Spelling suggestions: "subject:"messaging"" "subject:"essaging""
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Meddelandemotor för anonym kommunikation / Message Engine for Anonymous CommunicationLindin, Anders January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver arbetsgången för att utreda och ta fram ett lösningsförslag för hur en meddelandemotor skulle kunna implementeras i TeamTags delvis redan befintliga system. Små delar av implementeringen som infördes under projektet presenteras också. / This report describes the workflow to investigate and develop a solution proposal for how a messaging engine could be implemented in TeamTags partly already implemented system. Small parts of the implementation that was introduced during the project is also presented.
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Diseño de un sistema de mensajería instantánea para redes comunitariasNakamura Pinto, Miguel Kiyoshy 31 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] Cerca de 3.000 millones de personas en todo el mundo no pueden aprovechar ni siquiera los servicios de conectividad más básicos, ya que la mayoría de ellas viven en zonas rurales o países en vías de desarrollo. Incluso los servicios de mensajería más simples serian de gran ayuda, por ejemplo, para los agricultores que desean conocer el precio de las mercancías que les interesa vender o comprar antes de decidir si se emprende un viaje posiblemente largo, caro y agotador.
La tecnología LoRa permite realizar enlaces de larga distancia con un consumo reducido de energía a bajo coste, siendo su principal limitación el escaso ancho de banda que ofrece. Con LoRa, los lugares remotos, como las zonas rurales, pueden beneficiarse de servicios basados en la conectividad que, de otro modo, serían imposibles. Nuestra propuesta entra en la categoría de redes comunitarias, en las que los usuarios construyen su propia red cuando no hay infraestructura comercial disponible. Además de la simple aplicación de mensajería, LoRa puede utilizarse para distribuir información de sensores a las comunidades o para proporcionar alertas de desastres o datos meteorológicos.
Presentamos un protocolo flexible basado en la tecnología LoRa que permite la transferencia de "contenido" denominado LoRaCTP, el cual proporciona los mecanismos necesarios para que LoRa sea fiable, introduciendo una configuración de conexión ligera. Hemos diseñado este protocolo también como soporte de comunicación para las soluciones IoT basadas en edge computing, dada su estabilidad, el bajo consumo de energía y la posibilidad de cubrir largas distancias.
Integramos una arquitectura que permite la recolección de datos de fuentes externas genéricas. Especialmente las fuentes de audio, apuntando a dos servicios básicos: un sistema de mensajería de voz que permite a los usuarios que no saben leer o escribir, realizar notas de voz, y un servicio de compresión de audio para extraer las principales características de la entrada de audio y utilizarla para desarrollar análisis de audio inteligente basado en Machine Learning.
Combinamos IoT y Edge computing en un enfoque de innovación frugal, para proponer una solución "ingeniosa", en términos de utilización mínima de recursos y sostenibilidad, para construir un soporte básico para un sistema IoT en áreas rurales. Incluimos un proxy MQTT para integrar dispositivos de bajo coste y bajo consumo en un sistema de mensajería basado en LoRa. A través de una interfaz REST, mostramos cómo se puede usar nuestra plataforma para distribuir información de sensores de las comunidades rurales. Además, MQTT permite que estos datos se proporcionen a "lagos de datos" externos para que puedan usarse para tareas tales como informes, visualización, análisis avanzado y aprendizaje automático.
Describimos una arquitectura genérica de edge/fog, utilizando microservicios, un sistema basado en MQTT que puede recopilar datos de ingreso, manejar su persistencia y coordinar la integración de datos con la nube utilizando un servicio específico llamado agregador. Las estaciones edge tienen un canal dedicado con el agregador que se basa en LoRa para permitir transmisiones de largo alcance con bajo consumo de energía. / [CA] Prop de 3.000 milions de persones a tot el món no poden aprofitar ni tan sols els serveis de connectivitat més bàsics, ja que la majoria d'elles viuen en zones rurals o països en vies de desenvolupament. Fins i tot els serveis de missatgeria més simples serien de gran ajuda, per exemple, per als agricultors que desitgen conèixer el preu de les mercaderies que els interessa vendre o comprar abans de decidir si s'emprèn un viatge possiblement llarg, car i esgotador.
La tecnologia LoRa permet realitzar enllaços de llarga distància amb un consum reduït d'energia a baix cost, sent la seua principal limitació l'escassa amplada de banda que ofereix. Amb LoRa, els llocs remots, com les zones rurals, poden beneficiar-se de serveis basats en la connectivitat que, d'una altra manera, serien impossibles. La nostra proposta entra en la categoria de xarxes comunitàries, en les quals els usuaris construeixen la seua pròpia xarxa quan no hi ha infraestructura comercial disponible. A més de la simple aplicació de missatgeria, LoRa pot utilitzarse
per a distribuir informació de sensors a les comunitats o per a proporcionar alertes de desastres o dades meteorològiques.
Presentem un protocol flexible basat en la tecnologia LoRa que permet la transferència de "contingut" denominat LoRaCTP, el qual proporciona els mecanismes necessaris perquè LoRa siga fiable, introduint una configuració de connexió lleugera. Hem dissenyat aquest protocol també com a suport de comunicació per a les solucions IoT basades en edge computing, donada la seua estabilitat, el baix consum d'energia i la possibilitat de cobrir llargues distàncies.
Integrem una arquitectura que permet la recol·lecció de dades de fonts externes genèriques. Especialment, les fonts d'àudio, apuntant a dos serveis bàsics: un sistema de missatgeria de veu que permet als usuaris que no saben llegir o escriure realitzar notes de veu, i un servei de compressió d'àudio per a extraure les principals característiques de l'entrada d'àudio i utilitzar-la per a desenvolupar anàlisi d'àudio intel·ligent basat en Machine Learning.
Combinem IoT i Edge computing en un enfocament d'innovació frugal, per a proposar una solució "enginyosa", en termes d'utilització mínima de recursos i sostenibilitat, per a construir un suport bàsic per a un sistema IoT en àrees rurals. Incloem un proxy MQTT per a integrar dispositius de baix cost i baix consum en un sistema de missatgeria basat en LoRa. A través d'una interfície REST, vam mostrar com es pot usar la nostra plataforma per a distribuir informació de sensors de les comunitats rurals. A més, MQTT permet que aquestes dades es proporcionen a "llacs de dades" externes perquè puguen usar-se per a tasques com ara informes, visualització, anàlisi avançada i aprenentatge automàtic.
Descrivim una arquitectura genèrica de edge/fog, utilitzant microserveis, un sistema basat en MQTT que pot recopilar dades d'ingrés, manejar la seua persistència i coordinar la integració de dades amb el núvol utilitzant un servei específic anomenat agregador. Les estacions edge tenen un canal dedicat amb el agregador que es basa en LoRa per a permetre transmissions de llarg abast amb baix consum d'energia. / [EN] Nearly 3 billion people around the world are unable to take advantage of even the most basic connectivity services, as most of them live in rural areas or developing countries. Even the simplest messaging services would be of great help, for example, to farmers who want to know the price of goods they are interested in selling or buying before deciding whether to embark on a possibly long, expensive and exhausting journey.
LoRa technology enables long-distance links with reduced power consumption at low cost, its main limitation being the low bandwidth it offers. With LoRa, remote locations, such as rural areas, can benefit from connectivity-based services that would otherwise be impossible. Our proposal falls into the category of community networks, where users build their own network when commercial infrastructure is not available. In addition to a simple messaging application, LoRa can be used to distribute sensor information to communities or to provide disaster alerts or weather data.
We present a flexible protocol based on LoRa technology that enables the transfer of "content" called LoRaCTP, which provides the necessary mechanisms for LoRa to be reliable, introducing a lightweight connection setup. We have designed this protocol also as a communication support for IoT solutions based on edge computing, given its stability, low power consumption and the possibility of covering long distances.
Likewise, we integrated an architecture that allows data collection from generic external sources. Especially audio sources, targeting two basic services: a voice messaging system that allows users who cannot read or write to make voice notes, and an audio compression service to extract the main features of the audio input and use it to develop intelligent audio analytics based on Machine Learning.
We combine IoT and Edge computing in a frugal innovation approach, to propose an "ingenious" solution, in terms of minimum resource utilization and sustainability, to build a basic support for an IoT system in rural areas. We include an MQTT proxy to integrate low-cost and low-power devices into a LoRa-based messaging system. Through a REST interface, we show how our platform can be used to distribute sensor information from rural communities. In addition, MQTT allows this data to be provided to external "data lakes" so that it can be used for tasks such as reporting, visualization, advanced analytics, and machine learning.
We describe a generic edge/fog architecture, using microservices, an MQTT-based system that can collect ingress data, manage its persistence, and coordinate data integration with the cloud using a specific service called an aggregator. The edge stations have a dedicated channel with the aggregator that is based on LoRa to enable long-range transmissions with low power consumption. / Agradezco al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos a través del Consejo
Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) y al Gobierno de Chiapas mediante
el Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Chiapas (COCYTECH) por
brindarme la oportunidad de mejoramiento profesional y académico por medio
del programa de becas “CONACYT - Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas” en la
convocatoria del 2017. / Nakamura Pinto, MK. (2022). Diseño de un sistema de mensajería instantánea para redes comunitarias [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188948
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大學圖書館應用社會性軟體之研究 / The Application of Social Software in the Academic Library王盈文, Wang,Ying-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
即時通訊(Instant Messaging,IM)和部落格(Blog)是近來廣受應用的社會性軟體(Social Software, SS)。面對網路世代的發展趨勢,圖書資訊學界亦開始探討網路科技對資訊服務所帶來的衝擊,特別是以年輕族群為服務對象的大學圖書館,若能適當地利用社會性軟體,不僅可做為館員與使用者溝通的橋樑,亦有助於館員組織其工作,成為促進圖書館在網路時代拓展服務和提高價值地位之利器。
最後建議:一、大學圖書館應積極推動與行銷即時通訊參考服務,實踐圖書館數位參考服務理念。二、針對館員的即時通訊參考服務技巧與能力加以訓練,培育參考諮詢服務優質人選。三、利用即時通訊暢通組織交流,並研訂明確管理辦法,以提升館內同仁協調合作績效。四、建置圖書館部落格,拓展圖書館實體與虛擬服務機會。五、圖書館部落格應結合RSS功能及連結圖書資訊領域部落格,開展即時和新穎的資訊服務。六、開設不同層次的部落格教育與訓練課程,培養館員管理維護知能。七、掌握和分析社會性軟體之發展和應用趨勢,並定期審核與評估實施效益。八、圖書資訊學教育應開設社會性軟體相關課程,鼓勵師生學習和使用。 / Instant Messaging (IM) and Blog are two kinds of the Social Software extensively used recently. While facing the trend and development of network generation, the field of library and information science also began to discuss the impact of network technology on information services, especially the academic libraries of serving young undergraduate. If used appropriately, social software not only can bridge the communications between librarians and users, but also benefit librarians to organize their works effectively. Moreover, it can become the powerful tool of facilitating libraries to extend services and enhance value in the network age.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the applications of social software in the academic libraries. Using IM and Blog as subjects, the study tries to understand how academic librarians use those two social software, analyze their viewpoint of applying both in the field of library and information science, and further discuss the issues of using IM reference services and Library Blog at the academic libraries in the United States and Taiwan for the application of social software in the field of library and information science. The “Internet questionnaire” and “Case study” were used, followed by quantitative and qualitative method to discuss and analyze the use, viewpoint and the application models of IM and Blog.
The findings shows: (1) Academic librarians had used IM extensively, but rather for personal matters; (2) IM can be used for communications among library organizations and digital references services; (3) IM application is the trend of information services, but manpower issues and management must be addressed; (4) Academic librarians had experiences in Blog establishment and most librarians built their Blog based on free service platforms; (5) Library Blog can be used for the extension of library services; (6) Library Blog could be a new portal of information service, but the human resources, maintenance, management and education training need to be seriously considered; (7) The application of IM reference services and Library Blogs had been highly developed in American academic libraries which can be good models for the libraries in Taiwan; (8) The IM reference service would achieve better success if it goes across work day an holiday, and provides diversified software , downloading and manuals for users’s option; (9) Library Blog shall well employ Blog functions to combine with library services and enhance the visibility of information services.
Finally, the conclusions were made: (1) Academic libraries should actively promote IM reference services; (2) Training librarians for IM reference service skills, develop talented person for reference consulting services; (3) Using IM to communicate and coordinate among library staffs; (4) Establish Library Blog to provide virtual service; (5) Library Blog should properly use RSS and link the Blogs within the field of library and information science to develop real-time and innovative information services; (6) Design Blog educational training courses for different levels to develop maintaining and managerial skills of librarians; (7) Observing the trend of social software development and evaluate its implementation periodically; (8) Library and information science schools should conduct course on social software, and encourage teachers and students to apply it effectively.
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即時通訊科技使用於新聞採訪之探討 / Journalists Adopt Instant Messaging on the Impact of Newsgathering陳弘志, Chen, Hung Chih Unknown Date (has links)
即時通訊(Instant Messaging)盛行之今已十年,新聞產製也因引進新科技逐漸產生質變。鑑於即時通訊相關研究目前尚未觸及「新聞產製」領域,本研究嘗試初步探討即時通訊對新聞產製工作的影響,並希望藉此研究發現,提供新聞產業未來改進與檢討的參考。本研究描繪新聞記者於新聞產製過程中,如何運用即時通訊彼此溝通,以及如何對新聞產製過程造成影響,與出現哪些利益與弊端。
本研究採質化深度訪談,輔以圈內人記者身份,透過參與觀察,融入研究對象群時間一共四年,研究發現:(一)記者使用即時通訊的動機是基於完成新聞採訪任務、(二)記者新聞採訪工作仰賴即時通訊、(三)新聞室控制藉由新科技工具延伸、(四) 記者與消息來源之間的訊息傳遞,仍傾向使用傳統的「面訪、電訪」管道、尚未積極運用即時通訊、(五)用於新聞職場的即時通訊工具,仍具有個人私密領域的特性、(六) 新聞記者使用即時通訊交換訊息,出現新聞觀點同質化現象、(七)新聞產業精簡人力下,新聞圈默認同業間複製新聞與改寫現象。
本研究建議:(一)重新定位即時通訊工具於新聞產製過程的價值、(二)新聞界須正視新聞複製與觀點同質化現象、(三) 即時通訊納入新聞正規作業體系將成趨勢。 / Instant Messaging (IM) has been popular for a decade, and news production has changed due to IM. Since the research of IM does not reach out to the area of news production, this thesis is going to explore the influence of IM toward news production. The thesis will describe how journalists communicate with each other by IM through the news production process, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using IM.
This study is a qualitative research methods with deep views. Through participant observation of a inside journalist, it took 4 years to discover the results, which are (1) Journalists use IM is based on the motivation of complete news covering task, (2) Journalists rely on IM to complete the task of newsgathering, (3) "Social control in the news room" extends control by IM, (4) The communications and interactions between Journalists and the news sources is still traditional, which are interviewing, or by telephone, not IM, (5) Using IM in newsgathering is still has personal and private, (6) Journalists use IM to exchange information, news reporting appears the same point of view, (7) under the condition of downsizing manpower in the news industry, the press tacitly agreed to the phenomenon of “news copy and news rewrite”.
The thesis recommended: (1) re-positioning IM in the process of news production value, (2) the Press must face up to the phenomenon of “news copy and the news viewpoint homogenization”,(3) IM into the news operating system will become a trend.
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The utilisation of mobile messaging applications by hair salon owner in the city of TshwaneMalatji, Mashilo Abram. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Administration / This study aims to evaluate how the use of mobile messaging applications by small enterprises can help build sustainable businesses by assisting small enterprise owners to mobilise their services and products in order to take advantage of the rapid growing base of mobile consumers in Africa and beyond the continent. The common major constraints to the growth and development of SMMEs in developing countries include: limited access to finance, limited access to business training, technological limitations, limited access to markets, poor transport infrastructure and limited business management skills. It was further found that the lack of use of the different kinds of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) was attributed to issues around need, affordability, availability and access.
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The use of messaging service applications as an educational support tool in higher education institutionsMatli, Walter 04 1900 (has links)
M.. Tech. (Information Technology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology) / The Green Paper for Post-School Education and Training states that higher
education and training institutions are faced with the challenge of teaching
underprepared students. Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Ekurhuleni has
experienced an increase in the number of underprepared first year students from
basic education to higher education, similar to other higher education institutions
(HEIs) and training centres, and most of these students are familiar with messaging
service applications. The purpose of this research is to determine if messaging
service applications have a constructive role to play in supporting tertiary education.
A variety of journals, books and other online materials were reviewed to learn and
confirm the current information on messaging service applications and electronic
communication interaction in higher education. A mixed methods research
methodology has been adopted comprising of both qualitative and quantitative
research. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews as well as
questionnaires with structured questions to address the objectives of the study. A
total of 250 questionnaires were distributed to students and the sample (N=212)
resulted in a response rate of 84.8%. Interviews were conducted targeting students
doing a bridging course in Information Technology. In addition, data was collected
from one of the messaging service applications, Whatsapp, for one semester with
one class. For the analysis of the data, two theories—Social Presence Theory and
Context Awareness Theory—were adopted.
This research found that students who partook in the study displayed a positive
perception of using messaging service applications in an educational environment.
Furthermore, the textual interaction analysis indicates that students were able to
successfully interact and use messaging services as educational supporting tool
outside the classroom. From the findings a model has been developed which
demonstrates how student learning outside the formal classroom learning
environment can be supported through the use of messaging service applications.
The research contributes to a better understanding of using of messaging service
applications as an educational supporting tool in higher education. Messaging
service applications enable students to forget about gender and cultural differences;
it encourages them to work together as an online community.
This research furthermore provides a basis for HEIs and academic leaders to initiate
the discussion and consider the possibility of introducing messaging service
applications as educational supporting tool outside the classroom.
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O off-line e a fantasia na comunicação instantânea via internet / The off-line and fancy in the instant messaging through internetRodolfo, George Henrique Merino 14 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
GEORGE VERSAO FINAL p.pdf: 600430 bytes, checksum: 113989051c5b690930efb907ab67cfb6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006-07-14 / nenhum / The present work has the objective to make an analysis on the process of Instant Messaging through Internet, searching an intrinsic vision of the way, the internet users, the processes and its surroundings. An historical vision of the evolution of process of this tool to have a clear notion of its use and usefulness in differentiated occasions. Moreover, internet users were analyzed in a social-demographic vision in order to get a panorama of this new type of emissary/receptor of text, raising all the thematic one of the chats in details. On the other hand, it was argued the possibility of the existence of the fancy through the creation and experimentation of alternative identities, beyond considerations on the existence of virtual communities. It is conclude that the instantaneous communication by Internet is a difficult platform of virtual sociability, although not to hinder, the exercise of the fancy by means of the construction of alternative identities. Also it is verified that this model of communication disfavors the formation of virtual communities widely / O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de fazer uma análise sobre o processo de comunicação instantânea via Internet, buscando uma visão intrínseca do meio, dos internautas, dos processos e sua abrangência. Buscou-se uma visão histórica de todo o processo evolutivo desta ferramenta, a fim de que se pudesse ter uma clara noção de seu uso e serventia em ocasiões diferenciadas. Além disso, analisou-se o internauta numa visão sócio-demográfica a fim de se obter um panorama desse novo tipo de emissor/receptor de texto, levantando toda a temática dos bate-papos em detalhes. Por outro lado, discutiu-se a possibilidade da existência da fantasia através da criação e experimentação de identidades alternativas, além de considerações sobre a existência de comunidades virtuais. Conclui-se que a comunicação instantânea via internet é uma plataforma de sociabilidade virtual que dificulta, apesar de não impedir, o exercício da fantasia por meio da construção de identidades alternativas. Também se verifica que este modelo de comunicação desfavorece amplamente a formação de comunidades virtuais
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O off-line e a fantasia na comunicação instantânea via internet / The off-line and fancy in the instant messaging through internetRodolfo, George Henrique Merino 14 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:55:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
GEORGE VERSAO FINAL p.pdf: 600430 bytes, checksum: 113989051c5b690930efb907ab67cfb6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006-07-14 / nenhum / The present work has the objective to make an analysis on the process of Instant Messaging through Internet, searching an intrinsic vision of the way, the internet users, the processes and its surroundings. An historical vision of the evolution of process of this tool to have a clear notion of its use and usefulness in differentiated occasions. Moreover, internet users were analyzed in a social-demographic vision in order to get a panorama of this new type of emissary/receptor of text, raising all the thematic one of the chats in details. On the other hand, it was argued the possibility of the existence of the fancy through the creation and experimentation of alternative identities, beyond considerations on the existence of virtual communities. It is conclude that the instantaneous communication by Internet is a difficult platform of virtual sociability, although not to hinder, the exercise of the fancy by means of the construction of alternative identities. Also it is verified that this model of communication disfavors the formation of virtual communities widely / O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de fazer uma análise sobre o processo de comunicação instantânea via Internet, buscando uma visão intrínseca do meio, dos internautas, dos processos e sua abrangência. Buscou-se uma visão histórica de todo o processo evolutivo desta ferramenta, a fim de que se pudesse ter uma clara noção de seu uso e serventia em ocasiões diferenciadas. Além disso, analisou-se o internauta numa visão sócio-demográfica a fim de se obter um panorama desse novo tipo de emissor/receptor de texto, levantando toda a temática dos bate-papos em detalhes. Por outro lado, discutiu-se a possibilidade da existência da fantasia através da criação e experimentação de identidades alternativas, além de considerações sobre a existência de comunidades virtuais. Conclui-se que a comunicação instantânea via internet é uma plataforma de sociabilidade virtual que dificulta, apesar de não impedir, o exercício da fantasia por meio da construção de identidades alternativas. Também se verifica que este modelo de comunicação desfavorece amplamente a formação de comunidades virtuais
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Cross-fertilizing formal approaches for protocol conformance and performance testing / Approches formelles croisées pour les tests de protocole de conformité et de performanceChe, Xiaoping 26 June 2014 (has links)
Les technologies de communication et les services web sont devenus disponibles dans notre vie numérique, les réseaux informatiques continuent de croître et de nouveaux protocoles de communication sont constamment définis et développés. Par la suite, la standardisation et la normalisation des protocoles sont dispensables pour permettre aux différents systèmes de dialoguer. Bien que ces normes peuvent être formellement vérifiés, les développeurs peuvent produire des erreurs conduisant à des implémentations défectueuses. C'est la raison pour laquelle leur mise en œuvre doit être strictement examinée. Cependant, la plupart des approches de tests actuels exigent une stimulation de l’exécution dans le cadre des tests (IUT). Si le système ne peut être consulté ou interrompu, l'IUT ne sera pas en mesure d'être testé. En outre, la plupart des travaux existants sont basées sur des modèles formels et très peu de travaux s'intéressent à la formalisation des exigences de performance. Pour résoudre ces problèmes, nous avons proposé une approche de test basé sur la logique "Horn" afin de tester passivement la conformité et la performance des protocoles. Dans notre approche, les exigences peuvent être formalisées avec précision. Ces exigences formelles sont également testées par des millions de messages collectés à partir des communicants réels. Les résultats satisfaisants des expériences effectuées ont prouvé le bon fonctionnement et l'efficacité de notre approche. Aussi pour satisfaire les besoins croissants de tests distribués en temps réel, nous avons également proposé un cadre de tests distribués et un cadre de tests en ligne et nous avons mis en œuvre notre plateforme dans un environnement réel à petite échelle avec succès / While today’s communications are essential and a huge set of services is available online, computer networks continue to grow and novel communication protocols are continuously being defined and developed. De facto, protocol standards are required to allow different systems to interwork. Though these standards can be formally verified, the developers may produce some errors leading to faulty implementations. That is the reason why their implementations must be strictly tested. However, most current testing approaches require a stimulation of the implementation under tests (IUT). If the system cannot be accessed or interrupted, the IUT will not be able to be tested. Besides, most of the existing works are based on formal models and quite few works study formalizing performance requirements. To solve these issues, we proposed a novel logic-based testing approach to test the protocol conformance and performance passively. In our approach, conformance and performance requirements can be accurately formalized using the Horn-Logic based syntax and semantics. These formalized requirements are also tested through millions of messages collected from real communicating environments. The satisfying results returned from the experiments proved the functionality and efficiency of our approach. Also for satisfying the increasing needs in real-time distributed testing, we also proposed a distributed testing framework and an online testing framework, and performed the frameworks in a real small scale environment. The preliminary results are obtained with success. And also, applying our approach under billions of messages and optimizing the algorithm will be our future works
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應用顧客關係管理服務於數位學習之研究─以參與體驗式個案教學為例 / Applying CRM services on e-learning : program on case method and participant-centered and experiencing learning宋榕芝, Sung, Jung Chih Unknown Date (has links)
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