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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Intervención en el cambio de comportamiento basado en la estrategia conductual emocional para la reducción de accidentes de tránsito en la empresa CIVA, 2022

Thorne Chuecas, Brunella Nicole January 2023 (has links)
La presente investigación es un estudio sobre la economía del comportamiento en el sector de transportes de pasajeros interestatales, cuyo objetivo fue implementar una intervención en el cambio de comportamiento basado en una estrategia conductual emocional para la reducción de los accidentes de tránsito en la empresa Civa. Mediante la aplicación de un método cualitativo y cuasi experimental se evaluó en dos fases a los conductores sometiendolos a una intervención para observar el cambio de comportamiento sobre las prácticas de conducción que aplicaban. Los resultados muestran que dentro de la empresa CIVA existe un perfil de conductor con más de 10 años de experiencia y que tiene fácil adaptación a los cambios, además, se encuentra que del total de conductores que mencionaron que el anuncio llamó “ mucho” su atención, el 79% de conductores asegura que nunca excedería los límites de velocidad; en cambio, frente al 42% que mencionó que su nivel de atención al anuncio fue "suficiente" y "medianamente", solo el 54% en promedio afirma que nunca excedería los límites de velocidad.

L'influence du contexte dans les groupes de discussion utilisés lors de prétests publicitaires : une étude comparative

Giroux, Claude 10 July 2024 (has links)
Plusieurs auteurs affirment que le prétest publicitaire est un moyen d'améliorer l'efficacité de la publicité sociale. Généralement, les groupes de discussion sont utilisés pour mener ces prétests. La technique du groupe de discussion a été discutée par plusieurs auteurs et les publications scientifiques listent moult recommandations relatives à leur utilisation. Ces recommandations sont variées et parfois contradictoires. On observe chez certains chercheurs et praticiens une tendance à associer le respect d'une liste de détails logistiques à la qualité de la démarche de recherche. Et parmi les variables recensées, l'environnement dans lequel les participants aux groupes sont réunis est ignoré ou sommairement abordé. La présente étude contredit la perception voulant que le contexte soit un facteur anodin ou accessoire, une vision observée tant dans les publications scientifiques que chez les promoteurs de campagnes. Différentes pièces publicitaires ont été présentées lors de groupes de discussion conçus pour reproduire le modèle d'un prétest. Tout en respectant le mieux possible les mêmes paramètres de recrutement et de déroulement, six groupes ont été réalisés dans trois lieux différents : la salle dédiée à ce type de groupe dans une entreprise commerciale, le salon d'une résidence privée, un emplacement de camping au cœur d'un festival de musique en plein air. La transcription des enregistrements a été analysée par analyse thématique. Deux volets d'analyse ont été réalisés. Dans le premier, une analyse permettant de produire un rapport de prétest a été faite. Ainsi, trois rapports différents ont été rédigés, correspondant aux trois environnements utilisés. Dans le second volet, une analyse de l'occurrence d'autorévélation a été effectuée dans chaque environnement. En utilisant trois indicateurs liés à l'autorévélation, un tableau de l'occurrence d'autorévélation permettant la comparaison entre les trois contextes a été produit. Des différences entre les trois contextes ont été constatées dans le nombre ou la nature des phénomènes observés. La prise en compte des résultats favorise l'idée que le contexte est un élément susceptible d'influencer les résultats des discussions de groupe, ce qui suggère que le lieu utilisé pour les prétests publicitaires n'est pas anodin. Les variations dans l'occurrence de l'autorévélation laissent penser que certains milieux pourraient favoriser, davantage que d'autres, la communication d'informations entre les participants. Dans le cas de sujets délicats pouvant exposer les participants au jugement des autres, cette possible réticence à communiquer des informations revêt une grande importance. Les résultats de l'étude contredisent l'idée que la qualité d'un prétest publicitaire tient au respect de paramètres standardisés tels que l'utilisation de salles avec miroir. En ce qui concerne la recherche scientifique, la présente étude montre que les chercheurs ne peuvent présumer que le contexte des groupes n'affecte pas le contenu des informations qui y sont révélées. / Several authors claim that advertising pretesting is a way to improve the effectiveness of social advertising. Typically, focus groups are used to conduct these pretests. The focus group technique has been discussed by several authors and scientific publications list many recommendations relating to their use. These recommendations are varied and sometimes contradictory. We observe among certain researchers and practitioners a tendency to associate conformity to a list of logistical details with the quality of the research process. And among the variables identified, the environment in which the participants in the groups are gathered is ignored or summarily addressed. The present study contradicts the perception that context is a trivial or incidental factor, a view observed both in scientific publications and among campaign promoters. Different advertising pieces were presented during focus groups designed to reproduce the model of a pretest. While respecting as best as possible the same recruitment and progress parameters, six groups were carried out in three different locations: the room dedicated to this type of group in a commercial company, the living room of a private residence, a campsite at the heart of an open-air music festival. The transcription of the recordings was analyzed using thematic analysis. The analysis was carried out in two parts. In the first, an analysis allowing the production of a pretest report was performed. Thus, three different reports were written, corresponding to the three environments used. In the second part, an analysis of the occurrence of self-disclosure was carried out in each environment. Using three indicators linked to self-disclosure, a table of the occurrence of self-disclosure allowing comparison between the three contexts was produced. Differences between the three contexts were noted in the number or nature of the phenomena observed. The results suggest that the context is an element likely to influence the results of group discussions, which suggests that the location used for advertising pretests is not trivial. Variations in the occurrence of self-disclosure suggest that certain environments could favor, more than others, the communication of information between participants. In the case of sensitive topics that may expose participants to the judgment of others, this possible reluctance to communicate information is of great importance. The results of the study contradict the idea that the quality of an advertising pretest depends on compliance with standardized parameters such as the use of rooms with mirrors. When it comes to scientific research, the present study shows that researchers cannot assume that the context of groups does not affect the content of the information revealed there.

Les antécédents de la réponse empathique : le cas des publicités sociales antidiscrimination

Janezic, Isidora 27 January 2024 (has links)
À l’heure actuelle, la discrimination ethnique cause une variété de malaises dans différentes sphères de la vie sociale. Dans le contexte de lutte contre les préjugés et la discrimination ethniques, il existe un éventail de techniques et de méthodes qui s’attaquent à ces phénomènes. Parmi celles-ci, la publicité sociale – l’outil communicationnel du marketing social – est celle qui a retenu notre intérêt. Par ailleurs, les recherches relatives à la lutte contre la discrimination et à l’amélioration des relations intergroupes mettent en exergue que l’empathie non seulement peut atténuer la discrimination, mais qu’elle permet d’harmoniser, de manière durable, les relations intergroupes. Nonobstant, dans le contexte de réception des publicités sociales anti-discrimination, les antécédents pouvant déclencher l’empathie n’ont jamais été étudiés. Dans le but de pallier cette lacune empirique, la présente thèse par articles se penche précisément sur les antécédents de la réponse empathique dans le contexte de réception des publicités sociales antidiscrimination. Plus précisément, elle vise à approfondir les connaissances et la compréhension sur les antécédents propres à l’individu (p. ex. : l’empathie dispositionnelle et le sexe) et inhérents à la production publicitaire (p. ex. : le ton publicitaire et le format médiatique) qui peuvent favoriser l’émergence du processus d’empathisation. Dans l’article intitulé The interplay of trait-related antecedents and state empathy: Empathic responding to anti-discrimination public service announcements, nous examinons les antécédents de la réponse empathique (cognitive et affective) inhérents à l’individu (c.-à-d. l’empathie dispositionnelle et le sexe). L’association entre les antécédents individuels a été examinée par une série d’analyses de régression multiple pour chacune des dimensions de l’empathie (affective et cognitive) et le score global d’empathie. L’article Emotion framing and empathy in anti-discrimination public service announcements, quant à lui, s’intéresse aux antécédents inhérents à la production publicitaire et, à cet effet, examine les effets du cadrage des émotions (c.-à-d. le ton publicitaire) et du format de la publicité (c.-à-d. publicité audiovisuelle ou affiche) sur l’intensité des réponses empathiques aux messages anti-discrimination. Nous avons effectué une analyse de variance par modèle mixte (ANOVA) pour examiner les différences entre les 16 publicités sociales anti-discrimination et pour tenir compte des mesures répétées pour chaque participant – les participants et les publicités étant les effets aléatoires. iii Enfin, l’article How to foster empathy in anti-discrimination initiatives? An implication for social interventions - A qualitative approach se penche également sur les antécédents intrinsèques à la production publicitaire, mais cette fois-ci de manière qualitative en permettant de faire émerger les antécédents inconnus. Nous avons effectué un codage mixte des données et nous avons analysé les entretiens selon les principes de l’analyse thématique. La thèse fournit un apport tant aux chercheurs qu’aux praticiens intéressés par l’intervention en contexte intergroupe, mettant en lumière la pertinence de s’y intéresser de même que les manières de susciter de l’empathie envers les membres des groupes discriminés. / Ethnic discrimination causes a variety of problems on the individual as well as the societal levels. Thereis a myriad of techniques and methods used to tackle discrimination. Of particular interest here arepublic service announcements (PSAs) – which are part of a broader field of social marketing. Researchon the fight against discrimination and improving intergroup relations highlights the fact that empathynot only considerably reduces discrimination, but has a lasting effect on intergroup relations. However,in the anti-discrimination media reception context, antecedents of empathic responding have neverbeen studied before. To address this shortcoming, in this thesis we focus on the antecedents ofempathic responding in this particular context. More precisely, our aim was to explore and deepen theknowledge on trait-related antecedents (i.e. trait empathy and gender) and stimuli-related antecedents(i.e. emotion framing and the media format).In the article entitled The interplay of trait-related antecedents and state empathy: Empathic respondingto anti-discrimination public service announcements we examine trait-related (i.e. trait empathy andgender) antecedents of state empathy (affective and cognitive). The association between theantecedents of empathy (gender and trait empathy) was examined using a series of multiple regressionanalyses for each of the dimensions and the global score of empathy.In the study presented in the article Emotion framing and empathy in anti-discrimination public serviceannouncements, we investigated the effects of emotion framing (i.e. advertising tone) and the mediaformat (i.e. dynamic or static) on the intensity of the empathic responses to anti-discrimination PSAs.We performed a mixed model analysis of variance (ANOVA) to examine the differences between the16 anti-discrimination PSAs and to account for repeated measures for each participant - bothparticipants and PSAs being the random effects.Finally, in the article How to foster empathy in anti-discrimination initiatives? An implication for socialinterventions - A qualitative approach, we sought to qualitatively examine stimuli-related antecedents,and allow space for unknown antecedents of empathic responding to emerge. We transcribed the audiorecordings and analyzed data with NVivo software using an iterative process of thematic analysis.This thesis provides a significant contribution for both researchers and practitioners interested ininterventions in an intergroup context. On the one hand, results from the current study highlight the vrelevance of investigating empathy in an intergroup context and, on the other, they emphasize theimportance of investigating ways of arousing empathy toward discriminated groups.

Une typologie des consommateurs et des non-consommateurs de cannabis : contribution à l'élaboration des campagnes de prévention

Paquet, Christina 02 February 2024 (has links)
La légalisation du cannabis au Canada en octobre 2018 pose à la fois des défis et des opportunités à saisir, notamment en ce qui concerne la réorientation des fonds publics pour améliorer l'efficacité de la prévention chez les jeunes. Alors que les jeunes âgés entre 15 et 24 ans sont caractérisés par un usage de cannabis supérieur à toutes les autres tranches d'âges, les méfaits associés à la substance sont amplifiés lorsque la consommation est fréquente et précoce. L'objectif de cette recherche consiste alors à déterminer quels sont les différents segments de consommateurs et de non-consommateurs de cannabis que l'on peut retrouver dans une population d'adolescents et jeunes adultes. De fait, les non-consommateurs de cannabis ne sont pas un groupe homogène. La création des profils à l'aide de l'analyse typologique repose sur les variables de segmentation suivantes: les motivations à consommer ou à ne pas consommer du cannabis, les croyances quant aux effets du cannabis, la recherche de sensations et l'attitude envers la substance. Un échantillon de 338 répondants âgés entre 15 et 24 ans comprenant 139 consommateurs et 198 non-consommateurs de cannabis a permis de révéler la présence de six profils distincts. Parmi les consommateurs, quatre profils se distinguent : les expérimentateurs, les usagers réguliers, les épicuriens et les occasionnels. En ce qui concerne les non-consommateurs, on retrouve plutôt deux profils : les résolus et les vulnérables. De tous ces profils, les consommateurs réguliers et les non-consommateurs vulnérables apparaissent plus susceptibles à la consommation de cannabis, et devraient, pour cette raison, retenir l'attention des gestionnaires en marketing sociétal. Enfin, une analyse discriminante a permis de révéler l'importance de la recherche de sensations pour discriminer entre les groupes de consommateurs et entre les groupes de nonconsommateurs, ce qui suppose la pertinence de tenir compte du niveau de recherche de sensations des profils les plus vulnérables afin de mieux orienter les messages de prévention. / The legalization of cannabis in Canada in October 2018 poses both challenges and opportunities, especially when it comes to the redirection of public funds for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of the prevention among young people. As the share of young people aged between 15 and 24 years old is characterized by a greater usage of cannabis than any other age group, the harms associated with the substance use are amplified in the case of an early and frequent use. Hence, the objective of the present study is to determine which segments of consumers and non-consumers of cannabis can be found in a population of adolescents and young adults. Indeed, the non-consumers of cannabis do not form a homogeneous group. The profile creation through cluster analysis is based on the following segmentation variables: the motivations that lead to use or not to use cannabis, the beliefs about the effects of cannabis, the search for sensations and the attitude toward the substance. A sample of 338 respondents aged between 15 and 24 years old, comprising 139 consumers and 198 non-consumers of cannabis, revealed six distinct profiles. Four profiles are found among the consumers: the experimenters, the epicureans, the regular and the occasional users. As regards the non-consumers, two profiles are identified: the determined and the vulnerable. Of all these profiles, the regular consumers and the vulnerable non-consumers seem to be more likely to use cannabis and should therefore justify more attention from societal marketing managers. All in all, a discriminant analysis exposed the relevance of the search for sensations in discriminating the groups of consumers and non-consumers, which implies the relevance to take into account the degree of the search for sensations when it comes to most at-risk profiles, in order to better target the prevention messages.

L'évaluation de l'efficacité des campagnes de publicité sociale

Champagne-Saint-Arnaud, Valériane 12 April 2024 (has links)
La publicité sociale, que plusieurs inscrivent dans le domaine plus large du marketing social, occupe une part importante de l’industrie de la communication marketing au Québec : des dizaines de millions de dollars sont investis chaque année dans des campagnes publicitaires promouvant des causes sociales et environnementales multiples. Si les annonceurs sociaux choisissent cette forme de communication persuasive, c’est parce qu’ils sont animés de la conviction qu’elle est efficace pour susciter l’adoption de « bons » comportements ou l’abandon de « mauvais » comportements chez le public visé. Or, cette assertion soulève inévitablement des questions : l’efficacité des campagnes de publicité sociale est-elle évaluée? Le cas échéant, sur quels indicateurs et méthodes s’appuient ces évaluations? Sont-ils arrimés aux plus récentes connaissances issues de la recherche scientifique? Dans les écrits scientifiques, deux constats émergent : l’absence de consensus sur ce qui constitue une campagne efficace et sur la manière d’évaluer cette efficacité, ainsi que le manque de données empiriques sur les pratiques d’évaluation des professionnels. De tels constats conduisent naturellement à s’interroger sur la dynamique d’échange entre la recherche scientifique et les professionnels de la publicité sociale. Les données scientifiques sont-elles transférées aux professionnels? Dans l’affirmative, les intègrent-ils à leurs pratiques? Encore une fois, la revue de la littérature permet de constater que ces enjeux ont été peu documentés empiriquement jusqu’à présent. Dans ce contexte, l’étude s’est penchée sur l’enjeu général de l’arrimage entre les connaissances issues de la recherche scientifique (CIR) et les pratiques d’évaluation des campagnes de publicité sociale au Québec. S’appuyant sur un devis méthodologique mixte, un questionnaire a d’abord été soumis à soixante-deux professionnels de la publicité sociale oeuvrant au Québec, afin d’établir un portrait chiffré de leurs pratiques à l’égard de l’évaluation des campagnes ainsi que du transfert et de l’utilisation des connaissances scientifiques. Puis, vingt-trois professionnels ont participé à des entretiens individuels pour explorer plus en profondeur les raisons qui sous-tendent ces pratiques. / L’analyse conjointe des résultats du questionnaire et des entretiens a révélé que les pratiques des professionnels sont partiellement rigoureuses pour évaluer l’efficacité des campagnes, puisqu’elles présentent des lacunes autant pour mesurer les réactions que les résultats générés. Cette conclusion s’articule autour de cinq observations principales : (1) les professionnels n’effectuent pas systématiquement une évaluation des campagnes et, lorsqu’ils le font, c’est principalement à court terme après leur déploiement; (2) les indicateurs et les méthodes utilisés pour évaluer les réactions couvrent rarement la phase d’implication du récepteur; (3) le recours fréquent aux statistiques de popularité d’une campagne sur Internet fournit des données peu pertinentes pour en mesurer les effets réels qu’elle génère; (4) les indicateurs permettant de mesurer le processus de changement comportemental ne sont pas systématiquement utilisés et (5) les professionnels misent souvent sur des méthodes subjectives reposant sur des mesures autorapportées par le public cible des campagnes. Qui plus est, les entretiens ont révélé la tendance des professionnels à sélectionner certaines données et/ou à les interpréter à leur avantage, ce qui peut conduire à déclarer efficaces des campagnes qui ne le sont pas en réalité. Par ailleurs, l’étude révèle que les professionnels de la publicité sociale entretiennent un lien ténu avec le monde la recherche scientifique. Les activités de transfert et d’utilisation des CIR sont peu fréquentes et, lorsqu’elles sont réalisées, c’est principalement dans une visée utilitaire. Autrement dit, les CIR ne servent généralement pas à guider les décisions stratégiques et créatives en aval, mais plutôt à les supporter en amont. Finalement, l’étude offre un apport théorique important en proposant un nouveau cadre conceptuel et opérationnel de l’évaluation des campagnes de publicité sociale. Clarifiant ce qu’est une campagne de publicité sociale efficace et établissant une catégorisation précise des indicateurs et des méthodes permettant de l’évaluer, ce cadre fournit une distinction claire entre les réactions générées par une campagne et ses résultats d’une campagne, deux concepts qui souffraient d’une importante imprécision dans la littérature scientifique jusqu’à présent. L’évaluation des réactions s’appuie sur une nouvelle modélisation en trois phases, fruit de la fusion de modèles hiérarchiques et non hiérarchiques de la réception d’une publicité sociale. L’évaluation des résultats, quant à elle, s’enracine dans un modèle théorique du changement comportemental éprouvé empiriquement – l’approche de l’action raisonnée de Fishbein et Ajzen (2010) – dont il décompose chacune des variables pour en faire cinq indicateurs d’efficacité publicitaire. / The joint analysis of the results of the questionnaire and the interviews revealed that the professionals' practices are partially rigorous in evaluating campaign effectiveness, since they have shortcomings in both measuring target audience reactions and behavioral results. This conclusion is based on five main observations: (1) professionals do not systematically carry out an evaluation of campaigns and, when they do, it is mainly in the short term after their deployment; (2) the indicators and methods used to assess the reactions rarely cover the target audience involvement phase; (3) frequent use of popularity statistics for an Internet campaign provides irrelevant data for measuring audience reactions; (4) the indicators used to measure the behavioral change process are not systematically used and (5) professionals often rely on subjective methods based on selfreported measures by the target audience. Moreover, the interviews revealed the tendency of professionals to select certain data and/or interpret them to their advantage, which may lead to declaring campaigns that are not effective in reality. In addition, the study reveals that social advertising professionals have a tenuous connection to the world of scientific research. The transfer and use of scientific knowledge are infrequent and, when carried out, it is primarily for utilitarian purposes. In other words, scientific knowledge is generally not used to guide policy and creative decisions downstream, but rather to support them upstream. Finally, the study offers an important theoretical contribution by proposing a new conceptual and operational framework for the evaluation of social advertising campaigns. Clarifying what an effective social advertising campaign is and establishing an accurate categorization of indicators and methods for evaluating it, this framework provides a clear distinction between the target audience reactions and the behavioral results of a campaign. These are two concepts that have suffered from significant imprecision in scientific literature so far. The reactions assessment is based on a new three-phrase model. This is the result of the merging of hierarchical and non-hierarchical models of information processing. The evaluation of behavioral results, for its part, is rooted in a theoretical model that is proven empirically – the Fishbein and Ajzen (2010)’s reasoned action approach – of which it breaks down each of the variables to make five indicators of advertising effectiveness. / Social advertising, which is part of the broader field of social marketing, occupies a significant part of the marketing communications industry in Quebec. Tens of millions of dollars are invested every year for advertising campaigns that promote multiple social and environmental causes. If social advertisers choose this persuasive form of communication, it is because they are convinced that it is effective in encouraging the adoption of "good" behaviors or the abandonment of "bad" behaviors among the targeted audience. Nevertheless, this assertion inevitably raises questions: is the effectiveness of social advertising campaigns evaluated? If so, what indicators and methods are used to support these evaluations? Are they linked to the latest evidence based on scientific research? Two findings emerge from the scientific literature: the lack of consensus on what constitutes an effective campaign and how to evaluate this effectiveness, as well as the lack of empirical data on professional evaluation practices. Such findings naturally lead to question the dynamics of exchange between scientific research and social advertising professionals. Is the scientific data transferred to the professionals? If so, do they incorporate them into their practices? Once again, a review of the literature shows that up until now, these issues have been poorly documented on an empirical level. In this context, the study looked at the general issue of the link between knowledge generated from scientific research and the evaluation practices of social advertising campaigns in Quebec. Based on a mixed methods design, a questionnaire was first submitted to sixty-two social advertising professionals working in the province of Quebec. Its purpose was to establish a quantitative profile of their practices with respect to campaign evaluation and the transfer and use of scientific knowledge. Twenty-three professionals then took part in oneon- one interviews to further explore the reasons behind these practices.

Responsabilidade social empresarial: o consumidor como motivador de iniciativas: estudo de caso 'Conexão Belterra' conduzido pela empresa Vivo

Rocha, Michel da 09 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Michel Rocha (michelrocha7@hotmail.com) on 2013-05-08T19:29:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 marketing -Rocha - dissertacao vfinal.pdf: 680769 bytes, checksum: 850e0cd985dc5ec57d2551decd2c1d7d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2013-05-08T19:46:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marketing -Rocha - dissertacao vfinal.pdf: 680769 bytes, checksum: 850e0cd985dc5ec57d2551decd2c1d7d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-08T20:02:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 marketing -Rocha - dissertacao vfinal.pdf: 680769 bytes, checksum: 850e0cd985dc5ec57d2551decd2c1d7d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-09 / According to the Marketing´s specific literature, the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has often been driven by companies in order to anticipate the behavior of consumers who are increasingly demanding this type of initiative, setting up as an act of Social Marketing. Research indicates that, despite the claiming to be prone to consider the social attitudes of the companies in their purchasing choices, the consumer does not act in accordance with their stated intentions, creating a gap between intention and purchase behavior. The objective of this dissertation, taking as its starting point the observation of the Vivo´s deployment of 3G coverage in the community of Belterra-PA is to check the importance of stakeholder consumer regarding the context of Corporate Social Responsibility through two observation points: from the companies perspective, verifying if the consumer is considered among the motivators for managers at the time of investment decision in Corporate Social Responsibility actions, and from the consumers perspective, verifying if the Brazilians consumers value and legitimize these initiatives through their buying behavior. We start from an extensive literature review about Corporate Social Responsibility in order to trace how this topic has been linked to the field of Marketing. Regarding to the companies motivators, we wrote a case study about the project “Conexão Belterra” having as information sources magazines, blogs, company executives’ in-depth interviews and academic work research (Cruz, 2002). Despite the observation this action is aligned with its mission and objective, the company did not consider the consumer as a key motivator when implementing this CSR initiative. In relation to the consumer behavior, we locate the Öberseder, Schlegelmilch e Gruber (2011) paper, whose theoretical and methodological approach, as well the roadmap for research, served us as a guide for the development of our own empirical research. We conducted a qualitative study with 16 indepth interviews in order to explore how consumers’ perceptions about SR interfere in their evaluation process as purchasing behavior. Our results largely corroborate in the same direction of the results of Öberseder, Schlegelmilch e Gruber (2011), although bringing new specific socio-cultural aspects regarding Brazil contexto. / Segundo literatura específica do marketing, o tema de responsabilidade social empresarial (RSE) tem sido, muitas vezes, conduzido pelas empresas com o objetivo de antecipar o comportamento de consumidores que estão demandando cada vez mais esse tipo de iniciativa, configurando-se como uma ação de marketing social. Pesquisas indicam que, apesar de afirmar estar propenso a considerar as atitudes sociais das empresas em suas escolhas de compra, o consumidor não age de acordo com suas intenções declaradas, criando aparentemente uma lacuna entre intenção e comportamento de compra. O objetivo deste trabalho, tendo como ponto de partida a implantação de cobertura 3G na cidade de Belterra, no Pará, pela Vivo, é verificar a importância do stakeholder cliente dentro do contexto RSE da Vivo, por meio de dois pontos de observação: pela ótica das empresas, se o consumidor está entre os motivadores considerados pelos gestores no momento de decisão de investimento na condução de ações de RSE, e, pela ótica dos consumidores, se os brasileiros valorizam e legitimam essas iniciativas com a concretização do seu comportamento de compra. Partimos de uma extensa revisão bibliográfica sobre RSE, a fim de localizarmos, na literatura, como este tema tem sido atrelado ao campo do marketing. Em relação à observação dos motivadores das empresas, compusemos um estudo de caso sobre o projeto Conexão Belterra, tendo como fonte de informação revistas, blogs, entrevistas com executivos da empresa e pesquisa em um trabalho acadêmico dedicado ao levantamento dos resultados dessa implantação (CRUZ, 2002). Apesar de observar que a escolha dessa ação está alinhada com a missão e objetivo da empresa, exemplificando bem a relação entre seu negócio e a sociedade, essa decisão não teve o consumidor como um motivador-chave para sua condução. Em relação ao comportamento do consumidor, localizamos o trabalho desenvolvido por Öberseder, Schlegelmilch e Gruber (2011), cuja base teórica e metodológica, bem como o roteiro de pesquisa, serviu de guia para o desenvolvimento da nossa própria pesquisa empírica. Conduzimos uma pesquisa qualitativa, com 16 entrevistas em profundidade, a fim de explorarmos como as percepções acerca de ações de RSE interferem no processo de avaliação dos consumidores como critério de compra. Os resultados alcançados corroboram, em grande parte, os resultados da pesquisa de Öberseder, Schlegelmilch e Gruber (2011), embora tragam aspectos novos específicos do contexto sociocultural brasileiro.

Sports, physical activity and academic performance : promoting physical activity among adolescents

Bush, Paula Louise January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Marketing na sociálních sítích / Social media marketing

Havránek, Václav January 2010 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with marketing and building communities on social networks with an emphasis on Facebook. Its purpose is to present the possibilities utilization of social networks in marketing with a focus on building communities. The thesis analyze the possibilities of using social network Facebook for the specific case of an internet portal then formulate proposals and recommendations for work and then evaluate the implemented activities. At first, the author defines the social network, attends to their historical evolution, defines the types and describes the most widely known world and Czech services. Further, the master's thesis discusses a marketing potential of social networks and especially of Facebook, on which is the practical part applied. At that is described and evaluated the specific case of building a community of web site Marketing Journal.

Gestão de problemas sociais complexos e desenvolvimento humano / Management of complex social problems and human development

Carvalho, Hamilton Coimbra 17 August 2018 (has links)
Problemas sociais complexos possuem causas profundas e relações intrincadas de causalidade. Eles surgem na intersecção das diversas esferas que fazem parte da vida moderna: física, biológica, cultural, política, social, econômica, tecnológica e ambiental. Além disso, desafiam as capacidades cognitivas limitadas dos seres humanos, pois atrasos, não-linearidades, resistência a políticas e complexas interações entre as diferentes partes de um sistema produzem consequências não previstas e padrões de comportamentos sistêmicos que são difíceis de antecipar. Por sua vez, incentivados pelo foco de curto prazo do sistema político, gestores públicos tendem a atuar sobre as partes mais visíveis dos problemas, que frequentemente não são suas causas, mas seus sintomas. As políticas que são geradas com frequência levam à piora dos problemas no longo prazo. O aprendizado em sistemas complexos, por outro lado, é prejudicado porque o feedback das políticas é tipicamente opaco e sujeito a distorções. Esta tese busca inspiração nas ciências da complexidade, no campo da dinâmica de sistemas, no marketing social e em campos do conhecimento relacionados para tratar da questão do desenvolvimento humano. Inicialmente são discutidas as características dos problemas sociais complexos, argumentando-se que disciplinas como o marketing social, baseadas em modelos mentais (mindware) individualistas, são inadequadas para lidar com esse tipo de problema. Defende-se a necessidade de um novo campo interdisciplinar (gestão de problemas sociais complexos), capaz de lidar com os desafios das sociedades modernas. Em particular, foca-se na replicação intergeracional do baixo desenvolvimento humano, discutindo-se os conceitos de pobreza, bem-estar e desenvolvimento humano, bem como as condições que favorecem o desenvolvimento de mecanismos psicobiológicos essenciais nos primeiros anos de vida. A discussão abrange os ecossistemas sociais que limitam as oportunidades para os pobres e reforçam estruturas viciadas que produzem stress tóxico e uma baixa atenção ao capital humano. Na tese, um diagrama de malhas causais identifica as malhas de feedback que explicam a persistência do fenômeno. Com base na discussão nos três primeiros capítulos, apresentam-se três modelos de dinâmicas de sistemas nos capítulos seguintes, cada qual abordando um aspecto do problema. O primeiro modelo, chamado de modelo Caped, enfatiza as capacidades essenciais de pais e crianças, bem como as demandas do ambiente social que exaurem os recursos psicológicos dos pais. O segundo modelo amplia o escopo do primeiro e foca na explicação dos mecanismos pelos quais sociedades dominadas pela caça à renda (rent-seeking) e por instituições extrativas (em particular, o Brasil) produzem ecossistemas sociais viciados. Identifica-se o que parece ser um mecanismo central, o controle de narrativas (mindware). O terceiro modelo trata de mudança social em geral e objetiva descrever os canais e condições pelos quais ela ocorre. O modelo complementa os capítulos anteriores ao identificar como uma profunda mudança social objetivando a promoção do desenvolvimento humano poderia ocorrer. A tese contribui com o estudo do desenvolvimento humano por meio do emprego de um método que é talhado para modelar problemas sociais complexos. Ao identificar malhas críticas de feedback e processos essenciais nos níveis micro e macro, apresentam-se modelos integrativos que complementam as pesquisas feitas sobre o tema. Sob uma perspectiva prática, os modelos podem auxiliar no desenho de melhores políticas públicas e no desenho de modelos mentais (mindware) adequados para a discussão do desenvolvimento humano. / Complex social problems have multilevel roots and intricate webs of causation. They arise at the intersection of several of the spheres that comprise modern life: the physical, biological, cultural, political, social, economic, technological and environmental. They challenge the limited cognitive capacities of human beings, as delays, nonlinearities, policy resistance and complex interactions between the different parts of a system produce unforeseen consequences and patterns of systemic behaviors that are difficult to anticipate. Incentivized by the short-term focus of the political system, policy makers tend to act on the most visible parts of problems, which are often not causes but symptoms. They produce policies that often lead to worse conditions over time. Learning in complex systems, on the other hand, is hindered, because feedback from policies is typically opaque and amenable to distortion. This study draws on the complexity sciences, system dynamics, social marketing and related fields to address the issue of human development. We first explore the characteristics of complex social problems, showing that disciplines such as social marketing, based on individualistic mindware, are ill equipped to address them. The dissertation defends the need for a new interdisciplinary field (complex social problems management) capable of dealing with the challenging social problems of our times. In particular, we focus on the replication of low human development across generations, discussing the concepts of poverty, well-being and human development as well as the conditions that foster the development of essential psychobiological mechanisms in the first years of life. The discussion encompasses the social ecosystems that constrain opportunities for the poor and reinforce detrimental structures that produce toxic stress and low attention to human capital. A broad causal loop diagram summarizes the feedback loops that explain the persistence of this phenomenon. Based on the discussion in the first three chapters, we present three system dynamics models in the subsequent chapters, each one addressing an aspect of the problem. The first model, which we call the Caped model, focuses on parents\' and children\'s essential capabilities and on the social environmental demands that deplete parents\' psychological resources. The second model broadens the scope of the first and focuses on explaining why societies (in particular, Brazil) that are dominated by rent-seeking and extractive institutions produce detrimental social ecosystems. We uncover what seems to be a central mechanism, which is narrative (mindware) control. The third model deals with social change in general, and it aims to describe the channels and conditions by which that change occurs. It complements the analysis in the preceding chapters by identifying how a deep societal change toward the promotion of human development can occur. This dissertation contributes to the study of human development by employing a method that is suitable for modeling complex social problems. By identifying critical feedback loops and essential processes at the micro and macro levels, it provides integrative frameworks that complement research already conducted on the subject. From a practical perspective, the models can orient the design of better public policies and the design of adequate mindware for the discussion of human development.

Pão, circo e sorriso: a recepção e a audiência no markenting social

Araujo, Luiz Claudio de 20 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Luiz Claudio de Araujo.pdf: 4782469 bytes, checksum: df5391c44bd41322864f823ef9c15181 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-20 / Os dados aqui apresentados fazem parte da pesquisa " Pão, Circo e Sorriso. A recepção e a audiência no Marketing Social" que teve como principal objetivo identificar o Markting Social na perspectiva da audiência e da recepção -e produtos da industria da cultura, principalmente mídia e recepção

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