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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mineral Chemistry and Parageneses of Oxyborates in Metamorphosed Fe-Mn Oxide Deposits / Mineralkemi och parageneser för oxyborater i metamorfa Fe-Mn-oxidmalmer

Enholm, Zacharias January 2016 (has links)
Oxyborate minerals can represent the most important sink for boron in silica-undersaturated mineralised systems such as those of the Långban-type. Yet, their distribution, characteristics and parageneses are still not completely known. In order to test the hypothesis that the chemical compositions of oxyborates are essentially reflecting their local environments, the present study was set up. Additional observations regarding their assemblages, textures and structure would allow for a broader understanding of their formation and paragenetic interrelationships. A representative selection of Mg-(Fe-Mn) oxyborates and associated minerals have been characterised using optical microscopy, field emission electron probe microanalysis (FE-EPMA) with wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS), and Raman spectroscopy. The studied samples are from a suite of carbonate-hosted Fe-Mn oxide deposits in the western part of the Palaeoproterozoic Bergslagen ore province, in south central Sweden and include the minerals blatterite [(Mn2+,Mg)35(Mn3+,Fe3+)9Sb5+3(BO3)16O32], fredrikssonite [Mg2(Mn3+,Fe3+)BO5], chemically variable ludwigites [c. (Mg,Fe2+)2Fe3+BO5], orthopinakiolite [(Mg,Mn2+)2Mn3+BO5] and pinakiolite [(Mg,Mn2+)2(Mn3+,Sb5+)BO5]. The results show a correlation between the cation distribution in the oxyborates fredrikssonite, ludwigite, orthopinakiolite as well as pinakiolite, and their associated metal oxides consisting of hausmannite and spinel group minerals. This combined with the textural relationships of the phases suggests that the bulk contents of magnesium, manganese and iron in the oxyborates were sequestered from these pre-existing metal oxides. The chemically broad range of hausmannite and spinel group minerals associated with specifically fredrikssonite and ludwigite agrees with their more frequent general occurrence, compared to orthopinakiolite and pinakiolite. Raman spectroscopy verified the structural character of the studied oxyborates and indicates a potential connection between the presence of manganese and whether local BO33- ions are allowed to be positioned in symmetry sites which result in a split E´ mode. The results from this study contribute to the understanding of this family of minerals and their potential diversity in mineralised systems, and form a fundamental prerequisite for their potential application for boron isotope studies. / Mineral är kemiska föreningar eller rena grundämnen som har en väldefinierad kemisk sammansättning, ordnad kristallstruktur och är bildade av geologiska processer. Oxyborater är en typ av sådana föreningar vilka innehåller grundämnena bor och syre samt olika kombinationer av metalliska grundämnen. Oxyboratmineral kan bland annat bildas i och omkring malmfyndigheter där grundämnet kisel är ovanligt eller icke förekommande, och kan utgöra de viktigaste borföreningarna i vissa sådana miljöer. Genom att bättre förstå denna typ av mineral och de kemiska och bildningsmässiga samband som finns mellan dem och andra föreningar kan vi få en större kunskap om hur de bildas, samt hur olika grundämnen kan omfördelas i sådana geologiska system. I denna studie har ett representativt urval av oxyborater undersökts med hjälp av mikroskopi och mikrokemiska samt spektroskopiska metoder för att testa huruvida deras kemiska sammansättning är direkt kopplad till den lokala miljön. De studerade proven kommer från karbonatbundna mineraliseringar i den västra delen av malmprovinsen Bergslagen i södra Mellansverige. De mineral som undersökts närmre är oxyboraterna blatterit, fredrikssonit, ludwigit, ortopinakiolit och pinakiolit. Resultaten visar på direkta kemiska samband mellan uppträdandet av fredrikssonit, ludwigit, ortopinakiolit samt pinakiolit, och de lokalt bergartsbildande mineral som de samexisterar med. Den breda kemiska fördelningen hos de metall- och syreföreningar som finns i samma omgivning som fredrikssonit och ludwigit förklarar också varför dessa två oxyborater generellt är mera vanligt förekommande än ortopinakiolit och pinakiolit. De spektroskopiska analyserna verifierar den tidigare klassificeringen av de studerade oxyboraterna samt visar på ett möjligt samband mellan innehållet av metallen mangan, samt hur grundämnet bor förekommer i deras kristallstruktur. Resultaten från denna studie bidrar med en kombination av nya kemiska, paragenetiska och spektroskopiska data samt ökar förståelsen av dessa värdmineral för grundämnet bor i malmfyndigheter med låg eller ingen kiselhalt. Resultaten ger även en insikt i hur den kemiska sammansättningen potentiellt kan påverka kristallstrukturen hos dessa oxyborater.

Structures atomiques des phases icosaédriques de type F et dislocations

Beauchesne, Jean-Tristan 28 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des structures atomiques des phases icosaédriques de type F et leurs dislocations.<br /><br />Dans cette étude nous avons d'abord construit une structure générique permettant de traiter dans un seul schéma les phases icosaédriques de type F connues. Afin de valider ce modèle nous avons synthétisé quelques compositions suggérées par ce dernier. Ces synthèses ont permis entre autres de découvrir deux nouvelles phases quasipériodiques à la stoechiométrie Al66,08Cu21,35Mn8,29Fe4,28 , l'une icosaédrique (métastable) de type F et l'autre décagonale (stable). Elles ont montré, à une composition au-delà de celles déjà étudiées dans le système (Al,Pd,Fe), l'existence d'une phase F-IQC.<br /><br /> Globalement, ces résultats expérimentaux d'études de nouvelles phases icosaédriques ont permis de montrer la fiabilité du modèle : sur les trois essais de nouvelles compositions, deux ont montré l'existence de phases icosaédriques de type F et la troisième a mis en évidence une phase décagonale en relation d'épitaxie canonique avec la phase icosaédrique brut métastable (axe 10 confondu avec un axe 5).<br /><br />Possédant un modèle fiable nous avons donc pu y introduire des dislocations. Nous avons ainsi précisé la géométrie des dislocations à l'échelle atomique, hors de la zone de cœur, dans les phases F-IQC. Dans cette structure nous avons aussi identifié les mouvements des phasons et tenté d'apporter des éléments de réponse aux mouvements de ces dislocations.

L’étude de l’InP et du GaP suite à l’implantation ionique de Mn et à un recuit thermique

Bucsa, Ioan Gigel 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l’étude des matériaux InMnP et GaMnP fabriqués par implantation ionique et recuit thermique. Plus précisément nous avons investigué la possibilité de former par implantation ionique des matériaux homogènes (alliages) de InMnP et GaMnP contenant de 1 à 5 % atomiques de Mn qui seraient en état ferromagnétique, pour des possibles applications dans la spintronique. Dans un premier chapitre introductif nous donnons les motivations de cette recherche et faisons une revue de la littérature sur ce sujet. Le deuxième chapitre décrit les principes de l’implantation ionique, qui est la technique utilisée pour la fabrication des échantillons. Les effets de l’énergie, fluence et direction du faisceau ionique sur le profil d’implantation et la formation des dommages seront mis en évidence. Aussi dans ce chapitre nous allons trouver des informations sur les substrats utilisés pour l’implantation. Les techniques expérimentales utilisées pour la caractérisation structurale, chimique et magnétique des échantillons, ainsi que leurs limitations sont présentées dans le troisième chapitre. Quelques principes théoriques du magnétisme nécessaires pour la compréhension des mesures magnétiques se retrouvent dans le chapitre 4. Le cinquième chapitre est dédié à l’étude de la morphologie et des propriétés magnétiques des substrats utilisés pour implantation et le sixième chapitre, à l’étude des échantillons implantés au Mn sans avoir subi un recuit thermique. Notamment nous allons voir dans ce chapitre que l’implantation de Mn à plus que 1016 ions/cm2 amorphise la partie implantée du matériau et le Mn implanté se dispose en profondeur sur un profil gaussien. De point de vue magnétique les atomes implantés se trouvent dans un état paramagnétique entre 5 et 300 K ayant le spin 5/2. Dans le chapitre 7 nous présentons les propriétés des échantillons recuits à basses températures. Nous allons voir que dans ces échantillons la couche implantée est polycristalline et les atomes de Mn sont toujours dans un état paramagnétique. Dans les chapitres 8 et 9, qui sont les plus volumineux, nous présentons les résultats des mesures sur les échantillons recuits à hautes températures : il s’agit d’InP et du GaP implantés au Mn, dans le chapitre 8 et d’InP co-implanté au Mn et au P, dans le chapitre 9. D’abord, dans le chapitre 8 nous allons voir que le recuit à hautes températures mène à une recristallisation épitaxiale du InMnP et du GaMnP; aussi la majorité des atomes de Mn se déplacent vers la surface à cause d’un effet de ségrégation. Dans les régions de la surface, concentrés en Mn, les mesures XRD et TEM identifient la formation de MnP et d’In cristallin. Les mesures magnétiques identifient aussi la présence de MnP ferromagnétique. De plus dans ces mesures on trouve qu’environ 60 % du Mn implanté est en état paramagnétique avec la valeur du spin réduite par rapport à celle trouvée dans les échantillons non-recuits. Dans les échantillons InP co-implantés au Mn et au P la recristallisation est seulement partielle mais l’effet de ségrégation du Mn à la surface est beaucoup réduit. Dans ce cas plus que 50 % du Mn forme des particules MnP et le restant est en état paramagnétique au spin 5/2, dilué dans la matrice de l’InP. Finalement dans le dernier chapitre, 10, nous présentons les conclusions principales auxquels nous sommes arrivés et discutons les résultats et leurs implications. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of InMnP and GaMnP materials fabricated by ion implantation and thermal annealing. More precisely we have investigated the possibility of forming by ion implantation homogeneous InMnP and GaMnP materials (alloys), containing up to 5 at. % of Mn, that would be in a ferromagnetic state for possible applications in spintronics. In the first introductive chapter we give the motivations for this research and briefly comment the literature existent on this subject. The second chapter describes the principles of ion implantation, which is the technique used for the fabrication of the samples. The effects of the energy, fluency and direction of the ion beam on the implantation profile and the formation of damages will be highlighted. Also in this chapter we shall find information concerning the semiconducting substrates used for the implantation. The experimental techniques used for the structural, chemical and magnetic characterisation of the samples, together with their limitations are discussed in the third chapter. Some theoretical principles of magnetism necessary for the understanding of the magnetic measurements are presented in chapter 4. The fifth chapter is dedicated to the study of the morphology and magnetic properties of the substrates used for implantation and the sixth chapter to the study of samples implanted with Mn without thermal annealing. In particular we’ll see in this chapter that Mn implantation at more then 1016 ions/cm2 makes amorphous the implanted layer and the Mn atoms are distributed in depth following a Gaussian profile. The implanted Mn atoms are in a paramagnetic state between 5 and 300 K having the spin value of 5/2. In chapter 7 we present the properties of samples annealed at low temperatures. We shall see that in these samples the implanted layer is polycristalline and the Mn atoms are still in a paramagnetic state. In the chapters 8 and 9 that contain most of the results of this thesis, we present the measurements on samples annealed at high temperatures: in chapter 8 one shall find results on InP and GaP implanted with Mn and in chapter 9 one shall see results on InP co-implanted with Mn and P. Firstly, in chapter 8 we’ll see that thermal annealing at high temperatures leads to an epitaxial recrystallization of InMnP and GaMnP. But most of the Mn atoms diffuse to the surface due to a segregation effect. In the regions at the surface, highly concentrated in Mn, the XRD and TEM measurement identify the formation of MnP and In crystalline. The magnetic measurements identify also the presence of ferromagnetic MnP. Moreover in these measurements one finds that 60 % of the implanted Mn is in a paramagnetic state with the spin value reduced with respect to that found in un-annealed samples. In the InP samples co-implanted with Mn and P we have only a partial recrystallization but, the effect of segregation of Mn at the surface is much reduced. In this case more than 50 % of the implanted Mn forms ferromagnetic MnP and the rest of it is diluted in InP, in a paramagnetic state with spin 5/2. Finally, in the last chapter 10 we present the principal conclusion that we have reached and discuss the results and their implications.

Biodegradace 17alfa-ethinylestradiolu enzymy ligninolytických hub / Biodegradation of 17alfa-ethinylestradiol by enzymes of ligninolytic fungi

Přenosilová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
This work is aimed at the study of the effect of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) on the production and characteristics of ligninolytic enzymes (laccase, Mn-dependent peroxidase and lignin peroxidase) in I. lacteus, T. versicolor, P. chrysosporium and P. ostreatus cultures grown on two types of liquid media. Enzyme activity production in fungal cultures was affected by the composition of culture medium. In the case of P. chrysosporium, the addition of EE2 to the complex- medium cultures led to a MnP activity stimulation and simultaneously LiP production was partially repressed in these cultures. In the mineral MM medium, no effect of EE2 on enzyme production by P. chrysosporium was observed. In EE2 treated MM cultures of P. ostreatus lower MnP activities were found when compared to biotic controls. In the case of T. versicolor cultures, the addition of EE2 to the complex medium caused laccase and LiP stimulation in the cultures. In the MM medium, however, only laccase production was affected by EE2. I. lacteus MnP production was partially repressed by EE2 in MM medium. In contrast to that, significantly higher MnP activities were detected in complex- medium I. lacteus cultures after the treatment with EE2. Further EE2 degradation by the fungal cultures was studied. The highest degradation effeciency was...

Efeito da temperatura de solubilização e da concentração de íons cloreto e sulfato sobre a resistência à corrosão por Pite dos aços inoxidáveis austeníticos 17Cr-6Mn-5Ni e UNS S30403. / Effect of solution heat treatment and of chloride/sulphate ions concentration on the pitting corrosion resistance of 17Cr-6Mn-5Ni and UNS S30403 austenitic stainless steel.

Calderón Hernández, José Wilmar 30 January 2012 (has links)
Os aços inoxidáveis austeníticos são os mais utilizados em situações onde é indispensável resistência à corrosão e excelentes propriedades mecânicas. O níquel costuma ser o principal elemento de liga utilizado na estabilização da fase austenítica, e nos últimos anos seu valor, de acordo com a London Metal Exchange, sofreu variações abruptas de preço, desestabilizando o mercado do aço inoxidável. Nesse contexto os aços da série 200, também conhecidos como aços Cr-Mn-Ni, que substituem parte do níquel por manganês para manter a estabilidade da fase austenítica, tiveram sua produção incrementada. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi comparar a resistência à corrosão por pite de dois aços inoxidáveis austeníticos, aço 17Cr-6Mn-5Ni (designado como aço 298, não normalizado) e o aço UNS S30403. Para tanto, foram estudadas duas variáveis: o efeito da temperatura de solubilização e da composição química do eletrólito, a qual foi constituída por soluções aquosas com teor fixo de 0,6M NaCl e adições progressivas de Na2SO4 visando verificar o efeito inibidor do íon sulfato nos diferentes aços com os diferentes tratamentos de solubilização (1010°C, 1040°C, 1070°C e 1100°C). A corrosão por pite foi determinada através de ensaios de polarização potenciodinâmica cíclica e os resultados obtidos foram discutidos através das variações microestruturais encontradas. Foram empregadas técnicas de microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura, análises por dispersão de energia, difração de raios X, medidas magnéticas com ferritoscópio e análise de imagem para quantificação da fase ferrita. Primeiramente, constatou-se que, na maioria das condições de composição química de eletrólito e tratamento térmico, em geral o aço UNS S30403 apresenta maior potencial de pite do que o aço 298. Mais detalhadamente, os resultados mostraram que a adição de íon sulfato aumenta a resistência à corrosão por pite em meio contendo cloreto dos aços 298 e UNS S30403 em todas as condições de tratamento térmico, sendo que o efeito benéfico da adição de sulfato é mais acentuado para o aço 298. O tratamento de solubilização teve pouca influência sobre a resistência à corrosão por pite do aço UNS S30403 (considerando-se cada eletrólito isoladamente); por outro lado, o aço 298 apresentou forte dependência com o tratamento térmico: na ausência de sulfato (0,6M NaCl) os tratamentos de solubilização diminuíram o potencial de pite; já na presença de sulfato, teores crescentes de Na2SO4 tiveram um efeito benéfico, cada vez mais forte, chegando ao ponto de atingir, para as concentrações de 0,6M Na2SO4 nas condições de tratamento térmico a 1070°C e 1100°C, potenciais de pite mais elevados do que os respectivos para o aço UNS S30403. Foi detectada a presença de uma segunda fase (ferrita, enriquecida em cromo) em ambos os aços (UNS S30403 e 298), e a presença de precipitados ricos em manganês no aço 298. Os distintos comportamentos foram explicados através da solubilização dos precipitados ricos em manganês. Concluiu-se que a dissolução, de tais precipitados, permitiu o aumento do teor de manganês na matriz austenítica do aço 298, sendo que a consequência disso, para o eletrólito puro em NaCl, foi a diminuição do potencial de pite desse aço, enquanto que na presença de sulfato, o efeito inibidor desse íon foi potencializado devido a maior afinidade química entre o íon sulfato e o elemento manganês - agora em solução sólida comparativamente àquela do íon cloreto e este elemento. Como o aço UNS S30403 não apresenta manganês como elemento de liga, nem consequentemente os precipitados ricos nesse elemento, o efeito deletério da solubilização, não foi observado em NaCl, e o efeito benéfico da adição de Na2SO4, sobre a resistência à corrosão por pite, não foi significativo para esse aço em função da temperatura de solubilização. / Austenitic stainless steels are widely used when both high corrosion and mechanical resistance are essentials. In general, nickel is added to stainless steels to stabilize the austenite phase. During the last decade, the nickel price fluctuated considerably; unstabling the stainless steel global market. The 200 series stainless steels, also known as Cr-Mn-Ni stainless steels, emerged as an alternative for traditional austenitic steels. In these steels, manganese replaces a fraction of nickel content, maintaining stable the austenitic phase. Consequently, the production of stainless steel containing manganese has increased notoriously. The present study has the aim to compare the pitting resistance corrosion, between the 17Cr-6Mn-5Ni (designated as 298) and UNS S30403 austenitic stainless steels. The effect of solution heat treatment temperature, and the chemical composition of environment aqueous solution were evaluated (the electrolytes used are constituted for aqueous solution with 0,6M NaCl fixed and Na2SO4 progress additions) verifying the inhibitor effect of sulfate ion in both steels on distinct temperature ranges (1010°C, 1040°C, 1070°C and 1100°C) defined for the solution heat treatments. The pitting corrosion resistance was determined by means of cyclic potentiodynamic polarization, and the answers obtained were discussed through the microstructural variations found. Optical and electron microscopy technique, X ray diffraction analysis, magnetic measurements using the ferritoscope and image analysis to ferrite phase quantification were used during this investigation. In most conditions examined, the UNS S30403 steel show highest pitting potential that 298 steel. In more detail, the results showed that addition of sodium sulfate increased the pitting corrosion resistance in media containing chloride ions of both UNS S30403 and 298 steels, in all heat treatment conditions, being more pronounced in 298 steel. The solution heat treatment had little influence on pitting resistance corrosion of UNS S30403 steel (considering separately each electrolyte); on the other hand, the 298 steel showed a strong dependence with the heat treatments: in absence of sulfate (0,6M NaCl) the heat treatments decreased the pitting corrosion resistance, but in presence of sulfate, the gradual increment of Na2SO4 concentration had a beneficial effect, each time more strong, reaching, for 0,6M NaCl+0,6M Na2SO4 condition in heat treatment temperatures 1070°C and 1100°C, higher pitting potential values than UNS S30403 steel. The presence of a chromium-rich second phase (chromium ferrite) in both steels (UNS S30403 and 298) and manganese-rich precipitates in 298 steel were detected. The different behaviors were explained through annealing solution of manganese-rich precipitates found in 298 steel. It is concluded that after heat treatments, the dissolution of these precipitates increased the manganese content in solid solution in 298 steel. Consequently decreasing the pitting potential values for 0,6M NaCl electrochemical condition (environment without Na2SO4). On the other hand, in presence of Na2SO4 the inhibitor effect is potentialized due to highest chemical affinity between ion sulfate and manganese (now in solid solution) compared to that between chloride ion and manganese. The UNS S30403 stainless steel does not contain manganese as alloying element, nor manganese-rich precipitates, deleterious effect in 0,6M NaCl was not observed, and the beneficial effect on pitting corrosion resistance due the sulfate additions was not significantly different in this steel when the annealing solution temperature is changed.

Influência do tratamento de normalização nas propriedades mecânicas e de corrosão nos aços AISI 52100 e AISI 52100 modificado ao Si e Mn / Influence of normalization treatment on the mechanical and corrosion properties of AISI 52100 and Si-Mn modified AISI 52100 steels

Silva, Mariane Capellari Leite da 12 August 2019 (has links)
O aço SAE AISI 52100 com microestrutura martensítica revenida é utilizado para a fabricação de rolamentos como também na fabricação de outras peças e dispositivos para aplicações marinhas. A modificação deste aço com a adição de silício e manganês pode melhorar as propriedades mecânicas em média-alta temperatura. Este aço modificado ao Si e Mn apresenta grande resistência ao amolecimento durante o revenimento, o que pode ser explorado quanto ao comportamento em altas temperaturas. Para a realização deste trabalho, foi utilizado o aço AISI 52100 com composição química conforme estabelece a norma ASTM A295- 2014, e um aço experimental com 1,82% de Si e 1% de Mn baseado no aço AISI 52100. Após tratamento térmico de normalização, investigou-se os fenômenos de transformação de fase por meio de estudos microestruturais, mecânicos e corrosivos em diferentes temperaturas. A adição de Si e Mn junto ao tratamento de normalização conferiram melhor dureza, tenacidade ao impacto e maior resistência à tração a 25, 300 e 400 oC, porém diminuiu a resistência à corrosão comparada à do aço AISI 52100 na condição utilizada nas indústrias. Portanto, o aço modificado normalizado se mostrou adequado para utilização em maiores temperaturas que não exijam resistência à corrosão em solução de NaCl 3,5 %p. / SAE AISI 52100 steel with tempered martensitic microstructure is used for the manufacture of bearings as well as in the manufacture of other parts and devices for marine applications. The modification of this steel with the addition of silicon and manganese can improve the mechanical properties in medium-high temperature. This Si-Mn modified steel exhibits high resistance to softening during tempering, which can be exploited in high temperature behavior. For this work, it was used the AISI 52100 steel with chemical composition in accordance to ASTM A295- 2014 and an experimental steel with 1.82% Si and 1% Mn, based on AISI steel 52100. After normalization heat treatment, the phenomena of phase transformation were investigated through microstructural, mechanical and corrosive studies at different temperatures. The addition of Si and Mn together with the normalization treatment improve hardness, impact toughness and tensile strength at 25, 300 and 400 oC, but decreased the corrosion resistance compared to AISI 52100 steel in the condition used in the industries. Therefore, normalized modified steel proved to be suitable for use at higher temperatures that do not require corrosion resistance in 3.5%w. NaCl solution.

Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of 2,4-Dichlorophenol Solutions with Addition of Mn/£^-Al2O3

Yen, Chun-hsiang 18 July 2001 (has links)
The 2,4-Dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) solution (400 mg L¡Ð1) was treated by a wet air oxidation (WAO) process at temperatures of 393¡Ð453 K under a total pressure of 3.0 MPa using either Mn /£^-Al2O3 or Mn-Ce /£^-Al2O3 composite oxide as a catalyst. A COD reduction was found only 19.2% within 60 min if the WAO process was performed in a semi-batch type reactor without any catalyst addition; however, a higher COD removal of 69.4% or 71.4% was achieved when the Mn /£^-Al2O3 or Mn-Ce /£^-Al2O3 oxide was applied in the WAO process, respectively. A catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) of 2,4-DCP solution using the Mn-Ce /£^-Al2O3 oxide as a catalyst was conducted in another up-flowing fixed-bed reactor at 433 K under a pressure of 3.0 MPa in a space velocity of 4.0 hr¡Ð1. The COD reduction of the solution of 2,4-DCP was found above 61.4%. Also, both BOD5 and COD values in the effluent from the CWAO process was examined, and the BOD5/COD ratio was about 0.64. On the other hand, it is possible to treat the 2,4-DCP solution (¡Õ400 mg L¡Ð1) to meet the discharging regulation standard (COD¡Õ100 mg L¡Ð1) began in 1998 at Taiwan using a CWAO run and followed by an activated sludge treatment unit. The Ea values of the CWAO of 2,4-DCP using the Mn /£^-Al2O3 oxide as a catalyst were 20.77 KJ mol¡Ð1 and 23.99 KJ mol¡Ð1, respectively, for the first-stage and the second-stage reaction, respectively. In addition, the Ea values of the CWAO of 2,4-DCP over the Mn-Ce /£^-Al2O3 oxide were 14.77 KJ mol¡Ð1 and 23.30 KJ mol¡Ð1, respectively, for the first-stage and the second-stage reaction. Obviously, the Mn-Ce /£^-Al2O3 oxide does a better job in reducing the activation energy of the CWAO of 2,4-DCP than the Mn /£^-Al2O3 oxide does. Unfortunately, 2,4-DCP is hardly decomposed to become a low molecule weight carbon acids by the WAO run undergoing at 493 K without any catalyst addition. Several intermediates, such as 2-chlorophenol, phenol, catechol, oxalic acid, and formic acid, of the effluent from the CWAO of 2,4-DCP run over the Mn-Ce /£^-Al2O3 oxide were determined with a high-performance liquid chromatography.

Growth, Structural And Physical Properties Of Certain Antimony Based III-V Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

Ganesan, K 08 1900 (has links)
Semiconductor devices are the building blocks of electronics and communication technology in the modern world. The charge, mass and spin of charge carriers in the semiconductor devices lay the foundations of the technology developments in the modern age. But to date only the electronic charge of the semiconductors has been exploited for such applications. The significance of the spin of charge carriers is completely ignored because in a semiconductor the half of the carriers are in spin-up state and the remainder are in spin-down state. A new electronics termed as spintronics, spin-transport based electronics, is focused to utilise the spin degree of freedom of the charge carriers in addition to its electronic charge. The devices based on these have the potential for various technological advancements like non-volatility, increased data processing speed, decreased electronic power consumption and increased integration densities as compared to the conventional semiconductor devices. In this study, the author intended to study the growth and properties of magnetic impurity doped antimony based III-V compounds and compare these results with those of the films grown by MBE. This thesis is organised into seven chapters. The first introductory chapter gives a brief review of the work on spintronics, diluted magnetic semiconductors, Ferromagnetic / paramagnetic semiconductor hybrid structures with special emphasis on the properties of antimonides which have already been reported in the literature. This is followed by the scope of the thesis. The second chapter deals with technical details of various instruments used in the present research work. Third chapter describes the growth and structural properties of bulk crystals grown by Bridgman method and thin films grown by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE). Bulk crystals of InSb and GaSb doped with magnetic elements such as Mn and Fe are grown with different doping concentrations. Thin films of InSb and GaSb doped Mn with different doping concentrations are grown by LPE. The grown crystals are processed by slicing, lapping, polishing and chemical etching methods. X-ray diffraction studies are carried out to confirm alloy formation and to find the change in lattice parameter if any. From the powder diffraction patterns, the lattice parameter is refined with the help of Retvield refinement program. A systematic change of lattice parameter with the incorporation of magnetic impurities into InSb and GaSb is observed. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray analysis are carried out to identify the secondary phases and their composition respectively. Chapter 4 gives the detailed magnetotransport studies carried out on InSb and GaSb crystals doped with Mn and Fe. Also, the magnetotransport studies carried out on thin films grown by liquid phase epitaxy are presented here. This chapter is divided into three sections of which the first section deals with Mn doped bulk crystals of InSb and GaSb, the second section deals with Fe doped bulk crystals of InSb and GaSb and the third section deals with Mn doped InSb and GaSb films grown on GaAs by Liquid Phase Epitaxy. Temperature dependence of zero field resistivity, magnetoresistance and Hall measurements are carried out from 1.4 to 300K. All the samples show p type conduction throughout the temperature range studied except for Fe doped InSb. Mn doped crystals show negative magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effect below 10K. Anisotropy in magnetoresistance is also observed at low temperatures in InMnSb crystals. On the other hand, Fe doped samples exhibit positive magnetoresistance throughout the temperature range and no anomalous Hall effect is observed. Chapter 5 describes the magnetic properties of bulk InMnSb, GaMnSb, InFeSb and GaFeSb crystals so also the thin films of InMnSb/GaAs. DC magnetization measurements are carried out in the temperature range 2 - 300K. The Mn doped InSb and GaSb crystals as well as InMnSb/GaAs films, show a magnetic ordering below 10K which could arise from the InMnSb and GaMnSb alloy formation. Also, saturation in magnetization observed even at room temperature suggests the existence of ferromagnetic MnSb clusters in the crystals which has been verified by scanning electron microscopy studies. In Fe doped InSb crystals, the temperature dependent DC magnetization shows irreversibility under field cooled and zero field cooled conditions below 12K, suggesting a spin glass-like behaviour. Also, magnetization measurement shows the coexistence of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases throughout the temperature range studied. Existence of ferromagnetic phase could arise from secondary phases Fe1-xInx or FeSb2 present in the crystal as clusters and paramagnetic phase could arise from the randomly distributed Fe atoms in the InSb matrix. Fe doped GaSb crystals show interesting magnetic property that arises from the FeGa alloy (secondary phase) present in it. The EPR studies on Ga0.98Mn0.02Sb cluster-free (?) crystal suggest that the dominant Mn impurity in GaMnSb is Mn2+ (d5), described as ionized acceptor A−. This conclusion was derived from EPR experiments, which reveal a strong absorption line with an effective g factor very close to 2.00, the value typical for centre A−. The absence of EPR signal typical for neutral Mn acceptor A0 suggests that this center is absent in the crystal under investigation. The observed behavior is similar to that of Ga1-xMnxAs and In1-xMnxAs epilayers. EPR studies also reveal that the competition between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic phases exists in the studied crystal. Chapter 6 describes the optical measurements carried out on bulk Ga1-xMnxSb crystals and their films with different Mn doping concentrations. FTIR studies are carried out in the temperature range 4 - 300 K. From the FTIR studies, it is found that intra valance spin – orbit splitting band absorption is dominant compared to the fundamental absorption in doped crystals. In higher doped crystals (x > 0.01), fundamental band absorption merges with split-off band and could not be resolved. Free carrier absorption studies are also carried out in the energy range below the band gap. FTIR studies on GaMnSb/GaAs films suggest band gap narrowing effect due to Mn doping. Furthermore the Photoluminescence measurements are carried out in the temperature range 10 – 300 K for all the Mn doped GaSb crystals. PL studies also support the band gap narrowing and band filling effects. A comprehensive summary of this research investigation and scope for the further work are presented in the last chapter.

L’étude de l’InP et du GaP suite à l’implantation ionique de Mn et à un recuit thermique

Bucsa, Ioan Gigel 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l’étude des matériaux InMnP et GaMnP fabriqués par implantation ionique et recuit thermique. Plus précisément nous avons investigué la possibilité de former par implantation ionique des matériaux homogènes (alliages) de InMnP et GaMnP contenant de 1 à 5 % atomiques de Mn qui seraient en état ferromagnétique, pour des possibles applications dans la spintronique. Dans un premier chapitre introductif nous donnons les motivations de cette recherche et faisons une revue de la littérature sur ce sujet. Le deuxième chapitre décrit les principes de l’implantation ionique, qui est la technique utilisée pour la fabrication des échantillons. Les effets de l’énergie, fluence et direction du faisceau ionique sur le profil d’implantation et la formation des dommages seront mis en évidence. Aussi dans ce chapitre nous allons trouver des informations sur les substrats utilisés pour l’implantation. Les techniques expérimentales utilisées pour la caractérisation structurale, chimique et magnétique des échantillons, ainsi que leurs limitations sont présentées dans le troisième chapitre. Quelques principes théoriques du magnétisme nécessaires pour la compréhension des mesures magnétiques se retrouvent dans le chapitre 4. Le cinquième chapitre est dédié à l’étude de la morphologie et des propriétés magnétiques des substrats utilisés pour implantation et le sixième chapitre, à l’étude des échantillons implantés au Mn sans avoir subi un recuit thermique. Notamment nous allons voir dans ce chapitre que l’implantation de Mn à plus que 1016 ions/cm2 amorphise la partie implantée du matériau et le Mn implanté se dispose en profondeur sur un profil gaussien. De point de vue magnétique les atomes implantés se trouvent dans un état paramagnétique entre 5 et 300 K ayant le spin 5/2. Dans le chapitre 7 nous présentons les propriétés des échantillons recuits à basses températures. Nous allons voir que dans ces échantillons la couche implantée est polycristalline et les atomes de Mn sont toujours dans un état paramagnétique. Dans les chapitres 8 et 9, qui sont les plus volumineux, nous présentons les résultats des mesures sur les échantillons recuits à hautes températures : il s’agit d’InP et du GaP implantés au Mn, dans le chapitre 8 et d’InP co-implanté au Mn et au P, dans le chapitre 9. D’abord, dans le chapitre 8 nous allons voir que le recuit à hautes températures mène à une recristallisation épitaxiale du InMnP et du GaMnP; aussi la majorité des atomes de Mn se déplacent vers la surface à cause d’un effet de ségrégation. Dans les régions de la surface, concentrés en Mn, les mesures XRD et TEM identifient la formation de MnP et d’In cristallin. Les mesures magnétiques identifient aussi la présence de MnP ferromagnétique. De plus dans ces mesures on trouve qu’environ 60 % du Mn implanté est en état paramagnétique avec la valeur du spin réduite par rapport à celle trouvée dans les échantillons non-recuits. Dans les échantillons InP co-implantés au Mn et au P la recristallisation est seulement partielle mais l’effet de ségrégation du Mn à la surface est beaucoup réduit. Dans ce cas plus que 50 % du Mn forme des particules MnP et le restant est en état paramagnétique au spin 5/2, dilué dans la matrice de l’InP. Finalement dans le dernier chapitre, 10, nous présentons les conclusions principales auxquels nous sommes arrivés et discutons les résultats et leurs implications. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of InMnP and GaMnP materials fabricated by ion implantation and thermal annealing. More precisely we have investigated the possibility of forming by ion implantation homogeneous InMnP and GaMnP materials (alloys), containing up to 5 at. % of Mn, that would be in a ferromagnetic state for possible applications in spintronics. In the first introductive chapter we give the motivations for this research and briefly comment the literature existent on this subject. The second chapter describes the principles of ion implantation, which is the technique used for the fabrication of the samples. The effects of the energy, fluency and direction of the ion beam on the implantation profile and the formation of damages will be highlighted. Also in this chapter we shall find information concerning the semiconducting substrates used for the implantation. The experimental techniques used for the structural, chemical and magnetic characterisation of the samples, together with their limitations are discussed in the third chapter. Some theoretical principles of magnetism necessary for the understanding of the magnetic measurements are presented in chapter 4. The fifth chapter is dedicated to the study of the morphology and magnetic properties of the substrates used for implantation and the sixth chapter to the study of samples implanted with Mn without thermal annealing. In particular we’ll see in this chapter that Mn implantation at more then 1016 ions/cm2 makes amorphous the implanted layer and the Mn atoms are distributed in depth following a Gaussian profile. The implanted Mn atoms are in a paramagnetic state between 5 and 300 K having the spin value of 5/2. In chapter 7 we present the properties of samples annealed at low temperatures. We shall see that in these samples the implanted layer is polycristalline and the Mn atoms are still in a paramagnetic state. In the chapters 8 and 9 that contain most of the results of this thesis, we present the measurements on samples annealed at high temperatures: in chapter 8 one shall find results on InP and GaP implanted with Mn and in chapter 9 one shall see results on InP co-implanted with Mn and P. Firstly, in chapter 8 we’ll see that thermal annealing at high temperatures leads to an epitaxial recrystallization of InMnP and GaMnP. But most of the Mn atoms diffuse to the surface due to a segregation effect. In the regions at the surface, highly concentrated in Mn, the XRD and TEM measurement identify the formation of MnP and In crystalline. The magnetic measurements identify also the presence of ferromagnetic MnP. Moreover in these measurements one finds that 60 % of the implanted Mn is in a paramagnetic state with the spin value reduced with respect to that found in un-annealed samples. In the InP samples co-implanted with Mn and P we have only a partial recrystallization but, the effect of segregation of Mn at the surface is much reduced. In this case more than 50 % of the implanted Mn forms ferromagnetic MnP and the rest of it is diluted in InP, in a paramagnetic state with spin 5/2. Finally, in the last chapter 10 we present the principal conclusion that we have reached and discuss the results and their implications.

Studium dynamiky dynamiky magnetizace v GaMnAs pomocí ultrarychlé laserové spektroskopie / Investigation of magnetization dynamics in GaMnAs by ultrafast laser spectroscopy

Tesařová, Naďa January 2013 (has links)
i Abstract: This doctoral thesis is dedicated to the study of magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As using magneto-optical (MO) spectroscopy methods. The character of the magnetization dynamics after the impact of the laser pulse was investigated under different experimental conditions in an extensive set of optimized (Ga,Mn)As samples with Mn doping ranging from 1.5% to 14%. The thorough analysis of the measured MO signal enabled us to develop a new method that can be used to determine the laser pulse-induced real-space magnetization trajectory without any numerical modelling. Moreover, the investigation of the measured MO signals allowed us to determine the basic micromagnetic properties of (Ga,Mn)As, such as the magnetic anisotropy, the Gilbert damping or the spin stiffness. In addition to this, we found out that the light-induced magnetization precession can be caused by three distinct mechanisms - the sample heating due to the energy transfer from the laser pulses, the angular momentum transfer from the circularly polarized photons, and the influence of the non-equilibrium hole polarization induced by the relativistic spin-orbit interaction. The first of these mechanisms is rather well known but the two remaining ones, which are the optical analogues of the spin-transfer torque...

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