Genève. Ce nouveau quadripôle, caractérisé par un diamètre d’ouverture encore jamais atteint (120 mm), ouvre la voie vers les quadripôles à grandes ouvertures. Tout d’abord, pour rapidement estimer l’énergie magnétique stockée dans un quadripôle de type cos2?, une formule analytique basée sur la décomposition en série de Fourier du courant et permettant d’estimer l’énergie avec une précision de 10 % est développée. Le design magnétique de la section transverse de la bobine du quadripôle est ensuite réalisé en utilisant une nouvelle méthode d’optimisation basée sur les équations analytiques du champ magnétique. Puis, pour la première fois, une estimation de la reproductibilité dans le positionnement des blocs de conducteurs dans des aimants Nb3Sn est faite. Elle a été réalisée à l’aide d’une méthode existante et grâce à la production récente de deux séries d’aimants Nb3Sn. Une comparaison avec les valeurs obtenues pour des aimants en Nb-Ti est présentée. Ensuite, une méthode analytique basée sur les statistiques et permettant d’expliquer certains phénomènes observés sur la dispersion des mesures magnétiques dans une série de quadripôles est développée. Enfin, on montre que l’incertitude sur la moyenne des harmoniques de champ est due pour la majorité des harmoniques à un phénomène statistique lié au nombre limité d’aimants dans la série et non à des erreurs systématiques / The main objective of the work presented in this thesis is the design of a quadrupole magnet based on Nb-Ti. It aims at replacing the current insertion quadrupoles used in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN by 2014. This new quadrupole features an unprecedented large aperture (120 mm) and opens the way toward large aperture quadrupoles. First, to rapidly estimate the magnetic energy stored in a cos2?-type quadrupole, an analytical formula based on the Fourier transform of the current is developed. It allows estimating the energy with a precision of 10 %. Secondly, the magnetic design of the quadrupole coil cross-section is realized using a novel optimization method based on analytical equations of the magnetic field. Subsequently, for the first time, an estimate of the reproducibility in the coil-blocks positioning in Nb3Sn magnets is given. The estimate has been obtained by using an existing method and from tow recently built Nb3Sn magnet series. A comparison with values obtained for Nb-Ti magnets is also presented. Following this, an analytical method based on statistics is developed. It makes possible to explain some phenomenon observed on the dispersion of the magnetic measurement in a quadrupole series. Finally, we show that the uncertainty in the mean of the magnetic field errors is for most of the harmonics related to statistical errors due to the limited number of magnets in the series, and not because of systematic defects in the coil
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Dimensionnements et essais de moteurs supraconducteurs / Superconducting motor : development and testMoulin, Renaud 22 June 2010 (has links)
L’actualité des travaux de recherche dans le domaine des moteurs électriques repose en partie sur des machines utilisant des matériaux supraconducteurs. En effet, ces matériaux des caractéristiques intéressantes pour des applications à champ magnétique et courant élevés, en étant refroidis à très basse température, en général de 4 à 77K. Ce qui est un paramètre important pour développer des machines de fortes puissances avec un encombrement minimal. Nous proposons d’utiliser les caractéristiques de fort courant et fort champ magnétique des fils supraconducteurs ainsi que les capacités de blindage magnétique des supraconducteurs massifs pour le développement de moteurs supraconducteurs. Nous avons développé et réalisé les essais d’une machine synchrone supraconductrice de 250kW, à inducteur supraconducteur tournant. Nous continuons les travaux sur les machines supraconductrices à topologies originales, avec la modélisation 3D d’un nouvel inducteur, à pans coupés. Mais également par de nouveaux essais et développements de la machine à concentration de flux magnétique réalisée dans des travaux précédents / An important part of electrical machines research activities focus on superconducting motors. In fact, an important magnetic field and high current are possible with these materials, used at low temperature, generally 4 to 77K. These two parameters allow an interesting motor development, with higher electrical power and a minimal overcrowding. In front of high magnetic flux and high current superconducting caracteristics and bulk screening effect, we suggest several superconducting motors development. We developed and realized a 250kW synchronous superconducting motor, with a rotating superconducting inductor. Then, using 3D finite element software, we introduce an original superconducting inductor topology, nammed "pan coupé". Besides, we show new test and development of the magnetic flux concentration motor constructed 4 years ago
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Movimento quântico e semiclássico no campo de um magnético-solenóide / Quantum and semiclassical motion in magnetic-solenoid fieldMeira Filho, Damião Pedro 26 October 2010 (has links)
Um novo procedimento para construir os estados coerentes (CS) e os estados semiclássicos (SS) no campo de um magnético-solenóide é proposto. A idéia principal é baseada sobre o fato de que o AB solenóide quebra a simetria translacional no plano-xy, isto apresenta um efeito topológico tal que surgem dois tipos de trajetórias, aquelas que circundam e aquelas que não circundam o solenóide. Devido a este fato, deve-se construir dois tipos diferentes dos CS/SS, os quais correspondem as referidas trajetórias no limite semiclássico. Seguindo esta idéia, construímos os CS em duas etapas, primeiro os CS instantâneos (ICS) e os CS/SS dependentes do tempo como uma evolução dos ICS. A construção é realizada para partículas não-relativísticas e relativísticas, de spin-zero e com spin ambas em (2 + 1)- e (3 + 1)- dimensões e gera um exemplo não-trivial de SS/CS para sistemas com uma Hamiltoniana não-quadrática. É enfatizado que os CS dependendo dos seus parâmetros (números quânticos), descrevem ambos os estados puramente quânticos e semiclássicos. Uma análise é representada de modo que classifica os parâmetros dos CS em tal relação. Tal classificação é usada para as decomposições semiclásicas de diversas quantidades físicas. / A new approach to constructing coherent states (CS) and semiclassical states (SS) in magnetic-solenoid field is proposed. The main idea is based on the fact that the AB solenoid breaks the translational symmetry in the xy-plane, this has a topological effect such that there appear two types of trajectories which embrace and do not embrace the solenoid. Due to this fact, one has to construct two different kinds of CS/SS, which correspond to such trajectories in the semiclassical limit. Following this idea, we construct CS in two steps, first the instantaneous CS (ICS) and the time dependent CS/SS as an evolution of the ICS. The construction is realized for nonrelativistic and relativistic, spinning and spinless particles both in (2 + 1)- and (3 + 1)- dimensions and gives a non-trivial example of SS/CS for systems with a nonquadratic Hamiltonian. It is stressed that CS depending on their parameters (quantum numbers) describe both pure quantum and semiclassical states. An analysis is presented that classifies parameters of the CS in such respect. Such a classification is used for the semiclassical decompositions of various physical quantities.
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Développement de nouvelles expériences de corrélation en RMN haute-résolution mettant en œuvre un encodage spatial fréquentiel de l'échantillon / Development of new correlation experiments in high resolution NMR using a spatial frequency encoding of the samplePitoux, Daisy 22 June 2015 (has links)
La plupart des développements qui ont été effectués ces dernières années dans le domaine de la RMN rapide ont permis d’accélérer considérablement l’acquisition des expériences multidimensionnelles. Cependant, dans le cas de l’étude des interactions proton-proton, qui constituent des sondes structurales précieuses des molécules, l’ensemble du processus analytique demeure une tâche difficile et longue pour les chimistes. Une raison est la complexité et la quantité des informations rendues disponibles qui contribue au profil spectral global, même dans le cas de molécules de petites et moyennes tailles. En l’état de l’art actuel, il était difficile d’optimiser simultanément la résolution des spectres de corrélations et la durée d’analyse nécessaires pour les acquérir et les exploiter. Ce projet de thèse avait pour but de développer une approche RMN nouvelle et générale basée sur un encodage spatial fréquentiel de l’échantillon afin de simplifier et d’accélérer l’étude de molécules plus ou moins complexes. L’encodage spatial fréquentiel permet de contrôler sélectivement les évolutions de spins dans des régions localisées de l’échantillon et de les combiner dans des spectres RMN haute résolution dans lesquels le contenu analytique est aisément accessible. Dans une première partie, la théorie de l’encodage spatial en fréquence est présentée. Une méthode de simulation du signal RMN encodé est présentée, puis utilisée pour décrire la localisation du processus d’excitation sélective d’un système de spin modèle, en allant de l’analyse d’une cohérence unique vers la reconstruction du spectre encodé à travers le tube RMN. En parallèle, l’influence du champ magnétique sur la largeur de coupe et de sensibilité de ce type d’expériences est également étudiée grâce à cet outil de simulation. Dans une deuxième partie, deux développements méthodologiques sont présentés. Tout d’abord, l’expérience PCR-COSY donne accès, en un seul spectre, à la mesure totalement éditée et attribuable des couplages scalaires proton-proton pour une molécule donnée. Ensuite, l’expérience push-G-SERF permet de mesurer l’ensemble des couplages impliquant un proton sélectionné à partir d’un spectre présentant des signaux J-résolus dans la dimension indirecte et -résolus dans la dimension directe du spectre. Dans une troisième partie, les expériences basées sur un encodage spatial de l’échantillon sont appliquées à l’analyse conformationnelle d’un saccharide synthétique. Tout d’abord, les avantages et inconvénients de la mise en œuvre des techniques d’encodage spatial en fréquence à très haut champ sont discutés. Enfin, une stratégie d’analyse conformationnelle basée sur la spectroscopie J-éditée est présentée et appliquée avec succès à l’étude de cet oligosaccharide. / Most of the developments that have been made during the last years in the field of fast NMR have allowed for considerably accelerating the acquisition of multidimensional experiments. However, the analysis of proton-proton spin interactions, which are very important structural probes in molecules, still constitutes a tedious and time-consuming analytical process for most of the chemists. One reason is the complexity and the high number of homonuclear couplings that contribute to the overall lineshape in proton spectra, even for small or medium-sized compounds. It is thus nowadays very difficult to optimize both the resolution of correlation spectra, and the experimental time needed to acquire them, using state of the art high resolution methods. This thesis project aimed at developing a novel and general approach based on a spatial frequency encoding of the NMR sample in order to simplify and thus to accelerate the analysis of complex molecular systems. Spatial frequency encoding consists in controlling selectively spin evolutions in localized regions of the sample, and in combining them into high resolution experiments whose analytical content is easily accessible. In a first part, the theory of spatial frequency encoding is presented. A general method for simulating the encoded NMR signal is introduced, and it is applied to describe the localized selective excitation process of a model spin system, from the analysis of a single spin coherence, to the reconstruction of the whole NMR spectrum encoded throughout the sample. The magnetic field dependence of the slice selection process, as well as the overall sensitivity is also addressed through this simulation tool. In a second part, two methodological developments are presented. Firstly, the PCR-COSY experiment gives access, in a single spectrum, to a fully edited and assignable measurement of all the proton-proton scalar couplings in a given molecule. Secondly, the push-G-SERF experiment allows for measuring all the couplings involving a selected proton on correlations showing a J-resolved and a -resolved structure in the indirect and direct domain of the resulting 2D spectrum, respectively. In a third part, high-resolution experiments based on a spatial frequency encoding of the sample are applied to the conformational analysis of a synthetic saccharide. First, advantages and drawbacks of an implementation of spatial frequency encoded techniques at very high field are discussed. Then, a conformational analysis strategy based on J-edited spectroscopy is introduced, and successfully applied to the study of this oligosaccharide.
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Povećanje ukupnog kočnog momenta magnetoreološke disk kočnice primenom kombinovanog režima rada / Magnetorheological disk brake overall braking torque increase using combined operating modePoznić Aleksandar 20 May 2017 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji razmatra se unapređenje konstrukcije magnetoreološke disk kočnice sa ciljem povećanja vrednosti ukupnog kočnog momenta. Radi potpunog razumevanja međusobnog odnosa materijala i magnetskog polja na prvom mestu je izvršeno utvrđivanje magnetskih svojstava materijala. Unapređenje konstrukcije je izvršeno kroz više iteracija i prototipova. Merenje vrednosti ukupnog kočnog momenta je podeljeno na merenje više njegovih komponenti pri različitim vrednostima broja obrtaja i upravljačke struje namotaja.</p> / <p>In this thesis magnetorheological disk brake construction improvement is considered, with the goal to increase the overall braking torque value. For purposes of better understanding of material to magnetic field relationship, series of magnetic field testing were conducted. Construction improvement has been carried out through several iterations and different prototypes. Overall braking torque value measurements have been divided into several component measurements, utilizing different rotational speeds and coil control currents.</p>
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A Combined Multiwavelength VLA/ALMA/Chandra Study Unveils the Complex Magnetosphere of the B-Type Star HR5907Leto, P., Trigilio, Courtney, Oskinova, Lidia M., Ignace, Richard, Buemi, C. S., Umana, G., Ingallinera, A., Leone, F., Phillips, N. M., Agliozzo, C., Todt, H., Cerrigone, L. 01 May 2018 (has links)
We present new radio/millimeter measurements of the hot magnetic star HR 5907 obtained with the VLA and ALMA interferometers. We find that HR 5907 is the most radio luminous early type star in the cm–mm band among those presently known. Its multi-wavelength radio light curves are strongly variable with an amplitude that increases with radio frequency. The radio emission can be explained by the populations of the non-thermal electrons accelerated in the current sheets on the outer border of the magnetosphere of this fast-rotating magnetic star. We classify HR 5907 as another member of the growing class of strongly magnetic fast-rotating hot stars where the gyro-synchrotron emission mechanism efficiently operates in their magnetospheres. The new radio observations of HR 5907 are combined with archival X-ray data to study the physical condition of its magnetosphere. The X-ray spectra of HR 5907 show tentative evidence for the presence of non-thermal spectral component. We suggest that non-thermal X-rays originate a stellar X-ray aurora due to streams of non-thermal electrons impacting on the stellar surface. Taking advantage of the relation between the spectral indices of the X-ray power-law spectrum and the non-thermal electron energy distributions, we perform 3-D modelling of the radio emission for HR 5907. The wavelength-dependent radio light curves probe magnetospheric layers at different heights above the stellar surface. A detailed comparison between simulated and observed radio light curves leads us to conclude that the stellar magnetic field of HR 5907 is likely non-dipolar, providing further indirect evidence of the complex magnetic field topology of HR 5907.
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Searching for a Magnetic Field in Wolf-Rayet Stars Using FORS 2 SpectropolarimetryHubrig, S., Scholz, K., Hamann, Wolf-Rainer, Schöller, M., Ignace, Richard, Ilyin, I., Gayley, K. G., Oskinova, Lidia M. 21 May 2016 (has links)
To investigate if magnetic fields are present in Wolf–Rayet stars, we selected a few stars in the Galaxy and one in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We acquired low-resolution spectropolarimetric observations with the European Southern Observatory FORS 2 (FOcal Reducer low dispersion Spectrograph) instrument during two different observing runs. During the first run in visitor mode, we observed the LMC Wolf–Rayet star BAT99 7 and the stars WR 6, WR 7, WR 18, and WR 23 in our Galaxy. The second run in service mode was focused on monitoring the star WR 6. Linear polarization was recorded immediately after the observations of circular polarization. During our visitor observing run, the magnetic field for the cyclically variable star WR 6 was measured at a significance level of 3.3σ (〈Bz〉 = 258 ± 78 G). Among the other targets, the highest value for the longitudinal magnetic field, 〈Bz〉 = 327 ± 141 G, was measured in the LMC star BAT99 7. Spectropolarimetric monitoring of the star WR 6 revealed a sinusoidal nature of the 〈Bz〉 variations with the known rotation period of 3.77 d, significantly adding to the confidence in the detection. The presence of the rotation-modulated magnetic variability is also indicated in our frequency periodogram. The reported field magnitude suffers from significant systematic uncertainties at the factor of 2 level, in addition to the quoted statistical uncertainties, owing to the theoretical approach used to characterize it. Linear polarization measurements showed no line effect in the stars, apart from WR 6. BAT99 7, WR 7, and WR 23 do not show variability of the linear polarization over two nights.
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