Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amarketing - 3research."" "subject:"amarketing - 1research.""
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"Analýza obsahu inzerce vybraných odborných časopisů vydavatelství Economia / Content analysis of advertisement B2B magazineUmová, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
The main objective of this study is to identify, if the advetisement in magazine focused on economy and business is really oriented to B2B group, which branch is the most advetised to others, if the advetising in this magazine is effective and is speaking to target group to. The secondary objective is the research, which characters in advetisement are givet to women in magazine focused on economy and business. The research is quantitative analysis of data which are from advretising and monitoring foundout.
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Hodnocení spokojenosti zákazníků / Valuation of customer satisfactionTichá, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is about valuation of customer satisfaction. The goal of this diploma thesis is evaluation of customer satisfaction which is established on results of marketing research. Marketing research is applied for chosen company. On the results of marketing research are created the arrangements which lead to higher level of customer satisfaction with using the lowest costs. Output of this diploma thesis is an application which is created in MS Excel 2007 and in MS Visio 2007. In the application are included every arrangement and this application is ready for using in real company. The application is not a part of diploma thesis because the application is relatively large but in the thesis is mentioned every conclusion of arrangement which is used in the application.
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Marketing a trh rybářských potřeb / Marketing and fishing tackle marketSkalický, Karel January 2011 (has links)
This Master Thesis characterize the specification of marketing on the fishing tackle market. The theoretical part defines the basic marketing concepts and definitions which are initial for the practical part. Application part describes the market of fishing equipment and subjects, details the marketing activities of company engaged in the manufacture and sale of fishing tackle. Part of the Thesis describes the marketing research of shopping habits and brand awareness among consumers. Based on the description of the current marketing situation and marketing research, recommendations are established for the company for increase the loyalty of existing customers and increase of market share.
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Vnímání značek e-shopů při nakupování na internetu a hodnocení značky Alza.cz / E-shop brands perception when shopping on the internet and evaluation of brand Alza.czJežková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to map and analyze Czech internet environment with regard to the perception of e-shop brands and shopping behavior when online shopping. A sub-goal is to find the key factors and trends in purchase decisions of Czech consumers on the internet and compare its roles with role of e-shop brands. The secondary objective of this work is to make brand evaluation of Czech e-shop Alza.cz. Analysis of available secondary data and own primary market research survey via the internet have been done as a part of this thesis. Three hypotheses have been identified and tested. Recommendations based on the research outcomes have been formulated for e-shops operating on the Czech online market as well as concrete recommendations for e-shop Alza.cz.
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Analýza sortimentu České pojišťovny / Analysis of the range – Česká pojišťovnaJaďuď, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The thesis presents an analysis of range in the insurance industry with a focus on life insurance and marketing mix in insurance for a young customers. There is mainly used methods of comparison, qualitative marketing research, the mystery shopping and observation. In the methodological part is described the marketing research, marketing of services, marketing mix in insurance, the application part is focused on product of the life insurance types and the advantages and disadvantages of this financial product, including a comparison of current market offerings. In this thesis is compared product, price, distribution and communication of five selected insurance companies in the Czech Republic. The goal is recommendations on how to improve the attractiveness of life insurance for segment of young consumers.
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Postavení lázní Klášterec nad Ohří na trhu lázeňských služeb / The position of the spa Klášterec nad Ohří in the market of spa servicesPeruthová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the position of the spa in Klášterec nad Ohří in the market of the spa services. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is devoted to the definition of basic terms from the tourism and balneology branch. This section also includes basic theory of marketing and marketing research focusing on the specifics of marketing in spa industry and the marketing mix. The practical part deals with the characteristics of the Ústí Region, Klášterec nad Ohří and spa itself. To the subject of spa is devoted significant part of the work. It focuses on the history of spa, mineral springs and the current situation, which includes the characteristics of the services offered, the characteristics of clients, staff, competitors and marketing mix of the spa. The practical part also includes a research of customer satisfaction, its evaluation and recommendations which may be used in the spa for the future improvement of activities.
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Marketing e servi?o p?blico: pesquisa de marketing como ferramenta para a melhoria da qualidade da gest?o de uma IFES / Marketing and Public Service: Marketing Research as Instrument to Improve Management Quality of a Higher Education InstitutionVieira, Bruno Barbosa 16 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-06T12:39:40Z
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2016 - Bruno Barbosa Vieira.pdf: 3974027 bytes, checksum: aebdaa323635c5aab4670bc237727268 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T12:39:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - Bruno Barbosa Vieira.pdf: 3974027 bytes, checksum: aebdaa323635c5aab4670bc237727268 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-03-16 / The current scenario of public administration evolution is marked by increased pressure for services that meet the real needs of the population, which imposes new challenges to public managers. In this context it is characteristic the adoption of technical and culture of private sector to implement improvements. In this work is applied the marketing research in a Federal Institution of Higher Education (IFES), whose goal is to measure the degree of satisfaction with the services provided. The research is based on supplementary education services, which are, provision of infrastructure, library service, information technology, catering, internal collective transport and providing scholarships and grants. A quantitative survey of cross-sectional study with a stratified sample of 376 undergraduate students was made. Were raised aspects of academic life, socioeconomic data, degree of importance and satisfaction attributed to the service and its features. The results showed that the most important service is the provision of Scholarships and grants, and the least important is Internal collective transport. Regarding satisfaction, the service with the best assessment was Library, and the worst evaluation was Scholarships and grants. As support tool for decisions prioritizing improvements it was carried out the analysis importance-satisfaction about the services and their characteristics. It was found that all services need to be improved, and Scholarships and grants require an 'urgent action'. Further investigation was also carried out statistical inferences, using Student's t-test was rejected the null hypothesis that the students were satisfied with the services. Also were made comparisons between the sample groups to identify differences in the evaluation of services. By Student's t-test for two samples and the Kruskal-Wallis test for k samples was found no significant differences in the assessments of services for issues like turn the course and sex, but there are differences in the assessments of the services when they were compared student representatives and not representatives, as well as between students of the city of Juiz de Fora and other cities, and between students of different income levels. It is observed that the results of this research represent good indicators of the students' perception regarding the satisfaction and importance of supplementary services provided by IFES. Thus, it is suggested the adoption of marketing research in the institution, because it is believed that such information may contribute positively in the decision making process concerning the implementation of improvements in public services. At the end it is also intended to deepen the studies on the importance-satisfaction analysis by combining different methods of analysis / O atual cen?rio de evolu??o da administra??o p?blica ? marcado pelo aumento da press?o por servi?os que satisfa?am as reais necessidades da popula??o, o que imp?e novos desafios aos gestores p?blicos. Nesse contexto ? caracter?stica a ado??o de t?cnicas e cultura do setor privado para implementar melhorias. Neste trabalho ? aplicada a pesquisa de marketing numa Institui??o Federal de Ensino Superior (IFES), cujo objetivo ? mensurar o grau de satisfa??o com os servi?os prestados. A investiga??o se faz sobre servi?os complementares ao ensino, quais sejam, disponibiliza??o de infraestrutura, servi?o de biblioteca, Tecnologia da Informa??o, fornecimento de refei??es, transporte coletivo interno e fornecimento de bolsas e aux?lios. Foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa de delineamento transversal com uma amostra estratificada de 376 alunos de gradua??o. Foram levantados aspectos da vida acad?mica, dados socioecon?micos, grau de import?ncia e grau de satisfa??o atribu?dos aos servi?os e suas caracter?sticas. Os resultados demonstraram que o servi?o considerado mais importante ? o fornecimento de Bolsas e aux?lios, e o menos importante ? Transporte coletivo interno. Quanto ? satisfa??o, o servi?o com a melhor avalia??o foi Biblioteca, e a pior avalia??o foi Bolsas e aux?lios. Como ferramenta de suporte ? tomada de decis?es para prioriza??o de melhorias foi realizada a an?lise import?ncia-satisfa??o sobre os servi?os e suas caracter?sticas. Constatou-se que todos os servi?os precisam ser melhorados, sendo que Bolsas e aux?lios necessitam de uma ?a??o urgente?. Aprofundando a investiga??o, tamb?m foram realizadas infer?ncias estat?sticas. Por meio do teste t de Student foi rejeitada a hip?tese nula de que os alunos estariam satisfeitos com os servi?os. Foram realizadas ainda compara??es entre grupos da amostra para identificar diverg?ncias nas avalia??es dos servi?os. Por meio do teste t de Student para duas amostras e do teste Kruskal-Wallis para k amostras constatou-se que n?o h? diverg?ncias significativas nas avalia??es dos servi?os por aspectos como turno do curso e sexo, por?m h? diverg?ncias nas avalia??es dos servi?os quando foram comparados representantes estudantis e n?o representantes, assim como entre alunos da cidade de Juiz de Fora e de outras cidades, e entre alunos de diferentes faixas de renda. Observa-se que os resultados desta pesquisa representam bons indicadores sobre a percep??o dos alunos em rela??o ? satisfa??o e import?ncia dos servi?os complementares prestados pela IFES. Assim, sugere-se a ado??o da pesquisa de marketing na institui??o, pois acredita-se que tais informa??es podem contribuir positivamente no processo decis?rio relativo ? implanta??o de melhorias nos servi?os p?blicos prestados. Ao final tamb?m ? proposto o aprofundamento nos estudos sobre a an?lise import?ncia-satisfa??o combinando diferentes m?todos de an?lise
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Dobrovolnictví na sportovní akci Jizerská 50 / Volunteering at the sports event Jizerská 50Hořáková, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
Title: Volunteering at the sports event Jizerská 50 Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluace the satisfaction of volunteers with the volunteer program at Jizerská 50. The partial task is to visit the event, compared to the previous year and proposic possible recommendations for improvement for other volumes of the Jizerska 50 volunteer program. Methods: The research was carried out using the qualitative form of observation and the method of interview, as well as by quantitative research form of questioning. The qualitative method was conducted through direct observation through out the volunteer program, where the authoracted, as the coordinator of a volunteer group. Another form was a unstructured interview with the main coordinator, and the quantitative research method was implemented through electronic questionnaires. Results: The results showed that volunteers evaluated satisfaction with the volunteer program at Jizerské 50 as above-average. They were happy with the volunteer program. The research has revealed and confirmed the short comics faced by the volunteer program. This was an area of transport, refreshment and excessive awareness before the start of the event. The author evaluated the volunteer program as very successful. If the company covering this program focuses on...
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A cross sectional study of Net Promoter and its linkage to South African firm growthBissict, Gregg Michael January 2012 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Industrial), 2012 / This research project undertakes to investigate the linkage between firni Net Promoter score and firm growth in the South African context. South African fmns arc selected from the cellular service provider industry and the retail banking service provider industi7 and a primary research study is undertaken to obtain sample data for the respective firms’ Net Promoter scores. Finn revenue is defined as a suitable measure of firm growth and half year time period from 2010 to 201 1 arc defined as periods from which percentage growth rates may be computed. Revenue data for each linn is collected from public sources and an annual percentage growth rate for each firm is calculated from revenue reported for the first half of 2010 to 2011. A data reliability test is perfonned on the Net Promoter data set and the data is found to be non-uniform and preferential, indicating scores which arc not arbitrary. A Pearson’s correlation analysis is performed to measure the strength of relationship between the Net Promoter scores and percentage firm revenue growth rates. The results of the Pearson correlation analysis indicates a relatively stronger linear relationship between Net Promoter scores and percentage firm revenue growth for the South African cellular service provider industry segment (0.9932) and a relatively weaker linear relationship between that and the South African retail banking industry segment (0.4752). This research finds that there is a positive linkage between Net Promoter scores and revenue growth rates which is consistent with previous research undertaken on the subject. / WS2017
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A contribuição do neuromarketing para o estudo do comportamento do consumidor / Neuromarketing´s contribution to consumer behaviour studiesColaferro, Claudia Almeida 16 December 2011 (has links)
À medida que se avança no século XXI observamos a diversidade humana, cada vez em maior número, convivendo e interagindo a todo o momento. As dificuldades aumentam quando a diversidade se dá além de diferentes sexos, idades, mas também por diferentes opiniões e as várias formas de expressão e comportamento das pessoas, principalmente aqueles não conscientes. Nesse contexto vive-se o desencadeamento de uma crise das metodologias clássicas de investigação, vistas como limitantes e pouco esclarecedoras para o entendimento de que, em um mesmo indivíduo, podem existir estilos de consumo distintos, não conscientes, além de que o entrevistado pode, de maneira intencional ou não intencional, compreender mal, interpretar mal ou até mesmo enganar o pesquisador. O objetivo da dissertação foi avaliar se o neuromarketing pode ser uma nova área de colaboração ao entendimento do consumidor, ser capaz de obter as informações não declaradas do indivíduo, pela captura das informações cerebrais, adicionando assim conhecimento para o processo do entendimento de seu comportamento de consumo, validando-o como uma nova área de cooperação. Por meio de revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa empírica buscou-se identificar, entender e com isso resumir conceitos básicos sobre o neuromarketing, seu entendimento, suas formas de medição e técnicas, suas contribuições e limitações, preocupações e expectativa de futuro. Como resultado obteve-se que há uma diferença entre o entendimento do público acadêmicos entrevistado sobre neuromarketing versus o que se observa entre os estudos de comportamento do consumidor em práticas no mercado. Essas diferenças vão além das técnicas empregadas no estudo. Encontrou-se uma diversidade de conceitos técnicos, aplicações em marketing, vantagens e limitações, preocupação ética e diferentes visões de futuro. Predominantemente encontra-se um cenário típico de um assunto novo, onde várias opiniões são obtidas e buscou-se elencar as áreas de concordância até o momento. A busca pelo maior conhecimento da mente, transforma-a em um orgão prático, capaz de se moldar para intermináveis autoaperfeiçoamentos. Mas, apesar das imagens da mente carregarem peso de autoridade na ciência, seus significados como input científico são válidos, mas não oferecem ao público a clareza de que podem ser ainda utilizados como suporte imediato. O funcionamento do cérebro não é simples e natural e sim mediado na maneira que se conhece, entende e visualiza os estímulos e também pelo contexto social, político e econômico no qual o indivíduo pertence e convive. Portanto, conclui-se que o neuromarketing é uma aplicação da neurociência para maior entendimento dos comportamentos do consumidor e mais uma alternativa que, como qualquer outra pesquisa de mercado, por si só, não oferecerá um diagnóstico exaustivo para a pergunta do problema. Recomenda-se o uso em conjunto com outras metodologias, sempre levando em conta a particularidade de cada uma, seja pela especificidade da amostra, coleta de dados, análise dos mesmos e as conclusões com as devidas ressalvas, buscando sempre seguir a ética e os detalhes de cada mercado. Como sugestão seria importante contínuas investigações que validem e formem um arcabouço de conhecimento de investigações de comportamento. / As the life progress through the twenty-first century we see human diversity in an increasing growth, living and interacting in a faster and higher frequency. The difficulties to understand their behavior increase when the range of variety goes beyond genders, ages, through different opinions and various forms of expression and behavior, especially those of unconscious reasons. In this context one lives up triggering a crisis of classical methodologies of research, seen as limiting and not helpful to the understanding that, in the same individual, there may be distinct styles of consumption, unconscious, and that the interviewee can intentionally or unintentionally, misunderstand, misinterpret, or even mislead the researcher. The aim of this work was to assess whether neuromarketing may be a new area of collaboration to the understanding of the consumer, and by doing so being able to obtain unreported information of the individual by capturing the information in the brain, thereby adding knowledge to the process of understanding your consumer behavior, validating it as a new area of cooperation. Through literature review and empirical research the idea of the stydy was to identify, understand and summarize the knowledge captured from academics and executives from research companies, the basics concepts of neuromarketing, its understanding, its ways of measuring and techniques, its contributions and limitations, and therefore its concerns and expectations of the future. As a result it was found that there is a difference between the academic´s understanding about neuromarketing versus what is observed in studies of consumer behavior in the market practices. These differences go beyond the techniques employed in the study. We found a diversity of technical concepts, applications in marketing, advantages and limitations, ethical concerns and different visions of the future. Predominantly we´ve found a scenario that is typical of a new area of study, where many different opinions are obtained and where we tried to rank the areas of agreement so far. The quest for greater knowledge of the mind, transform it with a body capable of practical shape for endless self-improvement. But despite that the images of the mind carry the weight of authority in science, their scientific input and their meanings are valid, but not a clear offer to the public as to be used as immediate support. The functioning of the brain is not simple and natural but mediated with interferences as the ways it recognizes, understands and visualizes the stimuli and also by the social, political and economic context in which the individual belongs and lives. Therefore we conclude that neuromarketing is an application of neuroscience to better understanding of consumer behavior and another alternative to add to the list of market research, and like any other option, it does not provide by itself a comprehensive assessment of the problem to the question. It is recommended to use neuroscience in its application to consumer in conjunction with other methodologies, always taking into account the particular features of each one, the specificity of the sample, the data collection, the analysis and combination of data from different studies and its conclusions with appropriate caveats, always trying to follow the ethics and details of each market. As a suggestion from this study it would be important to a continue research to validate and form a framework of knowledge of consumer behavioral research, as well as how to combine different areas and data from other sciences.
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