Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bmarket power."" "subject:"1market power.""
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Poder de mercado e eficiência: o movimento de fusões e aquisições no mercado bancário brasileiro no período de 2005 a 2009Barbosa, Conceição Aparecida Pereira 16 March 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-16 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This thesis aimed to discuss Mergers and Acquisitons in Brazilian´s bank industry based on the Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) paradigm and the Resource Based View, to focuse market power end efficiency. The main purpose was to integrate Economy and Strategy as Rumelt, Schendel and Teece (1991) suggested, and this study was developed evolving, in one side, a discussion about abnormal returns e its relationship with concentration, collusion and competition and, in the other side, considering resources and its influences to the industry, groups and firms outcomes. This work was motivated due to the brazilian´s bank system continuous consolidation and due to the observation of scholars trials to explain the nature of this phenomenom. Due the contraditory results presented in empirical researches, its possible to presume that there´s no consensus about the real reasons besides the M&A adoption, which suggested that a complementary view could be a better approach to this understanding. This lack of consensus can be related to Peltzmann (1997) arguments, where the author suggests a spourious relationship between market power and efficiency: efficiencies can contribute to power creation, consequently, it´s almost impossible evaluate the phenomenom without considering this. By this way it was determined the research problem, as follows: Brazilian´s banks are adopting horizontal mergers and acquisitions to obtain market power and/or efficiency? This exploratory study was developed among quantitative methods and embraced the 2005 to 2009 period. By using descriptives approaches, regression models and ANOVA it was done at the industry, strategic groups and firms levels and the main results gave evidences that: market structure is a competitive oligopoly; there is a trend to concentration increase; banks have competitive e collusive behaviors; there are signs, at industry level, that banks intend to obtain market power and efficiency; the prior rivalry occurs between groups; groups intend to obtain market power; acquirers increased market power by adopting M&A; not all acquirers gained efficiency among adoption of M&A and it´s not yet possible identify sinergies gains to the acquirers. / Esta tese objetivou discutir o contexto das operações de fusões e aquisições - F&A, na indústria bancária brasileira à luz do paradigma estrutura-conduta-desempenho - ECD e da Visão Baseada em Recursos, enfocando a busca de poder de mercado e eficiência. Com base em uma visão integrativa entre a Economia e a Estratégia apresentada por Rumelt, Schendel e Teece (1991), o trabalho foi desenvolvido discutindo a premissa de retornos acima do normal e sua relação com a concentração, colusão e competição de firmas, de um lado e, de outro, tratando do papel dos recursos. O principal estímulo para esta discussão foi gerado pela crescente consolidação do sistema bancário brasileiro e pela observação da tentativa dos estudiosos em explicarem a natureza deste fenômeno. Pelo caráter contraditório de resultados apontados em pesquisas empíricas, verifica-se que mesmo entre estes trabalhos não há um consenso sobre os verdadeiros fatores motivadores para a adoção das F&A o que sugeriu que uma abordagem complementar pudesse ser uma alternativa para compreensão do fenômeno. Esta falta de consenso talvez se deva ao que Peltzmann (1977) sugere ser uma relação espúria: eficiências poderiam contribuir para a criação de poder, logo, não se pode fazer uma avaliação sem que isto seja considerado. Desta forma, foi determinado o seguinte problema de pesquisa: Bancos comerciais e múltiplos no Brasil estão se engajando em operações de fusões e aquisições horizontais para obtenção de poder de mercado e/ou eficiência? Este estudo exploratório foi desenvolvido com o uso de métodos quantitativos e compreendeu o período de 2005 a 2009. Utilizando-se de técnicas descritivas, modelos de regressão e ANOVA, as análises foram efetuadas no níveis da indústria, grupos estratégicos e firmas e os principais resultados apontam que: a estrutura de mercado é de oligopólio competitivo; há uma tendência de aumento de concentração; os bancos adotam comportamentos competitivos e colusivos; há indícios, no nível da indústria, de que os bancos buscam poder de mercado e eficiência; a maior rivalidade ocorre entre grupos do que nos grupos; há a tendência de redução da rivalidade; os grupos objetivam poder de mercado; firmas adquirentes aumentaram o poder de mercado com as aquisições; nem todas as adquirentes obtiveram ganho de eficiência com as aquisições; ainda não é possível determinar se já aconteceram ganhos de sinergia para as adquirentes.
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Market power of the Japanese non-GM soybean import marketYamaura, Koichi January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agricultural Economics / Michael W. Woolverton / Globally, the majority of countries now use genetically modified (GM) soybeans to produce oil and meal for livestock and human consumption. Japan, however, uses only Non-GM soybeans for direct human consumption of which more than 80% are imported from the U.S., Canada, and China. This research used the inverse residual demand model to estimate a two-country partial equilibrium trade model to test the existence of market power in the Japanese Non-GM soybean import market. The two-country partial equilibrium trade model incorporated the U.S. residual Non-GM soybean supply for Japan, the Japanese residual demand for U.S. Non-GM soybeans, and the equilibrium condition, where the U.S. residual Non-GM soybean supply equals the Japanese residual Non-GM soybean demand. Monthly data from January 2003 to December 2007 were used for the analysis. Empirical results indicated that U.S. Non-GM soybean exporters have stronger market power than Japanese Non-GM soybean importers. The results also indicate that Japanese consumers are willing to pay higher prices for soybeans, tofu, natto, miso, and other all soy food products.
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Rozvoj mezinárodních obchodních firem v ČR a jeho ekonomické aspekty / The development of international retail companies in the Czech republic and its economic aspectsLochman, Alexander January 2005 (has links)
The subject of this thesis "The development of international retail companies in the Czech republic and its economic aspects" is a comprehensive evaluation of the operation of international food retail companies focused on supplier-customer relationships. The dissertation is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the origin and characteristics of modern retail chains and instruments of analysis assess the competitive forces in the industry. The second part is devoted to the parameters of business conduct and analysis of the allocation of economic surplus in favor of the retailer. The third part is devoted to the role of prices in the retail, including price wars and its impact on suppliers and consumers
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Regulace dodavatelsko-odběratelských vztahů v potravinářském řetězci / Regulation of retailer-supplier relatiohships within the food chainMokrejšová, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with retailer-supplier relationships within the food chain, and with possibilities of their regulation. The aim is to assess the effect of regulation of retailer-supplier relationship, through "Act on Significant Market Power and Abuse thereof" on particular food chain members, and eventually to propose an alternative solution of their regulation. The thesis states the following hypothesis: The Act on Significant Market Power does not change bargaining power between suppliers and retailers. The thesis is divided into five parts. The first of those defines the issue of retailer-supplier relationship, especially the so called "unfair practices". The mind-set of the European Commission which judges the unfairness of a practice, according to its impact on consumer, investment and competition is stressed. When comparing market shares and profit abilities, it is obvious that supplier sector is not disadvantaged in relation to retailing, however, there are cases of small and medium enterprises over which retailers can impose their bargaining power. Retroactive changes and excessive risk transfer on a business partner are then indicated as unfair, which is confirmed by microeconomic analysis. The second part maps means of regulation, through hard and soft law in the EU and its member states with focus on the Czech Republic, where the Act No. 395/2009 Coll., on Significant Market Power in the Sale of Agricultural and Food Products and Abuse thereof is applied. It is found that regulation within the EU is heterogeneous and the results of different regulatory mechanism in different countries differ. The third part talks about self-regulatory possibilities constituted by corporate social responsibility. The main solution of retailer-supplier relationships is represented by stakeholder dialogue, in which contractual parties look for the basis of their antagonistic positions (which are hidden in their interests and needs), and try to identify mutual needs and to create shared value. This approach increases the created value, which is advantageous for both partners, instead of redistributing the value to the benefit of the stronger partner. The fourth part presents the results of a survey conducted among retailers, retailer suppliers and farmers, their opinions about the Act on Significant Market Power, about changes caused by this Act and about particular unfair practices. It was realised that the Act does not help the suppliers very much, in that the bargaining position was improved only with a tiny part of the respondents, and the Act even did not fulfil the role of small and medium sized enterprises protection. The everyday practice of retailer-supplier relationships remains (after changing few legal formulations in the contracts) almost the same as it was before the Act came into force. The only considerable change is shortening the payment period to 30 days; however, there are suppliers that are not content about this provision. The farmers do not feel any consequences of the Act; retailers regard it as business barrier and excessive regulation. Thus, this part confirms the hypothesis. The final part of the thesis proposes a solution to this issue by engaging many stakeholders: the business partners (self-regulation), the State (regulation through general universal act), consumers, non-governmental organisations and media (generating demand for responsible behaviour of firms).
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Accords verticaux de concurrence en droit comparé franco-argentin et communautaire / Vertical agreements of competition in French, Argentine and Community compared rightRobinson-Brocheton, María de las Mercedes 14 January 2012 (has links)
Les accords verticaux correspondent pour l'essentiel au monomarquisme, à la distribution exclusive, à l'achat exclusif, à la distribution sélective, à la franchise et à la concession. Bien que leur diversité soit grande, ils constituent la plupart du temps des accords "de" concurrence car ils développent la concurrence intermarques. L'objectif principal de cette étude est de rechercher et d'analyser les critères d'appréciation des accords verticaux de distribution en droit de la concurrence français, communautaire et argentin. En droit de la concurrence communautaire, les accords de distribution font l'objet d'une importante réglementation et d'une riche jurisprudence. Les règles relatives aux accords verticaux ont subi une réforme qui a abouti à l'adoption d'un nouveau règlement d'exemption par catégorie (Règlement n° 330/2010) accompagné de nouvelles Lignes directrices sur les restrictions verticales. De nombreux accords verticaux bénéficient ainsi d'une exemption catégorielle leur conférant une présomption de légalité et en l'absence que ces accords bénéficient d'un règlement d'exemption par catégorie, ils demeurent tout de même exemptables, à condition que soit établi un bilan économique positif, notamment en raison de gains d'efficience. À la différence du droit communautaire de la concurrence, le droit argentin de la concurrence relatif aux accords verticaux n'a pas adopté de règlements d'exemption par catégorie et les autorités de concurrence argentines procèdent à une analyse au cas par cas des accords au travers de la règle de raison ainsi qu'à une analyse de leur incidence sur l'intérêt économique général. / Vertical agreements mostly correspond to single branding, exclusive distribution, exclusive purchase, selective distribution, franchising and concession. Although their variety is large, most of the time they constitute competition agreements because they increase inter-brand competition. The main aim of this study is to look for and to analyse the assessment criteria of distribution vertical agreements in French, European and Argentine Competition Laws. In European Competition Law, an important set of regulations and a rich case-law exist concerning distribution agreements. The rules concerning vertical agreements have been reformed ; as a consequence of this reform, a new Block Exemption Regulation (Regulation No 330/2010) has been adopted and accompanied by new Guidelines on Vertical Restraints. Lots of vertical agreements also benefit from Block Exemption which confers them a presumption of legality and in case these agreements do not benefit from the Block Exemption Regulation, they still can be exempted on the condition that a positive economic balance should be established, notably in view of efficiency gains. Unlike European Competition Law, the Argentine Competition Law concerning vertical agreements has not adopted Block Exemption Regulation and the Argentine competition authorities analyse each agreement in the light of the Rule of Reason and analyse their impact on the general economic interest.
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Relación entre los costos de cambio y el poder de mercado en la industria de telefonía e internet móvil del Perú. / Relationship between switching costs and market power in Peru's cell phone and internet industryAmancio López, Gianella Evelyn 21 November 2020 (has links)
Este estudio evalúa principalmente el impacto de los costos de cambio en el poder de mercado de las firmas que ofertan los servicios de telefonía e internet móvil (Movistar, Claro, Entel y Vittel), usando datos anuales entre el 2004 y 2019. Primero, se construye el índice de Lerner una medida tradicional de poder de mercado. Para ello, se estima un precio promedio y un costo marginal para cada empresa. Adicionalmente, utilicé el método de Shy para medir los costos de cambio por cada empresa en función del precio promedio y el número de líneas.
Luego, dado la disponibilidad de datos panel se aplica la especificación de Generalized Least Squares (GLS) de efectos aleatorios y el modelo de efectos fijos y aleatorios de tiempo. Encontré que los costos de cambio difieren por cada empresa. En la industria de servicios móviles del Perú se encuentra que los costos de cambio más altos corresponden a la empresa Claro y Movistar, pero que en general estos costos de cambio de las empresas se han reducido, lo que sugiere que las políticas regulatorias y la mayor competencia en la industria de servicios móviles han influenciado en su disminución. Asimismo, se encuentra que existe una relación positiva entre los costos de cambio y el poder de mercado. Es decir, las empresas que poseen mayores costos de cambio son las empresas que tienen mayor capacidad para incrementar los precios. Adicionalmente, los resultados sugieren que el poder de mercado se ve afectado por el tamaño de la empresa y el IHH. / This study mainly evaluates the impact of the costs of change on the market power of the firms that offer mobile telephony and internet services (Movistar, Claro, Entel and Vittel), using annual data between 2004 and 2019. First, the Lerner index, a traditional measure of market power, is constructed. To do this, an average price and marginal cost is estimated for each company. Additionally, I used method by Shy method to measure switching costs for each company based on the average price and the number of lines.
Then, given the availability of panel data, the Generalized Least Squares (GLS) specification of random effects and the fixed and random effects time model are applied. I found that switching costs differ by company. In Peru's mobile services industry, I found that the highest switching costs are incurred by Claro and Movistar, but that in general these companies' switching costs have been reduced, suggesting that regulatory policies and increased competition in the mobile services industry have influenced their decrease. It is also found that there is a positive relationship between exchange costs and market power. That is, the companies with higher switching costs are the companies that have greater capacity to increase prices. Additionally, the results suggest that market power is affected by company size and HHI. / Trabajo de investigación
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Medición de poder de mercado del sistema de seguros peruano / Measurement of market power in the peruvian insurance systemGarcía Poma, Marjorie Chriss 04 November 2021 (has links)
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre el poder de mercado del sistema de seguros peruano y su participación de mercado, usando datos mensuales entre el 2010 y 2019. En primer lugar se construye el índice de Lerner como un indicador de poder de mercado no competitivo. En efecto, se estimó el costo marginal de cada aseguradora en su periodo de tiempo para poder conseguir el índice de Lerner de cada firma. De manera que se obtenga la relación entre poder mercado y participación, probando la relación a través del modelo de cournot para cada periodo de tiempo en análisis.
Después, empleado los datos panel para las aseguradoras dentro del marco temporal en estudio. Se aplica tres modelos para la estimación de los determinantes hipotéticos del poder de mercado, mínimos cuadrados ordinarios corregidos (OLS-PCSE), RE y el sistema GMM. En este contexto, el poder de mercado del sector de seguros peruano fue explicado también por el tamaño, costo de eficiencia, concentración de mercado, apalancamiento y contratos de reaseguros, al igual que participación de mercado. Específicamente, se encontró que las aseguradoras especializadas, la participación y contratos de reaseguro influyen en un mayor poder de mercado y ejercer un alto poder de mercado con fijación de precios mientras que el tamaño no influye en gran medida para ejercer un mayor poder de mercado. / The present study aims to determine the relationship between the market power of the Peruvian insurance system and its market share, using monthly data between 2010 and 2019. First, the Lerner index is constructed as an indicator of non-competitive market power. In effect, the marginal cost of each insurer in its time period was estimated in order to obtain the Lerner index of each firm. In order to obtain the relationship between market power and market share, testing the relationship through the Cournot model for each time period under analysis.
Then, using the panel data for the insurers within the time frame under study. Three models are applied to estimate the hypothetical determinants of market power, ordinary least squares corrected (OLS-PCSE), RE and the GMM system. In this context, the market power of the Peruvian insurance sector was also explained by size, cost efficiency, market concentration, leverage and reinsurance contracts, as well as market share. Specifically, it was found that specialized insurers, leverage and reinsurance contracts influence greater market power and exert high market power with pricing while size does not influence to a great extent to exert greater market power. / Trabajo de investigación
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Indikatoren zur Messung der Marktmacht von Web 2.0-PublikumsdienstenKarla, Jürgen, Rummel, Katharina January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Empirical Evidence for Inefficiencies in European Electricity Markets: Market Power and Barriers to Cross-Border Trade?Zachmann, Georg 28 January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation applies a variety of quantitative methods to European electricity market data to enable us to detect, understand, and eventually mitigate market imperfections. The empirical data indicate that market power and barriers to cross-border trade partially explain today’s market failures. Briefly, the five key findings of this dissertation are: First, we observe a decoupling between German electricity prices and fuel cost, even though British electricity prices are largely explained by short-run cost factors. Second, we demonstrate that rising prices of European Union emission allowances (EUA) have a greater impact on German wholesale electricity prices than falling EUA prices. Third, we reject the assumption of full integration of European wholesale electricity markets in 2002-2006; for several pairs of countries, the weaker hypothesis of (bilateral) convergence is accepted (i.e. efforts to develop a single European market for electricity have been only partially successful). Fourth, we observe that daily auction prices of scarce cross-border transmission capacities are insufficient to explain the persistence of international price differentials. Empirically, our findings confirm the insufficiency of explicit capacity auctions as stated in the theoretical literature. Fifth, we identify inefficiencies in the market behavior for the interconnector linking France and the United Kingdom (UK), for which several explanations, including market power, may be plausible.
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El impacto de las fusiones horizontales sobre el desempeño medido por el Índice de Lerner en el sistema financiero peruanoSantillan Quispe, Kharen Estefanni 26 April 2022 (has links)
La liberalización financiera y la integración internacional a finales de los años 1980, tuvo un gran impacto en las economías a nivel mundial. Los nuevos cambios regulatorios y la entrada a una economía más globalizada, habría incorporado la necesidad de encaminar un mayor crecimiento y desarrollo al sector financiero. En ese sentido, se incorporó un nuevo desafío para las instituciones financieras de América Latina en aplicar distintas estrategias que permitan establecer ventajas competitivas en una economía mundial más exigente. Entre dichas estrategias, los acuerdos de fusión horizontal han sido incorporado en numerosas entidades financieras como una estrategia corporativa con potencial en generar sinergias operativas, permitir un mayor tamaño corporativo, aumentar la participación de mercado, reforzar esfuerzos en mejorar los niveles de poder de mercado que permita defender su posición en el sector y obtener mayores niveles de rentabilidad según los estándares permitidos por su entidad reguladora.
Este documento presenta un análisis empírico del impacto de las fusiones horizontales en el desempeño de las entidades del sector financiero peruano medido por el poder de mercado a través del Índice de Lerner durante los años 2012-2019. Los hallazgos revelan que la práctica de fusiones horizontales en instituciones financieras tiene un impacto positivo y significativo en el poder de mercado en un periodo de corto y largo plazo. Sin embargo, la persistente competencia en el mercado no bancario de microcrédito y la adecuada regulación por el ente fiscalizador (SBS) de incentivar la libre competencia y el control de dicha estrategia en la industria financiera disuadiría la posibilidad del ejercicio del poder de mercado para fines anticompetitivos. / Financial liberalization and international integration in the late 1980s had a major impact on economies worldwide. The new regulatory changes and the entry into a more globalized economy would have incorporated the need to direct greater growth and development to the financial sector. In this sense, a new challenge was incorporated for financial institutions in Latin America to apply different strategies that allow them to establish competitive advantages in a more demanding world economy. Among these strategies, horizontal merger agreements have been incorporated into numerous financial entities as a corporate strategy with the potential to generate operating synergies, allow a larger corporate size, increase market share, reinforce efforts to improve the levels of market power that allows you to defend your position in the sector and obtain higher levels of profitability according to the standards allowed by your regulatory entity.
This document presents an empirical analysis of the impact of horizontal mergers on the performance of entities in the Peruvian financial sector measured by market power through the Lerner Index during the years 2012-2019. The findings reveal that the practice of horizontal mergers in financial institutions has a positive and significant impact on market power in a short and long-term period. However, the persistent competition in the non-banking microcredit market and the adequate regulation by the supervisory entity (SBS) to encourage free competition and the control of said strategy in the financial industry would dissuade the possibility of exercising market power for conduct anticompetitive. / Tesis
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