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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teorema de Furstenberg sobre o produto aleatório de matrizes / Furstenberg theorem on the random product of matrices

Maquera, Herbert Milton Ccalle 31 July 2018 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos de um ponto de vista probabilístico, o comportamento assintótico de sistemas dinâmicos. Um exemplo simples de formular e profundo é o estudo de produto aleatório de matrizes (FURSTENBERG; KESTEN, 1960). Utilizaremos como ferramenta o estudo dos cociclos lineares, posteriormente mediante o Teorema de Furstenberg-Kesten definiremos o expoente de Lyapunov do cociclo, em seguida enunciamos e provamos o Teorema Ergódico Multiplicativo de Oseledets o qual nos permite entender o comportamento das órbitas típicas para um cociclo dado F : M x R2 → M x R2. O Teorema de Fusrtenberg-Kesten fornece informações sobre o crescimento das matrizes An(x), enquanto o Teorema de Oseledets descreve o comportamento assintótico dos vetores An(x).v. Finalmente provamos o teorema principal desta dissertação, o Teorema de Furstenberg o qual diz que na maioria dos casos o maior expoente de Lyapunov é positivo (FURSTENBERG, 1963). / In this thesis we study from a probabilistic point of view, the asymptotic behavior of dynamic systems, a deep and simple example is the random product of matrices (FURSTENBERG; KESTEN, 1960). We will use as a tool, the study of linear cocycles, later using the Furstenberg- Kesten Theorem we will define the Lyapunov exponent of the cocycle, then we enunciate and prove the Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem of Oseledets which allow us to understand the behavior of the typical orbits for a given cocycle F : M x R2 → M x R2. The Fusrtenberg- Kesten theorem provides information on the growth of the matrices A(x), while the theorems of Oseledets describe the asymptotic behavior of the vectors An(x).v. Finally we prove our main theorem, Furstenbergs Theorem which states that in most cases the greatest exponent of Lyapunov is positive (FURSTENBERG, 1963).

"Desenvolvimento de interfaces eletroquímicas à base de nanocompósitos de poli(Pirrol) e xerogel lamelar de pentóxido de vanádio" / Development of electrochemical interfaces based on poly(pyrrole) and lamellar vanadium pentoxide xerogel nanocomposites.

Demets, Grégoire Jean-François 30 November 2001 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta um estudo detalhado das propriedades eletroquímicas dos nanocompósitos de V2O5.nH2O e poli(pirrol) sobre a superfície de eletrodos. Demonstramos aqui que pelo controle de parâmetros de síntese é possível alterar a composição das interfaces eletroquímicas dos eletrodos modificados, fazendo com que o poli(pirrol) esteja por cima, por baixo ou dentro do V2O5 que recobre os eletrodos. Esta diferenciação estrutural tem repercussão nas propriedades eletroquímicas e espectroscópicas dos eletrodos modificados. Desenvolvemos além disto um método para gerar matrizes de V2O5.nH2O, assim como nanocompósitos com poli(pirrol) que possuam anisotropia elétrica tridimensional, propriedade útil em eletrônica. Na última parte do trabalho, poli(pirrol) foi inserido em matrizes de intercalação do tipo BV (V2O5.nH2O estabilizado com esmectita) gerando materiais estáveis em meio aquoso e adequados modificadores de eletrodos, viabilizando a exploração das propriedades dos compósitos de V2O5/poli(pirrol) em água. / This thesis focuses on the electrochemical properties of V2O5.nH2O and its poly(pyrrole) nanocomposites over electrodes. We demonstrate that it is possible, by controlling synthetic procedures, to change the composition of the modified electrodes interfaces, leaving poly(pyrrole) over, under or inside the V2O5 films covering the electrodes. This structural differenciation repercutes on the electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of the modified electrodes. We have developed also a method to generate V2O5.nH2O matrices as well as their nanocomposites with poly(pyrrole) showing tridimensional electrical anisotropy, a useful property in electronics. Additionally, poly(pyrrole) has been inserted into BV (smectite stabilized V2O5.nH2O) matrices, generating stable materials in aqueous medium, conveying to this, the properties of V2O5/poly(pyrrole) nanocomposites modified electrodes.

Matrizes operacionais e formalismo coadjunto em equações diferenciais fracionais. / Operational matrices and coadjoint formalism in fractional differential equations.

Castro, William Alexandre Labecca de 29 September 2015 (has links)
O método das matrizes operacionais é expandido para o corpo complexo a ordens arbitrárias pela abordagem de Riemann-Liouville e Caputo com ênfase nas séries de Fourier complexas. Elabora-se uma adaptação do formalismo bra-ket de Dirac à linguagem tensorial no espaço de Hilbert de funções com expansões finitas para uso específico na teoria de equações diferenciais e matrizes operacionais, denominado \\Formalismo Coadjunto\". Estende-se o tratamento aos operadores fracionais de Weyl para períodos genéricos a fim de determinar as matrizes operacionais de derivação e integração de ordem arbitrária na base complexa de Fourier. Introduz-se um novo método de resolução de equações diferenciais ordinárias lineares e fracionais não-homogêneas, denominado \\Modelagem Operacional\", que permite a obtenção de soluções de equações de alta ordem com grande precisão sem a necessidade de imposição de condições iniciais ou de contorno. O método apresentado é aperfeiçoado por meio de um novo tipo de expansão, que denominamos \"Séries Associadas de Fourier\", a qual apresenta convergência mais rápida que a série de Fourier original numa restrição de domínio, possibilitando soluções de EDOs e EDFs de alta ordem com maior precis~ao e ampliando a esfera de casos passíveis de resolução. / Operational matrices method is expanded to complex field and arbitrary orders by using the Riemann-Liouville and Caputo approach with emphasis on complex Fourier series. Dirac\'s bra-ket notation is associated to tensor procedures in Hilbert spaces for finite function expansions to be applied specifically to dfferential equations and operational matrices, being called \\Coadjoint Formalism\". This treatment is extended to Weyl fractional operators for generic periods in order to establish the integral and derivative operational matrices of fractional order to complex Fourier basis. A new method to solve linear non-homogeneous ODEs and FDEs, called \\Operational Modelling\"is introduced. It yields high precision solutions on high order dfferential equations without assumption of boundary or initial conditions. The presented method is improved by a new kind of function expansion, called \\Fourier Associated Series\", which yields a faster convergence than original Fourier in a restrict domain, enabling to obtain solutions of high order ODEs and FDEs with excellent precision and broadening the set of solvable equations.

Estudo comparativo da biocompatibilidade in vivo de matrizes acelulares de pericárdio bovino e porcino / In vivo biocompatibility study of acellular bovine and porcine pericardium matrices

Ottoboni, Flávia Correia Fuso 01 February 2011 (has links)
As matrizes acelulares são utilizadas na engenharia de tecidos com o objetivo da reconstrução ou substituição de tecidos danificados. Nesse trabalho matrizes acelulares foram preparadas a partir de pericárdio porcino e pericárdio bovino, por possuírem uma grande quantidade colágeno tipo I, usando-se ao tratamento de hidrólise alcalina nos tempos de 12 e 24 horas. Essas matrizes foram desenvolvidas para serem utilizadas como barreiras de proteção no processo de cicatrização de feridas como também na indução de formação de tecidos ósseos. Foram submetidas ao teste de biocompatibilidade in vivo, com a implantação das matrizes no subcutâneo de 65 ratos Wistar, machos, adultos que sofreram eutanásia aos 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias de pós-operatório. A avaliação microscópica no 7º dia mostrou existência da matriz e uma grande quantidade de infiltrado inflamatório em volta do material, sendo que ao 14º dias além do infiltrado inflamatório, foi observado uma neovascularização. Aos 21º e 28º dias foi observado uma diminuição gradual do infiltrado inflamatório, crescimento celular no local em que as fendas se formaram nas matrizes e uma grande revascularização. Ao 35º dias a matriz de pericárdio bovino e porcino foram reabsorvidas totalmente. Comparando o pericárdio bovino com o porcino tratado por 12 e 24 horas em relação ao tempo de degradação, foi observado que as matrizes tanto bovina como a porcina tratadas por 24 horas degradaram mais rápido que as tratadas por 12 horas. Portanto as matrizes de pericárdio bovino e porcino são biocompativeis, pois não causaram reações citotóxicas, reações inflamatórias e nem imunológica adversa. / Acellular matrices are used in tissue engineering for reconstruction or replacement of damaged tissues .In this study acellular matrices were developed using porcine pericardium and bovine pericardium, which contain a large quantity of type I collagen, using an alkaline hydrolysis treatment at the times of 12 hours and 24 hours. The matrices were developed to be used as protective barriers in the process of wound healing, and also in bone tissue inducing formation. In the test of in vivo biocompatibility, matrices were implanted subcutaneously in 65 adult male Wistar rats, sacrificed at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days postoperatively. The microscopic evaluation on day 7 showed a large amount of inflammatory infiltrate around the material; at the 14th day, beyond the inflammatory infiltrate was observed a neovascularization. At 21st and 28th days were observed a gradual decrease in the inflammatory infiltrate, cellular growth and a large neovascularization. By day 35, porcine and bovine pericardium matrices were completely resorbed. Comparing the degradation time between the matrices treated with 12 and 24 hours, it was observed that both matrices treated for 24 h, degraded faster than those treated for 12 hours. Both matrices are biocompatible, do not cause cytotoxic reactions, inflammatory or immune adverse reactions.

Factorisation de matrices et analyse de contraste pour la recommandation / Matrix Factorization and Contrast Analysis Techniques for Recommendation

Aleksandrova, Marharyta 07 July 2017 (has links)
Dans de nombreux domaines, les données peuvent être de grande dimension. Ça pose le problème de la réduction de dimension. Les techniques de réduction de dimension peuvent être classées en fonction de leur but : techniques pour la représentation optimale et techniques pour la classification, ainsi qu'en fonction de leur stratégie : la sélection et l'extraction des caractéristiques. L'ensemble des caractéristiques résultant des méthodes d'extraction est non interprétable. Ainsi, la première problématique scientifique de la thèse est comment extraire des caractéristiques latentes interprétables? La réduction de dimension pour la classification vise à améliorer la puissance de classification du sous-ensemble sélectionné. Nous voyons le développement de la tâche de classification comme la tâche d'identification des facteurs déclencheurs, c'est-à-dire des facteurs qui peuvent influencer le transfert d'éléments de données d'une classe à l'autre. La deuxième problématique scientifique de cette thèse est comment identifier automatiquement ces facteurs déclencheurs? Nous visons à résoudre les deux problématiques scientifiques dans le domaine d'application des systèmes de recommandation. Nous proposons d'interpréter les caractéristiques latentes de systèmes de recommandation basés sur la factorisation de matrices comme des utilisateurs réels. Nous concevons un algorithme d'identification automatique des facteurs déclencheurs basé sur les concepts d'analyse par contraste. Au travers d'expérimentations, nous montrons que les motifs définis peuvent être considérés comme des facteurs déclencheurs / In many application areas, data elements can be high-dimensional. This raises the problem of dimensionality reduction. The dimensionality reduction techniques can be classified based on their aim: dimensionality reduction for optimal data representation and dimensionality reduction for classification, as well as based on the adopted strategy: feature selection and feature extraction. The set of features resulting from feature extraction methods is usually uninterpretable. Thereby, the first scientific problematic of the thesis is how to extract interpretable latent features? The dimensionality reduction for classification aims to enhance the classification power of the selected subset of features. We see the development of the task of classification as the task of trigger factors identification that is identification of those factors that can influence the transfer of data elements from one class to another. The second scientific problematic of this thesis is how to automatically identify these trigger factors? We aim at solving both scientific problematics within the recommender systems application domain. We propose to interpret latent features for the matrix factorization-based recommender systems as real users. We design an algorithm for automatic identification of trigger factors based on the concepts of contrast analysis. Through experimental results, we show that the defined patterns indeed can be considered as trigger factors

Obtención de nuevos funcionales de energía de correlación y su relación con la teoría del funcional densidad

Pérez-Jiménez, Ángel J. 03 April 1998 (has links)
DGICYT (PB94-1516)

Sistemas criptográficos de curva elíptica basados en matrices

Ferrández Agulló, Francisco Antonio 13 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Sparse Coding and Compressed Sensing: Locally Competitive Algorithms and Random Projections

Unknown Date (has links)
For an 8-bit grayscale image patch of size n x n, the number of distinguishable signals is 256(n2). Natural images (e.g.,photographs of a natural scene) comprise a very small subset of these possible signals. Traditional image and video processing relies on band-limited or low-pass signal models. In contrast, we will explore the observation that most signals of interest are sparse, i.e. in a particular basis most of the expansion coefficients will be zero. Recent developments in sparse modeling and L1 optimization have allowed for extraordinary applications such as the single pixel camera, as well as computer vision systems that can exceed human performance. Here we present a novel neural network architecture combining a sparse filter model and locally competitive algorithms (LCAs), and demonstrate the networks ability to classify human actions from video. Sparse filtering is an unsupervised feature learning algorithm designed to optimize the sparsity of the feature distribution directly without having the need to model the data distribution. LCAs are defined by a system of di↵erential equations where the initial conditions define an optimization problem and the dynamics converge to a sparse decomposition of the input vector. We applied this architecture to train a classifier on categories of motion in human action videos. Inputs to the network were small 3D patches taken from frame di↵erences in the videos. Dictionaries were derived for each action class and then activation levels for each dictionary were assessed during reconstruction of a novel test patch. We discuss how this sparse modeling approach provides a natural framework for multi-sensory and multimodal data processing including RGB video, RGBD video, hyper-spectral video, and stereo audio/video streams. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

On the Laplacian and fractional Laplacian in exterior domains, and applications to the dissipative quasi-geostrophic equation

Unknown Date (has links)
In this work, we develop an extension of the generalized Fourier transform for exterior domains due to T. Ikebe and A. Ramm for all dimensions n>2 to study the Laplacian, and fractional Laplacian operators in such a domain. Using the harmonic extension approach due to L. Caffarelli and L. Silvestre, we can obtain a localized version of the operator, so that it is precisely the square root of the Laplacian as a self-adjoint operator in L2 with DIrichlet boundary conditions. In turn, this allowed us to obtain a maximum principle for solutions of the dissipative two-dimensional quasi-geostrophic equation the exterior domain, which we apply to prove decay results using an adaptation of the Fourier Splitting method of M.E. Schonbek. / by Leonardo Kosloff. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Teorema de Furstenberg sobre o produto aleatório de matrizes / Furstenberg theorem on the random product of matrices

Herbert Milton Ccalle Maquera 31 July 2018 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos de um ponto de vista probabilístico, o comportamento assintótico de sistemas dinâmicos. Um exemplo simples de formular e profundo é o estudo de produto aleatório de matrizes (FURSTENBERG; KESTEN, 1960). Utilizaremos como ferramenta o estudo dos cociclos lineares, posteriormente mediante o Teorema de Furstenberg-Kesten definiremos o expoente de Lyapunov do cociclo, em seguida enunciamos e provamos o Teorema Ergódico Multiplicativo de Oseledets o qual nos permite entender o comportamento das órbitas típicas para um cociclo dado F : M x R2 → M x R2. O Teorema de Fusrtenberg-Kesten fornece informações sobre o crescimento das matrizes An(x), enquanto o Teorema de Oseledets descreve o comportamento assintótico dos vetores An(x).v. Finalmente provamos o teorema principal desta dissertação, o Teorema de Furstenberg o qual diz que na maioria dos casos o maior expoente de Lyapunov é positivo (FURSTENBERG, 1963). / In this thesis we study from a probabilistic point of view, the asymptotic behavior of dynamic systems, a deep and simple example is the random product of matrices (FURSTENBERG; KESTEN, 1960). We will use as a tool, the study of linear cocycles, later using the Furstenberg- Kesten Theorem we will define the Lyapunov exponent of the cocycle, then we enunciate and prove the Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem of Oseledets which allow us to understand the behavior of the typical orbits for a given cocycle F : M x R2 → M x R2. The Fusrtenberg- Kesten theorem provides information on the growth of the matrices A(x), while the theorems of Oseledets describe the asymptotic behavior of the vectors An(x).v. Finally we prove our main theorem, Furstenbergs Theorem which states that in most cases the greatest exponent of Lyapunov is positive (FURSTENBERG, 1963).

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