Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gerger anda acquisitions"" "subject:"gerger anda аcquisitions""
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Utvecklingsmöjligheter inom Due Diligence i fastighetstransaktioner / Opportunities of development within Due Diligence in Real Estate transactionsStrand, John January 2014 (has links)
Due Diligence is today an important part of the transaction process through sales of properties and is an important process for both sellers and buyers. The process intends to review an asset before a transaction to minimize the risks associated with the acquisition by detecting weaknesses and verify the asset's characteristics. The use of Due Diligence has become increasingly common over the past twenty years in the Swedish real estate market and there is no indication that this trend will decrease but rather increase. Although there is widespread use of the process both in acquisitions of corporations and properties, both in Sweden and in the rest of the world, it is costly for the purchasers and the concept is far from fully developed. This thesis aims to clarify what the real estate market thinks about the potential development of the process itself and the role of the actors. The main question is what opportunities exist to develop the concept of Due Diligence in real estate transactions. Given the high economic values that are found in real estate transactions, it is highly relevant to perform Due Diligence and therefore it is also important to review the opportunities to change this process if it is requested and feasible. The conclusions of the thesis shows that the actors in the real estate market believes that there are opportunities for development in the use of Due Diligence The possibilities includes seller's expanded role in information gathering , process delays , clearer and more transparent processes and a continuous development of the actors’ own processes. The thesis concludes with four proposals for a development process: An increased use of Due Diligence conducted by the seller as a complement to the buyer's own investigation, clearer procurement of consultants from the real estate owners, more accessible information earlier in the process from the sellers and consistent monitoring of the implemented processes. / Due Diligence utgör idag en viktig del av transaktionsprocessen vid överlåtelser av fastigheter och är en viktig process för både säljare och köpare. Processen avser att granska en tillgång inför en transaktion för att minimera riskerna med förvärvet genom att upptäcka brister och kontrollera tillgångens egenskaper. Användningen av Due Diligence har blivit allt vanligare de senaste tjugo åren på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden och inget tyder på att denna utveckling kommer att avta utan snarare tillta. Trots att det finns ett utbrett användande av processen både vid företags- och fastighetsförvärv, i både Sverige och i övriga världen, så är det kostsamt för beställarna och konceptet är långt ifrån färdigutvecklat. Detta examensarbete har som syfte att klargöra vad fastighetsmarknaden anser om potentiella utvecklingsmöjligheter av själva processen och de aktiva aktörernas roller. Den huvudsakliga frågeställningen är vilka möjligheter som föreligger att utveckla konceptet Due Diligence vid fastighetstransaktioner. Med tanke på de stora ekonomiska värdena som finns i fastighetstransaktioner är det högst relevant att utföra Due Diligence och därför är det också av stor vikt att se över möjligheter att förändra denna process om det efterfrågas och är genomförbart. Slutsatserna i examensarbetet visar på att aktörerna på fastighetsmarknaden anser att det finns utvecklingsmöjligheter i användandet av Due Diligence. Möjligheterna innebär bland annat säljarens utökade roll i informationsinsamlingen, processens tidsåtgång, tydligare och mer transparenta processer samt ett kontinuerligt utvecklingsarbete av aktörernas egna processer. Examensarbetet avslutas med fyra förslag avseende en utveckling av processen: Ett ökat användande av Due Diligence genomförd av säljaren som komplement till köparens egen granskning, tydligare upphandlingar av konsulter från fastighetsägarna, mer tillgänglig information tidigare i processen från säljarna och konsekventa uppföljningar av genomförda processer.
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Dynamics of corporate strategy from a value chain perspective : A study of the Swedish telecom and construction industries during the 90’sde Paula, Andes January 2006 (has links)
<p>Changes in sectors and industries have brought new challenges to corporations as well as been important driving forces for the dynamics in strategy at the corporate level. With the dramatic developments of the 1990’s in mind, such as multilateral free-trade agreements, liberalization, privatization, sharp industry growth/decline, increased competition and globalization, in particular within the telecom and the construction industry, this study contributes to describing and understanding strategic change at the corporate level as well as changes in the division of work within value chains. Strategy is defined as intentions, decisions and actions that relate to bundling and unbundling at different strategic levels, aiming to establish and reestablish a value chain position. Thus, outsourcing, M&As, modularization and systems development and sales are important strategic components which are examined from a value chain perspective. From a value chain perspective, the purpose of this study is to describe and understand strategic change at the corporate level in the telecom and construction industries during the 1990’s. More specifically this study shall contribute to describing and understanding (i) the dynamics of and between M&As, outsourcing, modularization and systemization, as well as (ii) industrial and financial drivers to strategic change.</p><p>The conclusions describe strategic change from a value chain perspective using three descriptive patterns, including an increasing degree of specialization and need for interorganizational coordination across the value chain. In addition, outsourcing and modularization of systems and an increased scope of offering through systemization and BOT-projects, result in the fact that due to M&As the horizontal boundary of the firm sometimes goes beyond the industry scope while the vertical scope is often narrowed through outsourcing. The conclusions also focus on understanding the content of strategic change, that is to say the dynamics of and between mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing, modularization and system sales. These findings are summarized in nine explanatory patterns. These patterns show that the strategic decisions of bundling and unbundling at the corporate and functional level through mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing, systemization and modularization are guided by an industrial as well as a financial logic. By considering the descriptive and explanatory patterns found this study, the conclusions also include what to expect during the next decade with regard to corporate strategy from a value chain perspective in five predictive patterns.</p>
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A conceptual framework and considerations for mergers and acquisitions in the information technology arena / P.J. van SchalkwykVan Schalkwyk, Phillipus Johannes January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Dynamics of corporate strategy from a value chain perspective : A study of the Swedish telecom and construction industries during the 90’sde Paula, Andes January 2006 (has links)
Changes in sectors and industries have brought new challenges to corporations as well as been important driving forces for the dynamics in strategy at the corporate level. With the dramatic developments of the 1990’s in mind, such as multilateral free-trade agreements, liberalization, privatization, sharp industry growth/decline, increased competition and globalization, in particular within the telecom and the construction industry, this study contributes to describing and understanding strategic change at the corporate level as well as changes in the division of work within value chains. Strategy is defined as intentions, decisions and actions that relate to bundling and unbundling at different strategic levels, aiming to establish and reestablish a value chain position. Thus, outsourcing, M&As, modularization and systems development and sales are important strategic components which are examined from a value chain perspective. From a value chain perspective, the purpose of this study is to describe and understand strategic change at the corporate level in the telecom and construction industries during the 1990’s. More specifically this study shall contribute to describing and understanding (i) the dynamics of and between M&As, outsourcing, modularization and systemization, as well as (ii) industrial and financial drivers to strategic change. The conclusions describe strategic change from a value chain perspective using three descriptive patterns, including an increasing degree of specialization and need for interorganizational coordination across the value chain. In addition, outsourcing and modularization of systems and an increased scope of offering through systemization and BOT-projects, result in the fact that due to M&As the horizontal boundary of the firm sometimes goes beyond the industry scope while the vertical scope is often narrowed through outsourcing. The conclusions also focus on understanding the content of strategic change, that is to say the dynamics of and between mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing, modularization and system sales. These findings are summarized in nine explanatory patterns. These patterns show that the strategic decisions of bundling and unbundling at the corporate and functional level through mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing, systemization and modularization are guided by an industrial as well as a financial logic. By considering the descriptive and explanatory patterns found this study, the conclusions also include what to expect during the next decade with regard to corporate strategy from a value chain perspective in five predictive patterns.
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A conceptual framework and considerations for mergers and acquisitions in the information technology arena / P.J. van SchalkwykVan Schalkwyk, Phillipus Johannes January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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A conceptual framework and considerations for mergers and acquisitions in the information technology arena / P.J. van SchalkwykVan Schalkwyk, Phillipus Johannes January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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