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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para reducir riesgos en la oficina criminalística

Lopez Campos, Kelly Doity January 2023 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad implementar un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo para reducir el nivel de riesgo en la oficina de Criminalística. La metodología es de tipo aplicada, nivel descriptivo y carácter pre-experimental, contando como población y muestra a 52 efectivos de la PNP. Mediante el análisis inicial de datos se estableció un cumplimiento del Sistema de Gestión de SST de 6,6% considerado como desaprobado, bajo los lineamientos del basado en la Ley 29783. Paralelamente los resultados de la matriz IPERC detectaron alto porcentaje de peligros Mecánicos y físicos (21.1% respectivamente) y locativos (15.8%), así como un alto porcentaje de riesgos importantes e intolerables (37% y 21% respectivamente), los mismos que requieren una inmediata atención. Determinado los riesgos y sus factores se procedió a diseñar el SGSST a fin de reducir los riegos encontrados a nivel tolerable. La implementación se viene realizando de forma paulatina debido a que requiere de una asignación presupuestal anual por parte del estado para ejecución y mantenimiento, las implementaciones realizadas con el presupuesto actual abarco conformación del CSST, elaboración del RISST, mapa de riegos, plan de emergencia, capacitaciones, adquisición de EPPs, entre otros. Aplicando nuevamente los mismos instrumentos ha permitido obtener como resultado un cumplimiento de los lineamientos del SGSST del 77% considerado aprobado y se logró reducir los riesgos intolerables e importantes y moderados a triviales y tolerables. Finalmente, se analizó la viabilidad económica de la presente implementación logrando obtener un costo beneficio de 1,48 un VAN de S/. 38,692.48 y un TIR del 77%, haciéndolo económicamente rentable y aplicable en la presente institución. / The purpose of this research is to implement an Occupational Health and Safety Management System to reduce the level of risk in the Criminalistics office. The methodology is applied, descriptive and pre-experimental, with 52 PNP personnel as population and sample. By means of the initial data analysis, a 6.6% compliance with the OSH Management System was established, considered as disapproved, under the guidelines based on Law 29783. At the same time, the results of the IPERC matrix detected a high percentage of mechanical and physical hazards (21.1%, respectively) and local hazards (15.8%), as well as a high percentage of important and intolerable risks (37% and 21%, respectively), which require immediate attention. Having determined the risks and their factors, the company proceeded to design the SGSST in order to reduce the risks found to a tolerable level. The implementation has been carried out gradually because it requires an annual budget allocation from the state for execution and maintenance. The implementations carried out with the current budget included the creation of the CSST, preparation of the RISST, risk map, emergency plan, training, acquisition of PPE, among others. Reapplying the same instruments has resulted in a 77% compliance with the SGSST guidelines, which are considered approved, and it was possible to reduce intolerable, important and moderate risks to trivial and tolerable risks. Finally, the economic viability of the present implementation was analyzed, obtaining a cost benefit of 1.48, an NPV of S/. 38,692.48 and an IRR of 77%, making it economically profitable and applicable in the present institution.

Разработка программы антикризисного управления персоналом научно-исследовательской организации : магистерская диссертация / Development of an anti-crisis personnel management program for a research organization

Рудич, Ю. В., Rudich, Y. V. January 2024 (has links)
In light of the deteriorating financial situation of research organizations, the relevance of applying anti-crisis management decisions increases. Unstable work of organizations leads to decreased productivity, increased staff turnover and increased social tension. The purpose of the master's research is to study the theoretical foundations of anti-crisis personnel management, conduct an analysis of the personnel crisis and the crisis of the organization's personnel management system, develop a model and program for anti-crisis personnel management of a research organization. A study of the actual state and dynamics of development of the personnel management system of a research organization showed the presence of a personnel crisis, and methods of working with personnel need to be improved. The proposed author's solution is presented in the form of a model of an anti-crisis personnel management system and a program of measures to reduce the negative consequences of the personnel crisis of the organization under study. / В свете ухудшения финансовой ситуации научно-исследовательских организаций возрастает актуальность применения антикризисных управленческих решений. Нестабильная работа организаций приводит к снижению производительности, увеличению текучести кадров и усилению социальной напряженности. Целью магистерского исследования является изучение теоретических основ антикризисного управления персоналом, проведение анализа кризиса персонала и кризиса системы управления персоналом организации, разработка модели и программы антикризисного управления персоналом научно-исследовательской организации. Изучение фактического состояния и динамики развития системы управления кадрами научно-исследовательской организации показало наличие кризиса персонала, а методы работы с персоналом нуждаются в улучшении. Предложенное авторское решение представлено в форме модели системы антикризисного управления персоналом и программы мероприятий по снижению негативных последствий кризиса персонала исследуемой организации.

Characterisation and management of non-formal solid waste management disposal sites in Harare, Zimbabwe

Mahamba, Caston 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The study focused on the characterisation and management of non-formal solid waste disposal sites in Harare, the capital city of the Republic of Zimbabwe. In many developing countries, increasing urbanisation surpasses the development of urban infrastructure and this has led to the proliferation of informal settlements, illegal dumping sites and uncontrolled vending in cities like Harare. The researcher investigated the prevalence of non-formal dumping sites in Harare, including the composition, locational attributes and internal linkages of solid waste. Practices regarding the management of non-formal solid waste disposal sites were examined and areas of good practice and conformity to international standards were complemented while recommendations and suggestions were made on areas that were found wanting. An integrated management system was recommended for the sustainable management of solid waste. To support this recommendation, management window of responsibilities (EMWR) model was created so that the Harare City Council can enhance stakeholder participation. The research results show that most residents used non-conventional ways to store waste, like mealie-meal bags and sacks, and this posed a danger to human health. It also emerged that the city of Harare has not updated some of its by-laws, some of which were enacted about 33 years ago while others remained drafts for decades. This made it difficult for the city to effectively implement them. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

An Investigation of Socio-technical Components of Knowledge Management System (KMS) Usage

Wint, Noel, Jr. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Existing literature indicates that although both academics and practitioners recognize knowledge management (KM) as a source of competitive advantage, users are not always willing to use a knowledge management system (KMS). Because of the social nature of knowledge transfer, a KMS can be considered a socio-technical system. Many explanations have been presented for this failure to utilize the KMS. These explanations include a number of the socio-technical factors relating to people, processes, and technologies. While these factors may have significant explanatory power when examined independently, existing studies have not sufficiently addressed the interactions among all three socio-technical factors or their impacts on KMS usage. The goal of this study was to develop a comprehensive understanding of socio-technical factors that impact KMS usage within decision support systems (DSS). A comprehensive framework was presented that will be helpful in developing and improving KMS initiatives and thus improving KM across the organization. This study identified factors of people (self-efficacy, social ties, and ease of use), processes (leadership, culture/climate, and governance), and technologies (system & information quality, and technology fit) and their influence on KMS system usage. Analysis for this problem required a causal, non-contrived field study employing structural equation modeling. Founded on socio-technical systems theory, nine hypotheses were proposed. Data was collected using a 36 item survey distributed to KMS users from a variety of industries in the United States. Confirmatory factor analysis and an eight-stage structural equation modeling procedure were used to analyze 97 usable responses. The results confirmed that technology-oriented factors predicted knowledge seeking and contributing in DSS. Furthermore, significant positive relationships were confirmed between certain sociotechnical factors including: (1) people and process, (2) people and technology, (3) processes and technology, (4) processes and people, (5) technology and people, and (6) technology and processes. These findings extend the relevance and statistical power of existing studies on KMS usage. This study indicated that the most important concerns for increasing KMS usage were system quality, information quality, and technology fit. Results also confirmed that in the context of this study, people-oriented factors (self-efficacy, social ties, and ease of use/usefulness) and organizational process factors (leadership, organizational culture/climate, and governance) were not critical factors directly responsible for increasing KMS usage. However, the relationships among socio-technical factors all had positive significant relationships. Therefore, investments in people and process-oriented factors will create a more favorable perspective on technology-oriented factors, which in turn can increase KMS usage. On a practical front, this study provided indicators to managers regarding a number of desirable and undesirable conditions that should be taken into consideration when developing or implementing knowledge management initiatives and the systems to support them. This study offered an original contribution to the existing bodies of knowledge on socio-technical factors and KMS usage behavior. The constructs presented in this study highlighted the significance of social and technical relationships in understanding knowledge seeking and contribution in a decision-driven organization.

The effect of an integrated quality management system on a leading fish product manufacturer : a pre-implementation viability study

Van Heerden, Mattheus Johannes 22 January 2014 (has links)
There are many optimistic and pessimistic views on integrated quality management systems based on international standards. Many businesses have not benefited in terms of operational, quality or business performance, while many others have indicated that the implementation of integrated quality management systems based on an international system standard or other standards has led to improved operational performance and quality, which in turn has resulted in improved business results. The main research problem is therefore to identify the effect of an IQMS on a fishing company and, secondly, to determine whether such a system is compatible with the fishing industry as a whole. By addressing these questions, a perception of the value of an IQMS for the fishing company under study was be obtained. The main research question was: “What is the effect of an integrated quality management system on a leading fish product manufacturer Different research approaches were used to determining the value of such an IQMS in a leading fish product manufacture. The study confirmed that the IQMS has a positive effect on the fish product manufacturer. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

Analyse d’implantation d’un système de gestion intégrée en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail

Savary, Saôde 09 1900 (has links)
Les systèmes de gestion intégrée en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail (SGI) sont un nouveau paradigme de gestion dans les organisations modernes. Ces systèmes sont construits à partir des normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001, basées sur la prévention des risques et le principe de précaution. La littérature sur les SGI témoigne d’un marasme conceptuel prédominant depuis plus de 10 ans; elle insiste sur l’urgence d’un consensus taxinomique et conceptuel afin de définir les systèmes de gestion intégrée et de différencier le mécanisme d’intégration de celui de l’implantation. Cette lacune conceptuelle enlise les connaissances dans un fossé épistémologique, retardant ainsi le débat dans ce nouveau champ d’études. Les rares connaissances dont nous disposons dans ce domaine proviennent de quelques études théoriques et de six études empiriques, toutes préoccupées par la compatibilité des multiples systèmes et des avantages économiques de leur intégration. Les évidences engendrées par ces études sont insuffisantes pour appréhender la dynamique du nouveau paradigme dont les effets demeurent peu connus. Cette situation révèle l’urgence d’agir dans un contexte où l’utilisation des SGI se multiplie, et où leur tendance à minimiser l’importance des risques devient de plus en plus préoccupante. Aucune étude ne s’est encore penchée sur l’implantation d’un SGI en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail construit uniquement à partir des normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001. Cette connaissance est importante pour expliquer les effets de tels systèmes. C’est dans cette perspective que nous avons réalisé cette première étude empirique d’un SGI selon les normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001. Nos questions de recherche portent sur le mode, le degré d’implantation, les effets du SGI, ainsi que sur les facteurs contextuels qui interviennent pour expliquer les variations dans le degré d’implantation et les effets du SGI. Il s’agit d’une recherche à prélèvement qualitatif qui repose sur un devis d’étude de cas, avec des niveaux d’analyse imbriqués, et comportant une double visée descriptive et explicative. Notre échantillon, de type raisonné, regroupait trente-cinq intervenants provenant de différentes instances hiérarchiques ; il incluait également des représentants syndicaux. Notre échantillon était composé de 7 usines, accréditées aux normes ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, et dispersées dans différentes villes du Québec. Ces usines différaient tant par leur technologie, leur âge, leur taille, et leurs types de production. Nos données ont été recueillies en 2004; elles sont basées sur des entrevues semi dirigées, sur des observations directes lors de la visite des lieux; elles s’appuient aussi sur des consultations de documents internes et sur des outils électroniques implantés. La transcription des entrevues effectuée, le contenu des discours a été catégorisé selon les cinq dimensions du SGI: engagement, planification, mise en opération, contrôle et revue de la direction. Une condensation horizontale avait précédé l’analyse de chaque cas et l’analyse transversale des cas selon une approche à la fois inductive et déductive. Les résultats de notre recherche ont révélé deux modes d’implantation : le mode d’enrichissement et le mode de fusion. Ces modes dépendaient de la nature des structures fonctionnelles en place. La visée d’amélioration continue à la base du SGI n’avait pas réussi à concilier les approches traditionnelles bottom up et top down qui ont dominé cette implantation; son mécanisme était guidé par 4 types de stratégies : l’économie des ressources, le contrôle des forces d’influences, la stratégie des fruits faciles à cueillir et la stratégie à petits pas. Pour analyser le degré d’implantation, nous avons tenu compte de l’effort de structuration du SGI et de la force d’utilisation des processus implantés à chacune des cinq dimensions du SGI. Les résultats de notre recherche révèlent une variabilité certaine du degré d’implantation entre les usines d’une part, et entre les processus associés aux cinq dimensions du SGI d’autre part. L’analyse des discours a permis de produire cinq hypothèses qui soutiennent l’effort de structuration et la force d’utilisation du SGI: (i) l’hypothèse de la force de cohésion, (ii) l’hypothèse de la spécificité du processus, (iii) l’hypothèse de la portée du processus, (iv) l’hypothèse de la capacité organisationnelle, (v) l’hypothèse de l’acceptation du changement. L’implantation du SGI était soumise à l’influence de multiples facteurs; ils étaient de nature politique, structurelle et organisationnelle. Ces facteurs avaient agi sur le processus d’implantation en amorçant une cascade d’interactions au cours desquelles leurs forces d’influences se renforçaient, se neutralisaient ou s’additionnaient pour affecter le degré d’implantation. Les facteurs facilitant touchaient surtout l’effort de structuration ; ils incluaient : l’expérience des systèmes de gestion, l’implication de la direction, celle du syndicat ou du CSS, la structure organisationnelle, le niveau d’éducation, l’âge et la taille de l’usine. Quant aux facteurs contraignants, ils agissaient sur la force d’utilisation ; ils incluaient : la lourdeur procédurale, le manque de temps, le manque de formation, le manque de ressources, la culture organisationnelle, la structure organisationnelle, le fossé intergénérationnel, l’absence du syndicat et l’âge de l’usine. Trois effets proximaux escomptés par l’entreprise ont été observés. (i) La rigueur de la gestion était associée à l’application des exigences du SGI; elle touchait la gouvernance en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail, les mécanismes de gestion et les procédés de production. (ii) La standardisation était reliée au mode d’implantation du SGI; elle concernait les pratiques, les outils, les méthodes de travail et l’organisation des ressources. (iii) La rupture des silos est un effet relié au mode d’implantation du SGI; elle touchait les structures départementales, les frontières professionnelles, les relations et climat de travail. Ces effets proximaux avaient provoqué plusieurs effets émergents, plus distaux: une augmentation du pouvoir de contrôle syndical, un renforcement de la légitimité des recommandations soumises par les spécialistes professionnels, la création de réseaux inter organisationnels et le transfert du savoir. L’implantation du SGI avait transformé la gouvernance et les pratiques en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail dans les sept usines. Toutefois, elle ne semblait pas garantir l’immunité du processus de gestion des risques à l’environnement ni à la santé et sécurité du travail. Sa capacité à diluer les risques devait retenir l’attention des politiques de santé publiques et des programmes de prévention des risques à l’environnement et à la santé et sécurité du travail. L’amélioration de la gestion des risques demeurait un effet attendu non observé et soumis à des facteurs contextuels qui pourraient l’empêcher de se concrétiser. À cet égard, le transfert du savoir, renforcé par l’émergence des réseaux inter organisationnels, semblait offrir une avenue beaucoup plus prometteuse et accessible. C’est l’une des contributions de cette recherche. Elle a aussi (i) proposé une typologie des modes d’implantation et des effets du SGI (ii) préconisé une méthode détaillée d’une meilleure appréciation du degré d’implantation (iii) précisé le rôle des facteurs contextuels dans l’explication des variations du degré d’implantation et dans la production des effets, (iv) proposé des hypothèses sur la structuration et l’utilisation du SGI (v) offert une perspective plurielle et approfondie de la dynamique de l’implantation du SGI grâce à la variété de l’échantillon des répondants et des usines. Il s’agit de la première étude de terrain dans le domaine. À notre connaissance, aucune autre étude n’a eu de tels résultats. Mots Clés : ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, gestion intégrée, environnement, santé et sécurité du travail, risques environnementaux, risques en santé et sécurité du travail, analyse d’implantation, degré d’implantation, SGI, transfert du savoir. / Integrated environmental, health and safety management systems (IMS) are a new management paradigm of modern organizations. These systems are built mainly from the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 norms, which are based on risk prevention and the precautionary principles. For the past ten years, the literature on IMS has been governed by a conceptual stagnation, which is now begging for a taxonomic consensus in order to define IMS, clarify both integration and implementation processes, and to move beyond structures to address processes. As a result, the knowledge about IMS has been embroiled in an epistemological ditch, thus delaying debates in this emerging field of study. Scarce publications about IMS come from a few theoretical papers and six empirical investigations, all preoccupied by systems compatibility and the economic advantages of management systems integration. Evidence generated by these studies is not sufficient to apprehend the dynamics of the new paradigm, whose effects remain little known about until now. This situation is becoming alarming in a context where the use of integrated environmental health and safety management systems is increasing and where these IMS are raising concerns about their capacity to minimize risk in one domain or another. So far, no study has investigated the implementation of integrated environmental health and safety management systems built from ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 norms. Such knowledge is cardinal to help explain the effects of such IMS. It is in this perspective that we have undertaken this first empirical study of an IMS built from ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Our research questions address the mode of implementation, the degree of implementation and the effects of the IMS, as well as the contextual factors whose influence on the implementation help explain the variations in the degree of implementation and the effects of the IMS. This qualitative inquiry uses a single case study with multiple levels of analysis. Our purposeful sample of thirty five participants was drawn from different levels of hierarchy, including union executives and representatives. Our purposeful sample of plants consisted of seven ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified plants located in different cities in Quebec, Canada. These plants differed by their technology, their age, their size and their types of production. Our data were collected in 2004 from semi-directed interviews, direct observation during site visits, and consultation of documentation and assessment of functionalities of implemented management tools. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and their content was categorized based on the five dimensions of the IMS: commitment policy, planning, deployment, control and management review. Horizontal condensation preceded within case and transversal analysis, using both inductive and deductive approaches. Our results indicate two implementation modes: the enrichment mode and the fusion mode, both related to the functional structures in place. Despite its aim of continuous improvement, the IMS was unable to reconcile the two traditional approaches of top down and bottom up, which have dominated this implementation which was supported by four strategies: economy of resources, control of influence, low hanging fruits and the small steps strategy. In order to analyze the degree of the IMS implementation, we have taken into consideration two aspects of the process: The effort of structuring the IMS and the scope of utilization of the implemented processes. Our results showed evidence of variation in the degree of IMS implementation; this variation was observed among the plants as well as among the processes implemented at each one of the five IMS steps. The analysis of discourses has allowed the production of five hypotheses that support IMS structuring and utilization (i) Cohesion forces hypothesis (ii) Process specificity hypothesis (iii) Scope of process hypothesis (iv) Organizational readiness hypothesis (v) Acceptance of change hypothesis. IMS implementation was influenced by political, structural and organizational factors. These factors have played their influence by catalyzing non -linear interactions, during which their influence could be neutralized, added or reinforced, hence generating variations in the degree of implementation. Facilitating factors have affected the effort of IMS structuring and included: experience working with management system, upper management commitment, implication of union or of health and safety committee representatives, organizational structure, level of education, plant age and plant size. Inhibiting factors have affected mainly the utilization of implemented processes. These factors included: procedural heaviness, lack of time, lack of training, lack of resource, organizational culture, organizational structure, intergeneration gap and lack of union implication. Three proximal effects anticipated by the organization under study were observed. (i) Increase in the rigor of management is an effect which was associated with the application of IMS requirements. It implied EHS governance, integrated management mechanisms and production processes (ii) Standardization is an effect which was associated rather with the implementation mode. It implied EHS practices, tools, work methods and organization of resources. (iii) Rupture of departmental silo is an effect associated with the mode of implementation. It involved organizational structures, professional boundaries and the working relations and climate. These proximal effects have induced several emerging effects, which were more distal. These were: increased control power of the union; increased legitimacy of recommendations by EHS professionals; creation of inter-organizational network and knowledge transfer. The implementation of an integrated management system in environment, occupational health and safety has transformed EHS governance and practice in all seven plants. However, this was not sufficient to grant immunity to EHS risk management processes. The potential of IMS to dilute risks should be of concern to public health policies, as well as to risk prevention programs on environment and on occupational health and safety. Improvement of EHS risk management was an expected effect but was not observed at the moment of our study. Several contextual factors may have intervened to alter its occurrence. To this regard, knowledge transfer, reinforced by the emergence of intra-organizational networks, seem to offer a very promising and affordable alternative. This is one of the contributions of our study research, which, in addition has (i) proposed a nomenclature to classify the modes of implementation and effects of IMS (ii) proposed a detailed method to appreciate the degree of implementation (iii) stated the roles played by contextual factors in explaining variations in the degree of IMS implementation and in the production of effects (iv) proposed a hypothesis on IMS structuring and utilization (v) through the diversity of our sample, offered a plural and sound perspective on the dynamics of IMS implementation. This is the first field study of this new paradigm. To our knowledge, no other study has produced such results. Keywords : ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, integrated management system, IMS, environment, Occupational Health and Safety, environmental risks, occupational health and safety risks, implementation analysis, implementation level, knowledge transfer.

The effect of an integrated quality management system on a leading fish product manufacturer : a pre-implementation viability study

Van Heerden, Mattheus Johannes 06 1900 (has links)
There are many optimistic and pessimistic views on integrated quality management systems based on international standards. Many businesses have not benefited in terms of operational, quality or business performance, while many others have indicated that the implementation of integrated quality management systems based on an international system standard or other standards has led to improved operational performance and quality, which in turn has resulted in improved business results. The main research problem is therefore to identify the effect of an IQMS on a fishing company and, secondly, to determine whether such a system is compatible with the fishing industry as a whole. By addressing these questions, a perception of the value of an IQMS for the fishing company under study was be obtained. The main research question was: “What is the effect of an integrated quality management system on a leading fish product manufacturer Different research approaches were used to determining the value of such an IQMS in a leading fish product manufacture. The study confirmed that the IQMS has a positive effect on the fish product manufacturer. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

Towards institutional success : an assessment of the practices and challenges of performance management systems in public universities in Ethiopia

Aklilu Gebreselassie Gebru 11 1900 (has links)
With the aim of identifying the challenges and determining the extent of the effect of these challenges on the effectiveness of the performance management systems, the performance management practices of selected public universities in Ethiopia were assessed. This assessment informed the identification of workable, customised balanced scorecard measurement variables that would ensure effective implementation of performance management systems and promote institutional success in the selected public universities in Ethiopia. An exploratory sequential mixed-methods design was adopted. First, literature was reviewed to learn about major concepts and theories on performance management systems and to establish the laws and directives that regulate performance management at public universities in Ethiopia. Qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaires were used to collect data on the practices and the challenges experienced in implementing performance management systems in public universities in Ethiopia. The main practices and challenges identified include exclusion of employees from planning activities, management bias, supervisors’ failure to give feedback on performance appraisals, lack of experience among many of the professionals in the execution of performance management systems, and high employee turnover. The study presents and recommends a hexagonal hybrid balanced scorecard measurement model (the newly added variables being leadership and stakeholders) to make Ethiopian higher education institutions effective and efficient in measuring their overall performance. / Met die oog daarop om die uitdagings te identifiseer en die omvang van die uitwerking daarvan op die doeltreffendheid van die prestasiebestuurstelsels te bepaal, is die prestasiebestuurspraktyke van uitgesoekte openbare universiteite in Etiopië geassesseer. Hierdie assessering gee aanleiding tot die identifisering van werkbare, doelgemaakte veranderlikes van gebalanseerdetelkaart-meting, wat doeltreffende implementering van prestasiebestuurstelsels sal verseker en institusionele sukses in die uitgesoekte openbare universiteite in Etiopië sal bevorder. ʼn Verkennende sekwensiële gemengdemetodeontwerp is gebruik. Eerstens is literatuur bestudeer om meer te wete te kom oor deurslaggewende konsepte en teorieë rakende prestasiebestuurstelsels, en om te bepaal watter wette en voorskrifte prestasiebestuur by openbare universiteite in Etiopië reguleer. Kwalitatiewe onderhoude en kwantitatiewe vraelyste is gebruik om data in te samel oor die uitdagings en praktyke in die implementering van prestasiebestuurstelsels by openbare universiteite in Etiopië. Die grootste uitdagings en praktyke wat geïdentifiseer is behels uitsluiting van werknemers by beplanningsaktiwiteite, bestuursvooroordeel, toesighouers wat nie terugvoer gee oor prestasiebeoordelings nie, gebrek aan ondervinding by baie van die praktisyns in die implementering van prestasiebestuurstelsels, en hoë werknemeromset. Hierdie studie bied ʼn verteenwoordiging en aanbeveling van ʼn heksagonale hibriede gebalanseerde telkaartmetingmodel (die nuutbygevoegde elemente is leierskap en belanghebbers) vir hoëronderwysinstellings in Etiopië om hul algehele prestasie doeltreffend te meet. / Ngenhloso yokuhlonza izinselele, kanye nokuthola ububanzi nobukhulu bomthelela walezo zinselele ekusebenzeni ngendlela efanele kwezinhlelo zokuphatha nokulawula ukusebenza (performance), lolu cwaningo lwahlola futhi lwacubungula izinqubo zokuphatha nokulawula ukusebenza ezisetshenziswa ngamanyuvesi omphakathi athile, futhi akhethiweyo, ase-Ethiopia. Lokhu kuhlolwa kwezikhungo kwaholela ekutheni kuhlonzwe izindlela ezisebenzisekayo zombikokusebenza osekelwe phezu kwezinkomba ezine (balanced scorecard), okuyinto eyabe izoqinizekisa ukuqaliswa nokuqhutshwa ngendlela efanele kohlelo lokuphatha nokulawula ukusebenza futhi igqugquzele ukuthi yenziwe kahle, futhi ngempumelelo, imisebenzi yamanyuvesi omphakathi athile, akhethiweyo, ase-Ethiopia. Kulolu cwaningo kwasetshenziswa izindlela zokuhlola nokucwaninga ezixubile futhi ezilandelanayo. Okokuqala, kwabukezwa imibhalo ekhona njengamanje ephathelene nalesi sihloko ngenhloso yokufunda ngemiqondo engumongo futhi enohlonze, kanye namathiyori aphathelene nezinhlelo zokuphathwa nokulawulwa kokusebenza, futhi ukuze kutholakale ulwazi olunzulu mayelana nemithetho neziqondiso ezilawula ukuphathwa nokulawulwa kokusebenza emanyuvesi omphakathi e-Ethiopia. Izindlela zocwaningo ezasetshenziswa, yindlela yokuthola ulwazi ngokuxoxisana okujulile nababambiqhaza bocwaningo (qualitative interviews) kanye namaphephamibuzo ocwaningo (quantitative questionnaires), obekuhloswe ngakho ukuqoqa idatha mayelana nezinselele kanye nezinqubo okudlulwe kuzona ngenkathi kuqhutshwa izinhlelo zokuphathwa nokulawulwa kokusebenza emanyuvesi omphakathi e-Ethiopia. Izinselele ezinkulu kanye nezinqubo ezingumongo ezihlonziwe zibandakanya ukushiywa ngaphandle kwabasebenzi ngenkathi kwenziwa imisebenzi yokuhlela, ukuchema kwabaphathi, ukuhluleka kosuphavayiza ukuhlinzeka abasebenzi ngombiko noma umphumela obonisa ukuthi baqhube kanjani ngenkathi kuhlolwa umsebenzi wabo, ukungabi nesipiliyoni noma ulwazi olufanele kweningi labasebenzi abangogoti bemikhakha ethile (professionals) ngenkathi beqhuba izinhlelo zokuphatha nokulawula ukusebenza, kanye nezinga eliphakeme lokwesula kwabasebenzi emsebenzini. Lolu cwaningo lwethula futhi lwancoma ukuthi kusetshenziswe indlela yokukala ukusebenza ebizwa nge-hexagonal hybrid balanced scorecard measurement model (izinto ezintsha ezengeziwe eziphathelene nocwaningo wubuholi kanye nababambiqhaza) ngenhloso yokulekelela iziKhungo Zemfundo Ephakeme zase-Ethiopia ukuthi zikwazi ukukala kahle, vi futhi ngempumelelo, izinga lonkana lokusebenza kwazo. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Implementação de ERP em pequenas e médias empresas: estudo de caso em empresa do setor da construção civil / ERP implementation in small and medium size businesses: case study in a enterprise construction sector

Valente, Nelma Terezinha Zubek 20 December 2004 (has links)
Os sistemas integrados de gestão, originalmente conhecidos como ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), provocam grandes impactos nas organizações em que são implementados. Os efeitos, tanto de natureza positiva em termos de benefícios, contribuições e vantagens que o sistema pode proporcionar, quanto negativos, no que se refere às dificuldades, barreiras e problemas enfrentados na implementação do sistema, assim como os desafios que se impõem com a adoção e uso do ERP, têm sido discutidos em diferentes estudos. No entanto, grande parte das pesquisas que tratam dos efeitos e impactos decorrentes da adoção dos sistemas ERP tem focado os processos e resultados de implementações realizadas em empresas de grande porte, apesar da participação crescente das pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) na aquisição desse tipo de sistema. Considerando as características específicas e diferenciadas das PMEs em relação às empresas de grande porte, o crescente interesse dos fornecedores de ERP nesse segmento de empresas e o aumento da participação do segmento das PMEs na aquisição de sistemas integrados de gestão, este estudo foi conduzido com o propósito de responder à seguinte questão: Como se desenvolve o processo de implementação de ERP em PMEs? Utilizando a estratégia de pesquisa estudo de caso, do tipo único e incorporado, analisou-se o processo de implementação de um sistema ERP em empresa do setor da construção civil, enquadrada como de pequeno porte, de acordo com os critérios dos fornecedores de ERP, e de porte médio, se considerados os demais parâmetros vigentes no Brasil. O estudo teve como propósito investigar como se desenvolveu o processo de implementação do sistema ERP na empresa pesquisada tomando por base as seguintes proposições teóricas: contexto da empresa antes da adoção do ERP, fatores que levaram à adoção do ERP, impactos e efeitos da implementação do ERP, dificuldades e problemas enfrentados na sua implementação, vantagens e desvantagens obtidas com o ERP, desafios que se impuseram com sua adoção, acrescentando-se ainda o nível de satisfação da empresa com o sistema ERP. As evidências, obtidas neste estudo de caso, permitiram constatar que alguns aspectos relevantes, presentes no processo de implementação de ERP na empresa pesquisada, confirmam aspectos já observados em estudos anteriores, outros se apresentam de forma diferente, alguns não condizem com o que diz a literatura, constatando-se, também, alguns aspectos novos, ainda não mencionados pela literatura que trata do assunto. / Integrated Management Systems, originally known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) provoke massive impact in the companies where they are implemented. The effects, both positive - benefits, contributions and advantages, and negative - difficulties, barriers and problems faced along implementation, as well as the challenges posed by the execution and use of ERP, have been discussed in many studies. However, much of the research on the effects and the impact resulting from the adoption of ERP has focused on processes and results derived from the implementation of that system in large enterprises, in spite of the increasing participation of small and medium size businesses (SMEs) in the acquisition of such system. Considering that: SMEs display distinctive characteristics from the larger enterprises; suppliers have shown increasing interest on this segment; there has been a swell in the participation of these enterprises in the acquisition of integrated enterprise systems, this work aimed at answering the following question: How does the ERP implementation process take place in SMEs? Case study of the type unique and incorporated was the kind of research chosen to investigate the implementation process of an ERP system in a construction enterprise considered small according to ERP suppliers criteria, and medium size if Brazilian current parameters are to be taken into account. The study aimed at investigating the way the process evolved in the above-mentioned enterprise, based on the following theoretical proposition: enterprise context prior to the adoption of ERP; difficulties and troubles faced along implementation; advantages and disadvantages obtained through ERP; challenges imposed by its implementation; level of satisfaction of the enterprise with the system. The evidence allowed us to ascertain that: some relevant aspects present in the process of implementation of ERP validate facts already observed in previous studies, some others consubstantiate differences, some do not comply with the present written material available, and some are new aspects, still not mentioned in studies on the subject.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema web para a notificação e vigilância epidemiológica de trauma com monitorização e análise de indicadores de qualidade do atendimento / Development of a web system for trauma notification and trauma epidemiological surveillance with monitoring and analysis of care quality indicators

Oliveira, Sara Galleni de 01 June 2016 (has links)
O trauma é uma das principais causas de morte no mundo. Estima-se que mais de cinco milhões de pessoas morrem anualmente por algum tipo de trauma e que outras milhões que sobrevivem aos ferimentos ficam com sequelas temporárias ou permanentes, o que implica em custos diretos e indiretos de bilhões de reais. Desta forma, o problema do trauma envolve questões de ordem epidemiológica, social, assistencial, financeira e de gestão. Uma das maneiras de minimizar este problema é avaliar as fases do atendimento por meio de programas de melhoria de qualidade. O Comitê de Trauma do Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões criou uma base de dados única de registros de traumas de diversos centros nos Estados Unidos e Canadá na base de dados única do National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB). Após coletados, os dados são processados e transformados em relatórios anuais com indicadores que fornecem uma visão da situação geral do atendimento ao trauma em todo o país. Muitos países investem recursos para construir registros de trauma ou base de dados regionais, que são importantes fontes de dados para construção de indicadores de qualidade. No Brasil não existe a notificação sistemática dos pacientes traumatizados nos serviços de saúde. O presente estudo tem por finalidade desenvolver um software com módulo de notificação e vigilância epidemiológica dos traumas associado à monitorização e análise dos dados consolidados utilizando indicadores de qualidade. Para teste do software foi utilizado o banco de dados de pacientes traumatizados atendidos na Unidade de Emergência do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo (UE-HCFMRP/USP) no período de 2006 a 2014. No software desenvolvido há duas maneiras de inserir dados de trauma: manualmente por meio do preenchimento do formulário eletrônico de notificação ou por meio da importação direta de arquivo Excel com a mesma sequência de dados. Desta forma, os indicadores são gerados automaticamente e podem ser visualizados em gráficos e tabelas. Os resultados obtidos através do uso da ferramenta foram utilizados para analisar a situação da assistência ao trauma na região de Ribeirão Preto. A análise destes resultados também foi essencial para verificar a capacidade da ferramenta em prover informações relevantes para a gestão hospitalar. A partir da análise dos resultados obtidos, concluímos que a ferramenta pode auxiliar a avaliação da qualidade do atendimento ao trauma. Uma possibilidade de expansão do sistema é incluir novos indicadores e coletar dados de outras instituições para permitir benchmarking externo. / Trauma is a leading cause of death worldwide. It is estimated that more than five million people die annually from some sort of trauma and millions more who survive their injuries are left with temporary or permanent sequelae, which leads to billions of Reais in direct and indirect costs. Thus, the question of trauma involves epidemiological, social, healthcare, financial and management issues. One way to lessen such problems is to evaluate the phases of medical care through quality improvement programs. The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma has created a unique aggregation of trauma registry data from several centers in the United States and Canada in a single database, the National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB). After collected, the data are processed into annual reports with indicators that provide a view of the overall situation of trauma care nationwide. Many countries invest resources on gathering trauma registries or building regional databases, which are important sources of data for generating care quality indicators. In Brazil there is no systematic notification of trauma patients in health services. The present study aims to develop a software with a trauma notification and epidemiological surveillance module associated with the monitoring and analysis of the consolidated data using care quality indicators. To test the software we used the database of trauma patients treated at the Emergency Unit of the Clinics Hospital at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School - University of São Paulo (UE HCFMRP/USP) from 2006 to 2014. There are two ways to feed the software with the trauma data: manually, by completing an electronic notification form or by directly importing an Excel file with the same data stream. The indicators are then generated automatically and can be viewed in charts and tables. The results yielded from the software were used to assess the situation of trauma healthcare in the Ribeirão Preto region. The analysis of such results was also crucial to determine the software capacity to provide relevant information for hospital management. The results analysis led us to conclude that the software can help assess the quality of trauma healthcare. A possibility of system expansion is to include new indicators and collect data from other institutions to allow external benchmarking.

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