Spelling suggestions: "subject:"media addiction"" "subject:"pedia addiction""
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Understanding how students' relationships with their cellphones inform their experience of social participation online and offlineOosthuizen, Jess January 2015 (has links)
The pervasive presence of cellphones in the lives of urban young people around the globe has led to widespread research to evaluate the impact that this device has on young people’s overall psychosocial development. This relationship is often characterised as “addictive”. This research study presents a unique South African youth perspective in a field of research that is predominantly conducted in the United States, Europe and Asia. It explores the relationship that students (ages 18–21) at Rhodes University have with their cellphones in order to understand how this device informs their experience of social participation online and offline. Central to the design of this study is a “social media detox” which involved the research participants volunteering to restrict their social media and cellphone use for an agreed-upon period of time. The study employs interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to uncover key themes from in-depth interviews before and after the detox. Eight respondents were interviewed twice; once before and once after their detox. This study provides insights into the integral role of a cellphone as reported from a young adult’s perspective. Communicating on social media platforms using a cellphone has become normalised among this age-group and the respondents described how the cellphone feels like “a part of you”. Unlike interacting face-to-face which is potentially awkward and involves effort, socialising on a cellphone offers the respondents a sense of companionship, control and instant access to their peer groups. The respondents in this study seemed unaware of their own agency in social situations until their participation in the social media detox. By participating in this study, the participants became more aware of how their cellphone use influences social behaviour, both online and offline. The study proposes that the term “addiction” undermines the positive association young people have with their cellphones. Instead, this study suggests that “social fitness” would be a more relevant construct through which to encourage and support young people to exercise agency in their social lives. This exploratory study raises new questions for researchers, programme developers and educators to take up in future studies and programme development
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#Like #Share #FollowBeroendet som gör att vi delar mer : Publiceringsvanor på sociala medier i förhållande till beroende av sociala medier, digital ålder, självkänsla och tendenser till depressionDaviðsdóttir, Ása Rut, Lendahl, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
Hur den psykiska hälsan kan påverkas av användning av sociala medier är omdiskuterat och väl studerat. Forskning kring vilka faktorer som kan predicera vilket typ av innehåll och hur frekvent individer publicerar på sociala medier är dock, till författarnas vetskap, sparsamt undersökt. Därmed ämnade denna studie undersöka om publiceringsvanor på sociala medier kunde prediceras av beroende av sociala medier, självkänsla, tendenser till depression och digital ålder vilket motsvarar den tid individer haft ett konto på Instagram och/eller Facebook. Studiens data samlades in via en enkätundersökning där 268 individer deltog varav 207 var kvinnor och 61 var män. Den genomsnittliga digitala åldern var 12.59 år för kvinnor respektive 12.62 år för män. Den beroende variabeln publiceringsvanor delades i två faktorer; intern källa - publicering av bilder kopplat till den egna individen, exempelvis “selfies” och extern källa - publicering av inlägg från en extern källa, exempelvis innehåll av politisk karaktär. Resultatet visade att den starkaste och enda statistiskt signifikanta prediktorn för intern källa var beroende av sociala medier. Detta innebär att ju högre grad av beroende av sociala medier, desto mer frekvent publicerar individen inlägg på sociala medier i form av t. ex bilder på sig själv och närstående. Slutsatsen för denna studie är att beroende av sociala medier har betydelse för vad individer publicerar för typ av innehåll på sociala medier. Vidare forskning krävs för att mer djupgående identifiera riskbeteenden och mönster genom publiceringsvanor, för att möjligen kunna förebygga beroende av sociala medier.
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Unga vuxnas attityder gentemot Instagrams algoritm och funktioner / Young adults’ attitudes toward Instagram’s algorithm and featuresRodén, Alicia, Eneqvist, Clara January 2023 (has links)
A well digitalized world has contributed, in many ways, to a simpler and more communicative everyday life among people, both privately and through work. However, this societal structure of constantly being connected and active on social media has not only had a positive impact on people and their everyday lives. As the cues for appointments within healthcare, hospitals and psychiatric wards are increasing and the number of mental illnesses drastically increases, many studies have investigated the connection between social media and mental illness. Based on previous knowledge, the purpose of this study is to investigate how users' attitudes towards Instagram's algorithms and functions relate to the use of the application, and if there’re technical measures that could promote the users' experience on the platform and work to counteract the beauty obsession on social media, mainly in this study, Instagram. There is a clear pattern around social media and self-achievement, where the individual strives to gain interactions and affirmation on these various platforms. There is also a technical aspect where the apps' algorithm triggers a dependency on the users to continue scrolling as well as notifications that ring, which also makes it more difficult to completely disconnect from the application. In order to carry out the study and answer the question, a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews were conducted with influencers active in the social media industry, as well as the study's target group: young adults. The result of the study shows that the attitude the users have created towards the platform Instagram is that it comes with feelings of self-criticism and body dissatisfaction to a certain extent. There is also a pronounced dependence on the application, which further creates a feeling of inadequacy in the users. / Den globala digitaliseringen, som skett och sker dagligen världen över, har på många sätt bidragit till en enklare och mer kommunikativ vardag för människor. Att konstant vara uppkopplad och aktiv på sociala medier har dock inte endast för med sig positiva effekter. I takt med att köerna till vården blir längre och att den psykiska ohälsan drastiskt ökar, har flera studier undersökt sambandet mellan sociala medier och psykisk ohälsa. Med förankring i tidigare vetskap är denna studies syfte att undersöka unga svenska kvinnors attityder gentemot Instagrams algoritmer och funktioner samt hur det påverkar den upplevda skönhetshetsen. Även ifall det finns tekniska åtgärder som skulle kunna främja användarnas upplevelse på plattformen och arbeta för att motverka kroppshetsen på Instagram. Det finns ett tydligt samband mellan sociala medier och självpresentation, där den enskilda individen strävar efter att få interaktioner och bekräftelse på dessa olika plattformar. Det finns även en teknisk aspekt där Instagrams algoritmer och utformning framkallar ett beroende hos användarna till att fortsätta scrolla, samt notifikationer som är riktade mot den specifika användaren, vilket gör det svårt att helt koppla bort sig från applikationen. För att genomföra studien och besvara frågeställningen har en kvantitativ enkätundersökning och kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med kreatörer som är verksamma i sociala medier-branschen, samt studiens målgrupp, unga kvinnor. Resultatet av studien visar att attityden användarna utvecklat gentemot plattformen Instagram är att den i viss utsträckning för med sig känslor av självkritik och kroppsmissnöje. Det finns även ett uttalat beroende av applikationen som framkallar en känsla av otillräcklighet hos användarna.
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Ungdomars självkänsla i relation till användningen av sociala medier / Self-esteem in relation to social media usage : among adolescentsSelin, Erik, Lerjefelt, Adina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet är att undersöka hur självkänsla är relaterat till användandet av sociala medier, samt om det föreligger några skillnader mellan pojkar och flickor gällande självkänsla, spenderad tid på och beteende i sociala medier. Frågorna som ska besvaras är: (I) Finns det ett samband mellan självkänsla och spenderad tid på sociala medier? (II) Finns det ett samband mellan självkänsla och aktiv användning av sociala medier? (III) Finns det en skillnad i självkänsla mellan aktiva och passiva användare av sociala medier? (IV) Finns det en skillnad mellan flickor och pojkar gällande självkänsla, spenderad tid på och beteende i sociala medier? Studien utgår från en kvantitativ ansats och materialet samlades in med hjälp av enkäter. Urvalet bestod av 140 stycken ungdomar (13–16 år) och valdes ut genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Deltagarna fyllde i enkäten under lektionstid. Enkäten var en sammanställning av tre olika mätinstrument, RSES (Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale), Social Media Engagement Questionnaire (SMEQ) och Passive and Active Facebook Use Measure (PAUM). Enkätsvaren bearbetades slutligen statistiskt med korrelationsanalyser och t-tester. Resultatet visade på svaga negativa samband mellan självkänsla och de tre variablerna spenderad tid, aktiv social användning respektive aktiv icke-social användning. Resultatet visade inte på någon signifikant skillnad mellan passiva och aktiva användare. Pojkar rapporterade högre nivåer av självkänsla än flickor. Flickor rapporterade högre nivåer av passiv användning, aktiv social användning och aktiv icke-social användning än pojkar. En möjlig slutsats är att det finns en koppling mellan användningen av sociala medier och individens självkänsla. Resultatet i denna studie visade på att hög användning av sociala medier kan vara relaterat till en sämre självkänsla. Det verkar även finnas tendenser till skillnader mellan pojkar och flickor gällande både självkänsla och användningen av sociala medier. Det behövs ytterligare forskning på den yngre generationen för att ta reda på hur den unga individen kan använda sociala medier på ett sätt som främjar självkänslan. / The aim of this study is to examine how self-esteem is related to usage of social media, and if there are any gender differences between boys and girls regarding self-esteem, spent time and behavior on social media. The questions to be answered are: (I) Is there a relation between self-esteem and spent time on social media? (II) Is there a relation between self-esteem and active usage of social media? (III) Is there a difference in self-esteem between active and passive users of social media? (IV) Is there a difference between girls and boys regarding self-esteem, spent time and behavior on social media? The study has a quantitative approach and the material was collected by using surveys. The sample consisted of 140 adolescents (age 13-16) and was selected through a convenience sample. The participants filled in the survey during class. The survey was a compilation of three different measuring instruments; Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSES), Social Media Engagement Questionnaire (SMEQ) and Passive and Active Facebook Use Measure (PAUM). The answers were processed statistically with correlation analyses and t-test. The result showed weak negative correlations between self-esteem and the three variables spent time, active social usage respective active non-social usage. The result didn’t show any significant difference between passive and active users. Boys reported higher levels of self-esteem than girls. Girls reported higher levels of passive usage, active social usage and active non-social usage. A possible conclusion could be that there is a connection between social media usage and self-esteem. The result in this study showed that large amount of social media usage could be related to lower self-esteem. There seems to be a difference between boys and girls regarding self-esteem and social media usage. Further research on the younger generation is needed to find out how the young individual could use social media in ways that promotes self-esteem.
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Adicción a redes sociales y bienestar psicológico en estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud / Social network addiction and Psychological well-being in health sciences studentsEspantoso Pazos, Daniella, Mannheim Lira, Elisa 11 October 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la adicción a las redes sociales y el bienestar psicológico en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud en Lima Metropolitana. La muestra estuvo conformada por 281 jóvenes (23.5% hombres y 76.5% mujeres), con edades entre 18 y 25 años (M= 21.4, DE= 2.374). Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Adicción a Redes Sociales (ARS) (Escurra & Salas, 2014) y la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico (BIEPS-A) de Domínguez-Lara (2014) ambos instrumentos presentaron adecuada consistencia interna. Se encontró una correlación inversa entre el uso excesivo de las redes sociales y el bienestar psicológico, al igual que se observaron diferencias en adicción a redes sociales y bienestar psicológico según sexo y cantidad de horas de conexión. / The present work aimed to determine the relationship between addiction to social networks and psychological well-being in health sciences students in Metropolitan Lima. The sample consisted of 281 young people (23.5% men and 76.5% women), aged between 18 and 25 years (M = 21.4, SD = 2,374). The Social Media Addiction Questionnaire (ARS) Escurra & Salas, 2014) and the Psychological Well-being Scale (BIEPS-A) by Domínguez-Lara (2014) were applied, both instruments presented adequate internal consistency. An inverse correlation was found between excessive use of social networks and psychological well-being, as well as differences in addiction to social networks and psychological well-being according to sex and number of hours of connection. / Tesis
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Exploring adolescent smartphone dependence : the case of an international high school in MyanmarClarke-McLeod, Jillian 29 March 2021 (has links)
The research project evolved from my concerns and those of parents and teachers about students’ inability to regulate their smartphone use in schools. A preliminary review of literature revealed growing concerns worldwide about adolescent smartphone dependence which was affecting students’ academic and social development, amongst many others. It also revealed the area of adolescents’ smartphone dependence to be scantly researched especially in developing countries. Hence, this study. The purpose of the study was to explore levels of smartphone dependence in adolescents at a private school in Myanmar. The study was set in a social constructivist framework and the methodology was qualitative in nature, incorporating a literature review. Participants were purposively selected. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, observations, focus group discussions and questionnaires. The study found that the level of smartphone use at the school was a cause of concern for the stakeholders; adolescents at the target school could be considered dependent on their smartphones. Recommendations to reduce the adolescents’ total screen time were made. Further studies into the management of children’s smartphone use were recommended. / Educational Foundations / M. Ed. (Comparative Education)
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Adicción a redes sociales e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de educación superior técnica / Addiction to Social Networks and Emotional Intelligence in technical higher education studentsAlarcón Allaín, Giovanni Franklin 10 May 2021 (has links)
Introducción. Hoy, las redes sociales son los medios de comunicación más influyentes en el mundo, existen alrededor de 3,600 millones de usuarios, si bien su uso facilita la comunicación en general y favorece los vínculos humanos, podría ocasionar problemas relacionados con la adicción comportamental; se partió de la idea de que la inteligencia emocional se relaciona con las adicciones y podría ser usada para controlarla. Objetivos: Relacionar adicción a redes sociales e inteligencia emocional. Metodología: Es un estudio correlacional, con una muestra no probabilística donde participaron 279 estudiantes de educación superior técnica, entre 18 a 23 años; se administró el Cuestionario de Adicción a Redes Sociales (ARS) y la Escala de Inteligencia Emocional de Wong-Law. Resultados: Se halló que los factores de Adicción a Redes Sociales, correlacionan negativamente con las dimensiones de Inteligencia Emocional, salvo con el factor Valoración de las Emociones de otros en la que no se encuentra esta correlación prevista. Asimismo, las mujeres valoran más las emociones de los demás y los que tienen más tiempo de conexión a internet son más propensos a mostrar adicción a las redes sociales. Conclusiones: Las dimensiones de la escala ARS correlacionan débil y parcialmente con las dimensiones de inteligencia emocional. / Introduction. Today, social networks are the most influential means of communication in the world, there are around 3,600 million users, although their use facilitates communication in general and favors human bonds, it could cause problems related to behavioral addiction; It was started from the idea that emotional intelligence can be used as an addiction control. Objectives: Relate addiction to social networks and emotional intelligence. Methodology: It is a correlational study, with a non-probabilistic sample where 279 technical higher education students participated, between 18 to 23 years old; The Social Media Addiction Questionnaire and the Wong-Law Emotional Intelligence Scale were administered. Results: It was found that the factors of Addiction to Social Networks, correlatte negatively with the dimensions of Emocional Intelligence, except with the factor Assessment of Emotions of others in which this predicted correlation is not found. Likewise, women value the emotions of others more and those who have more time connected to the internet are more likely to show addiction to social networks. Conclusions: The dimensions of the ARS scale correlate weakly and partially with the dimensions of emotional intelligence. / Tesis
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FlowHall, Rachel 11 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Typologies of Helicopter Parenting in American and Chinese Young-Adults’ Game and Social Media Addictive BehaviorsHwang, Woosang, Jung, Eunjoo, Fu, Xiaoyu, Zhang, Yue, Ko, Kwangman, Lee, Sun-A, Lee, Youn Mi, Lee, Soyoung, You, Hyun-Kyung, Kang, Youngjin 04 January 2022 (has links)
Helicopter parenting has emerged as a prevalent phenomenon in families with adult children. Due to its developmentally inappropriate nature, helicopter parenting sometimes serves as a risk factor for children. In addition, culture and parents’ gender shape parenting and adult children’s outcomes. The purpose of the present study was to identify multidimensional constructs of helicopter parenting among college students and describe how latent classes of helicopter parenting of mothers and fathers are related to college students’ game and social media addictive behaviors in the United States and China. Using a three-step latent class approach, data from 1402 mother and young-adult child (MC) and 1225 father and young-adult child (FC) pairs in the United States and 527 MC and 426 FC pairs in China were analyzed. Four helicopter parenting latent classes (strong, strong but weak direct intervention, weak but strong academic management, and weak) were identified among MC and FC pairs in the United States, but three latent classes (strong, strong but weak direct intervention, and weak) were identified in China. In addition, college students whose parents were in the strong helicopter parenting class reported a higher level of game and social media addictive behaviors than those in weak and weak but strong academic management classes in the United States, but not in China. These findings indicate that helicopter parenting is multidimensional in nature in both American and Chinese families, but the impact of helicopter parenting on college students’ game and social media addictive behaviors differs between the two countries.
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Missing the present for the unkown : the relationship between fear of missing out (FoMO) and life satisfactionJood, Tsholofelo Ella 04 1900 (has links)
Fear of missing out (FoMO) is a type of internet slang used to describe the “pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent” (Przybylski, Murayama, DeHaan & Gladwell, 2013, p. 1841). This pervasive fear encompasses an individual’s life and it is exacerbated by the social media updates of online counterparts. A study conducted by a South African pharmaceutical company revealed that 62% of the respondents have a constant fear of missing out on something that might be happening elsewhere. This study underscores the relevance of
studying FoMO as a construct in the South African context. The current study aims to investigate the relationship between FoMO and satisfaction with life, as these two constructs have previously shown to be negatively correlated. The self-proclaimed FoMO sufferers who will be partaking in this study will be requested to complete an online questionnaire to establish the nature of the relationship between FoMO and satisfaction with life. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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