Spelling suggestions: "subject:"microspheres"" "subject:"microsphere’s""
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[pt] Esta pesquisa teve como principal objetivo contribuir para a avaliação da
influência da forma dos grãos na condutividade hidráulica (k) de areias. Para tanto,
ensaios de laboratório foram realizados em uma amostra da areia da Praia de
Ipanema (D10 = 0,28 mm, D30 = 0,34 mm, D50 = 0,41 mm, D60 = 0,45 mm, CNU =
1,61 e CC = 0,92), constituída por grãos subarredondados a arredondados
(esfericidade = 0,65 e arredondamento = 0,70), e em uma amostra de
microesferas de vidro, tipo Drop-On II A (esfericidade = 0,95 e arredondamento =
0,95), preparada com granulometria igual à da areia. O programa experimental
envolveu: (a) limpeza e tratamento das amostras; (b) análises microscópicas para
avaliação da forma dos grãos; (c) ensaios de granulometria por peneiramento; (d)
reconstituição granulométrica da amostra de microesferas de vidro; (e) densidade
relativa (Gs) das microesferas de vidro; (f) ensaios de índices de vazios máximo,
pelo método B da ABNT (2020), e ensaios de índices de vazios mínimo e
intermediários, pela método MSP de Miura e Toki (1982); e (g) ensaios de
permeabilidade sob carga hidráulica constante em permeâmetro de parede rígida
e em permeâmetro de parede flexível. Para ambas as amostras, verificou-se
experimentalmente a validade da relação linear entre a condutividade hidráulica
(k) e e(3)/(1+e), sendo e o índice de vazios, em consonância com as formulações
teóricas propostas por Kozeny-Carman (1927) e por Taylor (1948). Para um dado
índice de vazios, constatou-se que a condutividade hidráulica da amostra de
microesferas de vidro é maior do que a da amostra da areia da Praia de Ipanema. / [en] The main objective of this research was to contribute to the evaluation of
the influence of the grain shape on the hydraulic conductivity (k) of sands. For that,
laboratory tests were carried out on a sample from Ipanema Beach sand (D10 =
0.28 mm, D30 = 0.34 mm, D50 = 0.41 mm, D60 = 0.45 mm, CNU = 1.61 e CC = 0.92),
composed by sub-rounded to rounded grains (sphericity = 0.65 and roundness =
0.70), and on a sample of glass microspheres, Drop-On II A type (sphericity = 0.95
and roundness = 0.95), prepared with the same grain size distribution of the sand.
The experimental program comprised: (a) cleaning and processing of the samples;
(b) microscopic analysis to evaluate the grain shape; (c) grain-size analysis by
sieving; (d) reconstitution of the grain-size distribution of the glass microspheres
sample; (e) glass microspheres specific gravity (Gs); (f) maximum void ratio tests,
by method B of ABNT (2020), and minimum and intermediate void ratio tests, by
MSP method of Miura and Toki (1982); and (g) constant head permeability tests in
rigid-wall permeameter and in flexible-wall permeameter. For both samples, it was
experimentally verified the validity of the linear relationship between the hydraulic
conductivity (k) and e (3)/(1+e), being e the void ratio, in agreement with the
theoretical formulations proposed by Kozeny-Carman (1927) and by Taylor (1948).
For a given void ratio, it was observed that the hydraulic conductivity of the glass
microsphere sample is higher than that of the sample from Ipanema Beach sand.
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In-situ Reduction by Incorporating H2 Filled Hollow Glass Microspheres in PM HIP CapsulesStrand, Emil January 2018 (has links)
For many metal components the presence of hard, non-metallic inclusions such as oxides lowers the impact toughness by acting as fracture initiation points and easing crack propagation. In components produced by powder metallurgy hot isostatic pressing (PM HIP), oxides often form a continuous network of small, spherical inclusions after consolidation at the prior particle boundaries (PPB). It is therefore of great importance to reduce surface oxides before consolidation in order to improve mechanical properties. In this work, oxides were attempted to be reduced directly prior to the consolidation of one tool steel and one low-alloy steel by introducing H2 into sealed PM HIP capsules. The two H2-carriers were hollow glass microspheres and the compound ammonia borane (H3NBH3). The H2-carriers were placed separately from the metal powder. Microspheres were filled at 300 °C with a gas mixture at 675 bar resulting in a storage capacity of 0.16 wt%. Gaseous species released from the H2-carriers during heating were analysed by mass spectrometry. Results showed that the microspheres only release H2 while ammonia borane in addition releases other nitrogen and boron containing species. Impact testing as well as chemical and microstructural analysis were performed on the two consolidated materials with samples retrieved from different vertical and radial positions. Both H2-carriers had leaked into the material resulting in decreased impact toughness compared to the reference. Further from the source of the contaminants, oxygen content was reduced and impact toughness was improved. Microspheres showed overall better reduction ability even though they release less hydrogen compared to ammonia borane. Impact toughness was not improved as much with ammonia borane even though similar oxygen levels were achieved. Ammonia borane’s decomposition products likely obstruct the oxide reduction or introduce new inclusions lowering the impact toughness. / Det är för många metallkomponenter viktigt att så mycket som möjligt undvika hårda, icke metalliska inneslutningar. Detta eftersom de sänker slagsegheten genom sprickinitiering men även genom att underlätta spricktillväxt. Ytoxider i komponenter tillverkade genom pulvermetallurgisk het-isostatisk pressning (PM HIP) bildar ofta ett kontinuerligt nätverk av små, sfäriska inneslutningar efter konsolidering vid de tidigare partikelgränserna. Det är därför viktigt att reducera ytoxider före konsolidering för att förbättra de mekaniska egenskaperna av komponenter tillverkade genom PM HIP. I detta examensarbete har ytoxider reduceras direkt före konsolidering av ett låglegerat stål och ett verktygsstål genom att tillsätta H2 i de förseglade PM HIP kapslarna. Två vätgasbärare testades, ihåliga mikrosfärer av glas och ammoniak boran (H3NBH3). Vätgasbärarna var placerade i ett område avskilt från metallpulvret. Mikrosfärerna fylldes med en gasblandning vid 675 bar och 300 °C vilket resulterade i en lagringskapacitet på 0.16 vikt%. Gaser som frigjordes från vätgasbärarna vid uppvärmning analyserades med en masspektrometer. Resultatet visade att mikrosfärerna bara frigör H2 medan ammoniak boran också frigör andra ämnen innehållande kväve och bor. Slagprovning och analys av mikrostruktur samt syre- och kvävehalter utfördes på de två konsoliderade materialen med prover från olika vertikala och radiella positioner. Båda vätgasbärarna hade läckt in i materialet vilket resulterade i minskad slagseghet jämfört med referensmaterialet. Längre från vätgasbärarnas ursprungsposition var slagsegheten bättre och syrehalten lägre. De vätgasfyllda mikrosfärerna uppvisade överlag bättre förmåga att minska syrehalten trots att de innehöll mindre H2 jämfört med ammoniak boran. Slagsegheten förbättrades inte lika mycket med ammoniak boran trots att liknade syrenivåer uppmättes. Ammoniak boranets pyrolysprodukter förhindrar möjligtvis oxidreduktionen eller introducerar nya inneslutningar som resulterar i en försämrad slagseghet.
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No description available.
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Development of a 3D in Vitro Disease Model for Multiple MyelomaClara Trujillo, Sandra 06 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] La ingeniería tisular ha evolucionado hacia el modelado de la fisiología humana in vitro. El microambiente de la médula ósea (BM) es también hogar de procesos malignos. El mieloma múltiple (MM) es una neoplasia hematológica caracterizada por proliferación y acumulación en la BM de células plasmáticas monoclonales. Los tratamientos han mejorado, sin embargo, sigue siendo incurable. Moléculas de la matriz extracelular como fibronectina (FN) o ácido hialurónico (HA) tienen un papel reconocido en la resistencia a fármacos (DR). La inadecuación de los modelos preclínicos bidimensionales es una de las bases del problema de DR. Se han intentado diferentes enfoques in vitro, sin embargo, se basan en hidrogeles y andamios celulares diseñados para células adherentes, mientras que las células de MM presentan crecimiento en suspensión. El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es desarrollar, optimizar y validar una plataforma de cultivo 3D, denominada microgel, basada en microesferas en un medio líquido y que coexisten con células de MM creciendo dinámicamente en suspensión.
Se desarrollaron y caracterizaron diferentes microesferas con diferentes funcionalizaciones. Optimizamos un protocolo de polimerización en suspensión para la obtención de microesferas a base de acrilatos con dos composiciones diferentes (presencia (10%) o ausencia (0%) de ácido acrílico (AA)) i dos distribuciones de tamaño diferentes (< 60 y > 70 ¿m). La FN se adsorbió en la superficie de la microesfera, mientras que el HA, colágeno I y diferentes secuencias peptídicas se injertaron covalentemente. Se modificaron las microesferas comerciales Cytodex 1 para adaptar sus características a la plataforma. Se utilizaron técnicas capa por capa (LbL) para introducir HA y sulfato de condroitina (CS) en su superficie. Por tanto, se ha generado un amplio repertorio de microesferas para desarrollar microgeles.
Se optimizaron y validaron las condiciones de cultivo para la plataforma de microgel. Las condiciones óptimas se establecieron como 150 rpm de velocidad de agitación utilizando un agitador orbital y microesferas de < 60 ¿m. Los microgeles con diferentes composiciones y funcionalizaciones permitieron una buena proliferación de las líneas RPMI8226, U226 y MM1.S. Todos los sistemas respetaron el patrón de crecimiento en suspensión, factor que ha demostrado ser clave para su buen desempeño en cultivo 3D. En estudios iniciales de DR, la línea celular RPMI8226 cultivada en microgeles que contenían AA mostró una resistencia significativamente mayor a la dexametasona que sus cultivos en suspensión. Y las líneas RPMI8226, U226 y MM1.S cultivadas en microgeles que contenían AA mostraron una resistencia significativamente mayor a bortezomib que sus cultivos en suspensión. Por lo tanto, la presencia de AA en la matriz polimérica mostró un efecto positivo en la generación de DR in vitro y requerirá más estudios. Se ha validado la reducción de escala del sistema para trabajar con volúmenes más pequeños de microesferas y números reducidos de células, lo que es de gran relevancia para su traslación clínica. Finalmente, se han realizado cultivos preliminares con la línea celular RPMI8226 en los microgeles basados en Cytodex 1. Las microesferas de Cytodex 1 sin modificación tuvieron un efecto negativo sobre la viabilidad de las células de MM. La modificación mediante LbL con los pares quitosano/CS y quitosano/HA aumentó la viabilidad y proliferación. Sin embargo, estos sistemas no respetaron el carácter no adherente de las células MM.
Hemos desarrollado y validado un novedoso sistema de cultivo basado en un medio 3D semisólido definido por microesferas y células de MM especialmente diseñado para células en suspensión. Este sistema constituye una herramienta versátil que debe explorarse más a fondo para el cultivo 3D de neoplasias hematológicas y para estudios de resistencia a fármacos in vitro. / [CAT] L'enginyeria tissular ha evolucionat cap al modelat de la fisiologia humana in vitro. El complex microambient de la medul·la òssia (BM) és també llar d'alguns processos malignes. El mieloma múltiple (MM) és una neoplàsia hematològica caracteritzada per una proliferació i acumulació a la BM de cèl·lules plasmàtiques monoclonals. Els tractaments han millorat, no obstant, el MM segueix sent incurable. Molècules de la matriu extracel·lular com fibronectina (FN) o àcid hialurònic (HA) tenen un paper reconegut en la generació de resistència a fàrmacs (DR) en MM. La inadequació dels models preclínics bidimensionals és una de les bases del problema de DR. Per això, s'han intentat diferents aproximacions in vitro, tanmateix es basen en hidrogels i andamis cel·lulars dissenyats per a cèl·lules adherents, mentre que les cèl·lules de MM presenten creixement en suspensió. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta Tesi és desenvolupar, optimitzar i validar una plataforma de cultiu 3D, denominada microgel, basada en microesferes en un medi líquid i que coexisteixen amb cèl·lules de MM que creixen dinàmicament en suspensió.
S'han produït i caracteritzat diferents microesferes amb diferents funcionalitzacions. S'ha optimitzat un protocol de polimerització en suspensió per a l'obtenció de microesferes d'acrilats amb dues composicions diferents (presència (10%) o absència (0%) d'àcid acrílic (AA)) i amb dos distribucions de diàmetres diferents (< 60 y > 70 ¿m). La FN es va adsorbir, mentre que el HA, el col·lagen I i diferents seqüències peptídiques es van unir covalentment. S'han modificat microesferes comercials Cytodex 1 per tal d'adaptar les seves característiques a la plataforma del microgel. Mitjançant tècniques capa a capa (LbL) s'han introduït HA i sulfat de condroïtina (CS) a la seua superfície. Per tant, s'ha generat un ampli repertori de microesferes per desenvolupar microgels.
Es van optimitzar i validar les condicions de cultiu per a la plataforma de microgel. Les condicions òptimes de cultiu es varen establir com a 150 rpm de velocitat d'agitació utilitzant un agitador orbital i microesferes de < 60 ¿m. Els microgels amb diferents composicions i funcionalitzacions van permetre una bona proliferació de les línies RPMI8226, U226 i MM1.S. Tots els sistemes van respectar el patró de creixement en suspensió, factor que ha demostrat ser clau per al seu bon rendiment en cultius 3D. En estudis inicials de DR línia cel·lular RPMI8226 cultivada en microgels que contenien AA va mostrar una resistència significativament major a la dexametasona que els seus cultius en suspensió convencionals. Línies RPMI8226, U226 y MM1.S cultivades en microgels que contenien AA mostraren una resistència significativament major a bortezomib que els seus cultius en suspensió convencionals. Per tant, la presencia d'AA a la matriu polimèrica de les microesferes va mostrar un efecte positiu en termes de generació de DR in vitro, cosa que requerirà estudis futurs. S'ha validat la reducció de l'escala del sistema per treballar amb volums més petits de microesferes i menys cèl·lules, el que és de gran rellevància per a la seva translació clínica. Finalment, s'han realitzat cultius preliminars amb la línia cel·lular RPMI8226 en els microgels basats en les Cytodex 1. Les microesferes de Cytodex 1 sense modificar van mostrar efecte negatiu sobre la viabilitat de les cèl·lules de MM. La modificació mitjançant LbL amb els parells quitosà/CS i quitosà/HA va augmentar la viabilitat i proliferació de cèl·lules MM. No obstant, aquests sistemes no respectaren el caràcter no adherent de les cèl·lules de MM.
S'ha desenvolupat i validat un nou sistema de cultiu cel·lular basat en un medi 3D semisòlid definit per microesferes i cèl·lules de MM, especialment dissenyat per a cèl·lules no adherents. Aquest sistema constitueix una eina versàtil que ha de ser explorada per al cultiu 3D de neoplàsies hematològiques i per a estudis de resistència a fàrmacs in vitro. / [EN] Tissue engineering has evolved towards modeling of human physiology in vitro. The bone marrow (BM) microenvironment is likewise the home of some malignant processes. Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological neoplasia characterized by proliferation and BM accumulation of monoclonal plasma cells. Treatments have improved; however, MM remains incurable. Extracellular matrix molecules such as fibronectin (FN) or hyaluronic acid (HA) have a recognized role in drug resistance (DR). The inadequacy of two-dimensional preclinical models is one cause of the DR problem, different in vitro approaches have been developed, however, all these studies are based on hydrogels and scaffolds designed for adherent cells while MM cells are suspension growing cells. The main objective of this Thesis is to develop, optimize and validate a 3D culture platform, termed as microgel, based on microspheres suspended in a liquid media and coexisting with MM cells growing dynamically in suspension.
Different microspheres with different functionalities were developed and characterized. We optimized a suspension polymerization protocol for the obtention of acrylates-based microspheres with two different compositions: with presence (10%) or absence (0%) of acrylic acid (AA). We obtained two different size distributions (< 60 and > 70 ¿m). FN was adsorbed on microsphere surface, while HA, collagen I and different peptide sequences were covalently grafted. Commercial Cytodex 1 microspheres were modified to adapt their characteristics to the microgel platform. Layer-by-layer (LbL) technics were used to introduce HA and chondroitin sulfate (CS) on Cytodex 1 surface. Therefore, a wide repertoire of microspheres has been generated to develop microgels.
The culture conditions for the microgel platform were optimized and validated. Agitation is needed to keep microspheres and cells in suspension. Optimal culture conditions were 150 rpm of stirring speed using orbital shaker and < 60 ¿m diameter microspheres. Microgels with different compositions (0% AA, 10% AA) and functionalizations (none, HA, FN, collagen 1 and peptide sequences) allowed good proliferation of RPMI8226, U226 and MM1.S cells under 3D conditions. All the 3D systems respected the suspension growth pattern which appears as key factor for their good performance in 3D culture. In the initial DR studies, we found that MM cell line RPMI8226 cultured in microgels containing AA showed significantly higher resistance to dexamethasone than their conventional suspension cultures. And that MM cell lines RPMI8226, U226 and MM1.S cultured in microgels containing AA showed significantly higher resistance to bortezomib than their conventional suspension cultures. Thus, AA in the polymeric microsphere matrix showed a positive effect on the generation of DR in vitro and will require further studies. The scale-down of the system to work with smaller volumes of microspheres and reduced cell numbers has been validated, this is of great relevance for their clinical application. Finally, preliminary cultures with the cell line RPMI8226 have been performed with the Cytodex 1-based microgels. Cytodex 1 microspheres without modification had a negative effect on MM cells viability. LbL modification with the pairs chitosan/CS and chitosan/HA increased MM cells viability and proliferation. However, these systems did not respect the non-adherent character of MM cells.
We have developed and validated a novel cell culture system based on a semi-solid 3D media defined by microspheres and MM cells which is specially designed for cells in suspension. It represents a versatile tool that should be further explored for the 3D culture of hematological malignancies and drug resistance studies in vitro. / Me gustaría agradecer al Servicio de Microscopía de la UPV y a sus técnicos
por su valiosa ayuda con las técnicas de microscopía electrónica, a la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (proyecto PID2019-106099RB-C41 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033) y al Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (ayuda predoctoral FPU17/05810) que han financiado esta
Tesis. / Clara Trujillo, S. (2022). Development of a 3D in Vitro Disease Model for Multiple Myeloma [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186054
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Formation et propriétés des cristaux colloïdaux issus de l’auto-assemblage de microsphères de polymèreBazin, Gwénaëlle 04 1900 (has links)
Le besoin pour des biocapteurs à haute sensibilité mais simples à préparer et à utiliser est en constante augmentation, notamment dans le domaine biomédical. Les cristaux colloïdaux formés par des microsphères de polymère ont déjà prouvé leur fort potentiel en tant que biocapteurs grâce à l’association des propriétés des polymères et à la diffraction de la lumière visible de la structure périodique. Toutefois, une meilleure compréhension du comportement de ces structures est primordiale avant de pouvoir développer des capteurs efficaces et polyvalents. Ce travail propose d’étudier la formation et les propriétés des cristaux colloïdaux résultant de l’auto-assemblage de microsphères de polymère en milieu aqueux. Dans ce but, des particules avec différentes caractéristiques ont été synthétisées et caractérisées afin de corréler les propriétés des particules et le comportement de la structure cristalline.
Dans un premier temps, des microsphères réticulées de polystyrène anioniques et cationiques ont été préparées par polymérisation en émulsion sans tensioactif. En variant la quantité de comonomère chargé, le chlorure de vinylbenzyltriméthylammonium ou le sulfonate styrène de sodium, des particules de différentes tailles, formes, polydispersités et charges surfaciques ont été obtenues. En effet, une augmentation de la quantité du comonomère ionique permet de stabiliser de façon électrostatique une plus grande surface et de diminuer ainsi la taille des particules. Cependant, au-dessus d’une certaine concentration, la polymérisation du comonomère en solution devient non négligeable, provoquant un élargissement de la distribution de taille. Quand la polydispersité est faible, ces microsphères chargées, même celles non parfaitement sphériques, peuvent s’auto-assembler et former des cristaux colloïdaux diffractant la lumière visible. Il semble que les répulsions électrostatiques créées par les charges surfaciques favorisent la formation de la structure périodique sur un grand domaine de concentrations et améliorent leur stabilité en présence de sel.
Dans un deuxième temps, le besoin d’un constituant stimulable nous a orientés vers les structures cœur-écorce. Ces microsphères, synthétisées en deux étapes par polymérisation en émulsion sans tensioactif, sont formées d’un cœur de polystyrène et d’une écorce d’hydrogel. Différents hydrogels ont été utilisés afin d’obtenir des propriétés différentes : le poly(acide acrylique) pour sa sensibilité au pH, le poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) pour sa thermosensibilité, et, enfin, le copolymère poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acide acrylique) donnant une double sensibilité. Ces microsphères forment des cristaux colloïdaux diffractant la lumière visible à partir d’une certaine concentration critique et pour un large domaine de concentrations. D’après les changements observés dans les spectres de diffraction, les stimuli ont un impact sur la structure cristalline mais l’amplitude de cet effet varie avec la concentration. Ce comportement semble être le résultat des changements induits par la transition de phase volumique sur les interactions entre particules plutôt qu’une conséquence du changement de taille. Les interactions attractives de van der Waals et les répulsions stériques sont clairement affectées par la transition de phase volumique de l’écorce de poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). Dans le cas des microsphères sensibles au pH, les interactions électrostatiques sont aussi à considérer. L’effet de la concentration peut alors être mis en relation avec la portée de ces interactions.
Finalement, dans l’objectif futur de développer des biocapteurs de glucose, les microsphères cœur-écorce ont été fonctionnalisées avec l’acide 3-aminophénylboronique afin de les rendre sensibles au glucose. Les effets de la fonctionnalisation et de la complexation avec le glucose sur les particules et leur empilement périodique ont été examinés. La structure cristalline est visiblement affectée par la présence de glucose, même si le mécanisme impliqué reste à élucider. / The need for biosensors with high sensibility but simple preparation and use has been increasing, especially in the biomedical field. Crystalline colloidal arrays (CCAs) formed by polymer microspheres have already demonstrated great potential for biosensing applications, combining the polymer properties to the visible light diffraction caused by their periodic structure. However, a better understanding of the behavior of such structures is essential in the objective to develop efficient and versatile biosensors. This work proposes to investigate the formation and properties of CCAs created by the self-assembly of polymer microspheres in aqueous medium. For that purpose, particles with different features have been synthesized and studied to highlight the correlation between the properties of the particles and the behavior of the CCAs.
First, anionic and cationic cross-linked polystyrene microspheres have been prepared by surfactant-free emulsion polymerization. Different sizes, shapes, polydispersities and surface charge densities have been obtained by the use of various amounts of charged comonomers, either vinylbenzyltrimethylammonium chloride or sodium styrenesulfonate. Indeed, an increasing amount of the ionic comonomer leads to a decreasing particle size because of the ability to electrostatically stabilize more surfaces. However, above a certain concentration, the polymerization of the comonomer in solution increases the polydispersity of the particle size. When allowed by a low polydispersity, the charged microspheres can self-assemble into CCAs with intense visible light diffraction, even for particles not quite spherical. It appears that the electrostatic repulsions created by the charges help in the formation of the periodic structure over a wide range of particle concentrations and improve their stability towards ionic strength.
Secondly, the need for a sensitive component brought us to investigate core-shell structures. These microspheres, synthesized by a two-step surfactant-free emulsion polymerization, are made of a polystyrene core and a hydrogel shell. Different hydrogels have been used to achieve different properties: poly(acrylic acid) for pH-sensitivity, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) for thermosensitivity and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) for double sensitivity to both stimuli. Above a certain critical concentration, and over a wide range of concentrations, these microspheres also form CCAs with visible light diffraction. The resulting crystalline structures also display a response to the stimuli, visible through changes in the diffraction spectra, but the response appears to be dependent on the microsphere concentration. This behavior seems to be the result of a change in the interactions between particles rather than the outcome of the volume change of the particles. Attractive van der Waals and repulsive steric interactions are clearly affected by the temperature-induced volume phase transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microspheres. In the case of pH-sensitive, electrostatic interactions are also to be considered. The effect of concentration can then related to the range of the interactions.
Finally, in the objective to develop glucose sensors, the previous microspheres have been functionalized with 3-aminophenylboronic acid to make them responsive to glucose. The effects of the functionalization and complexation with glucose on the particles and their CCAs have been investigated. The crystalline structure is clearly affected by the presence of glucose, even though the mechanism involved remains to be clarified.
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Heart valve tissue engineeringTseng, Yuan-Tsan January 2011 (has links)
Since current prosthetic heart valve replacements are costly, cause medical complications, and lack the ability to regenerate, tissue-engineered heart valves are an attractive alternative. These could provide an unlimited supply of immunological-tolerated biological substitutes, which respond to patients' physiological condition and grow with them. Since collagen is a major extra cellular matrix component of the heart valve, it is ideal material for constructing scaffolds. Collagen sources have been shown to influence the manufacturing of collagen scaffolds, and two commercial sources of collagen were obtained from Sigma Aldrich and Devro PLC for comparison. Consistencies between the collagens were shown in the primary and secondary structures of the collagen, while inconsistencies were shown at the tertiary level, when a higher level of natural crosslinking in the Sigma collagen and longer polymer chains in the Devro collagen were observed. These variations were reduced and the consistency increased by introducing crosslinking via dehydrothermal treatment (DHT). Collagen scaffolds produced via freeze-drying (FD) and critical point-drying with cross-linking via DHT or 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide /N-hydroxysuccinimide (EDC/NHS) were investigated. All the scaffolds were compatible with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) according to the proliferation of the cells and their ability to produce ECM, without differentiating between osteogenic, chondrogenic or endothelial lineages. The FD EDC/NHS scaffold demonstrated the most suitable physical property of all. This result illustrates that FD EDC/NHS crosslinking is the most suitable scaffold investigated as a start for heart valve tissue engineering. To prepare a scaffold with a controlled local, spatial and temporal delivery of growth factor, a composite scaffold comprising poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microspheres was developed. This composite scaffold demonstrated the same compatibility to the MSCs as untreated scaffold. However, the PLGA microspheres showed an increase in the deterioration rate of Young's modulus because of the detachment of the microspheres from the scaffold via cellular degradation.
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Modelagem geométrica computacional das etapas de prensagem e sinterização de pastilhas e de laminação de placas combustíveis em dispersão de microesferas de (Th,25%U) O2 em matriz de aço inoxidávelAldo Márcio Fonseca Lage 29 April 2005 (has links)
Nenhuma / Neste trabalho foi realizada a modelagem geométrica computacional das Cetapas de prensagem e sinterização da pastilha e da laminação da placa de combustível nuclear contendo microesferas de (Th,25%U)O2 dispersas em matriz de aço inoxidável com o objetivo de avaliar a distribuição destas microesferas nas diversas etapas do processamento. As regras de modelagem foram desenvolvidas baseadas nos parâmetros de cada etapa da fabricação da placa combustível. Para isto foram obtidas placas através
do processamento por laminação de molduras de chapas de aço inoxidável, contendo pastilha fabricadas com microesferas de (Th,25%U)O2 com carregamentos de 10, 20 e
40% em peso de combustível disperso em matriz de aço inoxidável. Os dados das placas com carregamentos de 30 e 50% foram obtidos por interpolação da curva. As microesferas, obtidas pelo processo sol-gel, foram previamente secas, reduzidas e sinterizadas a 1700oC, durante 2 horas, sob atmosferas de hidrogênio. As microesferas sinterizadas alcançaram uma densidade de cerca de 98% da densidade teórica, e possuem um diâmetro médio de cerca de 300 mm e uma elevada resistência à fratura, de
aproximadamente 40 N/microesfera. As regras implementadas neste modelo foram aplicadas nas coordenadas dos centros das esferas virtuais, que simulam as microesferas combustíveis de (Th,25%U)O2, obtendo-se novas coordenadas espaciais para cada uma delas nas etapas de prensagem e sinterização da pastilha e da laminação da placa combustível. Este modelo foi projetado com o uso de técnicas de análise de sistema estruturada, implementado utilizando a linguagem de programação Delphi e os resultados visualizados através do programa AutoCAD. Os resultados do modelo foram validados comparando-se as frações volumétricas experimentais em cada um dos carregamentos estudados com as frações simuladas. Este trabalho será de grande valia para o estudo do carregamento de microesferas na placa combustível, permitindo obter um combustível de elevado desempenho mecânico, térmico e neutrônico mesmo em mais alto carregamento. / The computational geometric modeling of the pressing, sintering and lamination stages for nuclear fuel plates composed by (Th,25%U)O2, microspheres dispersed into stainless steel matrix has been done in order to investigate the
microspheres distribution in the various processing stages. The modeling standards were based on the parameters related to each fuel plate manufacturing stage. Accordingly, the plates were obtained through lamination processing of stainless steel plate frames comprising (Th,25%U)O2 microspheres pellets dispersed into stainless steel powder
with loading of 10, 20 and 40% of microspheres dispersed into stainless steel matrix.
The data for plates with loading of 30 and 50% have been obtained by linear interpolation. The microspheres produced by the sol-gel method were previously reduced and sintered at 1700 0C during 2 hours at hydrogen atmosphere. These sintered microspheres have reached about 98% of the theoretical density, with a mean diameter of 300 mm and a high resistance to fracture, near to 40 N/microsphere. The implemented standards in this model were applied at the virtual spheres center coordinates, which simulate the (Th,25%U)O2 fuel microspheres, and generate the new spatial coordinates to each of them in the pressing, sintering and lamination stages. This model was developed using structured system analysis techniques and it has been implemented using the Delphi programming language. The results were displayed through the AutoCAD program and validated comparing the experimental volumetric fractions in each of the studied loading, with the simulated fractions. The results indicate that this work could be a powerful tool in the investigation of microspheres loading in the fuel plate, allowing the attainment of a high mechanical and neutronic performance fuel, even for higher level loading.
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Estudo comparativo entre microesferas de 100-300um e 300-500um utlizadas na embolização das artérias prostáticas para o tratamento dos sintomas urinários decorrentes da hiperplasia prostática benigna / A comparative study between microspheres of 100-300 um and 300-500 um used in prostatic artery embolization for the treatment of urinary symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasiaOctavio Meneghelli Galvão Gonçalves 05 February 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O desenvolvimento de novos procedimentos cirúrgicos minimamente invasivos para o tratamento dos sintomas do trato urinário inferior (LUTS), relacionados à hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), está se tornando importante campo de pesquisa, na medida em que tenta minimizar os efeitos adversos e complicações decorrentes dos tratamentos convencionais. A embolização das artérias prostáticas (EAP) vem sendo utilizada como alternativa para o tratamento de pacientes com HPB. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar e comparar a segurança e eficácia da EAP para o tratamento dos LUTS em pacientes com HPB, utilizando microesferas (Embospheres®) de 100-300 um e 300-500 um. Métodos: Realizou-se estudo de ensaio clínico fase II, prospectivo, no período entre agosto de 2011 e junho de 2013, pela Disciplina de Urologia e Departamento de Radiologia do HCFMUSP. O protocolo de pesquisa foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética para Análise de Projetos de Pesquisa (CAPPesq) do HCFMUSP. Foram selecionados 30 pacientes com sintomas moderados ou graves (IPSS > 7), refratários ao tratamento clínico para HPB, com volume prostático entre 30g e 100g pela ressonância magnética (RM). Foram excluídos os pacientes com câncer de próstata comprovado por biópsia; prostatite ou infecção ativa do trato urinário; cirurgia ou intervenção prévia para HPB; doença com impacto sobre funcionamento da bexiga; impossibilidade para realizar RM; e distúrbio de coagulação não corrigido clinicamente. Os pacientes foram avaliados de acordo com os sintomas clínicos (IPSS e QoL), toque retal, exames laboratoriais de rotina incluindo o antígeno prostático específico (PSA), urofluxometria livre (Qmax) e RM em diferentes períodos de acompanhamento. Os procedimentos foram realizados no Serviço de Radiologia Intervencionista do HCFMUSP, por meio de punção unilateral da artéria femoral comum, sob anestesia local, usando-se microcateter, agente embolizante do tipo microesferas 100-300 ?m em 15 pacientes (Grupo A) e 300-500 ?m em 15 pacientes (Grupo B). Foi considerado sucesso técnico a identificação, cateterismo e embolização bilateral das artérias prostáticas. Definiu-se como sucesso clínico a retirada da sonda vesical nos pacientes em retenção urinária, melhora dos sintomas de acordo com o escore IPSS < 8 e índice QoL < 3. Considerou-se o valor de p < 0,05 como estatisticamente significante. Resultados: Sucesso técnico foi obtido em todos os casos. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhoria significativa do IPSS, QoL e do Qmax, assim como redução do PSA e do volume prostático em relação aos dados demográficos (p < 0,05). Houve um aumento volumétrico prostático significativo entre 3 e 12 meses no grupo A (p < 0,05). As diferenças observadas entre os dois grupos não foram significativas, com maior ocorrência de eventos adversos (p = 0,066) e maior redução do PSA no acompanhamento de 3 meses (p = 0,056) nos pacientes tratados com microesferas de 100-300 um. Conclusão: As microesferas de 100-300 ?m e 300-500 um demonstraram serem agentes embolizantes seguros e eficazes na EAP para o tratamento dos LUTS relacionados à HPB. Embora os resultados clínicos e por imagem não tenham diferido significativamente entre os grupos de estudo, os pacientes tratados com 100-300 um apresentaram mais eventos adversos do que aqueles tratados com 300-500 um. O volume da próstata aumentou significativamente entre o terceiro e o décimo segundo mês após EAP no grupo tratado com microesferas 100-300 um, embora se mantivesse significativamente menor que antes da EAP / Introduction: The development of new minimally invasive surgical procedures for the treatment of low urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), related to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is becoming an important field of research as it attempts to minimize adverse effects and complications resulting from conventional treatments. Prostatic artery embolization (PAE) is increasingly being used as an alternative for the treatment of patients with BPH. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the safety and efficacy of PAE for the treatment of LUTS in patients with BPH, using microspheres (Embosphere®) of 100-300 um and 300-500 um. Methods: A prospective Phase II clinical trial was conducted between August 2011 and June 2013 by the Urology Department and the Radiology Department. The research protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee for Analysis of Research Projects (CAPPesq) of HC-FMUSP. In fact, 30 patients with moderate or severe symptoms (IPSS > 7), refractory to the clinical treatment for BPH, with a prostatic volume of 30 g and 100 g were selected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Patients with the following conditions were excluded from the study: biopsy-proven prostate cancer; prostatitis or active urinary tract infection; surgery or previous intervention for BPH; diseases affecting the bladder function; impossibility to perform MRI; and clinically uncorrected coagulation disorders. Patients were evaluated according to clinical symptoms (IPSS and QoL), rectal examination, laboratory tests (PSA), uroflowmetry (Qmax) and imaging (MR) at different follow-up periods. Procedures were performed at the interventional radiology suite of the HCFMUSP, by means of unilateral puncture of the common femoral artery, under local anesthesia, using a microcatheter, microspheres type 100-300 um in 15 patients (Group A) and 300-500 um in 15 patients (Group B). Identification, catheterization and bilateral embolization of the prostatic arteries were considered technical success. Clinical success was defined as the removal of the bladder catheter and improvement of symptoms according to the IPSS score < 8 and QoL index < 3. Results: The PAE was technically successful in all cases. Both groups showed a significant improvement in IPSS, QoL and Qmax, as well as reduction of PSA and prostate volume in relation to demographic data (p < 0.05). There was a significant prostatic volumetric increase between 3 and 12 months in group A (p < 0.05). Differences observed between the two groups were not significant, with a higher number of adverse events (p = 0.066) and lower level of blood PSA at 3 months follow-up (p = 0.056) in Group A (100-300 um). Conclusion: Microspheres of 100-300 ?m and 300-500 ?m are safe and effective embolic agents in PAE for the treatment of LUTS related to BPH. Although functional results did not differ significantly between study groups, patients treated with 100-300 ?m reported more adverse events than those treated with 300-500 um. The prostate volume increased significantly between the third and the twelfth month post-PAE in the group treated with 100-300 um microspheres, although it remained significantly lower than pre-PAE
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Estudo comparativo entre microesferas de 100-300um e 300-500um utlizadas na embolização das artérias prostáticas para o tratamento dos sintomas urinários decorrentes da hiperplasia prostática benigna / A comparative study between microspheres of 100-300 um and 300-500 um used in prostatic artery embolization for the treatment of urinary symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasiaGonçalves, Octavio Meneghelli Galvão 05 February 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O desenvolvimento de novos procedimentos cirúrgicos minimamente invasivos para o tratamento dos sintomas do trato urinário inferior (LUTS), relacionados à hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), está se tornando importante campo de pesquisa, na medida em que tenta minimizar os efeitos adversos e complicações decorrentes dos tratamentos convencionais. A embolização das artérias prostáticas (EAP) vem sendo utilizada como alternativa para o tratamento de pacientes com HPB. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar e comparar a segurança e eficácia da EAP para o tratamento dos LUTS em pacientes com HPB, utilizando microesferas (Embospheres®) de 100-300 um e 300-500 um. Métodos: Realizou-se estudo de ensaio clínico fase II, prospectivo, no período entre agosto de 2011 e junho de 2013, pela Disciplina de Urologia e Departamento de Radiologia do HCFMUSP. O protocolo de pesquisa foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética para Análise de Projetos de Pesquisa (CAPPesq) do HCFMUSP. Foram selecionados 30 pacientes com sintomas moderados ou graves (IPSS > 7), refratários ao tratamento clínico para HPB, com volume prostático entre 30g e 100g pela ressonância magnética (RM). Foram excluídos os pacientes com câncer de próstata comprovado por biópsia; prostatite ou infecção ativa do trato urinário; cirurgia ou intervenção prévia para HPB; doença com impacto sobre funcionamento da bexiga; impossibilidade para realizar RM; e distúrbio de coagulação não corrigido clinicamente. Os pacientes foram avaliados de acordo com os sintomas clínicos (IPSS e QoL), toque retal, exames laboratoriais de rotina incluindo o antígeno prostático específico (PSA), urofluxometria livre (Qmax) e RM em diferentes períodos de acompanhamento. Os procedimentos foram realizados no Serviço de Radiologia Intervencionista do HCFMUSP, por meio de punção unilateral da artéria femoral comum, sob anestesia local, usando-se microcateter, agente embolizante do tipo microesferas 100-300 ?m em 15 pacientes (Grupo A) e 300-500 ?m em 15 pacientes (Grupo B). Foi considerado sucesso técnico a identificação, cateterismo e embolização bilateral das artérias prostáticas. Definiu-se como sucesso clínico a retirada da sonda vesical nos pacientes em retenção urinária, melhora dos sintomas de acordo com o escore IPSS < 8 e índice QoL < 3. Considerou-se o valor de p < 0,05 como estatisticamente significante. Resultados: Sucesso técnico foi obtido em todos os casos. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhoria significativa do IPSS, QoL e do Qmax, assim como redução do PSA e do volume prostático em relação aos dados demográficos (p < 0,05). Houve um aumento volumétrico prostático significativo entre 3 e 12 meses no grupo A (p < 0,05). As diferenças observadas entre os dois grupos não foram significativas, com maior ocorrência de eventos adversos (p = 0,066) e maior redução do PSA no acompanhamento de 3 meses (p = 0,056) nos pacientes tratados com microesferas de 100-300 um. Conclusão: As microesferas de 100-300 ?m e 300-500 um demonstraram serem agentes embolizantes seguros e eficazes na EAP para o tratamento dos LUTS relacionados à HPB. Embora os resultados clínicos e por imagem não tenham diferido significativamente entre os grupos de estudo, os pacientes tratados com 100-300 um apresentaram mais eventos adversos do que aqueles tratados com 300-500 um. O volume da próstata aumentou significativamente entre o terceiro e o décimo segundo mês após EAP no grupo tratado com microesferas 100-300 um, embora se mantivesse significativamente menor que antes da EAP / Introduction: The development of new minimally invasive surgical procedures for the treatment of low urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), related to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is becoming an important field of research as it attempts to minimize adverse effects and complications resulting from conventional treatments. Prostatic artery embolization (PAE) is increasingly being used as an alternative for the treatment of patients with BPH. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the safety and efficacy of PAE for the treatment of LUTS in patients with BPH, using microspheres (Embosphere®) of 100-300 um and 300-500 um. Methods: A prospective Phase II clinical trial was conducted between August 2011 and June 2013 by the Urology Department and the Radiology Department. The research protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee for Analysis of Research Projects (CAPPesq) of HC-FMUSP. In fact, 30 patients with moderate or severe symptoms (IPSS > 7), refractory to the clinical treatment for BPH, with a prostatic volume of 30 g and 100 g were selected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Patients with the following conditions were excluded from the study: biopsy-proven prostate cancer; prostatitis or active urinary tract infection; surgery or previous intervention for BPH; diseases affecting the bladder function; impossibility to perform MRI; and clinically uncorrected coagulation disorders. Patients were evaluated according to clinical symptoms (IPSS and QoL), rectal examination, laboratory tests (PSA), uroflowmetry (Qmax) and imaging (MR) at different follow-up periods. Procedures were performed at the interventional radiology suite of the HCFMUSP, by means of unilateral puncture of the common femoral artery, under local anesthesia, using a microcatheter, microspheres type 100-300 um in 15 patients (Group A) and 300-500 um in 15 patients (Group B). Identification, catheterization and bilateral embolization of the prostatic arteries were considered technical success. Clinical success was defined as the removal of the bladder catheter and improvement of symptoms according to the IPSS score < 8 and QoL index < 3. Results: The PAE was technically successful in all cases. Both groups showed a significant improvement in IPSS, QoL and Qmax, as well as reduction of PSA and prostate volume in relation to demographic data (p < 0.05). There was a significant prostatic volumetric increase between 3 and 12 months in group A (p < 0.05). Differences observed between the two groups were not significant, with a higher number of adverse events (p = 0.066) and lower level of blood PSA at 3 months follow-up (p = 0.056) in Group A (100-300 um). Conclusion: Microspheres of 100-300 ?m and 300-500 ?m are safe and effective embolic agents in PAE for the treatment of LUTS related to BPH. Although functional results did not differ significantly between study groups, patients treated with 100-300 ?m reported more adverse events than those treated with 300-500 um. The prostate volume increased significantly between the third and the twelfth month post-PAE in the group treated with 100-300 um microspheres, although it remained significantly lower than pre-PAE
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Preparação e caracterização de microesferas poliméricas à base de metacrilato de glicidila e divinilbenzeno com propriedades magnéticas / Preparation and characterization of polymeric microspheres based on glycidyl methacrylate and divinylbenzene with magnetic propertiesCarla do Nascimento Queiroz 31 March 2011 (has links)
Nesta Dissertação, foram sintetizadas microesferas poliméricas com propriedades magnéticas à base de metacrilato de glicidila e divinilbenzeno pela técnica de polimerização em suspensão. O material utilizado para conferir as propriedades magnéticas ao copolímero foi magnetita sintetizada no laboratório. Foram estudados os efeitos da modificação da magnetita com ácido oleico, da velocidade de agitação, do teor de agente reticulante, do teor de material magnético adicionado e do teor de agente de suspensão sobre as características das partículas poliméricas obtidas. As microesferas foram caracterizadas quanto ao seu aspecto morfológico, à estabilidade térmica, à incorporação de material magnético e quanto às suas propriedades magnéticas. A quantidade de partículas de ferro incorporadas foi afetada pela velocidade de agitação durante a síntese, pelo teor de material magnético adicionado, pela fase de dispersão do material magnético e pelo teor de monômeros no copolímero. A estabilidade térmica dos copolímeros foi afetada, principalmente, pelo teor de material magnético incorporado e pelo teor de monômeros, levando em consideração resinas com a mesma quantidade de material magnético adicionado. A magnetização de saturação para as microesferas foi afetada pelo teor de material magnético incorporado. A modificação da superfície da magnetita com ácido oleico foi considerada importante para a incorporação do material magnético na matriz do copolímero.Partículas poliméricas magnéticas com comportamento superparamagnéticos foram obtidas com morfologia esférica e magnetização de saturação de 7,11 (emu/g), utilizando razão molar de monômeros de 50/50 %, 1 % de PVA, 20 % de magnetita modificada com ácido oleico adicionada à fase orgânica e velocidade de agitação mecânica de 500 rpm / In this dissertation, polymeric microspheres with magnetic properties based on glycidyl methacrylate and divinylbenzene were synthesized by suspension polymerization technique. In order to obtain magnetic properties, magnetite particles modified by oleic acid were synthesized in laboratory. The effects of stirring rate, concentration of crosslink, the concentration of magnetite added and the concentration of stabilizer on the particles properties were studied. The magnetic microspheres were characterized according their morphology, thermal stability, incorporation of magnetite and their magnetic properties. The incorporate of iron particles content was mainly affected by stirring rate during the synthesis, by the content of magnetic material added, by the dispersion phase of magnetic material and by the monomers content in the copolymer. The thermal stability of copolymers was mainly affected by the content of magnetic material incorporated and by the monomers content, taking in account the resins with the same content of magnetic material added. The saturation magnetization for the microspheres was effected by the content of magnetic material incorporated. The modification with oleic acid was considered important to the incorporation of the magnetic material in the copolymer matrix.Magnetic polymeric particles with superparamagnetic behavior have been obtained with spherical morphology and saturation magnetization of 7.11 (emu/g). It was used monomers molar ratio of 50/50 %, 1% PVA, 20 % magnetite particles modified by oleic acid dispersion on organic phase and stirring rate of 500 rpm during the synthesis
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