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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do uso de membranas de ultrafiltração modificadas com nanopartículas de argila para tratamento de esgotos. / Evaluation of the use of modified ultrafiltration membrane with nanoclay for sewage treatment.

Barbosa, Izabela Major 06 July 2017 (has links)
Os sistemas que combinam processos biológicos com a tecnologia de separação por membranas, com crescimento biológico em suspensão, Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) e crescimento biológico aderido, Moving Bed Membrane Bioreactor (MB-MBR), se destacam como opções compactas e eficientes para tratamento de esgoto doméstico.Embora esta tecnologia seja muito promissora, ainda apresenta como maior desafio a redução de desempenho das membranas, que é causada por um fenômeno complexo denominado depósito, ou fouling, em inglês. Como forma de melhorar o desempenho e prolongar a vida útil das membranas a adição de nanopartículas de argila durante o processo de síntese tem se mostrado eficiente. O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a melhor composição para a síntese de membranas em polietersulfona modificadas pela adição de nanopartículas de argila e avaliar o seu desempenho no tratamento de esgoto sanitário, gerado na moradia estudantil do campus São Paulo da Universidade de São Paulo, em sistemas MBR e MB-MBR. A melhor composição para a síntese das membranas modificadas foi de 4% de nanopartículas de argila e 4% de formador de poros, ambos em relação à massa do polímero utilizado. Essa composição resultou em membranas com permeabilidade média de 293 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1, para água desmineralizada enquanto as membranas sem modificação apresentaram permeabilidade inferior a 50 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1, sendo, portanto, essa composição selecionada para sintetizar as membranas utilizadas durante a operação dos sistemas de tratamento por MBR e MB-MBR. Para efeito de comparação, o estudo foi desenvolvido com membranas modificadas e comerciais, no mesmo reator. Durante a operação do sistema MBR, com membranas modificadas e membranas comerciais, a concentração média de Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO5) na alimentação do sistema foi de 440 mg.L-1 e a eficiência de remoção foi superior a 94%. Quando o sistema MBR passou a operar com concentração de Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST) superior a 8.000 mg.L-1, condição considerada de equilíbrio, a permeabilidade média das membranas modificadas, normalizada para 20 ºC, foi de 1.166,1 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1, enquanto para as membranas comerciais a permeabilidade foi de 326,7 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1. O fluxo de permeado médio, para o sistema MBR, foi em torno de 6 L.m-2.h-1, tanto para as membranas modificadas quanto para as membranas comerciais avaliadas na etapa de operação em equilíbrio. Com a operação dos sistemas MBR e MB-MBR em paralelo, com as membranas modificadas, concluiu-se que, embora as qualidades dos permeados produzidos tenham sido similares, o sistema MB-MBR apresentou menores pressões de operação e, consequentemente, menor propensão à formação de depósitos. Os ensaios de filtrabilidade demonstram que as membranas modificadas apresentaram menor resistência à filtração que as membranas comerciais para o liquor misto de MBR e MB-MBR, no entanto o liquor misto do sistema MB-MBR apresentou menor resistência a filtração. De modo geral, concluiu-se que a adição de nanopartículas de argila na modificação das membranas resultou em poros mais longos, favorecendo o aumento da permeabilidade das membranas modificadas em relação às membranas comerciais. Quanto a operação dos sistemas MBR e MB-MBR em paralelo, a pressão transmembrana para o sistema MB-MBR foi em torno de 10 vezes menor que a pressão transmembrana no sistema MBR. Maiores concentrações de sólidos em suspensão totais no liquor misto dos sistemas de MBR e MB-MBR, resultaram em maiores fluxos críticos e, consequentemente, maior produção de permeado. / Treatment systems that combine activated sludge processes, with suspended or adhered growth, with membrane technology, Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) and Moving Bed Membrane Bioreactor (MB-MBR) are considered compact and efficient options for domestic wastewater treatment. Although this promising technology still presents the reduction of membrane performance as a relevant issue. This reduction on the membrane performance is caused by a complex phenomenon called fouling. An approach to improve the membrane performance and extend its life span is the addition of nanoclay during the synthesis process. Considering what was exposed, this study aimed the production and evaluation of composite polyethersulfone and clay nanoparticles membranes for domestic wastewater treatment. For this purpose, two pilot plants were constructed using the produced membranes for the treatment of the wastewater from the student housing at the University of São Paulo. The best composition of the modified membranes was 4% of nanoclay and 4% of pore former, both based on the polymer mass. This composition resulted in membranes with an average permeability of 293 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1 for demineralized water while membranes without modification had a permeability of less than 50 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1. For performance comparison, commercial membranes were used in the same pilot reactor. During the operation, the average Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) from raw effluent was 440 mg.L-1 and the removal efficiency was higher than 94%, for both treatment systems. When the MBR system started to operate with a Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration above 8,000 mg.L-1, it reached a stable condition in which the average permeability of the modified membranes, normalized to 20 ° C, was 1,166.1 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1, while for the commercial membranes the permeability was 326.7 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1. The average permeates flux for the MBR system was 6 L.m-2.h-1 for both the membranes types operating at stable conditions. With MBR and MB-MBR systems operating in parallel, with modified membranes, it was found that the quality of the produced permeates were similar, but the MB-MBR system presented lower operating pressures and, consequently, lower propensity to fouling. The filterability assays demonstrated that the modified membranes presented less resistance to filtration of MBR and MB-MBR mixed liquor than the commercial membranes. However, the MB-MBR mixed liquor presented less resistance to filtration. Overall, the comparison tests allowed to conclude that the nanoclay addition in the modification of the membranes resulted in longer pores, which increased the modified membranes permeability. Regarding the operation of the MBR and MB-MBR systems, the transmembrane pressure for the MB-MBR system was about 10 times lower than the transmembrane pressure in the MBR system. Higher concentrations of total suspended solids in the mixed liquor of the MBR and MB-MBR systems resulted in higher critical fluxes and, consequently, higher permeate production.

Avaliação do uso de membranas de ultrafiltração modificadas com nanopartículas de argila para tratamento de esgotos. / Evaluation of the use of modified ultrafiltration membrane with nanoclay for sewage treatment.

Izabela Major Barbosa 06 July 2017 (has links)
Os sistemas que combinam processos biológicos com a tecnologia de separação por membranas, com crescimento biológico em suspensão, Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) e crescimento biológico aderido, Moving Bed Membrane Bioreactor (MB-MBR), se destacam como opções compactas e eficientes para tratamento de esgoto doméstico.Embora esta tecnologia seja muito promissora, ainda apresenta como maior desafio a redução de desempenho das membranas, que é causada por um fenômeno complexo denominado depósito, ou fouling, em inglês. Como forma de melhorar o desempenho e prolongar a vida útil das membranas a adição de nanopartículas de argila durante o processo de síntese tem se mostrado eficiente. O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a melhor composição para a síntese de membranas em polietersulfona modificadas pela adição de nanopartículas de argila e avaliar o seu desempenho no tratamento de esgoto sanitário, gerado na moradia estudantil do campus São Paulo da Universidade de São Paulo, em sistemas MBR e MB-MBR. A melhor composição para a síntese das membranas modificadas foi de 4% de nanopartículas de argila e 4% de formador de poros, ambos em relação à massa do polímero utilizado. Essa composição resultou em membranas com permeabilidade média de 293 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1, para água desmineralizada enquanto as membranas sem modificação apresentaram permeabilidade inferior a 50 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1, sendo, portanto, essa composição selecionada para sintetizar as membranas utilizadas durante a operação dos sistemas de tratamento por MBR e MB-MBR. Para efeito de comparação, o estudo foi desenvolvido com membranas modificadas e comerciais, no mesmo reator. Durante a operação do sistema MBR, com membranas modificadas e membranas comerciais, a concentração média de Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO5) na alimentação do sistema foi de 440 mg.L-1 e a eficiência de remoção foi superior a 94%. Quando o sistema MBR passou a operar com concentração de Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST) superior a 8.000 mg.L-1, condição considerada de equilíbrio, a permeabilidade média das membranas modificadas, normalizada para 20 ºC, foi de 1.166,1 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1, enquanto para as membranas comerciais a permeabilidade foi de 326,7 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1. O fluxo de permeado médio, para o sistema MBR, foi em torno de 6 L.m-2.h-1, tanto para as membranas modificadas quanto para as membranas comerciais avaliadas na etapa de operação em equilíbrio. Com a operação dos sistemas MBR e MB-MBR em paralelo, com as membranas modificadas, concluiu-se que, embora as qualidades dos permeados produzidos tenham sido similares, o sistema MB-MBR apresentou menores pressões de operação e, consequentemente, menor propensão à formação de depósitos. Os ensaios de filtrabilidade demonstram que as membranas modificadas apresentaram menor resistência à filtração que as membranas comerciais para o liquor misto de MBR e MB-MBR, no entanto o liquor misto do sistema MB-MBR apresentou menor resistência a filtração. De modo geral, concluiu-se que a adição de nanopartículas de argila na modificação das membranas resultou em poros mais longos, favorecendo o aumento da permeabilidade das membranas modificadas em relação às membranas comerciais. Quanto a operação dos sistemas MBR e MB-MBR em paralelo, a pressão transmembrana para o sistema MB-MBR foi em torno de 10 vezes menor que a pressão transmembrana no sistema MBR. Maiores concentrações de sólidos em suspensão totais no liquor misto dos sistemas de MBR e MB-MBR, resultaram em maiores fluxos críticos e, consequentemente, maior produção de permeado. / Treatment systems that combine activated sludge processes, with suspended or adhered growth, with membrane technology, Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) and Moving Bed Membrane Bioreactor (MB-MBR) are considered compact and efficient options for domestic wastewater treatment. Although this promising technology still presents the reduction of membrane performance as a relevant issue. This reduction on the membrane performance is caused by a complex phenomenon called fouling. An approach to improve the membrane performance and extend its life span is the addition of nanoclay during the synthesis process. Considering what was exposed, this study aimed the production and evaluation of composite polyethersulfone and clay nanoparticles membranes for domestic wastewater treatment. For this purpose, two pilot plants were constructed using the produced membranes for the treatment of the wastewater from the student housing at the University of São Paulo. The best composition of the modified membranes was 4% of nanoclay and 4% of pore former, both based on the polymer mass. This composition resulted in membranes with an average permeability of 293 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1 for demineralized water while membranes without modification had a permeability of less than 50 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1. For performance comparison, commercial membranes were used in the same pilot reactor. During the operation, the average Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) from raw effluent was 440 mg.L-1 and the removal efficiency was higher than 94%, for both treatment systems. When the MBR system started to operate with a Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration above 8,000 mg.L-1, it reached a stable condition in which the average permeability of the modified membranes, normalized to 20 ° C, was 1,166.1 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1, while for the commercial membranes the permeability was 326.7 L.m-2.h-1.bar-1. The average permeates flux for the MBR system was 6 L.m-2.h-1 for both the membranes types operating at stable conditions. With MBR and MB-MBR systems operating in parallel, with modified membranes, it was found that the quality of the produced permeates were similar, but the MB-MBR system presented lower operating pressures and, consequently, lower propensity to fouling. The filterability assays demonstrated that the modified membranes presented less resistance to filtration of MBR and MB-MBR mixed liquor than the commercial membranes. However, the MB-MBR mixed liquor presented less resistance to filtration. Overall, the comparison tests allowed to conclude that the nanoclay addition in the modification of the membranes resulted in longer pores, which increased the modified membranes permeability. Regarding the operation of the MBR and MB-MBR systems, the transmembrane pressure for the MB-MBR system was about 10 times lower than the transmembrane pressure in the MBR system. Higher concentrations of total suspended solids in the mixed liquor of the MBR and MB-MBR systems resulted in higher critical fluxes and, consequently, higher permeate production.

A trinity of sense : Using biomass in the transport sector for climate change mitigation

Lindfeldt, Erik G. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis analyses two strategies for decreasing anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions: to capture and store CO2, and to increase the use of biomass. First, two concepts for CO2 capture with low capture penalties are evaluated. The concepts are an integrated gasification combined cycle where the oxygen is supplied by a membrane reactor, and a hybrid cycle where the CO2 is captured at elevated pressure. Although the cycles have comparatively high efficiencies and low penalties, they illustrate the inevitable fact that capturing CO2 will always induce significant efficiency penalties. Other strategies are also needed if CO2 emissions are to be forcefully decreased. An alternative is increased use of biomass, which partially could be used for production of motor fuels (biofuels). This work examines arguments for directing biomass to the transport sector, analyses how biofuels (and also some other means) may be used to reduce CO2 emissions and increase security of motor fuel supply. The thesis also explores the possibility of reducing CO2 emissions by comparatively easy and cost-efficient CO2 capture from concentrated CO2 streams available in some types of biofuel plants. Many conclusions of the thesis could be associated with either of three meanings of the word sense: First, there is reason in biofuel production – since it e.g. reduces oil dependence. From a climate change mitigation perspective, however, motor fuel production is often a CO2-inefficient use of biomass, but the thesis explores how biofuels’ climate change mitigation effects may be increased by introducing low-cost CO2 capture. Second, the Swedish promotion of biofuels appears to have been governed more by a feeling for attaining other goals than striving for curbing climate change. Third, it seems to have been the prevalent opinion among politicians that the advantages of biofuels – among them their climate change mitigation benefits – are far greater than the disadvantages and that they should be promoted. Another conclusion of the thesis is that biofuels alone are not enough to drastically decrease transport CO2 emissions; a variety of measures are needed such as fuels from renewable electricity and improvements of vehicle fuel economy. / QC 20100823

Étude phénoménologique et modélisation d'un réacteur catalytique à membrane pour la valorisation d'eau tritiée / Phenomenological modeling and study of a catalytic membrane reactor for water detritiation

Mascarade, Jérémy 21 April 2015 (has links)
Le tritium est un radioélément produit par fission ternaire ou activation neutronique au sein des réacteurs de fission et utilisé comme combustible dans les machines de fusion (comme, en autres, le JET en Angleterre ou le futur ITER à Cadarache). Des études sont actuellement en cours sur la gestion de cette ressource que ce soit en vue de son utilisation ou de son élimination d’effluents gazeux, liquides ou de déchets. Cette thèse se propose d’étudier la revalorisation du tritium en tant que combustible pour les machines de fusion par le biais d’un Réacteur Catalytique à Membrane (RCM). Celui-ci associe les phénomènes de conversion catalytique de l’eau tritiée, par échange isotopique avec le diprotium selon la réaction générique Q_2 O+H_2⇌H_2 O+Q_2 (Q=H,D ou T), et de perméation sélective, d’une membrane à base de palladium. Ce matériau présente une perméabilité exclusive aux isotopes de l’hydrogène H, D et T par formation respective d’hydrures, deutérures ou tritiures de palladium. Au sein du RCM, ces flux transmembranaires permettent, par retrait des produits de réactions, d’atteindre des taux de conversion plus élevés que dans un réacteur à lit fixe à parois imperméables (loi de Le Chatelier). Au CEA, un banc d’essais utilisant le deutérium comme simulant du tritium a été construit dans l’objectif d’étudier de manière séparée, à l’échelle du laboratoire, ces propriétés de conversion et de perméation ainsi que leur couplage. Grâce au développement d’une méthode permettant l’analyse simultanée des isotopologues de l’eau et du dihydrogène par spectrométrie de masse, il a été montré, d’une part, que le catalyseur à base de nickel utilisé présente une activité suffisante pour que l’état d’équilibre thermodynamique des réactions d’échange isotopique soit atteint très rapidement et d’autre part, que le flux de perméation des isotopologues du dihydrogène suit une loi de Richardson. Des analyses de sensibilités sur les paramètres opératoires montrent que les performances globales du RCM (i.e. facteur de dédeutération) croissent avec la température, la différence de pression transmembranaire, le débit de balayage et le temps de séjour dans le tube, mais passent par un maximum avec la variation de la teneur en vapeur d’eau lourde dans le gaz à traiter. Sur la base de ces observations, un modèle phénoménologique quantifiant les transferts de quantités de mouvement et de matière a été développé. Il rend compte du comportement global observé expérimentalement même si un effort reste à fournir sur la modélisation de la perméation des espèces hétéronucléaires. Grâce aux principes physiques sur lesquels il est basé et aux règles de similitudes existant entre les propriétés physico-chimiques des différents isotopologues (loi de Graham), ce modèle est aisément extrapolable au traitement d’espèces tritiées. / Tritium is produced in light and heavy water reactor fuel by ternary fission or neutron activation. This by-product is used as fuel in fusion fuel reactors such as JET in Culham or ITER in Cadarache (France). The growing interest of this research area will make the tritium fluxes increase; it is then worth addressing the question of its future whether it will be used or flushed out from liquid and gaseous effluents or waste. This thesis studies the recovery of tritium as fuel for fusion machines by means of packed bed membrane reactor (PBMR). Such a reactor combines catalytic conversion of tritiated water thanks to isotope exchange with hydrogen according to the reversible reaction Q_2 O+H_2⇌H_2 O+Q_2 (Q=H,D or T) and selective permeation of Q2 through Pd-based membrane. In fact, palladium has the ability to bond with hydrogen isotopes, creating a selective permeation barrier. In the PBMR, thanks to the reaction products withdrawal, these permeation fluxes drive the heavy water conversion rate, to higher values than those reached in conventional fixed bed reactors (Le Chatelier’s law). In order to study PBMRs, the CEA has built a test bench, using deuterium instead of tritium, allowing the analysis of their conversion and separation performances at the laboratory scale. An in-house method has been developed to determine simultaneously hydrogen and water isotopologues content by mass spectrometer analysis. It was experimentally shown that the activity of Ni-based catalyst used in this study was sufficient to allow the isotope exchange reactions to reach their thermodynamic equilibrium in a very short time. In addition, hydrogen permeation flux was shown to follow a Richardson’s law. Sensitivity studies performed on the PBMR’s main operating parameters revealed that its global performance (i.e. dedeuteration factor) increases with the temperature, the transmembrane pressure difference, the sweep gas flow rate and the residence time in the catalyst particle bed but reaches a maximum with the variation of heavy water content in the feed stream. According to these observations, a phenomenological 2D model, describing momentum and mass transfers, was developed. Simulations results are in good agreement with the general behavior observed experimentally. Results show that modeling of the permeation of heteronuclear species should account for crossed-interactions of the hydrogen isotopologues on the mass transfer of one specie. Nevertheless, thanks to the modeling approach used and the similitude rules existing between isotopologues’ physical and chemical properties (Graham’s law), this model can be easily extrapolated to the processing of tritium containing mixtures

Membrane contact reactors for three-phase catalytic reactions

Wales, Michael Dean January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Chemical Engineering / Mary E. Rezac / Membrane contact reactors (MCRs) have been evaluated for the selective hydro-treating of model reactions; the partial hydrogenation of soybean oil (PHSO), and the conversion of lactic acid into commodity chemicals. Membranes were rendered catalytically active by depositing metal catalyst onto the polymer "skin" of an asymmetric membrane. Hydrogen was supplied to the support side of the membrane and permeated from the support side to the skin side, where it adsorbed directly onto the metal surface. Liquid reactant was circulated over the membrane, allowing the liquid to come into direct contact with the metal coated surface of the membrane, where the reaction occurred. Our membrane contact reactor approach replaces traditional three-phase batch slurry reactors. These traditional reactors possess inherent mass transfer limitations due to low hydrogen solubility in liquid and slow diffusion to the catalyst surface. This causes hydrogen starvation at the catalyst surface, resulting in undesirable side reactions and/or extreme operating pressures of 100 atmospheres or more. By using membrane reactors, we were able to rapidly supply hydrogen to the catalyst surface. When the PHSO is performed in a traditional slurry reactor, the aforementioned hydrogen starvation leads to a high amounts of trans-fats. Using a MCR, we were able to reduce trans-fats by over 50% for equal levels of hydrogenation. It was further demonstrated that an increase in temperature had minimal effects on trans-fat formation, while significantly increasing hydrogenation rates; allowing the system to capture higher reaction rates without adversely affecting product quality. Additionally, high temperatures favors the hydrogenation of polyenes over monoenes, leading to low amounts of saturated fats. MCRs were shown to operator at high temperatures and: (1) capture high reaction rates, (2) minimize saturated fats, and (3) minimize trans-fats. We also demonstrated lactic acid conversion into commodity chemicals using MCRs. Our results show that all MCR experiments had faster reaction rate than all of our controls, indicating that MCRs have high levels of hydrogen coverage at the catalyst. It was also demonstrated that changing reaction conditions (pressure and temperature) changed the product selectivities; giving the potential for MCRs to manipulate product selectivity.

Membrane Processes for Sustainable Energy Applications

Patil, Rahul January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Perovskite-type Oxides as Electrocatalysts in High Temperature Solid Electrolyte Reactor Applications

Meyer, Katja Elizabeth 12 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Étude du couplage oxydant du méthane : approche combinée de la formulation des catalyseurs, de la cinétique de la réaction et de l'ingénierie des réacteurs / Investigation of the oxidative coupling of methane : combined approach of catalysts formulation, kinetics and engineering aspects

Olivier, Louis 02 April 2010 (has links)
Le couplage oxydant du méthane (OCM) est une réaction complexe de catalyse hétérogène, permettant la conversion directe du méthane en éthylène, pour un coût énergétique moindre par rapport aux procédés industriels indirects actuels. L’OCM nécessite une température supérieure à 700°C, à pression atmosphérique. Il y a donc compétition avec l’oxydation totale. Dans les nombreuses études rapportées dans la littérature, la limite de 25 % de rendement en C2 (éthane + éthylène) n’a pas été franchie. Les mécanismes proposés ne sont pas applicables à tous les catalyseurs actifs ou valables pour un large domaine de conditions opératoires. Une nouvelle manière d’aborder cette réaction est de prendre en compte la plus large diversité possible des paramètres intervenant dans ce procédé, de la formulation aux réacteurs en vue d'optimiser les performances. La présente étude a permis d’extraire des descripteurs pertinents du processus de l’OCM à partir de données expérimentales et d’établir certaines corrélations entre descripteurs et performances. Des catalyseurs LaSrCaO ont été sélectionnés après tests à haut débit en réacteur parallèle à lit fixe et un modèle micro-cinétique de l’OCM dans ce réacteur a été validé grâce aux données obtenues. D’autres expériences ont été menées avec succès en réacteur à membrane dense pour améliorer la productivité en éthylène. Le rôle joué par la composition de surface des catalyseurs a été identifié et une analyse critique de la méthode générale mise en œuvre conclut ce travail / The oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) is a complex heterogeneous catalytic reaction allowing the direct conversion of methane to ethylene, at a lower energetic cost than the current industrial processes. OCM requires a temperature higher than 700°C at atmospheric pressure. Hence, there is competition with total oxidation. In the numerous studies reported in literature, the limit of 25% C2 (ethane + ethylene) yield could not be overtaken. Proposed mechanisms are not relevant for all active materials or on all operating condition ranges. A new way to approach the reaction would be to take into account the wider possible panel of parameters involved in this process, from formulation to reactors targeting at process optimisation. The present study permitted to extract relevant descriptors of OCM process from experimental data and establish relationships between descriptors and performances. LaSrCaO catalysts were selected and tested in a parallel fixed-bed reactor and the data obtained were used to validate a micro-kinetic model in this reactor. Experiments were also performed successfully in a dense membrane reactor to improve ethylene productivity. The role played catalyst surface composition was also identified and a critical analysis of the global method implemented concludes this work

Emprego de reator com membrana na obtenção de frutose e ácido glicônico a partir da sacarose / Use of membrane reactor to obtain fructose and gluconic acid from sucrose

Neves, Luiz Carlos Martins das 10 August 2006 (has links)
Frutose e Ácido Glicônico são produtos importados empregados em diferentes setores nas áreas química, farmacêutica e alimentícia, representando um mercado de dois milhões de dólares (US$ 2,0 milhões) por ano. Por sua vez, a sacarose pode ser empregada como matéria-prima para a obtenção destes produtos através de conversão enzimátiva empregando invertase e glicose-oxidase. O uso de biorreatores com membrana (MBR) mostra-se interessante em processos enzimáticos, pois, ao serem empregados em processos contínuos permitem, simultaneamente, produção e separação dos produtos, reduzindo a formação de subprodutos e, eventual, inibição da enzima por excesso de substrato ou produtos. A sacarose é convertida em xarope de açúcar invertido (solução equimolar de frutose e glicose) pela invertase (Bioinvert®, enzima comercial), seguido pela oxidação da glicose em ácido glicônico pela ação da glicose oxidase (GO). O processo de conversão multi-enzimático da sacarose foi obtido através da alimentação de sacarose (50 mM) em reator com membrana (MBR) contendo invertase (24 U/mL), glicose-oxidase (0,5 U/mL) e catalase (470 U/mL) e operando com vazão específica de 6,0 h-1, 35ºC e pH 5,5. As condições operacionais otimizadas possibilitaram a conversão completa da sacarose (X = 100 %) e da glicose resultante (Y = 100%) com velocidades específicas de reação de 4,2 mmol/U.h, 0,60 mmol/U.h e 0,00062 mmol/U.h, respectivamente, para a invertase, glicose oxidase e catalase. A respeito da oxidação da glicose, a adição de catalase no meio reacional se fez necessária para minimizar os efeitos inibitórios sobre a GO através do peróxido de hidrogênio formado. / The fructose and gluconic acid are products of great application in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry. The actual Brazilian market for these compounds is about US$ 2 millions, here as the sucrose, the raw-material used for their production, represents about 2.4% of the Brazil\'s GNP. This conversion increases the value added to the sugarcane, usually marketed as a commodity, because the fructose and gluconic acid are more valuable products than sucrose. The use of membrane bioreactor (MBR), which operates under mild conditions regarding internal pressure, temperature and pH, has been growing along the years for enzyme catalyzed processes. Moreover, in the MBR the reaction and separation of the products occur simultaneously, avoiding the formation of by-products and the eventual inhibition of the enzyme caused by excess of substrate or products. The sucrose is converted to the inverted syrup (an equimolar solution of fructose and glucose) by invertase (in this work was employed Bioinvert®, a commercial invertase) followed by the oxidation of glucose in gluconic acid by the glucose oxidase (GO). The multi-enzymatic conversion of sucrose was attained when carried out under initial substrate of 50mM and invertase, glucose oxidase and catalase concentrations, respectively, of 24.0 U/mL, 0.5 U/mL and 470 U/mL in a membrane reactor utilizing a dilution rate of 6.0 h-1, 35ºC and pH 5.5. The optimized operational conditions led to a conversion yield of 100% for sucrose hydrolysis and glucose oxidation steps resulting in enzyme productivity of 4.2 mmol/U.h, 0.60 mmol/U.h and 0.00062 mmol/U.h, respectively, to invertase, glucose oxidase and catalase. In regard to the glucose oxidation, the addition of catalase in the reaction medium was necessary, in order to minimize the inhibition of the GO by the hydrogen peroxide formed.

Preparation, characterization and carrier gas transport characteristics of inorganic and organic membranes for application in lactic acid esterification with ethanol

Okon, Edidiong January 2018 (has links)
Ethyl lactate (EL) plays a major role as green solvent and also a replacement for most petrochemical solvents. The esterification process of lactic acid and ethanol to produce EL is an equilibrium-limiting reaction and the selective removal of one of the reaction products can be improved using a membrane reactor and when coupled with a heterogeneous catalyst offers an opportunity for process intensification. This thesis investigates the batch process esterification reaction involving lactic acid (LA) and ethanol (EL) in the presence of a water selective membrane using different cation-exchange resin catalysts. The product was analysed using gas chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometry detector (GC-MS). The analytical methods used for the characterisation of the cation-exchange resins and membrane include Fourier transform infrared coupled with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR), scanning electron microscopy attached to energy dispersive analyser (SEM/EDAX), Liquid nitrogen physisorption and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) respectively. A novel method was developed for carrying out esterification reaction in a gaseous phase system using a flat sheet polymeric membrane. Prior to the esterification reaction, different carrier gases were tested with ceramic membrane to determine the suitable carrier gases for the analysis of esterification product. The four carrier gases used for the permeation test were argon (Ar), helium (He), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2). A 15nm pore size commercially available tubular ceramic support, consisting of 77%Al2O3 and 23%TiO2 with the porosity of 45% was used for the carrier gas investigation. The support was modified with silica based on the sol-gel dip-coating techniques. The dip-coated membrane exhibited a higher molar flux with He (0.046mol m-2s-1) and Ar (0.037mol m-2s-1) with a much lower flux for N2 (0.037mol m-2s-1) and CO2 (0.035 mol m-2s-1) at 0.30 bar. Helium gas with the highest permeation rate were identified as the suitable carrier gas for the analysis of esterification product with GC-MS. The esterification reaction in the presence of four cation-exchange resins to produce ethyl lactate was carried out between 60-160 oC in a batch and membrane processes to determine the effectiveness resin catalysts for LA esterification. The effect of external mass transfer diffusion limitation between the liquid components and the resin catalysts was avoided by increasing the agitation time of the esterification reaction. The percentage conversion rate of the lactic acid feed from the batch process esterification was found to be in the range of 98.6 to 99.8%. The reaction kinetics of the esterification reaction was described based on two simplified mechanisms of Langmuir Hinshelwood model to describe the adsorption components on the surface of the catalysts. The lactic acid feed gave a conversion rate of up to 100 % confirming the effectiveness of the acetate membrane impregnated resin catalysts in the selective removal of water for the separation of ethyl lactate. The significance of producing ethyl lactate through batch process intensified by a water-selective membrane processes can be recommended for industrial LA production.

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