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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Établissement et stabilisation d'une formulation lipidique équilibrée nutritionnellement : résolution des problèmes de texture et de flaveur, et validation nutritionnelle sur modèle animal / Design and stabilisation of a nutritionally balanced lipidic formula : solving of texture and flavour problems, and nutritional validation on animal model

Dubois, Virginie 18 October 2007 (has links)
Les accidents cardio-vasculaires représentent la première cause de décès en France. Parmi les facteurs de risque de ces pathologies figure la structure de l’apport lipidique, excédentaire en acides gras saturés, et déficitaire en acides gras polyinsaturés n-3. L’objectif de cette thèse est la mise au point d’un corps gras alimentaire, dont le profil lipidique permet de participer au rééquilibrage des apports en acides gras, avec comme cible la prévention des maladies cardio-vasculaires.Quatre études ont été réalisées pour répondre à cette problématique. Après la mise au point du profil en acides gras optimal, l’impact de la formulation de la phase concrète sur la texture du produit a été étudié afin de concilier les exigences nutritionnelles et les contraintes techniques de sa fabrication et de sa conservation.La mise au point de la formulation de la phase fluide a engendré une étude sur le développement de composés volatils délétères suite à l’addition d’une proportion importante d’huile de poisson dans la formule. Ce travail a mis en évidence deux phénomènes liés au dégagement de ces molécules, l’un attribué à l’oxydation des lipides, l’autre au contact avec l’eau.Le besoin de protéger les nutriments d’intérêt dans la matrice alimentaire a conduit à la mise au point d’une technologie de microencapsulation, originale de par son procédé de fabrication et sa finalité.Enfin, une étude de la biodisponibilité chez l’animal a montré que ce produit alimentaire est un vecteur efficace de ces nutriments d’intérêt que sont les acides gras polyinsaturés à longue chaîne. Apportés dans une telle matrice, ces composés ont modifié le profil lipidique des cellules circulantes et cérébrales, ce qui permet potentiellement d’améliorer le statut inflammatoire et coagulant des animaux / Cardiovascular events are the major cause of death in France. Among the known risk factors, lipid intake is of growing interest, saturated fatty acids being too much consumed, and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids not enough. The aim of this PhD study is to design a spread with a lipid profile that can improve the whole lipid intake, and with cardiovascular events prevention as main goal.Four studies were conducted regarding this issue. Following the design of the optimal fatty acid profile for the product, it appeared necessary to study the solid phase recipe impact on the product texture, to achieve both nutritional and technological restrains.The design of the liquid phase recipe generated a study on the development of deleterious volatile compounds following the addition of a high proportion of fish oil in the formula. This work highlighted two phenomena linked to the emission of these molecules, one related to lipid oxidation, and the other to a contact with water.A technology of microencapsulation, which is original because of its production process and aim, was designed to ensure the protection of the active nutrients in the product matrix.Finally, a bioavailability study in rats showed that this food product is a powerful way of providing these nutrients. Incorporated in such a matrix, these molecules modified the lipid profile of the circulating and cerebral cells membrane, potentially improving the inflammatory and clotting status of the animals

The Application of Microencapsulated Biobased Phase Change Material on Textile

Hagman, Susanna January 2016 (has links)
The increasing demand for energy in combination with a greater awareness for our environmental impact have encouraged the development of sustainable energy sources, including materials for energy storage. Latent heat thermal energy storage by the use of phase change material (PCM) have become an area of great interest. It is a reliable and efficient way to reduce energy consumption. PCMs store and release latent heat, which means that the material can absorb the excess of heat energy, save it and release it when needed. By introducing soy wax as a biobased PCM and apply it on textile, one can achieve a thermoregulation material to be used in buildings and smart textiles. By replacing the present most used PCM, paraffin, with soy wax one cannot only decrease the use of fossil fuel, but also achieve a less flammable material. The performance of soy wax PCM applied on a textile fabric have not yet been investigated but can be a step towards a more sustainable energy consumption. The soy wax may also broaden the application for PCM due to its low flammability. The aim is to develop an environmental friendly latent heat thermal energy storage material to be used within numerous application fields.

Development of in-situ coated lactose particles during spray drying

Brech, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Lactose is used in many food/pharmaceutical products, despite powders containing amorphous lactose being difficult to handle because they tend to be sticky and are prone to crystallization and powder caking. There is therefore a market for lactose powder with improved functionality to facilitate powder handling. The aim of the proposed project was to produce a value-added, free-flowing and non-caking lactose powder that can be easily blended into other dairy products, such as dry-powder soups or drinks, and non-dairy products such as chocolate bars. The principle of particle coating during spray drying (in-situ coating), which exploits the phenomenon of solute segregation of different components within the drying droplet, was used for the purpose of producing such powders. In this work, spray-dried lactose powders containing low concentrations of edible additives, such as proteins, polymers or fat, were produced in order to investigate the ability of these additives to accumulate at the droplet surface during drying to form a coating that improves powder functional properties and limits powder caking. This thesis presents the results of the trials necessary to develop these coated powder by the use of an

Primena protein-polimer interakcije za formiranje mikrokapsula sa kontrolisanim otpuštanjem aktivne supstance / Application of the protein-polymer interaction for the formation of microcapsules with controlled release of the active substance

Fraj Jadranka 25 November 2016 (has links)
<p>Mikrokapsule, kao nosači aktivnih supstanci, imaju sve veću primenu u različitim granama industrije, naročito prehrambene i farmaceutske. Inkorporiranje biolo&scaron;ki aktivnih supstanci unutar mikrokapsula omogućava maskiranje neprijatnih mirisa i ukusa, za&scaron;titu osetljivih i lako isparljivih komponenata.<br />Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je dobijanje mikrokapsula za istovremeno inkorporiranje hidrosolubilnih i liposolubilnih aktivnih materija, radi njihove za&scaron;tite i kontrolisanog otpu&scaron;tanja. Mikrokapsule su formirane iz duplih emulzija tipa voda-ulje-voda (V/U/V) metodom koacervacije, odnosno deponovanjem koacervata, koji nastaje u sistemu dva suprotno naelektrisana proteina, želatina i natrijum kazeinata (NaKN), na granicu faza ulje/voda. Kao model supstance za hidrosolubilne i liposolubilne biolo&scaron;ki aktivne materije, kori&scaron;ćeni su vitamini C i E.<br />Najpre su detaljno ispitane interakcije u sistemu želatin/NaKN primenom različitih metoda (merenje zeta potencijala, tenziometrija, viskozimetrija, reolo&scaron;ka ispitivanja). Na osnovu ovih rezultata definisane su promene, kako na granici faza, tako i unutar rastvora, kao i mehanizama formiranja koacervata između ova dva suprotno naelektrisana proteina. Utvrđeno je da se pri masenom odnosu želatin:NaKN od 2:1 dolazi do formiranja nerastvornog koacervata. Ispitan je uticaj interakcija u ovom sistemu na osobine duplih, V/U/V emulzija dobijenih emulgovanjem primarnih voda/ulje (V/U) emulzija u sme&scaron;i želatin/NaKN, pri njihovim odabranim masenim odnosima i zaključeno je da interakcija između proteina u kontinualnoj fazi utiče na<br />osobine emulzija.<br />S obzirom da je prvi korak ka dobijanju stabilne V/U/V emulzije, dobijanje stabilne primarne V/U emulzije, ispitana je mogućnost primene lipofilnih emulgatora, poliglicerol poliricinoleata (PGPR) i poliglicerol estra jestivih masnih kiselina i njihovih sme&scaron;a, za dobijanje 20% V/U emulzija. Ispitivanjem uticaja sastava sme&scaron;e emulgatora i njegove koncentracije na formiranje adsorpcionog sloja na graničnoj povr&scaron;ini ulje/voda i osobine formiranih V/U emulzija odabran je najpogodniji sistem za stabilizaciju primarnih emulzija.<br />Nakon formulisanja stabilnih duplih V/U/V emulzija sa inkorporiranim vitaminima C i E, optimizovani su uslovi za dobijanje mikrokapsula umrežavanjem kompleksa proteina na kapima ulja pomoću genipina, a njihovo izdvajanje iz rastvora ostvareno je primenom Spray drying postupka. Karakterizacijom dobijenih mikrokapsula (ispitivanjem morfologije povr&scaron;ine, efikasnosti inkapsulacije vitamina C i E, kinetike otpu&scaron;tanja vitamina C u in vitro uslovima) zaključeno je da na osobine mikrokapsula utiče koncentracija umreživača, kao i interakcija između želatina i NaKN u kontinualnoj fazi emulzija V/U/V.</p> / <p>Microcapsules, as active substance carriers, have increasing application in different industries, especially in food and pharmaceutical industry. Incorporation of the biologically active substances inside the microcapsules allows masking of unpleasant taste and smell, protection od sensitive and volatile components.<br />The aim of this thesis is preparation of microcapsules for parallel incorporation of water and oil soluble active substances for their protection and controlled release. Microcapsules were formed from double water-oil-water emulsions (W/O/W) by coacervation method, depositing the coacervate formed in the system of two oppositely charged proteins, gelatin and sodium caseinate (NaCN), at the water/oil interface. As a model for water and oil soluble biological active substances, vitamins C and E were used.<br />First of all, interactions in the gelatin/NaCN system were investigated in detail, by using different methods (measuring of zeta potential, tensiometry, vicometry, rheological investigations). Based on these results, changes at the interface and in the bulk of the system, as well as mechanisms of coacervate formation were defined. It has been determined that at gelatin:NaCN mass ratio of 2:1 non soluble coacervate were formed.<br />Influence of the interactions in this system on properties of the W/O/W double emulsions, made by emulsification of primary water/oil (W/O) emulsions in gelatin/NaCN mixtures, at desired mass ratios of proteins, was investigated. It was concluded that interactions between proteins in continuous phase of emulsions have influence on their properties.<br />As the first step in formation of stable W/O/W emulsions is<br />obtaining stable primary W/O emulsion, possibility of using lipophilic emulsifiers, polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) and polyglycerol esters of edible fatty acids and their mixtures, for 20% W/O emulsions formation were investigated. Results of these investigations showed that composition of emulsifiers mixtures and their concentrations have an influence on adsorption layer, at the water/oil interface, formation, as well as on stability of W/O emulsion, and based on these results the most suitable system of emulsifiers were chosen.<br />After formulation of stable double W/O/W emulsions with incorporated vitamins C and E, conditions for microcapsules formation, by crosslinking of proteins complex at oil droplets with genipin, were optimized, and for their separation from dispersion spray drying method was applied. Characterization of obtained microcapsules (investigation of the surface morphology, efficiency of the vitamins C and E encapsulation, release kinetics of vitamin C under in vitro conditions) showed that concentration of crosslinking agent, as well as interaction between gelatin and NaCN, have an influence on microcapsules properties.</p>

Primena sistema hitozan-jonska površinski aktivna materija za dobijanje mikrokapsula uljnog sadržaja / Application of chitosan-ionic surfactant system for the preparation of microcapsules with oil content

Milinković Budinčić Jelena 05 July 2019 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Mikrokapsulacija je tehnika kojom se nestabilne, međusobno inkompatibilne i biolo&scaron;ki aktivne supstance prevode u stabilniji oblik, ili se omogućuje njihovo kontrolisano i ciljano oslobađanje. Osobine formiranih mikrokapsula, kinetika i mesto otpu&scaron;tanja inkapsuliranih materija zavise, pre svega, od njihovog omotača. Savremene tendencije razvoja prehrambenih proizvoda i proizvoda farmaceutske i kozmetičke industrije, su sve vi&scaron;e usmerene ka upotrebi prirodnih i biorazgradivih polimernih materija za formiranje omotača mikrokapsula.<br />Cilj ove disertacije je mogućnost primene hitozana, netoksičnog, biorazgradivog derivata hitina, kao materije omotača mikrokapsula sa uljnim sadržajem. S obzirom na njegovu slabu povr&scaron;insku aktivnost, istraživanja su usmerena na primenu interakcija hitozana sa suprotno naelektrisanim jonskim povr&scaron;inski aktivnim materijama (PAM) u vodenim rastvorima, kao mehanizmu za njegovo deponovanje na graničnoj povr&scaron;ini ulje/voda.<br />Primenom različitih metoda (tenziometrija, viskozimetrija, turbidimetrija, merenje elektroforetske pokretljivosti) interakcije hitozana sa natrijum-dodecil-sulfatom (SDS) i natrijum-lauriletar-sulfatom (SLES) su detaljno ispitane. Definisane su promene kako na granici faza, tako i unutar rastvora, a mehanizam formiranja kompleksa hitozan/PAM različitih osobina je u potpunosti razja&scaron;njen. Utvrđeno je da do formiranja stabilnog koacervata dolazi pri masenom odnosu hitozan:SLES 1:2 i hitozan:SDS 1:2.<br />Ispitivanje uticaja interakcije hitozan-PAM na osobine emulzionih sistema tipa ulje u vodi (veličina i raspodela veličina kapi, stabilnost) omogućilo je odabir hitozan-SLES sistema kao omotača pogodnog za dobijanje mikrokapsula uljnog sadržaja. Na osnovu ovih rezulatata kao uljna faza odabrani su trigliceridi srednje dužine ugljovodoničnih lanca (TSDL). Su&scaron;enjem emulzija primenom spray drying postupka dobijene se mikrokapsule uljnog sadržaja sa vitaminom E i ispitan je uticaj umreživača na njihove osobine. Karakterizacijom dobijenih mikrokapsula (određivanje sadržaja vlage, ispitivanje morfologije povr&scaron;ine, efiksanost inkapsulacije vitamina E, kinetika otpu&scaron;tanja vitamina E u in vitro uslovima) zaključeno je da na osobine mikrokapsula utiče vrsta i koncentracija umreživača. Mikrokapsule čiji omotač nije umrežen pokazale su najbolje karakteristike.</p> / <p>Microencapsulation is a technique that unstable, incompatible and biologically active substances converted to a more stable form, or allow their controlled and targeted release. The properties of formed microcapsules, kinetics and the place of release of encapsulated substances, primarly depend on their shell characteristic. Modern trends in the development of food products and products of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries are increasingly focused on the use of natural and biodegradable polymeric materials for coatings.<br />The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the possibility of using chitosan, non-toxic and biodegradable chitin derivative, as a shell material of microcapsules with oil content. Due to its low surface activity, the research is focused on the utilization of chitosan interactions with opositly charged ionic surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES)) in aqueous solutions as mechanisms for its depositing at the oil/water interface.<br />Based on detailed investigation of interactions in the chitosan-ionic surfactant systems using different methods (tensiometry, viscometry, turbidimetry, measurement of electrophoretic mobility), changes have been defined both at the interface and within the bulk, as well as the mechanism of formation of the coacervate phase. It has been determined that at chitosan:SLES and chitosan:SDS mass ratio of 1:2 stabile coacervate were formed.<br />An investigation of the influence of interaction on the properties of oil-in-water emulsion systems (size and distribution of droplet size, stability) enabled the chitosan-SLES system to be selected as a shell suitable for obtaining microcapsules of the oil content. Also, based on these results, medium-chain triglycerides were selected as the oil phase of the emulsion.<br />Microcapsules with vitamin E were obtained by spray drying of emulsions stabilized with chitosan/SLES complex. The influence of the crosslinker on the properties of microcapsules was investigated. Characterization of obtained microcapsules (moisture content determination, investigation of the surface morphology, efficiency of the vitamin E encapsulation, release in vitro kinetics of vitamin E) showed that type and concentration of crosslinking agents had influences the properties of microcapsules. Microcapsules without crosslinking agents have the most suitable characteristics.</p>

Bioprocessos fermentativos, purificação, caracterização e estabilização de peptidase secretada pelo fungo Aspergillus terreus / Fermentation bioprocesses, purification, characterization and stabilization of peptidase secreted by the fungus

Siqueira, Ana Claudia Rodrigues de 15 March 2013 (has links)
Os fungos filamentosos são utilizados em larga escala na produção de produtos biotecnológicos na indústria devido a sua versatilidade e um dos exemplos são as peptidases que representam uma das principais classes de enzimas hidrolíticas. As peptidases são hidrolases que catalisam a quebra das ligações peptídicas das proteínas e que nos microrganismos são responsáveis por funções fisiológicas e patológicas, além de ter muitas aplicações em diversos campos industriais. Neste estudo foram analisados diferentes bioprocessos fermentativos para produção de peptidases pelo fungo Aspergillus terreus. Este microrganismo foi capaz de produzir peptidases em ambos os bioprocessos, sólido ou submerso, obtendo melhor performance e o pico de produção no bioprocesso fermentativo sólido de valor 677U/mL, nas condições 5g de farelo de trigo, 72 horas, 30°C e 75% de umidade. Utilizando o bioprocesso fermentativo submerso também obtivemos resultados satisfatórios com pico de atividade de 360U/mL, nas condições de meio padrão suplementado com Caseína 0,5%, 72 horas e 35°C. A caracterização bioquímica parcial dos extratos dos dois bioprocessos mostrou semelhanças entre algumas características das enzimas produzidas como a faixa extensa de pH ótimo abrangendo regiões ácidas, neutra e alcalinas, temperatura ótima pontual de 55°C e perfil de inibição pelo PMSF e EDTA. Contudo, os perfis de estabilidade (pH e temperatura) e comportamento frente a adição de íons apresentaram respostas diferentes entre si, o que sugere a produção de enzimas diferentes produzidas pelo mesmo fungo em meios distintos. A microencapsulação por Spray Drying como processo de estabilização foi satisfatória obtendo rendimentos de 37,5-58,2% e com níveis acima de 50% de atividade enzimática. Em contrapartida, a imobilização enzimática demonstrou ser eficaz na etapa de ligação ao suporte, mas não foi capaz de estabilizar a enzima presente no extrato, o que ficou caracterizado pela perda de atividade proteolítica. / Filamentous fungi are extensively used in the production of biotechnological products in industry because of their versatility and one of the examples are peptidases which constitute a major class of hydrolytic enzymes. The peptidases are hydrolases which catalyze the cleavage of peptide bonds of proteins and microorganisms that are responsible for the physiological and pathological roles, in addition to having many applications in various industrial fields. This study evaluated various bioprocesses for fermentative production of peptidases by the fungus Aspergillus terreus. This microorganism was able to produce peptidase in both bioprocess, solid or submerged, achieving better performance in the solid bioprocess with peak of production of 677U/mL under the conditions 5g wheat bran, 72 hours, 30°C and 75% humidity . Using submerged fermentation bioprocess we also obtained satisfactory results with peak of activity of 360U/mL with conditions of standard medium supplemented with 0.5% casein, 72 hours and 35°C. Biochemical characterization of the two partial purified extracts showed similarities between some characteristics of the enzymes produced, as large optimum pH range spanning regions acidic, neutral and alkaline point temperature optimum of 55 ° C and the inhibition profile of PMSF and EDTA. However, the stability profiles (pH and temperature) and behavior in addition ions showed different responses to each extract, which suggests the production of different enzymes in different ways. Microencapsulation by Spray Drying and stabilization process was obtaining satisfactory yields of 37.5 to 58.2%, with levels above 50% of enzyme activity. In contrast, the enzyme immobilization step was effective in bonding the support, but was not able to stabilize the enzyme present in the extract, which was characterized by the loss of proteolytic activity

Beta-caroteno encapsulado em micropartículas lipídicas sólidas: avaliação tecnológica e sensorial da incorporação em iogurte / Encapsulated beta-carotene in solid lipid microparticles: technological and sensory assessemnt of its incorporation in yoghurt

Molina, Camila Velludo 31 October 2014 (has links)
O beta-caroteno é uma substância lipofílica com características nutricionais importantes, mas devido a sua susceptibilidade à degradação, sua ingestão diária pode ficar comprometida. O sistema de encapsulação em micropartículas lipídicas sólidas pode ser uma alternativa para solucionar essa questão, por possuir a propriedade de liberação controlada do bioativo, que aumenta a biodisponibilidade no organismo humano, entre outras qualidades. Existem questões a serem elucidadas acerca da estrutura, modo de preparo e a aplicabilidade de sistemas de micropartículas lipídicas sólidas, e para isso foram testadas formulações utilizando como lipídio sólido a estearina de palma. O tensoativo utilizado neste trabalho foi o isolado proteico de soja, que foi disperso em água deionizada e submetido a tratamento térmico em diferentes condições de pH. Estas dispersões foram caracterizadas quanto ao potencial zeta, tensão interfacial em contato com a estearina de palma, hidrofobicidade superficial, perfil de aminoácidos, caracterização de frações proteicas por meio de eletroforese (SDS-PAGE), calorimetria diferencial de varredura e difratometria em raios-X. A caracterização físico-química dos sistemas de micropartículas foi realizada através de ensaios de distribuição de tamanho de partícula, potencial zeta e concentração de beta-caroteno. Estes ensaios objetivaram avaliar a viabilidade da aplicação na indústria de alimentos, mais especificamente, de sua incorporação em iogurte. Os iogurtes aplicados de micropartículas lipídicas sólidas encapsulando beta-caroteno foram analisados em termos de colorimetria instrumental, análises de pH, acidez, teor de gordura, proteína, densidade, reologia e avaliação de aceitação sensorial. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a possibilidade de estabilização de sistemas com as dispersões de isolado proteico. As dispersões que obtiveram melhor desempenho foram as submetidas a tratamento térmico em pH 12. Os indicaram alta viabilidade de aplicação, especialmente para os sistemas contendo alfa-tocoferol. / Beta-carotene is a hydrophobic bioactive compound with important nutritional value but its high tendency to degradation can reduce its health benefits related to dietary intake. Encapsulation lipid carriers such as solid lipid microparticles (SLM) are feasible alternatives to solve this issue, for example, by increasing its bioavailability. There are many questions about structure, formulation and procedures to be answered and also about its feasibility of application on food products. Aiming at answering some of those questions, this present study tested palm stearin as a solid lipid for the formulations. Soy protein isolate dispersed in deionized water at pH ranging from 3 to 12 were prepared and tested by zeta potential, surface tension in contact with palm stearin, surface hydrophobicity, aminoacids profile, electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Physicochemical characterization of the SLM systems loaded with beta-carotene was done by particle size, zeta potential and beta-carotene concentration. Aforesaid studies aimed at improving our understanding about the physicochemical stability of those systems and also at evaluating the viability of their incorporation in stirred yoghurt. Different formulations of yoghurt were manufactured and tested by colorimetric analysis, pH, titratable acidity in lactic acid, lipids and protein concentrations, density, rheology and sensory acceptance trials. The results were significantly positive. For the soy protein isolate analysis, the dispersions produced by thermal treatment under alkaline ph (namely, pH 12) had the best performance. Concerning the SLM systems incorporated in yoghurt, further interesting results were found. Yoghurts produced with SLM added to alpha-tocopherol (alfa-tocopherol:beta-carotene concentrations of 1:2 and 1:1) were significantly better from those without alpha-tocopherol regarding colour stability for the observation period of 25 days. Future extensions may focus on enhancing beta-carotene loads to SLM systems as well as on testing the incorporation of SLM systems (or their adaptations) in other food products, particularly those requiring additional colour intensity.

Desenvolvimento e caracterização de sistemas de liberação de própolis intrabolsa periodontal / Development and characterisation of into the periodontal pocket propolis delivery systems.

Bruschi, Marcos Luciano 09 November 2006 (has links)
As doenças periodontais constituem um grupo de condições inflamatórias e infecciosas que afetam as estruturas de suporte dental, resultando na formação de bolsas entre a gengiva e o dente que causam retração gengival e a formação de um ambiente ideal para o crescimento de microorganismos, podendo progredir e causar a perda do dente. O tratamento fundamenta-se na remoção dos microorganismos responsáveis pela infecção e a utilização de antimicrobianos e/ou antiinflamatórios. Existem vários estudos comprovando a atividade da própolis no tratamento de doenças periodontais, na forma de solução extrativa. Além disso, nos dias de hoje, busca-se o controle das bactérias subgengivais através da liberação dos fármacos no interior da bolsa periodontal a partir de sistemas biodegradáveis ou não, permanecendo por tempo pré-determinado, exercendo ação terapêutica. Nesse sentido, no presente trabalho, dois sistemas para liberação de própolis no interior da bolsa periodontal foram desenvolvidos e caracterizados. Os sistemas contendo micropartículas de própolis foram baseados em semisólido bioadesivo termo-sensível, formado por poloxamer 407 e Carbopol 934P®, e em precursor de fase líquida cristalina, formado por álcool cetílico etoxilado 20-OE e propoxilado 5-OP e miristato de isopropila, sendo que ambos demonstraram propriedades adequadas à liberação de própolis intrabolsa periodontal. A determinação do perfil de liberação in vitro desses sistemas demonstrou que a própolis pode ser liberada de forma controlada por um período de, no mínimo, sete dias no interior da bolsa periodontal. / Periodontal diseases are a group of inflammatory and infectious conditions that affects the supporting structures of the teeth. It results in the formation of pockets between the soft tissue of the gingiva and the tooth, producing gingival retraction and an ideal environment to the microorganisms growth and can eventually cause the tooth loss. The treatment of periodontal diseases is based on the removing of microorganisms and the utilization of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. There are many studies showing the propolis activity on the periodontal diseases treatment, using propolis extractive solution. Moreover, nowadays, the treatments aim the control of subgingival bacteria through the drug delivery into the periodontal pocket from biodegradable or not-biodegradable systems, staying of a predetermined time, exerting therapeutic action. Thus, in this exclusive study, two into the periodontal pocket propolis delivery systems were developed and characterised. Systems containing propolis microparticles were based in thermo-sensitive bioadhesive semi-solid, composed by poloxamer 407 with Carbopol 934P®, and based in precursor system of liquid crystalline phase, composed by 20-OE ethoxilated and 5-OP propoxylated cetyl alcohol with isopropyl myristate. Both of the systems had showed suitable properties to delivery propolis into the periodontal pocket. The determination of in vitro delivery behaviour of these systems showed that the propolis can be delivered of a controlled way for a time of, at least, seven days within the periodontal pocket.

Efeito da encapsulação de licopeno na sua estabilidade e biodisponibilidade / Effect of encapsulation of lycopene on their stability and bioavailability

Pelissari, Julio Rafael 23 May 2014 (has links)
Licopeno, um pigmento natural considerado o mais potente antioxidante dentre os carotenoides, é oque tem maior incidência no soro humano. Seu consumo regular está relacionado principalmente com a prevenção do câncer de próstata. Porém, estudos também demonstram sua relação com a prevenção de câncer de pâncreas e bexiga, doenças cardiovasculares como a aterosclerose e doenças neurodegenerativas. Todavia, por ser altamente insaturado o licopeno é susceptível à degradação, sendo degradado na presença de luz, oxigênio e se exposto a altas temperaturas. A microencapsulação entra como uma alternativa para tentar garantir maior estabilidade a este carotenoide. A técnica de spray-chilling, por dispensar o emprego de altas temperaturas e solventes durante o processo de atomização, representa uma alternativa promissora na encapsulação do licopeno. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram encapsular uma solução oleosa de licopeno (10%) através da técnica de spray-chilling,utilizando gordura vegetal low trans como carreador, caracterizar as micropartículas obtidas e avaliar a biodisponibilidade do licopeno livre e encapsulado em ratos wistars. Foram formulados seis tratamentos, que diferiam pela concentração de solução comercial de licopeno, sendo T1 com 20%, T2 com 23,1%, T3 com 28,6%, T4 com 33,3%, T5 com 17,9% mais 10% de goma arábica e T6 com 19,2% mais 5% de carboximetilcelulose (CMC). As micropartículas obtidas destes tratamentos foram avaliadas quanto a tamanho e distribuição, morfologia por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier (FT-IR), difração de raios-X (DRX). A estabilidade do licopeno encapsulado foi avaliada em diferentes condições de armazenamento (sob vácuo, umidade relativa de 33%, temperatura de refrigeração e ambiente) e também foi determinada por meio de quantificações periódicas de licopeno, bem como através da análise análise da cor instrumental. A biodisponibilidade foi avaliada utilizando-se 68 animais divididos em grupos, para os quais se administrou por gavagem o licopeno livre e o encapsulado. O tamanho das micropartículas obtidas ficou em torno de 60-110 &micro;m e a distribuição foi polidispersa, independente da concentração de licopeno. A microscopia revelou micropartículas esféricas, com superfície rugosa, com alguns poros e tamanhos variados. No FT-IR verificou-se que não houve formação de ligações distintas na solução oleosa de licopeno e nas amostras atomizadas. Nos difratogramas observou-se a presença da forma polimórfica &beta; para o agente carreador e para as micropartículas. Na estabilidade a adição da goma arábica e o armazenamento sob temperatura de refrigeração e vácuo, foram as melhores condições para retardar a degradação do licopeno. Os resultados dos ensaios de biodisponibilidade foram inconclusivos. Desta forma, conclui-se que é possível encapsular licopeno através da técnica de spray-chilling, porém, para trabalhos futuros, seriam necessários aprimoramentos na técnica de encapsulação e/ou na formulação para conferir maior proteção ao carotenoide, bem como adequações na metodologia para determinação de sua biodisponibilidade, para obtenção de resultados conclusivos. / Lycopene, a natural pigment considered the most potent antioxidant among the carotenoids, it has the higher incidence in the human serum. Its regular consumption is mainly related with the prevention of prostate cancer. However, studies also show its relation to the prevention of pancreatic cancer and bladder cancer, cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases. However, by being highly unsaturated the lycopene is susceptible to degradation, being degraded in the presence of light, oxygen and if exposed to high temperatures. The microencapsulation comes like an alternative to ensuring higher stability for this carotenoid. The technique of spray-chilling represents a promising alternative to encapsulation of lycopene. The aims of this study were to encapsulate an oily solution of lycopene (10%) through of the technique of spray-chilling, using a low-trans fat as carrier, to characterize the obtained microparticles and to evaluate the bioavailability of lycopene free and encapsulated in Wistar rats. Six treatments were formulated, that differed by the content of oily solution of lycopene:T1 with 20%, T2 with 23.1%, T3 with 28.6%, T3 with 28.6%, T4 with 33.3%, T5 with 17.9% plus 10% of Arabic gum and T6 with 19.2% plus 5% of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). The microparticles obtained from these treatments were evaluated for size and distribution, morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform (FT-IR) and X-ray difraction (XRD). The stability of the lycopene encapsulated was evaluated by its periodic quantification at different storage conditions (vacuum, relative humidity of 33%, refrigeration temperature and environment temperature). Instrumental color, \"L\" and \"a\" parameters, also was measured. The bioavailability was evaluated using 68 animals, for which the free and lycopene encapsulated were administered by gavage. The size of microparticles obtained was around 60-110 &micro;m and the distribution was polydisperse, independent of the concentration of lycopene. The microscopy revealed spherical microparticles, with rough surface, with some pores and varying sizes. In the FT-IR it was found that there was no formation of distinct bonds in oily solution of lycopeno and the atomized samples. In the diffraction patterns observed the presence of polymorphic form \"&beta;\" for the carrier agent and microparticles. On the stability the addition of Arabic gum and the storage at refrigerator temperature under vacuum, were the best conditions to delay the degradation of lycopene. The results of bioavailability assays were inconclusive. As conclusion, it is possible to encapsulate lycopene using the technique of spray-chilling but to future works, would be required improvements in the technique of encapsulation and/or formulations to give more protection to the carotenoid, as well as adjustments in the methodology for determination of their bioavailability, in order to obtaining conclusive results.

Desenvolvimento, avaliação e aplicação de micropartículas simbióticas produzidas por spray chilling / Development, evaluation and application of symbiotic microparticles produced by spray chilling technology

Okuro, Paula Kiyomi 12 July 2013 (has links)
Foram produzidas micropartículas simbióticas com carreador de natureza lipídica, obtidas por spray chilling. Como materiais ativos foram utilizadas duas cepas de micro-organismos probióticos (L. acidophilus-LA e L. rhamnosus-LR), dois prebióticos (inulina e polidextrose) e gordura de palma e palmiste interesterificada. Estudou-se a resistência destes probióticos ao processo aplicado, o comportamento das micropartículas sólido lipídicas (MSLs) frente ao fluido gástrico e intestinal simulados e suas viabilidades durante 120 dias de armazenamento à -18, 7 e 22°C sob vácuo ou umidade relativa controlada. A caracterização morfológica, granulometria, análise térmica (DSC), atividade de água, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e difração de raios-X (XRPD) foram estudados. Spray chilling configurou-se como processo adequado aos probióticos, devido à baixa perda de células viáveis durante a obtenção das micropartículas, sendo que não foi observado interferência da ausência, presença e do tipo de prebiótico. Foram obtidas MSLs esféricas com superfície relativamente uniforme, e com tamanho médio entre 62,4±2,8 a 69,6±5,1 &micro;m, sendo que não houve diferença significativa entre as formulações. As análises de difração de raios-X indicaram que não ocorreram alterações polimórficas durante o armazenamento refrigerado das MSLs. Quanto à análise térmica pode-se dizer que a presença de probióticos e prebióticos praticamente não interferiu na alteração da temperatura de fusão para todas as formulações estudadas, que variou de 45,37°C a 47,58°C, inferindo-se a ausência de interações significativas entre os ingredientes microencapsulados e o carreador, ausência que foi reafirmada pelos espectros de infravermelho. A microencapsulação favoreceu a sobrevivência frente aos fluidos gástrico e intestinal simulados, e possibilitou a manutenção de células viáveis acima de 106 UFC por grama até 120 dias de armazenamento em umidade relativa controlada para a formulação com L. acidophilus e polidextrose, a qual foi influenciada pela atividade de água da partícula, que por sua vez foi afetada pela incorporação de prebióticos. Tendo em vista o potencial da MSLs desenvolvidas, estas foram incorporadas ao sorvete. Nesta matriz as micropartículas não apresentaram um bom desempenho, seja na sobrevivência de L. acidophilus durante o armazenamento do produto, como na proteção diante da exposição às condições gastrointestinais simuladas. Além disso, sorvetes com adição das MSLs foram avaliados com notas significativamente menores (p&le;0,05) nos atributos textura, sabor e aceitação global em relação a amostras controle e a com adição de probióticos livres na análise sensorial do produto desenvolvido. As micropartículas lipídicas produzidas mostraram-se aptas como ingrediente alimentício, porém no sorvete não atenderam as premissas de proteção e extensão de contagens apropriadas do probiótico. As MSLs também foram incorporadas em polpas de fruta, abacate e melão, neste tipo de matriz as MSLs conferiram proteção ao micro-organismo pois aumentaram sua viabilidade em relação aos micro-organismos livres. / Symbiotic microparticles were produced with a lipid carrier, obtained by spray chilling technology. In this study were used two strains of probiotic (L. acidophilus-LA and L. rhamnosus-LR) and two prebiotics (inulin and polydextrose) as active or core materials. The resistance of these probiotics to the spray chilling process was evaluated, as well as the viability of the solid lipid microparticles (SLMs) during the exposition to the simulated gastric and intestinal fluids and stability during 120 days of storage at -18, 7 and 22°C, in vacuum or controlled relative humidity. Morphology characterization, particle size, water activity, thermal analysis (DSC), infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRPD) were studied. Spray chilling process was configured as a suitable technology to probiotics due to low loss of viable cells in processing of the particle, and no interference was observed from the presence/absence and type of prebiotic component. MSLs were obtained with relatively uniform spherical surface, and average size between 62.4 ± 2.8 &micro;m to 69.6 ± 5.1 &micro;m, there was no significant difference between formulations. Analyses of X-ray diffraction indicated that there were no polymorphic changes during refrigerated storage of SLMs. As for the thermal analysis it can be said that the presence of probiotics and prebiotics had practically no effect on the melting temperature for all formulations, which was 45.37° C up to 47.58° C, inferring with this the absence of significant interactions between the lipid carrier and microencapsulated ingredients, absence that was reaffirmed by the infrared spectra. Microencapsulation favored the survival against gastric and simulated intestinal fluids, and was possible to maintain viable cells up to 106 CFU per gram up to 120 days of storage for formulation with L. acidophilus and polydextrose in low temperatures and relative humidity (11%), which the stability was influenced by the water activity of the particle, which in turn is affected by the incorporation of prebiotics to the formulation of the SLMs. Given the potential of SLMs developed, they were incorporated into the ice cream. In this matrix microparticles not performed well, either on the survival of L. acidophilus during product storage, such as in protection against exposure to simulated gastrointestinal conditions. Furthermore, the addition of SLMs on strawberry ice cream was evaluated with grades significantly lower (p &le; 0.05) in the attributes texture, flavor and overall acceptability compared to the control samples and with added of free probiotic sensory analysis of the product developed. The lipid microparticles produced were shown to be suitable as a food ingredient, but the ice cream did not meet the assumptions of protection and extension of appropriate probiotic counts. The MSLs were also incorporated in the fruit pulp, avocado and melon, in this application the SLMs provided protection to the micro-organism increasing the probiotic viability in relation to the free microorganisms.

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