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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zázemí fotbalového klubu Lučina / Background of the Football Club Lučina

Kohut, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
This Project includes the background of the football club Lučina. The object is situated in the community center of Lučina. The house has three floors. There is a utility room, storage room, laundry facilities and rehabilitation facilities for football players (gym, sauna, jacuzzi, massage) in the basement. In the 1st floor is a locker room with showers for the players and the public buffet. In a separate part is a toilet and garage. In the 2nd floor is an apartment with terrace and facilities for the officers of club. The house is made from brick technology of ceramic blocks. The building is covered with shed roof and vegetation.

Plavecký areál v Humpolci / The swimming centre in Humpolec

Kubíčková, Žaneta January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is concerned with the swimming pool compound which is situated in the area of the Czech-Moravian Highlands, in the town Humpolec and it contains the complete documentary materials (documentation) for the execution of the project, fire safety solution to the building with respect to building physics, structural assess of wooden constructions and air- conditioning of the swimming hall. In the swimming compound there is a swimming hall with five swimming pools with the total water area of 605,4 m2 (swimming pool, the swimming pool for non-swimmers, relaxing swimming pool, whirpool, wading pool) and other additional services – four saunas with bar, massages,solarium and two buffets. The capacity of the swimming hall is 286 persons, the capacity of the whole compound is 418 persons. As for the shape of the building, it is designed as five rectangulars of different heights embedded into each other. Under the part of the swimming centre there is a basement and its external ground plan size is 61,33m*52,83. The basement serves as utility rooms of the whole building. The load-bearing construction of the swimming hall is designed using beam girders and pillars, made of glued laminated timber. In the rest of the building there is a brick construction system. Around the swimming hall there is a glass fronted facade.

Wellness Čeladná / Wellness Čeladná

Kozumplíková, Markéta January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to design a low-energy building for civic amenities, specifically the design of a recreational wellness centre. The building has an L-shaped floor plan with a flat roof and is designed with two above ground and one underground floor. The ground floor will serve as a wellness centre with a swimming pool and saunas. Massages and solariums are proposed on the 2nd floor. Technical facilities are located in the basement. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the architectural and structural design. Structurally, the building is divided into two parts. The part of the administrative facilities and the massage rooms consists of a construction of the character of a transverse wall system made of cut brick blocks and insulated with ETICS. The internal masonry is designed in ceramic ground bricks. Ceiling structures are in the form of continuous reinforced concrete slab. The building is based on footings and waist foundations. The roof of the building is single-skin flat with a gravel. The wellness part is made up of a monolithic diaphragm skeleton with high slenderness columns. The horizontal load-bearing structure in this case again consists of a continuous monolithic reinforced concrete slab. The second part of the thesis deals mainly with the environmental engineering of the buildings. The building will be heated by a pellet boiler and will also use energy from photovoltaic panels. Ventilation in the building is provided by air handling units with heat recovery. The third part of the thesis deals with the assessment of solar gains in the indoor environment of the pool hall. Three variants are proposed with multi-criteria evaluation and the optimal option is selected. The thesis is mainly elaborated in Archicad, Deksoft, MS Excel and Word software.

Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei Tumorpatienten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung krebsassoziierter Fatigue / Analyse eines Kollektivs von 1800 Tumorpatienten in Deutschland / Health Related Quality Of Life of cancer patients with emphasis on Cancer Related Fatigue / Analysis of a cohort of 1800 cancer patients in Germany

Mendoza Schulz, Laura 24 October 2016 (has links)
In Anbetracht steigender Inzidenzraten für Tumorerkrankungen, bei gleichzeitig steigenden Überlebensraten, gewinnt die Frage nach der verbleibenden gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (HRQOL) im klinischen Alltag immer größere Bedeutung. Für einige HRQOL- Domänen bzw. Symptom-Items konnte bereits gezeigt werden, dass diese mit der Überlebenszeit von Patienten korrelieren bzw. Prädiktoren für längeres Überleben sind. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es die gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (HRQOL) bei einer großen Kohorte (N=1879) deutscher Tumorpatienten zu untersuchen. Mit Hilfe des Fragebogens EORTC QLQ-C30 (Version 3.0) wurde die physische Funktion, Rollenfunktion, emotionale Funktion, kognitive Funktion, soziale Funktion, Fatigue und die globale Lebensqualität gemessen. Aus der Krankenakte der betreffenden Patienten wurden relevante soziodemographische Merkmale (Alter, Geschlecht, Nationalität, Body-Mass-Index) und klinische Merkmale (Diagnose, TNM- Stadium, Therapieform, Intervall seit Diagnose, Rehabilitationsmaßnahme) extrahiert und statistisch ausgewertet. Wir stellten fest, dass die Tumorpatienten in allen HRQOL-Domänen starke Beeinträchtigungen im Vergleich zur gesunden deutschen Allgemeinbevölkerung zeigen. In besonderem Maße zeigten sich jüngere Tumorpatienten (≤59Jahre) beeinträchtigt. Weiterhin sahen wir klinisch relevante Beeinträchtigungen bei Patienten mit einer Therapiekombination aus Radio- und Chemotherapie, Patientinnen mit Brustkrebs und Tumoren des weiblichen Genitaltrakts und Patienten mit Migrationshintergrund aus Südosteuropa. Im gesamten Patientenkollektiv stellten wir eine überdurchschnittlich hohe Ausprägung von Fatigue (CRF) fest. Aufgrund der gemessenen Beeinträchtigungen der HRQOL, sowie der hohen Ausprägung von CRF sollten den betroffenen Patienten möglichst frühzeitig zusätzliche spezifische Therapie-Angebote unterbreitet werden, wie z.B. eine onkologische Rehabilitation und psycho-onkologische Therapiemaßnahmen, denn diese Intervention zeigte eine klinisch relevante Verbesserung in allen HRQOL-Domänen. Die routinemäßige Erfassung der subjektiven Lebensqualität der Betroffenen stellt in unseren Augen eine wichtige Zielgröße dar, welcher in der Routineversorgung neben objektiven Befunden (wie Tumoransprechen usw.) viel mehr Beachtung geschenkt werden sollte.

Sportovně relaxační centrum v Havlíčkově Brodě / Sports relaxation centre in Havlíčkův Brod

Bočková, Veronika Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a project of an sports relaxation centre in Havlíčkův Brod Ledečská street on plots no. 561/1 and 664/17 that are slightly sloping. The building is non-basement with 2 above-ground floors. The exterior load-bearing walls are made of clay blocks complemented with thermal insulation system according to ETICS. The building foundations are designes as strip foundations from concrete. Horizontal load-bearing structures will be made of prestressed concrete floor slab Spiroll. The building is roofed with a warm flat roof. First ground floor consists of sport part, there are big and small gym, crossfit excercise hall, 3 excercises halls for group lessons and 2 squash courts. It is also possible to use workout playground which is approached from the gym. There is also a buffet near the entrance. Second ground floor serves for relaxation, there are salt cave, sauna world with 5 different saunas (Finnish and also steam) and Whirlpool. The sauna world has also a cooling pool. Visitors can also use the outdoor rest area with a cooling pond. There are also a massage room, pedicure/manicure, solarium and sports shop.

Římské lázně a saunový svět / Roman spa and sauna world

Máslová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The building of Roman Baths and sauna world forms, along with a formerly-designed waterpark, a stand-alone recreational and sports compound in the vicinity of “Růžena's” quarry and the former “Hády” quarry in Brno. The mass of the object is nearly cubic, and in the cross direction it is complemented with an external atrium, with swimming pools situated next to the central glass-fronted part of the object. This bright space functions as a place of relaxation and offers a view of the city of Brno. The view and solar energy have been used in the south-western part as well, where a two-floor glass front has been designed. On the facades of the object there are narrow vertical windows which create an effect of dripping water. The primary architectonic plan has been to create an object offering relaxation, originated in the principles and traditions of Ancient Roman bathing, complemented with a sauna world and further related relaxation establishments.

Entwicklung des Kommunikationsteilsystems für ein objektorientiertes, verteiltes Betriebssystem

Becher, Mike 09 November 1998 (has links)
Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Kommunikationsteilsystems fuer das Experimentiersystem CHEOPS zur Ermoeglichung einer Interobjektkommunika- tion zwischen Objekten auf dem gleichen bzw. verschiedenen Systemen. Ausgangspunkte stellen dabei eine verfuegbare Implementation eines Ethernet- Treibers der Kartenfamilie WD80x3 fuer MS-DOS, eine geforderte Kommunikations- moeglichkeit mit UNIX-Prozessen sowie die dort benutzbaren Protokoll-Familien dar. Die Arbeit beschaeftigt sich mit der Analyse und Konzipierung des Ethernet- Treibers sowie der Internet-Protokoll-Familie fuer CHEOPS als auch deren Implementation resultierend in einem minimalen Grundsystem. Weiterhin wird ein erster Entwurf fuer ein spaeter weiterzuentwickelndes bzw. zu vervoll- staendigendes Netz-Interface vorgeschlagen und durch eine Beispiel-Implemen- tierung belegt.

Sportovně relaxační centrum / Sports and wellness center

Libřický, Zdeněk January 2018 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on the design and elaboration of the project documentation of the sports and relaxation center. The proposed building is located in the south-eastern part of the town of Hradec Králové, in a location supposed for buildings and areas of sports and relaxation use. It is a three-storey building with a flat roof and partial basement. The construction system is wall-mounted with a combination of skeleton. The building is based on plain concrete and reinforced concrete foundation footing. The peripheral, supporting and partition walls are designed from ceramic blocks POROTHERM. The inner load-bearing elements consist mainly of reinforced concrete columns. The ceiling structure is designed from reinforced concrete slabs supported locally. The perimeter walls of the first overground floor and part of the perimeter walls of the basement are insulated by an external contact thermal insulation system. The thermal insulation of the perimeter walls of the second floor is designed by means of a ventilated facade with facade tiles except the squash courts and the relaxation area. The building is functionally divided into three main parts, where the central part forms an entrance hall with comunication spaces of all floors. In this part a basement with technical facilities is designed. The right part of the ground floor consists of a restaurant with a bowling alley and a kitchen with storage and hygienic facilities. As part of this section, a gym and exercise rooms for fitness exercises, spinning and TRX are designed on the second floor. The left part consists of two squash courts with the appropriate facilities and massage areas. There is also a relaxing facilities with a north-facing terrace on the second floor. There are also dressing rooms and hygienic facilities. The designed object is accessible for disabled people. There is a parking lot for 40 cars, 3 motorcycles, one bus and three barracks for cars.

Sportovní centrum v Hradci Králové / Sports center Hradec Králové

Pourová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
Sports center in Hradec Králové. The Sports center area accommodates various sport opportunities such as: squash, fitness area, climbing wall, sauna, massages and a possibility for other activities. The Sports center also includes refreshments – a with summer garden overlooking the grounds. It is two stories high, climbing wall is three stories high and squash is 1,5 m below the ground made with brick system Heluz with flat roof. There is a comfort for the visitors thanks to the air-conditioning in the object.

Entwicklung des Kommunikationsteilsystems für ein objektorientiertes, verteiltes Betriebssystem

09 November 1998 (has links)
Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Kommunikationsteilsystems fuer das Experimentiersystem CHEOPS zur Ermoeglichung einer Interobjektkommunika- tion zwischen Objekten auf dem gleichen bzw. verschiedenen Systemen. Ausgangspunkte stellen dabei eine verfuegbare Implementation eines Ethernet- Treibers der Kartenfamilie WD80x3 fuer MS-DOS, eine geforderte Kommunikations- moeglichkeit mit UNIX-Prozessen sowie die dort benutzbaren Protokoll-Familien dar. Die Arbeit beschaeftigt sich mit der Analyse und Konzipierung des Ethernet- Treibers sowie der Internet-Protokoll-Familie fuer CHEOPS als auch deren Implementation resultierend in einem minimalen Grundsystem. Weiterhin wird ein erster Entwurf fuer ein spaeter weiterzuentwickelndes bzw. zu vervoll- staendigendes Netz-Interface vorgeschlagen und durch eine Beispiel-Implemen- tierung belegt.

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