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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparative Study of the Effects of Two Experimental Methods of Guidance on Vocal Solo Memorization

Reynolds, Martha Helen 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of guided musical analysis and guided attention to textual understanding on the speed of solo memorization by selected university vocal students. The guided musical analysis consisted of instruction to a subject regarding the melodic elements, rhythmic elements, phraseology, form, and key relationships of the experimental songs. The guided attention to textual understanding consisted of instruction to a subject regarding the meaning and phraseology of the experimental song texts. Subjects were required to rhythmically scan the texts in a declamatory manner. It was concluded that the three conditions of memorization were equally effective. Memorization rates were not significantly altered by historical period of song. Differences in memorization rates appeared to parallel the subjects' academic performances and their performances on the Drake Musical Aptitude Tests. Findings of this study indicated that future memorization experiments should be conducted with larger samples of subjects of a single sex who are music majors.

Säkrare på scenen : En studie om memoreringsstrategier, med formschema som verktyg / Becoming a more confident performer : A study of strategies for memorizing, using form schedule as a tool

Ottosson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks och jämförs två olika tillvägagångssätt som kan tillämpas för att memorera musik. Syftet med arbetet är att utveckla strategier för att jag enklare ska lära mig spela stycken utantill, detta genom att ställa fysisk och mental memorering mot varandra genom instudering av verk från olika genrer och med varierande komplexitetsgrad. Jag använder också formscheman som analysredskap. Tidigare har jag inte haft något bra sätt att memorera stycken på. Vid framföranden har jag ofta tappat bort mig i musiken. Genom studien fann jag att associativ minnesinkodning var mest effektiv av de valda strategierna, men att de alla utvecklade min instuderings- och memoreringsförmåga. Jag fann även att utantillspel inte är ett måste: det är acceptabelt att spela med noter om jag tycker att det låter bättre. / In this study, two different approaches to memorize music are compared. The purpose of the project is to develop my strategies for performing by heart. By engaging in different memorization processes, music works of different genres and difficultness were learned by heart. Furthermore, music analysis is used as a tool for the memorization. In the past, I didn't have a good strategy for memorizing. During performances, I often got lost while playing. Through the study, I found that content addressable access was the most efficient of the selected strategies. However, all strategies developed my abilities to study and memorize music. I also found that memorization is optional: if I think it sounds better, I will use the score when playing.

An Investigation of the Relationships between Memory Strategies, Performance Anxiety, and Memory Lapses among Classical Pianists

Kim, Min Kyung, 1983- 08 1900 (has links)
Unlike most other musicians, pianists need to play by memory during their recitals, juries, etc. Doing so can greatly influence the intensity and frequency of anxiety due to potential memory slips when performing. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between memory strategies, experiences with memory lapses, and performance anxiety among classical pianists. The specific aims of the study are to: (1) characterize demographics, performance practices, and memorization strategies used by college-level pianists; (2) assess experiences of performance anxiety and the influence of performance anxiety on memory lapses; (3) examine the relationships between demographics, performance practices, and memorization strategies; and (4) suggest various memorization strategies that might be useful intervention to overcome memory lapses. To examine participants' awareness and perception, a survey was conducted via invitation of participation from music schools and piano groups on social media, and the useable collected data came from 162 respondents. The results disclosed that pianists' awareness of memory strategies and performance anxiety were significantly correlated. It showed a relationship between knowledge of memory strategies and frequency of performance anxiety within their musical experiences.

AR books and pre-school children’s engagement

Dibrova, Alisa January 2016 (has links)
Moderna barn använder mobilteknik oftare och oftare. Ett antal studier hävdar att barns lärande kan dra nytta av användning av medier i klassrum och att det finns en brist på denna teknik att använda i skolorna. Många undersökningar indikerar att användningen av augmented reality (AR) teknik i undervisning för barn hjälper dem att bli mer motiverade och engagerade i lärande activiteter, och att det är fördelaktigt för barns minneslagring. Vissa studier hävdar att motivation är en viktig faktor för att främja en inlärningsförmåga.Denna studie syftar på att skapa en augmented reality-bok för barn 4-5 år och på att förstå hur AR kan påverka engagemang, och hur den kan stödja lärandet i termer av memorering.Ett experiment genomfördes med åtta barn som går till förskolan. Under experimentet gjordes observationer och intervjuer. Grafisk design, illustration och animering var en del av förberedelserna för experimentet. Studieresultaten analyseras och diskuteras i förhållande till tidigare undersökningar i detta område.Resultaten pekar mot att AR skulle kunna hjälpa barn i förskoleåldern i klassrummsundervisning genom att positivt påverka deras minneslagring samt öka deras engagemang och motivation - som tidigare påstås är en mycket viktig faktor för att förbättra inlärningsförmåga. Samtidigt är det svårt att tolka resultaten med en hög grad av säkerhet för att testgrupperna var små, och antalet ytterligare faktorer kan ha påverkat resultaten. För att bekräfta resultaten av denna studie är det rekommenderat att genomföra en undersökning av en större skala. / Modern children use mobile technologies more and more often. A number of studies argue that children’s learning can benefit from the use of media in classrooms and that there exists a lack of these technologies applied at schools. Many research indicate that use of augmented reality technologies in children’s teaching helps children to get more motivated and engaged in the learning activities, and it is beneficial for children’s memory retention. Some studies claim that motivation is an essential factor for promotion a learning performance. This study aims at creating an augmented reality (AR) book for 4-5 years old children and on understanding how AR can affect engagement, and how it can support learning in terms of memorization.There was conducted an experiment with eight children who go to preschool. During the experiment, the observations and interviews were made. Graphic design, illustration and animation were a part of preparation for the experiment. The study results are analyzed and discussed in relation to earlier research in this area. The results point towards the fact that AR could help children of preschool age in classroom education by positively affecting their memory retention and increasing their engagement and motivation – which was earlier claimed to be an extremely important factor for improving the learning performance. At the same time, it is hard to interpret the results with a high degree of certainty as the test groups were small and a number of additional factors could have affected the results. In order to confirm the results of this study, it is suggested to conduct a study of a larger scale.

Vi ta´re på örat : En intervjustudie om folkmusiklärares tolkningar av begreppet gehör. / Let’s play it by ear : A interview study of folk music teachers rendering of the term by-ear learning.

Grafström, Ronja January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utreda vilka kunskaper och färdigheter olika lärare i folkmusik tolkar tillhör begreppet gehör och i detta belysa hur de själva använder sitt gehör i eget musicerande samt i sin undervisning. Tidigare forskning visar att gehör kan betraktas från många olika vinklar; både som metod eller strategi i undervisning och inlärning, som ämne i olika skolformer och som medfödda eller förvärvade kunskaper och färdigheter. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att insamla data som sedan analyserats tematiskt. Resultatet visar att lärarna delar uppfattningen om att en musiker som lyckas sammanföra musikteoretiska och genrespecifika kunskaper med speltekniska färdigheter i det egna spelet och i musicerande med andra har ett gott gehör. I detta är medvetenhet, reflektion och kommunikation viktiga parametrar. Diskussionen behandlar de viktiga gehörsmässiga kunskaper och färdigheter som informanterna presenterat. Detta i relation till olika skolformers undervisning och hur den sociala kontexten runt den svenska folkmusiken skapar värde i mötet mellan människor och musik. / The main goal with this study is to get closer to an understanding for what knowledge and skills that different teachers in Swedish folk music reads in to the word by-ear learning and/or oral skills as well as to shine a light upon how they use their own oral skills when playing music and when teaching. Earlier studies show that oral skills can be looked upon from different angles; both as a method or strategy in education or learning, as a subject in different forms of schools and as inherited or acquired skills and knowledge. Semi structured interviews has been used to collect data that has been analyzed thematically. The results of the study show that the teachers share the opinion that a musician who successfully is able to combine knowledge of music theory and genre specifics with instrumental technical abilities when playing solo and with others has well developed oral skills. Self awareness, reflection and communication are key elements in this process. In the discussion of the study the different knowledge and skills presented by the teachers are put in relation with how differents schools in Sweden structure their teaching of oral skills. The chapter also discusses how the social context surrounding Swedish folk music creates value in the correlation between people and music.

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