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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calibration Of A Grate On Sloping Channel

Sipahi, Sabri Ozgur 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this study a setup is designed and constructed in the Hydromechanics Laboratory of Middle East Technical University in order to observe the flow through grate inlets under different flow and geometry conditions. The rate of interception of flow is determined over a rectangular channel through preliminary experiments run on the tilting flume. The performance of the new set setup has been examined and grate efficiency is obtained both in terms of longitudinal slope and the Froude number. The results which are obtained show that the setup can be used to conduct experiments to obtain a general expression for grate efficiency.

Performance measurement in the product development process

Gowland, Darren January 2013 (has links)
The intention of the programme was to evaluate Product Development (PD) strategies within the automotive industry and to identify areas in which improvements could be made in PD project performance that would also provide a business opportunity for the author's employer RLE International (RLE). The research is principally concerned with the automotive industry but also has broader applications within similar industries. The research was undertaken via three projects. Project 1 involved a study of the structure, drivers and trends within the automotive industry. The aim was to assess the implications for PD in the automotive industry and identify significant issues where opportunities for improvement existed. The outcome was a portrayal of an industry under extreme competitive pressure and waiting for something to change but without a clear future state. What was apparent was that the competitive pressures, and thus the need to deliver more products without significantly increased resources, were not going to abate in the near future. PD has to 'deliver more with less' but a definition of success and its associated measures in terms of the PD process is difficult to frame. Therefore, the aim of project 2 focused on performance measurement of the PD process by assessing four internationally diverse development projects carried out by the author's employer with four discrete customers. The projects were all different in their content and were carried out in different countries, i.e. USA, Germany, India and Sweden. Whilst customer specific and cultural aspects of the projects differed, the significant issue identified via the research was common across all the projects. Traditional Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of cost, time and scope were used but failed to predict issues in project delivery. The key finding was that if project information did not flow as originally planned then resources were wasted resulting in time and cost over-runs. Project 3 researched alternative solutions to the issue of monitoring information flow and proposes a specific method of indicating the likelihood of success in a project by identifying new PD measurement techniques to be used within the automotive PD process. This new measurement criterion of information flow provides a predictive tool that significantly enhances the project control process. The predictive method of information flow tracking developed is new to the automotive PD profession. It was trialled on an existing project and was shown to identify specific issues with the Work-in-Progress (WIP) not found by traditional project management methods. The resulting indication of issues enabled the organisation's management to have a substantially different insight and understanding of project performance at a given point in time and therefore enabled immediate changes in resource allocation to improve project performance. The implementation of these changes as a result of the adoption of information flow monitoring resulted in significantly improved project KPI performance. The contribution of this new PD management method has the potential to significantly impact the competitiveness of any company involved in the design and development process. Its benefits include improved understanding of project performance indicators, powerful predictive attributes resulting in better utilisation of company resources and reductions in both project costs and lead times.

Flexibilní měření toků na síti / Flexible Network Flow Measurement

Varga, Ladislav January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with designing the probe used for measuring network flows. It contains theoretical analysis of network measurment topic, description of algorithms and principles used for network flow measurement. Emphasis on the probe architecture lies on efficient indexing algorithm and flow record flexibility, such that user is able to define format of flow record.

Прилог истраживању струјања гаса кроз мерне бленде са вишеотвора / Prilog istraživanju strujanja gasa kroz merne blende sa višeotvora / Contribution to Gas Flow Research Through Multi Hole Orifices

Đurđević Marko 18 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Уз растуће цене енергената, данас је од пресудног значаја тачно мерење<br />протока флуида у индустријским процесима. Због своје једноставности,<br />поузданости и једноставног одржавања, мерне бленде су често<br />распрострањени мерни инструменти у многим индустријама.<br />Конвенционална мерна бленда са једним отвором (БЈО) је широко<br />заступљен мерни инструмент на бази диференцијалног притиска, али овај<br />инструмент има и одређене недостатке, који се могу превазићи мерном<br />блендом са више отвора (БВО). Предмет истраживања докторске<br />дисертације је била БВО. За истраживање су се користиле<br />експериментална и нумеричка метода, а истражили су се однос површине<br />отвора бленде и површине попречног пресека цеви &beta;, пад притисака,<br />губитак притисака, утицај угла излазне ивице мерне бленде, утицај<br />влажности гаса и утицај равних деоница испред и иза мерне бленде на<br />тачност мерења. Такође поред овога одредио се и губитак снаге који<br />настаје код различитих мерних бленди, поврат притиска, коефицијент<br />протока тј. коефицијент пада притиска. Представљени резултати у оквиру<br />докторске дисертације су показали бројне предности БВО у односу на БЈО.</p> / <p>Uz rastuće cene energenata, danas je od presudnog značaja tačno merenje<br />protoka fluida u industrijskim procesima. Zbog svoje jednostavnosti,<br />pouzdanosti i jednostavnog održavanja, merne blende su često<br />rasprostranjeni merni instrumenti u mnogim industrijama.<br />Konvencionalna merna blenda sa jednim otvorom (BJO) je široko<br />zastupljen merni instrument na bazi diferencijalnog pritiska, ali ovaj<br />instrument ima i određene nedostatke, koji se mogu prevazići mernom<br />blendom sa više otvora (BVO). Predmet istraživanja doktorske<br />disertacije je bila BVO. Za istraživanje su se koristile<br />eksperimentalna i numerička metoda, a istražili su se odnos površine<br />otvora blende i površine poprečnog preseka cevi &beta;, pad pritisaka,<br />gubitak pritisaka, uticaj ugla izlazne ivice merne blende, uticaj<br />vlažnosti gasa i uticaj ravnih deonica ispred i iza merne blende na<br />tačnost merenja. Takođe pored ovoga odredio se i gubitak snage koji<br />nastaje kod različitih mernih blendi, povrat pritiska, koeficijent<br />protoka tj. koeficijent pada pritiska. Predstavljeni rezultati u okviru<br />doktorske disertacije su pokazali brojne prednosti BVO u odnosu na BJO.</p> / <p>Nowadays, with rising energy prices, accurate flow measurement is playing an<br />important role in industrial processes. Due to its simplicity, reliability and ease of<br />maintenance, orifice flow meters are very common measuring instruments in<br />many industries. Conventional single-hole orifice (SHO) flow meter is widely<br />used differential pressure-based instrument, but this instrument has some<br />disadvantages that can be overcome by multi-hole orifice (MHO) flow meter. The<br />subject of the doctoral dissertation research was MHO flow meter. Experimental<br />and numerical methods were used for the research, whereas the ratio of the<br />orifice area and the cross-sectional pipe area &beta;, pressure drop, pressure loss,<br />angle of bevel influence, gas humidity influence and straight sections upstream<br />and downstream of the orifice influence on measurement accuracy were<br />investigated. Also, power loss for different orifice flow meters, pressure recovery,<br />discharge coefficient i.e. pressure drop coefficient were determined. Results<br />presented within the doctoral dissertation showed numerous advantages of<br />MHO compared to SHO.</p>

Omlöp vid småskaliga vattenkraftverk, hållbarhet för både verk och miljö? : Mätning av effektförluster orsakade av omlöpet vid Åby vattenkraftverk i Växjö kommun. / Bio channels for small hydropower plants, sustainability for both the power plant and the environment? : Measurement of effect losses caused by the bio channel at Åby hydropower plant in Växjö municipality.

Rydholm, Björn January 2017 (has links)
I Sverige finns cirka 2000 vattenkraftverk men endast 10 procent har någon form av omlöp eller annan lösning (Risinger, 2012). Nya, strängare regler håller nu på att införas. Sedan 2014 finns en gemensam strategi från Energimyndigheten och Havs- och vattenmyndigheten för åtgärder i svensk vattenkraft (Risinger, 2014). En godkänd fiskväg är ett av kraven.Särskilt den småskaliga vattenkraften (energitillförsel under 10 MWh enligt Risinger (2012)) drabbas. Deras intäkter står många gånger i proportion till energiproduktionen och därmed saknas ofta de ekonomiska förutsättningarna för en fiskväg. Vidare kommer en del av vattnet, och därmed potentiella inkomster, att gå förlorade. Den här undersökningen syftar till att utröna vad ett omlöp får för konsekvenser i form av effektförluster. Det är naturligtvis omöjligt att komma fram till ett universellt svar. Istället mäts förlusterna hos ett specifikt mindre verk som redan har ett omlöp: Åby vattenkraftverk som ägs och drivs av Växjö kommun. Metoden som används är traversering i kombination med hydroskopisk flygel. Sedan tidigare finns beräknade värden från kommunen för flödet i omlöpet. Dessa jämförs med undersökningens uppmätta värden. Undersökningen visar att vid normalt vattenstånd (165,13 MÖH) flödar 167 ± 10 l/s vatten genom omlöpet. Detta är ett 70 l/s större flöde i jämförelse med kommunens beräknade värde. Förklaringar till den skillnaden ges av mätfel då djupet mättes och att inloppet hade byggts om mellan kommunens beräkningar och utförda mätningar. Även den formel som användes då de beräknade värdena togs fram föreslås som en tänkbar felkälla. 167 ± 10 l/s innebär ett bortfall om 4,2 ± 0,3 kW potentiell effekt. / There are around 2000 hydropower plants in Sweden, but only 10 percent of them has a bio channel, fishway or equivalent solution (Risinger 2012). New, more strict rules are now about to be introduced. Since 2014 there is a mutual strategy from the two Swedish authorities ”Energimyndigheten” and ”Havs- och vattenmyndigheten”, which demands multiple actions from Swedish hydropower. (Risinger, 2014). An approved fishway is one of these.The small-scale hydropower plants (plants who produce less than 10 MWh according to Risinger (2012)) are especially affected from this. Their income is proportional to their production and therefore they’ll usually lack the economical ability to build a fishway. Furthermore, a part of the streaming water (which otherwise would equal income) will get lost. This study aims to decide the loss of effect a fishway causes. Of course, it is impossible to derive a universal answer. Instead the losses are measured at a specific smaller plant that already has a fishway: Åby hydropower plant that is owned and operated by Växjö municipality. Method being used is traversing in combination with a turbine flow meter. There are already calculated flows made by the municipality. These values will be compared with the measured values. The study shows that at a normal water level (165,13 m.a.sl) 167 ± 10 l/s of water is streaming through the fishway. This is a 70 l/s bigger flow in comparison with the municipality’s calculations. An explanation to this difference is given by measurement errors when the depth was measured, that the intake had been modified between when the calculations was being made and when the study’s measurements took place. Also, the formula being used for the calculated values is proposed as a possible source of error. 167 ± 10 l/s will result in a loss of 4,2 ± 0,3 kW potential effect.

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