Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amedical sciences"" "subject:"comedical sciences""
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Core endurance and correlation to spinal rotation mobility and hand grip strength in female horseback riders and soccer playersOlsson, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bålstabilitet är nödvändigt för att hålla balansen och möjliggör kraftöverföring genom kroppen. Detta gör bålstabilitet viktigt i vardagliga sysslor, sportutföranden och för att minska risken för skada. En bättre förståelse över bålstabiliteten i olika sporter kan utveckla träningsprogram, inte bara för att förbättra bålstabiliteten, utan även för att förbättra den generella prestationen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skillnader i båluthållighet mellan unga kvinnliga ryttare och fotbollsspelare, och associationen med handgrepp styrka och rotationsrörlighet i ryggen. Metod: Båluthålligheten undersöktes med McGill’s båluthållighets test, mellan kvinnliga ryttare (n = 10) och fotbollsspelare (n = 10), ålder 16 – 20. Handgreppsstyrkan undersöktes med en handdynamometer och användes som en indikation av generell styrka. Ryggrotations testet undersöktes men en Myrinmätare. Shapiro-Wilks användes för att bekräfta normalfördelning av data. Oberoende t-test användes för att jämföra båluthållighet (sek.) mellan ryttarna och fotbollsspelarna. Signifikansnivån fastställdes till <0,05. Ett styrkeförhållande räknades ut (kg/kg kroppsvikt) och Pearsons korrelationskoefficient användes sedan för att undersöka associationen med båluthållighet (sek.). Pearsons korrelationskoefficient användes också för att undersöka associationen mellan medelvärdet av ryggrotation (°) och båluthållighet (sek.). Hög korrelation fastställdes när r> (0,7), måttlig korrelation när r = (0,3 – 0,7) och låg korrelation när r <0,3. Resultat: Resultaten visade att ryttarna hade bättre uthållighet i bålextensionen, jämfört med fotbollsspelarna (p = 0,006). Lateralflexionen av bålen visade ingen skillnad mellan ryttarna och fotbollsspelarna (p = 0,924; p = 0,423). Handgrepp styrkan visade måttlig korrelation med bålextensionen (r = 0,631; r² = 0,398) och båda sidor av lateralflexionen av bålen (r = 0,411; r² = 0,169; r = 0,615; r² = 0,378). Rotationsrörligheten i ryggen visade låg korrelation med samtliga båluthållighets tester (r >0,3). Slutsats: Resultaten indikerar få skillnader mellan ryttare och fotbollsspelare, vilket inte är tillräckligt för att fastställa någon slutsats. Korrelationen mellan handgreppsstyrkan och båluthållighet indikerar att bättre bålstabilitet associerar med mer generell styrka. / Background: Core stability is necessary to keep balance and enables force to be transmitted through the body. This makes core stability important in everyday chores, sport performance and to reduce risk of injuries. A better understanding of the core stability in different sports can develop athletes training programs, not only to improve the core stability itself, but also to improve overall performance. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the differences in core endurance between young female horseback riders and soccer players, and the core endurance association with hand grip strength and spinal rotation mobility. Methods: The McGill’s core endurance test was used to examine the core endurance between female horseback riders (n = 10) and soccer players (n = 10), age 16-20. The hand grip strength was examined with a hand grip dynamometer and was used to get an indication of overall body strength. The spinal rotation mobility was examined with a Myrin goniometer. Shapiro-Wilks was used to confirm the normality of the data. Independent sample t-test was used to compare core endurance time (sec.) between the horseback riders and the soccer players. The significant level was set at < 0.05. A strength ratio was calculated (kg/kg body weight), and the Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used for examining the association to core endurance (sec.). Pearson’s correlation coefficient was also used to examine the association between the spinal rotation mobility (°) and core endurance (sec.). High correlations were set at r > (0.7), moderate when r = (0.3- 0.7) and low when r < (0.3). Results: The result showed that horseback riders had better endurance in the trunk extensor test than the soccer players (p = 0.006). Hand grip strength showed moderate correlation with the endurance time of the trunk extensor test (r = 0.631, r² = 0.398), and with the lateral flexor tests (r = 0.411, r² = 0.169; r = 0.615, r² = 0.378). Low correlation was shown with the trunk flexor test (r = 0.197, r² = 0.039). The spinal rotation mobility test showed low correlation with all the core endurance tests (r >0.3). Conclusion: The results indicates few differences between the horseback riders and the soccer players, which is not enough to draw a conclusion. The correlation between hand grip strength and the core endurance tests indicates that a better core stability might be associated to an increased overall body strength.
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Anhörigas upplevelser av att i hemmet vårda en familjemedlem som genomgått stroke : En litteraturstudie / Relatives' experiences of caring for a family member at home who has suffered a stroke. : A literature reviewUmar, Jamila, von Dewall, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Umar J & Von dewall S. Anhörigas upplevelser av att i hemmet vårda en familjemedlem som genomgått stroke. En litteraturstudie. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, institution för vårdvetenskap, 2021.Bakgrund: Stroke är en av den största dödsorsaken i världen samt den tredje orsaken tillfunktionsnedsättning. Sjukdomen medför konsekvenser, inte bara för patientens liv utan även för anhöriga som ofta får ta rollen som vårdgivare i hemmet. Den grundutbildade sjuksköterska ska kunna bemöta anhöriga utifrån dennes behov, ge vägledning samt erbjuda stöd. Kunskap om anhörigas upplevelser är därför betydelsefullt för den grundutbildade sjuksköterskan.Syftet: Att belysa anhörigas upplevelser av att i hemmet vårda en familjemedlem som genomgått stroke.Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes baserad på tretton kvalitativa artiklar från Cinahl och Pubmed. Artiklarna har genomgått en kvalitetsgranskning samt analyserats utifrån innehållsanalys. Resultat: Anhörigas upplevelser beskrivs som Förändrad livssituation som innefattar hur anhöriga upplever det ibland påtvingade vårdansvaret och hur anhöriga känner sig isolerade på grund av ekonomiska och sociala begränsningar. Det beskrivs också som påverkad hälsa som tar upp både psykiska och fysiska besvär som konsekvens av att vara en anhörigvårdare. Slutligen kommer att hantera situationen som innehåller olika copingstrategier anhöriga använde sig av för att kunna hantera situationen samt det stöd anhöriga kände behov av från sjukvård och resten av omgivningen.Konklusion: Litteraturstudiens resultat visade att anhörigvårdare genomgår en livsförändring som påverkar alla delar av livet så som den egna hälsan, det sociala samt det ekonomiska. För att underlätta för anhöriga i rollen som vårdgivare i hemmet behöver anhöriga en variation av stöd, information och kunskap från närstående och sjukvården. Sjuksköterskan ska på ett personcentrerat tillvägagångssätt möta dessa behov för att på bästa sätt främja anhörigas och patientens hälsa.Nyckelord: Anhörig, Hemmet, Stroke, Upplevelser, Vårda / Umar J & Von dewall S. Relatives' experiences of caring for a family member at home who has suffered a stroke. A literature review. Degree project in nursing 15 credits points. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Care Sciences, 2021.Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and the third leading cause of disability in the world. The disease is a consequence, not only for the patient's life but also for relatives who often have to take on the role of caregiving at home. Registerd Nurses must be able to respond to relatives based on their needs, provide guidance and offer support. Knowledge of relatives' experiences is therefore important for the undergraduate nurse.Aim: To illuminate relatives' experiences of caring for a family member at home who has had a stroke.Method: A literature study was conducted based on thirteen qualitative articles from Cinahl and Pubmed. The articles have undergone a quality review and been analyzed based on content analysis.Result: Relatives' experiences are described as a life changing situation, which includes how relatives experience the care responsibility imposed on them and how they felt isolated due to economic and social constraints. It is also described as damaged health that addresses both mental and physical ailments as a consequence of being a caregiver. Finally, how relatives dealt with the situation that contains various coping strategies that relatives used to handle the situation as well as the support relatives felt they needed from healthcare and the rest of the environment.Conclusion: From the results of the literature review, it emerged that caregivers undergo a life change that affects all parts of life, such as their own health, the social and the financial. To make it easier for relatives in the role of caregiver at home, relatives need a variety of support, information and knowledge from other kins and healthcare. The nurse must meet these needs in a person-centered approach in order to best promote the patient's and relatives' health.Keyword: Caring, Experiences, Home, Relative, Stroke
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Stöd av kommunikation inom distansguidning av ERCP : Applicering av ett MTO-perspektiv tillsammans med ett tjänstedesignsverktygWiik, Richard January 2016 (has links)
ERCP är ett komplicerat invärtes kirurgisk ingrepp som genomförs med hjälp av endoskopi. ERCP-avdelningen vid Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset tog tidigare ofta emot patienter från ERCP-avdelningen på Visby på grund av operationens förväntade svårighet. Nu har de istället sedan en tid tillbaka givit distansguidning under pågående operationen till ERCP i Visby. Distansguidningen skapar ett virtuellt team som ger nya mänskliga, tekniska och organisatoriska utmaningar. Syftet med denna studie var tvåfaldigt: det ena att fördjupa kunskapen i hur ett MTO-perspektiv tillsammans med ett tjänstedesignsverktyg kunde appliceras på det specifika fallet, det andra var att svara på hur utvalda faktorer som är kritiska för fysiskt åtskilda teams stöddes och hämmades i den valda fallstudien. En observation- och intervjustudie med hjälp av tjänstedesignsverktyget Blueprint utfördes med involverade personer för distansguidningen med efterföljande tematiskt analys av transkriberad data. Utfallet av analys belyser tekniska svårigheter och ett lärlingssystem mellan kirurgerna utanför distansguidningens av ERCP organisatoriska kontroll som är viktig för det virtuella teamets personliga relationer, tillit och kultur. En diskussion förs ur ett mänskligt, tekniskt och organisatoriskt perspektiv. Kombinationen av MTO och tjänstedesign fungerade för denna fallstudie och kan vara en kraftfull kombination. Dock anses studiens utförande kunna optimeras för att bättre integrera de två och utnyttja tjänstedesignsverktyget Blueprint ytterligare. Lärdomar i hur detta kan göras i framtida studier beskrivs.
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Användarundersökning om nöjdhet med Sveriges största kommunala kvalitetsregister Senior alertBarkensjö, Lena, Josefsson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
<p>Examen i vårdadministration, YH-utbildning: 20 YH-poäng</p>
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Attityder kring säkerhetskulturen inom interventionsmiljön : - EnkätstudiePersson, Victoria, Karlsson, Bodil January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Osteonecrosis of the jaw in association to bisphosphonatesMattos, Ana Carolina Lopes January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 2008. / The use of bisphosphonate has become more widespread for the treatment of bone metastasis, multiple myeloma, osteoporosis, Paget's disease and other bone malignancies. Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) has been recently recognized as a possible complication of the use of bisphosphonate therapy. This study includes a review of the literature on the mechanism of action of bisphosphonate and its potential association to the development of osteonecrosis of the jaw. The inhibitory effects of bisphosphonates on osteoclasts and its antiangiogenic properties have been examined as possible mechanisms to induce osteonecrosis of the jaw. The incidence of ONJ in osteoporosis patients receiving bisphosphonate treatment is <1 in 100,000, and in between 1% and 10% in patients with malignancy (Hess et al., 2008). The results of this study suggest a higher incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients under long term use of nitrogen containing bisphosphonate. The incidence of bisphosphonate associated ONJ in the first 4 to 12 months of therapy was of 1.5% and it increased to 7.7% after 37 to 48 months [Bamias] Additional risk factors include dental extractions, invasive dental procedures and trauma. It is not yet clear, however, if other drugs that affect bone turnover may induce similar complications. This study suggests an association of bisphosphonates to the development of osteonecrosis of the jaw. There is no evidence that bisphosphonates cause osteonecrosis of the jaw. An evaluation of the published data indicates that more research is necessary to understand the relationship of bisphosphonates and osteonecrosis of the jaw.
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Feeding and Gastrointestinal Regulation: A Novel Domain of the CerebellumBirkenbach, Kathryn Elise January 2020 (has links)
The cerebellum is well-known for its ability to integrate diverse internal and external stimuli, forming associations which serve as a basis for the construction of predictive models. Though traditionally studied in the context of motor learning, mounting evidence indicates that cerebellar learning may play an analogous role in many non-motor functions, including autonomic regulation and reward processing. Using combinatorial approaches of neuroanatomical tracing, electrophysiology, and behavioral studies, we investigated whether cerebellar learning extends to the domains of feeding behavior and gastrointestinal regulation, wherein prediction is critical for optimally timing food seeking and digestion in order to maximize nutrient acquisition while minimizing risk and energetic cost. Our results show direct anatomical connections between the cerebellum and known feeding centers, including the lateral hypothalamus, nucleus of the solitary tract, and parvocellular reticular nucleus. In addition, a localized area of the rostral cerebellum was found to respond to gastric distension and drive gastric emptying. Finally, we show that cerebellar activation drives robust, short-latency ingestive responses in awake, sated mice. Collectively, our results implicate the specific, interconnected cerebellar regions of Lobules II & III and the rostral fastigial nucleus, which we believe may represent one or more microzones devoted to integrating pre-and post-ingestive signals for control of feeding and digestion.
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The Effects of Previous Concussions on the Physiological Complexity of Motor Output During a Continuous Isometric Visual-Motor Tracking TaskRaikes, Adam C. 01 May 2017 (has links)
The majority of clinical impairments following a concussion resolve within 7-10 days. However, there is limited clarity as to long-term impact of this injury on neurocognitive function, motor control, and particularly integration of these domains. While repetitive head trauma is associated with numerous neurological disorders, the link is not well described. Visual-motor tracking tasks have been used to identify differences in visual processing, error detection, and fine motor control in aging and numerous pathologies. Examining the complexity of motor output from visual-motor tracking provides insight into multiple cognitive and motor function domains, and into fine motor control used for daily living, work, and sport. The purpose of this dissertation was, therefore, to: (1) use multiple regression to determine the extent to which concussion history and symptoms (loss of consciousness and amnesia) influence visual-motor task performance multiscale complexity, and (2) determine whether task performance complexity can distinguish, through logistic regression and prediction, between individuals with and without a history of concussion. In study 1, individuals with (n = 35) and without (n = 15) a history of concussion performed a visual-motor tracking task. Men and women exhibited linear decreases in task performance complexity, as well as midand high-frequency task performance components, with increasing numbers of concussions. However, men and women exhibited differing patterns, as did those with and without a history of concussion-related loss of consciousness. Finally, trial-to-trial complexity variability increased with increasing numbers of concussions. Findings indicate (1) a cumulative reduction in the way in which previously concussed individuals process and integrate visual information to guide behavior and (2) gender is an important consideration in concussion-related visual-motor outcomes. In Study 2, individuals with (n = 85) and without (n = 42) a history of concussion performed a visualmotor tracking task. Linear and nonlinear measures of task performance were used to build gender-specific logistic classification models using 10-fold cross-validation. When ensuring 80% sensitivity, the best models were 75-80% accurate in predicting a history of concussion. Such discrimination has clinical value in identifying individuals who merit further evaluation and observation over time for conditions related to repetitive head traumas.
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Outcome evaluation of medical care utilizing Goal attainment scalingLittle, Bonnie G. 01 January 1978 (has links)
The purpose for this study was to develop guidelines for the implementation of Goal Attainment Sealing (a mental health measurement technique) in the medical care setting. As a graduate student of social work, I have become involved in the delivery of medical care and am interested in the dynamics of psycho-social variables as they affect the structure, delivery, and outcome of medical services.
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Män i minoritet : En kartläggning av könsfördelningen på vårdadministratörsutbildningenLiljegren, Angelica, Sandström, Niklas, Zetterman, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
<p>Examen i vårdadministration, YH-utbildning: 20 YH-poäng</p>
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