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The Neoarchean and Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic evolution of the Limpopo Belt’s Central Zone in southern Africa. New insights from petrological investigations on amphibolite to granulitefacies rocks / Die neoarchaische und paläoproterozoische metamorphe Entwicklung der Central Zone des Limpopo Belts im südlichen Afrika. Neue Einblicke anhand petrologischer Untersuchungen von amphibolit- bis granulitfaziellen GesteinenMillonig, Leo Jakob January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit präsentiert neue petrologische Untersuchungen an hochgradig metamorphen Gesteinen des Beit Bridge, Mahalapye und Phikwe Komplexes, welche gemeinsam die Central Zone des Limpopo Belt im südlichen Afrika bilden. Die Ergebnisse liefern detaillierte Informationen über die pro- und retrograde Druck-Temperatur-(P-T)-Entwicklung der drei Komplexe und bilden, in Einklang mit geochronologischen Daten, die Grundlage für die Erstellung eines einheitlichen geodynamischen Modells der Bildung der Central Zone des Limpopo Belt. Die abgeleiteten P-T Pfade wurden anhand detaillierter Untersuchungen an quartzgesättigten und - untersättigten Metapeliten bis Metabasiten erstellt, wobei sechs Sillimanit-Granat-Cordierit Gneisse, vier (Granat)- Biotit-Plagioklas Gneisse, zwei Granat-Orthopyroxen-Biotit- Kalifeldspat-Plagioklas Gneisse, ein Granat-Cordierit-Orthoamphibol Fels, ein Granat-Biotit Amphibolit und ein Granat-Klinopyroxen Amphibolit untersucht wurden. PT Punkte und P-T Entwicklungen wurden mit Hilfe von konventionellen Geothermobarometern und quantitativen Phasendiagrammen in den Systemen Na2O - CaO - K2O - FeO - MgO - Al2O3 - SiO2 - H2O - TiO2 - O(NCKFMASHTiO) und MnO - TiO2 - Na2O - CaO - K2O - FeO - MgO - Al2O3 - SiO2 - H2O (MnTiNCKFMASH) berechnet und abgeleitet. Die Phasendiagramme wurden mit den Programmen THERMOCALC und THERIAK-DOMINO berechnet. Petrologische Informationen, speziell solche, die durch den Vergleich von beobeachteten/gemessenen mit thermodynamisch berechneten Mineralparagenesen, -zonierungen, -zusammensetzungen und Modalgehalten erhalten wurden zeigen, in Kombination mit neuen und bereits existierenden geochronologischen Daten, dass Gesteine der drei untersuchten Komplexe geringfügig unterschiedliche P-T Entwicklungen zu verschiedenen Zeiten durchliefen. Proben aus der Gegend des Bulai Plutons (Beit Bridge Komplex) belegen ein hochgradig metamorphes Ereignis im Neoarchaikum um ~2.64 Ga (M2), mit peak-metamorphen Bedingungen von ~850°C/8-9 kbar und einer retrograden Dekompression mit gleichzeitiger Abkühlung zu ~750°C/5-6 kbar. Diese metamorphe Entwicklung erfolgte vermutlich im geodynamischen Umfeld eines Magmatischen Bogens. Im Gegensatz hierzu dokumentieren Proben des Mahalapye und Phikwe Komplexes metamorphe Entwicklungen im Paläoproterozoikum um ~2.03-2.05 Ga (M3), die sich zudem im prograden Verlauf der Metamorphose voneinander unterscheiden. Metamorphe Gesteine des Mahalapye Komplexes kennzeichnet eine Hochtemperatur- Niedrigdruck-(HT-LP)- Metamorphose mit schwacher prograder Dekompression von ~650°C/7 kbar nach ~800°C/5.5 kbar, die mit der Platznahme von ausgedehnten granitischen Intrusionen um ~2.06-2.02 Ga einherging. Metamorphe Gesteine des Phikwe Komplexes hingegen zeigen eine gleichzeitige Druck- und Temperaturzunahme von ~600°C/6 kbar nach ~750°C/8 kbar, die nicht mit Magmatismus im Paläoproterozoikum assoziiert war. Es wird gefolgert, dass die HT-LP metamorphe Entwicklung des Mahalapye Komplexes ihre Ursache in dem magmatischen „Underplating“ heisser mafischer Schmelzen, als Ergebnis südost- erichteter Subduktion während der Kheis-Magondy Orogenese, und/oder der zeitgleichen Aktivität von Mantel Plumes, in Zusammenhang mit der Bildung des Bushveld Komplexes, hat. Im Gegensatz hierzu belegen die Gesteine des Phikwe Komplexes eine prograde Druck- und Temperaturzunahme, hervorgerufen durch eine fortschreitende Krustenstapelung um ~2.03 Ga. Diese Stapelung ist bereits für zahlreiche andere geologischen Einheiten des Limpopo Belt belegt. Sie wird als eine Folge der endenden Annäherung/Kollision zwischen dem Kaapvaal und Zimbabwe Kraton interpretiert, welche durch südost-gerichtete Kompression im Zuge der Kheis-Magondy Orogenese zw. ~2.06 und 1.90 Ga hervorgerufen wurde. / This study presents new petrological results obtained from high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Beit Bridge, Mahalapye and Phikwe Complexes, which constitute the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt in southern Africa. These results provide detailed information about the prograde and retrograde pressure-temperature (P-T) evolution of the three investigated complexes and, in concert with geochronological data, form the basis for the development of a coherent geodynamic model for the evolution of the Limpopo’s Central Zone. The P-T paths were inferred by the thorough investigation of silica-saturated and silica- undersaturated metapelitic and metabasic rocks, comprising six sillimanite-garnet-cordierite gneisses, four (garnet)-biotite-plagioclase gneisses, two garnet-orthopyroxene-biotite-Kfeldspar-plagioclase gneisses, one garnet- cordierite-orthoamphibole fels, one garnet-biotite amphibolite, and one garnet-clinopyroxene amphibolite. P-T points and P-T evolutions were derived by the application of conventional geothermobarometers, and quantitative phase diagrams in the systems Na2O - CaO - K2O - FeO - MgO - Al2O3 - SiO2 - H2O - TiO2 - O (NCKFMASHTiO), and MnO - TiO2 - Na2O - CaO - K2O - FeO - MgO - Al2O3 - SiO2 - H2O (MnTiNCKFMASH) - using the computer software THERMOCALC and THERIAK-DOMINO. The petrological information, in particular those obtained by comparison between observed and thermodynamically calculated mineral assemblages, zonations and modes, in combination with new and existing geochronological data provide evidence that rocks from the three investigated complexes underwent slightly different P-T evolutions at different times. The samples from the Bulai Pluton area (Beit Bridge Complex) provide evidence for a Neoarchean high-grade metamorphic event at ~2.64 Ga (M2), with peak P-T conditions of ~850°C at 8-9 kbar, and a decompression-cooling path to ~750°C at 5-6 kbar. This metamorphic evolution perhaps took place in a magmatic arc setting. In contrast, samples from the Mahalapye and Phikwe Complex document a Palaeoproterozoic event at ~2.03-2.05 Ga (M3), and were subject to different styles of prograde metamorphism. Metamorphic rocks from the Mahalapye Complex experienced a high-temperature low-pressure (HT-LP) metamorphic overprint, accompanied by the emplacement of voluminous granite bodies between 2.06 and 2.02 Ga, and provide evidence for a slightly prograde decompression from ~650°C/7 kbar to ~800°C/5.5 kbar. In contrast, the metamorphic rocks from the Phikwe Complex provide evidence for a simultaneous pressure and temperature increase from ~600°C/6 kbar to ~750°C/8 kbar, in the absence of significant Palaeoproterozoic magmatism. The HT-LP metamorphic evolution of the Mahalapye Complex is interpreted to be initiated by the underplating of hot mafic melts, either formed in response to SE-subduction during the Kheis-Magondi orogeny, and/or by contemporaneous mantle plume activities related to the formation of the Bushveld Complex. In contrast, the prograde pressure and temperature increase reflected by the rocks from the Phikwe Complex rather reflects successive crustal stacking at ~2.03 Ga. This stacking, which is also reported from many other units throughout the Limpopo Belt, is interpreted to result from the final convergence between the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe Cratons, perhaps caused by SE-directed compression in response to the Kheis-Magondi orogeny between ~2.06 and 1.90 Ga.
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Metamorphic evolution of ultrahigh-temperature granulite facies and upper amphibolite facies rocks of the Epupa Complex, NW Namibia / Metamorphe Entwicklung von ultrahochtemperatur-granulitfaziellen und amphibolitfaziellen Gesteinen des Epupa-Komplexes, NW NamibiaBrandt, Sönke January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The high-grade metamorphic Epupa Complex (EC) of north-western Namibia constitutes the south-western margin of the Archean to Proterozoic Congo Craton. The north-eastern portion of the EC has been geochemically and petrologically investigated in order to reconstruct its tectono-metamorphic evolution. Two distinct metamorphic units have been recognized, which are separated by ductile shear zones: (1) Upper amphibolite facies rocks (Orue Unit) and (2) ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) granulite facies rocks (Epembe Unit). The rocks of the EC are transsected by a large anorthosite massif, the Kunene Intrusive Complex (KIC). The Orue Unit and the Epembe Unit were affected by two distinct Mesoproterozoic metamorphic events, as is evident from differences in their metamorphic grade, in the P-T paths and in the age of peak-metamorphism: (1) The Orue Unit consists of a Palaeoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary sequence, which was intruded by large masses of I-type granitoids and by rare mafic dykes. During the Mesoproterozoic (1390-1318 Ma) the Orue Unit rocks underwent upper amphibolite facies metamorphism. The volcano-sedimentary sequence is constituted by interlayered basaltic amphibolites and rhyolitic felsic gneisses, with intercalations of migmatitic metagreywackes, migmatitic metapelites, metaarkoses and calc-silicate rocks. The Orue Unit was subdivided into three parts, which record similar heating-cooling paths but represent individual crustal levels: Heating led to the partial replacement of amphibole, biotite and muscovite through dehydration melting reactions. The peak-metamorphic P-T conditions of c. 700°C, 6.5 +/- 1.0 kbar (south-eastern part), c. 820°C, 8 +/- 0.5 kbar (south-western part) and c. 800°C, 6.0 +/- 1.0 kbar (northern part) correlate well with the mineral assemblage in the metapelites, i.e. Grt-Bt-Sil gneisses and schist in the south-eastern and south-western region and (Grt-)Crd-Bt gneisses in the northern part. Peak-metamorphism was followed by retrograde cooling to middle amphibolite facies conditions. Contact metamorphism, related with the intrusion of the anorthosites, is restricted to the direct contact to the KIC and recorded by massive metapelitic Grt-Sil-Crd felses, formed under upper amphibolite facies conditions (c. 750°C, c. 6.5 kbar). (2) The Epembe Unit consists of a Palaeoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary succession, which was intruded by small bodies of S-type granitoids and by andesitic dykes. All these rocks underwent UHT granulite facies metamorphism during the early Mesoproterozoic (1520-1447 Ma). The volcano-sedimentary succession is dominated by interlayered basaltic two-pyroxene granulites and rhyolitic felsic granulites. Migmatitic metapelites and metagreywackes are intercalated in the metavolcanites. Sapphirine-bearing MgAl-rich gneisses occur as restitic schlieren in the migmatitic metagreywackes. Reconstructed anti-clockwise P-T paths are subdivided into several distinct stages: During prograde near-isobaric heating to UHT conditions at c. 7 kbar biotite- or hornblende-bearing mineral assemblages were almost completely replaced by anhydrous mineral assemblages through various dehydration melting reactions. A subsequent pressure increase of 2-3 kbar led to the formation of the peak-metamorphic mineral assemblages Grt-Opx and (Grt-)Opx-Cpx in the orthogneisses and Grt-Opx, Grt-Sil and (Grt-)(Spr-)Opx-Sil-Qtz in the paragneisses. UHT-Metamorphism is proved by conventional geothermobarometry (970 +/- 70°C; 9.5 +/- 2.5 kbar), by the very high Al content of peak-metamorphic orthopyroxene (up to 11.9 wt.% Al2O3) in many paragneisses and by Opx-Sil-Qtz assemblages in the MgAl-rich gneisses. Post-peak decompression is recorded by several corona and symplectite textures, formed at the expense of the peak-metamorphic phases: Initial UHT decompression of about ca. 2 kbar to 940 +/- 60°C at 8 +/- 2 kbar is mainly evident from the formation of sapphirine-bearing symplectites in the Opx-Sil gneisses. Subsequent high-temperature decompression to 6 +/- 2 kbar at 800 +/- 60°C resulted in the formation of Crd-Opx-Spl, Crd-Opx and Spl-Crd symplectites. Subsequent near-isobaric cooling to upper amphibolite conditions of 660 +/- 30°C at 5 +/- 1.5 kbar led to the re-growth of biotite, hornblende, sillimanite and garnet. During continued decompression orthopyroxene and cordierite were formed at the expense of biotite in several paragneisses. In a geodynamic model UHT metamorphism of the Epembe Unit is correlated with the formation of a large magma chamber at the mantle-crust boundary, which forms the source for the anorthosites of the KIC. In contrast, amphibolite facies metamorphism of the Orue Unit is ascribed to a regional contact metamorphic event, caused by the emplacement of the anorthositic crystal mushes in the middle crust. / Epupa-Komplex (EK) Nordwest-Namibias bildet den südwestlichen Rand des archaischen bis proterozoischen Kongo-Kratons. Der nordöstliche Teil des EK wurde geochemisch und petrologisch untersucht, um seine tektono-metamorphe Entwicklung zu rekonstruieren. Hierbei wurden zwei unterschiedliche metamorphe Einheiten erkannt, die durch duktile Scherzonen getrennt sind: (1) Gesteine der oberen Amphibolitfazies (Orue-Einheit) und (2) Ultrahochtemperatur (UHT)-granulitfazielle Gesteine (Epembe-Einheit). Die Gesteine des EK werden von einem gewaltigen Anorthosit-Massiv, dem Kunene-Intrusiv-Komplex (KIK), durchschlagen. Unterschiede im Metamorphosegrad, in den P-T Pfaden und den Metamorphose-Altern belegen, dass die Orue-Einheit und die Epembe-Einheit von zwei unterschiedlichen mesoproterozoischen Metamorphosen erfasst wurden: (1) Die Orue-Einheit setzt sich aus einer paläoproterozoischen vulkano-sedimentären Abfolge zusammen, die von I-Typ Granitoiden und Basaltgängen intrudiert wurde. Während des Mesoproterozoikums (1390-1318 Ma) wurde die Orue-Einheit unter Bedingungen der oberen Amphibolitfazies metamorph überprägt. Die vulkano-sedimentäre Abfolge wird von einer Wechsellagerung von basaltischen Amphiboliten und rhyolitischen felsischen Gneisen aufgebaut, in die migmatitische Metagrauwacken, migmatitische Metapelite, Metaarkosen und Kalksilikate eingeschaltet sind. Die Orue-Einheit wurde in drei Regionen untergliedert, die ähnliche Aufheizungs-Abkühlungs-Pfade aufweisen, aber unterschiedliche Krustenbereiche repräsentieren: Aufheizung führte zur partiellen Verdrängung von Amphibol, Biotit und Muskovit durch Dehydratations-Schmelz-Reaktionen. Die höchstgradigen P-T Bedingungen von ca. 700°C, 6.5 +/- 1.0 kbar (südöstlicher Teil), ca. 820°C, 8 +/- 0.5 kbar (südwestlicher Teil) und ca. 800°C, 6.0 +/- 1.0 kbar (nördlicher Teil) stimmen mit den jeweiligen Mineralparagenesen der Metapelite überein (Grt-Bt-Sil-Gneise und –Schiefer im südöstlichen und –westlichen Teil und (Grt-)Crd-Bt-Gneise im nördlichen Teil). Abkühlung erfolgte unter Bedingungen der mittleren Amphibolitfazies. Kontaktmetamorphose, verbunden mit der Intrusion der Anorthosite, ist auf den direkten Kontaktbereich zum KIK beschränkt und durch undeformierte metapelitische Grt-Sil-Crd Felse überliefert, die unter Bedingungen der oberen Amphibolitfazies (ca. 750°C, ca. 6.5 kbar) gebildet wurden. (2) Die Epembe-Einheit besteht aus einer paläoproterozoischen vulkano-sedimentären Abfolge, die von kleinvolumigen S-Typ Granitoiden und Andesitgängen intrudiert wurde. Die Gesteine wurden im frühen Mesoproterozoikum (1520-1447 Ma) von einer UHT-granulitfaziellen Metamorphose erfasst. Die vulkano-sedimentäre Abfolge wird durch wechsellagernde basaltische Zwei-Pyroxen Granulite und rhyolitische felsische Granulite dominiert. Migmatitische Metapelite und Metagrauwacken sind in die Metavulkanite eingeschaltet. Sapphirin-führende MgAl-reiche Gneise treten als restititische Schlieren in den migmatitischen Metagrauwacken auf. Die rekonstruierten P-T Pfade verlaufen entgegen des Uhrzeigersinnes und sind in mehrere Stufen gegliedert: Während annähernd isobarer Aufheizung zu UHT-Bedingungen bei ca. 7 kbar wurden Biotit- und Hornblende-führende Mineralparagenesen weitgehend oder vollständig im Zuge von Dehydratations-Schmelzreaktionen verdrängt. Ein anschließender Druck-Anstieg um 2-3 kbar führte zur Bildung der höchstgradigen Mineralparagenesen Grt-Opx und (Grt-)Opx-Cpx in den Orthogneisen und Grt-Opx, Grt-Sil und (Grt-)(Spr-)Opx-Sil-Qtz in den Paragneisen. UHT-Metamorphose ist durch konventionelle Geothermobarometrie (970 +/- 70°C; 9.5 +/- 2.5 kbar), den sehr hohen Al-Gehalt von höchstgradigem Orthopyroxen (bis zu 11.9 Gew.% Al2O3) in zahlreichen Paragneisen und die Paragenese Opx-Sil-Qtz in den MgAl-reichen Gneisen belegt. Anschließende Dekompression ist durch zahlreiche Korona- und Symplektit-Gefüge um die höchstgradigen Minerale überliefert. Initiale UHT-Dekompression um ca. 2 kbar (940 +/- 60°C; 8 +/- 2 kbar) ist hauptsächlich durch Sapphirin-führende Symplektite in den MgAl-reichen Gneisen belegt. Anhaltende Dekompression unter granulitfaziellen Bedingungen (800 +/- 60°C; 6 +/- 2 kbar) führte zur Bildung von Crd-Opx-Spl, Crd-Opx und Spl-Crd Symplektiten. Anschließende annähernd isobare Abkühlung zu Bedingungen der oberen Amphibolitfazies (660 +/- 30°C; 5 +/- 1.5 kbar) führte zum Wiederwachstum von Biotit, Hornblende, Sillimanit und Granat. Während anhaltender Dekompression wurde in den Paragneisen Orthopyroxen und Cordierit auf Kosten von Biotit gebildet. In einem geodynamischen Model wird die UHT-Metamorphose wird mit der Bildung einer Magmenkammer an der Kruste-Mantel-Grenze in Zusammenhang gebracht, welche zugleich die Magmenquelle für die Anorthosite des KIK darstellt. Die amphibolitfazielle Metamorphose der Orue-Einheit wird dagegen mit einer regionalen Kontaktmetamorphose während der Platznahme der anorthositischen Magmen in Verbindung gebracht.
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A metamorfose de jovens lideranças que querem ser professoras: como a escuta analítica propicia a potência crítica da práxis. / The metamorphosis of young leaders who want to become teachers: how the analitical listening propitiates to critical potency of the praxis.Rodrigues, Tatiana Karinya Carpigiani 11 April 2008 (has links)
No presente trabalho pretendi investigar como se deu a constituição da identidade de três jovens lideranças da comunidade da favela do Real Parque/Jardim Panorama, levando em consideração os momentos de metamorfose que cada uma delas sofreu ao longo deste processo. A fim de compreender a complexidade dos aspectos envolvidos na constituição de suas identidades como futuras docentes, recorri a autores da Psicologia, Filosofia, Sociologia e História que permitissem ampliar meu olhar psicanalítico a respeito do objeto estudado. Existia nessas jovens algo de muito peculiar que contribuiu para o processo de constituição da identidade docente - uma consciência crítica aguçada. O encontro com alguns educadores, que lhes propiciou o desenvolvimento de um pensamento crítico, permitiu-lhes um olhar questionador em relação à realidade educacional encontrada nos estágios realizados em escolas municipais, por exigência de sua formação acadêmica. Por ocasião da presente pesquisa, ofereci a elas um espaço de escuta analítica, ancorada em uma concepção dialética da relação entre psique e mundo, que lhes permitisse questionar alguns aspectos relacionados à constituição da identidade docente, a ponto de metamorfosearem-se politicamente dando lugar a uma práxis transformadora, promovendo, nesse sentido, uma verdadeira educação emancipatória. Finalmente, terminei este trabalho com a descrição da revelação da práxis dessas jovens, que se deu em meio à liderança que exerceram espontaneamente junto à comunidade do Real Parque, impedindo a desapropriação de parte da favela em que moram, ocorrida no final de 2007. / In this present work, I intended to do a research on how the identity of three young leaders of Real Parque/Jardim Panorama shantytown was constituted, and also taking into consideration the changing that each one of them suffered along the process of investigation. In order to understand the complexity of the aspects involved in the constitution of their identities as future teachers, I looked for authors of Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology and History that allowed me to expand my psychoanalytic vision concerning the object of study. There was something very special with these youngsters that contributed to the process of constitution of their teaching identity - a critical sharpened consciousness. The meeting with some educators, which provided them a critical analysis, allowed them to question the real educational system found in municipal schools due to probations required in academic graduation. At the time of this research, I offered them a space of analytical listening, based on a dialectical concept of the connection between psyche and the world, which could allow them to question some aspects related to the constitution of the teaching identity, that was about to metamorphose them politically, giving place to a changing praxis and promoting, in this sense, a real emancipate education. Finally, I finished this work with the description of the disclosure of the praxis of these youngsters, which happened within their spontaneous leadership taken over inside Real Parque community, avoiding the dispossession of part of the slum where they live in the end of 2007.
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Stockage et mobilisation de la tyrosine au cours du développement larvaire de Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptère; Noctuidae)Rahbé, Yvan 13 December 1984 (has links) (PDF)
Résumé à venir
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Spinnarfjärilens doft : En narratologisk läsning av Gabrielle Wittkops roman Le NécrophileEngdahl, Lin January 2008 (has links)
<p>The present BA thesis is an analysis and a close reading of the French author Gabrielle Wittkop's novel Le Nécrophile (1972). The analysis consists of two parts. The first part focuses on the story and can be described as an attempt to interpret the engine of the history. The second part of the analysis focuses on the narrative; how the story is told. Le Nécrophiles main motif is re-encoding the representation of death in art and literature, traditionally conceived as a beautiful female corpse. The narrative embodies death as different of body types – men, women, old people, childen - and hence avoids to produce death as the female Other. By the use of different methods, such as metaphores, focalizing etc., the corpse becomes something more than a passive object, now threatening and interacting. In the novel necrophilia is described as a higher form of love. The historical view of sexuality as divided into high/low is strongly codified from a gender perspective; the higher form of love is associated with masculinity and the lower form with femininity. In Le Nécrophile the classification of high/low is based on life and death instead of masculinity and femininity; a new way of staging the binery pairs high/low.</p>
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Spinnarfjärilens doft : En narratologisk läsning av Gabrielle Wittkops roman Le NécrophileEngdahl, Lin January 2008 (has links)
The present BA thesis is an analysis and a close reading of the French author Gabrielle Wittkop's novel Le Nécrophile (1972). The analysis consists of two parts. The first part focuses on the story and can be described as an attempt to interpret the engine of the history. The second part of the analysis focuses on the narrative; how the story is told. Le Nécrophiles main motif is re-encoding the representation of death in art and literature, traditionally conceived as a beautiful female corpse. The narrative embodies death as different of body types – men, women, old people, childen - and hence avoids to produce death as the female Other. By the use of different methods, such as metaphores, focalizing etc., the corpse becomes something more than a passive object, now threatening and interacting. In the novel necrophilia is described as a higher form of love. The historical view of sexuality as divided into high/low is strongly codified from a gender perspective; the higher form of love is associated with masculinity and the lower form with femininity. In Le Nécrophile the classification of high/low is based on life and death instead of masculinity and femininity; a new way of staging the binery pairs high/low.
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Perte des mémoires isotopiques, Nd-Sr-O, et géochimiques, REE, primaires des komatiites au cours du métamorphisme : exemple de la Finlande orientale /Tourpin, Sylvie. January 1992 (has links)
Th. univ.--Géol.--Rennes 1, 1991. / Bibliogr. p. 159-173. Résumé en français.
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From high-pressure to migmatisation : on orogenic evolution of the Southern Lepontine (Central Alps of Switzerland/Italy) /Burri, Thomas. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Naturwiss. Bern. / Literaturverz.
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Gesteinseinschlüsse unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung in den Peninsular Gneisen Südindiens isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen zu ihrer Stellung im Geosystem Dharwar Kraton /Deters-Itzelsberger, Peter. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2003--München.
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Metamorfosis y metáfora mito y discurso en Pedro Calderón de la Barca y OvidioLópez López Pielow, Fátima January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Wuppertal, Univ., Diss., 2008 u.d.T.: López López Pielow, Fátima: Mito y discurso en Pedro Calderón de la Barca y Ovidio
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