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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organised crime prevention in the Netherlands exposing the effectiveness of preventive measures /

Schoot, Cathelijne Rosalie Annemarie van der. January 2006 (has links)
Proefschrift Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. / Auteursnaam op omslag: C.R.A. van der Schoot. Lit. opg.: p. 227-238. - Met samenvatting in het Nederlands.

'n Nuusteoretiese ondersoek na die dekking van misdaad as vermaak in Huisgenoot (2012) / Alexa Swart

Swart, Alexa January 2014 (has links)
In hierdie studie word Huisgenoot se raming van misdaad nuusteoreties bespreek deur middel van ’n kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise. Ramingsteorie en die verbandhoudende teoretiese perspektiewe van agendastelling, sensasionalisme, nuus- en voorbladteorie word as teoretiese interpretasie-instrumente gebruik. Al die misdaadstories wat Huisgenoot in 2012 gedek het, word genoteer en elke artikel word aan die hand van agendastelling geklassifiseer om sodoende misdaadnuus as belangrike agendapunt op Huisgenoot se voorblad te peil. Aan die hand van 'n klassifikasieproses is die drie mees prominente misdaadonderwerpe in Huisgenoot 2012 geïdentifiseer as die Modimolle-monster, die Griekwastad-moorde en die Somalië-ontvoering. Elk het vyf maal in 2012 die Huisgenoot-voorblad gehaal. Die studie volg ’n deduktiewe benadering en dus word gebruik gemaak van generiese of bestaande rame, wat toegepas word op elkeen van die prominentste misdaadstories om te bepaal of die raam voorkom en op watter wyse dit gebruik is. Die generiese rame (aan die hand van Semetko & Valkenburg, 2006:95-96) is dié van menslike belang, konflik, moraliteit en die ekonomie. Die studie sluit dan af met die noukeurige analise van die mees prominente misdaadonderwerpe wat elkeen volgens ramingsteorie en die bydraende perspektiewe geanaliseer en beskryf word. Die studie bevind dat Huisgenoot se raming van die drie mees prominente misdade gedomineer word deur die menslikebelang- en konflikrame. Hierdie rame het sterk gefigureer in elke storie en versterk ook Huisgenoot se sensasionele raming van die misdaadstories, omdat dié raming nuus aangrypend verpersoonlik en emosioneel aanbied. Verder word geargumenteer dat Huisgenoot dié misdaad sensasioneel raam deur sy deurlopende gebruik van ’n kragtige, soms baie grafiese, prosavertelstyl. Die tydskrif verpersoonlik en vereenvoudig voortdurend die misdaadnuus en raam die artikels treffend en emosioneel deur die sterk narratiewe vertelling van gebeure wat verband hou met sensasionele poniejoernalistiek. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

'n Nuusteoretiese ondersoek na die dekking van misdaad as vermaak in Huisgenoot (2012) / Alexa Swart

Swart, Alexa January 2014 (has links)
In hierdie studie word Huisgenoot se raming van misdaad nuusteoreties bespreek deur middel van ’n kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise. Ramingsteorie en die verbandhoudende teoretiese perspektiewe van agendastelling, sensasionalisme, nuus- en voorbladteorie word as teoretiese interpretasie-instrumente gebruik. Al die misdaadstories wat Huisgenoot in 2012 gedek het, word genoteer en elke artikel word aan die hand van agendastelling geklassifiseer om sodoende misdaadnuus as belangrike agendapunt op Huisgenoot se voorblad te peil. Aan die hand van 'n klassifikasieproses is die drie mees prominente misdaadonderwerpe in Huisgenoot 2012 geïdentifiseer as die Modimolle-monster, die Griekwastad-moorde en die Somalië-ontvoering. Elk het vyf maal in 2012 die Huisgenoot-voorblad gehaal. Die studie volg ’n deduktiewe benadering en dus word gebruik gemaak van generiese of bestaande rame, wat toegepas word op elkeen van die prominentste misdaadstories om te bepaal of die raam voorkom en op watter wyse dit gebruik is. Die generiese rame (aan die hand van Semetko & Valkenburg, 2006:95-96) is dié van menslike belang, konflik, moraliteit en die ekonomie. Die studie sluit dan af met die noukeurige analise van die mees prominente misdaadonderwerpe wat elkeen volgens ramingsteorie en die bydraende perspektiewe geanaliseer en beskryf word. Die studie bevind dat Huisgenoot se raming van die drie mees prominente misdade gedomineer word deur die menslikebelang- en konflikrame. Hierdie rame het sterk gefigureer in elke storie en versterk ook Huisgenoot se sensasionele raming van die misdaadstories, omdat dié raming nuus aangrypend verpersoonlik en emosioneel aanbied. Verder word geargumenteer dat Huisgenoot dié misdaad sensasioneel raam deur sy deurlopende gebruik van ’n kragtige, soms baie grafiese, prosavertelstyl. Die tydskrif verpersoonlik en vereenvoudig voortdurend die misdaadnuus en raam die artikels treffend en emosioneel deur die sterk narratiewe vertelling van gebeure wat verband hou met sensasionele poniejoernalistiek. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Misdaad in die nywerheid. 'n kriminologiese ondersoek

Kruger, Jan Johannes Lewis January 1979 (has links)
Aangesien misdaad in die handel- en nywerheid in die jonste tyd in omvang toeneem, het by die ondersoeker die begeerte ontstaan om vas te stel wat die aard, omvang en die gevolge van misdaad, o.a. winkeldiefstal en gapsery in die privaatsektor is. Voorts is klem gele op die basiese vereistes van sekuriteit asook die daarstelling en gebruik van die beskikbare fisiese beveiligingstelsels. In die laaste plek is aangedui watter rol sekuriteitspersoneel ten aansien van sekuriteit in die handel en nywerheid speel. In die 600 handels- en nywerheidsondernemings wat in die ondersoek betrek is, is 23 052 misdade gepleeg waarvan 18 700 (81,12%) diefstal is. Die ander misdade is bedrog, vervalsing, eiendomsbeskadiging, geweldpleging, aanranding, huisbraak (inbraak) dobbelary en die gebruik van dagga. In totaal is 17 713 van die 23 052 misdade deur die werknemers gepleeg. Twee-en-tagtig persent (14 434) is diefstal en is hoofsaaklik deur die nieblanke rassegroep gepleeg. Die meeste werknemers, naamlik 10 396 (58,69%) wat oortree is tussen die ouderdomme 17 en 25 jaar. Dit is gedurende die leeftyd dat mense tot die beroepsarbeid toetree en dikwels vanwe~ onoordeelkundige besteding van hul verdienste nie die mas kan opkom nie en dan van ongeoorloofde metodes gebruik maak om die soms karige inkomste aan te vul. Namate die ouderdom styg, in die mate neem misdaad af. Die boonste bestuur tree nie deurgaans konsekwent op teen mense wat van hul eiendom steel nie. Die redes is die volgende : In die eerste plek is hulle nie bereid om ter wille van minder ernstige oortredings kosbare ure in die howe deur te bring nie. In die tweede plek tree hulle meer simpatiek op teen die vroulike geslag as teenoor die mans. Laastens word jeugdiges wat oortree eerder aan hul ouers as aan die polisie oorhandig aangesien die boonste bestuur jeugoortreders saver moontlik van die howe probeer we~hou ten einde nie hul toekoms daardeur te benadeel nie. Winkeldiefstal en gapsery is ~ misdaad wat in die jongste tyd vir veral die kleinhandelaars, heelwat hoofbrekens besorg. Die meeste oortreders is werknemers tussen die ouderdomme 17 en 25 jaar. Nie minder nie as 53,40 persent (4 514) val in die ouderdomsgroep. Net 2 jeugdiges tussen 7 en 16 jaar is aan die polisie uitgelewer terwyl die res aan hul ouers oorhandig is. Slegs 4 754 werknemars wat hul werkgewers besteel is aan die polisie uitgelewer terwyl 9 580 nie vervolg is nie. Ten aansien van die buitestaanders is die situasie ietwat anders. In totaal het 2 591 winkeldiewe en gapsers met die gereg gebots teenoor 1 575 wat nie in die hande van die gereg geval het nie. Winkeldiefstal en gapsery het tot gevolg dat die 600 ondernemings R1 656 46o per jaar as onvoorsiene verliese afskryf. Dit is ~ bedrag wat van die verbruikerspubliek verhaal moet wod. die gevolg is dat pryse onnodig die hoogte inskiet met onvermydelike stimulasie van inflasie en benadeling van die landsekonomie. Dit het nodig geword dat elke ondernemer sy eiendom self beskerm en beveilig. Gebruikmaking van die beskikbare fisiese beveiligingstelsels soos dief- en brandalarmstelsels, geslotebaantelevisie, eenrigtingspie~ ls, interkommunikasiestelsels, sekerheidsheinings, sekerheidsbeligting, ens. sal die sekuriteitspersoneel in staat stel om op ~ doeltreffende wyse handels- en nywerheidseiendom te beveilig. Om dit moontlik te maak moet daar noue samewerking tussen die sekuriteitshoof en die boonste bestuur wees. Dit op sigself bring mee dat die boonste bestuur sekuriteitsbewus moet wees. 'n Verliesbeheerstelsel met sekuriteit as basis, behoort die boonste bestuur in staat te stel om daagliks te bepaal of die ondernemings suksesvol funksioneer al dan nie. Indien hulle daadwerklik in die verband optree, behoort deeglik opgeleide sekuriteitspersoneel met behulp van die beskikbare fisiese beveiligingstelsels dit vir die misdadiger bykans onmoontlik te maak om die handel en nywerheid te beroof. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1979. / gm2014 / Anthropology and Archaeology / unrestricted

Factors that contribute to adolescents committing sexual crimes in Mahikeng area / Kelebogile Matron Mahura

Mahura, Kelebogile Matron January 2013 (has links)
The sexual offences that are committed by adolescents lately are of a great concern, particularly in the Mafikeng area. The record shows that adolescents are arrested daily for committing criminal offences. Despite the measures that are taken by the government in developing the young people to be the generation that would be tomorrow’s future leaders, others turn to not taking the opportunity with both hands but rather engaging in criminal activities. The office record also shows that adolescents’ cases that are assessed by the Probation officers in Mafikeng are mostly of sexual offences. In every assessment the child offender is expected to be accompanied by the parent/s. In most instances the parent/s indicates to be not aware of what influences the child to act against the law by committing a sexual offence. The role of the family is to provide care, support and guidance towards the child. It becomes difficult for the Probation officers to assist the child in such case if the parent/s does not know the causal factor of his/her child’s negative act, since they are seen to be the child’s primary care giver. In South Africa sexual offence is seen to be serious offence before the court of law that falls under schedule 3 offences. The research was conducted among the adolescents who were found to have committed sexual offences in Mafikeng area. The aim of the research was to gain information on factors that contribute to adolescents to commit sexual crimes. The objective for this research was to explore the factors that contribute to adolescents committing a sexual crime and formulate recommendations for social workers and parents/guardians in preventing adolescents from committing sexual crimes in the Mafikeng area. An empirical study was conducted using a qualitative approach. A self-administered schedule was used to evaluate the factors that contribute to adolescents committing sexual crimes by means of interviews with each adolescent who has been found to have committed sexual offences. It is evident from the data collected from the research that the main factors that influence adolescents to commit sexual offences in Mafikeng are substance abuse, failure to attend school and lack of parental supervision. It takes a village to raise a child, from these findings it is clear that an integrated service approach has to be adopted in addressing the challenge, i.e. parents should start to play their role in providing care and support for their children. There has to be good relationships between the community and government departments as well as NGO’s in dealing with moral decay. / MSW (Forensic Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Factors that contribute to adolescents committing sexual crimes in Mahikeng area / Kelebogile Matron Mahura

Mahura, Kelebogile Matron January 2013 (has links)
The sexual offences that are committed by adolescents lately are of a great concern, particularly in the Mafikeng area. The record shows that adolescents are arrested daily for committing criminal offences. Despite the measures that are taken by the government in developing the young people to be the generation that would be tomorrow’s future leaders, others turn to not taking the opportunity with both hands but rather engaging in criminal activities. The office record also shows that adolescents’ cases that are assessed by the Probation officers in Mafikeng are mostly of sexual offences. In every assessment the child offender is expected to be accompanied by the parent/s. In most instances the parent/s indicates to be not aware of what influences the child to act against the law by committing a sexual offence. The role of the family is to provide care, support and guidance towards the child. It becomes difficult for the Probation officers to assist the child in such case if the parent/s does not know the causal factor of his/her child’s negative act, since they are seen to be the child’s primary care giver. In South Africa sexual offence is seen to be serious offence before the court of law that falls under schedule 3 offences. The research was conducted among the adolescents who were found to have committed sexual offences in Mafikeng area. The aim of the research was to gain information on factors that contribute to adolescents to commit sexual crimes. The objective for this research was to explore the factors that contribute to adolescents committing a sexual crime and formulate recommendations for social workers and parents/guardians in preventing adolescents from committing sexual crimes in the Mafikeng area. An empirical study was conducted using a qualitative approach. A self-administered schedule was used to evaluate the factors that contribute to adolescents committing sexual crimes by means of interviews with each adolescent who has been found to have committed sexual offences. It is evident from the data collected from the research that the main factors that influence adolescents to commit sexual offences in Mafikeng are substance abuse, failure to attend school and lack of parental supervision. It takes a village to raise a child, from these findings it is clear that an integrated service approach has to be adopted in addressing the challenge, i.e. parents should start to play their role in providing care and support for their children. There has to be good relationships between the community and government departments as well as NGO’s in dealing with moral decay. / MSW (Forensic Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

'n Analise van die regsraamwerk vir die regulering van die onwettige handel in kinderorgane in Suid-Afrika / Anchané Botha

Botha, Anchané January 2014 (has links)
The concept of organ transplantation is not a new concept in South Africa and many organ transplants are performed annually. However, the problem that arises is that there is currently a shortage of donor organs suitable for transplant and this leads to the demand for organs exceeding the supply thereof. This in itself opens the door for unethical and criminal ways of obtaining organs. One of the ways in which these organs are obtained is child trafficking for the sole purpose of removal of organs. Although there are several reasons why children are abducted and used in child trafficking practices, the removal of their organs is discussed as the main reason in this study. The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United National Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) (hereinafter the Protocol), which South Africa signed and ratified, is the international instrument which places an obligation on South Africa to address the issue relating to human trafficking by implementing legislation. Until recently there had been no legislation specifically regulating human trafficking. Through the years, several bills for implementation in the national legislative framework were proposed to parliment. In 2013, the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act was incorporated into national legislation to address South Africa's international and regional obligations. In this study, the international, regional and national framework concerning trafficking is outlined and discussed as well as the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act to determine to what extent they do provide protection to victims of human trafficking. / LLM (Comparative Child Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

'n Analise van die regsraamwerk vir die regulering van die onwettige handel in kinderorgane in Suid-Afrika / Anchané Botha

Botha, Anchané January 2014 (has links)
The concept of organ transplantation is not a new concept in South Africa and many organ transplants are performed annually. However, the problem that arises is that there is currently a shortage of donor organs suitable for transplant and this leads to the demand for organs exceeding the supply thereof. This in itself opens the door for unethical and criminal ways of obtaining organs. One of the ways in which these organs are obtained is child trafficking for the sole purpose of removal of organs. Although there are several reasons why children are abducted and used in child trafficking practices, the removal of their organs is discussed as the main reason in this study. The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United National Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) (hereinafter the Protocol), which South Africa signed and ratified, is the international instrument which places an obligation on South Africa to address the issue relating to human trafficking by implementing legislation. Until recently there had been no legislation specifically regulating human trafficking. Through the years, several bills for implementation in the national legislative framework were proposed to parliment. In 2013, the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act was incorporated into national legislation to address South Africa's international and regional obligations. In this study, the international, regional and national framework concerning trafficking is outlined and discussed as well as the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act to determine to what extent they do provide protection to victims of human trafficking. / LLM (Comparative Child Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Penologiese studie rakende restitusie as 'n bevel aan die slagoffer van misdaad

Van den Berg, Christina Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie proefskrif is 'n poging om vanuit 'n Penologiese perspektief 'n teoreties-prinsipiele uiteensetting te gee betreffende restitusie aan die slagoffer van misdaad. Die doel van hierdie studie was om deur navorsing tot insig en kennis te kom betref f ende die vraagstuk rondom slagof fervergoeding en meer spesifiek restitusie as slagoffervergoeding. Die proef skrif behels 'n beskrywing van slagoffervergoeding vanaf die vroegste tye wat as die historiese ontwikkeling van slagoffervergoeding gesien kan word tot en met die tydsvlak waarin die strafreg horn nou bevind. Restitusiestelsels van Brittanje, die Verenigde State van Amerika en vyf Europese lande is bespreek. Die Republiek van Suid Afrika beskik nie oor 'n kompensasie of restitusiestelsel om slagoffers te vergoed nie en daarom is slegs die status wat die slagof fer in die strafproses beklee, bespreek. Gedurende die bestudering van die onderskeie lande se restitusiestelsels kon selfs binne die Europese Unie, geen eenstemmige beleid gevind word ten opsigte van die omvang van restitusie aan die misdaadslagoffer nie. In al die lande wat bestudeer is was die doelstellings waarom restitusie ingestel is egter die.slfde naamlik dat die tradisionele strafmetodes waaronder gevangenisstraf en ondertoesigstelling gefaal het in hul pogings om die slagoffer van misdaad te akkommodeer. Navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat gesien teen die swak posisie wat die slagoffer van misdaad in Suid-Afrika beklee, die instelling van 'n restitusiestelsel 'n dringende noodsaaklikheid geword het. Die stelsel moet funksioneer vanuit die ondertoesigstellingsdepartement met as ondertoesigstellingsbeamptes as inyorderaars van restitusie wat ook as bemiddelaars kan optree. Aanbevelings is ook gedoen vir die implimentering van 'n sentrale slagoffervergoedingsfonds. / This desertion is an attempt to present, from a Penological perspective, a theoretical fundamental exposition regarding restitution to the victim of crime. The purpose of this study was to, through research, gain insight and knowledge with regard to the question of victim compensation and more specific restitution as victim compensation. The dissertation comprises a description of victim compensation from the earliest of times, which can be seen as the historical development of victim compensation, until the time period that criminal law finds itself in today. Restitution systems of Britain, the United States of America and five European countries are discussed. The Republic of South Africa does not possess a Compensation or restitution system to compensate victims and therefore only the status of the victim in the criminal process is discussed. During the study of different countries's restitution systems there could, not even in the European Union, agreement be found with regard to the extent of restitution to the victim of crime. In all of the countries studied, the purposes why restitution were emplaced were the same, namely that the traditional punishment process, where under imprisonment and under supervision, failed in their attempts to accommodate the victim of crime. Research came to the conclusion that, taken against the bad position that the victim of crime in South Africa holds, the emplacement of a restitution system have become a necessity. The system should function from the under supervisory department with the supervisory officials as collectors of restitution and which could also act as mediators. Recommendations are done for the implementation of a central victim compensation fund.· / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Penologie)

Penologiese studie rakende restitusie as 'n bevel aan die slagoffer van misdaad

Van den Berg, Christina Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie proefskrif is 'n poging om vanuit 'n Penologiese perspektief 'n teoreties-prinsipiele uiteensetting te gee betreffende restitusie aan die slagoffer van misdaad. Die doel van hierdie studie was om deur navorsing tot insig en kennis te kom betref f ende die vraagstuk rondom slagof fervergoeding en meer spesifiek restitusie as slagoffervergoeding. Die proef skrif behels 'n beskrywing van slagoffervergoeding vanaf die vroegste tye wat as die historiese ontwikkeling van slagoffervergoeding gesien kan word tot en met die tydsvlak waarin die strafreg horn nou bevind. Restitusiestelsels van Brittanje, die Verenigde State van Amerika en vyf Europese lande is bespreek. Die Republiek van Suid Afrika beskik nie oor 'n kompensasie of restitusiestelsel om slagoffers te vergoed nie en daarom is slegs die status wat die slagof fer in die strafproses beklee, bespreek. Gedurende die bestudering van die onderskeie lande se restitusiestelsels kon selfs binne die Europese Unie, geen eenstemmige beleid gevind word ten opsigte van die omvang van restitusie aan die misdaadslagoffer nie. In al die lande wat bestudeer is was die doelstellings waarom restitusie ingestel is egter die.slfde naamlik dat die tradisionele strafmetodes waaronder gevangenisstraf en ondertoesigstelling gefaal het in hul pogings om die slagoffer van misdaad te akkommodeer. Navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat gesien teen die swak posisie wat die slagoffer van misdaad in Suid-Afrika beklee, die instelling van 'n restitusiestelsel 'n dringende noodsaaklikheid geword het. Die stelsel moet funksioneer vanuit die ondertoesigstellingsdepartement met as ondertoesigstellingsbeamptes as inyorderaars van restitusie wat ook as bemiddelaars kan optree. Aanbevelings is ook gedoen vir die implimentering van 'n sentrale slagoffervergoedingsfonds. / This desertion is an attempt to present, from a Penological perspective, a theoretical fundamental exposition regarding restitution to the victim of crime. The purpose of this study was to, through research, gain insight and knowledge with regard to the question of victim compensation and more specific restitution as victim compensation. The dissertation comprises a description of victim compensation from the earliest of times, which can be seen as the historical development of victim compensation, until the time period that criminal law finds itself in today. Restitution systems of Britain, the United States of America and five European countries are discussed. The Republic of South Africa does not possess a Compensation or restitution system to compensate victims and therefore only the status of the victim in the criminal process is discussed. During the study of different countries's restitution systems there could, not even in the European Union, agreement be found with regard to the extent of restitution to the victim of crime. In all of the countries studied, the purposes why restitution were emplaced were the same, namely that the traditional punishment process, where under imprisonment and under supervision, failed in their attempts to accommodate the victim of crime. Research came to the conclusion that, taken against the bad position that the victim of crime in South Africa holds, the emplacement of a restitution system have become a necessity. The system should function from the under supervisory department with the supervisory officials as collectors of restitution and which could also act as mediators. Recommendations are done for the implementation of a central victim compensation fund.· / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Penologie)

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