Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cagnetic field"" "subject:"cmagnetic field""
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An artificial compressibility analogy approach for compressible ideal MHD: Application to space weather simulationYALIM, Mehmet Sarp 05 December 2008 (has links)
Ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations are known to have problems in satisfying the solenoidal constraint (i.e. the divergence of magnetic field should be equal to zero, $
ablacdotvec{B} = 0$). The simulations become unstable unless specific measures have been taken.
In this thesis, a solenoidal constraint satisfying technique that allows discrete satisfaction of the solenoidal constraint up to the machine accuracy is presented and validated with a variety of test cases. Due to its inspiration from Chorin's artificial compressibility method developed for incompressible CFD applications, the technique was named as extit{artificial compressibility analogy (ACA)} approach.
It is demonstrated that ACA is a purely hyperbolic, stable and consistent technique, which is moreover easy to implement. Unlike some other techniques, it does not pose any problems of the sort that $
ablacdotvec{B}$ errors accumulate in the vicinity of the stagnant regions of flow. With these crucial properties, ACA is thought to be a remedy to the drawbacks of the most commonly used solenoidal constraint satisfying techniques in the literature namely: Incorrect shock capturing and poor performance of the convective stabilization mechanism in regions of stagnant flow for Powell's source term method; exceedingly complex implementation for constrained transport technique due to the staggered grid representation; computationally expensive nature due to the necessity of a Poisson solver combined with hyperbolic/elliptic numerical methods for classical projection schemes.
In the first chapter of the thesis, general background knowledge is given about plasmas, MHD and its history, a certain class of upwind finite volume methods, namely Riemann solvers, and their applications in MHD, the definition, constituents, formation mechanisms and effects of space weather and some of the space missions that are and will be performed in its prediction.
Secondly, detailed analysis of the compressible ideal MHD equations is given in the form of the derivation of the equations, their dimensionless numbers which will be of use to specify the flows in the following chapters, and finally, the presentation of the MHD waves and discontinuities, which indicates the complexity of the system of ideal MHD equations and therefore their further numerical analysis.
The next discussion is about the main subject of the thesis, namely the solenoidal constraint satisfying techniques. First of all, the definition and significance of the solenoidal constraint is given. Afterwards, the most common solenoidal constraint satisfying techniques in the literature are reviewed along with their abovementioned drawbacks. Moreover, particular emphasis is given to the Powell's source term approach which was also implemented in the upwind finite volume MHD solver developed. In addition, the hyperbolic divergence cleaning technique is presented in detail together with the resemblance and differences between it and ACA. Some other solenoidal constraint satisfying techniques are briefly mentioned at this stage. After these, ACA is presented in the following way: The point of inspiration, which is the analogy made with Chorin's artificial compressibility method developed for incompressible CFD, the introduction of the modified system of ideal MHD equations due to ACA, the derivation of the wave equation governing the propagation of $
ablacdotvec{B}$ errors and the analytical consistency proof.
Having finished the core discussion of the thesis, the solver developed and its constituents are given in the fourth chapter. Furthermore, a brief overview of the platform into which this solver was implemented, namely COOLFluiD, is also given at this point.
Afterwards, a thorough numerical verification of the ACA approach has been made on an increasingly complex suite of test cases. The results obtained with ACA and Powell's source term implementations are given in order to numerically analyse and verify ACA and compare the two methods and validate them with the results from literature.
The sixth chapter is devoted to further validation of ACA performed with a variety of more advanced space weather-related simulations. In this chapter, also the $vec{B}_{ extrm{0}} + vec{B}_{ extrm{1}}$ splitting technique used to treat planetary magnetosphere is presented along with its application to ACA and Powell's source term approaches. This technique is utilized in obtaining the solar wind/Earth's magnetosphere interaction results and is based on suppressing the direct inclusion of the Earth's magnetic field, which is a dipole field, in the solution variables. In this way, problems are avoided with the energy equation that could arise from the drastic change of the ratio of the dipole field and the variable field computed by the solver (i.e. $frac{lvertvec{B}_{ extrm{0}}lvert}{lvertvec{B}_{ extrm{1}}lvert}$) in the computational domain.
Finally, conclusions and future perspectives related to the material presented in the thesis are put forward.
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Spectral estimates for the magnetic Schrödinger operator and the Heisenberg LaplacianHansson, Anders January 2007 (has links)
I denna avhandling, som omfattar fyra forskningsartiklar, betraktas två operatorer inom den matematiska fysiken. De båda tidigare artiklarna innehåller resultat för Schrödingeroperatorn med Aharonov-Bohm-magnetfält. I artikel I beräknas spektrum och egenfunktioner till denna operator i R2 explicit i ett antal fall då en radialsymmetrisk skalärvärd potential eller ett konstant magnetfält läggs till. I flera av de studerade fallen kan den skarpa konstanten i Lieb-Thirrings olikhet beräknas för γ = 0 och γ ≥ 1. I artikel II bevisas semiklassiska uppskattningar för moment av egenvärdena i begränsade tvådimensionella områden. Vidare presenteras ett exempel då den generaliserade diamagnetiska olikheten, framlagd som en förmodan av Erdős, Loss och Vougalter, är falsk. Numeriska studier kompletterar dessa resultat. De båda senare artiklarna innehåller ett flertal spektrumuppskattningar för Heisenberg-Laplace-operatorn. I artikel III bevisas skarpa olikheter för spektret till Dirichletproblemet i (2n + 1)-dimensionella områden med ändligt mått. Låt λk och μk beteckna egenvärdena till Dirichlet- respektive Neumannproblemet i ett område med ändligt mått. N. D. Filonov har bevisat olikheten μk+1 < λk för den euklidiska Laplaceoperatorn. I artikel IV visas detta resultat för Heisenberg-Laplaceoperatorn i tredimensionella områden som uppfyller vissa geometriska villkor. / In this thesis, which comprises four research papers, two operators in mathe- matical physics are considered. The former two papers contain results for the Schrödinger operator with an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic field. In Paper I we explicitly compute the spectrum and eigenfunctions of this operator in R2 in a number of cases where a radial scalar potential and/or a constant magnetic field are superimposed. In some of the studied cases we calculate the sharp constants in the Lieb-Thirring inequality for γ = 0 and γ ≥ 1. In Paper II we prove semi-classical estimates on moments of the eigenvalues in bounded two-dimensional domains. We moreover present an example where the generalised diamagnetic inequality, conjectured by Erdős, Loss and Vougalter, fails. Numerical studies complement these results. The latter two papers contain several spectral estimates for the Heisenberg Laplacian. In Paper III we obtain sharp inequalities for the spectrum of the Dirichlet problem in (2n + 1)-dimensional domains of finite measure. Let λk and μk denote the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet and Neumann problems, respectively, in a domain of finite measure. N. D. Filonov has proved that the inequality μk+1 < λk holds for the Euclidean Laplacian. In Paper IV we extend his result to the Heisenberg Laplacian in three-dimensional domains which fulfil certain geometric conditions. / QC 20100712
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Rf Coil System Design For Mri Applications In Inhomogeneous Main Magnetic FieldYilmaz, Ayhan Ozan 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, RF coil geometries are designed for MRI applications using inhomogeneous main magnetic fields. The current density distributions that can produce the desired RF magnetic field characteristics are obtained on predefined cubic, cylindrical and planar surfaces and Tikhonov, CGLS, TSVD and Rutisbauer regularization methods are applied to match the desired and generated magnetic fields. The conductor paths, which can produce the current density distribution calculated for each surface selection and regularization technique, are determined using stream functions. The magnetic fields generated by the current distributions are calculated and the error percentages
between the desired and generated magnetic fields are found. Optimum conductor paths that are going to be produced on cubic, cylindrical and planar surfaces and the required regularization method are determined on the basis of error percentages and realizability of the conductor paths.
The optimum conductor path calculated for the planar coil is realized and in the measurement done by LakeShore 3-Channel Gaussmeter, an average error percentage of 11 is obtained between the theoretical and measured magnetic field. The inductance values of the realized RF coil are measured / the tuning and matching capacitance values are calculated and the frequency characteristics of the system is tested using Electronic Workbench 5.1. The quality factor value of the tested system is found to be 162.5, which corresponds to a bandwidth of 39,2 KHz at 6,387 MHz (operating frequency of METU MRI system).
The techniques suggested in this study can be used in order to design and realize RF coils on prede¯ / ned arbitrary surfaces for inhomogeneous main magnetic fields. In addition, a hand held MRI device can be manufactured which uses a low cost permanent magnet to provide a magnetic field and generates
the required RF field with the designed RF coil using the techniques suggested in this study.
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Understanding The Solar Magnetic Fields :Their Generation, Evolution And VariabilityChatterjee, Piyali 07 1900 (has links)
The Sun, by the virtue of its proximity to Earth, serves as an excellent astrophysical laboratory for testing our theoretical ideas. The Sun displays a plethora of visually awe-inspiring phenomena including flares, prominences, sunspots, corona, CMEs and uncountable others. It is now known that it is the magnetic field of the Sun which governs all these and also the geomagnetic storms at the Earth, which owes its presence to the interaction between the geomagnetic field and the all-pervading Solar magnetic field in the interplanetary medium. Since the solar magnetic field affects the interplanetary space around the Earth in a profound manner, it is absolutely essential that we develop a comprehensive understanding of the generation and manifestation of magnetic fields of the Sun. This thesis aims at developing a state-of-the-art dynamo code SURYA1taking into account important results from helioseismology and magnetohydrodynamics. This dynamo code is then used to study various phenomenon associated with solar activity including evolution of solar parity, response to stochastic fluctuations, helicity of active regions and prediction of future solar cycles.
Within last few years dynamo theorists seem to have reached a consensus on the basic characteristics of a solar dynamo model. The solar dynamo is now believed to be comprised of three basic processes: (i)The toroidal field is produced by stretching of poloidal field lines primarily inside the tachocline – the region of strong radial shear at the bottom of the convection zone. (ii) The toroidal field so formed rises to the surface due to magnetic buoyancy to form active regions. (iii) Poloidal field is generated at the surface due to decay of tilted active regions – an idea attributed to Babcock (1961) & Leighton (1969). The meridional circulation then carries the poloidal field produced near the surface to the tachocline. The profile of the solar differential rotation has now been mapped by helioseismology and so has been the poleward branch of meridional circulation near the surface. The model I describe in this thesis is a two-dimensional kinematic solar dynamo model in a full sphere. Our dynamo model Surya was developed over the years in stages by Prof. Arnab Rai Choudhuri, Dr. Mausumi Dikpati, Dr. Dibyendu Nandy and myself. We provide all the technical details of our model in Chap. 2 of this thesis. In this model we assume the equatorward branch of the meridional circulation (which hasn’t been observed yet), to penetrate slightly below the tachocline (Nandy & Choudhuri 2002, Science, 296, 1671). Such a meridional circulation plays an important role in suppressing the magnetic flux eruptions at high latitudes. The only non-linearity included in the model is the prescription of magnetic buoyancy. Our model is shown to reproduce various aspects of observational data, including the phase relation between sunspots and the weak, efficient. An important characteristic of our code is that it displays solar-like dipolar parity (anti-symmetric toroidal fields across equator) when certain reasonable conditions are satisfied, the most important condition being the requirement that the poloidal field should diffuse efficiently to get coupled across the equator. When the magnetic coupling between the hemispheres is enhanced by either increasing the diffusion or introducing an α ff distributed throughout the convection zone, we find that the solutions in the two hemispheres evolve together with a single period even when we make the meridional circulation or the α effect different in the two hemispheres. The effect of diffusive coupling in our model is investigated in Chap. 3.
After having explored the regular behaviour of the solar cycle using the dynamo code we proceed to study the irregularities of the Solar cycle.We introduce stochastic fluctuations in the poloidal source term at the solar surface keeping the meridional circulation steady for all the numerical experiments. The dynamo displays oscillatory behaviour with variable cycle amplitudes in presence of fluctuations with amplitudes as large as 200%. We also find a statistically significant correlation between the strength of polar fields at the endofone cycle and the sunspot number of the next cycle. In contrast to this there exist a very poor correlation between the sunspot number of a cycle and the polar field formed at its end. This suggests that during the declining phase of the sunspot cycle poloidal field generation from decaying spots takes place via the Babcock-Leighton mechanism which involves randomness and destroys the correlation between sunspot number of a cycle and the polar at its end. In addition to this we also see that the time series of asymmetries in the sunspot activity follows the time series of asymmetries in the polar field strength with a lag of 5 years. We also compare our finding with available observational data.
Although systematic measurements of the Sun’s polar magnetic field exist only from mid-1970s, other proxies can be used to infer the polar field at earlier times. The observational data indicate a strong correlation between the polar field at a sunspot minimum and the strength of the next cycle, although the strength of the cycle is not correlated well with the polar field produced at its end. We use these findings about the correlation of polar fields with sunspots to develop an elegant method for predicting future solar cycles. We feed observational data for polar fields during the minima of cycle n into our dynamo model and run the code till the next minima in order to simulate the sunspot number curve for cycle n+1. Our results fit the observed sunspot numbers of cycles 21-23 reasonably well and predict that cycle 24 will be about 30–35% weaker than cycle 23.
We fit that the magnetic diffusivity in the model plays an important role in determining the magnetic memory of the Solar dynamo. For low diffusivity, the amplitude of a sunspot cycle appears to be a complex function of the history of the polar field of earlier cycles. Only if the magnetic diffusivity within the convection zone is assumed to be high (of order 1012cms−1), we are able to explain the correlation between the polar fiat a minimum and the next cycle. We give several independent arguments that the diffusivity must be of this order. In a dynamo model with diffusivity like this, the poloidal field generated at the mid-latitudes is advected toward the poles by the meridional circulation and simultaneously diffuses towards the tachocline, where the toroidal field for the next cycle is produced. The above ideas are put forward in Chap. 6.
We next come to an important product of the dynamo process namely the magnetic helicity. It has been shown independently by many research groups that the mean value of the normalized current helicity αp= B (Δ×B)/B2in solar active regions is of the order of 10−8m−1, predominantly negative in the northern hemisphere, positive in the southern hemisphere. Choudhuri (2003, Sol. Phys., 215, 31)developed a model for production of the helicity of the required sign in a Babcock-Leighton Dynamo by wrapping of poloidal field lines around a fluxtube rising through the convection zone. In Chap. 7 we calculate helicities of solar active regions based on this idea. Rough estimates based on this idea compare favourably with the observed magnitude of helicity. We use our solar dynamo model to study how helicity varies with latitude and time. At the time of solar maximum, our theoretical model gives negative helicity in the northern hemisphere and positive helicity in the south, in accordance with observed hemispheric trends. However, we fit that during a short interval at the beginning of a cycle, helicities tend to be opposite of the preferred hemispheric trends.
After calculating the sign and magnitude of helicity of the sunspots we worry about the distribution of helicity inside a sunspot. In Chap. 8 we model the penetration of a wrapped up background poloidal field into a toroidal magnetic flux tube rising through the solar convective zone. The rise of the straight, cylindrical flux tube is followed by numerically solving the induction equation in a comoving Lagrangian frame, while an external poloidal magnetic field is assumed to be radially advected onto the tube with a speed corresponding to the rise velocity. One prediction of our model is the existence of a ring of reverse current helicity on the periphery of active regions. On the other hand, the amplitude of the resulting twist depends sensitively on the assumed structure (ffvs. concentrated/intermittent) of the active region magnetic field right before its emergence, and on the assumed vertical profile of the poloidal field. Nevertheless, in the model with the most plausible choice of assumptions a mean twist comparable to the observational results. Our results indicate that the contribution of this mechanism to the twist can be quite find under favourable circumstances it can potentially account for most of the current helicity observed in active regions.
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Liquid metal flows drive by gas bubbles in a static magnetic fieldZhang, Chaojie 02 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents an experimental study which investigates the behaviour of gas bubbles rising in a liquid metal and the related bubble-driven flow under the influence of external DC magnetic fields. The experimental configuration considered here concerns a cylindrical container filled with the eutectic alloy GaInSn. Argon gas bubbles are injected through a single orifice located at the container bottom in the centre of the circular cross-section. A homogeneous magnetic field was generated by a Helmholtz configuration of a pair of water-cooled copper coils. The magnetic field has been imposed either in vertical direction parallel to the main bubble motion or in horizontal direction, respectively. A vertical magnetic field stabilizes and damps the liquid metal flow effectively. The temporal variations of the fluid velocity with time become smaller with increasing magnetic induction. The velocity magnitudes are decreased, and the velocity distributions along the magnetic field lines are smoothed. The flow field keeps the axisymmetric distribution. A horizontal magnetic field destabilizes and enhances the flow within a range of moderate Hartmann numbers (100 &lt; Ha &lt; 400). The flow becomes non-axisymmetric due to the non-isotropic influence of the magnetic field. In the meridional plane parallel to the field lines, the flow changes its direction from a downward to an upward motion. Enhanced downward flows were observed in the meridional plane perpendicular to the field lines. The liquid velocity in both planes shows strong, periodic oscillations. The fluid motion is dominated by large-scale structures elongated along the magnetic field lines over the entire chord lengths of the circular cross-section.
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Μελέτη της διδιάστατης μαγνητοϋδροδυναμικής συμπιεστής ροής στο οριακό στρώμα πάνω από επίπεδη επιφάνεια με αντίξοη βαθμίδα πίεσης και μεταφορά θερμότητας και μάζας / Numerical study of magnetohydrodynamic compressible boundary-layer flow over a flat plate with adverse pressure gradient and heat and mass transferΞένος, Μιχαήλ Α. 24 June 2007 (has links)
Ένα από τα σπουδαιότερα προβλήµατα της σύγχρονης αεροδυναµικής και διαστηµικής τεχνολογίας, αν όχι το σπουδαιότερο, είναι αυτό του ελέγχου (control) του οριακού στρώµατος (boundary layer) που αναπτύσσεται (περιβάλλει) ένα στερεό σώµα που κινείται µέσα σ’ ένα ρευστό. Παρ’ όλο που στην αρχή του αιώνα που διανύουµε συµπληρώνονται εκατό περίπου χρόνια από την διατύπωση της έννοιας του οριακού στρώµατος από τον L. Prandtl (1904), η έρευνα στο πρόβληµα αυτό εξακολουθεί να παραµένει επιτακτική και αναγκαία όσο και κατά τα πρώτα χρόνια της ανάπτυξης της αεροπορικής και διαστηµικής τεχνολογίας. Με τον όρο έλεγχο του οριακού στρώµατος εννοούµε την ανάπτυξη µεθόδων - τεχνικών η εφαρµογή των οποίων πάνω στην ροή θα της µεταβάλλει την δοµή και θα της προσδώσει επιθυµητά χαρακτηριστικά. Από τις αρχές του εικοστού αιώνα (1904) ο Prandtl περιέγραψε αρκετές πειραµατικές διατάξεις µέσω των οποίων πραγµατοποιούσε έλεγχο του οριακού στρώµατος. Με την ανάπτυξη της αεροπορικής τεχνολογίας κατά και µετά τον ∆εύτερο Παγκόσµιο Πόλεµο, και αργότερα της διαστηµικής, το πρόβληµα του ελέγχου του οριακού στρώµατος απέκτησε τεράστια σηµασία, ειδικά για την αποφυγή του διαχωρισµού ή της αποκόλλησης (separation) αυτού, της ελάττωσης της αντίστασης (drag) και την αύξηση της άντωσης (lift). Μεταξύ των σπουδαιότερων και πιο αποτελεσµατικών µεθόδων – τεχνικών που αναπτύχθηκαν για τον σκοπό αυτό µπορεί να αναφερθούν: 1. Η κίνηση του στερεού τοιχώµατος (motion of the solid wall) 2. Η επιτάχυνση του οριακού στρώµατος (blowing) 3. Η απορρόφηση (suction) 4. Η έγχυση ίδιου ή διαφορετικού ρευστού (injection, binary boundary layers) 5. Πρόληψη της µετάπτωσης της ροής από στρωτή σε τυρβώδη µε διαµόρφωση κατάλληλων σχηµάτων των στερεών τοιχωµάτων (laminar airfoils) 6. Ψύξη των τοιχωµάτων (cooling) Η προσπάθεια υπολογισµού του σηµείου αποκόλλησης και των συνθηκών που οδηγούν σ’ αυτήν οδήγησε στην επινόηση διαφόρων µεθόδων για την τεχνική της παρεµπόδιση. Σε µια ροή η αποκόλληση µπορεί να εµποδιστεί ή να καθυστερήσει, όπως αναφέρθηκε, µε την εφαρµογή ενεργητικών ή παθητικών µεθόδων ελέγχου, όπως απορρόφηση, έγχυση, παθητικές διατάξεις, ψύξη ή θέρµανση, κλπ. Τέτοιες τεχνικές ελέγχου χρησιµοποιούνται στις άκρες των πτερύγων των αεροσκαφών της Boeing (γεννήτριες στροβίλων), στα αεροσκάφη παλαιότερης γενιάς στις πίσω επιφάνειες καµπυλότητας (flaps) ή στην οδηγούσα ακµή της πτέρυγας στις νεώτερες γενιές, µε τις εµπρόσθιες επιφάνειες καµπυλότητας (slats). Η πιο αποδεκτή τεχνική ελέγχου του οριακού στρώµατος είναι η τεχνική της έγχυσης/απορρόφησης. Σαν τεχνική ελέγχου χρησιµοποιείται από παλιά. Κατά την δεκαετία του ’60 δοκιµαστικές πτήσεις του πειραµατικού αεροσκάφους X-21 έδειξαν ότι η στρωτή ροή διατηρείται πάνω από την πτέρυγα µε την χρήση απορρόφησης µέσα από πολλές σχισµές πάνω σ’ αυτήν. Πρόσφατες δοκιµαστικές πτήσεις ενός µετασκευασµένου αεροσκάφους F-16XL, που χρησιµοποιεί την τεχνική της απορρόφησης πάνω σε ειδικές διατάξεις LERX (LEading Root eXtensions), έδειξαν διατήρηση της στρωτής ροής και µείωση της αντίστασης. Πρόσφατα πειράµατα εφαρµογής απορρόφησης κατά µήκος της οδηγούσας ακµής πτέρυγας έδειξαν ότι, κάτω από κατάλληλες συνθήκες, καθυστερεί η “µόλυνση” (contamination) της ακµής που οφείλεται στις γειτονικές µ’ αυτήν δοµές (κινητήρας, άτρακτος, λοιπές αεροδυναµικές διατάξεις) που συµµετέχουν στην ροή. Πολλοί είναι αυτοί που έχουν προτείνει διάφορες διατάξεις έγχυσης/απορρόφησης. Μεταξύ αυτών συγκαταλέγεται η υβριδική επιφάνεια απορρόφησης (hybrid suction surface) που αποτελείται από µια συστοιχία σχισµών κοντά η µια στην άλλη προς την διεύθυνση της µέσης ροής και η επιλεκτική απορρόφηση (selective suction), στην οποία µικρής έντασης απορρόφηση εφαρµόζεται σε σχισµές τοποθετηµένες σε κατάλληλες θέσεις. Τέλος, και η τοπική απορρόφηση (localized suction) που εφαρµόζεται σ’ ένα µικρό τµήµα της επιφάνειας. Επίσης, µε την ανάπτυξη της µαγνητοϋδροδυναµικής (MHD), της επιστήµης δηλαδή που µελετά τα ροϊκά φαινόµενα όταν το ηλεκτρικά αγώγιµο ρευστό υπόκειται στην επίδραση ενός ηλεκτρικού ή και µαγνητικού πεδίου, προστέθηκε στα µέσα ελέγχου του οριακού στρώµατος ένα επιπλέον. Από την δεκαετία του ’60 το µαγνητικό πεδίο χρησιµοποιείται επίσης σαν τεχνική ελέγχου στην σύγχρονη αεροδυναµική, λόγω της ικανότητας του να σταθεροποιεί την ροή και να εµποδίζει την µετάπτωση της. Χρησιµοποιήθηκε σαν τεχνική ελέγχου στα διαστηµικά οχήµατα που επανέρχονται στην ατµόσφαιρα από το διάστηµα και σε αεροσκάφη που πετούν σε µεγάλα ύψη µε µεγάλες ταχύτητες. Βρίσκει όµως εφαρµογές και στις MHD ροές µέσα σε σήραγγες όπου κι εκεί οι ροές είναι συµπιεστές (γεννήτριες πλάσµατος, MHD επιταχυντές, συσκευές πυρηνικής σύντηξης). Εφαρµογές της MHD υπάρχουν επίσης στα αέρια των νεφελωµάτων που συνθέτουν τα άστρα, στην κίνηση του υδρογόνου του Ήλιου ή ακόµα και στον ηλιακό άνεµο που µεταφέρει τα ιονισµένα σωµατίδια στην επιφάνεια της Γης. Η παρούσα διατριβή αναφέρεται στην µελέτη της χρονοανεξάρτητης διδιάστατης µαγνητοϋδροδυναµικής (MHD) συµπιεστής ροής οριακού στρώµατος πάνω από επίπεδη επιφάνεια µε αντίξοη βαθµίδα πίεσης και µεταφορά θερµότητας και µάζας. Το ερευνητικό µέρος της εργασίας αυτής µπορεί να χωριστεί σε δύο κύρια µέρη (Κεφάλαια ΙΙ και ΙΙΙ). Στο πρώτο µέρος (Κεφάλαιο ΙΙ) γίνεται µελέτη της MHD συµπιεστής ροής στρωτού οριακού στρώµατος µε αντίξοη βαθµίδα πίεσης και µεταφορά θερµότητας και µάζας πάνω από επίπεδη πλάκα. Στο δεύτερο µέρος (Κεφάλαιο ΙΙΙ) µελετάται η MHD συµπιεστή ροή τυρβώδους οριακού στρώµατος µε αντίξοη βαθµίδα πίεσης και µεταφορά θερµότητας και µάζας πάνω από επίπεδη πλάκα. Αρχικά, σε ένα εισαγωγικό Κεφάλαιο (Κεφάλαιο Ι), παρουσιάζονται, πολύ περιληπτικά, οι βασικές έννοιες που είναι απαραίτητες για την κατανόηση της διατριβής καθώς και οι θεµελιώδεις εξισώσεις της µαγνητοϋδροδυναµικής που διέπουν την κίνηση ηλεκτρικά αγώγιµου ρευστού που κινείται υπό την επίδραση µαγνητικού πεδίου. Στο πρώτο µέρος της διατριβής (Κεφάλαιο ΙΙ), όπως αναφέρθηκε, µελετάται αριθµητικά η MHD συµπιεστή ροή στρωτού οριακού στρώµατος µε αντίξοη βαθµίδα πίεσης και µεταφορά θερµότητας και µάζας. Το ρευστό (αέρας) θεωρείται ιδανικό, νευτώνειο, ηλεκτρικά αγώγιµο και το µαγνητικό πεδίο είναι σταθερό και κάθετα εφαρµοζόµενο ως προς την πλάκα και συνεπώς ως προς την κατεύθυνση της ροής. Η αντίξοη βαθµίδα πίεσης, που επιβάλλεται στην ροή, γνωστή ως ροή τύπου Howarth, προκύπτει από µια γραµµικά ελαττούµενη ταχύτητα. Το σύστηµα των µερικών διαφορικών εξισώσεων που περιγράφουν το πρόβληµα έχει αδιαστατοποιηθεί µε τον µετασχηµατισµό των Falkner-Skan, για συµπιεστή ροή, και επιλύεται αριθµητικά χρησιµοποιώντας την µέθοδο του Keller. ix Τα αποτελέσµατα του Κεφαλαίου αυτού αναφέρονται σε τρία είδη ροής: (i) αδιαβατική ροή ρευστού πάνω από την πλάκα, (ii) σε ροή πάνω από θερµαινόµενη πλάκα και (iii) σε ροή πάνω από ψυχόµενη πλάκα. Γίνονται αριθµητικοί υπολογισµοί για κάθε µια από τις παραπάνω περιπτώσεις εφαρµόζοντας συνεχή ή τοπική έγχυση/απορρόφηση, για διάφορες τιµές της έντασης του µαγνητικού πεδίου και για διάφορες τιµές αριθµού Mach του ελεύθερου ρεύµατος πάνω από την επίπεδη επιφάνεια. Εξετάζεται η επίδραση των ανωτέρω µεγεθών σε αυτόν τον τύπο της ροής. Αναλυτικότερα, δείχθηκε µετά τους αριθµητικούς υπολογισµούς, ότι η τεχνική της απορρόφησης διατηρεί την ροή για περισσότερο διάστηµα πάνω από την πλάκα µετατοπίζοντας το σηµείο αποκόλλησης προς το χείλος εκφυγής. Τα αντίθετα αποτελέσµατα δίνει η εφαρµογή έγχυσης. Το µαγνητικό πεδίο που εφαρµόζεται στην πλάκα βοηθά την ροή και την διατηρεί στρωτή πάνω από αυτήν για µεγαλύτερο διάστηµα κατά µήκος της πλάκας. Τα αποτελέσµατα αυτά επιβεβαιώθηκαν για τις τρεις περιπτώσεις της στρωτής ροής (αδιαβατική ροή, θερµαινόµενη και ψυχόµενη πλάκα) και για διάφορους αριθµούς Mach. Στο δεύτερο µέρος (Κεφάλαιο ΙΙΙ) µελετάται αριθµητικά η MHD συµπιεστή ροή τυρβώδους οριακού στρώµατος µε αντίξοη βαθµίδα πίεσης και µεταφορά θερµότητας και µάζας. Για το ρευστό (αέρας) και το µαγνητικό πεδίο ακολουθούνται οι ίδιες παραδοχές µε την περίπτωση της στρωτής ροής. Οι εξισώσεις που περιγράφουν το πρόβληµα προκύπτουν από τις εξισώσεις που έχει προτείνει ο Reynolds για την τυρβώδη ροή οριακού στρώµατος, κατάλληλα τροποποιηµένες για την περίπτωση MHD ροής. Οι εξισώσεις αυτές αδιαστατοποιούνται µε τον µετασχηµατισµό των Falkner-Skan για συµπιεστή ροή και επιλύονται µε την ίδια µέθοδο µε την στρωτή MHD ροή (µέθοδος Keller). Για το τυρβώδες κινηµατικό ιξώδες χρησιµοποιούνται δύο διαφορετικά αλγεβρικά µοντέλα τύρβης, αυτά των Cebeci-Smith και Baldwin-Lomax. Τα µοντέλα αυτά τροποποιήθηκαν ώστε να περιγράφουν το τυρβώδες κινηµατικό ιξώδες και στην περίπτωση της έγχυσης/απορρόφησης. Για τον τυρβώδη αριθµό Prandtl χρησιµοποιήθηκε µια τροποποίηση του µοντέλου των Kays και Crawford. Αριθµητικοί υπολογισµοί έγιναν για τον αέρα, για την περίπτωση που η ροή πάνω από την οριακή επιφάνεια ήταν αδιαβατική ή η επιφάνεια θερµαινόταν ή ψυχόταν. Για κάθε µια από τις παραπάνω περιπτώσεις εξετάζεται η επίδραση του µαγνητικού πεδίου, της τοπικής ή συνεχούς έγχυσης/απορρόφησης και του αριθµού Mach του ελευθέρου ρεύµατος πάνω στο τυρβώδες οριακό στρώµα. Μετά τους αριθµητικούς υπολογισµούς, τα συµπεράσµατα που προκύπτουν για την τυρβώδη ροή είναι παρόµοια µε την στρωτή. Η τεχνική της απορρόφησης βοηθάει στην διατήρηση του τυρβώδους οριακού στρώµατος πάνω από την πλάκα σε αντίθεση µε την έγχυση. Ο συνδυασµός αρχικά έγχυσης και έπειτα απορρόφησης βοηθά στην διατήρηση της ροής για µεγαλύτερο διάστηµα πάνω από την πλάκα, δηλαδή στην µετατόπιση του σηµείου αποκόλλησης προς το χείλος εκφυγής ελαττώνοντας ταυτόχρονα την συνολική αντίσταση σε αυτήν. Αυτό το αποτέλεσµα ισχύει και στην στρωτή ροή. Το µαγνητικό πεδίο βοηθάει την τυρβώδη ροή µετατοπίζοντας το σηµείο αποκόλλησης προς το χείλος εκφυγής. Το αποτέλεσµα αυτό είναι λιγότερο έντονο στην τυρβώδη ροή από ότι στην στρωτή. Τα παραπάνω αποτελέσµατα παρουσιάζονται για τις τρεις περιπτώσεις της τυρβώδης ροής (αδιαβατική ροή, θερµαινόµενη και ψυχόµενη πλάκα), για διάφορους αριθµούς Mach () και για τα δύο µοντέλα τύρβης (C-S και B-L). Στο τέλος του Κεφαλαίου γίνεται σύγκριση των δύο τύπων ροών, στρωτής και τυρβώδους. Λόγω της απουσίας ερευνητικών αποτελεσµάτων πάνω στο συγκεκριµένο αυτό πρόβληµα, τα παραπάνω αποτελέσµατα εκτιµάται ότι είναι πολύ ενδιαφέροντα για την περιγραφή του µηχανισµού ελέγχου του στρωτού και τυρβώδους οριακού στρώµατος για συµπιεστές ροές. / In this thesis the steady two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), compressible boundary layer flow, over a flat plate is numerically studied. The flow is subjected to an adverse pressure gradient, due to a linearly retarded velocity, that is known as Howarth’s flow. The plate is electrically non-conducting and it is subjected to a suction/injection velocity, continuous or localized, normal to it. The case of an impermeable plate is also studied. The plate is parallel to the free stream of a heat-conducting perfect gas (air) flowing with velocity u∞ along the plate. The flow field is subjected to the action of a constant magnetic field which acts normal to the plate. The fluid (air) is considered Newtonian, compressible and electrically conducting. The fundamental equations of MHD flow are presented in Chapter I as well as the characteristic quantities of the boundary layer which are used in this study. The laminar flow is studied in Chapter II where as the turbulent flow is studied in Chapter III. For both cases (laminar and turbulent) the partial differential equations and their boundary conditions, describing the problem under consideration, are transformed using the compressible Falkner-Skan transformation and the numerical solution of the problem is obtained by using a modification of the well known Keller’s box method. The obtained numerical results for the velocity and temperature field, as well as for the associated boundary layer parameters, are shown in figures for different free-stream Mach numbers M∞ and for the case (i) of an adiabatic flow (0wS′=), (ii) heating of the wall () and (iii) cooling of the wall (1wS>1wS<), followed by an extensive discussion. For turbulent flow, in Chapter III, the Reynolds-averaged boundary layer equations are used. Two different turbulent models, namely the model of Cebeci-Smith and Baldwin-Lomax, are used to represent eddy kinematic viscosity and eddy diffusivity of heat. These models are the most simple with acceptable generality and their accuracy has been explored for a wide range of flows for which there are experimental data. It has also been found that they give results sufficiently accurate for most engineering problems. For the turbulent Prandtl number model a modification of the extended Kays and Crawford’s model is also used. In the case of laminar flow (Chapter II) the numerical calculations showed that the application of suction moves separation point downstream, whereas injection moves the separation point towards the leading edge of the plate. The presence of the magnetic field always increases frictional drag on the wall but moves the separation point downstream for every value of free-stream Mach number. Τhis displacement is greater for small values of M∞. The combined influence of the magnetic field, localized injection and localized suction moves separation point downstream reducing frictional drag. These results confirmed for the three cases (adiabatic flow, heating of the wall, cooling of the wall) of the laminar flow and for various free-stream Mach numbers. Since most flows, which occur in practical applications, are turbulent the results in this case (Chapter III) are more important and are similar with those in laminar flow. 162 Precisely, application of suction moves separation point downstream but injection moves separation point towards the leading edge of the plate reducing drag. Application of localized injection and localized suction moves the separation point downstream reducing total drag. The presence of the magnetic field moves separation point downstream increasing frictional drag. The combined influence of magnetic field, localized injection and localized suction moves separation point further downstream as regards the other cases. These results confirmed for the three cases (adiabatic flow, heating of the wall, cooling of the wall) of turbulent flow, for various free-stream numbers and for two turbulent models (C-S and B-L). It is hoped that, in the absence of detailed investigations of this problem, the obtained results, are very interesting and give a clearer insight into the mechanism of controlling a laminar or turbulent boundary layer compressible flow.
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New Techniques for Estimation of Source Parameters : Applications to Airborne Gravity and Pseudo-Gravity Gradient TensorsBeiki, Majid January 2011 (has links)
Gravity gradient tensor (GGT) data contains the second derivatives of the Earth’s gravitational potential in three orthogonal directions. GGT data can be measured either using land, airborne, marine or space platforms. In the last two decades, the applications of GGT data in hydrocarbon exploration, mineral exploration and structural geology have increased considerably. This work focuses on developing new interpretation techniques for GGT data as well as pseudo-gravity gradient tensor (PGGT) derived from measured magnetic field. The applications of developed methods are demonstrated on a GGT data set from the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa and a magnetic data set from the Särna area, west central Sweden. The eigenvectors of the symmetric GGT can be used to estimate the position of the causative body as well as its strike direction. For a given measurement point, the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue points approximately toward the center of mass of the source body. For quasi 2D structures, the strike direction of the source can be estimated from the direction of the eigenvectors corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues. The same properties of GGT are valid for the pseudo-gravity gradient tensor (PGGT) derived from magnetic field data assuming that the magnetization direction is known. The analytic signal concept is applied to GGT data in three dimensions. Three analytic signal functions are introduced along x-, y- and z-directions which are called directional analytic signals. The directional analytic signals are homogenous and satisfy Euler’s homogeneity equation. Euler deconvolution of directional analytic signals can be used to locate causative bodies. The structural index of the gravity field is automatically identified from solving three Euler equations derived from the GGT for a set of data points located within a square window with adjustable size. For 2D causative bodies with geometry striking in the y-direction, the measured gxz and gzz components of GGT can be jointly inverted for estimating the parameters of infinite dike and geological contact models. Once the strike direction of 2D causative body is estimated, the measured components can be transformed into the strike coordinate system. The GGT data within a set of square windows for both infinite dike and geological contact models are deconvolved and the best model is chosen based on the smallest data fit error. / Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 730
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Untersuchungen zur Magnetfeldtherapie bei Patienten mit chronischen Rückenschmerzen / Studies on magnetic field therapy in patients with chronic back painHandt, Philipp 12 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Struktur und Dynamik kleinskaliger Magnetfelder der Sonnenatmosphäre / Ergebnisse hochaufgelöster Polarimetrie und Bildrekonstruktion / Structure and Dynamics of small scale magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere / Results of high resolution polarimetry and image reconstructionJanßen, Katja 02 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Numerical Simulations of the Gravitational Geodynamo and its Time Spectrum / Numerische Simulationen des gravitationsgetriebenen Dynamos und sein zeitliches SpektrumTanriverdi, Vedat 28 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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