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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Travailler l'oral à travers l'utilisation d'un téléphone portable et d’Internet / Oral training through the use of celluar phone and Internet

Kim, Hee-Kyung 16 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche s'inscrit dans le domaine de la didactique des langues étrangères et porte sur l'apprentissage du français oral soutenu par la technologie mobile. En nous appuyant sur la recherche-action, nous avons créé un dispositif de formation destiné à des apprenants coréens de FLE leur permettant de s'entraîner à prendre la parole librement. La culture coréenne étant influencée par la philosophie confucéenne, l'enseignement-apprentissage des langues est caractérisé par une relation hiérarchique entre le « maître savant » et « son disciple » et souvent centré sur l'écrit. Notre scénario didactique prévoyait un travail de la langue en dehors d'un cours formel et soutenu par un tuteur à distance. Deux expériences ont été menées en 2008 et 2010 avec deux groupes d'apprenants coréens de FLE résidants en Corée auxquels nous avons demandé de réaliser des tâches langagières par enregistrement vidéo. Les apprenants ont été amenés à réaliser leurs productions orales en réponse à une vidéo enregistrée par un locuteur natif vivant en France. Grâce au recours à la téléphonie mobile intégrant l'accès à Internet et l'utilisation d'un réseau social en ligne coréen (Cyworld), les apprenants pouvaient échanger avec l'interlocuteur en temps différé leur permettant de s'enregistrer à plusieurs reprises et ainsi s'entraîner à la prise de parole tout en étant accompagnés par un tuteur. L'analyse des discours et des stratégies de réalisation des vidéos ainsi que les résultats des entretiens semi-directifs menés en amont et en aval avec les apprenants-participants, nous ont permis de répondre à nos questions de recherche, à savoir de quelle manière le tutorat en ligne, les tâches communicatives réalisées avec un outil mobile et la communication asynchrone sur un réseau social en ligne influent sur la production orale et l'autonomisation des apprenants coréens de FLE. / This research is in the field of foreign language didactics. It is particularly about learning spoken French via mobile technology. We carried out a research action while we elaborated a training device which would allow Korean learners of French to practice oral speech. As Korean culture is influenced by Confucian philosophy, teaching-learning foreign languages is characterized by a hierarchical relationship between the "master" and his "disciple" and is often focused on writing. Our didactic scenario included language learning tasks outside of formal learning and supported by distance tutoring. A couple of experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2010 with two Korean sets of French language learners living in Korea who were asked to perform language tasks using video recording. The learners were asked to perform oral productions in response to videos recorded by a native French speaker living in France. Through a mobile phone connected to the Internet and an Korean online social network (Cyworld), learners could exchange with the French native asynchronically. This allowed them to record themselves several times and practice speaking skills by the way, benefiting from advice given by a tutor. We analyzed discourse, video-implemented strategies and semi-directed interviews conducted upstream and downstream with the learners. This brought us to find out to which extent online tutoring, communicative tasks performed with a mobile device, and asynchronous communication via an online social network may influence oral production and autonomy of Korean learners of French.

The use of the smartphone as a tool for the search of information in the undergraduate students of Education of a Metropolitan Lima’s university / El uso del smartphone como herramienta para la búsqueda de información en los estudiantes de pregrado de educación de una universidad de Lima Metropolitana / Uso do smartphone como uma ferramenta para encontrar informações sobre estudantes de graduação da faculdade de educação em uma universidade privada em Lima Metropolitano

Figueroa Portilla, Carlos Saussure 10 April 2018 (has links)
The mobile devices like the tablet and the smartphone, especially this latter, forits portability and easy access to internet, has allowed its use to a massive public,within which are the university students.In this article are shown the results of a quantitative research about how is donethe information search through the educational use of the smartphone by theincoming students of the 2015-I cycle of the education faculty in a MetropolitanLima’s university, who all of them own a smartphone. / Los dispositivos móviles como la tablet y el smartphone, sobre todo este últimopor su portabilidad y fácil acceso a internet, han extendido su uso a un públicomasivo, dentro del cual se encuentran los estudiantes universitarios.En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigacióncuantitativa acerca de cómo se realiza la búsqueda de información a través del usoeducativo del smartphone por parte de los estudiantes ingresantes del ciclo 2015-Ide la Facultad de Educación de una universidad de Lima Metropolitana, de loscuales todos poseen un smartphone.A fin de obtener la información para el presente estudio, se aplicó una encuestaal grupo señalado. A continuación se presenta la síntesis de los resultados, asícomo las conclusiones respectivas. / Dispositivos móveis como a tablet e o smartphone, especialmente o último porsua portabilidade e fácil acesso à internet, têm alargado sua utilização para umaaudiência de massa, como são os estudantes universitários.Neste artigo são apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa quantitativa sobrecomo encontrar informações através do uso educacional do smartphone por alunosdo Ciclo 2015-I da Faculdade de Educação de uma universidade em Lima, todosos que têm um smartphone.A fim de obter a informação para este estudo, foi aplicada uma pesquisaao grupo indicado. Após são apresentadas a síntese dos resultados e também asrespectivas conclusões.

Uma contribuição ao estabelecimento de uma arquitetura de referência para ambientes de aprendizagem móvel / A contribution to the establishment of a reference architecture for mobile learning environments

Nemesio Freitas Duarte Filho 12 May 2016 (has links)
O desenvolvimento e a utilização de ambientes computacionais como apoio ao ensino e aprendizagem, aliados à evolução da computação móvel, têm contribuído significativamente para o estabelecimento de uma nova modalidade de ensino conhecida como aprendizagem móvel ou mobile learning (m-learning). Nesse cenário emergente, os ambientes educacionais existentes, mesmo possuindo diversos benefícios e facilidades no que diz respeito ao ensino e aprendizagem, apresentam problemas e desafios que precisam ser explorados. Um dos aspectos relevantes a ser investigado refere-se ao estabelecimento e adoção de padrões arquiteturais. De fato, grande parte desses ambientes é construída de forma isolada, possuindo arquiteturas e estruturas próprias, o que pode impactar negativamente a capacidade de padronização. O presente trabalho de pesquisa insere-se neste contexto, tendo como principal objetivo investigar e definir uma arquitetura de referência orientada a serviço voltada para ambientes de aprendizagem móvel. Tal arquitetura, denominada Ref-mLearning, visa contribuir para a evolução, reúso e interoperabilidade desses ambientes, possibilitando ainda um aumento na qualidade e redução de custos durante o seu desenvolvimento. Resultados alcançados por meio de avaliações e condução de um estudo de caso demonstram que a Ref-mLearning é uma arquitetura viável possuindo uma boa estrutura e organização para o desenvolvimento de ambientes de aprendizagem móvel orientados a serviço. / The development and use of computational environment to support the teaching and learning, together with the evolution of mobile computing, have contributed significantly to the establishment of a new mode of teaching known as mobile learning (m-learning). In this emerging scenario, the existing educational environments, despite having various benefits and facilities with regard to teaching and learning, present problems and challenges that need to be explored. An important aspect to be investigated refers to the establishment and adoption of architectural patterns. In fact, many of these environments is built in isolation, possessing own architectures and structures, which may negatively impact the standardization capacity. This research work is part of this context, the main objective to investigate and define a service-oriented reference architecture for mobile learning environments. Such an architecture, called Ref-mLearning, aims to contribute to the evolution, reuse and interoperability of these environments, still enabling an increase in quality and cost reduction during its development. Results achieved through evaluations and conducting a case study show that Ref-mLearning is a viable architecture having a good structure and organization for the development of a service-oriented mobile learning environment.

Aprendizagem colaborativa com apoio computacional: uma experiÃncia no ensino fundamental / Computer supported collaborative learning: an experience in elementary school

Mixilene Sales Santos Lima 23 June 2015 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / As perspectivas da Aprendizagem Colaborativa com Suporte Computacional e da Aprendizagem MÃvel trazem elementos favorÃveis à aprendizagem colaborativa de alunos dentro e fora de sala de aula. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho discute a aprendizagem colaborativa com apoio de dispositivos mÃveis. A pesquisa objetivou investigar o trabalho colaborativo de alunos com suporte computacional no Ensino Fundamental, a partir da anÃlise de um projeto intitulado ConsciÃncia sustentÃvel: caminhando para um mundo melhor, vivenciado por alunos do 7 ao 9 ano de uma escola pÃblica cearense, o qual fizeram uso de dispositivos mÃveis e aplicativos durante atividades colaborativas. A pesquisa teve um carÃter qualitativo, caracterizando-se como uma pesquisa intervenÃÃo. Os instrumentos e tÃcnicas de apreensÃo de dados foram caderno de registro, vÃdeos, Ãudios, fotos e entrevistas utilizadas para registrar como o trabalho colaborativo com apoio computacional se desenvolveu. Os resultados foram analisados de acordo com categorias e subcategorias estabelecidas durante a anÃlise dos dados. Na primeira categoria, IntervenÃÃo, foi detalhada como a participaÃÃo do pesquisador contribuiu no desenvolvimento do projeto de intervenÃÃo e como os alunos se envolveram nas atividades do projeto. Na segunda categoria, Aprendizagem MÃvel, foi tratada sobre a mobilidade dos dispositivos explorada pelos alunos durante o projeto de intervenÃÃo. Identificando como essa mobilidade influenciou nas prÃticas colaborativas da turma. Na categoria seguinte, Aplicativos Colaborativos, detalhamos como se deu o uso dos aplicativos pelos alunos e como suas funcionalidades foram utilizadas em favorecimento do trabalho em grupo. Na Ãltima categoria, Aprendizagem Colaborativa com Suporte Computacional, discutimos como os alunos realizaram as produÃÃes colaborativas, as discussÃes coletivas dos alunos, negociaÃÃo de ideias e o trabalho colaborativo, detalhando como esses momentos aconteceram. Os resultados destacam situaÃÃes que caracterizam como a aprendizagem colaborativa com o uso de dispositivos mÃveis pode acontecer e mostram que a aprendizagem colaborativa pode ocorrer por meio de aplicativos e se ampliam alÃm dos espaÃos da sala de aula com o uso de netbook e smartphone permitindo a mobilidade dos alunos, desde que seja realizada uma intervenÃÃo pedagÃgica planejada para otimizar os recursos disponÃveis nos dispositivos mÃveis. / The perspectives of the Computer-supported Colaborative Learning and the Mobile Learning brings on propitious elements to students colaborative learning inside or outside the classroom. In this context, the present work discuss the colaborative learning supported by mobile devices. The research aimed to investigate the computer-supported colaborative work of primary school students, from the analysis of a project titled Sustentable Conscious: Walking to a better world, experienced by 7th to 9th grade students of a Public School from CearÃ, who have made use of mobile devices and applications throughout colaborative activities. The Research has qualitative character and features as an intervention research. The tools and techniques of seizure of data comprises notebook notes, videos, audios, pictures and interviews to register how the computer-supported colaborative work develops itself. The results are analysed according to categories and subcategories stablished during the data analysis. The first category, Intervention, is detailed by how the researcher participation contributed to the development of the intervention project and how students get envolved in the project activities. The second one, Mobile Learning, concerns the devices mobility explored by students during the intervention project, identifying how this mobility influences in colaborative practices of the class. The next one, Colaborative Application, it is verified how happens the use of applications by stutents and how their functionalities are used in favour of the group work. The last one, Computer-supported Colaborative Learning, presents itself in how students performed the colaborative productions, the group discussions, the ideias negociation and the colaborative work, detailing how these moments happens. The results highlights situations that characterizes how the Mobile Devices-supported Colaborative Learning can happen and show that colaborative learning can occur through applications and expands itself beyond the classroom spaces with the use of netbook and smartphone, in favour of students mobility, since a planned pedagogic intervention is performed in order to optimize the available resources in mobile devices.

Um mecanismo para apoiar a análise da interação e do desempenho de alunos em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem

Antunes, Oziel Coelho 12 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2016-12-02T13:24:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Oziel Coelho Antunes.pdf: 4062453 bytes, checksum: 4637053a55a016edeb581e4fd55d2a67 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2016-12-02T13:25:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Oziel Coelho Antunes.pdf: 4062453 bytes, checksum: 4637053a55a016edeb581e4fd55d2a67 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2016-12-02T13:26:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Oziel Coelho Antunes.pdf: 4062453 bytes, checksum: 4637053a55a016edeb581e4fd55d2a67 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-02T13:26:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Oziel Coelho Antunes.pdf: 4062453 bytes, checksum: 4637053a55a016edeb581e4fd55d2a67 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-12 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / This research provides a mechanism to support the analysis and comparison of the interaction and the performance of students in the Moodle virtual learning environment through mobile devices and desktop computers. The proposed mechanism is based on a plugin provided to validation of teachers and tutors in classes and distance education. The methodology used in this survey was exploratory and was conducted through a case study where a comparison of two classes were made, one using conventional Moodle and the other using Moodle application for mobile devices. The goal was to identify relevant elements in the data records and access logs of VLE Moodle that could provide some information regarding student interaction and performance, and so determine the correlation that exists between these elements by statistical analysis. The motivation for this study began from the observation of distance education courses taught by the UFAM CED where a significant rate of withdrawal was detected. It is hoped that this research makes it possible to find elements that support using preventive measures and thus contribute to combating the disapproval, withdrawal and school evasion / Este trabalho teve como propósito fornecer um mecanismo de apoio à análise e comparação da interação e do desempenho de alunos no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem Moodle por meio do uso de dispositivos móveis e de computadores desktops. O mecanismo proposto foi baseado em um plugin disponibilizado e submetido à validação de professores e tutores em turmas de ensino semipresencial e a distância. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa foi de caráter exploratório e conduziu-se por intermédio de um estudo de caso em que se buscou fazer um comparativo de duas turmas: uma utilizando o Moodle convencional e outra usando, além do Moodle convencional, também um aplicativo Moodle para dispositivos móveis. O objetivo foi identificar elementos relevantes nos registros de dados e logs de acesso do AVA Moodle que pudessem fornecer alguma informação referente à interação e ao desempenho dos alunos e assim determinar a correlação existente entre esses elementos, por meio de análises estatísticas. A motivação para este estudo surgiu da observação de cursos de Educação a Distância ministrados pelo CED da UFAM em que foi verificado um índice significativo de evasão. Espera-se que esta pesquisa possibilite encontrar elementos que auxiliem a tomada de medidas preventivas e assim contribuir para o combate à reprovação, à desistência e à evasão escolar.

Uncertainties in Mobile Learning applications : Software Architecture Challenges

Gil de la Iglesia, Didac January 2012 (has links)
The presence of computer technologies in our daily life is growing by leaps and bounds. One of the recent trends is the use of mobile technologies and cloud services for supporting everyday tasks and the sharing of information between users. The field of education is not absent from these developments and many organizations are adopting Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in various ways for supporting teaching and learning. The field of Mobile Learning (M-Learning) offers new opportunities for carrying out collaborative educational activities in a variety of settings and situations. The use of mobile technologies for enhancing collaboration provides new opportunities but at the same time new challenges emerge. One of those challenges is discussed in this thesis and it con- cerns with uncertainties related to the dynamic aspects that characterized outdoor M-Learning activities. The existence of these uncertainties force software developers to make assumptions in their developments. However, these uncertainties are the cause of risks that may affect the required outcomes for M-Learning activities. Mitigations mechanisms can be developed and included to reduce the risks’ impact during the different phases of development. However, uncertainties which are present at runtime require adaptation mechanisms to mitigate the resulting risks. This thesis analyzes the current state of the art in self-adaptation in Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) and M-Learning. The results of an extensive literature survey in the field and the outcomes of the Geometry Mobile (GEM) research project are reported. A list of uncertainties in collaborative M-Learning activities and the associated risks that threaten the critical QoS outcomes for collaboration are identified and discussed. A detailed elaboration addressing mitigation mechanisms to cope with these problems is elaborated and presented. The results of these efforts provide valuable insights and the basis towards the design of a multi-agent self-adaptive architecture for multiple concerns that is illustrated with a prototype implementation. The proposed conceptual architecture is an initial cornerstone towards the creation of a decentralized distributed self-adaptive system for multiple concerns to guarantee collaboration in M-Learning.

Mobile information communication and technology use in secondary schools : a feasibility study

Batchelor, Jacqueline 10 September 2007 (has links)
Mobile technology has allowed the traditional boundaries that exist between formal learning and informal learning to blend. The purpose of this research is to understand and describe the use of established and new “support networks” and the process of knowledge acquisition and knowledge creation in a formal learning environment. Factors affecting the design, testing and ultimate feasibility of using mobile devices such as cell phones to enhance teaching and learning in well-resourced developed, and under-resourced developing schools are identified. Findings in this study point to the general acceptance of using mobile technology as a readily available vehicle, to provide access to contents and allow learners to contribute to the collective body of knowledge from their own perspective. Copyright 2007, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Batchelor, J 2007, Mobile information communication and technology use in secondary schools : a feasibility study, MEd dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-09102007-161045 / > / Dissertation (MEd (Computer Integrated Education))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Uso de apps móviles para la producción de proyectos audiovisuales en la carrera de Comunicación Audiovisual – UPC

Casado Yllanes, Daniel 10 May 2021 (has links)
El uso de app móviles para facilitar actividades cotidianas es algo que en los últimos años se ha visto con mayor frecuencia en todas las generaciones. Pero aún existe un amplio panorama a investigar cuando se trata del uso de estas app móviles “mainstream” para uso académico. Esta investigación tiene como finalidad analizar el uso de app móviles en el proceso de preproducción, producción y postproducción de proyectos audiovisuales universitarios. Se investigarán las funciones y funcionalidad de las diferentes apps dentro de cada campo de acción al realizar un proyecto audiovisual. La estrategia metodológica que se utilizará será las entrevistas semi estructuradas. Estas recogerán la percepción de maestros y alumnos de la universidad UPC- Lima Perú pertenecientes a la facultad de Comunicación Audiovisual acerca de el uso de apps móviles en trabajos universitarios. Además se analizará la propuesta de enseñanza/aprendizaje “mobile learning”para contextos universitarios. Para ello nos basaremos en la perspectiva del mobile learning a partir de lo que mencionan autores como Mojarro (2019) y Zambrano (2009) entre otros. ¿Qué percepción tienen los maestros acerca de la misma ?, ¿Qué relación guarda con el uso de apps móviles ?. Son algunas de las preguntas que se resolverán. Además se impulsará la posibilidad a futuro de seguir explorando las ventajas del amplio espectro que tienen las funciones de las aplicaciones móviles. / The use of mobile apps to facilitate everyday activities is something that in recent years has been seen more frequently in all generations. But there is still a wide panorama to investigate when it comes to the use of these "mainstream" mobile apps for academic use. This research aims to analyze the use of mobile apps in the process of pre-production, production and post-production of university audiovisual projects. The functions and functionality of the different apps will be investigated within each field of action when carrying out an audiovisual project. The methodological strategy to be used will be semi-structured interviews. These will collect the perception of teachers and students of the university UPC- Lima Peru belonging to the faculty of Audiovisual Communication about the use of mobile apps in university work. In addition, we will analyze the teaching/learning proposal "mobile learning" for university contexts. For this purpose, we will be based on the mobile learning perspective from what is mentioned by authors such as. Mojarro (2019) and Zambrano (2009) among others. What perception do teachers have about it, how does it relate to the use of mobile apps? These are some of the questions that will be solved. In addition, the possibility of further exploring the advantages of the wide range of functions of mobile applications in the future will be encouraged. / Trabajo de investigación

Visualizing time-on-task in second language learning : A case study

Bergman, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
With globally increased migration and mobility between countries, it has become critical for many people to learn to speak a second language. The focus of this study is on adult migrant language learners that are learning a second language of the host country on the side of their working life. This study aims to support learners in their second language acquisition outside classrooms settings. In particular, it explores how the use of a specially designed application aimed at helping learners to keep track on how much time they spend on studying a second language affects their engagement and motivation to continue study the target language. To support migrant learners keeping track of the time spent on language learning activities (e.g., speaking, writing, reading and listening), a web-based application, the TimeTracker App, accessible through users’ mobile device has been developed by the researcher and offered to the learners. Participants in this study used the application for around two weeks. A mixed method approach was employed: data was collected through semi-structured interviews and by extracting log data from the application’s database. Interview data was analysed by means of a conventional content analysis and log data by using descriptive statistics. Overall, the study’s results show that the use of the TimeTracker App enabled the respondents to feel more aware of how much time they spent on their studies, and inspired them to devote more time to study the target language compared to before using the application. The findings suggest that migrant learners become more motivated and engaged in their second language learning when using the application. / Globalt ökad migration och rörlighet mellan länder har gjort det kritiskt för många att lära sig att tala ett andraspråk. Denna studie fokuserar på arbetande migranter som lär sig ett andraspråk vid sidan av sitt arbetsliv. Studien syftar till att stödja de studerande i sitt lärande av ett andraspråk utanför klassrummet. I synnerhet undersöker den hur användningen av en speciellt utformad applikation som syftar till att hjälpa eleverna att hålla reda på hur mycket tid de spenderar på att studera ett andraspråk påverkar deras engagemang och motivation för att fortsätta studera målspråket. För att hjälpa studerande migranter hålla reda på den tid som spenderas på språkinlärning (t ex att tala, skriva, läsa och lyssna) har en webbaserad applikation, TimeTracker App, som är tillgänglig via användarnas mobiltelefon, utvecklats av författaren och erbjudits till eleverna. Deltagarna i denna studie använde applikationen i cirka två veckor. En blandad metod användes: data samlades in genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer och genom att extrahera loggdata från applikationsdatabasen. Intervjudata analyserades med hjälp av en konventionell innehållsanalys och loggdata med hjälp av beskrivande statistik. Sammantaget visar studiens resultat att användningen av TimeTracker App gjorde det möjligt för respondenterna att bli mer medvetna om hur mycket tid de spenderade på sina studier och det inspirerade dem att ägna mer tid att studera målspråket jämfört med innan man använde applikationen. Resultaten tyder på att arbetande migranter blir mer motiverade och engagerade i sitt studerande av ett andraspråk när de använder applikationen.

Persuasive Language Learning - Qualitative research on user engagement in the persuasive system design of Duolingo

Kastelli, Sofie, Takács, Napsugár January 2023 (has links)
Duolingo is a popular mobile language-learning application that has been around the market since 2012 and has been researched in its language-learning abilities. It is crucial for mobile language learning applications to keep their users interested, nevertheless, as users easily lose interest in continuing their language study. This thesis looks at how Duolingo's gamified system design implements persuasive principles to increase user engagement. The thesis aims to advance the knowledge of user engagement in language learning apps and help create useful mobile language learning applications. To achieve the goal, it was necessary to determine which persuasive principles were being applied by Duolingo's gamified system design. This was done using the Persuasive System Design (PSD) model by Oinas Kukkonen and Harjumaa (2009). The research consisted of qualitative semi-structured interviews with 8 young adults living in Sweden. The aim of the interviews was to find detailed, deep, empirical data and compare it to a theoretical framework using thematic analysis. The results of these interviews showed that Duolingo's gamified system design effectively applies persuasive principles to engage and encourage language learners. However, it was discovered that several persuasive principles needed to be improved in order to further enhance user involvement. This study adds to the understanding of persuasion by demonstrating how these principles can be applied to other mobile language learning applications to increase user engagement.

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