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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysisof a DH system in Sörbyskolan : School placed in Gävle

Lopez, Carlos January 2008 (has links)
<p>Electricity and district heating are the most important energy carriers for the residential and service sector in Sweden. Today, district heating supplies about half of the total heating requirement of residential and commercial premises in Sweden. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the heating system of a school, placed in Gävle, Sweden. The heat is delivered to the school by a district heating network.</p><p>First of all, the Heat Balance must be done, with the purpose of obtain the best knowledge of the present situation in the school. The calculations about the transmission and ventilation losses and the internal heating generated have been showed. After this, the point of view has been focused on the district heating system itself. It is means, the distribution pipe system inside the school. The efficiency and accuracy of the net will be analysed and discussed.</p><p>Three possible ways to improve the net will be showed. The first of all is the most simple: just take the pipe system and try to reduce the waste heat, the heat losses; the second choice is to make a new connection to the district heating network, joining all the buildings with one connection for each building –five more- instead of only the connection that exists at the moment when this paper was written; the third option seems as a different model of the second, it is means to divide all the school in two bigger parts and make another connection to the district heating network with the purpose of dividing the heating system in two equal parts.</p><p>Thanks to the heat balance done in the school and in the district heating system, it is possible to know the waste of heat. Mainly, these losses are found in the district heating net. The amount of waste is around 17%, a really high amount of energy wasted, which must be reduced. According to the data of the company Gävle Energy, the waste in old buildings like the school which is under study in this paper, usually is between 15% and 20% of the supplied energy. So, this showed the accuracy of the method used to make this paper.</p><p>According to the possibilities of improvement, it will depend on the ultimate decision of the Gävle Fastigheter, company which owns the school, to choose the way that could be better for their own interest. However, in this paper the prices and possible pay-back times are showed, in order to provide better information.</p><p>Although the best solution has a total cost of 1750000 Swedish crowns (186289 €) and a pay-back time of 21 years –talking about making five new connections-, another cheaper possibility is also commented: improving the isolation of the pipe system, with a cost of 549000 SEK (58441 €) and a pay-back time near 7 years.</p>

Energy audit on the Brynässkolan

Ruoyu, Jia, Meiling, Wan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Building energy consumption has presented itself as one of the biggest proportion inenergy industries. Focus could really be placed on this field with a view to conservingenergy. One popular way to achieve ideal energy identification is to conduct an energyaudit. An energy audit is of interest in pinpointing energy losses. For small households,it could be a way of reducing energy spending, while for large companies it could beone crucial way to decrease energy expenditure and improve efficiency in operation.The Brynässkolan has been in use for many years and performing the audit is anattempt to increase its energy efficiency and ultimately cut down cost. Byinvestigating the school building’s climate envelope and lighting and measuringventilation unit we gained knowledge about its energy losses. We came up with someenergy-saving plans, among which some are inapplicable, the others are feasible.Finally some constructive suggestions are presented to the school administration.</p>

Bullerkarta M/S Calmare Nyckel

Gustavsson, Peter, Liljås, Mats January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Vi tilldelades detta projektet av Kalmar Sjöfartshögskola. Projektet var att tillverka en bullerkarta för skolfartyget M/S Calmare Nyckel. Då skolfartyget inte överskrider 500 bruttoton krävs ej en bullerkarta enligt Sjöfartsverket, men det fanns en förfrågan och önskan från skolan att tillverka en för utbildningssyfte och få en praktisk anknytning. Vid dem mätningarna som krävdes ombord rättade vi oss efter ISO 2923:1996(E) samt Sjöfartsverkets författningssamling 2005:23 vid tillverkning av bullerkartan. Skolan tillhandahöll oss med godkänd mätutrustning samt mätprotokoll. Vi fick ett bra tillfälle att göra samtliga mätningar när skolfartyget gjorde sin sjöresa från Simrishamns varv till Kalmar, med goda väderförhållanden och samtliga maskiner i normala driftsförhållanden. Resultaten blev en lättförstådd och användarvänlig bullerkarta i A4 format som kan anslås varsomhelst på fartyget eller användas i utbildningssyfte.</p><p> </p> / <p>We were assign this project by Kalmar maritime academy. The project was to produce a noise map for the school boat M/S Calmare Nyckel. The school boat does not exceed 500 dead weight ton and is not required a noise map according to national maritime administration, but there was an request and desire from the school to produce it for education purpose and for a practical connection. For the measurements that were required on board we used the regulations from ISO 2923:1996 (E), and national maritime administration's statute book 2005:23 with production of the noise map. The school provided us with validated measuring equipment and measuring protocol. We had a good opportunity to do all measurements when the school boat did its sea travel from Simrishamn's shipyard to Kalmar, with good weather conditions and all machines in normal operation conditions. The results became a easy understood and friendly used noise map in A4 formats that can be assigned anywhere on the boat or to be used in education purpose.</p>

Energieffektiv utformning av luftaren airTURBO 101 / Energy efficient design of aerator airTURBO 101

Nilsson, David January 2006 (has links)
<p>Företaget Eden Aquatech har utvecklat en ytluftare som heter airTURBO 101. Luftare används för att syresätta vatten i bassänger och dammar inom biologisk vattenrening. AirTURBO 101 skapar med hjälp av en impeller en vattenvirvel som transporterar ner luft under vattenytan. Impellern är nedsänkt i vattnet och är omsluten av en plastcylinder. I nuvarande utformning tar sig vattnet in i cylindern genom en krans av hål i cylinderns vägg. Detta examensarbete har undersökt originalutformningen samt en alternativ utformning då vattnet fick rinna över cylinderkanten, ett så kallat överfall. Två överfallscylindrar testades; en med samma inloppsarea som hålcylindern och en som hade större inloppsarea. Dessa tre cylindrar har testats och jämförts för att ta reda på vilken som har den högsta syresättningshalten i förhållande till energiförbrukningen.</p><p>De parametrar som undersöktes var strömningen inuti cylindern, energiförbrukningen, kontaktytan mellan luft och vatten inuti cylindern samt syresättningshastigheten. Samtliga experiment utfördes med skalmodeller av airTURBO 101.</p><p>Inledande försök visade att virvlarna för samtliga cylindrar var instabilare än förväntat.</p><p>Undersökningen av strömningen inuti cylindrarna visade att ingen av utformningarna kunde garantera en kontinuerlig kontakt mellan det inkommande vattnet och luftvirveln.</p><p>Energiförbrukningen visade sig vara likvärdig för de olika cylindrarna. Överfallscylindern med stort inlopp var marginellt bättre än de övriga.</p><p>Kontaktytan kunde inte beräknas på grund av brister i den framtagna matematiska formeln. Dessutom var virvlarna för instabila för en visuell avbildning.</p><p>Vid mätningarna av syresättningshastigheten fick de olika cylindrarna liknande resultat vid samma motoreffekt. En fördubbling av effekten gav däremot en betydande hastighetsökning. Även i detta fall var överfallscylindern med stort inlopp något bättre än de övriga.</p><p>En slutsats man kan dra av detta arbete är att överfallscylindern med stort inlopp är något bättre än de andra modellerna.</p><p>En annan slutsats är att huvuddelen av syreöverföringen inte sker i kontaktytan mellan luft och vatten i virveln utan snarare i den kontaktyta som skapas av impellern. Fortsatt utveckling av denna luftare bör koncentreras runt impellerns utformning. Luftbubblorna som skapas i impellern bör vara så små som möjligt.</p> / <p>Eden Aquatech has developed a surface aerator called airTURBO 101. Aerators are used to oxygenate water in basins and ponds within biological wastewater treatment. AirTURBO 101 consists of a submerged impeller that creates a vortex which transports air below the surface. The impeller is surrounded by a plastic cylinder. In the present design of the aerator, incoming water penetrates the cylinder through a circle of holes in the wall of the cylinder. This study has examined the original cylinder and an alternate design, where the cylinders where totally submerged and the water could pour over the brim. Two cylinders with submerged brim were tested. One had the same inlet area as the original cylinder and the other had a larger inlet area. These three cylinders has been tested and compared to find out which one has the highest oxygenation rate proportionately to the energy consumption.</p><p>The following parameters were examined: the water motion inside the cylinders, energy consumption, the interface between air and water inside the cylinders and the oxygenation velocity. All experiments were carried out using scale models of airTURBO 101.</p><p>Initial experiments showed that the vortices for all cylinders were more unstable than expected.</p><p>The examinations of the water motion inside the cylinders showed that none of the designs could guarantee a continuous contact between the incoming water and the air.</p><p>The energy consumption turned out to be similar for the different cylinders. The submerged cylinder with large inlet had slightly lower energy consumption than the other.</p><p>The interface between water and air could not be calculated due to shortages in the specially developed mathematical formula. A visual depiction was not possible since the vortices were too unstable.</p><p>When measuring the velocity of oxygenation the different cylinders had similar results at a constant power. When the power was doubled a considerable increase of velocity occurred. Also during these experiments the submerged cylinder with large inlet turned out to be slightly better than the other.</p><p>One conclusion is that the submerged cylinder with large inlet is somewhat better than the other cylinders.</p><p>Another conclusion is that the main part of the aeration does not occur in the interface between water and air in the vortex, but rather in the interface created by the impeller itself. Further development of this aerator should focus on the design of the impeller. The air bubbles created in the impeller should be as small as possible.</p>

Combined solar and pellet heating systems : Study of energy use and CO-emissions

Fiedler, Frank January 2006 (has links)
In this study 4 solar and pellet heating systems have been studied with the help of annual dynamic simulations. Two of the systems comprised a pellet stove and two systems were solar combisystems; one with a store integrated pellet burner, the other with a separate pellet boiler. The aim was to evaluate their thermal performance and their CO-emissions. The systems have been modelled based on lab measurements of the single system components. The used models allow a detailed study of the dynamic behaviour of the systems. The stove systems have the least primary energy consumption provided the auxiliary electricity is taken into account with a conversion factor of 100%. If the auxiliary electricity is taken into account with a conversion of 40% and/or the systems are placed in the heated area the combisystems need less or a similar amount of primary energy. Modulating combustion power reduces the number of starts and stops and for most pellet units this reduces the total CO emissions. The obtained annual CO emissions are higher than the values obtained from the standard test methods. It was shown that the average emissions under realistic annual conditions were greater than the limit values of two Eco-labels. The system performance can be significantly improved by a proper control of the pellet heater and by sizing the pellet heater according to the size of the peak space heating demand. Based on these findings from the simulations two prototypes of a combined solar and pellet heating system has been designed, built and tested; one for the lab and one that has been installed in a demonstration house. The system is very compact and is suitable for detached houses with no heating room or little space for a heating room.

Product Related Research Regarding Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, in Hong Kong and South China, Environmental Management Systems

Almoosawi, Somar January 2008 (has links)
This research was set out to understand the underlying causes for the lack of knowledgeregarding the environmental field in Hong Kong and South China and get a basic view of thedifficulties Environmental Management Systems (EMS) encounter when being put intopractice. Interviews and factory visits were used to collect data needed to build this report.The interviews had the aim to understand how companies in Hong Kong and China managetheir environmental related work. An EMS is a set of processes and practices that enable anorganization to reduce its environmental impacts and increase its operating efficiency, buthow was the use of such systems affecting the environmental work in reality.A total of eight persons from six different companies were interviewed. With the aim tounderstand how EMS were implemented and used from their point of view. The maindifficulty for the companies asked was the task of understanding and documenting theprocesses of ones own company. With differences such as language, culture, etc present thereis a need for a mutual ground. In the environmental field EMS are used as the commonground. Western companies are, because of the use of EMS, able to attain a picture of theenvironmental work and processes of their industrial partners in the China and Hong Kong.The result of this research shows that there still are many obstacles, for environmentalmanagement systems used by SME, left to address. There are cultural as well asinfrastructural problems that need to be addressed. It is therefore important to alter EMS inco ordinance with the Chinese social environment that it will be used in.

Bullerkarta M/S Calmare Nyckel

Gustavsson, Peter, Liljås, Mats January 2009 (has links)
Vi tilldelades detta projektet av Kalmar Sjöfartshögskola. Projektet var att tillverka en bullerkarta för skolfartyget M/S Calmare Nyckel. Då skolfartyget inte överskrider 500 bruttoton krävs ej en bullerkarta enligt Sjöfartsverket, men det fanns en förfrågan och önskan från skolan att tillverka en för utbildningssyfte och få en praktisk anknytning. Vid dem mätningarna som krävdes ombord rättade vi oss efter ISO 2923:1996(E) samt Sjöfartsverkets författningssamling 2005:23 vid tillverkning av bullerkartan. Skolan tillhandahöll oss med godkänd mätutrustning samt mätprotokoll. Vi fick ett bra tillfälle att göra samtliga mätningar när skolfartyget gjorde sin sjöresa från Simrishamns varv till Kalmar, med goda väderförhållanden och samtliga maskiner i normala driftsförhållanden. Resultaten blev en lättförstådd och användarvänlig bullerkarta i A4 format som kan anslås varsomhelst på fartyget eller användas i utbildningssyfte. / We were assign this project by Kalmar maritime academy. The project was to produce a noise map for the school boat M/S Calmare Nyckel. The school boat does not exceed 500 dead weight ton and is not required a noise map according to national maritime administration, but there was an request and desire from the school to produce it for education purpose and for a practical connection. For the measurements that were required on board we used the regulations from ISO 2923:1996 (E), and national maritime administration's statute book 2005:23 with production of the noise map. The school provided us with validated measuring equipment and measuring protocol. We had a good opportunity to do all measurements when the school boat did its sea travel from Simrishamn's shipyard to Kalmar, with good weather conditions and all machines in normal operation conditions. The results became a easy understood and friendly used noise map in A4 formats that can be assigned anywhere on the boat or to be used in education purpose.

Energy audit on the Brynässkolan

Ruoyu, Jia, Meiling, Wan January 2010 (has links)
Building energy consumption has presented itself as one of the biggest proportion inenergy industries. Focus could really be placed on this field with a view to conservingenergy. One popular way to achieve ideal energy identification is to conduct an energyaudit. An energy audit is of interest in pinpointing energy losses. For small households,it could be a way of reducing energy spending, while for large companies it could beone crucial way to decrease energy expenditure and improve efficiency in operation.The Brynässkolan has been in use for many years and performing the audit is anattempt to increase its energy efficiency and ultimately cut down cost. Byinvestigating the school building’s climate envelope and lighting and measuringventilation unit we gained knowledge about its energy losses. We came up with someenergy-saving plans, among which some are inapplicable, the others are feasible.Finally some constructive suggestions are presented to the school administration.

Energy Audit of Ludvigsbergsskolan

Li, Liang, Zhu, Sha January 2008 (has links)
Students of Ludvigsbergsskolan have complained that it was cold in classrooms during winters, but actually the energy consumption (electricity and district heating) of the school has been already very high. So energy audit is required and aim of this project is to find out how to improve the indoor climate of Ludvigsbergsskolan(http://www.skola.gavle.se/ludvigsberg/) which is located in Valbo, a city on the Sweden east coast and at the same time. Achieving this goal is not by increasing district heating demand but by some energy audit methods. Front part of the building has 2 floors, and the left part has one floor. The whole building is composed by classrooms, offices, gymnasium and dining-room. First, data related to energy is collected, such as installed power of facility, power utilization factor and the running hours of these facilities. Then, calculation can be taken to decide if the building is working properly and healthy. At last, present and discuss the situation, suggestions to improve energy condition are offered. Total demand of District Heating in year 2006 is 1088 MWh, and electricity is 304 MWh. Problems for this school need to solve is too cold in winter and to hot in summer. In this article some suggestions are made to save the energy consumption and work out the indoor climate problems. After all processes is done and evaluated 10 MWh electricity and more than 300 MWh district heating could be saved.

Energieffektiv utformning av luftaren airTURBO 101 / Energy efficient design of aerator airTURBO 101

Nilsson, David January 2006 (has links)
Företaget Eden Aquatech har utvecklat en ytluftare som heter airTURBO 101. Luftare används för att syresätta vatten i bassänger och dammar inom biologisk vattenrening. AirTURBO 101 skapar med hjälp av en impeller en vattenvirvel som transporterar ner luft under vattenytan. Impellern är nedsänkt i vattnet och är omsluten av en plastcylinder. I nuvarande utformning tar sig vattnet in i cylindern genom en krans av hål i cylinderns vägg. Detta examensarbete har undersökt originalutformningen samt en alternativ utformning då vattnet fick rinna över cylinderkanten, ett så kallat överfall. Två överfallscylindrar testades; en med samma inloppsarea som hålcylindern och en som hade större inloppsarea. Dessa tre cylindrar har testats och jämförts för att ta reda på vilken som har den högsta syresättningshalten i förhållande till energiförbrukningen. De parametrar som undersöktes var strömningen inuti cylindern, energiförbrukningen, kontaktytan mellan luft och vatten inuti cylindern samt syresättningshastigheten. Samtliga experiment utfördes med skalmodeller av airTURBO 101. Inledande försök visade att virvlarna för samtliga cylindrar var instabilare än förväntat. Undersökningen av strömningen inuti cylindrarna visade att ingen av utformningarna kunde garantera en kontinuerlig kontakt mellan det inkommande vattnet och luftvirveln. Energiförbrukningen visade sig vara likvärdig för de olika cylindrarna. Överfallscylindern med stort inlopp var marginellt bättre än de övriga. Kontaktytan kunde inte beräknas på grund av brister i den framtagna matematiska formeln. Dessutom var virvlarna för instabila för en visuell avbildning. Vid mätningarna av syresättningshastigheten fick de olika cylindrarna liknande resultat vid samma motoreffekt. En fördubbling av effekten gav däremot en betydande hastighetsökning. Även i detta fall var överfallscylindern med stort inlopp något bättre än de övriga. En slutsats man kan dra av detta arbete är att överfallscylindern med stort inlopp är något bättre än de andra modellerna. En annan slutsats är att huvuddelen av syreöverföringen inte sker i kontaktytan mellan luft och vatten i virveln utan snarare i den kontaktyta som skapas av impellern. Fortsatt utveckling av denna luftare bör koncentreras runt impellerns utformning. Luftbubblorna som skapas i impellern bör vara så små som möjligt. / Eden Aquatech has developed a surface aerator called airTURBO 101. Aerators are used to oxygenate water in basins and ponds within biological wastewater treatment. AirTURBO 101 consists of a submerged impeller that creates a vortex which transports air below the surface. The impeller is surrounded by a plastic cylinder. In the present design of the aerator, incoming water penetrates the cylinder through a circle of holes in the wall of the cylinder. This study has examined the original cylinder and an alternate design, where the cylinders where totally submerged and the water could pour over the brim. Two cylinders with submerged brim were tested. One had the same inlet area as the original cylinder and the other had a larger inlet area. These three cylinders has been tested and compared to find out which one has the highest oxygenation rate proportionately to the energy consumption. The following parameters were examined: the water motion inside the cylinders, energy consumption, the interface between air and water inside the cylinders and the oxygenation velocity. All experiments were carried out using scale models of airTURBO 101. Initial experiments showed that the vortices for all cylinders were more unstable than expected. The examinations of the water motion inside the cylinders showed that none of the designs could guarantee a continuous contact between the incoming water and the air. The energy consumption turned out to be similar for the different cylinders. The submerged cylinder with large inlet had slightly lower energy consumption than the other. The interface between water and air could not be calculated due to shortages in the specially developed mathematical formula. A visual depiction was not possible since the vortices were too unstable. When measuring the velocity of oxygenation the different cylinders had similar results at a constant power. When the power was doubled a considerable increase of velocity occurred. Also during these experiments the submerged cylinder with large inlet turned out to be slightly better than the other. One conclusion is that the submerged cylinder with large inlet is somewhat better than the other cylinders. Another conclusion is that the main part of the aeration does not occur in the interface between water and air in the vortex, but rather in the interface created by the impeller itself. Further development of this aerator should focus on the design of the impeller. The air bubbles created in the impeller should be as small as possible.

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