Spelling suggestions: "subject:"missionsvetenskap"" "subject:"fusionsvetenskap""
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African Women and Religious Change: A study of the Western Igbo of Nigeria with a special focus on Asaba townIbewuike, Victoria O. January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study focuses on a small ethnic group in the western part of Igboland called Asaba. It describes how the religious and socio-political role of women has changed, due to colonialism, modernisation, Western education and Christianity, which were brought by the groups of Europeans and Americans, who penetrated Africa in the nineteenth century. One of the major points of the thesis is that the freeborn women in the traditional “dual-sex”society of the Igbo lost their previous power to speak for themselves when the Igbo were Christianised. However, the women of slave origin happily adopted the new, more egalitarian faith.</p><p>The dissertation is divided into three parts. The first part is the traditional aspect, which highlights the role of women in Igbo traditional society. The second is a theoretical and historical part. This part deals with the socio-economic and political changes, which took place between 1830 to 1910 in Asaba society, due to colonialism, modernization, Western education and Christianity, and the impact of these forces of change on Asaba women. The third part deals with the role of women in the Catholic Church in Asaba. It analyses the various women's organisations in the Catholic Church in Asaba and the roles, which they play in the church. </p><p>The major conclusion arising from the present analysis is that with the coming of forces of change, such as colonialism, modernization, Western education and Christianity, the religious and socio-political roles of women changed in Asaba society.</p>
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African Women and Religious Change: A study of the Western Igbo of Nigeria with a special focus on Asaba townIbewuike, Victoria O. January 2006 (has links)
This study focuses on a small ethnic group in the western part of Igboland called Asaba. It describes how the religious and socio-political role of women has changed, due to colonialism, modernisation, Western education and Christianity, which were brought by the groups of Europeans and Americans, who penetrated Africa in the nineteenth century. One of the major points of the thesis is that the freeborn women in the traditional “dual-sex”society of the Igbo lost their previous power to speak for themselves when the Igbo were Christianised. However, the women of slave origin happily adopted the new, more egalitarian faith. The dissertation is divided into three parts. The first part is the traditional aspect, which highlights the role of women in Igbo traditional society. The second is a theoretical and historical part. This part deals with the socio-economic and political changes, which took place between 1830 to 1910 in Asaba society, due to colonialism, modernization, Western education and Christianity, and the impact of these forces of change on Asaba women. The third part deals with the role of women in the Catholic Church in Asaba. It analyses the various women's organisations in the Catholic Church in Asaba and the roles, which they play in the church. The major conclusion arising from the present analysis is that with the coming of forces of change, such as colonialism, modernization, Western education and Christianity, the religious and socio-political roles of women changed in Asaba society.
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Meiji Protestantism in History and HistoriographyLande, Aasulv January 1988 (has links)
The present study provides an analysis of two different but interrelated historical dimensions. The first dimension, the founding process of Japanese Protestantism, is analysed in its wider historical context on the basis of contemporary scholarship, particuhirly Japanese. A second dimension: the ongoing historiographical interpretation of the founding process, is analysed from the foundation period itse1f up to 1945, against its contemporary historical background. The analytical approach takes account of the forms of history writing as weil as its contents, in an overall comparative perspective applied to the Japanese and the Western material. In the çonclusion the interpretative trends which are identified through the analysis of the second, historiographical dimension, are related to trends in contemporary interpretationof the foundation period. The conclusion thus focus on the relationship between prewar and postwar interpretation of Japanese Protestant beginnings.
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Bland smuts och andligt förfall : Svenska Missionsförbundets Kina kring sekelskiftet 1900Olsson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this thesis is to analyse the image of the Chinese that was constructed and maintained in the materials published in association to the Swedish Mission Covenant Church (SMF) missionary work in China between the years of 1890 to 1914.</p><p>The analysed material is mainly from the periodical Missionsförbundet, the analyse also include various books, biographies and anthologies. Inspired by Michel Foucault I found my methodological starting point in his discourse term. Frome there, by the help of the texts of Torjer A. Olsen, I constructed a discourse analyses, by which I analysed my materials.</p><p>The survey showed that the material associated to SMF foremost constructed a negative pictureof the Chinese as unclean, conservative, arrogant, liars, greedy, loud, bad singers and that the woman situation was seen as untenable. A more appreciative picture also emerged and the Chinese was described as polite and strong. But this image had restrictions that made the first positive impression fade away, as an example the missionaries often questioned the motive behind the Chinese friendliness and regarded it as a mean to manipulate.</p><p>In common to many of the characteristics was their connection to the larger dichotomy civilisation- barbary. The missionaries did not only represent Christianity they were also, according to themselves, the represents of civilisation. And the ascribed characteristics thus took theform of contrasting pictures that portrayed the heathen barbary Chinese. I saw the comprehensive negative image as a result of the missionaries need to legitimate their activity and as aproduct of the above described thinking in dichotomy terms.</p><p>The Chinese picture was not a picture of the Chinese per se, but a image of the ”Other”. The displayed characteristics is by no means restricted to only include the Chinese or to be seen asonly a historical conception, with no or little relevance to ”our” (post)modern society - look closely at the newspapers of today and you will find the same images in the reports from theso called ”developing countries”, the dirt, the mistreated woman, the greedy and corrupt leaders. What is then my point, am I saying that this picture is misleading? I lack the knowledgeto make such a claim, my intention is to attentive the genealogy of thought, to show that the free thought in some (or the most) cases are not so free. And in this lies also the thesis scientific value.</p>
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Bland smuts och andligt förfall : Svenska Missionsförbundets Kina kring sekelskiftet 1900Olsson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
The purpose with this thesis is to analyse the image of the Chinese that was constructed and maintained in the materials published in association to the Swedish Mission Covenant Church (SMF) missionary work in China between the years of 1890 to 1914. The analysed material is mainly from the periodical Missionsförbundet, the analyse also include various books, biographies and anthologies. Inspired by Michel Foucault I found my methodological starting point in his discourse term. Frome there, by the help of the texts of Torjer A. Olsen, I constructed a discourse analyses, by which I analysed my materials. The survey showed that the material associated to SMF foremost constructed a negative pictureof the Chinese as unclean, conservative, arrogant, liars, greedy, loud, bad singers and that the woman situation was seen as untenable. A more appreciative picture also emerged and the Chinese was described as polite and strong. But this image had restrictions that made the first positive impression fade away, as an example the missionaries often questioned the motive behind the Chinese friendliness and regarded it as a mean to manipulate. In common to many of the characteristics was their connection to the larger dichotomy civilisation- barbary. The missionaries did not only represent Christianity they were also, according to themselves, the represents of civilisation. And the ascribed characteristics thus took theform of contrasting pictures that portrayed the heathen barbary Chinese. I saw the comprehensive negative image as a result of the missionaries need to legitimate their activity and as aproduct of the above described thinking in dichotomy terms. The Chinese picture was not a picture of the Chinese per se, but a image of the ”Other”. The displayed characteristics is by no means restricted to only include the Chinese or to be seen asonly a historical conception, with no or little relevance to ”our” (post)modern society - look closely at the newspapers of today and you will find the same images in the reports from theso called ”developing countries”, the dirt, the mistreated woman, the greedy and corrupt leaders. What is then my point, am I saying that this picture is misleading? I lack the knowledgeto make such a claim, my intention is to attentive the genealogy of thought, to show that the free thought in some (or the most) cases are not so free. And in this lies also the thesis scientific value.
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Kyrka och mission i Sverige 1868-1901 : Svenska kyrkans missions tillkomst och första verksamhetstidFurberg, Tore January 1962 (has links)
Inom evangelisk mission kom vid mitten av 1800-talet konfessionsfrågan att spela en mer betydelsefull roll än tidigare. De i slutet av 1700-talet och början av 1800-talet bildade missionssällskapen hade haft en interkonfessionell inriktning och medvetet syftat till att förmedla ett allmänkristet budskap. Kyrkoproblemet hade inte varit aktuellt. Det hade närmast varit fråga om en pietistiskt färgad målsättning att nå de enskilda individerna. I denna avhandling belyses först de faktorer som ledde till detta inom evangelisk mission ovanliga resultat. I fortsättningen behandlas den svenska kyrkomissionens historia fram till år 1901. Tyngdpunkten ligger på utvecklingen i Sverige och frågan om kyrkomissionens integration i svenskt kyrkoliv. En viss uppmärksamhet har också ägnats åt verksamheten på missionsfälten. Någon egentlig inledning har inte ansetts nödvändig, eftersom Sundkler ingående behandlat den föregående tidens problematik. Den följande framställningen söker visa att det är motiverat att sätta åtskilliga förhållanden inom svenskt kyrkoliv på 1870-talet i relation till kyrkomissionens tillkomst.
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Culture Confrontation in the Lower Congo : From the Old Congo Kingdom to the Congo Independent State with Special Reference to the Swedish Missionaries in the 1880's and 1890'sAxelson, Sigbert January 1970 (has links)
The culture confrontation remains the central theme throughout this book, with special emphasis given to points of conflict. My approach to each particular era has been guided by the question: What were the areas of incompatibility or conflict between African and European culture in the Lower Congo? By focusing my analysis on the dynamics of this confrontation, the point of contact between Congolese and Europeans, I have marked that the purpose of this study is not to present a characterization of Congolese or African culture as separate entities. Its aim has been to analyse the essential features of the confrontation between the two cultures. The book's subtitle indicates that my study of the Lower Congo of the eighteen-eighties and nineties confines itself to the relationship between Congolese and Swedes, specifically the Swedish missionaries. This makes it possible to avoid repetition, since Slade's studies, together with David Lagergren's book Mission and State in the Congo, which was published in 1970, provide adequate coverage of the English-speaking Protestant missionaries, who with their Swedish counterparts played the principal role in the culture confrontation which took place in the region between the Atlantic and Stanley Pool at that period.
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Missionen: fridens budbärarinna : hur ser tre etablerade samfund respektive tre nya religiösa samfund på missionenEriksson, Anna, Lundeberg, Roberth January 2005 (has links)
<p>Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att göra en jämförelse av synen på mission mellan tre samfund som är etablerade och tre nya religiösa rörelser. Samfunden vi valt att studera är Evangeliska frikyrkan, Pingstkyrkan, Svenska missionskyrkan, Mormonerna, Livets Ord och Jehovas vittnen.</p><p>Det etablerade samfunden</p><p>• Det man ser är att inom de etablerade samfunden så för alla ut evangeliet. Alla delar samma vision genom att följa det som står i Bibeln.</p><p>• Inom de etablerade ser man att de har en gemensam helhetssyn på världen, människan och på Kristi uppdrag.</p><p>• De etablerade samfunden följer samma grundprinciper och missionen bedrivs med kärlekens styrka. Genom missionen bär man vittnesbörd om Kristus.</p><p>• Hur man missionerar är väldigt lika mellan det etablerade samfunden. Man använder sig av den nya tekniken för att nå ut med sitt budskap. Som radio, internet, satellit och teve.</p><p>De nya religiösa samfunden</p><p>• Inom de nyreligiösa samfunden eftersträvar man också att nå ut med evangeliet och kunskap men metoderna kan skilja sig åt.</p><p>• De nyreligiösa samfundens grundprinciper för att bedriva mission är snarlika de etablerade samfundens. Förutom Mormonerna som betonar Joseph Smiths uppenbarelser.</p><p>• Hur man missionerar inom de nya religiösa samfunden varierar. Tar man Jehovas Vittnen så är det deras kall att vara ute och knacka dörr, de använder sig inte av den nya tekniken på det sätt som Mormonerna och Livets Ord gör. De vill använda samma metod som Jesus själv använde.</p><p>Gemensamt för alla samfunden</p><p>• Missionen anses som en förutsättning för samfundens fortlevnad. Missioner är det absolut det viktigaste för samfunden. Det beror på att alla följer Guds vilja som det står så tydligt i missionsbefallningen.</p><p>• Kvinnorna har alltid haft en central roll i samfundens missionsverksamhet</p><p>• Samfunden har en drivkraft att göra gott för människor.</p><p>Det är intressant att notera hur viktig kvinnorna varit för samfundens utvecklig. Att det fanns så många eldsjälar som kämpade på tack vare sin starka kallelse att följa Gud. Trots att förhållanden ibland var mindre gynnsamma för deras hälsa.</p><p>Det vi upplever är att Jehovas Vittnen är ett mer slutet samfund som hela tiden är beroende av sitt huvudorgan. I alla de övriga samfunden finns en möjlighet att påverka ledningens beslut. Om församlingen anser att missionen är viktig inom ett visst område och inte ledningen kan församlingen få ledningen att ändra sitt beslut. Det är vanligt att olika församlingar inom samma samfund hjälps åt i missionsarbetet. Tar man Pingstkyrkan i Gävle som ett exempel så hjälper andra Pingstkyrkor till med att sponsra deras missionär. Sedan sponsrar Pingstkyrkan i Gävle en av de andra församlingarnas missionärer.</p>
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Church, State and People in Mozambique : An Historical Study with Special Emphasis on Methodist Developments in the Inhambane RegionHelgesson, Alf January 1994 (has links)
King Ngungunyana was the lord of the mighty Gaza Empire, covering most of the interior Mozambique south of the Zambezi and parts of present Zimbabwe, when the Portuguese in 1885 were requested by the Berlin Congress to accelerate their colonization. The small enclaves around certain port towns were no longer sufficient, in order to claim the territory as one's colony. "Effective occupation" was the new precept, leading very soon to conflict with King Ngungunyana and, in 1895, the defeat of the Gaza Empire. Thus began Portugal's factual colonization of Mozambique. A few years earlier, Protestant missionaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission bad attempted to begin mission work within the Gaza Empire. Although invited by the King, the effort failed and the missionaries settled near the town of Inhambane, within the Portuguese realm. Catholic Missions, which had been successful during the previous centuries, had ceased to function in all Mozambique, as Religious Orders bad been prohibited since 1834. Seemingly, the arrival of Protestants to Inhambane and also to Lourenço Marques, however, stimulated the Catholic Church into action, and around 1890 new Missions were established "to combat the Protestant propaganda". Meanwhile, the American Board missionaries withdrew, and from 1893 we find American Methodists working in their stead. Part Two of the dissertation deals with the time of the Republic in Portugal, from 1910. Strongly anti-clerical, the Republicans enforced the separation of the Church from the State. This led to difficult times for the Catholic Missions in Mozambique, while it facilitated, somewhat, the task of the Protestants. However, the urge to "civilize the natives" gradually made the Republicans accept the Catholic Missions as "civilizing factors". The spirit of this period allowed for the development of the first Independent African Churches in Mozambique, as well as a first African attempt at political independence. Part Three, 1926-1960, pictures the firmer political grip of "0 Estado Novo", under dictator Antonio Salazar. Forced labour and oppression were the lot of the people, and the Portuguese Catholic Church became the "spiritual arm of the State". "Portugalization" was the new formula. This placed all education of the Africans into the bands of the Catholic Missions, simultaneously closing all Protestant village schools. The period is characterized by a "tug-of-war" between Catholics and the Protestants, who survived by experimentation with new methods and, paradoxically, grew in numbers. The final part of this dissertation, 1961-1974, deals with the Liberation Struggle of FRELIMO, and the Portuguese response. The Portuguese Catholic Church was still, unfailingly, supporting the political regime and its war efforts. Gradually, a growing force of opposition within the Church became courageously active. Meanwhile, Protestant Missions prepared for the future by "africanizing" their structures, and some were made to suffer for alleged subversion, before the "Carnation Revolution" in 1974 put a sudden end to war activities. I suggest that several elements within the Church history of Mozambique contributed to the negative attitude towards religion, which was displayed by FRELIMO during the first years of independence.
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Missionen: fridens budbärarinna : hur ser tre etablerade samfund respektive tre nya religiösa samfund på missionenEriksson, Anna, Lundeberg, Roberth January 2005 (has links)
Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att göra en jämförelse av synen på mission mellan tre samfund som är etablerade och tre nya religiösa rörelser. Samfunden vi valt att studera är Evangeliska frikyrkan, Pingstkyrkan, Svenska missionskyrkan, Mormonerna, Livets Ord och Jehovas vittnen. Det etablerade samfunden • Det man ser är att inom de etablerade samfunden så för alla ut evangeliet. Alla delar samma vision genom att följa det som står i Bibeln. • Inom de etablerade ser man att de har en gemensam helhetssyn på världen, människan och på Kristi uppdrag. • De etablerade samfunden följer samma grundprinciper och missionen bedrivs med kärlekens styrka. Genom missionen bär man vittnesbörd om Kristus. • Hur man missionerar är väldigt lika mellan det etablerade samfunden. Man använder sig av den nya tekniken för att nå ut med sitt budskap. Som radio, internet, satellit och teve. De nya religiösa samfunden • Inom de nyreligiösa samfunden eftersträvar man också att nå ut med evangeliet och kunskap men metoderna kan skilja sig åt. • De nyreligiösa samfundens grundprinciper för att bedriva mission är snarlika de etablerade samfundens. Förutom Mormonerna som betonar Joseph Smiths uppenbarelser. • Hur man missionerar inom de nya religiösa samfunden varierar. Tar man Jehovas Vittnen så är det deras kall att vara ute och knacka dörr, de använder sig inte av den nya tekniken på det sätt som Mormonerna och Livets Ord gör. De vill använda samma metod som Jesus själv använde. Gemensamt för alla samfunden • Missionen anses som en förutsättning för samfundens fortlevnad. Missioner är det absolut det viktigaste för samfunden. Det beror på att alla följer Guds vilja som det står så tydligt i missionsbefallningen. • Kvinnorna har alltid haft en central roll i samfundens missionsverksamhet • Samfunden har en drivkraft att göra gott för människor. Det är intressant att notera hur viktig kvinnorna varit för samfundens utvecklig. Att det fanns så många eldsjälar som kämpade på tack vare sin starka kallelse att följa Gud. Trots att förhållanden ibland var mindre gynnsamma för deras hälsa. Det vi upplever är att Jehovas Vittnen är ett mer slutet samfund som hela tiden är beroende av sitt huvudorgan. I alla de övriga samfunden finns en möjlighet att påverka ledningens beslut. Om församlingen anser att missionen är viktig inom ett visst område och inte ledningen kan församlingen få ledningen att ändra sitt beslut. Det är vanligt att olika församlingar inom samma samfund hjälps åt i missionsarbetet. Tar man Pingstkyrkan i Gävle som ett exempel så hjälper andra Pingstkyrkor till med att sponsra deras missionär. Sedan sponsrar Pingstkyrkan i Gävle en av de andra församlingarnas missionärer.
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