Spelling suggestions: "subject:"markov codels"" "subject:"markov 2models""
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Αυτόματος τεμαχισμός ψηφιακών σημάτων ομιλίας και εφαρμογή στη σύνθεση ομιλίας, αναγνώριση ομιλίας και αναγνώριση γλώσσας / Automatic segmentation of digital speech signals and application to speech synthesis, speech recognition and language recognitionΜπόρας, Ιωσήφ 19 October 2009 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή εισάγει μεθόδους για τον αυτόματο τεμαχισμό σημάτων ομιλίας. Συγκεκριμένα παρουσιάζονται τέσσερις νέες μέθοδοι για τον αυτόματο τεμαχισμό σημάτων ομιλίας, τόσο για γλωσσολογικά περιορισμένα όσο και μη προβλήματα. Η πρώτη μέθοδος κάνει χρήση των σημείων του σήματος που αντιστοιχούν στα ανοίγματα των φωνητικών χορδών κατά την διάρκεια της ομιλίας για να εξάγει όρια ψευδό-φωνημάτων με χρήση του αλγορίθμου δυναμικής παραμόρφωσης χρόνου. Η δεύτερη τεχνική εισάγει μια καινοτόμα υβριδική μέθοδο εκπαίδευσης κρυμμένων μοντέλων Μαρκώφ, η οποία τα καθιστά πιο αποτελεσματικά στον τεμαχισμό της ομιλίας. Η τρίτη μέθοδος χρησιμοποιεί αλγορίθμους μαθηματικής παλινδρόμησης για τον συνδυασμό ανεξαρτήτων μηχανών τεμαχισμού ομιλίας. Η τέταρτη μέθοδος εισάγει μια επέκταση του αλγορίθμου Βιτέρμπι με χρήση πολλαπλών παραμετρικών τεχνικών για τον τεμαχισμό της ομιλίας. Τέλος, οι προτεινόμενες μέθοδοι τεμαχισμού χρησιμοποιούνται για την βελτίωση συστημάτων στο πρόβλημα της σύνθεσης ομιλίας, αναγνώρισης ομιλίας και αναγνώρισης γλώσσας. / The present dissertation introduces methods for the automatic segmentation of speech signals. In detail, four new segmentation methods are presented both in for the cases of linguistically constrained or not segmentation. The first method uses pitchmark points to extract pseudo-phonetic boundaries using dynamic time warping algorithm. The second technique introduces a new hybrid method for the training of hidden Markov models, which makes them more effective in the speech segmentation task. The third method uses regression algorithms for the fusion of independent segmentation engines. The fourth method is an extension of the Viterbi algorithm using multiple speech parameterization techniques for segmentation. Finally, the proposed methods are used to improve systems in the task of speech synthesis, speech recognition and language recognition.
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Spatio-temporal dynamics in land use and habit fragmentation in Sandveld, South AfricaJames Takawira Magidi January 2010 (has links)
<p>This research assessed landuse changes and trends in vegetation cover in the Sandveld, using remote sensing images. Landsat TM satellite images of 1990, 2004 and 2007 were classified using the maximum likelihood classifier into seven landuse classes, namely water, agriculture, fire patches, natural vegetation, wetlands, disturbed veld, and open sands. Change detection using remote sensing algorithms and landscape metrics was performed on these multi-temporal landuse maps using the Land Change Modeller and Patch Analyst respectively. Markov stochastic modelling techniques were used to predict future scenarios in landuse change based on the classified images and their transitional probabilities. MODIS NDVI multi-temporal datasets with a 16day temporal resolution were used to assess seasonal and annual trends in vegetation cover using time series analysis (PCA and time profiling).Results indicated that natural vegetation decreased from 46% to 31% of the total landscape between 1990 and 2007 and these biodiversity losses were attributed to an increasing agriculture footprint. Predicted future scenario based on transitional probabilities revealed a continual loss in natural habitat and increase in the agricultural footprint. Time series analysis results (principal components and temporal profiles) suggested that the landscape has a high degree of overall dynamic change with pronounced inter and intra-annual changes and there was an overall increase in greenness associated with increase in agricultural activity. The study concluded that without future conservation interventions natural habitats would continue to disappear, a condition that will impact heavily on biodiversity and significant waterdependent ecosystems such as wetlands. This has significant implications for the long-term provision of water from ground water reserves and for the overall sustainability of current agricultural practices.</p>
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Etude de la pertinence des paramètres stochastiques sur des modèles de Markov cachés / Study of the relevance of stochastic parameters on hidden Markov modelsRobles, Bernard 18 December 2013 (has links)
Le point de départ de ce travail est la thèse réalisée par Pascal Vrignat sur la modélisation de niveaux de dégradation d’un système dynamique à l’aide de Modèles de Markov Cachés (MMC), pour une application en maintenance industrielle. Quatre niveaux ont été définis : S1 pour un arrêt de production et S2 à S4 pour des dégradations graduelles. Recueillant un certain nombre d’observations sur le terrain dans divers entreprises de la région, nous avons réalisé un modèle de synthèse à base de MMC afin de simuler les différents niveaux de dégradation d’un système réel. Dans un premier temps, nous identifions la pertinence des différentes observations ou symboles utilisés dans la modélisation d’un processus industriel. Nous introduisons ainsi le filtre entropique. Ensuite, dans un but d’amélioration du modèle, nous essayons de répondre aux questions : Quel est l’échantillonnage le plus pertinent et combien de symboles sont ils nécessaires pour évaluer au mieux le modèle ? Nous étudions ensuite les caractéristiques de plusieurs modélisations possibles d’un processus industriel afin d’en déduire la meilleure architecture. Nous utilisons des critères de test comme les critères de l’entropie de Shannon, d’Akaike ainsi que des tests statistiques. Enfin, nous confrontons les résultats issus du modèle de synthèse avec ceux issus d’applications industrielles. Nous proposons un réajustement du modèle pour être plus proche de la réalité de terrain. / As part of preventive maintenance, many companies are trying to improve the decision support of their experts. This thesis aims to assist our industrial partners in improving their maintenance operations (production of pastries, aluminum smelter and glass manufacturing plant). To model industrial processes, different topologies of Hidden Markov Models have been used, with a view to finding the best topology by studying the relevance of the model outputs (also called signatures). This thesis should make it possible to select a model framework (a framework includes : a topology, a learning & decoding algorithm and a distribution) by assessing the signature given by different synthetic models. To evaluate this « signature », the following widely-used criteria have been applied : Shannon Entropy, Maximum likelihood, Akaike Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion and Statistical tests.
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Contrôle de têtes parlantes par inversion acoustico-articulatoire pour l’apprentissage et la réhabilitation du langage / Control of talking heads by acoustic-to-articulatory inversion for language learning and rehabilitationBen Youssef, Atef 26 October 2011 (has links)
Les sons de parole peuvent être complétés par l'affichage des articulateurs sur un écran d'ordinateur pour produire de la parole augmentée, un signal potentiellement utile dans tous les cas où le son lui-même peut être difficile à comprendre, pour des raisons physiques ou perceptuelles. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un système appelé retour articulatoire visuel, dans lequel les articulateurs visibles et non visibles d'une tête parlante sont contrôlés à partir de la voix du locuteur. La motivation de cette thèse était de développer un tel système qui pourrait être appliqué à l'aide à l'apprentissage de la prononciation pour les langues étrangères, ou dans le domaine de l'orthophonie. Nous avons basé notre approche de ce problème d'inversion sur des modèles statistiques construits à partir de données acoustiques et articulatoires enregistrées sur un locuteur français à l'aide d'un articulographe électromagnétique (EMA). Notre approche avec les modèles de Markov cachés (HMMs) combine des techniques de reconnaissance automatique de la parole et de synthèse articulatoire pour estimer les trajectoires articulatoires à partir du signal acoustique. D'un autre côté, les modèles de mélanges gaussiens (GMMs) estiment directement les trajectoires articulatoires à partir du signal acoustique sans faire intervenir d'information phonétique. Nous avons basé notre évaluation des améliorations apportées à ces modèles sur différents critères : l'erreur quadratique moyenne (RMSE) entre les coordonnées EMA originales et reconstruites, le coefficient de corrélation de Pearson, l'affichage des espaces et des trajectoires articulatoires, aussi bien que les taux de reconnaissance acoustique et articulatoire. Les expériences montrent que l'utilisation d'états liés et de multi-gaussiennes pour les états des HMMs acoustiques améliore l'étage de reconnaissance acoustique des phones, et que la minimisation de l'erreur générée (MGE) dans la phase d'apprentissage des HMMs articulatoires donne des résultats plus précis par rapport à l'utilisation du critère plus conventionnel de maximisation de vraisemblance (MLE). En outre, l'utilisation du critère MLE au niveau de mapping direct de l'acoustique vers l'articulatoire par GMMs est plus efficace que le critère de minimisation de l'erreur quadratique moyenne (MMSE). Nous constatons également trouvé que le système d'inversion par HMMs est plus précis celui basé sur les GMMs. Par ailleurs, des expériences utilisant les mêmes méthodes statistiques et les mêmes données ont montré que le problème de reconstruction des mouvements de la langue à partir des mouvements du visage et des lèvres ne peut pas être résolu dans le cas général, et est impossible pour certaines classes phonétiques. Afin de généraliser notre système basé sur un locuteur unique à un système d'inversion de parole multi-locuteur, nous avons implémenté une méthode d'adaptation du locuteur basée sur la maximisation de la vraisemblance par régression linéaire (MLLR). Dans cette méthode MLLR, la transformation basée sur la régression linéaire qui adapte les HMMs acoustiques originaux à ceux du nouveau locuteur est calculée de manière à maximiser la vraisemblance des données d'adaptation. Finalement, cet étage d'adaptation du locuteur a été évalué en utilisant un système de reconnaissance automatique des classes phonétique de l'articulation, dans la mesure où les données articulatoires originales du nouveau locuteur n'existent pas. Finalement, en utilisant cette procédure d'adaptation, nous avons développé un démonstrateur complet de retour articulatoire visuel, qui peut être utilisé par un locuteur quelconque. Ce système devra être évalué de manière perceptive dans des conditions réalistes. / Speech sounds may be complemented by displaying speech articulators shapes on a computer screen, hence producing augmented speech, a signal that is potentially useful in all instances where the sound itself might be difficult to understand, for physical or perceptual reasons. In this thesis, we introduce a system called visual articulatory feedback, in which the visible and hidden articulators of a talking head are controlled from the speaker's speech sound. The motivation of this research was to develop such a system that could be applied to Computer Aided Pronunciation Training (CAPT) for learning of foreign languages, or in the domain of speech therapy. We have based our approach to this mapping problem on statistical models build from acoustic and articulatory data. In this thesis we have developed and evaluated two statistical learning methods trained on parallel synchronous acoustic and articulatory data recorded on a French speaker by means of an electromagnetic articulograph. Our Hidden Markov models (HMMs) approach combines HMM-based acoustic recognition and HMM-based articulatory synthesis techniques to estimate the articulatory trajectories from the acoustic signal. Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) estimate articulatory features directly from the acoustic ones. We have based our evaluation of the improvement results brought to these models on several criteria: the Root Mean Square Error between the original and recovered EMA coordinates, the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, displays of the articulatory spaces and articulatory trajectories, as well as some acoustic or articulatory recognition rates. Experiments indicate that the use of states tying and multi-Gaussian per state in the acoustic HMM improves the recognition stage, and that the minimum generation error (MGE) articulatory HMMs parameter updating results in a more accurate inversion than the conventional maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) training. In addition, the GMM mapping using MLE criteria is more efficient than using minimum mean square error (MMSE) criteria. In conclusion, we have found that the HMM inversion system has a greater accuracy compared with the GMM one. Beside, experiments using the same statistical methods and data have shown that the face-to-tongue inversion problem, i.e. predicting tongue shapes from face and lip shapes cannot be solved in a general way, and that it is impossible for some phonetic classes. In order to extend our system based on a single speaker to a multi-speaker speech inversion system, we have implemented a speaker adaptation method based on the maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR). In MLLR, a linear regression-based transform that adapts the original acoustic HMMs to those of the new speaker was calculated to maximise the likelihood of adaptation data. Finally, this speaker adaptation stage has been evaluated using an articulatory phonetic recognition system, as there are not original articulatory data available for the new speakers. Finally, using this adaptation procedure, we have developed a complete articulatory feedback demonstrator, which can work for any speaker. This system should be assessed by perceptual tests in realistic conditions.
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Computational Studies on Structures and Functions of Single and Multi-domain ProteinsMehrotra, Prachi January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Proteins are essential for the growth, survival and maintenance of the cell. Understanding the functional roles of proteins helps to decipher the working of macromolecular assemblies and cellular machinery of living organisms. A thorough investigation of the link between sequence, structure and function of proteins, helps in building a comprehensive understanding of the complex biological systems. Proteins have been observed to be composed of single and multiple domains. Analysis of proteins encoded in diverse genomes shows the ubiquitous nature of multi-domain proteins. Though the majority of eukaryotic proteins are multi-domain in nature, 3-D structures of only a small proportion of multi-domain proteins are known due to difficulties in crystallizing such proteins. While functions of individual domains are generally extensively studied, the complex interplay of functions of domains is not well understood for most multi-domain proteins. Paucity of structural and functional data, affects our understanding of the evolution of structure and function of multi-domain proteins.
The broad objective of this thesis is to achieve an enhanced understanding of structure and function of protein domains by computational analysis of sequence and structural data. Special attention is paid in the first few chapters of this thesis on the multi-domain proteins. Classification of multi-domain proteins by implementation of an alignment-free sequence comparison method has been achieved in Chapters 2 and 3. Studies on organization, interactions and interdependence of domain-domain interactions in multi-domain proteins with respect to sequential separation between domains and N to C-terminal domain order have been described in Chapters 4 and 5. The functional and structural repertoire of organisms can be comprehensively studied and compared using functional and structural domain annotations. Chapter 6, 7 and 8 represent the proteome-wide structure and function comparisons of various pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms. These comparisons help in identifying proteins implicated in virulence of the pathogen and thus predict putative targets for disease treatment and prevention.
Chapter 1 forms an introduction to the main subject area of this thesis. Starting with describing protein structure and function, details of the four levels of hierarchical organization of protein structure have been provided, along with the databases that document protein sequences and structures. Classification of protein domains considered as the realm of function, structure and evolution has been described. The usefulness of classification of proteins at the domain level has been highlighted in terms of providing an enhanced understanding of protein structure and function and also their evolutionary relatedness. The details of structure, function and evolution of multi-domain proteins have also been outlined in chapter 1. !
Chapter 2 aims to achieve a biologically meaningful classification scheme for multi-domain protein sequences. The overall function of a multi-domain protein is determined by the functional and structural interplay of its constituent domains. Traditional sequence-based methods utilize only the domain-level information to classify proteins. This does not take into account the contributions of accessory domains and linker regions towards the overall function of a multi-domain protein. An alignment-free protein sequence comparison tool, CLAP (CLAssification of Proteins) previously developed in this laboratory, was assessed and improved when the author joined the group. CLAP was developed especially to handle multi-domain protein sequences without a requirement of defining domain boundaries and sequential order of domains (domain architecture). !
The working principle of CLAP involves comparison of all against all windows of 5-residue sequence patterns between two protein sequences. The sequences compared could be full-length comprising of all the domains in the two proteins. This compilation of comparison is represented as the Local Matching Scores (LMS) between protein sequences (nslab.iisc.ernet.in/clap/). It has been previously shown that the execution time of CLAP is ~7 times faster than other protein sequence comparison methods that employ alignment of sequences. In Chapter 2, CLAP-based classification has been carried out on two test datasets of proteins containing (i) Tyrosine phosphatase domain family and (ii) SH3-domain family. The former dataset comprises both single and multi-domain proteins that sometimes consist of domain repeats of the tyrosine phosphatase domain. The latter dataset consists only of multi-domain proteins with one copy of the SH3-domain. At the domain-level CLAP-based classification scheme resulted in a clustering similar to that obtained from an alignment-based method, ClustalW. CLAP-based clusters obtained for full-length datasets were shown to comprise of proteins with similar functions and domain architectures. Hence, a protein classification scheme is shown to work efficiently that is independent of domain definitions and requires only the full-length amino acid sequences as input.!
Chapter 3 explores the limitations of CLAP in large-scale protein sequence comparisons. The potential advantages of full-length protein sequence classification, combined with the availability of the alignment-free sequence comparison tool, CLAP, motivated the conceptualization of full-length sequence classification of the entire protein repertoire. Before undertaking this mammoth task, working of CLAP was tested for a large dataset of 239,461 protein sequences. Chapter 3 discusses the technical details of computation, storage and retrieval of CLAP scores for a large dataset in a feasible timeframe. CLAP scores were examined for protein pairs of same domain architecture and ~22% of these showed 0 CLAP similarity scores. This led to investigation of the sensitivity of CLAP with respect to sequence divergence. Several test datasets of proteins belonging to the same SCOP fold were constructed and CLAP-based classification of these proteins was examined at inter and intra-SCOP family level. CLAP was successful in efficiently clustering evolutionary related proteins (defined as proteins within the same SCOP superfamily) if their sequence identity >35%. At lower sequence identities, CLAP fails to recognize any evolutionary relatedness. Another test dataset consisting of two-domain proteins with domain order swapped was constructed. Domain order swap refers to domain architectures of type AB and BA, consisting of domains A and B. A condition that the sequence identities of homologous domains were greater than 35% was imposed. CLAP could effectively cluster together proteins of the same domain architectures in this case. Thus, the sequence identity threshold of 35% at the domain-level improves the accuracy of CLAP. The analysis also showed that for highly divergent sequences, the expectation of 5-residue pattern match was likely a stringent criterion. Thus, a modification in the 5-residue identical pattern match criterion, by considering even similar residue and gaps within matched patterns may be required to effectuate CLAP-based clustering of remotely related protein sequences. Thus, this study highlights the limitations of CLAP with respect to large-scale analysis and its sensitivity to sequence divergence. !
Chapters 4 and 5 discuss the computational analysis of inter-domain interactions with respect to sequential distance and domain order. Knowledge of domain composition and 3-D structures of individual domains in a multi-domain protein may not be sufficient to predict the tertiary structure of the multi-domain protein. Substantial information about the nature of domain-domain interfaces helps in prediction of the tertiary as well as the quaternary structure of a protein. Therefore, chapter 4 explores the possible relationship between the sequential distance separating two domains in a multi-domain protein and the extent of their interaction. With increasing sequential separation between any two domains, the extent of inter-domain interactions showed a gradual decrease. The trend was more apparent when sequential separation between domains is measured in terms of number of intervening domains. Irrespective of the linker length, extensive interactions were seen more often between contiguous domains than between non-contiguous domains. Contiguous domains show a broader interface area and lower proportion of non-interacting domains (interface area: 0 Å2 to - 4400 Å2, 2.3% non-interacting domains) than non-contiguous domains (interface area: 0 Å2 to - 2000 Å2, 34.7% non-interacting domains).
Additionally, as inter-protein interactions are mediated through constituent domains, rules of protein-protein interactions were applied to domain-domain interactions. Tight binding between domains is denoted as putative permanent domain-domain interactions and domains that may dissociate and associate with relatively weak interactions to regulate functional activity are denoted as putative transient domain-domain interactions. An interface area threshold of 600 Å2 was utilized as a binary classifier to distinguish between putative permanent and putative transient domain-domain interactions. Therefore, the state of interaction of a domain pair is defined as either putative permanent or putative transient interaction. Contiguous domains showed a predominance of putative permanent nature of inter-domain interface, whereas non-contiguous domains showed a prevalence of putative transient interfaces. The state of interaction of various SCOP superfamily pairs was studied across different proteins in the dataset. SCOP superfamily pairs mostly showed a conserved state of interaction, i.e. either putative permanent or putative transient in all their occurrences across different proteins. Thus, it is noted that contiguous domains interact extensively more often than non-contiguous domains and specific superfamily pairs tend to interact in a conserved manner. In conclusion, a combination of interface area and other inter-domain properties along with experimental validation will help strengthen the binary classification scheme of putative permanent and transient domain-domain interactions.!
Chapter 5 provides structural analysis of domain pairs occurring in different sequential domain orders in mutli-domain proteins. The function and regulation of a multi-domain protein is predominantly determined by the domain-domain interactions. These in turn are influenced by the sequential order of domains in a protein. With domains defined using evolutionary and structural relatedness (SCOP superfamily), their conservation of structure and function was studied across domain order reversal. A domain order reversal indicates different sequential orders of the concerned domains, which may be identified in proteins of same or different domain compositions. Domain order reversals of domains A and B can be indicated in protein pair consisting of the domain architectures xAxBx and xBxAx, where x indicates 0 or more domains. A total of 161 pairs of domain order reversals were identified in 77 pairs of PDB entries. For most of the comparisons between proteins with different domain composition and architecture, large differences in the relative spatial orientation of domains were observed. Although preservation of state of interaction was observed for ~75% of the comparisons, none of the inter-domain interfaces of domains in different order displayed high interface similarity.
These domain order reversals in multi-domain proteins are contributed by a limited number of 15 SCOP superfamilies. Majority of the superfamilies undergoing order reversal either function as transporters or regulatory domains and very few are enzymes.
A higher proportion of domain order reversals were observed in domains separated by 0 or 1 domains than those separated by more than 1 domain. A thorough analysis of various structural features of domains undergoing order reversal indicates that only one order of domains is strongly preferred over all possible orders. This may be due to either evolutionary selection of one of the orders and its conservation throughout generations, or the fact that domain order reversals rarely conserve the interface between the domains.
Further studies (Chapters 6 to 8) utilize the available computational techniques for structural and functional annotation of proteins encoded in a few bacterial genomes. Based on these annotations, proteome-wide structure and function comparisons were performed between two sets of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. The first study compares the pathogenic Mycobacterium tuberculosis to the closely related organism Mycobacterium smegmatis which is non-pathogenic. The second study primarily identified biologically feasible host-pathogen interactions between the human host and the pathogen Leptospira interrogans and also compared leptospiral-host interactions of the pathogenic Leptospira interrogans and of the saprophytic Leptospira biflexa with the human host.
Chapter 6 describes the function and structure annotation of proteins encoded in the genome of M. smegmatis MC2-155. M. smegmatis is a widely used model organism for understanding the pathophysiology of M. tuberculosis, the primary causative agent of tuberculosis in humans. M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis species of the mycobacterial genus share several features like a similar cell-wall architecture, the ability to oxidise carbon monoxide aerobically and share a huge number of homologues. These features render M. smegmatis particularly useful in identifying critical cellular pathways of M. tuberculosis to inhibit its growth in the human host. In spite of the similarities between M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis, there are stark differences between the two due to their diverse niche and lifestyle. While there are innumerable studies reporting the structure, function and interaction properties of M. tuberculosis proteins, there is a lack of high quality annotation of M. smegmatis proteins. This makes the understanding of the biology of M. smegmatis extremely important for investigating its competence as a good model organism for M. tuberculosis.
With the implementation of available sequence and structural profile-based search procedures, functional and structural characterization could be achieved for ~92% of the M. smegmatis proteome. Structural and functional domain definitions were obtained for a total of 5695 of 6717 proteins in M. smegmatis. Residue coverage >70% was achieved for 4567 proteins, which constitute ~68% of the proteome. Domain unassigned regions more than 30 residues were assessed for their potential to be associated to a domain. For 1022 proteins with no recognizable domains, putative structural and functional information was inferred for 328 proteins by the use of distance relationship detection and fold recognition methods. Although 916 sequences of 1022 proteins with no recognizable domains were found to be specific to M. smegmatis species, 98 of these are specific to its MC2-155 strain. Of the 1828 M. smegmatis proteins classified as conserved hypothetical proteins, 1038 proteins were successfully characterized. A total of 33 Domains of Unknown Function (DUFs) occurring in M. smegmatis could be associated to structural domains.
A high representation of the tetR and GntR family of transcription regulators was noted in the functional repertoire of M. smegmatis proteome. As M. smegmatis is a soil-dwelling bacterium, transcriptional regulators are crucial for helping it to adapt and survive the environmental stress. Similarly, the ABC transporter and MFS domain families are highly represented in the M. smegmatis proteome. These are important in enabling the bacteria to uptake carbohydrate from diverse environmental sources. A lower number of virulent proteins were identified in M. smegmatis, which justifies its non-pathogenicity. Thus, a detailed functional and structural annotation of the M. smegmatis proteome was achieved in Chapter 6.
Chapter 7 delineates the similarities and difference in the structure and function of proteins encoded in the genomes of the pathogenic M. tuberculosis and the non-pathogenic M. smegmatis. The protocol employed in Chapter 6 to achieve the proteome-wide structure and function annotation of M. smegmatis was also applied to M. tuberculosis proteome in Chapter 7. The number of proteins encoded by the genome of M. smegmatis strain MC2-155 (6717 proteins) is comparatively higher than that in M. tuberculosis strain H37Rv (4018 proteins). A total of 2720 high confidence orthologues sharing ≥30% sequence identity were identified in M. tuberculosis with respect to M. smegmatis. Based on the orthologue information, specific functional clusters, essential proteins, metabolic pathways, transporters and toxin-antitoxin systems of M. tuberculosis were inspected for conservation in M. smegmatis.
Among the several categories analysed, 53 metabolic pathways, 44 membrane transporter proteins belonging to secondary transporters and ATP-dependent transporter classes, 73 toxin-antitoxin systems, 23 M. tuberculosis-specific targets, 10 broad-spectrum targets and 34 targets implicated in persistence of M. tuberculosis could not detect any orthologues in M. smegmatis. Several of the MFS superfamily transporters act as drug efflux pumps and are hence associated with drug resistance in M. tuberculosis. The relative abundances of MFS and ABC superfamily transporters are higher in M. smegmatis than in M. tuberculosis. As these transporters are involved in carbohydrate uptake, their higher representation in M. smegmatis than in M. tuberculosis highlights the lack of proficiency of M. tuberculosis to assimilate diverse carbon sources. In the case of porins, MspA-like and OmpA-like porins are selectively present in either M. smegmatis or M. tuberculosis. These differences help to elucidate protein clusters for which M. smegmatis may not be the best model organism to study M. tuberculosis proteins.!
At the domain-level, ATP-binding domain of ABC transporters, tetracycline transcriptional regulator (tetR) domain family, major facilitator superfamily (MFS) domain family, AMP-binding domain family and enoyl-CoA hydrolase domain family are highly represented in both M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis proteomes. These domains play an essential role in the carbohydrate uptake systems and drug-efflux pumps among other diverse functions in mycobacteria. There are several differentially represented domain families in M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis. For example, the pentapeptide-repeat domain, PE, PPE and PIN domains although abundantly present in M. tuberculosis, are very rare in M. smegmatis. Therefore, such uniquely or differentially represented functional and structural domains in M. tuberculosis as compared to M. smegmatis may be linked to pathogenicity or adaptation of M. tuberculosis in the host. Hence, major differences between M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis were identified, not only in terms of domain populations but also in terms of domain combinations. Thus, Chapter 7 highlights the similarities and differences between M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis proteomes in terms of structure and function. These differences provide an understanding of selective utilization of M. smegmatis as a model organism to study M. tuberculosis. !
In Chapter 8, computational tools have been employed to predict biologically feasible host-pathogen interactions between the human host and the pathogenic, Leptospira interrogans. Sensitive profile-based search procedures were used to specifically identify practical drug targets in the genome of Leptospira interrogans, the causative agent of the globally widespread zoonotic disease, Leptospirosis. Traditionally, the genus Leptospira is classified into two species complex- the pathogenic L. interrogans and the non-pathogenic saprophyte L. biflexa. The pathogen gains entry into the human host through direct or indirect contact with fluids of infected animals. Several ambiguities exist in the understanding of L. interrogans pathogenesis.
An integration of multiple computational approaches guided by experimentally derived protein-protein interactions, was utilized for recognition of host-pathogen protein-protein interactions. The initial step involved the identification of similarities of host and L. interrogans proteins with crystal structures of experimentally known transient protein-protein complexes. Further, conservation of interfacial nature was used to obtain high confidence predictions for putative host-pathogen protein-protein interactions. These predictions were subjected to further selection based on subcellular localization of proteins of the human host and L. interrogans, and tissue-specific expression profiles of the host proteins. A total of 49 protein-protein interactions mediated by 24 L. interrogans
proteins and 17 host proteins were identified and these may be subjected to further experimental investigations to assess their in vivo relevance.
The functional relevance of similarities and differences between the pathogenic and non-pathogenic leptospires in terms of interactions with the host has also been explored. For this, protein-protein interactions across human host and the non-pathogenic saprophyte L. biflexa were also predicted. Nearly 39 leptospiral-host interactions were recognized to be similar across both the pathogen and saprophyte in the context of processes that influence the host. The overlapping leptospiral-host interactions of L. interrogans and L. biflexa proteins with the human host proteins are primarily associated with establishment of its entry into the human host. These include adhesion of the leptospiral proteins to host cells, survival in host environment such as iron acquisition and binding to components of extracellular matrix and plasma. The disjoint sets of leptospiral-host interactions are species-specific interactions, more importantly indicative of the establishment of infection by L. interrogans in the human host and immune clearance of L. biflexa by the human host. With respect to L. interrogans, these specific interactions include interference with blood coagulation cascade and dissemination to target organs by means of disruption of cell junction assembly. On the other hand, species-specific interactions of L. biflexa proteins include those with components of host immune system. !
In spite of the limited availability of experimental evidence, these help in identifying functionally relevant interactions between host and pathogen by integrating multiple lines of evidence. Thus, inferences from computational prediction of host-pathogen interactions act as guidelines for experimental studies investigating the in vivo relevance of these predicted protein-protein interactions. This will further help in developing effective measures for treatment and disease prevention.
In summary, Chapters 2 and 3 describe the implementation, advantages and limitations of the alignment-free full-length sequence comparison method, CLAP. Chapter 4 and 5 are dedicated to understand the domain-domain interactions in multi-domain protein sequences and structures. In Chapters 6, 7 and 8 the computational analyses of the mycobacterial species and leptospiral species helped in an enhanced understanding of the functional repertoire of these bacteria. These studies were undertaken by utilizing the biological sequence data available in public databases and implementation of powerful homology-detection techniques.
The supplemental data associated with the chapters is provided in a compact disc attached with this thesis.!
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Estima??o param?trica e n?o-param?trica em modelos de markov ocultosMedeiros, Francisco Mois?s C?ndido de 10 February 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-02-10 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In this work we study the Hidden Markov Models with finite as well as general state space. In the finite case, the forward and backward algorithms are considered and the probability of a given observed sequence is computed. Next, we use the EM algorithm to
estimate the model parameters. In the general case, the kernel estimators are used and to built a sequence of estimators that converge in L1-norm to the density function of the observable process / Neste trabalho estudamos os modelos de Markov ocultos tanto em espa?o de estados finito quanto em espa?o de estados geral. No caso discreto, estudamos os algoritmos para frente e para tr?s para determinar a probabilidade da sequ?ncia observada e, em seguida, estimamos os par?metros do modelo via algoritmo EM. No caso geral, estudamos os estimadores do tipo n?cleo e os utilizamos para conseguir uma sequ?ncia de estimadores que converge na norma L1 para a fun??o densidade do processo observado
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Automatic speech recognition, with large vocabulary, robustness, independence of speaker and multilingual processingCaon, Daniel Régis Sarmento 27 August 2010 (has links)
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Dissertacao de Daniel Regis Sarmento Caon.pdf: 1566094 bytes, checksum: 67b557539f4bc5b354bc90066e805215 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-08-27 / This work aims to provide automatic cognitive assistance via speech interface, to the elderly who live alone, at risk situation. Distress expressions and voice commands are part of the target vocabulary for speech recognition. Throughout the work, the large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system Julius is used in conjunction with the Hidden Markov Model Toolkit(HTK). The system Julius has its main features described, including its modification. This modification is part of the contribution which is in this work, including the detection of distress expressions ( situations of speech which suggest emergency). Four different languages were provided as target for recognition: French, Dutch, Spanish and English. In this same sequence of languages (determined by data availability and the local of scenarios for the integration of systems) theoretical studies and experiments were conducted to solve the need of working with each new configuration. This work includes studies of the French and Dutch languages. Initial experiments (in French) were made with adaptation of hidden Markov models and were analyzed by cross validation. In order to perform a new demonstration in Dutch, acoustic and language models were built and the system was integrated with other auxiliary modules (such as voice activity detector and the dialogue system). Results of speech recognition after acoustic adaptation to a specific speaker (and the creation of language models for a specific scenario to demonstrate the system) showed 86.39 % accuracy rate of sentence for the Dutch acoustic models. The same data shows 94.44 % semantical accuracy rate of sentence / Este trabalho visa prover assistência cognitiva automática via interface de fala, à idosos que moram sozinhos, em situação de risco. Expressões de angústia e comandos vocais fazem parte do vocabulário alvo de reconhecimento de fala. Durante todo o trabalho, o sistema de reconhecimento de fala contínua de grande vocabulário Julius é utilizado em conjunto com o Hidden Markov Model Toolkit(HTK). O sistema Julius tem suas principais características descritas, tendo inclusive sido modificado. Tal modificação é parte da contribuição desse estudo, assim como a detecção de expressões de angústia (situações de fala que caracterizam emergência). Quatro diferentes linguas foram previstas como alvo de reconhecimento: Francês, Holandês, Espanhol e Inglês. Nessa mesma ordem de linguas (determinadas pela disponibilidade de dados e local de cenários de integração de sistemas) os estudos teóricos e experimentos foram conduzidos para suprir a necessidade de trabalhar com cada nova configuração. Este trabalho inclui estudos feitos com as linguas Francês e Holandês. Experimentos iniciais (em Francês) foram feitos com adaptação de modelos ocultos de Markov e analisados por validação cruzada. Para realizar uma nova demonstração em Holandês, modelos acústicos e de linguagem foram construídos e o sistema foi integrado a outros módulos auxiliares (como o detector de atividades vocais e sistema de diálogo). Resultados de reconhecimento de fala após adaptação dos modelos acústicos à um locutor específico (e da criação de modelos de linguagem específicos para um cenário de demonstração do sistema) demonstraram 86,39% de taxa de acerto de sentença para os modelos acústicos holandeses. Os mesmos dados demonstram 94,44% de taxa de acerto semântico de sentença
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Malware Analysis using Profile Hidden Markov Models and Intrusion Detection in a Stream Learning SettingSaradha, R January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In the last decade, a lot of machine learning and data mining based approaches have been used in the areas of intrusion detection, malware detection and classification and also traffic analysis. In the area of malware analysis, static binary analysis techniques have become increasingly difficult with the code obfuscation methods and code packing employed when writing the malware. The behavior-based analysis techniques are being used in large malware analysis systems because of this reason. In prior art, a number of clustering and classification techniques have been used to classify the malwares into families and to also identify new malware families, from the behavior reports. In this thesis, we have analysed in detail about the use of Profile Hidden Markov models for the problem of malware classification and clustering. The advantage of building accurate models with limited examples is very helpful in early detection and modeling of malware families.
The thesis also revisits the learning setting of an Intrusion Detection System that employs machine learning for identifying attacks and normal traffic. It substantiates the suitability of incremental learning setting(or stream based learning setting) for the problem of learning attack patterns in IDS, when large volume of data arrive in a stream. Related to the above problem, an elaborate survey of the IDS that use data mining and machine learning was done. Experimental evaluation and comparison show that in terms of speed and accuracy, the stream based algorithms perform very well as large volumes of data are presented for classification as attack or non-attack patterns. The possibilities for using stream algorithms in different problems in security is elucidated in conclusion.
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Spatio-temporal dynamics in land use and habit fragmentation in Sandveld, South AfricaMagidi, James Takawira January 2010 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology) - MSc (Biodiv and Cons Biol) / This research assessed landuse changes and trends in vegetation cover in the Sandveld, using remote sensing images. Landsat TM satellite images of 1990, 2004 and 2007 were classified using the maximum likelihood classifier into seven landuse classes, namely water, agriculture, fire patches, natural vegetation, wetlands, disturbed veld, and open sands. Change detection using remote sensing algorithms and landscape metrics was performed on these multi-temporal landuse maps using the Land Change Modeller and Patch Analyst respectively. Markov stochastic modelling techniques were used to predict future scenarios in landuse change based on the classified images and their transitional probabilities. MODIS NDVI multi-temporal datasets with a 16day temporal resolution were used to assess seasonal and annual trends in vegetation cover using time series analysis (PCA and time profiling).Results indicated that natural vegetation decreased from 46% to 31% of the total landscape between 1990 and 2007 and these biodiversity losses were attributed to an increasing agriculture footprint. Predicted future scenario based on transitional probabilities revealed a continual loss in natural habitat and increase in the agricultural footprint. Time series analysis results (principal components and temporal profiles) suggested that the landscape has a high degree of overall dynamic change with pronounced inter and intra-annual changes and there was an overall increase in greenness associated with increase in agricultural activity. The study concluded that without future conservation interventions natural habitats would continue to disappear, a condition that will impact heavily on biodiversity and significant waterdependent ecosystems such as wetlands. This has significant implications for the long-term provision of water from ground water reserves and for the overall sustainability of current agricultural practices. / South Africa
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Integrace hlasových technologií na mobilní platformy / Integration of Voice Technologies on Mobile PlatformsČerničko, Sergij January 2013 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is being familiar with methods a techniques used in speech processing. Describe the current state of research and development of speech technology. Project and implement server speech recognizer that uses BSAPI. Integrate client that will use server for speech recognition to mobile dictionaries of Lingea company.
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