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INTERAÇÕES DE TROCA PARA VIZINHOS DISTANTES POR DEGRAUS DE MAGNETIZAÇÃO NO Cd(1-x)Mn(x)SeMerino, Rafael Alejandro Cajacuri 06 March 2002 (has links)
Esta dissertação estuda as constantes de troca para vizinhos distantes no semicondutor magnético diluído Cd(1-x)Mn(x)Se, que tem a estrutura da wurtzita. O método dos degraus de magnetização foi empregado, a partir de medidas de magnetização a 20 mK e campos magnéticos de até 5 Tesla. Mediram-se pela primeira vez os valores de quatro constantes de troca antiferromagnéticas para vizinhos distantes (além das duas constantes conhecidas para primeiros vizinhos). Os valores obtidos são: J(3) /kB =-0.35 ± 0.01K, J(4) /kB =-0.20 ± 0.01K, J(5) /kB =-0.10 ± 0.01K e J(6) /kB = -0.08 ± 0.01K.. Para a identificação dos pares correspondentes às interações de troca medidas utilizou-se a estatística de clusters supondo uma distribuição aleatória dos íons de Mn. Simulações teóricas que consideram até clusters de tipo quarteto na estrutura hcp dos cátions foram implementadas. Uma identificação completa não foi possível por causa de coincidências entre populações de pares diferentes que ocorrem na estrutura deste material. Os resultados apresentam uma grande similaridade com os observados nos compostos cúbicos da mesma família
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Precipitation Strengthening of Aluminum by Transition Metal AluminidesFan, Yangyang 28 April 2015 (has links)
A castable alloy, i.e., one that flows easily to fill the entire mold cavity and also has resistance to hot tearing during solidification, must invariably contain a sufficient amount of a eutectic structure. For this reason, most traditional aluminum casting alloys contain silicon because the aluminum-silicon eutectic imparts to the alloy excellent casting characteristics. However, the solidus temperature in the Al-Si system does not exceed 577°C, and the major alloying elements (i.e., zinc, magnesium, and copper) used with silicon in these alloys further lower the solidus temperature. Also, these elements have high diffusivity in aluminum and so, while they enhance the room temperature strength of the alloy, they are not useful at elevated temperatures. Considering nickel-base super alloys, whose mechanical properties are retained up to temperatures that approach 75% of their melting point, it is conceivable that castable aluminum alloys can be developed on the same basis so that they are useful at temperatures approaching 350 °C. A castable aluminum alloy intended for high temperature applications must contain a eutectic structure that is stable at temperatures higher than 600°C, and must contain second phase precipitate particles that are thermodynamically stable at the service temperature. Transition metal trialuminides with the general chemical formula AlxTMy in which TM is a transition metal, are excellent candidates for both the eutectic structure and the precipitate particles. In this research, the use of transition metals in the constitution of aluminum casting alloys is investigated with emphasis on the morphology, crystallography, and mechanisms of formation of the various phases.
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Complementary tuning semiconductor NCs properties using precursor reactivity, doping, and post-synthetic modificationYadanparast, Mohammad Sadegh January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Chemistry / Emily McLaurin / Quantum dots are nanocrystalline semiconductors in which the size is so small that optoelectronic properties are size dependent. QDs have a lot of applications in displays, solar cells, lasers, light emitting diodes, etc. The optoelectronic properties of QDs depend on their size, composition, the shape of the particles and also the surface chemistry of the QDs. Phosphine based precursors have been mostly used in the synthesis of QDs. Due to the lack of tunable reactivity, this class of precursors, QDs with different shape are obtained by under different reaction conditions. With that, branched QDs are less likely to be obtained in one step reaction using phosphine based precursors.
To synthesis QDs with a branched structure, in a single step synthesis, mixtures of precursors with different reactivity were used. Using dichalcogenides mixture, CdSe₁-xSx hyperbranched supra-quantum dots (HSQDs) where synthesized in a one-step microwave-assisted synthesis and shape evolution mechanism of formation of NCs studied. It is shown that the NCs formed in three steps of nucleation, aggregation, and growth. By controlling the reaction conditions, simple branched tetrapod NCs are prepared, but the obtained NCs have no emission due to unpassivated surface and defects which work as trap.
To obtain luminescent NCs obtained through doping. Hyperbranched Mn²+:ZnSe₁-xSx NCs also prepared using a mixture of Ph₂Se₂ and Me₂S₂. The shape evolution mechanism of the formation of NCs was studied and it is shown that the NCs are formed via oriented attachment of initially formed nanoparticles. The NCs used for thiol sensing, and it observed that they have a better sensitivity and detection limit than spherical QDs.
Although hyperbranched NCs have higher sensitivities over nonbranched NCs but, the spherical NCs have better detection limit and can dispersed in aqueous medium by ZnS shell growth followed by silica shell formation. To study the effect of ZnS shell thickness on sensing property of NCs, a set of spherical Mn:ZnSe@ZnS with different ZnS shell thickness were prepared and used for thiol sensing. It observed that in organic medium, thinner ZnS layer gives the highest sensitivity and QDs with thick ZnS shell layer have less sensitivity. For measurement in aqueous medium, QDs transferred to PBS buffer after formation of silica shell over QDs. It observed that NCs with a thin ZnS shell layer lose their emission and sensing completely. Thick ZnS shell protects NCs in the silica shell formation step but they show very low sensitivity to thiol compounds as well. ZnS shell with medium thickness gives the best sensitivity in an aqueous medium.
The emission of Mn:ZnSe@ZnS QDs originated from d-d electron transition of Mn(II) ions and is independent to the size of QDs. To extend our study to QDs with band edge emission, preparation of luminescent InP QDs by post-synthetic modification is studied. InP NCs were synthesized using heat up method and successive injection of precursors. Narrow size distribution NCs obtained after size selection precipitation. Emissive NCs obtained after etching using InCl3 and fluoride containing salts. The study showed that more InCl3 case more etching and presence of fluoride-containing salt is necessary for band edge emission of the NCs.
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Prédiction de la non-rupture fragile dans un joint soudé en acier C-Mn dans le domaine de la transition fragile/ductileNguyen, Thai Ha 19 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte de la sûreté nucléaire, et plus précisément, de l'intégrité des circuits secondaires des Réacteurs à eau pressurisée (REP). L'étude porte donc sur le comportement à rupture de structures minces soudées dans le domaine haut de la transition fragile/ductile. Elle a pour objectif de développer le modèle en contrainte seuil initialement développé par Chapuliot, qui permet de prédire la non-rupture par clivage de cette structure soudée. Le modèle est identifié pour la soudure de l'acier au C-Mn de construction nucléaire, en s'intéressant plus particulièrement à la limite supérieure du domaine de transition.Une contrainte seuil, en-dessous de laquelle le clivage ne peut avoir lieu, est identifiée à partir d'essais de traction à basses températures sur éprouvettes axisymétriques entaillées prélevées dans le joint soudé. Cette contrainte seuil permet de définir le volume seuil, ou volume dans lequel les contraintes principales maximales dépassent la contrainte seuil au cours de l'essai.L'analyse au MEB des faciès des éprouvettes rompues montre que la zone fondue brute de solidification dans la ZAT est la zone la plus susceptible de cliver. La relation entre la probabilité de rupture fragile et le volume seuil dans cette zone est établie via une fonction de sensibilité, grâce à des essais sur éprouvettes CT et à leur simulation multi-matériaux. Le modèle ainsi identifié est testé pour prévoir la non rupture par clivage d'éprouvettes SENT prélevées dans le joint soudé et sollicitées en traction. Les résultats obtenus sont encourageants relativement à la transférabilité du modèle à la structure réelle
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Synthesis of millimeter-scale carbon nanotube arrays and their applications on electrochemical supercapacitorsCui, Xinwei 11 1900 (has links)
This research is aimed at synthesizing millimeter-scale carbon nanotube arrays (CNTA) by conventional chemical vapor deposition (CCVD) and water-assisted chemical vapor deposition (WACVD) methods, and exploring their application as catalyst supports for electrochemical supercapacitors.
The growth mechanism and growth kinetics of CNTA under different conditions were systematically investigated to understand the relationship among physical characteristics of catalyst particles, growth parameters, and carbon nanotube (CNT) structures within CNTAs. Multiwalled CNT (MWCNT) array growth demonstrates lengthening and thickening stages in CCVD and WACVD. In CCVD, the lengthening and thickening were found to be competitive. By investigating catalyst particles after different pretreatment conditions, it has been found that inter-particle spacing plays a significant role in influencing CNTA height, CNT diameter and wall number. In WACVD, a long linear lengthening stage has been found. CNT wall number remains constant and catalysts preserve the activity in this stage, while MWCNTs thicken substantially and catalysts deactivate following the previously proposed radioactive decay model in the thickening stage of WACVD. Water was also shown to preserve the catalyst activity by significantly inhibiting catalyst-induced and gas phase-induced thickening processes in WACVD.
Mn3O4 nanoparticles were successfully deposited and uniformly distributed within millimeter-long CNTAs by dip-casting method from non-aqueous solutions. After modification with Mn3O4 nanoparticles, CNTAs have been changed from hydrophobic to hydrophilic without their alignment and integrity being destroyed. The hydrophilic Mn3O4/CNTA composite electrodes present ideal capacitive behavior with high reversibility. This opens up a new route of utilizing ultra-long CNTAs, based on which a scalable and cost-effective method was developed to fabricate composite electrodes using millimeter-long CNTAs. To improve the performance of the composites, -MnO2 nanorods were anodically pulse-electrodeposited within hydrophilic 0.5 mm-thick Mn3O4 decorated CNTAs. The maximum gravimetric capacitance for the MnO2 nanorods/CNTA composite electrode was found to be 185 F/g, and that for -MnO2 nanorods was determined to be 221 F/g. After electrodeposition, the area-normalized capacitance and volumetric capacitance values were increased by a factor of 3, and an extremely high area-normalized capacitance of 1.80 F/cm2 was also achieved for the MnO2 nanorods/CNTA composite. / Materials Engineering
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Processing of Nanostructured WC-Co Powders and Sintered SteelsZhang, Zongyin January 2003 (has links)
Processing of nanostructured WC-Co and W-Co powders,modelling of Fe-Mn-Si alloy, swelling of Fe-Cu alloy, andmechanical properties and sintering of Fe-Mn-Si steels havebeen studied in the present thesis. W-Co precursors made by chemical synthesis were used toproduce nanostructured WCCo and W-Co powders by calcination,reduction and carburization. The phase constituents in thecalcined powders depend on temperature and atmospheres. Cobaltcan accelerate the reduction rate of the W-Co precursors as acatalyst, and cobalt influences the formation of intermediatephases during the reduction of the precursors. The ratio of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide controlscarburization process, gives different intermediate phases andcarburization rates. There exist several intermediate phases: W6Co6C, W3Co3C, W2C due to varying carbon monoxide content in thecarburization gases. Nanostructured WC-Co powders with aparticle size of 20-50 nm have been obtained. The effect of silicon content on the particle sizedistribution of milled Fe-Mn-Si master alloy powders is muchmore significant than that of manganese content. A finer finalparticle size can be obtained in the alloy powders with highersilicon compositions. Long time milling results in theagglomeration of small particles. The grinding process can bedescribed using classic batch grinding equation based on thepopulation balance model. A swelling model for Fe-Cu alloyssintered at the temperatures above the melting point of copperhas been established based on the penetration mechanism. In themodel, the particle coordination number and heating rate wereused to express the porosity and the thickness of the diffusionlayers between iron and copper particles respectively. The effects of sintering temperature and time on theproperties of sintered steels have been studied. Fe-Mn-Simaster alloys made by cast-milling, atomizing, and acombination of atomization and milling have been covered. Themilled, and atomizationmilled alloy steels showed goodmechanical properties with small dimensional change. Transientliquid phase of the Fe-Mn-Si alloys accelerates densification,and offer fast diffusion of alloying elements. The addition ofa small amount of Fe-Mn-Si master alloy to Astaloy 85Mo powdercan lead to high strength with zero dimensional change. <b>Key words:</b>Processing; Modelling; Nanostructured powder;WC-Co; W-Co; Calcination; Reduction; Carburization; Particlesize; Sintered steel; Fe-Cu alloy; Swelling; Fe-Mn-Si masteralloy; Mechanical properties; Sintering parameters.
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Spectroscopic study of transition metal compounds.Choudhury, Sanjukta 30 August 2010
The electronic structure of some transition metal compounds, specifically, Ca-doped LaMnO3,
fundamental Mn oxides (MnO, Mn2O3, Mn3O4, and MnO2), and Fe-doped ZnO is studied using a combination of soft X-ray spectroscopy and atomic multiplet calculations. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) are used as experimental tools to probe the unoccupied and occupied partial density of electronic states,respectively.<p>
Ca-doped LaMnO3 perovskites have attracted great attention due to their colossal magnetoresistance and a wide range of magnetic and structural transitions. The magnetic and charge transport properties of these perovskites are directly related with Mn 3d-occupancy or Mn-valency and therefore, an investigation of the Mn-valence at Ca-doped LaMnO3 system is important. In this system, the Mn-valency is generally considered as a mixture of Mn3+ and Mn4+. But my research suggests the presence of Mn2+ at the surface of Ca-doped LaMnO3 samples. It is observed that increasing Ca-doping decreases Mn2+ concentration, and conversely, increases Mn3+ concentration. High temperature annealing at 1000 °C in air leads to the full reduction of surface Mn2+. Mechanisms for these observations are proposed in this study.<p>
Mn oxides (MnO, Mn2O3, Mn3O4, and MnO2) are often used as reference standards for determining the Mn-valency in Mn-related complex systems and therefore a detailed understanding of their electronic structure is necessary. The Mn L2,3 XAS and O K XAS are measured for the four Mn oxides consisting of three common Mn oxidation states (Mn2+ in MnO, Mn3+ in Mn2O3, mixture of Mn2+ and Mn3+ in Mn3O4, and Mn4+ in MnO2). A significant energy shift with a systematic trend is observed in measured Mn L2,3 and O K absorption edges. These energy shifts are identified as a characteristic shift for different Mn oxidation states. Mn L2,3 Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) spectroscopy is demonstrated as a powerful tool in describing low energy excitations, e.g. d-d excitations and
charge-transfer excited states in Mn oxides. For the first time, a RIXS study of Mn2O3,Mn3O4, and MnO2 is accomplished. Atomic multiplet calculations are used to successfully
reproduce the energy positions and intensity variations of d-d excitation peaks observed in the
experiment, and thus to describe the experimental RIXS spectra.<p>
Finally, the local electronic structure of Fe implanted ZnO samples, a useful diluted magnetic
semiconductor for spintronics, is investigated to shed light on the existing debate about the
origin of ferromagnetism in these materials. Fe L2,3 XAS reveals that doped Fe ions are
present in both Fe2+ and Fe3+ valence states. A combined theoretical and experimental study
shows that doped ions are incorporated into Zn-sites of ZnO in tetrahedral symmetry. Fe L3-
RIXS measurements demonstrate that a high Fe-ion dose of 8 × 107 cm-2 causes formation of
FeO clusters, while low dose samples exhibit more free carriers.
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Energy Transfer Dynamics and Dopant Luminescence in Mn-Doped CdS/ZnS Core/Shell NanocrystalsChen, Hsiang-Yun 14 March 2013 (has links)
Mn-doped II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals exhibit bright dopant photoluminescence that has potential usefulness for light emitting devices, temperature sensing, and biological imaging. The bright luminescence comes from the 4T1→6A1 transition of the Mn2+ d electrons after the exciton-dopant energy transfer, which reroutes the exciton relaxation through trapping processes. The driving force of the energy transfer is the strong exchange coupling between the exciton and Mn2+ due to the confinement of exciton in the nanocrystal. The exciton-Mn spatial overlap affecting the exchange coupling strength is an important parameter that varies the energy transfer rate and the quantum yield of Mn luminescence. In this dissertation, this correlation is studied in radial doping location-controlled Mn-doped CdS/ZnS nanocrystals. Energy transfer rate was found decreasing when increasing the doping radius in the nanocrystals at the same core size and shell thickness and when increasing the size of the nanocrystals at a fixed doping radius.
In addition to the exciton-Mn energy transfer discussed above, two consecutive exciton-Mn energy transfers can also occur if multiple excitons are generated before the relaxation of Mn (lifetime ~10^-4 - 10^-2 s). The consecutive exciton-Mn energy transfer can further excite the Mn2+ d electrons high in conduction band and results in the quenching of Mn luminescence. The highly excited electrons show higher photocatalytic efficiency than the electrons in undoped nanocrystals.
Finally, the effect of local lattice strain on the local vibrational frequency and local thermal expansion was observed via the temperature-dependent Mn luminescence spectral linewidth and peak position in Mn-doped CdS/ZnS nanocrystals. The local lattice strain on the Mn2+ ions is varied using the large core/shell lattice mismatch (~7%) that creates a gradient of lattice strain at various radial locations. When doping the Mn2+ closer to the core/shell interface, the stronger lattice strain softens the vibrational frequency coupled to the 4T1→6A1 transition of Mn2+ (Mn luminescence) by ~50%. In addition, the lattice strain also increases the anharmonicity, resulting in larger local thermal expansion observed from the nearly an order larger thermal shift of the Mn luminescence compared to the Mn-doped ZnS nanocrystals without the core/shell lattice mismatch.
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New ruthenium, manganese and cobalt dinuclear complexes as redox catalysts. Unfolding the essential steps for the generation of solar fuelsDi Giovanni, Carlo 16 October 2012 (has links)
El trabajo de tesis doctoral ha consistido en el desarrollo de nuevos complejos dinucleares de rutenio, manganeso y cobalto contenientes ligandos descritos tetradetandos de tipo N2O2y un nuevo ligando decadentado de tipo N10.
Estos complejos han sido sintetizados y caracterizados a través de técnicas estructurales, espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Las actividades catalíticas han sido investigadas en las oxidaciones químicas, electroquimica y fotoquímicas de agua y de substratos orgánicos y en la reducción electroquímica de protones. Por último se ha diseñado y desarrollado el montaje de una celda simultánea oxidación de substratos orgánicos y la generación de H2. / The experimental work of this thesis consisted of the development of new ruthenium, manganese and cobalt dinuclear complexes containing described tetradentate ligands of N2O2type and a new decadentate ligand of N10 type.
These complexes have been synthesized and characterized by the usual structural, spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques. The catalytic activities have been investigated in the chemical, electrochemical and photochemical oxidation of water and organic substrates and in the electrochemical proton reduction. Lastly an assembly of a cell for simultaneous oxidation of organic substrates and generation of H2 has been designed and developed.
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Spectroscopic study of transition metal compounds.Choudhury, Sanjukta 30 August 2010 (has links)
The electronic structure of some transition metal compounds, specifically, Ca-doped LaMnO3,
fundamental Mn oxides (MnO, Mn2O3, Mn3O4, and MnO2), and Fe-doped ZnO is studied using a combination of soft X-ray spectroscopy and atomic multiplet calculations. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) are used as experimental tools to probe the unoccupied and occupied partial density of electronic states,respectively.<p>
Ca-doped LaMnO3 perovskites have attracted great attention due to their colossal magnetoresistance and a wide range of magnetic and structural transitions. The magnetic and charge transport properties of these perovskites are directly related with Mn 3d-occupancy or Mn-valency and therefore, an investigation of the Mn-valence at Ca-doped LaMnO3 system is important. In this system, the Mn-valency is generally considered as a mixture of Mn3+ and Mn4+. But my research suggests the presence of Mn2+ at the surface of Ca-doped LaMnO3 samples. It is observed that increasing Ca-doping decreases Mn2+ concentration, and conversely, increases Mn3+ concentration. High temperature annealing at 1000 °C in air leads to the full reduction of surface Mn2+. Mechanisms for these observations are proposed in this study.<p>
Mn oxides (MnO, Mn2O3, Mn3O4, and MnO2) are often used as reference standards for determining the Mn-valency in Mn-related complex systems and therefore a detailed understanding of their electronic structure is necessary. The Mn L2,3 XAS and O K XAS are measured for the four Mn oxides consisting of three common Mn oxidation states (Mn2+ in MnO, Mn3+ in Mn2O3, mixture of Mn2+ and Mn3+ in Mn3O4, and Mn4+ in MnO2). A significant energy shift with a systematic trend is observed in measured Mn L2,3 and O K absorption edges. These energy shifts are identified as a characteristic shift for different Mn oxidation states. Mn L2,3 Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) spectroscopy is demonstrated as a powerful tool in describing low energy excitations, e.g. d-d excitations and
charge-transfer excited states in Mn oxides. For the first time, a RIXS study of Mn2O3,Mn3O4, and MnO2 is accomplished. Atomic multiplet calculations are used to successfully
reproduce the energy positions and intensity variations of d-d excitation peaks observed in the
experiment, and thus to describe the experimental RIXS spectra.<p>
Finally, the local electronic structure of Fe implanted ZnO samples, a useful diluted magnetic
semiconductor for spintronics, is investigated to shed light on the existing debate about the
origin of ferromagnetism in these materials. Fe L2,3 XAS reveals that doped Fe ions are
present in both Fe2+ and Fe3+ valence states. A combined theoretical and experimental study
shows that doped ions are incorporated into Zn-sites of ZnO in tetrahedral symmetry. Fe L3-
RIXS measurements demonstrate that a high Fe-ion dose of 8 × 107 cm-2 causes formation of
FeO clusters, while low dose samples exhibit more free carriers.
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