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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La construction d’un cadre méthodologique pour l’élaboration de projets urbains durables en Syrie / The construction of a methodological framework for the development of sustainable urban projects in Syria

Hajjar, Abboud 10 June 2014 (has links)
Après l'apparition de la première génération des projets urbains dans les Pays du Sud et de l'Est de la méditerranée (PSEM), le développement et la formulation des stratégies, outils et normes sont perçus, par les experts et les spécialistes, comme une nécessité absolue pour évoluer la mise en œuvre du développement durable dans les projets urbains, ainsi que l'évolution de sa contribution dans l'action urbaine globale, afin de passer à la « ville durable ». Dans cette perspective, notre thèse se focalise sur le développement de démarches opérationnelles qui permettent de porter une nouvelle réflexion sur la fabrication urbaine en Syrie, et surtout de la ville d'Alep, qui est le terrain d'expérimentation et d'application de cette thèse. Dans ce pays, l'enjeu du développement urbain durable s'est imposé, avant la guerre actuelle, dans les politiques publiques urbaines. Entre les années 2000 et 2011, les autorités nationales syriennes (l'Etat central) et ses instances locales (les autorités publiques locales) ont lancé plusieurs programmes et projets urbains, souvent en collaboration avec des bailleurs du fonds internationaux (Banque Mondiale, GIZ, Union Européenne...).Un des objectifs de cette thèse est de proposer un cadre métrologique à partir des approches françaises de la mise en œuvre des projets de quartiers durables et/ou éco-quartiers, non pas en procédant à un transfert d'expériences totalement inopportunes, mais en effectuant une analyse de la situation de la ville d'Alep, pour la mise en place des outils permettant d'orienter les acteurs locaux de l'aménagement urbain (collectivité locales, bureau d'études, ….) pour la phase post-guerre, et d'accompagner la conception des projets urbains durables à l'interface des problèmes et des enjeux locaux / After the appearance of the first generation of sustainable urban projects in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries (SEMC), the development of strategies, tools and standards are perceived by experts and specialists, as an absolute necessity to move the implementation of sustainable development in urban projects and the evolution of its contribution in the overall urban action to move to the "sustainable city». In this perspective, our thesis focuses on the development of operational procedures that can bring new thinking on urban practices in Syria, and especially the city of Aleppo, which is the experimental site of this thesis. In this country, the issue of sustainable urban development was imposed before the current war in urban public policy. Between 2000 and 2011, the Syrian national authorities (central government) and local authorities have launched several programs and urban projects, often in collaboration with the international donor funds (World Bank, GIZ, European Union ...).One objective of this thesis is to propose a methodological framework from the French approaches to the implementation of sustainable neighborhood projects, not by taking a totally inappropriate transfer of experience, but performing an analysis of the situation of the city of Aleppo, for the implementation tools to guide local actors of urban development ( local community office, .... ) for the post-war, and to support the design of sustainable urban projects at the interface of local problems and issues

Prise en compte des vulnérabilités territoriales dans l'avertissement des crues rapides : vers une amélioration de la méthode AIGA. / Taking into account territorial vulnerabilities for flash flood warning : towards an improvement of the AIGA method

Saint-Martin, Clotilde 22 November 2018 (has links)
Anticiper les inondations constitue un enjeu majeur pour les communes exposées aux crues car c’est sur cette anticipation que repose l’ensemble de la chaîne d’alerte, garante de la sécurité des personnes et des biens. Si un système de suivi du risque de dommages liés aux crues est disponible pour un cinquième du réseau hydrographique français, les petits cours d’eau composant les quatre cinquièmes restants ne font pas partie du dispositif de suivi temps réel du ministère en charge de l’écologie, appelé « Vigicrues ». Or il s’agit également des cours d’eau les plus concernés par le phénomène de crues rapides, pour lesquelles l’anticipation joue un rôle crucial en gestion de crise. Voilà pourquoi début 2017, Vigicrues a été complété par un service automatique d'avertissement des crues appelé Vigicrues Flash. Ce système permet de fournir en temps réel une information sur l’intensité de la crue des cours d’eau pour 10 000 communes françaises.Même si ce nouveau service constitue un réel progrès pour les communes jusqu’alors dépourvues de système d’anticipation, la méthode AIGA qui constitue le cœur de Vigicrues Flash possède certaines limites. L’une d’entre elles, est le fait que la méthode n’avertit que sur le niveau de rareté de la crue, sans tenir compte des enjeux présents. Or, pour générer un avertissement efficace, il est nécessaire de prendre en compte les conséquences potentielles de cette crue. Cette thèse a donc pour but de permettre l’estimation anticipée des dommages liés aux crues rapides, en particulier sur les bassins non jaugés. Pour cela, nous proposons une méthode d’estimation du risque de dommages fondée d’une part sur la qualification de l’intensité de l’aléa crue par la méthode AIGA et d’autre part sur la prise en compte de la vulnérabilité du territoire. Cette dernière a été construite à partir d’une approche bottom-up innovante, directement auprès de gestionnaires du risque. Le croisement de ces deux types d’informations a permis de fournir une première caractérisation du risque de dommages liés aux inondations sous la forme d’un indice de risque dynamique.En adaptant des tests de performances issus de la météorologie, nous avons pu évaluer notre indice par rapport à la méthode AIGA seule. Des informations sur les dommages déjà existantes (les arrêtés « CATNAT » issus de la BD GASPAR) ou spécifiquement collectées (la BD DamaGIS constituée pour cette thèse à partir d’informations présentes notamment sur les réseaux sociaux) constituent nos données de validation. Notre évaluation a porté sur 12 communes dans les Alpes-Maritimes, 69 dans le Gard et 28 dans le Var, et s’est faite de deux manières complémentaires : d’une part une évaluation en continue et exhaustive à partir des arrêtes CATNAT pris pour nos communes sur toute la période 1998-2016 ; et d’autre part une évaluation événementielle, mais à l’échelle infra-communale.Nos résultats montrent que le passage de la caractérisation de l’aléa à celle du risque améliore nettement la pertinence des avertissements émis, surtout à l’échelle infra-communale. Les dommages y sont mieux détectés, avec un taux moindre de fausse alertes. Cette thèse ouvre donc de réelles perspectives d’amélioration de la chaîne de l’alerte actuelle, permettant de mieux organiser la réponse des services de secours et de gestion de crise face à l’annonce de dommages potentiels liés aux crues rapides. / Anticipating floods is a major challenge for communities at risk of flooding as the entire warning system – responsible for the safety of people and goods - relies on this anticipation. There is an existing monitoring system “Vigicrues” for flood damage for a fifth of the river network in France. But for four-fifths of this network, made of small rivers, no monitoring is available. Yet those rivers are the most affected by flash floods which especially require anticipation for crisis management purposes. This is why at the beginning of 2017, the Vigicrues system for flood monitoring has been completed with a new flood warning system called Vigicrues Flash. This system provides automatic information in real-time on flood severity of ungauged basins for 10 000 French communities.Even if this new system is a real innovation for communities with no monitoring at all, the AIGA method which is used in Vigicrues-Flash has some limits. The first one is that the warnings are only based on the assessment of flood severity. But estimating flood severity is not enough to issue efficient flood warnings. To be able to do so, taking into account potential flood losses is essential. The main goal of this work is to enable an anticipated estimation of flood related damage, especially for ungauged basins. We offer a method to assess the risk of flood related damage based on flood severity assessed by the AIGA method and a territorial vulnerability assessment. This last one has been built on a bottom-up approach developed with crisis managers. Putting together this data has enabled a first assessment of the risk of flood risk damage as a dynamic risk index.By adjusting performance testing used in the meteorology field, we have been able to evaluate our risk index and to compare the results with the AIGA method. In order to do so, we have used existing damage data (CATNAT from the GASPAR database) as well as a specific multisource database (using notably social media data) which has been put together as part of this study (DamaGIS). The evaluation process has been tested for 12 communities in the Alpes-Maritimes, 69 in the Gard and 28 in the Var department. Two types of evaluation have been performed: a first comprehensive one continuously with CATNAT data on the 1988-2016 period; and another one per flood event at a finer scale.Our results show that moving from hazard assessment to risk assessment has significantly increased the relevance of the warnings and mostly at a smaller scale than the community one. Though, there is a better detection of flood related damage as the false alarm rate has been significantly reduced. This PhD work offers promising prospects to improve the current French warning system for floods and enable a more efficient emergency response.

Avaliação de búfalas da raça Mediterrâneo durante o período de transição e início de lactação e de bezerros lactantes até o desmame / Evaluation of Mediterranean buffalo cows during the transition period and early lactation and young calves until weaning

Verdurico, Lenita Camargo 14 December 2010 (has links)
Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar búfalas da raça Mediterrâneo durante o período de transição e início de lactação e bezerros lactantes até o desmame. O experimento foi conduzido na área de produção de bubalinos junto com o Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Veterinária, pertencente à Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FMVZ), da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), localizada no município de Pirassununga/SP. Foram utilizadas 17 matrizes mestiças da raça Mediterrânea. A produção de leite foi registrada diariamente durante todo o periodo expeirmental. As amostras utilizadas para análise da composição fisico quimica e perfil de ácidos graxos do leite foram coletadas semanalmente, sendo provenientes da única ordenha diária. Para avaliação do suplemento vitamínico foram utilizados 17 bezerros búfalos divididos em dois grupos, o primeiro o grupo controle (aleitemanto artificial) e outro grupo foi administrado aditivo vitamínico-mineral (Metacell). Para avaliação do desenvolvimento ponderal os bezerros foram pesados semanalmente e foram mensurados o perímetro torácico (PT), a altura (ALT) e o comprimento corporal (COPM). Os bezerros foram avaliados até completarem 120 dias e alojados em piquete com silagem de milho e concentrado ad libitum. Houve efeito das semanas no período de transição e início de lactação para a produção de gordura e para o peso vivo das búfalas em lactação. Entretanto não houve efeito das semanas em lactação para os valores de PL, PLC, MPC, porcentagem de gordura e composição dos ácidos graxos da gordura do leite. Quando avaliado o perfil bioquímico das búfalas foi observado efeito das semanas do período de transição e início de lactação para as concentrações no soro de uréia, NUS, colesterol total, AST, BHB e AGNE. Entretanto as concentrações de glicose, PT, C-HDL, GGT e albumina não foram inlfuenciadas no período de transição e inicio de lactação. Entre todos os resultados de parâmetros hematologicos avaliados para as búfalas somente foi observado efeito de tempo para as concentrações no sangue da concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média. Os bezerros suplemetados com aditivo apresentaram maior desenvolvimento ponderal de forma geral em relação ao grupo controle. Os bezerros bubalinos tratados com aditivo vitamínico-mineral, apresenatram maiores concentrações de colesterol total, uréia e proteínas totais. Entretanto não houve efeito do aditivo sobre os valores de glicose, albumina e beta hidroxibutirato. Os valores de leutcócitos, neutrófilos, eosinófilos, linfócitos típicos aumentaram com a utilização do aditivo oral em relação ao grupo controle. Porém a quantidade de plaquetas diminuíram com a adição do suplemento. Este estudo permite definição de valores padrões de referência para avaliação fisiológica bioquímica e hematológica de búfalas no período de transição e início de lactação. A utilização de aditivo para bezerros da espécie bubalina melhora o desempenho ponderal com respectiva melhora no perfil metabólico. / The aim of this study was to evaluate Mediterranean buffalo cows during the transition period and early lactation and lactation calves until weaning. The experiment was conducted in the production of buffaloes with the Departamento of Nutrition and Veterinary Production, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FMVZ), University of Sao Paulo (USP), located in the city of Pirassununga/SP. Were used 17 crossbred Mediterranean. Milk production was recorded daily throughout the experimental period. The samples used for analysis of chemical and physical composition and fatty acid profile of milk were colected weekly and then daily single milking. To assess the vitamin supplement was used 17 buffalo calves divided into two groups, the first control group (artificial feeding) and another group was given vitamin and mineral additive (Metacell). To assess weight development calves were weighed weekly and were measured the girth (HG), height (ALT) and body length (COPM). The calves were evaluated until 120 days of age and housed in a paddock with corn silage and concentrate ad libitum. There was an effect of the weeks during the transition and early lactation for the fat production and the body weight of lactating buffaloes. However there was no effect of lactation week on the values of PL, PLC, MPC, fat percentage and fatty acid composition of milk fat. Investigation of the biochemical profile of the buffaloes was no effect of weeks of the transition period and early lactation to concentrations in serum urea, NUS, total cholesterol, AST, BHB and AGNE. However the concentrations of glucose, PT, C-HDL, GGT, and albumin were not affected during the transition period and early lactation. Among all the results of hematologic parameters evaluated for the buffaloes was only observed effect of time for concentrations in the blood mean conpuscular hemoglobin concentration. Calves supplemented with additive showed higher weight development in general in relation to the control group. The buffalo calves treated with vitamin-mineral additive, had higher concentrations of total cholesterol, urea and total protein. However there was no effect of the additive on the levels of glucose, albumin and beta-hydroxybutyrate. The values of leukocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes typically increased with the oral use of the additive in relation to the control group. But the number of platelets decreased with the addition of the supplement. This study supports the definition of standard values of reference for assessing physiological biochemical and hematological parameters of buffaloes in the period of transition and early lactation. The use of additives to improve water buffalo calves and their weight gain with improved metabolic profile.

Influência da recópula de fêmeas selvagens de Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) na eficiência da técnica do inseto estéril / Influence of wild Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) females remating on the efficiency of the sterile insect technique

Andrade, Renata Morelli de 04 February 2009 (has links)
A técnica do inseto estéril visa a indução de esterilidade em fêmeas selvagens por meio do acasalamento com machos estéreis liberados em grandes quantidades no ambiente. Os insetos liberados devem ser capazes de competir com os selvagens pela cópula com as fêmeas, fertilizar seus ovos e evitar que ela copule novamente. A recópula com machos selvagens pode interferir na eficiência da técnica por resultar em ovos férteis. Não é conhecido como a sequência de cópula-recópula com machos estéreis e/ou selvagens determina a fertilidade dos ovos na mosca-da-fruta, Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae), nem as conseqüências deste comportamento, o que justificou o presente trabalho. Os experimentos foram realizados em laboratório, na Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, sob condições ambientes de temperatura e umidade relativa, para determinar a influência do tipo e ordem das cópulas na indução de esterilidade, além de parâmetros do comportamento de recópula, como frequência recópula entre as fêmeas, número de cópulas for fêmea, tempo de cópula e recópula, período refratário e competitividade sexual dos machos. Foi também avaliada a interferência do tratamento aromático dos machos estéreis com óleo de gengibre sobre a recópula das fêmeas. A Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil, Juazeiro- BA forneceu os insetos estéreis, e os selvagens foram provenientes de pupas coletadas de frutos infestados em áreas frutícolas na região do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco. Na presença de machos estéreis e selvagens concorrendo pelas cópulas na proporção de 5 estéreis: 1 selvagem, 63% das fêmeas recopularam em média 3,37 vezes com curto período refratário entre a cópula e a primeira recópula. O tratamento dos machos com óleo de gengibre diminuiu significativamente a taxa de recópula. A aromaterapia dos machos não reduziu a fecundidade e nem conferiu aos machos vantagem da competição espermática, entretanto aumentou a indução de esterilidade em fêmeas selvagens que recopularam. O segundo macho a copular a fêmea apresentou maior vantagem reprodutiva em curto período refratário. Conclui-se que para que a técnica do inseto estéril seja eficiente, é necessário que haja sempre machos estéreis de boa qualidade no campo para recopularem as fêmeas em curto período refratário. / The sterile insect technique (SIT) aim at the induction of sterility in wild females by mating with sterile males released in great amounts in the field. These released males must compete with wild ones being able to attract and mate wild females, fertilize their eggs and avoid remating with a wild male that would lead to fertile eggs and consequently reduce the efficiency of the technique. The circumstances in which remating of Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) females interfere with the SIT, as well as the consequences of this behavior are not well known, what justified the present study. The experiments were carried out at the Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, inside the laboratory under ambient conditions of temperature and relative humidity to determine the influence of the order of mating type in the induction of sterility. The parameters evaluated to better understand the remating behavior were remating frequency, number of matings per female, mating and remating time, refractory period, sexual competitiveness of males, and the interference of males aromatherapy with ginger root oil in the females remating. Moscamed facility, Juazeiro-BA, provided the sterile males and the wild ones were from pupae collected from infested fruits from commercial orchards in the São Francisco River Valley. In the presence of sterile and wild males in competition (5 sterile: 1wild), 63% of females remated in average 3.37 times in short refractory period between the mating and the first remating. The males aromatherapy with ginger root oil reduced significantly the remating rate, but did not reduce the fecundity, neither confer advantage to the males in the sperm competition, however increased the induction of sterility in wild females multiply mated. The second male to mate the female presented reproductive advantage if the refractory period was short. For the SIT be efficient the sterile males in the field must always have great quality to remate the females in a short refractory period and thus induce sterility in the wild population.

The Catena of Nicetas of Heraclea and its Johannine text

Clark, Michael Allen January 2016 (has links)
This work is a textual study of the Gospel of John as it is preserved in the catena compiled by Nicetas of Heraclea. In part 1, a stemma is drawn up based on an examination of full transcriptions of all known witnesses: Gregory-Aland 249 317 333 423 430 743 869. Though some scholars have stated that G-A 841 886 1178 2188 contain the catena as well, closer examination shows they contain other works. The manuscripts of Nicetas are related as follows: 1) 249 333 423 are descendants of a common ancestor, β; 2) 333 was the exemplar for 423; 3) 317 869 are descended from a common ancestor, γ; 4) 430 is an independent witness with an idiosyncratic text; 5) 743 has a high degree of majority text contamination and an unclear relationship with the other witnesses. The second part of the study consists of a reconstruction of Nicetas’s text of John with a full apparatus.

The numismatic iconography of the period of iconomachy (610-867)

Vrij, Maria Chantal January 2018 (has links)
This thesis considers the use of numismatic imagery in the Byzantine Empire during the period 610-867, with its main focus centred in the period 685-842. Though charting the iconographic trends and changes on the coinage of the period and the possible reasons behind them is the principal raison d’être of the thesis, it also tackles methodological issues such as the use and abuse of dies studies and ways of determining who decided what images appeared on coins. The main body of the text is arranged chronologically with the methodological issues appearing throughout. Exceptions to this format are the first chapter, which considers the economic context of coin circulation in the period and the gold purity of the coins of the period, and the third chapter, which considers the production at the mint of Cherson, which produced anonymous coins not identifiable by date, but still part of the context. Finally, the thesis contains two appendices, the first paper appendix presents a catalogue of the coins held at the Barber Institute of Fine Arts for the period 685-842, and the second CD-ROM appendix presents the data from the All That Glitters ... project, testing the purity of Byzantine gold coins with x-ray fluorescence.

Some aspects of British interest in Egypt in the late 18th century (1775-1798)

Anis, M. A. January 1950 (has links)
This account of British interest in Egypt in the late 18th century, whilst not attempting to be exhaustive, aims to suggest the many-sided importance and interrelation of British interest in Egypt during 1775-1798. Topics include: British interest engendered by the Levant company; antiquarian research; British conceptions of Arab life and literature; British travellers’ impressions of Egypt (political and commercial interest); the Indian factor; the importance of Egypt on an envisaged new route to India; international competition for trade via Egypt; the decline of British interest in Egypt; and the growth of British policy towards the Ottoman Empire.

Remilitarising the Byzantine Imperial image : a study of numismatic evidence and other visual media, 1042-1453

Saxby, Michael Stephen January 2018 (has links)
The messages in the imagery on Byzantine coins, although often neglected by scholars, were a key means of projecting imperial power. Emperors could project power via dress, ceremonial, and displays, but these methods would not have reached all subjects. Byzantine coins had the advantage of reaching all subjects, as the Byzantine economy was fundamentally monetized. Military symbols (figures, dress, and weapons), whose study has been rather overlooked, formed an important part of this imagery. Whilst military symbols disappeared from Byzantine coins in the early eighth century, and were absent for some three centuries, they were reintroduced in the mid-eleventh century and appeared until 1394/5. Their importance is indicated by the fact that military types comprised over half the overall total of types for some emperors. This study examines military symbols on Byzantine coins from the eleventh to the fourteenth centuries, and notes also imperial representations in other media. The numismatic sources for this study are the collections in the Barber Institute of Fine Arts, and Dumbarton Oaks. The general conclusions are that military symbols were used most frequently from 1204 to 1261, less frequently from 1261 to 1394/5, and least frequently from 1042 to 1204. The variety of military saints portrayed increased at first, but declined in the fourteenth century, until only St Demetrios remained, but in the highest status: riding with the emperor.

Self-reflexivity and metafiction in Achilles Tatius' Leukippe and Kleitophon

Myers, Amanda Dawn January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the self-reflexive and metafictional aspects of Achilles Tatius’ Leukippe and Kleitophon. The aim is to map this self-reflexivity by examining the intricacy of its narrative structure, revealing the self-consciousness of the text, and thereby comment on the visibility of the author. Achilles Tatius is a notably difficult text. It presents a narrative of complexity, while appearing superficial. Scholars have recognised this complexity, but have yet to produce a clear analysis of how the text functions as a complete work. Through the discourse provided by the theory of ‘metafiction’, this complexity is able to be diagnosed and explored to its completion. It is only through the totality of the text that a complete understanding of Achilles’ novel becomes possible. In examining the text by book-pairs, a comprehensive and intelligent structure emerges, revealing a highly conscious text through its awareness of its own fictive structure. The consequence of providing a comprehensive analysis is that many of these insights cannot be explored to the extent they deserve, as more research remains to be done.

Remembering royalty in ancient Egypt : shared memories of royal ancestors by private individuals in the eighteenth dynasty

Heffernan, Gabrielle Mary January 2017 (has links)
Sociological theories relating to collective forms of memory and forgetting have received little attention in Egyptological studies thus far with the work of Jan Assmann providing the primary source. Understanding these two processes, however, can support important insights into the lives and cultures of ancient communities; they should not, therefore, be viewed as peripheral theories but as central in developing understanding of societies below the elite. Consequently, this study looks at collective forms of memory and forgetting in the Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty, focusing on commemoration of deceased kings and queens (‘royal ancestors’). The first three chapters use case studies to highlight different memory stores; written, pictorial and active. The final chapter focuses on forgetting. The evidence is analysed using both Egyptological and sociological theory to facilitate discussion on the subjects of community, identity and legitimation, and to develop understanding of material culture as a site of memory. The study argues that collective forms of remembering, particularly cultural memory, played a key role in the construction of individual and group identity and the legitimation of the ruler. Furthermore, it concludes that existing studies of memory provide good frameworks to understanding Egyptian society, although they should not be used without careful consideration of context.

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