Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mass balance"" "subject:"dass balance""
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Energy Efficient Textile DryingBrunzell, Lena January 2006 (has links)
<p>Traditionally, textiles were dried outdoors with the wind and the sun enhancing the drying process. Tumble dryers offer a fast and convenient way of drying textiles independent of weather conditions. Tumble dryers, however, consume large amounts of electrical energy. Over 4 million tumble dryers are sold each year in Europe and a considerable amount of energy is used for drying of clothes. Increasing energy costs and the awareness about environmental problems related to a large energy use has increased the demand for dryers with better energy efficiency. The aim with this thesis is to show how to improve the energy efficiency of domestic tumble dryers.</p><p>Two types of tumble dryers are available on the market today: the open cycle dryer and the closed cycle dryer. In the open cycle dryer room air is heated and led into the drying drum. The exhaust air leaves the dryer and is often evacuated outside the building. In the closed cycle dryer an internal airflow is recirculated inside the dryer. When the hot air has passed through the drying drum it is led through a heat exchanger where the water vapour is condensed before the air is heated again and led to the drum. The heat exchanger is cooled with room air.</p><p>Drying at low temperature has been shown to reduce the specific energy use for an open cycle tumble dryer. In Paper I a correlation between the specific energy use, the drying time and the heat supply was established for a specific load by using the exhaust air temperature. It was shown that the total drying time and specific energy use could be predicted from data during the first hour of the process. This result indicated a possibility to create a control system that makes it possible for the user to choose between low energy use or short drying time.</p><p>The focus of Paper II is to reduce the energy use for a closed cycle tumble dryer. Energy and mass balances were established in order to determine feasible improvements. Energy and mass flows in the dryer indicated that reducing leakage from the internal system of the dryer gave the largest reduction of specific energy use. Insulation of the back cover of the dryer and opening the internal system during the falling drying rate period also gave positive results on the energy use. In total a feasible reduction of the energy use of approximately 17% was calculated.</p>
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Dynamisk massbalansmodellering av fosfor i Östersjön / Dynamic Mass-balance Modelling of Phosphorus in the Baltic SeaKarlsson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
<p>During the past few years a vast amount of research has been done to increase the understanding of the complex ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. Modelling and simulations are important tools to increase knowledge of the system. A suitable model must be simple to use and the parameters and variables needed in the model must be easy to access.</p><p>In this paper a dynamical mass-balance model, CoastMab, which is validated for smaller coastal areas, has been used to predict concentrations and transports of phosphorus in three large coastal areas - the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Gdansk and the Gulf of Riga. CoastMab uses ordinary differential equations to regulate inflow, outflow and internal flows. To reflect seasonal variations in temperature and different types of flows the model has a temporal resolution of a month. The main purposes of this paper have been to evaluate CoastMab, predict the concentrations and the transports of phosphorus in each coastal area and to analyse how much and why the results differ from empirical data.</p><p>The performed simulations show the importance of a correct calculation of the wave base. This is due to its influence on the division between surface and deep water as well as the division of areas of accumulation and areas of erosion and transport. The retention times of surface and deep water calculated by the model also is of great importance because of their direct influence on the flow of water between the study area and the sea outside the area. This together with the concentration of phosphorus determines the flow of phosphorus in and out of the study area.</p><p>The dynamical mass-balance model is considered to work well in the three studied areas even though the areas are outside the model domain in several respects. Even if the predictions of the phosphorus concentration in the gulf of Riga was less accurate than in the other study areas, the prediction was inside the interval of standard deviation that has been calculated from empirical data. The major flow of phosphorus in the model was in the cross section between the Baltic proper and the modelled coastal area.</p><p>Since the model is easy to use and requires only a small number of obligatory input variables it would be appealing to continue development of the model to handle coastal areas of the same size and larger than the study areas in this paper.</p> / <p>Under senare år har mycket forskning utförts för att öka förståelsen av det komplexa ekosystem Östersjön utgör. Viktiga redskap för att öka förståelsen för systemet är modellering och simulering. För att en modell ska vara lämplig att använda är det viktigt att den inte är för komplicerad och att de parametrar och variabler som används i modellen är lättillgängliga.</p><p>I detta arbete har en dynamisk massbalansmodell, CoastMab, som är validerad för mindre kustområden använts för att modellera fosforkoncentrationer och fosforflöden i tre större kustområden - Finska viken, Gdanskbukten och Rigabukten. CoastMab reglerar genom ordinära differentialekvationer inflöden, utflöden och interna flöden. För att kunna hantera säsongsvariationer i temperatur och olika typer av flöden har modellen en temporär upplösning på en månad. Syftet med arbetet har främst varit att se hur väl CoastMab predikterar fosforkoncentrationen och fosforflöden inom respektive område, samt att analysera hur mycket och varför prediktionerna skiljer sig från empiriska data.</p><p>De simuleringar som utfördes visade att djupet på den teoretiska vågbasen, som modellen beräknar, är av stor betydelse eftersom den i sin tur bestämmer fördelningen yt- och djupvatten samt fördelningen av ackumulationsbottnar och erosions- och transportbottnar. De utbytestider för yt- och djupvatten som modellen beräknar är också av största vikt eftersom de har en direkt inverkan på vattenflödet mellan studerat område och havet utanför, vilket i sin tur tillsammans med fosforkoncentrationen bestämmer fosforflöden in och ut ur det studerade området.</p><p>Den dynamiska massbalansmodellen kan anses fungera väl för samtliga tre studerade områden, trots att de ligger utanför modellens domän i flera avseenden. Även om prediktionen av fosforkoncentrationen i Rigabukten blev sämre än för de två övriga områdena, låg prediktionen inom det intervall för standardavvikelsen som beräknats utifrån empiriska data. De största fosforflödena i modellen förekom för samtliga områden i gränssnittet mellan egentliga Östersjön och det modellerade kustområdet.</p><p>Enkelheten i att använda modellen och det låga antalet obligatoriska drivvariabler gör att den är väl värd att utveckla för att hantera områden av samma eller större storlek än de nu studerade områdena.</p>
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Salt, water and nutrient fluxes to Himmerfjärden bayKhalili, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Naturvårdsverket rankar övergödningen som det allvarligaste hotet mot Östersjön. Strategin för att bekämpa övergödningen i Östersjön har varit att reducera antropogena utsläpp av fosfor och kväve från punktkällor och diffusa källor. Många forskare anser att primärproduktionen i egentliga Östersjön huvudsakligen är begränsad av kväve varför Sverige har infört ett ambitiöst och kostsamt program för avancerad kväverening på reningsverk. Andra experter hävdar istället att reducerade kväveutsläpp är meningslösa eller rent av skadliga.</p><p>I ljuset av dessa fundamentalt olika åsikter och de helt motsatta strategier de innebär syftar denna studie till att försöka klargöra vilka åtgärder som borde vidtas för att minska övergödningen genom att undersöka området Himmerfjärden som ofta används som ett exempel på lyckad kväverening. Området har också studerats intensivt sedan 1970-talet.</p><p>Detta arbete har använt en processbaserad dynamisk massbalansmodell för salt för att beräkna vattenutbytestider i Himmerfjärden. Flöden av vatten och näringsämnen till och från fjärden har beräknats och det har visats att bidraget av kväve och fosfor till Himmerfjärden från reningsverket är mycket marginellt jämfört med bidraget från Östersjön.</p><p>Denna studie har också genom att granska litteratur och mätdata från Himmerfjärden visat att det finns goda skäl att ifrågasätta hypotesen om att primärproduktionen i Himmerfjärden skulle vara långsiktigt begränsad av kväve. Resultaten av denna studie kommer att användas i framtida massbalansmodelleringar av fosfor, kväve och cyanobakterier i Himmerfjärden.</p> / <p>The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has ranked eutrophication as the most severe threat to the Baltic Sea. The strategy to combat the eutrophication in the Baltic has been to reduce antrophogenous emissions of phosphorus and nitrogen from point and diffuse sources. Many scientists argue that the primary production in the Baltic proper is primarily limited by nitrogen which is why Sweden and other countries have implemented an ambitious and expensive program of advanced nitrogen removal in sewage treatment plants. Other experts argue that reduced nitrogen load to the Baltic Sea is either pointless or even harmful.</p><p>In the light of these fundamentally different views and the very opposite management strategies they imply, this study aims to more bring clarity to which measures should be taken to reduce eutrophiction by investigating the area of Himmerfjärden. Himmerfjärden is often used as an example of successful removal of nitrogen and the area has been intensively monitored since the 1970’s.</p><p>This work used a process-based dynamic mass balance model for salt to calculate water retention times in Himmerfjärden. Water and nutrient flows to and from the bay have been calculated. It was shown that the contribution of nutrients to Himmerfjärden from the treatment plant is small compared to the contribution from the Baltic Sea.</p><p>This study showed by reviewing literature on Himmerfjärden that there are good reasons to question the hypothesis of Himmerfjärden being nitrogen limited in the long-run. The findings of this study will be used in future mass balance modelling of phosphorus, nitrogen and cyanobacteria in Himmerfjärden.</p>
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Risk from radionuclides: a frog's perspective : Accumulation of 137Cs in a riparian wetland, radiation doses, and effects on frogs and toads after low-dose rate exposureStark, Karolina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Threats from man-made radionuclides include waste issues, increasing number of power plants, underground bomb testing, nuclear weapons, and “dirty bombs”. Until recently the ionizing radiation protection system focused on protecting humans with an implied protection of biota. However, goals of sustainable development and precautionary principles for human activity are leading to an inclusion of plant and animal populations in the protection system.</p><p>From this perspective, the present thesis examines wetlands that function as sinks for the radionuclide 137Cs, and describes calculated and measured radiation doses to residing biota. Also, multi-level effects from exposure to low-dose rate ionizing radiation were studied. Accumulation of 137Cs after the Chernobyl accident fallout was studied in a riparian wetland with a mean activity concentration of 1 200 kBq m-2 in Sweden (paper I). A mass balance budget of 137Cs showed that the sedimentation of new material was balanced by the decay process of 137Cs in parts of the wetland (paper I).</p><p>Frogs were identified as organisms of concern in this wetland. Internal radiation doses, based on whole body measurements of frogs, were estimated to be lower than external doses based on soil samples (paper II). Current dose models for biota resulted in a wide range of doses depending on different levels of conservatism in the models. Therefore, in situ measurements with frog-phantoms were found to provide valuable dose information (paper III). Measured doses using frog-phantoms were lower than calculated doses using several dose models. Although a dose conversion factor by FASSET was found to be useful for comparison with measurements in the field. A higher dose was measured to the phantom surface in comparison to inner parts, i.e. the sensitive skin of frogs receives the highest dose. Estimated and measured radiation doses to frogs were below suggested dose rate limits.</p><p>Low-dose rate 137Cs exposure of eggs and tadpoles from three amphibian species, Scaphiopus holbrookii, Bufo terrestris, and Rana catesbeiana, showed no increased levels of strand breaks in red blood cells, and no effects on development, survival or growth up to metamorphosis (paper IV). The ecological factor larval density had a stronger effect on metamorphic traits than low-dose rate radiation. Higher levels of strand breaks were detected after an acute dose in R. catesbeiana than after a chronic dose supporting a dose rate limit for protection of amphibians rather than a dose limit (paper IV).</p><p>Based on current knowledge, frogs in the contaminated wetland are probably not exposed to radiation doses from 137Cs that are harmful for the population. However, variations in sensitivity between populations and species, and adaptive responses have been shown for amphibians exposed to other stressors. This supports further research on effects of chronic low-dose rates of ionizing radiation on amphibians.</p>
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Interação rio aquífero: um estudo de caso na Bacia do Ribeirão da Onça / Stream - aquifer interaction: A study case in the Onça Creek WatershedRosa, David Maycon Schimitt 27 July 2018 (has links)
A informação sobre a interação entre o rio e aquífero está, cada vez mais, sendo reconhecida como a ponto de entendimento relacionado com a disponibilidade hídrica superficial e a contaminação das águas subterrâneas, além de apresentar influência sobre ambientes hiporreicos. A percepção da importância dessa interação, atraiu o foco de diversos pesquisadores, para o tema. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a interação rio aquífero utilizando um balanço de massa do rio e o gradiente de temperatura entre a água do aquífero e do rio como traçador. Foram utilizados dados de vazão do Ribeirão da Onça, dividido em 3 sub-bacias. Para auxiliar neste monitoramento, foi montado um datalogger alternativo, utilizando a plataforma Arduíno, equipado com um sensor de distância ultrassônico. Também foram utilizadas informações de temperatura da base do ribeirão, como traçador, na sub-bacia 2, através de um termômetro e 4 termopares distribuídos em profundidades a cada 10 cm da base. O datalogger apresentou erro relativo de 3,5% comparado ao transdutor de pressão utilizado. O melhor ajuste para a recessão do escoamento de base foi a quadrática de Boussinesq indicando um coeficiente de recessão (α) menor para a suba-bacia 3 e maior para a sub-bacia 2 . Além disso, o coeficiente de recessão médio para as áreas foi de 0,00388 dia-1, a espessura saturada média da camada saturada, obtida pela formulação quadrática de Boussinesq foi de 51m, e a transmissividade média da bacia foi igual a 131 m2.dia-1. A contribuição de base para as sub-bacias 2 e 3 foram maiores que a da 1, indicando maiores taxas de recarga nas sub-bacias 2 e do 3. A contribuição superficial e linear do escoamento de base para a sub-bacia 2 foi, em média, de 850 mm/d e 4 m3/m.d, respectivamente. A comparação da temperatura da água do aquífero 30 cm abaixo da base do ribeirão, com a temperatura da base do ribeirão, apresentou uma diferença média de 2 °C, além de revelar que a contribuição do aquífero para o ribeirão não foi uniforme, com alguns pontos em que o ribeirão, possivelmente, contribui para o aquífero. A análise dos hidrogramas obtidos através de um balanço de vazão no ribeirão, e a aplicação do gradiente de temperatura, se mostraram alternativas viáveis para o estudo da interação entre o rio e o aquífero. / Information about stream - aquifer interaction is increasly recognized as key to understand process related to surface water avalability, groundwater contamination and its influence on the fauna and flora of hyporeic enviroments. The perception of the importance of this interaction has attracted the focus of several researchers to the theme. Thereby, this work had as objective to analyze the interaction between a river and an aquifer by using both a mass balance and an evaluation of the temperature gradient between the water of the aquifer and the river. Three gaugings stations, installed along the main stream of an upland watershed called Ribeirão da Onça, provided the streamflow data used in this work. To assist in this monitoring, an alternative datalogger was installed, using the Arduino platform, equipped with an ultrasonic distance sensor. Temperature information from the creek base, as a physical tracer, was also used in the intermediaty catchement area, through a thermometer and 4 thermocouples distributed in depths every 10 cm of the river ground. The ultrassonic sensor presented a relative error of 3.5 %, compared to the pressure transducer used. The best fit for the quadratic formulation of Boussinesq indicated that coeficient recession (α) was less for the sub-basin 3 and bigger for subbasin 2. In addition, the mean recession coefficient for the areas was 0.00388 day-1, the mean saturated thickness of the saturated layer, obtained by the quadratic formulation of Boussinesq was 51 m and the mean transmissivity of the basin was equal to 131 m2.day-1. The base contribution to the sub-basins 2 and 3 were bigger than sub-basin 1 showing bigger recharge rates in the sub-basins 2 and 3. The surface and linear contribution of the baseflow to the sub-basin 2 was on average 850 mm/d and 4 m3/m.d, respectively. Comparison of the water temperature of the aquifer 30 cm below the base of the creek with the temperature of the creek base showed an average gradient of 2 °C and also showed that the contribution of the aquifer to the creek is not uniform, with some points where the creek possibly contributes to the aquifer. The intergrated analysis of the hydrographs obtained through a flow balance in the stream and of the temperature gradient have proved to be feasible alternatives for the study of the stream aquifer interaction.
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Mass Balance of the High-Arctic Glacier Nordenskiöldbreen, Svalbard, in a Changing Climate / Massbalansen över den högarktiska glaciären Nordenskiöldbreen, Svalbard, och dess klimatförändringGustavsson, Maja January 2019 (has links)
Melting glaciers are the major contributor to sea level rise. Glaciers are sensitive indicators of climate change and current experience strong developments in a rapidly warming Arctic environment. Time-series of the mass balance of the glacier Nordenskiöldbreen are constructed by using height observations from the stake measurements on the glacier. The connection between the glacier mass balance and monthly averaged weather parameters observed at nearby meteorological stations will be analyzed. The total net balance on glacier Nordenskiöldbreen is found to be negative (-0.09 m w.e. per year) between 2005 and 2017. The mass balance during the summer season correlates strongest with maximum air temperature, while the winter balance is found to be mostly influenced by cloud cover and temperature, rather than precipitation. The results show that precipitation observed at nearby weather stations are not representative for precipitation amounts observed on the glacier. / Glaciärer som smälter är en av de största bidragen till den förhöjda havsnivån. Det är därför viktigt att studera Svalbards glaciärer för att kunna svara på hur den arktiska uppvärmningen påverkar issystemen. En tidsserie över massbalansen för glaciären Nordenskiöldbreen skapades genom höjdobservationer från stavmätningar befintliga på glaciären. I nästa steg analyserades kopplingen mellan glaciärmassbalansen och väderparametrarna som observerats vid närliggande meteorologiska stationer. Den totala netbalansen på glaciären Nordenskiöldbreen visade sig vara negativ (-0.09 m w.e. per år) mellan år 2005 och 2017. Massbalansen under sommarsäsongen korrelerade starkast med maximal lufttemperatur medan vinterbalansen var mest påverkad av molntäcke och temperatur, snarare än nederbörd. Resultaten visar att nederbörd observerad vid närliggande väderstationer inte är representativ för nederbördsmängder observerade på glaciären.
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Problemática dos metais e sólidos no tratamento de água (estação convencional de ciclo completo) e nos resíduos gerados / not availableBarroso, Marcelo Melo 29 April 2002 (has links)
O aumento da demanda de água potável e por conseqüência dos resíduos gerados, tem levado a indústria da água no Brasil, composto por aproximadamente 7500 ETAs, a deparar-se com dispendiosos ônus técnicos e financeiros no gerenciamento destes resíduos. Os sólidos, e, inclusive metais são os principais constituintes dos resíduos gerados durante o tratamento de água, sejam nos decantadores ou filtros. A compreensão da produção dos metais e sólidos em um ETA, assume grande importância. Apresenta-se neste estudo, os aspectos que envolvem a presença de metais e sólidos no tratamento de água. Realizou-se a avaliação dos metais nas diferentes etapas do tratamento de água. Realizou-se a avaliação dos metais nas diferentes etapas do tratamento, assim como a estimativa de produção de sólidos suspensos totais e em metais em uma ETA convencional que utiliza como coagulante sulfato de alumínio. Para tanto foram coletadas amostras de água de diferentes etapas do tratamento (captação, coagulação, floculação/sedimentação, filtração e estabilização final) e dos resíduos de decantadores e água de lavagem dos filtros ETA/São Carlos-SAAE. Os metais foram determinados em espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica, com pré-concentração de metais em coluna de troca iônica (resina catiônica fortemente ácida). A liberação de material dissolvido foi observada, ao longo das unidades de tratamento; parcela dos sólidos dissolvidos liberados são constituídos de metais dissolvidos ressolubilizados e/ou não removidos. Entretanto, tais afirmações são passíveis de estudos complementares. Na água tratada foram verificadas concentrações de chumbo, acima do limite de 10 μ/L estabelecido pelo Padrão de Potabilidade, Portaria nº 1469/2000. A partir do balanço de massa e de análises realizadas nos resíduos estimou-se a produção diária de sólidos e de metais, e verificou-se retenção, nos decantadores, principalmente da fração particulada dos metais. A adição de produtos químicos contribuiu com cerca de 37% dos sólidos produzidos na ETA/São Carlos. / The increase in the demand for drinking water and consequently in the generated residues, has taking the Brazilian industry of water, composed of approximately 7500 WTPs, to come across high technical and financial costs in the management of these residues. Metals and solids are the main constituents of the residues generated during the water treatment, either in the sedimentation tank or in filters. Thus the understanding of the production of metals and solids in a WTP is of assumes great importance. This study presents the aspects that involve the presence of metals and solids in the water treatment. The evaluation of the metals in different stages of the treatment, as well as the estimate of the production of solids and metals in a conventional ETA using aluminum sulfate as coagulant have been carried out. Samples of water were collected in different stages of the treatment (raw water, coagulation, flocculation/sedimentation, filtration and finished water) from sludge coagulant and filter backwash waters of WTP/São Carlos-SAAE. The metals were determined in spectrophotomic of atomic absorption, with pre-concentration of metals in column ofionic change (strongly acid resin cationic). The release of dissolved material was observed, along the units of treatment; part of the relesead dissolved solids is constituted by ressolubilized and/or removed dissolved metals. However, such statements are susceptible to complementary studies. In the treated water lead concentrations were verified, above the limit of 10 μg/L established by the Standard for Drinking Water, nº 1469/2000. From the mass balance and the analyses accomplished in the residues the daily production of solids and metals, was estimated and retention of mainly particulate fraction of metals was verified, in sedimentation tanks. The addition of chemical products contributed with approximately 37% of the solids produced at WTP/São Carlos.
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A Regional Analysis of Changing Climate Conditions and Glacier Mass Balance in Svalbard / En regional analys av förändrade klimatförhållanden och den glaciala massbalansen på SvalbardBergman, Ottar January 2019 (has links)
The Arctic archipelago of Svalbard has experienced among the greatest increases in temperature on Earth in the last few decades. The changing climatic conditions have a large impact on the glacier mass balance. This study makes use of a highresolution model dataset with data on climatic and glacier conditions on Svalbard from 1957 to 2018. The model dataset is used to analyse the spatiotemporal variability in glacier mass balance across Svalbard and linking those changes to long-term trends in meteorological conditions. The study is focused on the spatial gradients in trends between two regions in Svalbard, the coldest part of the archipelago, Nordaustlandet and the milder southern part of the main island Spitsbergen. The north eastern (NE) region is found to have a greater increase in annual air temperature over the simulation period with 5.5 °C compared to 3.5 °C for the south western (SW) region. The increase in annual summer temperatures is much smaller with a total increase of 1 °C for the NW and 1.5 °C for the SW. Both regions show a small, but significant, increase of precipitation. Relative humidity and cloud cover in the NE are increasing slightly over the time period, probably due to retreating sea ice cover. Glacier melt and runoff are increasing in both regions, which is contributing to significant negative trends in the mass balance. The increase in melt and run off is stronger in the SW than in the NE. There’s a strong correlation between summer air temperature and glacier mass balance, melt and runoff. Refreezing in the NE is decreasing much faster than in the SW. Refreezing is strongly correlated with annual air temperatures in the NE and not in the SW, probably due to lower temperatures in the NE region.
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Balanço de massa, energia e exergia na produção intensiva de frangos de corte. / Mass, energy and exergy balance in the intensive production of broilers.Migliavacca, Alencar 31 August 2017 (has links)
A produção brasileira de frangos de corte evidenciou-se com o sistema de produção integrada, ao elevar a eficiência e a qualidade na conversão de proteína animal. Contudo, devido à rápida evolução tecnológica com crescente demanda energética e a diversificação dos sistemas de produção em diferentes microclimas, elucidar os processos de conversão de massa e energia tornou-se uma tarefa desafiadora neste sistema de produção. Constantemente, pesquisadores, produtores e agroindústria buscam processos mais rentáveis, reduzindo a demanda em mão de obra e o impacto ambiental. No entanto, nunca foi feita uma avaliação integrada do sistema produtivo de frangos de corte, considerando-se os aspectos quantitativos, energéticos e ambientais. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho é promover um detalhado balanço de massa e energia, além de avaliar por meio da análise exergética, a qualidade das conversões de energia no processo produtivo de frangos de corte. Com o levantamento de insumos, produtos e rejeitos diretos, vinculados ao ciclo de produção, foram quantificadas as vazões mássicas para os diferentes processos do ciclo e, aplicando-se a avaliação exergética, obteve-se um diagnóstico completo da quantidade e qualidade energética envolvidas. Considerando o cenário adotado, em termos mássicos, as maiores demandas identificadas para os insumos foram a água (69,2%) e a ração (24,9%). Na saída do processo, os Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE)/particulados extraídos através da ventilação (39,4%), os gases de combustão da lenha (25,6%) e a cama (14,2%) formam os principais rejeitos. A massa de frangos representa 20% das saídas. Foi identificado que a relação entre o consumo de água e ração é função da temperatura. Em termos energéticos, as maiores contribuições identificadas para os insumos foram a ração (77,7%) acompanhada do material absorvente (9,7%) e da lenha (9,6%). Na saída do processo lideram as energias associadas aos frangos (33,2%) e da cama gerada (32,1%). O rendimento energético obtido para galpões convencionais foi de 27%. Os processos que mais destroem exergia dentro do ciclo produtivo são a formação da cama de frangos a partir das excretas (51,5% em convencionais e 48,2% em climatizados) e a combustão da lenha para aquecimento (21,9% em convencionais e 20,5% em climatizados). Além disso, foi estimado o rendimento de Segunda Lei para o ciclo próximo de 26%. Foram introduzidos os índices energético e exergético de produção permitindo a comparação entre diferentes sistemas. Como principal resíduo, a cama de frangos gerada no ciclo, quando reutilizada como insumo para aquecimento do próprio aviário na forma de briquetes, pode elevar as eficiências. Comparando-se as demandas médias para as duas formas de aquecimento, foi constatado que o uso do GLP é mais favorável ao ambiente se comparado à lenha, devido à forma direta de transferência de calor aos frangos. É aconselhável, em dias quentes, elevar a velocidade do ar, utilizando o resfriamento evaporativo somente em casos de elevada temperatura ambiente, pois a introdução de água eleva a exergia dissipada no ciclo. / Brazilian production of broilers has been highlighted with the implantation of the integrated production system, which improved the efficiency and quality in animal protein conversion. However, due to the rapid technological evolution with the increasing energy demand and the diversification of production systems in different microclimates, elucidating mass and energy conversion processes has become a challenging task regarding this production system. Constantly, researchers, producers and agribusiness look for more profitable processes, reducing the labour demand and environmental impact. However, an integrated evaluation of the productive system of broilers, considering the quantitative, energy and environmental aspects has never been carried out. Thus, this study aims at promoting a detailed mass and energy balance and to evaluate the quality of the energy conversions in the productive process of broilers by means of exergy analysis. With the survey of inputs, products and direct wastes, linked to the production cycle, the mass flow rates for the different processes of the cycle were quantified and a complete diagnosis of the quantity and quality energetic involved was obtained applying the exergy evaluation. Considering the scenario adopted, in mass terms, the greatest demands identified for the inputs were water (69.2%) and feed (24.9%). At the exit of the process, the greenhouse gases/dust extracted through ventilation (39.4%), the firewood combustion gases (25.6%) and the litter poultry generated (14.2%) are the main outputs. The broilers mass was quantified in 20%. The relation between water and feed consumption has shown to be the temperature. Regarding energy, the largest contribution identified for the inputs was feed (77.7%) followed by the absorbent (9.7%) and firewood (9.6%). At the exit of the process lead the energy associated with the broilers (33.2%) and the poultry litter generated (32.1%). The energy performance obtained for conventional shed was 27%. The processes of the largest exergy destroyed within the productive cycle are the litter poultry converted from excreta (51.5% in conventional and 48.2% in air conditioning) and the combustion of wood for heating (21.9% in conventional and 20.5% in air conditioning). In addition, the second law performance for the cycle was estimated in about 26%. The energy and exergy production index was introduced allowing for the comparison among different systems. As the main residue, the litter poultry generated in the cycle when reused as an input for heating the aviary itself in the form of briquettes, can increase these efficiencies. The use of LPG is more environmentally friendly compared to wood, considering the average demands for the too forms of heating, due to the direct form of heat transfer to the broilers. It is advisable, on hot days, to raise the air speed using the evaporative cooling only in cases of high ambient temperature, as the introduction of water raises the exergy dissipated in the cycle.
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Ocorrência de sólidos e metais na água tratada e nos resíduos gerados em ETA convencional de ciclo completo com descargas diárias / Solids and metal occurrence in the drinking water in the residuals generated in conventional WTP of complete cycle with daily dischargeSouza, Francisco Gláucio Cavalcante de 14 July 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foram levantados dados sobre o tratamento da água e os resíduos gerados nos decantadores e filtros da ETA Fonte Luminosa, localizada em Araraquara, que é do tipo convencional com decantadores de alta taxa, objetivando-se obter parâmetros sobre a qualidade e quantidade dos resíduos gerados na ETA referida. Foram analisados e relacionados fatores relevantes na geração e composição destes resíduos, tais como: consumo de produtos químicos, procedimentos operacionais e qualidade da água bruta. O trabalho foi dividido em três etapas. Na primeira, foi realizada a caracterização física e operacional da ETA Fonte Luminosa através de visitas e levantamento de dados históricos da água afluente à estação, da água tratada, dos produtos químicos e dos dados operacionais da estação no período de 2001 a 2003. Na segunda etapa, realizou-se a caracterização qualitativa da água nas diversas etapas do tratamento em termos de pH, cor aparente, turbidez e sólidos; nos resíduos originados nos decantadores e filtros, também, foi realizada a caracterização qualitativa (DQO, nitrogênio total, fosfato total, pH, cor aparente, turbidez e sólidos) e quantitativa (medida e estimada com o emprego de balanço de massas) dos. A ultima etapa, foi a avaliação da ocorrência de metais (Fe, Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu, Pb, Cr e Mg) na água ao longo do tratamento e nos resíduos. Os processos e as operações empregadas no tratamento influenciaram diretamente na qualidade e na quantidade dos resíduos. No período observado, os resultados indicaram grande semelhança entre os resíduos gerados nos decantadores de alta taxa e filtros da ETA Fonte Luminosa. Notou-se grande divergência entre os resíduos gerados em decantadores convencionais (ETA São Carlos) e de alta taxa (descargas diárias). Observou-se a ocorrência de chumbo, níquel e cromo total na água tratada em valores acima do Padrão de Potabilidade fixado pela Portaria nº 518/MS de 25/03/2004. / In this work, it was made a data survey about the water treatment and the residuals generated in the settling tanks and filters from the Fonte Luminosa WTA located at Araraquara-SP, a conventional type WTA with high rate settling tanks; aiming to obtain parameters about the quality and quantity of residuals generated at this WTA. The relevant parameters in the residuals generation and composition, like the chemical consume, the operational proceedings and the raw water quality, were evaluated and related to each other. The work was divided in three stages. In the first, it was made the physic and operational characterization from the Fonte Luminosa WTA by means of visits and historical data surveys from the water that enters the WTA, the treated water, the chemicals used and the operational data from the period of 2001 to 2003. In the second stage, it was made a qualitative characterization from the water in several stages of the treatment, with the parameters: pH, apparent color, turbidity and solids; to the residuals generated in the settling tanks and filters, it was also made the qualitative characterization with the parameters: COD, total nitrogen, total phosphate, pH, apparent color, turbidity and solids; and it was made a quantitative characterization for these residuals (measured and estimated by the mass balance). The last stage was the evaluation of the occurrence of metals (Fe, Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu, Pb, Cr and Mg) in the total water treatment and in the residuals. The processes and operations applied in the water treatment have a direct influence in the quality and quantity of the generated wastes. In the observed period, the results show a great similarity between the wastes generated in the high rate settling tanks and filters from this WTA. It was observed a great difference between the residuals generated in conventional settling tanks (São Carlos WTA) and high rate settling tanks (daily discharge). It was observed the occurrence of lead, nickel and chrome in the treated water, with values bigger than the ones fixed by the Portaria nº 518/MS from 03/25/2004 to a drinking water.
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