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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Sperandio, Elisa 01 January 2019 (has links)
Located 127 miles from the shores of Sicily and only 70 from Tunisia, the island of Lampedusa is home to a population of 6000. Residents are largely reliant on a centuries-old fishing economy, a booming tourism industry and, most recently, the sustainment of a complex apparatus of border enforcement. Since the early 2000s, with the hardening of the southern border of Italy and the European Union, a multitude of actors have converged to Lampedusa: from migrants, to agents of enforcement, to NGO personnel, along with journalists, researchers and tourists. In this thesis, I center the experiences of island residents to analyze the daily, lived dimensions of Lampedusa becoming a key site for the externalization of enforcement and the production of a border spectacle depicting “migration crisis.” Employing ethnographic methods and drawing from literature in feminist geopolitics, critical border studies and spatial theory, this approach looks beyond the nation state to discuss the everyday construction of borders and geopolitics. In doing so, I focus on the contested and relational nature of bordering on the island, highlighting some of the contradictions and inconsistencies of discourses and policies rooted in the premise of sudden emergency in the Mediterranean.

Tanja : processi mediterranei e pratiche di resistenza : un’etnografia situata e in traduzione delle lotte delle donne dei quartieri popolari / Tangier : Mediterranean processes and practices of resistance : an ethnography situated and in translation on the struggles of the women of the popular districts / Tanger : processus méditerranéens et pratiques de résistance : une ethnographie située des luttes de femmes des quartiers populaires

Turco, Lucia 01 June 2018 (has links)
La recherche proposée mène une analyse des processus de mondialisation qui intéressent la ville de Tanger et des conséquentes luttes de femmes des quartiers populaires contre les effets du développement néo-libéral sur le territoire. À partir d'une dimension internationale, liée spécifiquement aux discours sur la constitution de la macro-région méditerranéenne, j’insiste sur la manière dont les politiques de privatisation et d'accaparement des IDE Investissements Directs Étrangers ont produit des conséquences importantes surtout dans la région du Nord. Au nom de la politique de régionalisation et à la lumière du rôle central reconnu désormais à la géographie méditerranéenne, la région nord est le territoire où les plans méditerranéens se mettent en place: des nombreuses zones franches et industrielles ont vu le jour et par conséquent une forte migration des campagnes vers les villes a créé une urbanisation toujours croissante. La recherche ethnographique a été développée à Tanja, le principal centre urbain de la région nord, où une série de luttes populaires à grande participation féminine a eu lieu. Je les analyse en les contextualisant avec les projets de développement qui intéressent la zone. A l’aide d’une observation participante et d’une série d’interviews individuelles et de groupes, j’indique des parcours de réflexion autour de certains axes thématiques, tels que l'autorité, la protestation, la façon de traverser l’espace. La dernière partie consiste dans l’application de la méthode déconstructionniste sur un signifiant spécifique qui ressort, même si situé différemment, des récits des femmes interviewées: la maison. / Here proposed un analysis of the development projects concerning the city of Tangier and the struggles of the women living in the popular zones.Starting from an international dimension, which is particularly related to the construction of the Mediterranean region, I underline how the privatization processes and the FDI Foreign Direct Investments grabbing, produced deep consequences especially in the Northern region of Morocco. Connecting to the regionalization process and the central role of the Mediterranean geography, the region is the territory for the implementation of Mediterranean projects: installation of industrial and free zones that produces the increase of the internal migration (from countryside to city) with the consequent progressive urbanization of the region.The ethnographic research took place in Tanja, the main urban centre of the North where different popular fights, with a predominant women’s participation, occur. The narration of these struggles is in a constant dialogue with insights on some specific development projects Some lines of thought around thematic aces like authority, protest and space crossing are identified through a methodology of participant observation and several semi-structured interviews with the women implicated in the struggles.The last part of the work consist in applying the deconstructionist method to a specific signifier: the home.

La mer au Maghreb médiéval : pratiques et perceptions / The sea in medieval Maghrib : practices and perceptions

Abidi, Salah 15 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse examine la relation des Maghrébins avec la mer au Moyen Âge et son rôle dans l’enrichissement de la vie économique, sociale et mentale des habitants du littoral. Mare nostrum des Romains était considéré pendant les premiers siècles de l’Islam comme la mer des Byzantins par opposition à la mer des ténèbres, pour qualifier l’océan Atlantique. Mais pendant les siècles suivants, les musulmans investissent progressivement la Méditerranée et rivalisent avec Byzance et le monde latin pour la maîtrise des techniques de navigation et la domination du commerce maritime. Source de richesse, de conquête et d’affirmation du pouvoir, la mer a généré chez les Maghrébins des représentations à la fois objectives et mythologiques. Héritées d’anciennes civilisations, elles ont été constamment remodelées et enrichies par les Maghrébins au prisme de leurs pratiques quotidiennes, mais aussi grâce à leurs contacts avec le monde extérieur. / This dissertation analyses the relationship of the Maghribis with the sea in the Middle Ages and its role in the enrichment of the economical, social and mental life of the inhabitants of the shore. The Roman Mare nostrum was considered in the first centuries of Islam as the sea of the Byzantines, in opposition to the sea of Darkness, to describe the Atlantic ocean. But during the following centuries, muslims progressively take over the Mediterranean and compete with Byzance and the Latin world to master the technics of navigation and to dominate the maritim trade. Source of wealth, conquests and assertion of power, the sea engendered by the Maghribis both objective and mythological representations. Inherited from ancient civilizations, they have been constantly reshaped and enriched by the Maghribis thanks to their daily practices, but also due to their contacts with external worlds.

Étude de la dynamique du Courant Nord au large de Toulon, à l’aide de modèle, observations in-situ et données satellites / Study of the Northern Current dynamics in the Toulon region, using modelling, in-situ observations and satellite data.

Guihou, Karen 06 September 2013 (has links)
L’objectif général de cette thèse est de contribuer à l’avancement de la connaissance de la variabilité du Courant Nord Méditerranéen (CN) et de ses interactions avec la dynamique côtière, en s’appuyant principalement sur une configuration numérique réaliste à haute résolution de la façade méditerranéenne française, basée sur le modèle de circulation océanique NEMO et nommée GLAZUR64.La validation de cette configuration avec toutes les observations disponibles sur la période d'étude (CTD, gliders, ARGO, radar HF, ADCP, altimétrie et SST satellite) a permis d'évaluer le réalisme des simulations et leur paramétrisation, et de montrer l'apport de la haute-résolution par rapport aux configurations de bassin au 1/12° utilisées aux frontières de GLAZUR64.Enfin, l'utilisation d'un forçage océanique opérationnel a permis d'utiliser une simulation en complément des données d'une campagne en mer, pour l'étude ciblée d'un tourbillon anticyclonique associé à un méandre du CN au large de Toulon, en avril 2011 [Guihou et al., 2013]. / The main objective of this work is to improve our knowledge of the Northern Mediterrranean Current (NC) variability and its interactions with coastal dynamics, using high-resolution modelling of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea, based on the NEMO code and nammed GLAZUR64.The configuration has been validated using all available observations for the period of study (CTD, gliders, ARGO, HF radar, ADCP, satellite altimetry and SST), in order to assess the realism of the simulations and their parameterisations. The contribution of the high-resolution for the simulation of the mesoscale dynamics, compared to 1/12° configurations used at the boundaries is shown.Finally, the use of an operationnal oceanic boundary forcing allowed us to use a combined data-model approach to study the generation and advection of an anticyclonic eddy trapped at the coast and associated to a NC meander, flowing off Toulon in April 2011 [Guihou et al., 2013].

Interpreting Bronze Age Exchange in Sicily through Trace Element Characterization of Ceramics Utilizing Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF)

Mckendry, Erin Marie 31 March 2015 (has links)
Throughout history and prehistory, Sicily has played a key role for maritime trade in the Mediterranean. Interactions with Sicily are attested to in research for various societies throughout the Mediterranean as early as the Neolithic. However, much of this research paints Sicilian societies as passive, focusing primarily on external groups of people in a given period and their influence on the island. By ignoring the importance of the indigenous population, current research lacks a balanced approach to investigations and subsequent conclusions. This is most evident in literature pertaining to Mycenaean interactions with Sicily during the Bronze Age. Ceramic evidence and archaeometric studies can be used to reveal the impetus and scope of these interactions. This research addresses the nature of exchange in Bronze Age Sicily prior to Mycenaean influence. In addition, my research addresses apprehensions regarding the precision of portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) analysis on archaeological ceramics. Samples of Bronze Age ceramics from eight archaeological sites in southern Sicily were analyzed using non-destructive pXRF spectrometry. Multiple single spot and multi-spot analyses were conducted to assess the precision of the device and the non-destructive application of the technology on potentially heterogeneous materials. Findings show no significant difference in trace element composition levels with either method. Regional signatures of ceramic trace element compositions may be developed and used to assess existing exchange patterns in Bronze Age Sicily. Comparison of ceramic exchange patterns between the Early and Middle Bronze Age suggests that Sicilian populations had a strong local identity and were noticeably inter-connected prior to Aegean influence.

La Méditerrannée, lieu d'échanges de mots : L'exemple des mots de marine. XIIIe-XVIIe siècles / Mediterranean sea, place of exchanges of words. : The example of the words of navy. XIIIe-XVIIe centuries

Bouret-Bérenger, Marie Françoise 20 January 2011 (has links)
Entre le XIIIe siècle et le XVIIe siècle, se constitue un vocabulaire nautique spécifique, celui de la marine du Levant, différent de celui de la marine du Ponant utilisé en Atlantique. Ce vocabulaire est né du voyage dans le temps des mots provenant de l’indo-européen, du latin et du grec, mais sa spécificité vient des échanges, du voyage des mots dans tous l’espace méditerranéen qui permet à toutes les langues méditerranéennes de s’enrichir mutuellement. Les récits de voyage à Jérusalem constituent une source importante car ils sont rédigés par des hommes qui n’ont jamais auparavant vu la mer et qui vivent leur première expérience de navigation ; ils ont tout à apprendre pour pouvoir transmettre leur expérience à leurs lecteurs. Le métissage linguistique méditerranéen est le fait des marins qui transmettent aux marchands et aux voyageurs qui sillonnent la Méditerranée. Quand un mot domine et se répand dans d’autres langues cela signifie qu’il appartient à une langue d’une nation dominante soit dans ses techniques de navigation, soit par sa puissance maritime.Les écrivains voyageurs racontent leur navigation en montrant leurs sentiments, en exprimant leur admiration pour les spectacles nouveaux qu’ils découvrent. Comme la mer est un élément inconnu, elle engendre très souvent la peur qu’il faut surmonter, le voyage est une épreuve nécessaire et enrichissante. La constitution d’un vocabulaire spécifique montre qu’au delà des guerres, de la course, des fortunes de mer, des hommes se sont parlés, se sont entendus, ont construitensemble les outils nécessaires pour nommer les chose, c’est-à-dire les comprendre et se comprendre. / Between the XIIIth century and the XVIIth century, a specific nautical vocabulary is building, vocabulary of Levant navy of the different from Ponant one used in the Atlantic. This vocabulary come from the travel, in all the Mediterranean space, of the words in the time, from Indo-European, Latin and Greek languages. This exchanges allow all languages Mediterranean learn from each other. Travel stories in Jerusalem constitute an important source because they are drafted by men who never have seen previously sea and who live their first experience of sailing; they have to learn everything to be able to transmit their experience to their readers. The Mediterranean linguistic crossbreeding is the fact of the sailors who transmit to the traders and to the travelers who cross the Mediterranean Sea. The writers-travelers tell their navigation by showing their feelings, by expressing their admiration for the new spectacles which they discover. As sea is an unknown element, it very often generates fear. The sailing time is a necessary and rewarding event. The constitution of a specific vocabulary shows that beyond wars, corsairs, perils of sea, the men spoke to each other, built together the necessary tools to name things, it means understand its and understand each other.

Le port franc, diffusion d'un modèle économique : politiques, acteurs, idéologies, mythe : comparaison entre deux réalités : Gênes et Marseille (1590-1817) / Free ports : a comparative approach between Marseille, Genoa and Livorno in the Modern age, between free port's institution and the role played by minorities / Il porto franco, diffusione di un modello economico : politiche, attori, ideologie, mito : due realtà a confronto : Genova e Marsiglia (1590-1817)

Iodice, Antonio 05 February 2018 (has links)
L’objet de la recherche est l’institution des ports francs à l’époque moderne dans un cadre comparatif. J’ai choisi Livourne, Gênes et Marseille, les trois principaux ports francs de l’époque. Avec l’étude de la législation et des débats autour de l’application des franchises, je veux confronter ces villes entres elles et les placer dans le débat très vif en état moderne sur le port franc. Pour cette raison j'ai réservé une partie du travail à la comparaison avec des autres ports francs et avec des villes sans cette franchise, comme Naples, où le débat a été très vif. / The aim of this research is investigating on the institution of the free ports in Modern age, following a comparative scheme. I've chosen Livorno, Genoa and Marseille because they were three of the main free ports at the time. I want to compare those port-cities studying their legislation and the free port's edict application. They all have had an important role in the debates around the economical institution of the free port itself. For this reason I've written on the comparison about different free ports and also on a port-city without such a tax exemption like Naples. Here there has been a long and harsh debate about the possibility of introducing the free port, which I tracked down.

Subduction related crustal and mantle deformations and their implications for plate dynamics

Okeler, Ahmet 11 1900 (has links)
Ocean-continent convergence and subsequent continental collision are responsible for continental growth, mountain building, and severe tectonic events including volcanic eruptions and earthquake activity. They are also key driving forces behind the extensive thermal and compositional heterogeneities at crustal and mantle depths. Active subduction along the Calabrian Arc in southern Italy and the Hellenic Arc are examples of such collisional tectonics. The first part of this thesis examines the subduction related deformations within the crust beneath the southern Apennines. By modeling regional surface wave recordings of the largest temporary deployment in the southern Apennines, a lower-crustal/upper-mantle low-velocity volume extending down to 50 km beneath the mountain chain is identified. The magnitude (~ 0.4 km/s slower) and anisotropic nature (~ 10%) of the anomaly suggest the presence of hot and partially molten emplacement that may extend into the upper-crust towards Mt. Vulture, a once active volcano. Since the Apulian basement units are deformed during the compressional and consequent extensional events, our observations favor the ``thick-skin'' tectonic growth model for the region. In the deeper mantle, active processes are thermodynamically imprinted on the depth and strength of the phase transitions. This thesis examines more than 15000 SS precursors and provides the present-day reflectivity structure and topography associated with these phase transitions. Through case studies I present ample evidence for both slab penetration into the lower mantle (beneath the Hellenic Arc, Kurile Island and South America) and slab stagnation at the bottom of the Mantle Transition Zone (beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea and eastern China). Key findings include (1) thermal anomalies (~ 200 K) at the base of the MTZ, which represent the deep source for Cenozoic European Rift Zone, Mount Etna and Mount Cameroon volcanism, (2) significant depressions (by 20-40 km) at the bottom of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath subducting slabs, (3) a strong 520-km reflector near subducting slabs, (4) a weak and elevated (15-25 km) 410-km reflector within active deformation zones, (5) strong lower mantle reflectors (~ 900 km) while slabs penetrate into the lower mantle, and (6) consistency between the topography of a 300-km reflector and an exothermic phase transformation. / Geophysics

Untersuchung kardioprotektiver Wirkungen des Olivenöles und seiner phenolischen Komponenten in einer Gruppe gesunder deutscher Männer / Cardioprotective effects of olive oil and its phenolic compounds in healthy German men

Machowetz, Anja January 2006 (has links)
"Untersuchung kardioprotektiver Wirkungen des Olivenöles und seiner phenolischen Komponenten in einer Gruppe gesunder deutscher Männer" <br><br> EINLEITUNG: Epidemiologische Daten belegen, dass die mediterrane Ernährung mit einer niedrigen Inzidenz an mit oxidativen Stress assoziierten kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen einhergeht. Dabei wird vor allem dem Olivenöl, als Hauptfettlieferant in der mediterranen Ernährung, eine kardioprotektive Wirkung zugesprochen. Olivenöl zeichnet sich neben dem hohen Gehalt an einfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren (MUFA) durch ein reichhaltiges Spektrum an phenolischen Verbindungen aus, deren antioxidative Wirkung bereits zahlreichen in in vitro Studien beschrieben wurde. Demnach könnte der Verzehr von phenolreichem Olivenöl auch in vivo vor oxidativen Schädigungen schützen und somit das Risiko für kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen senken.<br><br> ZIELSTELLUNG: Untersuchung der kardioprotektiven Wirkung von Olivenöl und seiner phenolischen Komponenten in einer Gruppe gesunder deutscher Männer.<br><br> METHODE: Dazu wurde eine randomisierte cross-over doppelt-verblindete Interventionsstudie an 70 gesunden Männern zwischen 20 - 60 Jahren im Raum Berlin-Brandenburg durchgeführt. In jeweils drei dreiwöchigen Interventionsphasen konsumierten die Probanden täglich 25 ml natives (phenolreich), gemischtes (mittlerer Phenolgehalt) und raffiniertes (annähernd phenolfrei) Olivenöl, was sich ausschließlich im Gehalt an phenolischen Verbindungen unterschied. Das Olivenöl sollte dabei die gewöhnlich verzehrten Fette ersetzen. Die Interventionsphasen waren durch zweiwöchige Wash out-Phasen unterbrochen. Die Erhebung der Blutlipide, Biomarker der Lipidperoxidation und endogene Antioxidantien erfolgte zu Studienbeginn sowie zu Beginn und Ende jeder Verzehrsperiode.<br><br>ERGEBNISSE: Bei den Blutlipiden sowie den Biomarkern der Lipidperoxidation und den endogenen Antioxidantien konnte keine signifikante Veränderung in Abhängigkeit vom Phenolgehalt der applizierten Olivenöle nachgewiesen werden. Einzig die Glutathion-Reduktase-Aktivität stieg mit zunehmendem Gehalt an phenolischen Verbindungen (pTrend = 0,041). Unabhängig von der Konzentration der Phenole im Olivenöl wurde bei den Probanden durch den Olivenölverzehr eine Senkung von Gesamtcholesterol (p = 0,007) und Triglyzeride (p = 0,013) im Serum erzielt. Diese Wirkung geht einher mit einem gestiegenen MUFA-Anteil in der Ernährung aufgrund des Olivenölkonsums (p < 0,001).<br><br> SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Die Hypothese, dass die Phenole im Olivenöl aufgrund ihrer in in vitro und Tierstudien beschriebenen antioxidativen Wirkung dem Olivenöl neben dem einzigartigen Fettsäureprofil eine zusätzliche kardioprotektive Wirkung bescheren, konnte in der vorliegenden Studie nicht gezeigt werden. Dennoch konnte durch den Olivenölverzehr und der damit einhergehenden Erhöhung des MUFA-Anteils in der Ernährung eine vorteilhafte Beeinflussung der Blutlipide erzielt werden. Obgleich Olivenöl nicht das vorwiegend verzehrte Fett in Deutschland darstellt, zeigten die befragten Probanden eine hohe Akzeptanz. Folglich könnte die Integration von Olivenöl in die habituelle Ernährung einen Beitrag zur Senkung des kardiovaskulären Erkrankungsrisikos leisten. / "Cardioprotective effects of olive oil and its phenolic compounds in healthy German men" <br><br> BACKGROUND: Epidemiological data show that the Mediterranean diet is related to a low incidence of oxidative stress associated cardiovascular diseases. In particular, olive oil, which is the most consumed alimentary fat in the Mediterranean diet, is discussed to be cardio protective. Besides its high monounsaturated fatty acid content olive oil contains a remarkable amount of phenolic compounds. Results from in vitro and animal studies suggest that these phenols are powerful antioxidants. Thus, consumption of olive oil phenols also could inhibit oxidative damage in vivo and therefore could reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. <br><br> OBJECTIVE: To investigate the cardioprotective effect of olive oil and its phenolic compounds in healthy German men. <br><br> METHODS: Therefore, a randomised, cross-over, double-blind intervention trial in 70 healthy men aged 20 - 60 years from the Berlin-Brandenburg area was conducted. Subjects were randomised for three periods of three weeks to replace their usually consumed fat by daily 25 ml of virgin (high-phenolic), common (medium-phenolic) and refined (low-phenolic) olive oil, which vary only in their content of phenolic compounds. Each intervention was separated by a two-week wash-out period. Blood lipids, lipid peroxidation biomarker and endogenous antioxidants were assessed at study baseline and the beginning and end of each intervention period. <br><br> RESULTS: In the total study population, blood lipids, biomarker of lipid peroxidation and endogenous antioxidants were not affected by the phenolic content of the olive oils administered. Solely, a concentration-dependent increase in glutathion-reductase activity could be observed (pTrend = 0.041). A significant reduction in serum total cholesterol (p = 0.007) and triglycerides (p = 0.013) after of olive oil consumption was assessed, which was independent from the content of phenolic compounds in the olive oil. This effect goes along with an increased monounsaturated fatty acids proportion in the habitual diet of the subjects as a result of the olive oil consumption (p < 0.001). <br><br> CONCLUSION: The hypothesis, that phenolic compounds in olive oil due to its antioxidative properties reported in in vitro and animal studies provide additional cardioprotective effects besides those attributed to its unique fatty acids profile could not be supported by this study. However, olive oil consumption exert beneficial effects on blood lipids, which could be ascribed to the increased monounsaturated fatty acid content in the diet. Even though olive oil is not the main source of fat in Germany, the interviewed participants showed a high acceptance. Thus, integration of olive oil into the habitual diet could contribute to a risk reduction in cardiovascular diseases among German men.

La Tunisia dall'indipendenza alle relazioni di partenariato. L'area socio-culturale / Tunisia from Independence to Relations of Partnership. The Socio-Cultural Area

SARTIRANA, LAURA 18 June 2007 (has links)
L'obiettivo di questa tesi di dottorato è quello di individuare alcune tematiche che permettano la comprensione, anche e soprattutto dall'interno, di un processo storico, politico, economico e socio-culturale che ha fortemente caratterizzato e condizionato la sponda sud del Mediterraneo e, in particolare la Tunisia. I fili conduttori della ricerca sono lo studio del sistema-Paese Tunisia, della sua storia dall'indipendenza fino ai nostri giorni, del funzionamento delle istituzioni politiche, della complessa relazione tra etnie, religione, partiti politici e poteri istituzionali, delle relazioni internazionali e dell'economia. Ampio spazio viene assegnato all'analisi del ruolo della donna in Tunisia alla luce del Code du Statut Personnel, che ne regolamenta la posizione e le funzioni nella società tunisina. Infine, viene affrontato il tema del Partenariato euromediterraneo, con particolare attenzione all'area socio-culturale: quest'ultima fa sì che la Tunisia si ponga oggi tra i Paesi Terzi Mediterranei maggiormente all'avanguardia nella cooperazione. / The objective of this thesis of doctorate is to characterize some thematics in order to permit the understanding, above all from the inside, of an historical, political, economic and socio-cultural process. This has strongly characterized and conditioned the south side of the Mediterranean and, in particular Tunisia. The threads of the search are the study of the system -Country Tunisia, of its history from independence until our days; of the operation of the political institutions; of the complex relation between ethnic groups, religion, political parties and institutional powers; of the international relations and the economy. Wide space is given to the analysis of the role of the woman in Tunisia to the light of the Code du Statut Personnel. It prescribes the position and the woman's functions in the Tunisian society. Finally, it is faced the topic of the Euromediterranean Partnership, with particular attention to the socio-cultural area. In such a way Tunisia today places between the Mediterranean Thirds Countries mainly to the vanguard in the cooperation.

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