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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statistiniai taikymai moksleivių matematiniams gebėjimams tirti / Statictical approach in research of students' mathematical skills

Šilanskienė, Marija 10 June 2004 (has links)
Mathematical education reform in Lithuania has already been carried out of about 15 years. Trying to fulfil this reform effective as it is possible it is importan to estimate the situation. Various reseaches are done (e.g.TIMSS). It‘s a pitty while analysing the results of TIMSS only perfunctory anglysis of data was done. It becomes important the wider use of the statistic methods. The work is devoted to the search of the methods mentioned above. The reseach in Kaunas was carried out in order to estimate the changes in the study of mathematics. The aim of the work is to find the statistic criteria and apply them to the evoluation of the students mathematical achievements. The abilities of girls and boys were compared and those living in the sities and in the country ��� side. After the anglysis of data and the fitting of the statistic criteria to them the following conclusions were made: · Not enough attention is paid to the new aspects while teaching maths. · The abilities in mathematics among the girls an boys are the same. · The abilities in maths of those living in the cities are more developed than the students living in the country – side. On that ground some recommendations are given: · In the process of training a teacher should become the assistant of student. · More visual training appliances should be used in order to develop student‘s spatial thinking. · Induce the use of IT, so that the calculation would become easier.


Dabulskienė, Aušra 27 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojami statistikos elementai matematinių gebėjimų diagnostikoje, išskirta pagrindinė darbo problema: ar olimpiados uždaviniai atitinka standartus? D. ir A. Kiseliovai teigia, jog matematika, kaip ir kalba, yra neatsiejama žmogaus gyvenimo dalis. Olimpiada yra aktuali dėl to, kad stiprina moksleivių valią, savarankiškumą, mąstymo lankstumą bei tikslumą, ryžtą nugalėti kliūtis. Tyrimo objektas – statistikos elementai matematinių gebėjimų diagnostikoje. Šio magistro darbo tikslas yra panaudoti statistikos elementus matematinių gebėjimų diagnostikoje. Tyrimo hipotezė, kad sprendžiant olimpiadinius uždavinius, svarbiausia yra loginis mąstymas ir žinios. Darbe iškelti penki uždaviniai, t. y. nagrinėjama įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių literatūra apie statistikos elementus, analizuojamos pagrindinės statistikos elementų sąvokos, nagrinėjami moksleivių matematiniai gebėjimai kaip didaktinės diagnostikos objektas, apibūdintas šalies ketvirtų klasių moksleivių matematikos mokėjimo lygmuo pagal pradinio ir pagrindinio ugdymo bendrąsias programas, išanalizuotos ketvirtos klasės, olimpiadinių uždavinių sąlygos ir sprendimai pradinio ir pagrindinio ugdymo bendrųjų programų kontekste ir pateikti rezultatai, rekomendacijos bei išvados. Buvo atliktas tyrimas Lietuvos mastu. Tyrimui atsitiktinai iš kiekvieno šalies miesto bei rajono atrinkti 354 ketvirtų klasių moksleivių olimpiadiniai darbai ir analizuojami. Atlikus tyrimą, hipotezė pasitvirtino, kad šie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis paper analyzes the elements of statistics in diagnostics of mathematical skills as well as the main problem of the paper whether the tasks of a Mathematics contest coincides with the standards of teaching has been distinguished. Mr. and Mrs. Kiseliovai affirm that Mathematics the same as the language is an inherent part of human being life. The contest of Mathematics is relevant as it reinforces students’ will, independence, flexibility and precision of thinking as well as ability to overcome different obstacles. The object of the research is the elements of statistics in diagnostics of mathematical skills. The aim of the thesis paper is to use the elements of the statistics in diagnostics of mathematical skills. The hypothesis of the research is logical thinking and knowledge when dealing with the tasks of the Mathematics contest. Five goals have been distinguished in the paper which analyze various literatures concerning the elements of statistics by Lithuanian and foreign authors and the main concepts of the elements of statistics. It also analyzes the mathematical skills of students as the object of didactic diagnostics. The paper describes the level of Mathematics knowledge of the primary school students according to Educational program, analyzes the Mathematical contest assignments in the context of Educational program of primary and basic school and provides its results, recommendations and conclusions. The research has been carried out throughout Lithuania... [to full text]

Matematinių gebėjimų diagnostikos instrumentų kūrimas ir taikymo rezultatų vertinimo optimizavimas / Creation of the mathematical abilities diagnostical instruments and aplicability of the rezults evaluation optimization

Raišutytė, Laima 12 June 2006 (has links)
The school is in the social, cultural and political contest which is complexical and changeable. Our society’s democratization and education reforms obligate us to look at the education aspects newly. One of them is the students abilities’ diagnostic. There are talking about mathematical abilities in this work. But, of course, such diagnostic principles can be used in other subjects, too. The main education’s mission is to develop the person’s forces, to formulate a human for the life in the society which is changing very fast in the sociocultural condition. The training is becoming orientated into the process but not into the results. But it’s very important to reach positive changes in each student’s studies. So, it’s very important to know every pupil, to understand his/her person’s features, addictions and faculties. The primary school had refused to value students’ knowledge and abilities in marks. But after some time there had risen necessity to create a new estimation system, which can mach purposes and goals in the training. The teachers need objective and reliable estimation’s instrument. Such instrument can be the standardized learning gains’ tests. There are talking about the tests’ information (which is necessary), perfection, administration, the forthcoming results’ interpretation in this work. The subject of the research is primary class pupils’ mathematical abilities as the diagnostic construct. The aim of the research is to open methodological, theoretical... [to full text]


Plerpaitė, Ingrida 27 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė specialiųjų poreikių mokinių integracijos į bendrojo lavinimo mokyklas situacijos bei mokinių matematinių gebėjimų analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad specialiosiose mokyklose besimokančių 10 klasės nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių matematiniai gebėjimai baigiant pagrindinę mokyklą yra panašūs kaip ir toje pačioje klasėje bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose besimokančių nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, pasitvirtino. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - įvertinti ir palyginti 10 klasės nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, besimokančių skirtingo tipo ugdymo įstaigose, matematikos gebėjimus baigiant pagrindinę mokyklą. Atlikta kiekybinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo šešiasdešimt 10 klasės mokinių, besimokančių įvairiose Lietuvos mokyklose (30 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokinių ir 30 specialiosios mokyklos mokinių), be to buvo apklausti 20 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokytojų, dirbančių su nežymiai protiškai atsilikusiais mokiniais. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, besimokančių specialiosiose mokyklose ir integruotai, matematikos programos įsisavinimo lygis. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Palyginus nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių matematinius gebėjimus pagal specialiosios mokyklos programą galima teigti, kad abiejų grupių mokinių programinės medžiagos įsisavinimo lygis beveik nesiskiria, o esantis skirtumas yra toks nežymus ir parodo, kad abiejų tipų mokyklų mokinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work presents a theoretical analysis of the situation of SEN children’s integration into comprehensive schools and their mathematical abilities. The hypothesis raised in this work, i.e. that the mathematical abilities of slightly mentally deficient 10th formers at special and comprehensive schools are very much similar, has been approved. An investigation has been carried out in a survey method with a purpose to evaluate the mathematical abilities at the period of graduating from the basic school of slightly mentally deficient 10th formers’ at different educational institutions. A quantitative data analysis has been made. Sixty 10th formers from different schools in Lithuania (30 children from comprehensive schools, and 30 from special education schools) have been investigated, as well as 20 teachers from comprehensive schools, that work with slightly mentally deficient children, have been interviewed. The empiric part of the work deals with slightly mentally deficient children’s from special education schools and those who are integrated in the comprehensive schools level of mathematical knowledge. The following are the main conclusions drawn from the empiric investigation: 1. After comparing slightly mentally deficient children’s from both groups abilities to absorb the information at maths, it turned out that these abilities are rather equal, and the difference, if any, is so little, that it only supports the idea that children’s from the special education... [to full text]

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