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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnors upplevelser av tidigt missfall : En allmän litteraturstudie / Woman's experience of early miscarriage : A literature review

Aspén, Gustav, Grahn, Karin January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Missfall är en av de vanligaste graviditetskomplikationerna, som kan medföra psykiska och emotionella påfrestningar, så som djup sorg och depression. Tidigare forskning har visat att sjuksköterskan har en viktig del i vårdandet, där attityder och bemötande har en direkt påverkan på kvinnas upplevelse. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa kvinnans upplevelser av tidigt missfall. Metod: Syftet besvarades genom en allmän litteraturstudie av tio vetenskapliga artiklar med en kvalitativ design. Resultat: Vid tidpunkten för missfallet upplevde kvinnorna en mängd känslor, vilket en del kvinnor utryckte som psykisk kris. En del kvinnor identifierade missfallet som förlusten av ett barn men uttryckte att vårdpersonalen endast såg det ur ett medicinskt perspektiv. Majoriteten av kvinnorna upplevde brister i vårdpersonalens attityder och bemötande, vilket påverkade vårdupplevelsen och resulterade i känslor av att vara övergiven och ensam. Även upplevelsen av bristande information var framträdande. Slutsats: Denna litteraturstudie påvisade att missfall hade en stor påverkan på den psykiska och emotionella hälsan. Vidare hade vården en signifikant betydelse för kvinnans upplevelse där faktorer som attityder, bemötande samt information var framträdande. Sjuksköterskan bör vara medveten om de psykiska och emotionella påfrestningarna missfall skapar, visa tillgänglighet och ge adekvat information samt besvara kvinnornas frågor.  Klinisk betydelse: Denna litteraturstudie kan bidra med kunskap om kvinnors upplevelse av vården i samband med tidigt missfall, således skapa en medvetenhet kring hur attityd, bemötande samt information påverkar kvinnans upplevelse av vården.

"Vi är drabbade båda två" : En litteraturstudie om föräldrars upplevelse i samband med ett missfall / ”We are both affected” : A literature review about parents' experience of a miscarriage

Forsgren, Camilla, Dahlström, Sacha January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Missfall är en vanlig komplikation i samband med en graviditet. Orsaken till missfall är flera och under ett pågående och hotande missfall finns ingen förhindrande behandling. Händelsen är ofta fysiskt odramatisk, men kan påverka föräldrarna emotionellt. Då det är kvinnan som blir fysiskt drabbad och därmed är patient, blir kvinnans partner i denna händelse ofta bortglömd. Både inom samhället och vården underprioriteras missfall och därmed kan upplevelsen hos föräldrar förbises.  Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt är att undersöka föräldrars upplevelse i samband med ett missfall. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som är baserad på tolv vetenskapliga artiklar. De vetenskapliga artiklarna är hämtade från databaserna Cinahl with fulltext, PubMed och Academic Search Premier. Vid sökningen efter relevanta artiklar har ändamålsenliga sökord använts. Dessa har varit: ”miscarriage”, ”miscarriage*” ”abortion, spontaneous”, ”spontaneous pregnancy loss”, ”pregnancy loss”, ”experience”, ”parents”, ”woman*”, ”women”, ”nurse*”, ”partner”, ”partner*”, ”support”, ”social support” och ”Sweden”. Dessa artiklar har lästs igenom upprepande gånger vilket slutligen ledde till en sammanfattning som presenterade och identifierade likheter och skillnader studierna emellan. Sammanfattningen låg sedan till grund för resultatet. Resultat: Resultatet har presenterats i sex huvudkategorier. Den första kategorin är Upplevelsen av graviditeten och de första symtomen på missfall som berör känslor kring det framtida barnet och upplevelsen av chock samt förlusten av kontroll vid det inträffade missfallet. Den andra kategorin är Upplevelsen av missfall som en förlust som belyser missfallet som en förlust av ett barn och framtida förhoppningar. Den tredje kategorin är Föräldrars känslor efter ett missfall vilket behandlar olika känslor som föräldrar upplever efter ett missfall. Den fjärde kategorin är Upplevelsen av vården och personalens bemötande vilket berör betydelsen av ett gott bemötande under sjukhusvistelsen. I Samhällets påverkan på föräldrars upplevelse efter ett missfall belyses samhällets okunskap och attityd gentemot missfall. I Upplevelser av stöd från olika instanser förklaras vikten av ett stödjande socialt nätverk samt negativa och positiva erfarenheter rörande stöd från vården. Diskussion: Resultatet har anknutits till Cullbergs kristeori, Meleis transitionsteori, patientfokuserad vård och konsensusbegreppet människa. Resultatdiskussionen avslutas med att lyfta fram föräldrars liknande upplevelser i samband med ett missfall. Detta relateras till de rådande förväntningarna som finns på kvinnans partner och hur dessa förväntningar kan bli problematiska i förhållande till en jämställd vård. / Background: Miscarriage is a common complication during pregnancy. There are several causes to miscarriage, and no preventive treatment is currently available during an active or threatening miscarriage. The event is rarely physically damaging, but may effect the parents emotionally. As it is the woman who is physically affected during a miscarriage, patient care tend to be focused on her, whereas the potential needs of the partner is often overlooked. Miscarriage remains a low priority within the healthcare sector and community alike, hence, the experiences of the parents are often disregarded. Aim: The purpose of this literature review is to explore parents' experience of a miscarriage. Methods: A literature review, based on twelve scientific papers. The papers have been collected from the databases Cinahl with full text, PubMed and Academic Search Premier. During the search for relevant articles have appropriate keywords been used. These were: ”miscarriage”, ”miscarriage*”, ”abortion, spontaneous”, ”spontaneous pregnancy loss”, ”pregnancy loss”, ”experience”, ”parents”, ”woman*”, ”women”, ”nurse*”, ”partner”, ”partner*”, ”support”, ”social support” och ”Sweden”. These articles have been read repeatedly which ultimately led to a summary that presented and identified similarities and differences between the studies. The summary then formed the basis for the results. Results: The results are presented in sex main categories. The first category is the experience of pregnancy and the first symptoms of miscarriage, affecting feelings about the future child and the experience of shock and loss of control at the incident of miscarriage. The second category is the experience of miscarriage as a loss which highlights the miscarriage as the loss of a child and future hopes. The third category is Parents' emotions after a miscarriage which deals with various emotions that parents experience after a miscarriage. The fourth category is the experience of healthcare and treatment by staff and the impact of good treatment during hospitalization. The Society's influence on parents' experience after a miscarriage highlights society's ignorance and attitude towards miscarriage. In Experiences of support from various instances, the importance of a supportive social network is explained, and negative and positive experiences related to the support of health care staff are presented. Discussions: The result has been linked to Cullberg's theory of crisis, Meleis transition theory, patient centered care and the consensus concept of man. The discussion is concluded by highlighting the common experiences by parents in the event of a miscarriage. This I connected to the existing expectations on the womans’ partner and how such expectations can be problematic in relation to equal care.

Miscarriage misfortunes : towards evidence-based nursing for miscarrying women in the emergency department.

Lisle, Janet. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Intervention design ( M.Sc. (N)--University of Ottawa, 2008. / Includes bibliographies.

Ministry to families bereaved by miscarriage, still birth, and neo-natal death

Moe, Thomas. January 1993 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Bethel Theological Seminary, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 265-280).

”Att hjälpa eller stjälpa” : Kvinnors upplevelse av missfall och vård vid missfall / ”To help or hinder” : Womens experience of miscarriage and care during miscarriage

Parmbäck, Catharina, Linnerhed, Sanne January 2013 (has links)
Background: Miscarriage is one of the most common complications connected to pregnancy, every fourth woman undergoes a miscarriage during her lifetime. There is often no medical explanation why miscarriage happens, although the risk may increase due to certain factors in lifestyle or diseases. During incomplete miscarriages medical or surgical treatment is needed. Women are treated at surgical or gynecological departments and the period of treatment is often very brief, on some occasions not even a day. Therefore, the nurse faces a great challenge in meeting the women’s needs during the period of treatment. Aim: The aim of the study is to illuminate womens experiences of miscarriage and the treatment they experienced. Methods: A systematic literary study containing 13 articles. Results: Miscarriage is an individual experience and many women are affected emotionally and have many strong feelings afterwards. Discontent with treatment was almost exclusively concerning attitudes among staff and lack in the emotional nursing. Three themes were identified in the result which reflects the factors where the most discontent was found and feelings which can erupt in connection with miscarriage and due to the treatment. These themes are: Feelings amongst a woman at the time of miscarriage, Emotional support and treatment and the need of adequate and individually adapted information. Discussion: Health professionals need to see the woman as more than an objective body, or only a disease state. Miscarriage is an event that affects the whole person and women have many emotional needs that must be met. If these needs are not met could care suffering occur in women. A good nursing relationship can be difficult to create when time constraints and poor continuity is common on wards. / Bakgrund: Missfall är en av de vanligaste komplikationerna i samband med graviditet, var fjärde kvinna får missfall under sin livstid. Oftast finns ingen medicinsk förklaring till att missfall sker, risken för missfall kan dock öka på grund vissa livsstilsfaktorer eller sjukdomar. Vid inkompletta missfall behövs medicinsk eller kirurgisk behandling. Kvinnorna behandlas på kirurgisk eller gynekologisk avdelning och vårdtiden är ofta väldigt kort, ibland inte ens ett dygn. Sjuksköterskan har därför en stor utmaning i att möta kvinnornas behov under vårdtiden. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa kvinnors upplevelse av missfall och den vård de erhållit. Metod: En systematisk litteraturöversikt bestående av tretton artiklar. Resultat: Missfall är en individuell upplevelse och många kvinnor påverkas emotionellt och har många starka känslor efteråt. Missnöje med vården handlade nästan enbart om attityder hos vårdpersonal och brister i den emotionella vården. Tre teman identifierades i resultatet: Känslor hos kvinnan vid missfall, Emotionellt stöd och bemötande och behov av adekvat och individanpassad information. Diskussion: Vårdpersonalen måste se kvinnan som mer än en objektiv kropp eller som endast ett sjukdomstillstånd. Missfall är en händelse som påverkar hela människan och kvinnorna har många emotionella behov som behöver tillgodoses. Om dessa behov inte möts kan vårdlidande uppstå hos kvinnorna. En god vårdrelation kan vara svår att skapa då tidsbrist och dålig kontinuitet är vanligt förekommande på avdelningarna.

Psychological wellbeing following miscarriage from a salutogenic perspective

Rennie, Anne Marie January 2016 (has links)
Previous research into the psychological impact of miscarriage has taken a pathogenic approach, with limited research examining the factors that relate to enhanced psychological wellbeing. As a result, it is difficult to understand what predicts lower anxiety, depression and higher wellbeing. In order to address such gaps this study employed mixed methods, using a salutogenic perspective to investigate the effects of miscarriage on women's psychological wellbeing and to identify factors related to enhanced psychological wellbeing over time.

The role of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in adverse pregnancy outcomes

Giakoumelou, Sevasti January 2017 (has links)
Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct), the most common sexually transmitted bacterium, has been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes including controversial data on miscarriage, intrauterine growth restriction and low birth weight, however the causative mechanisms are unknown. A successful pregnancy requires normal endometrial stromal cell (ESC) decidualisation and trophoblast invasion, processes that involve chemokine action and lead to successful implantation. My objectives were to determine whether Ct infection impacts upon ESC decidualisation and chemokine secretion on human primary ESC invitro, to investigate the role of Ct infection in pregnancy in-vivo using a murine model of pregnancy and to investigate the role of Ct in miscarriage in a statistically powered case control study. A novel finding is that Ct can infect and proliferate in ESC, resulting in suboptimal decidualisation as measured by decidualisation marker prolactin’s reduced mRNA and protein levels in infected ESC. Furthermore, the altered secreted chemokine profile of decidualised ESC suggests an attenuated innate immune response from infected ESC. Focusing on chemokines C-X-C motif chemokine 12 (CXCL12) and CXCL16, important for trophoblast invasion, decreased mRNA and protein concentrations were detected in infected decidualised cells. From the in-vivo mouse model of past Ct infection in pregnancy, it was demonstrated that Ct infection did neither affect the fertility of the mice, pregnancy or resorption numbers in C3H mice nor alter embryonic and placental weight on e12 embryos. However, Ct infection caused reduction of embryo and placenta weight on e14 embryos. Finally, preliminary data from the case control study indicate that past Ct infection is not associated with miscarriage. Our in house PGP3 ELISA that detects past Ct infection was more sensitive than a commercially available MOMP ELISA. My data suggests that Ct infection affects pregnancy during the implantation stage by impairing decidualisation and altering chemokine secretion predisposing for adverse pregnancy outcomes that include growth restriction during later gestation.

Reproductive health among tactical athletes: An examination of physical activity and occupational concerns

Kehler, Ainslie Kathryn January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Kinesiology / Katie M. Heinrich / Tactical athletes (e.g., law enforcement, military, firefighters) require a proportionate fitness level, along with specific technical and tactical skills, to achieve short-term objectives and disable various threats. Although these professions have unique job duties and workplace exposures, tactical athletes share many commonalities. A tactical athlete’s occupation requires her to be physically prepared for the unknown to protect the public. So what happens when the tactical athlete becomes pregnant? Benefits of physical activity throughout pregnancy for athletes, non-athletes, and baby have been well-documented. However, certain common tactical occupational conditions may result in adverse birth outcomes. These include shift work, high job stress, and exposures such as lead handling or high ambient temperatures. Additionally, extreme physical exertion around the implantation period may harm the developing embryo. In an unpredictable, potentially extremely physically demanding and stressful job environment, the pregnant tactical athlete may have higher risk for adverse birth outcomes compared to other women. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the reproductive health of physically active females with specific focus on tactical athletes. First, we wanted to determine any exercise limits for pregnant athletes. We were also interested whether reproductive health was an important concern for this population, and if their adverse birth outcomes were higher compared to the United States national average. Chapter one reviews the literature, examining the female athlete and tactical athlete, the physical and occupational demands of tactical professions, and the reproductive health concerns among law enforcement officers (LEOs) and firefighters. Chapter two is a comprehensive review on prenatal exercise. It highlights the lack of scientific rigor presented in earlier guidelines, and states the need for more research on the upper limits of exercise intensity for athletes. Female athletes can usually maintain regular exercise training during pregnancy. Chapter three uses grounded-theory to investigate reproductive health concerns among firefighters. Results indicate that reproductive health is unquestionably a large concern, with four resulting themes (i.e., decision-making, recruitment and retention, policy variation, and lack of research). Chapter four investigates adverse reproductive health outcomes in female LEOs. Miscarriage rates are compared with a large prospective linkage study, preterm birth rates are compared to a large systematic US review study, and links are explored between specific job exposures and pregnancy loss. Miscarriage rate for our population are 19.1%, and preterm birth rates are 16.4%, both significantly higher than US averages. Physical activity, including strenuous occupational demands during pregnancy, is not associated with pregnancy loss among female LEOs. Chapter five presents a findings summary and future research directions. Miscarriage and preterm birth appear to be higher than average for both female firefighters and LEOs. Exercise did not play a large role in the concerns of female firefighters, or findings from female LEOs. Future research should be conducted specifically on females working in tactical occupations, with an emphasis on reproductive health concerns. More education should be provided at the organization level on the potential occupational exposures that can cause increased risk of adverse birth outcomes in female tactical athletes.

Kvinnors upplevelse av psykisk hälsa i samband med och efter missfall

Lindström, Sara, Nordwall, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Missfall är då en graviditet avbryts innan fostret har förmåga att överleva utanför livmodern. Av alla konstaterade graviditeter slutar 10 - 20% i missfall. Kvinnor som genomgått missfall har behov av stöd samt anpassad information, därför är det av vikt att sjuksköterskan finns där och ger ett psykologiskt stöd genom hela omvårdnadsprocessen.   Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa kvinnors upplevelse av psykisk hälsa i samband med och efter missfall samt granska undersökningsgrupperna i de inkluderade artiklarna.   Metod: Litteraturstudien har en beskrivande design där 10 artiklar med kvalitativ ansats utgör studiens resultat.   Huvudresultat: Majoriteten av kvinnorna upplevde missfall som en krissituation, präglad av djup sorg och tomhet. För att bearbeta sorgen var stödet från familj, vänner och sjukvården avgörande för den psykiska hälsan. Kvinnorna ansåg stöd samt anpassad information från sjukvården som viktigt, detta upplevdes dock bristfälligt vilket skapade otrygghet. För att öka möjligheten för kvinnorna att gå vidare krävdes ett meningsskapande av händelsen vilket kunde uppkomma till följd av att tiden gjorde det möjligt att bearbeta känslor och uppnå en bättre psykisk hälsa. I undersökningsgrupperna i artiklarna deltog mellan 6 - 23 kvinnor, åldern hos deltagarna varierade mellan 18 - 60 år och kvinnorna hade upplevt 1 - 8 missfall mellan graviditetsvecka 5 - 20.   Slutsats: Majoriteten av kvinnor som upplevt missfall fick en negativ påverkan på den psykiska hälsan. Den mest centrala aspekten som urskiljdes var vikten av stöd, framförallt från sjukvården. Kan sjuksköterskan få en större förståelse och identifiera kvinnors emotionella upplevelse av missfall kan en bättre omvårdnad utföras, vilket möjliggör en stärkt psykisk hälsa hos kvinnorna. / Background: Miscarriage is when a pregnancy ends before the fetus is able to survive outside the uterus. Out of every established pregnancies, 10 - 20% ends in miscarriage. Women who experienced miscarriage needs support and information and that’s why nurses needs to give a psychological support trough the whole nursing process.   Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate women’s experience of psychological health in conjunction with and after miscarriage and to describe the participants in the included articles.   Method: This study has a descriptive design where 10 articles with qualitative approach makes the final result.   Results: The majority of women experienced miscarriage as a crisis, characterized by grief and emptiness. The need of support by family, friends and healthcare was considered to be a crucial part for their psychological health. Women considered support as well as adapted healthcare information as important, however, women felt lack of information, and this created insecurity. The women experienced the psychological health improved with time, the distance gave them opportunity to find meaning through the incident. In the study groups 6 - 23 women participated, the age varied between 18 - 60 years and the women had experienced 1 - 8 miscarriage in pregnancy week 5 - 20.   Conclusion: The majority of women who experienced miscarriage got negative impact on their psychological health. The most central aspect is support, most from the healthcare. If the nurses can get a deeper understanding and identify women’s emotional experience of miscarriage, a better nursin care can be taken into practice, which can improve the women’s psychological health.

"No One's Gonna Say That at Church:" Women's Experiences with Infertility in Christian Faith Communities

Paulsen, Donna 01 May 2020 (has links)
This study explores women’s experiences with infertility in Christian faith communities. Drawing from nine one-on-one interviews, the author argues that the presence of particular religious ideologies, social interactions, and rituals within faith communities contributed to the stigmatization and marginalization of study participants. Employing Muted Group Theory, the author uncovers the communicative strategies infertile women employ to resist these oppressive practices. A qualitative analysis of participants’ narratives presents two principal categories, containing a total of four findings relating to the harmful beliefs and practices of these women’s faith communities. The author argues that the veneration of motherhood and children suggests that infertile women inherently lack purpose and value and that the failure of Christian faith communities to provide safe environments for women without children exacerbates their isolation and grief. Action steps for Christian faith communities are recommended.

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