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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical evaluation of the research experiences of master and doctoral students at Technikon Natal

McLean-Anderson, Gloria 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are indications that the emergence of global trends in the production and dissemination of knowledge is influencing science policies worldwide, and compelling universities and technikons in South Africa to become more market oriented, competitive and entrepreneurial. Some of these trends include new modes of knowledge production, increased financial and academic accountability and distance education. The changing higher education landscape worldwide has implications for South African tertiary institutions. In addition, one of the objectives of the democratic government that took power in 1994 was to transform higher education. The publication of the White Paper on Education in 1997, the establishment of the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC), and the National Plan for Higher Education in 2001 heralded the beginning of change. Consequently, it became necessary for higher education institutions to deliberate on the future course of their undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and training programmes. In this context, it is important for universities and technikons to understand the needs of their postgraduate students. The overall aim of this study was to identify the perceptions of ex-Technikon Natal (now the Durban Institute of Technology) postgraduate students on their research experiences with regard to supervision, communication, the Technikon generally, availability of resources, finance, time, departments, faculties, research, research methodology, statistics, library and expertise. The particular focus was on postgraduate students registered at the Technikon Natal in 2001, whether or not they had submitted their research proposals. A postal survey was carried out to determine the students' perceptions of their research postgraduate experiences at the then Technikon Natal. The results of the survey indicate that the majority of postgraduate students have a negative perception of the Technikon. Students feel that there are insufficient experienced supervisors available for consultation, leading to unacceptable delays. With regard to communication, students feel that the Technikon does not disseminate enough information on processes and procedures about postgraduate issues. Overall, students in the Health Sciences are more dissatisfied than students in the other faculties. In fact, the postal survey reveals that students in these other faculties are more positive than negative about their postgraduate experiences. However, it is worth pointing out that a large proportion of Science and Engineering students (38%) are undecided on this matter. It is interesting to note that the open-ended comments section at the end of the questionnaire reveals far more negative perceptions than the closed questions. Students are dissatisfied about the lack of modern computer facilities and available funds. They also feel strongly that it takes too long to get a research proposal approved. The majority feels that a postgraduate information kit would assist greatly. Comments about Research Methodology as a subject are particularly negative with regard to statistics, and the course, which they feel is too general. Students do not seem to have any major difficulties with the library services. The Technikon has to put structures in place to improve these negative perceptions and manage the students' needs. Combined with the impact of the merger of the former Technikon Natal and M.L. Sultan Technikon, the effects of which are not yet fully understood, the new Durban Institute of Technology should give serious consideration to the needs of its postgraduate population, especially in the Faculty of Health. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Globale tendense in die produksie en disseminasie van kennis blyk wereldwyd 'n invloed op wetenskapsbeleid te he en noodsaak universiteite (en ook technikons in Suid-Afrika) om 'n groter markgerigtheid, mededingendheid en ondernemingsgees te openbaar. Hierdie globale tendense behels, onder andere, 'n verskuiwing na nuwe modi van kennisproduksie, sowel as 'n toename in finansiele en akademiese verantwoordbaarheid, en afstandsonderrig. Suid-Afrikaanse tersiere instellings kan hierdie wereldwye veranderinge in die landskap van hoar onderwys moeilik ontsnap. Daarbenewens het die demokratiese regering, wat in 1994 aan bewind gekom het, dit ten doel gestel om hoar onderwys in die land te transformeer. In 1997 het die eerste veranderinge ingetree met die publikasie van die Witskrif op Onderwys, en dit is in 2001 opgevolg met die totstandkoming van die Raad op Hoar Onderwys (CHE), die Hoar Onderwyskwaliteitskomitee (HEQC), en die Nasionale Plan vir Hoar Onderwys. Gevolglik het dit nodig geword dat hoar onderwysinstellings oorleg pleeg rakende die toekomstige verloop van voorgraadse en nagraadse onderrig- en opleidingsprogramme. Binne hierdie konteks is dit nodig vir universiteite en technikons om begrip te he vir die behoeftes van hul nagraadse studente. Die oorhoofse doel van hierdie studie was om die persepsies te identifiseer van nagraadse studente aan die eertydse Technikon Natal (nou deel van die Durban Instituut vir Tegnologie). Die fokus was op studente se navorsingservarings met betrekking tot supervisie, kommunikasie, die technikon in die algemeen, die beskikbaarheid van hulpbronne, finansies, tyd, departemente, fakulteite, navorsingsmetodologie, statistiek, biblioteekfasiliteite en kundigheid. Studente wat in 2001 aan die Technikon Natal geregistreer was, is by die ondersoek betrek, ongeag of die student 'n navorsingsvoorstel ingedien het of nie. 'n Posvraelys-opname is gebruik. Die resultate van die opname toon die meerderheid nagraadse studente het 'n negatiewe persepsie van die Technikon. Die studente voel daar is nie genoeg ervare studieleiers om te raadpleeg nie, en dit lei tot onnodige vertragings. Wat kommunikasie betref, voel die studente dat die Technikon nie genoeg inligting omtrent nagraadse prosesse en prosedures versprei nie. In geheel gesien, het studente in die Gesondheidswetenskappe 'n veel groter ontevredenheid uitgespreek as studente in ander fakulteite. In die ander fakulteite was 'n geringe persentasie studente meer positief as negatief omtrent hul nagraadse ervaring. 'n Redelike persentasie studente in die Natuur- en Ingenieurswetenskappe (38%) was egter besluiteloos in hul opinie. Verder het die oop vrae aan die einde van die vraelys, wat kommentaar versoek, veel meer negatiewe as positiewe persepsies ontlok. Die studente is ontevrede met die gebrek aan moderne rekenaarfasiliteite en beskikbare fondse. Hul voel dat dit te lank neem om 'n navorsingsvoorstel goedgekeur te kry. Die meerderheid is van mening dat 'n nagraadse informasiepakket van groot waarde sou wees. Die kommentaar omtrent Navorsingsmetodologie as 'n vak is besonder negatief, veral wat statistiek bet ref, en hulle voel die kursus is te algemeen. Die studente blyk nie ernstige probleme met biblioteekdienste te he nie. Die technikon moet derhalwe strukture in plek stel ten einde die negatiewe persepsies van die studente aan te spreek en hul behoeftes doeltreffend te bestuur. Tesame met die impak van die samesmelting (waarvan die effek nog nie ten volle begryp word nie), moet die instelling ook ernstige oorweging skenk aan die behoeftes van die nagraadse populasie, veral in die Fakulteit van Gesondheid.

Knowledge production and research development in science and technology at higher education institutions in the Eastern Cape Province

Dye, A. H. (Arthur H.) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aims of this study were to establish whether there had been discernable changes in the nature of knowledge production at higher education institutions in the Eastern Cape since the transition to democracy, and to relate these to international and national trends in the way knowledge is produced. In view of the emphasis in government policy on the development of science and technology, the study was focused on researchers in this area and on the administration of research in this context. The research was conducted through structured interviews with administrators and active researchers at the three technikons and five universities in the province. The study found that there had indeed been changes, both in the way research is managed, and in the nature of the research itself. Research has become more applied over the last five years and there has been a move towards multidisciplinary, multi-institutional research, although administrators tended to underestimate the extent of this change. Research management has also become businesslike with the establishment of dedicated Deans/Directors of research on most campuses. Administrators ascribe these changes to new government policies and to changes in the requirements of funding agencies. Researchers, however, generally ascribe the changes to factors more directly related to themselves, such as changes in institutional research policy, more opportunities for multidisciplinary work and to greater linkage with the private sector. The study also found that many of the changes were already underway some time ago and that there was a degree of proactiveness in the way some institutions had realigned their research. The study found that there are significant differences between formerly advantaged institutions and their historically disadvantaged counterparts. The latter are dominated by less well qualified staff and produce fewer research outputs than the former. Research cultures are less well developed and researchers complain of a lack of institutional support for research. Despite this, research continues to be a significant activity on these campuses. In general, staff at technikons are more positive about the future of research than their colleagues at universities, irrespective of historical advantage. The study found that knowledge production has assumed some of the characteristics of so-called Mode 2 knowledge production as a result of a variety of national and international influences, and historically advantaged institutions have been able to initiate adjustments to the way in which research is done in anticipation of new policies. Publication of government policy on science and technology and on higher education may have accelerated the change but did not initiate it. The historically disadvantaged institutions, however, appeared to have done little in anticipation of new policy and have been forced to be reactive to recent government initiatives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om ondersoek na die voorkoms van waarneembare veranderinge in die karakter van die lewering van kennis by hoer-onderrig institute in die Oos- Kaap, na die oorgang van demokrasie, in te stel. Verder is gepoog om hierdie veranderinge in verband met internasionale en nasionale tendense, met betrekking to die wyse waarop kennis voortgebring word, te bring. In die lig van die regering se beleid aangaande die ontwikkeling van wetenskap en tegnologie was die studie op navorsers in hierdie rigting, sowel as die aanpassing van navorsing in hierdie konteks, gefokus. Die ondersoek was deur middel van gestruktureerde onderhoude met administrateurs en aktiewe navorsers aan die drie tegnikons and vyf universiteite in hierdie provinsie uitgevoer. Die ondersoek het aangedui dat veranderinge in die wyse waarop navorsing bestuur word en in die karakter van navorsing op sigself, inderdaad plaasgevind het. Navorsing het gedeurende die afgelope vyf jaar toenemend toepaslik geword en hoewel administrateurs geneig het om die omvang daarvan te onderskat, was daar 'n merkbare verplasing na multidissiplinere en multi-institution ale navorsing. Die administrasie van navorsing het ook, na die aanstelling van teogewyde Dekane/Direkteurs van navorsing by die meerderheid kampusse, toenemend bedryfsgerig word. Administrateurs skryf hierdie verplasing toe aan die nuwe staatsbeleid sowel as die veranderinge in die voorskrifte van befondsingsliggame. Op hul beurt skryf navorsers die varanderinge egter aan faktore wat meer op hulself van toepassing is, toe. Hierdie faktore sluitveranderinge in die institutionele beleid, die toename in geleenthede met betrekking tot multi-dissiplinere werk, sowel as die toename in skakeling met die private sektor, in. Dit is gevind dat verskeie van hierdie veranderinge al 'n geruime tyd onderweg is en dat daar 'n mate van pro-aktiwiteit met betrekking tot die wyse waarop sommige institute hul navorsing hers poor het, bestaan. Die studie het bevind dat betekenisvolle verskille tussen voormalige bevoorregte institute en hul histories onbevoorregte ekwivalente voorgekom het. U it die resultate het dit duidelik geword dat die personeel van die laasgenoernde institute oor die algemeen minder gekwalifiseerd is en dat 'n laer navorsingsopbrengs geproduseer word. Die navorsingskultuur is minder ontwikkel en navorsers is ontevrede oor die gebrek aan institutionele ondersteuning wat navorsing aanbetref. Ten spyte hiervan is navorsing voortdeurend 'n betekenisvolle akwitiwiteit op hierdie kampusse. Personeel verbonde aan tegnikons is oor die algemeen meer positief oor die toekoms van navorsing in teenstelling met hul kollegas verbonde aan universitiete, ongeag die historiese agtergrond. Die studie het ook bevind dat, weens die verskeidenheid nasionale en internasionale invloede en die oorspronklike aanpassings wat historiese bevoorregte institute tot stand laat kom het met betrekking tot die wyse waarop navorsing, met die oog op nuwe beleid, uitgevore word, die produksie van kennis van die eienskappe van "Mode 2" aangeneen word. Die bekendmaking van die staatsbeleid aangaande wetenskap en tegnologie en hoer-onderrig kon uit eie beweging hierdie veranderinge bespoedig het, maar het dit nie geinisieer nie. Histories onbevoorregte institute het tot dusver min werk gemaak van die vooruitsigte van die nuwe beleid en word genoodsaak om op onlangse regerings inisiatiewe te reageer.

Performance management : a practical way to re-aligning management styles, practices and competencies to improve organisational performance at Amatola District Council

Mama, Nolwandle Mickey 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / The aim of this study was to review the current status of the Performance Management system at Amatola District Council. A study of material and a case study on the implementation of the system at Amatola District Council is described. The performance management model designed by Good People Management has been applied and described in the text. The research results indicate that the majority of staff supports and understand the process. However, feedback and the attitudes of female employees thereof are highlighting red signals. This creates a completely new area of research of which the writer is only highlighting the issue for further research. Linking of performance management with compensation comes up as an issue, understandably so because the Council has agreed not to link the two processes. Recommendations on how to improve the system have been put forward.

Praktické využití informačních systémů při řešení krizových situací na stupni kraj a obec / Practical use of information systems in crisis management on the county and town level

SIROVÝ, Ladislav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with survey of used information systems in municipal and commune offices and Regional offices in connection with crisis management and crisis planning. The work is divided in several parts. The introduction describes history of protection of citizens. The thesis also deals with the issue of information systems from the general point of view and also in connection with crisis management. The practical part looks into the used information systems by questionnaire survey. The survey included all municipalities and communes and all Regional offices. The output of the research is a list of used applications. There are shown following data for each application ? frequency of an application, a map of an application according to regions, scale evaluation of an application and pros and cons of an application. The evaluation of the research disproved the hypothesis that regions and municipalities and communes have a proper idea about what kind of information system they should use. The following part of the thesis introduces a software application to support crisis management. It is a functional application designed to keep a record of shelters in the town of Písek.

A critical analysis of the management of climate change risk among short-term insurers in South Africa: evidence from company annual reports

Banda, Musale Hamangaba January 2009 (has links)
This study investigates the extent to which South African short-term insurance companies manage climate change risk, as evidenced in their annual and sustainability reporting. The study context takes into account the fact that the world’s climate has been changing at a more accelerated rate since the early 1970s, causing disasters that have negatively affected world economies in the last ten years. Insurers, due to their huge financial resource base, long history of spurring innovation around risk and encouraging loss-reducing behaviour as well as high levels of vulnerability, have been identified as one industry that could lead societies in finding solutions to climate change risk. A key element of such a corporate resolve involves taking a leadership position which makes business sense for insurers. As such, this research analyses how innovative solutions to change-related problems could result in reduced exposure to climate change in line with corporate triple bottom line objectives. Based on a purposive sampling of short-term insurance companies operating in the South African market during the 2007 financial year, the study uses the companies’ annual and sustainability reports in order to critically assess evidence of climate change-related performance. The assessment is undertaken against the best practice indicators of climate change risk management, as defined by Ceres – a global researcher on climate change management in the business context. The data analysis is largely qualitative, consisting of a narrative presentation of the results and a conceptual application of the results to the triple bottom line which forms the theoretical framework of this study. The study finds that the South African short-term insurers were generally not living up to the climate change management ideals, in comparison to their multinational counterparts. For the South African short-term insurers, corporate strategic product innovation and planning was insignificant. Also negligible was board involvement, as well as CEO involvement, though in at least one case of the 4 local short-term insurance, there was evidence of extensive CEO involvement in climate change risk management. On the whole, these findings represent a lapse in corporate governance inasmuch as climate change risk management is concerned. Local short-term insurers generally performed well in the area of public disclosure, with their scores ranging from insignificant to extensive. In contrast, multinational short-term insurers’ performance with regard to climate change risk intervention ranged from insignificant tointegrated, across the five governance areas of board oversight, management execution, public disclosure, emissions accounting and strategic planning. As such, the study broadly recommends that short-term insurers in South Africa should make climate change part of their overall risk management strategies in order for them to remain competitive in an environment of increased climate change-related risk. More specifically, the research project recommends that the local insurers should proactively lead climate change mitigation measures through, for instance, investing in clean energy projects and incentivising their clients’ participation in the carbon market to prepare themselves for possible regulatory restrictions after the Copenhagen climate change conference planned for December 2009. This study also challenges insurers to help communities and as well as other businesses in their value chain to reduce their negative impacts on the world’s climate and to be more resilient against disasters which may arise from the high levels of greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere. Further, it recommends that insurers should create internal board and executive level climate change-related structures, as these will facilitate the integration of the proposed initiatives into their overall sustainability strategies. Above all, the study recommends that insurers should enhance the reporting of their climate change-related risk, opportunities and initiatives to improve their integrity.

Measuring the performance of the Integrated Development Plan in a selected metropolitan council in the Western Cape, South Africa

Solomons, Gavin John January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Public Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2016. / Cape Town has an extremely unequal society characterized by increased unemployment, and a lack of adequate and affordable service delivery for communities living on the Cape Flats including townships. Is the service delivery demand too big or doesn’t the City of Cape Town municipality have the capacity to cater for all communities within the municipal boundaries? Or is the municipal staff not performing as they are supposed to perform? The Integrated Development Plan can be described as the pivot upon which all development activities in a municipality revolve. The research project investigates the performance of the City of Cape Town Municipality’s IDP. The study further investigates the powers and duties given to people elected and appointed to implement this new South African local government vision of a free and prosperous South Africa for all to enjoy under the African sun. The most important tool in the municipality’s hands is the IDP. The IDP of a municipality is a map that a specific municipality wants to travel in that five-year period while they are in control of that municipality. The vehicle that drives human beings into a specific direction must be strong and able to succeed in pursuing the municipal vision.

The transformation of South African Correctional Centres of Excellence through equitable unit management

Masina, Joseph 29 April 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the Unit Management into the South African Correctional Centres of Excellence. The focal point is based on the case management, multi-disciplinary approach, monitoring, and human rights of offenders. Unit Management was adopted into South African correctional system in 1995 under the leadership of the former Minister of Correctional Services Dr Sipho Mzimela. Unit Management was firstly practiced at Goodwood Correctional Centre of Excellence in the Western Cape. The concept of Unit Management was viewed as a strategic change by the Department in ensuring the core business of the Department and the rehabilitation of offenders. In an effort to examine the application of Unit Management into the Correctional Centres of Excellence and how Unit Management influences the rehabilitation of sentenced offenders, a study was conducted to acquire knowledge and perspective from the available literature. In ensuring good and proper work, the researcher employed a qualitative methodology. The researcher collected data by means of structured questionnaires. Data were analysed using SPSS system for statistical reasons. Frequency tables were used to simplify the analysis per section and category. The findings from this study revealed that there is no monitoring of Unit Management taking place into the Correctional Centres of Excellence from management, there is no management involvement. It also revealed that the human rights of offenders are not respected during the implementation of Unit Management. The findings revealed that multi-disciplinary approach is dysfunctional owing to lack of professional staff. The findings also indicate that efforts to implement Unit Management into the Correctional Centres of Excellence are a failure owing to the abovementioned factors. / Corrections Management / M.A. (Penology)

Hodnocení a rozvoj zaměstnanců ve společnosti STUDENT AGENCY, s.r.o. / Evaluation and Development of the Employees in the STUDENT AGENCY, s.r.o.

Zelenková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the evaluation of employees and their personal development in the company STUDENT AGENCY, s.r.o. The current situation of this part of personnel management is evaluated on the basis of questionnaire survey among company employees. An integral part of this work are proposals and recommendations leading to increased efficiency of personnel work in the field of evaluation and employees development.

Supervisor-Subordinate Directional Age Differences and Employee Reactions to Formal Performance Feedback: Examining Mediating and Moderating Mechanisms in a Chinese Sample

Burlacu, Gabriela 07 February 2013 (has links)
As a result of changing demographic trends in today's workforce, employees of all ages can now be found in all career stages. Consequently, the pairing of a younger supervisor with a relatively older employee is becoming increasingly more common. Research in the United States has shown that such demographically "non-normative" pairings have negative implications for employee attitudes and behaviors, and thus for employee performance management. However, little is known about the effects of such pairings in other nations and cultures, despite the fact that these demographic shifts are occurring on a global level. As such, this study examined the effects of these pairings on employee reactions to formal performance feedback episodes in a large organization in China, due to the nation's similarly shifting demographic trends and its economic power in today's global economy. A series of path analyses showed that being paired with a relatively younger supervisor did predict reduced employee feedback satisfaction and perceptions of feedback utility; but, contrary to the proposed model, these effects did not occur because of reduced interactional justice perceptions or reduced perceptions of leader-member exchange (LMX). Further, LMX did not moderate the study outcomes, demonstrating that having a better relationship with one's supervisor did not alleviate the effects of supervisor relative age on employee feedback reactions. The conceptual and practical implications of these results are discussed in light of a rapidly changing workforce, and of cultural differences, in China.

The council-manager plan, or, Managing for results?: Profiles and management styles of eight city managers in San Bernardino County

Cash, Leatricia Michelle 01 January 2005 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study is to examine professional city management in San Bernardino County cities functioning under the council-manager form of government, and to determine whether they are using the fundamental principals of "Managing for Results" as set by the criteria in the GPP report.

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