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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le traitement d'une publicité sociale avec une source anthropomorphe selon le modèle de probabilité d'élaboration

Gagné, Emmanuelle 18 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2011-2012 / Le modèle de probabilité d’élaboration de Petty et Cacioppo considère que face à un message persuasif, le récepteur peut suivre deux voies cognitives distinctes, centrale et périphérique, menant à la persuasion. Selon ce modèle, un récepteur peu impliqué envers le thème du message effectuera un traitement davantage périphérique que central, il s’attardera plus aux éléments périphériques du message, comme la source. A l’inverse, il soutient qu’un récepteur très impliqué générera un traitement plus central que périphérique, qu’il s’arrêtera notamment à l’argumentation. Cependant, face à un message publicitaire social sur l’économie d’énergie utilisant la stratégie de l’anthropomorphisme, spécifiquement une source anthropomorphe définie a priori comme élément périphérique, un récepteur fortement impliqué face à cette idée suivrait-il un traitement majoritairement périphérique? Les résultats de notre étude tendent à indiquer une réponse affirmative à cette question, donc à montrer l’influence de la source anthropomorphe sur le traitement de l’individu fortement impliqué.

Protection de l'environnement : validité du Modèle étendu des processus parallèles (MEPP) lorsque la menace et la solution proposée sont de nature collective

Diallo, Marlyatou 24 April 2018 (has links)
Le Modèle étendu des processus parallèles (MEPP) sert de guide pour la conception de messages de peur visant à sensibiliser à des problèmes sociaux. D'après ce modèle, un message apeurant doit d'abord présenter une menace sérieuse et pertinente sans laquelle le message ne suscitera pas de réactions. Ainsi donc le modèle recommande de recourir à une forte menace à laquelle on adjoindra une forte efficacité pour provoquer les réactions les plus favorables. Au contraire, si on associe une forte menace à une faible efficacité, l'appel à la peur suscitera des réactions négatives. Nous avons voulu tester ces prédictions en recourant aux concepts de menace collective et d'efficacité collective plus adaptés au danger climatique. Les résultats de notre étude étaient en partie conformes avec le MEPP. Ainsi, le message qui contenait une forte menace collective et une forte efficacité collective était le plus persuasif. Cependant, le message qui présentait une forte menace collective et une faible efficacité collective ne suscitait pas plus de réactions négatives que le message forte menace/forte efficacité. En outre, contrairement à nos attentes, le message contenant une faible menace n'a pas suscité les réactions les plus faibles.

Uma proposta de gestão do marketing no Município de Miracema-RJ como estratégia para promoção do Município saudável e sustentável / A proposal for management of marketing in the City of Miracema, Rio de Janeiro as a strategy to promote healthy and sustainable City

Ribeiro, Paulo José de Mendonça January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo no Município de Miracema, com o objetivo de identificar e caracterizar a relação da gestão do marketing no Município, com a estratégia para promoção do município saudável e sustentável. A metodologia utilizada foi à pesquisa-ação como caráter primordial a intervenção na realidade social. Utilizou-se a revisão bibliográfica para o aprofundamento dos conceitos teóricos relacionados à gestão do marketing sustentável e ao princípio da responsabilidade socioambiental. Realizaram-se, também entrevistas aos especialistas na gestão pública municipal e questionários junto à população. Para subsidiar estas entrevistas houve um estudo detalhado dos relatórios, por considerar relevante o dado obtido junto à Prefeitura e Secretarias do Município. Dessa forma, foi-se construindo um Estudo de Caso com o modelo de investigação PEIR (Pressão; Estado; Impacto; Resposta). Foram estabelecidos indicadores, os quais permitiram acompanhamento ao longo do estudo de caso e na evolução das ações ou interferências na construção do tema, bem como se tornou mais eficiente o processo de tomada de decisões. O resultado apresentado demonstra que o município possui deficiências no seu Sistema de Gestão Socioambiental. Apresenta conflitos comparados a qualquer região, mesmo as Regiões Metropolitanas, evidenciadas na sustentabilidade ambiental e controle social. Cabe relatar a limitação encontrada ao analisar os dadosda Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Município de Miracema, DATASUS e SINAN. Os mesmos encontram-se defasados não refletindo o panorama da saúde no município. Por fim, o estudo sugere a Coordenação do Marketing na Estrutura Administrativa do Município, com objetivo de promover visibilidade, factibilidade e transparência, frente a um dos maiores desafios da humanidade: integrar desenvolvimento econômico com sustentabilidade socioambiental. / This thesis presents a study, which has been carried out in the city of Miracema, to evaluate the interaction of the marketing management in a healthy and sustainable city; for the building of the principle of social responsibility for health. The methodology that has been used was the action research, as the primary character of intervention in the social reality. A bibliographic review has been used for the deepening of the theoretical concepts related to the management of sustainable marketing and to the principle of social and environmental responsibility. There were also interviews with specialists in public municipal administration and questionnaires distributed to the public. In order to support these interviews there was a detailed assessment of the reports, considering relevant data obtained from the City Hall and the City Departments. Thus, a case study has been built up with the model of research PSIR (Pressure, State, Impact, Response) and indicators have been established that allowed to monitor the case study, the development of actions or the interference in the construction of the theme and made more efficient the decisionmaking. The result shows that the local council presents deficiencies in its social and environmental Management System. Presents conflict when compared to any region, even the metropolitan regions, highlighted in environmental sustainability and social control. It is necessary to mention the limitation found when analyzing data from the Municipal Health Secretariat of the Municipality of Miracema, SINAN and DATASUS. They are not updated and therefore do not reflect the actual picture of health in the municipality. Finally, the study suggests the coordination of the Marketing in theAdministrative Structure of the City, aiming to promote visibility, feasibility and transparency when facing one of humanity's greatest challenges: integrating economic development with social and environmental sustainability.

Factors that determine the continuance intention of people to use online social networks for business transactions

Assensoh-Kodua, Akwesi 15 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Technology Degree in Information Technology, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2014. / Social computing researchers are devoting efforts to understand the complex social behaviour of people using social networking platforms, such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, so as to inform the design of human-centered and socially aware systems. This research study investigates the factors of perceived trust, user satisfaction, social norm and perceived behavioural control, to develop a model for predicting the continuance intention of people to use online social networking for business transactions. In order to validate the predictive capability of the model developed, an online survey was used to collect 300 useable responses from people who have used LinkedIn and Twitter social networking platforms for business transactions at least once. The Partial Least Square (PLS) mathematical analysis tool was thereafter used to perform confirmatory factor analysis, analysis of measurement and structural models. The study results provide significant evidence in support of the factors of perceived trust, social norm and user satisfaction, as determinants of the continuance intention of people using online social networking platforms for business transactions. Perceived trust was found to exhibit a strong relationship with social norm and explains a variance of (R2=0.47). In addition, social norm explains a variance of (R2=0.44) and user satisfaction explains a variance of (R2=0.42), resulting in the model predicting (R2=0.56) continuance intention. In addition, the research model was tested for the moderating effects of usage habit, which were found to significantly moderate relationships between continuance intention and perceived trust, PBCand social norm, resulting in an improved predictive capability of (R2=0.89). The moderating result indicates that a higher level of habit increases the effect of perceived trust, Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC) and social norm on continuance intention. This result confirms the theoretical argument that the strength of user satisfaction to predict continuance, is strengthened by usage habit. The results of this research study generally have practical implications for individuals who desire to offer commercial services on online social networking technologies, to seriously consider building trust and maintaining user satisfaction to sustain their businesses. They should also think of strategies embedded in peer pressure, to attract, retain and establish trustworthy relationships with customers.

Factors that determine the continuance intention of people to use online social networks for business transactions

Assensoh-Kodua, Akwesi 15 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Technology Degree in Information Technology, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2014. / Social computing researchers are devoting efforts to understand the complex social behaviour of people using social networking platforms, such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, so as to inform the design of human-centered and socially aware systems. This research study investigates the factors of perceived trust, user satisfaction, social norm and perceived behavioural control, to develop a model for predicting the continuance intention of people to use online social networking for business transactions. In order to validate the predictive capability of the model developed, an online survey was used to collect 300 useable responses from people who have used LinkedIn and Twitter social networking platforms for business transactions at least once. The Partial Least Square (PLS) mathematical analysis tool was thereafter used to perform confirmatory factor analysis, analysis of measurement and structural models. The study results provide significant evidence in support of the factors of perceived trust, social norm and user satisfaction, as determinants of the continuance intention of people using online social networking platforms for business transactions. Perceived trust was found to exhibit a strong relationship with social norm and explains a variance of (R2=0.47). In addition, social norm explains a variance of (R2=0.44) and user satisfaction explains a variance of (R2=0.42), resulting in the model predicting (R2=0.56) continuance intention. In addition, the research model was tested for the moderating effects of usage habit, which were found to significantly moderate relationships between continuance intention and perceived trust, PBCand social norm, resulting in an improved predictive capability of (R2=0.89). The moderating result indicates that a higher level of habit increases the effect of perceived trust, Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC) and social norm on continuance intention. This result confirms the theoretical argument that the strength of user satisfaction to predict continuance, is strengthened by usage habit. The results of this research study generally have practical implications for individuals who desire to offer commercial services on online social networking technologies, to seriously consider building trust and maintaining user satisfaction to sustain their businesses. They should also think of strategies embedded in peer pressure, to attract, retain and establish trustworthy relationships with customers. / M

Projet de dépistage du VIH au sein des communautés caribéennes et africaines de Montréal : leçons apprises d’un exercice d’évaluation mettant en exergue des visions contrastées

Némouthé, Geneviève 08 1900 (has links)
Malgré une baisse importante de nouvelles infections, l’Afrique subsaharienne et la région des Caraïbes demeurent fortement touchées par l’épidémie du VIH/sida. La diaspora vivant ailleurs en Occident n’est pas épargnée : les communautés originaires de ces pays étant surreprésentées dans la cohorte des personnes vivant avec le VIH. De plus, ces individus rencontrent des difficultés spécifiques en matière d’accès au conseil et dépistage du VIH. Compte tenu l’importance de l’accessibilité à ce service dans la lutte contre le VIH, il devient crucial de mieux en cerner les enjeux. Fort de ces différents constats, le projet « Moi je fais le test » dont l’objectif était d’augmenter l’accès au conseil et dépistage du VIH a été déployé à Montréal en 2010. Notant le peu d’interventions recensées faisant la promotion du dépistage du VIH dans les communautés originaires de pays à forte prévalence pour le VIH, l’objectif de la présente évaluation est double : documenter le projet et évaluer l’implantation de ce dernier. L’évaluation réalisée sous la forme d’une étude de cas sera articulée autour de deux pôles : la théorie de changement sous-tendant le projet ainsi que le processus d’implantation. Les perspectives rapportées par les partenaires du projet de même que les éléments liés à l’implantation démontrent la complexité de mener des actions conjointes, même de tailles modestes. Dans la mesure où les approches combinées de prévention du VIH sont encouragées, l’évaluation du présent projet illustre de façon éloquente les défis du déploiement de projet similaires à l’échelle nationale et internationale. / Despite a significant reduction in new infections, sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean remain strongly affected by the HIV/aids pandemic. Caribbean and African diaspora communities living elsewhere in the West are also strongly impacted. There is an overrepresentation of individuals originating from these countries in the cohorts of people living with HIV. Moreover, individuals in these communities face specific challenges when trying to access voluntary counseling and testing services for HIV. These services are essential in trying to fight the HIV pandemic, thus, getting a better understanding of the issues at stake is crucial. Based on these observations, the “Moi je fais le test” project whose main objective was to increase HIV counseling and testing, was conducted in Montreal in 2010. Few interventions specifically addressing the needs of these communities in accessing voluntary counseling and testing for HIV have been reported, as such, the current evaluation has a double mandate: documenting the project and evaluating its implementation. The evaluation is conducted as a case study and is structured around two axes: the theory of change underlying the project and the implementation process. Key elements in the implementation process as well as the perspectives of the partners demonstrate how complex it is to conduct a project collaboratively, even modest in size. Insofar as combination HIV prevention strategies have been promoted, the evaluation demonstrates the many challenges that could be encountered in developing similar projects in national and international settings.

Internetový marketing a sociální sítě společnosti Počítačová pohotovost s.r.o. / Internet marketing and social network of Počítačová pohotovost s.r.o.

Matějka, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Title: Internet marketing and social network of Počítačová pohotovost s.r.o. Objective: Analysis of using social network Facebook in Internet Marketing company Počítačová pohotovost s.r.o., evaluation of corporate and client advertising campaigns presented on the social network Facebook. Methods: Qualitative research, analysis using of social networks Results: It was found that company Počítačová pohotovost s.r.o. use social network Facebook as an additional tool of internet marketing. Its use does not meet the full potential that social networks have, and there is space for further improvement. Keywords: internet marketing, social network marketing on social networks, social network Facebook

Balanco social : demonstra????o cont??bil ou marketing corporativo? um estudo explorat??rio sobre a percep????o das empresas do Estado de S??o Paulo

Amaral, Wilson Rodrigues do 24 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:35:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wilson_Rodrigues_do_Amaral.pdf: 1238005 bytes, checksum: 456e16a7af6b759cf47c317d224687b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-24 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of the Social Balance Sheet as accountantship demonstration or Corporation Marketing tool for companies which have obtained the Social Accountability Seal. The social accountability is a thoroughly discussed and spread subject by companies who publish and publicize the Social Balance Sheet. By such means, this study aims at data retrieving about the employment of the organizational Vision and Mission application of social accountability practices, as well as Corporative Governance in companies who diffuses their Social Balances to identify if these sheets succeed as effective social practices or limit to social marketing instruments only. The research was motivated by the hypothesis that companies release their Social Balance Sheet as mere Social Marketing instrument. Its relevance bases on the evidence of the Social Balance Sheet advertising true objectives, as well as the existence of official methodology for this application. The theoretical basis was elaborated to be supported by bibliographic researches and official figures. For context and elucidation of the Social Balance aspects, there were discussed the concepts of Corporative Governance practices, Social Accountability, Social Marketing and Corporative Vision and Mission. To produce this research it was utilized the deductive-hypothetic method provided through field research, with questionnaires sent to managers of accounting sectors, controller department, personnel department, marketing sectors and other correlative areas, elaborated in a way to induce the respondents to the waited results as for objectivity of the Social Balance spreading. / O prop??sito deste estudo ?? analisar a utiliza????o do Balan??o Social como Demonstra????o Cont??bil ou ferramenta de Marketing Corporativo, pelas empresas que receberam o Selo de Responsabilidade Social. A responsabilidade social ?? um assunto bastante discutido e difundido pelas empresas que publicam e divulgam o Balan??o Social. Nesse sentido, o estudo visa levantar dados quanto ao emprego da filosofia de Vis??o e Miss??o Empresarial, de pr??ticas de Responsabilidade Social, bem como, dos princ??pios de Governan??a Corporativa, nas empresas que divulgam seus Balan??os Sociais, a fim de identificar se os referidos balan??os objetivam a demonstra????o efetiva das pr??ticas sociais ou constituem-se apenas em instrumentos de marketing social. A pesquisa foi motivada pela hip??tese de que as referidas empresas divulgam o Balan??o Social como um mero instrumento de Marketing Social. Sua relev??ncia fundamenta-se na evidencia????o dos reais objetivos da divulga????o do Balan??o Social, bem como, da exist??ncia de metodologia oficial para tal aplica????o. Sua fundamenta????o te??rica foi elaborada com base em pesquisas bibliogr??ficas e indicadores oficiais. Para contextualiza????o e explicita????o dos aspectos relacionados ao tema "Balan??o Social" foram discutidos os conceitos de pr??ticas de Governan??a Corporativa, Responsabilidade Social, Marketing Social, Vis??o e Miss??o empresarial. Na operacionaliza????o da pesquisa, foi utilizado o m??todo hipot??tico-dedutivo obtido atrav??s de pesquisa de campo, com aplica????o de question??rios enviados aos gestores das ??reas de contabilidade, controladoria, recursos humanos, marketing e outras correlatas, elaborados de forma a induzir os respondentes aos resultados esperados quanto ?? objetividade da divulga????o do Balan??o Social.

Personální marketing na vysokých školách / Personnel marketing at Higher Education Institutions

Šutková, Lucia January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Personnel Marketing at Higher Education Institutions" deals, in its theoretical part, with the description of personnel marketing, its definition and meaning. The first chapter of the theoretical part describes its division into external and internal personnel marketing. The second chapter focuses on the selected activities of external personnel marketing at higher education institutions, building a school image and using social networks to recruit new workers. The third chapter describes selected activities of internal personnel marketing, namely internal communication, organizational culture and development and education of staff. In the research part, the questionnaire survey explores the use of personnel marketing at higher education institutions, supplemented by an analysis of the publication of vacancies on the websites of aforementioned institutions. On the basis of the results of the investigations, at the end of the thesis, proposals and recommendations for improvement of personnel marketing are provided. The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe the applicability of personnel marketing at higher education institutions through its selected activities. KEYWORDS personnel marketing, high school staff, image of the school, social networks, internal communication

Planos de marketing vinculados a causas sociais: um estudo de caso

Oliveira, Stefan Krawczenko Feitoza de 30 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Stefan Krawczenko Feitoza de Oliveira.pdf: 609768 bytes, checksum: 1afd7718ff54f0242476bce9a0ba8992 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-30 / The issue that triggered the research in this study was the current phenomen in which organizations look for a new marketing model, which aims to stop with the equalization of competitive factors, and consequently agregate value for their products and brands. As part of this issue, there are some questions still not clarified. The objective of this study is discussing how these marketing plans ad value to companies and their product. This objective was research via the revision of consumer behavior, cause related marketing and marketing planning theories, and via the discussion of a case study. This case study analysed the experience of a cause related marketing effort done by the Pampers brand. This case concluded that this marketing plan added value to the company by improving its brand equity, thru the creation of an emotional bond with consumer, on top of already existent association with consumers via brands functional benefits. Beyond that, the case study concluded that cause-related marketing plans are triggered and developed as it happens with traditional marketing plans. These plans are triggered based on a deep understanding of opportunitites and threats of market environment, and they use tools of marketing mix to reach their objectives and strategies, which are developed in the regular marketing planning process. Aditionally, the case study assessed that the supported social cause was set as key element of the marketing mix, influencing the brand positioning and communication, once in these marketing efforts the cause endorsement and the related social institution became part of brand promisses to consumers. It s important to highlight, that the case study has limitations given that it does not allow any generalization of its conclusions. Therefore, it is suggested replication of equal case studies in order to potentially confirm its results / O problema que se configurou como ponto de partida para pesquisa nessa dissertação foi o fenômeno contemporâneo, caracterizado pela busca das organizações por um novo modelo de marketing, que visa quebrar a homogeneização vigente nos mercados devido à equalização de fatores competitivos e, por conseqüência, agregar valor a seus produtos, serviços e marcas. Dentro desse fenômeno, existem algumas questões ainda não claramente equacionadas. O objetivo dessa dissertação foi discutir como planos de marketing de causas sociais agregam valor às empresas e a seus produtos. Esse objetivo foi alcançado mediante, preliminarmente, a discussão da teoria sobre comportamento do consumidor, marketing vinculado a causas sociais e planejamento de marketing, e finalmente, a discussão de um estudo de caso. O estudo de caso, que analisou uma experiência empírica de aplicação do marketing de causa social da marca Pampers, mostrou que a maneira pela qual esse tipo de esforço de marketing agregou valor à empresa foi melhorando a imagem de sua marca, aproximando-a emocionalmente de seu público-alvo e criando, portanto, uma conexão emocional adicional aos vínculos meramente baseados em seus benefícios funcionais. Além disso, o estudo de caso conclui que planos de marketing de causa social surgem e são elaborados como os demais esforços de marketing tradicional. Adicionalmente, o estudo evidenciou que a causa social entra como ferramenta central do marketing mix nesse tipo de plano, influenciando o posicionamento e a comunicação da marca, visto que colocam o endosso de projetos e as instituições preocupadas com causas sociais no centro do benefício prometido pela marca. É importante ressaltar que o estudo possui claras limitações, uma vez que não possibilita maiores generalizações, propondo que sejam realizadas replicações do estudo de caso com o intuito de verificar e, potencialmente, confirmar as conclusões aqui aferidas

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