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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engineering microchannels for vascularization in bone tissue engineering / Synthèse de microcanaux bioactifs pour la vascularisation

Aor, Bruno 17 December 2018 (has links)
In vitro, la formation de structures de type tubulaire avec des cellules endothéliales de veine ombilicale humaine (HUVEC) a été étudiée en combinant la fonctionnalisation de la chimie des matériaux et le développement de la géométrie tridimensionnelle. Le polycarbonate (PC) a été utilisé comme modèle pour le développement de l'échafaud. Le film de polysaccharide naturel, basé sur un dépôt alternatif couche par couche (LbL) d’acide hyaluronique (HA) et de chitosane (CHI), a d’abord été appliqué sur une surface PC et caractérisé en termes de croissance d’épaisseur microscopie à balayage lascar (CLSM). Cette première fonctionnalisation se traduit par un revêtement complet de la couche PC. Une biofonctionnalisation supplémentaire avec un peptide adhésif (RGD) et deux peptides angiogénétiques (SVV et QK) a été étudiée, immobilisant ces peptides sur le groupe carboxylique de HA précédemment déposé, en utilisant la chimie bien connue du carbodiimide. La version marquée de chaque peptide a été utilisée pour caractériser l’immobilisation et la pénétration des peptides dans les couches de polyélectrolytes, aboutissant à une greffe réussie avec une pénétration complète dans toute l’épaisseur du LbL. Des tests in vitro ont été effectués à l'aide de cellules HUVEC pour évaluer leur efficacité d'adhésion et leur activité métabolique sur la LbL avec et sans immobilisation de peptides, ce qui a permis d'améliorer l'activité préliminaire lorsque des combinaisons de peptides sont utilisées. Enfin, les micro-canaux PC (μCh) ont été développés et caractérisés pour la première fois, et les autres expériences ont été réalisées sur un micromètre de 25 μm de largeur, fonctionnalisé avec une architecture (HA / CHI) 12,5 (PC-LbL) avec des peptides RGD et QK -RGD + QK) ou avec des peptides RGD et SVV (PC-RGD + SVV). Notre première expérience de tubulogénèse a montré de manière surprenante la formation de structures de type tubulaire déjà après 2h d'incubation en utilisant la combinaison double-peptides, mais uniquement avec PC-RGD + QK. Les tubes étaient également présents après 3 et 4 heures de culture. L'expérience de co-culture avec des péricytes humains dérivés du placenta (hPC-PL) montre comment la stabilisation des tubes a été améliorée après 3 et 4 heures également pour l'échantillon de PC-RGD + SVV. Globalement, notre matériel bio-fonctionnel avec les peptides PC-RGD + QK et PC-RGD + SVV permet la formation d'une structure de type tubulaire à la fois dans une expérience de monoculture et de co-culture. / In vitro, tubular-like structures formation with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) was investigated by combining material chemistry functionalization and three-dimensional geometry development. Polycarbonate (PC) was used as a template for the development of the scaffold. Natural polysaccharide’s film based on alternate layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition of hyaluronic acid (HA) and chitosan (CHI), was first applied to PC surface and characterized in terms of thickness growth both, in dry conditions using ellipsometry, and confocal lascar scanning microscopy (CLSM). This first functionalization results in a complete coating of the PC layer. Further biofunctionalization with one adhesive peptide (RGD) and two angiogenetic peptides (SVV and QK) was investigated, immobilizing those peptides on the carboxylic group of HA previously deposited, using the well-known carbodiimide chemistry. The labeled version of each peptide was used to characterize the peptides’ immobilization and penetration into the polyelectrolytes layers, resulting in a successful grafting with complete penetration through the entire thickness of the LbL. In vitro tests were performed using HUVECs to assess their adhesion efficiency and their metabolic activity on the LbL with and without peptide immobilization, resulting in a preliminary improved activity when peptide-combinations is used. Finally, PC micro-channels (μCh) were first developed and characterized, and the rest of the experiments were performed on μCh of 25μm width, functionalized with (HA/CHI)12.5 architecture (PC-LbL) with RGD and QK peptides (PC-RGD+QK) or with RGD and SVV peptides (PC-RGD+SVV). Our first tubulogenesis experiment surprisingly showed the formation of tubular-like structures already after 2h of incubation using the double-peptides combination but only using PC-RGD+QK the tubes were present also after 3 and 4 hours of culture. The co-culture experiment with human pericytes derived from placenta (hPC-PL) demonstrates how the stabilization of the tubes was improved after 3 and 4 hours also for the PC-RGD+SVV sample. Globally our bio-functional material with PC-RGD+QK and PC-RGD+SVV peptides allow the formation of tubular-like structure in both mono and co-culture experiment.

Análise experimental do efeito da geometria da seção transversal e do desempenho de fluidos de reduzido GWP na ebulição convectiva em canais de dimensões reduzidas / Experimental analysis of the cross-sectional geometry effect and low GWP refrigerants performance during convective boiling inside micro-scale channels

Sempértegui Tapia, Daniel Felipe 23 March 2016 (has links)
A presente tese trata da análise experimental do efeito da geometria da seção transversal do canal e do desempenho de refrigerantes de reduzido GWP (Global Warming Potential) durante a ebulição convectiva em canais de reduzidas dimensões. A tese inclui ainda um estudo extenso e crítico da literatura sobre métodos de previsão da perda de pressão e do coeficiente de transferência de calor, e sobre estudos experimentais em canais não-circulares e de refrigerantes com reduzido GWP na ebulição convectiva em canais de dimensões reduzidas. Resultados para o coeficiente de transferência de calor e perda de pressão durante a ebulição convectiva foram obtidos para canais com geometrias de seção circular, quadrada e triangular para o refrigerante R134a. Nos testes utilizou-se canais com perímetros internos similares obtidos a partir da conformação de um tubo com diâmetro interno igual a 1,1 mm. No caso do canal circular, dados foram também levantados para os HFOs R1234ze(E) e R1234yf e o hidrocarboneto R600a, fluidos com reduzido GWP. Ensaios foram executados para amplas faixas de fluxos de calor e velocidades mássicas, temperaturas de saturação de 31 e 41°C e títulos de vapor entre 0 e 0,95. Aspectos relacionados aos efeitos da geometria e do fluido refrigerante foram minuciosamente investigados através da análise paramétrica dos resultados. Com base na comparação do banco de dados coletado com os métodos de previsão disponíveis na literatura, constatou-se que estes proporcionam previsões satisfatórias apenas para condições experimentais especificas. Portanto, novos métodos de previsão da perda de pressão e do coeficiente de transferência de calor foram desenvolvidos com base nos dados levantados no presente estudo. Os métodos propostos preveem satisfatoriamente o banco de dados do presente estudo e resultados independentes disponíveis na literatura. Adicionalmente, com base nos resultados levantados, verificou-se que dissipadores de calor baseados em multi-microcanais com canais de seção triangular apresentam desempenho superior comparados a dissipadores com canais quadrados e circulares. / The present thesis concerns an experimental study on the effects of cross-sectional geometry and low GWP refrigerants on the thermal-hydraulic performance for convective boiling inside micro-scale channels. Experimental results for heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop gradient during convective boiling were obtained for circular, square and triangular channels for the fluid R134a. The evaluated channels present the same external perimeter and equivalent diameters of 1.1, 0.977 and 0.835 mm, respectively. In the case of the circular geometry, experimental results were also acquired for the HFOs R1234ze(E) and R1234yf and the hydrocarbon R600a (isobutane), which are fluids with low GWP and null ODP. Experiments were performed for a wide range of heat fluxes and mass velocities, saturation temperatures of 31 and 41°C and vapor qualities up to 0.95. The experimental data were carefully analyzed and discussed based on a parametrical analysis focusing on the effect of the cross-sectional geometry and the working fluid. Subsequently, the experimental data were compared against the most quoted predictive methods from literature. In general, it was verified that none of the predictive methods were able to accurately capture the experimental trends of the overall database. So, new predictive methods for the pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient were developed based on the broad database obtained in the present study. The proposed methods provided satisfactory results not only for the experimental database used for its development, but also for independent databases collected in the literature. Additionally, based on the data obtained in the present study and a performance analysis taken into account pressure drop, heat transfer coefficient and the channel packing factor, triangular cross sectional geometry is recommended for heat sinks.

Local investigations of gas-liquid mass transfer around Taylor bubbles flowing in straight and meandering millimetric channels using a colorimetric method / Etudes locales par colorimétrie du transfert de matière gaz-liquide autour de bulles de Taylor en écoulement dans des canaux millimétriques droits et ondulés

Yang, Lixia 24 March 2017 (has links)
Les réacteurs-échangeurs à plaques (HEX) sont une technologie clé en intensification des procédés. Cependant, la plupart des recherches existantes portant sur ce type d'équipement ont été réalisées dans le cas d’écoulements monophasiques. Pour les réactions gaz-liquide, peu d'études ont été conduites. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier localement le transfert de matière gaz-liquide autour de bulles de Taylor en écoulement dans des canaux millimétriques droits et ondulés par une méthode dite colorimétrique. Ceci constitue une étape préliminaire indispensable avant la mise en œuvre de systèmes réactifs diphasiques. Il a d’abord déterminé si une possible accélération du transfert de matière gaz-liquide pouvait avoir lieu en présence de la réaction chimique utilisée. La deuxième phase de ce travail s’est focalisée sur l'étape de formation des bulles de Taylor dans un microréacteur. Ensuite, l'hydrodynamique gaz-liquide a été caractérisée et les effets des coudes sur le mécanisme de transfert de masse ont été étudiés localement dans un canal carré millimétrique ondulé. Enfin, une comparaison rigoureuse a pu être effectuée entre les différentes géométries de canaux (ondulé et droit). Elle a permis de montrer comment et pourquoi une géométrie ondulé permet d’intensifier le transfert de masse gaz-liquide (notamment en terme d’efficacité de transfert). L’ensemble de ces résultats ont conduit à la formulation une loi d'échelle, exprimée en termes de nombres de Sherwood, de Graetz et de Péclet, capable de décrire l'évolution du transfert de matière gaz-liquide en fonction de la position axiale dans le canal et des conditions opératoires mises en œuvre. / Compact Heat-EXchanger reactors (HEX) are an important part of process intensification technology. However, most of the existed research dealing with such type of equipment has been focused on the application of one-phase reactive flows. For gas-liquid reactions, few investigations have been out carried. This thesis aims at locally studying gas-liquid mass transfer around Taylor bubbles flowing in straight and meandering millimetric channels using a colorimetric method; this is a preliminary step essential before implementing two-phase reactive systems. Firstly, the occurrence of a possible enhancement of the gas-liquid mass transfer by the chemical reaction involved was investigated. Secondly, the gas-liquid mass transfer occurring in Taylor flows right after the bubble formation stage in a microreactor was studied. Thirdly, the gas-liquid hydrodynamics were characterized and the effects of bends on the mass transfer mechanism were locally investigated in a millimetric meandering channel. At last, a rigorous comparison could be made between the meandering and straight channels. It showed how and why the meandering geometry leads to intensify gas-liquid mass transfer. All these findings enabled to formulate a scaling law, expressed in terms of Sherwood, Graetz and Péclet numbers, able to describe the evolution of gas-liquid mass transfer as a function of axial position and operating conditions.

Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer on a Dendritic and Micro-Porous Copper Structure

Furberg, Richard January 2011 (has links)
A novel surface structure comprising dendritically ordered nano-particles of copper was developed during the duration of this thesis research project. A high current density electrodeposition process, where hydrogen bubbles functioned as a dynamic mask for the materials deposition, was used as a basic fabrication method. A post processing annealing treatment was further developed to stabilize and enhance the mechanical stability of the structure. The structure was studied quite extensively in various pool boiling experiments in refrigerants; R134a and FC-72. Different parameters were investigated, such as; thickness of the porous layer, presence of vapor escape channels, annealed or non-annealed structure. Some of the tests were filmed with a high speed camera, from which visual observation were made as well as quantitative bubble data extracted. The overall heat transfer coefficient in R134a was enhanced by about an order of magnitude compared to a plain reference surface and bubble image data suggests that both single- and two-phase heat transfer mechanisms were important to the enhancement. A quantitative and semi-empirical boiling model was presented where the main two-phase heat transfer mechanism inside the porous structure was assumed to be; micro-layer evaporation formed by an oscillating vapor-liquid meniscus front with low resistance vapor transport through escape channels. Laminar liquid motion induced by the oscillating vapor front was suggested as the primary single-phase heat transfer mechanism. The structure was applied to a standard plate heat exchanger evaporator with varying hydraulic diameter in the refrigerant channel. Again, a 10 times improved heat transfer coefficient in the refrigerant channel was recorded, resulting in an improvement of the overall heat transfer coefficient with over 100%. A superposition model was used to evaluate the results and it was found that for the enhanced boiling structure, variations of the hydraulic diameter caused a change in the nucleate boiling mechanism, which accounted for the largest effect on the heat transfer performance. For the standard heat exchanger, it was mostly the convective boiling mechanism that was affected by the change in hydraulic diameter. The structure was also applied to the evaporator surface in a two-phase thermosyphon with R134a as working fluid. The nucleate boiling mechanism was found to be enhanced with about 4 times and high speed videos of the enhanced evaporator reveal an isolated bubble flow regime, similar to that of smooth channels with larger hydraulic diameters. The number and frequency of the produced bubbles were significantly higher for the enhanced surface compared to that of the plain evaporator. This enhanced turbulence and continuous boiling on the porous structure resulted in decreased oscillations in the thermosyphon for the entire range of heat fluxes. / QC 20111111

Análise experimental do efeito da geometria da seção transversal e do desempenho de fluidos de reduzido GWP na ebulição convectiva em canais de dimensões reduzidas / Experimental analysis of the cross-sectional geometry effect and low GWP refrigerants performance during convective boiling inside micro-scale channels

Daniel Felipe Sempértegui Tapia 23 March 2016 (has links)
A presente tese trata da análise experimental do efeito da geometria da seção transversal do canal e do desempenho de refrigerantes de reduzido GWP (Global Warming Potential) durante a ebulição convectiva em canais de reduzidas dimensões. A tese inclui ainda um estudo extenso e crítico da literatura sobre métodos de previsão da perda de pressão e do coeficiente de transferência de calor, e sobre estudos experimentais em canais não-circulares e de refrigerantes com reduzido GWP na ebulição convectiva em canais de dimensões reduzidas. Resultados para o coeficiente de transferência de calor e perda de pressão durante a ebulição convectiva foram obtidos para canais com geometrias de seção circular, quadrada e triangular para o refrigerante R134a. Nos testes utilizou-se canais com perímetros internos similares obtidos a partir da conformação de um tubo com diâmetro interno igual a 1,1 mm. No caso do canal circular, dados foram também levantados para os HFOs R1234ze(E) e R1234yf e o hidrocarboneto R600a, fluidos com reduzido GWP. Ensaios foram executados para amplas faixas de fluxos de calor e velocidades mássicas, temperaturas de saturação de 31 e 41°C e títulos de vapor entre 0 e 0,95. Aspectos relacionados aos efeitos da geometria e do fluido refrigerante foram minuciosamente investigados através da análise paramétrica dos resultados. Com base na comparação do banco de dados coletado com os métodos de previsão disponíveis na literatura, constatou-se que estes proporcionam previsões satisfatórias apenas para condições experimentais especificas. Portanto, novos métodos de previsão da perda de pressão e do coeficiente de transferência de calor foram desenvolvidos com base nos dados levantados no presente estudo. Os métodos propostos preveem satisfatoriamente o banco de dados do presente estudo e resultados independentes disponíveis na literatura. Adicionalmente, com base nos resultados levantados, verificou-se que dissipadores de calor baseados em multi-microcanais com canais de seção triangular apresentam desempenho superior comparados a dissipadores com canais quadrados e circulares. / The present thesis concerns an experimental study on the effects of cross-sectional geometry and low GWP refrigerants on the thermal-hydraulic performance for convective boiling inside micro-scale channels. Experimental results for heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop gradient during convective boiling were obtained for circular, square and triangular channels for the fluid R134a. The evaluated channels present the same external perimeter and equivalent diameters of 1.1, 0.977 and 0.835 mm, respectively. In the case of the circular geometry, experimental results were also acquired for the HFOs R1234ze(E) and R1234yf and the hydrocarbon R600a (isobutane), which are fluids with low GWP and null ODP. Experiments were performed for a wide range of heat fluxes and mass velocities, saturation temperatures of 31 and 41°C and vapor qualities up to 0.95. The experimental data were carefully analyzed and discussed based on a parametrical analysis focusing on the effect of the cross-sectional geometry and the working fluid. Subsequently, the experimental data were compared against the most quoted predictive methods from literature. In general, it was verified that none of the predictive methods were able to accurately capture the experimental trends of the overall database. So, new predictive methods for the pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient were developed based on the broad database obtained in the present study. The proposed methods provided satisfactory results not only for the experimental database used for its development, but also for independent databases collected in the literature. Additionally, based on the data obtained in the present study and a performance analysis taken into account pressure drop, heat transfer coefficient and the channel packing factor, triangular cross sectional geometry is recommended for heat sinks.

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