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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

News on the go via smartphones : users, non-users, and the relationship between new and established news media

Yang, Mengchieh Jacie 09 December 2010 (has links)
With the diffusion of smartphones in the United States, the news industry is trying to turn this mobile innovation into an effective vehicle for delivering news anytime, anywhere. But does smartphone adoption mean news consumption via smartphones? To provide insight to this question, a national Web-based survey was conducted to explore smartphone adopters vs. non adopter, smartphone news consumers vs. non-consumers, and younger vs. older smartphone news consumers. Smartphone adopters were younger, had higher household incomes, and used news media more often than smartphone non-adopters. Most of the smartphone adopters primarily used their phones as an interpersonal communication device. Unlike smartphone adopters, smartphone news consumers were more likely to be male. Similar to smartphone adopters, they were younger and used news media more often than non-consumers of smartphone news. Moreover, smartphone news consumers used portal news sites more than newspaper, television, or social networking sites. As such, they also expressed higher satisfaction with portal news sites. A complementary relationship was found between smartphone news and traditional and online news media. Predictors of smartphone adoption included age and social pressure; predictors of adopting smartphones for news included news interest, gender, education, and income. In addition, news interest was a significant predictor for the amount of time users spent on smartphone news, while age, income and news interest were significant predictors for the number of times (frequency) users accessed news via smartphones. Even though younger smartphone news consumers showed lower news interests and used traditional news media less often than older smartphone news consumers, they did not spend any less time or access different kinds of news topics any less than their older counterparts. More of the younger than older smartphone news consumers followed health and fitness, science and technology, and entertainment news. / text

Explaining consumer perspectives on mobile news services: a study in South Africa

Maurya, Rubina 13 May 2019 (has links)
Access to news supports the development of democratic societies. News can promote sustainable community development and encourage healthy social, political, and economic engagement. Mobile news services (MNSs) are one means to reach out to citizens to share news and provide citizens with a forum to review and voice their opinion. However, the extant of research related to technology adoption of MNSs is limited. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a framework which articulates factors influencing the adoption of MNSs particularly by the citizens of South Africa. A review of the literature on MNSs and technology adoption helped to identify potential factors that could influence adoption. This study considers existing theoretical evidence and provides new empirical evidence, to extend current theoretical understanding. Mixed methods research supported the identification of influencing factors and relationships which support the adoption of MNSs. The resultant MNS adoption model offers new insights into the personal and social factors, attributes of adopters and attributes of MNSs influencing adoption of MNSs. The model included influencing factors such as social concerns, psychological drivers, motivators, trust sensitivities for accessing information, relative advantage and value, observability, usability, portability, immediacy, compatibility, and facilitating conditions. The identified relationships between the individual factors introduced a new perspective to the prior models of technology adoption, by highlighting connections between the social environment, the adopter, and MNSs. A pragmatic approach and statistical analysis of the data validated the relationships, and the model. The decision to adopt was found to be directly affected by sixteen interlinked factors. The findings are important to mobile service providers, designers, and developers, in their endeavour to satisfy their consumer’s needs and desires.

Pushnotisernas journalistiska påverkan / The results of push notifications : The news media’s approach and the journalistic change

Lindholm Fjeld, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
This study examines whether the breakthrough of push notifications has affected journalism, and what characterizes the editorial content of push notifications. The study focuses specifically on the two Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. Qualitative interviews have been conducted where two people from each newspaper, who in various ways encounter push notifications in their daily work, had the opportunity to share their experiences in the area. These interviews have then been supplemented with a quantitative content analysis, where the two newspapers push notifications are categorized based on specific variables and variable values. The study's theoretical framework is based on theories of news evaluation, news selection and editorial routines. Combined with previous research on what makes news, differences between morning and evening press as well as the consequences of the push notifications, the results of the study is discussed. The conclusions are that the work with push notifications is demanding, competitive and keeps a high tempo. The goal of being first with the push notification can lead to the verification process being down prioritized. There is also a connection that shows that too many push notifications increase the number of news application-uninstallations. In addition, it is concluded that the newsworthiness behind Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheters push notifications to some extent follows the same pattern as when it comes to news in general. Based on theory and previous research, push notifications seem to be an extension of what characterizes morning and evening press. Both Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter focuses on the news that is typical for respective newspapers. However, the push notifications place higher demands when it comes to befit the whole audience. / Denna studie undersöker huruvida pushnotisernas genombrott påverkat journalistiken, samt vad som karaktäriserar det redaktionella innehåll som sänds ut via pushnotiser. Studien fokuserar specifikt på de två svenska dagstidningarna Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts där två personer från respektive tidning, som på olika sätt kommer i kontakt med pushnotiser i sitt dagliga arbete, haft möjlighet att berätta om sina erfarenheter i området. Dessa intervjuer har sedan kompletterats med en kvantitativ innehållsanalys, där dagstidningarnas pushnotiser kategoriserats utifrån bestämda variabler och variabelvärden. Studiens teoretiska ramverk har utgångspunkt i teorier om nyhetsvärdering, nyhetsurval och redaktionella rutiner. Utifrån dessa teorier, samt tidigare forskning om vad som blir nyheter, skillnader mellan morgonpress och kvällspress samt notisernas konsekvenser, diskuteras studiens resultat. Slutsatsen som dras är att arbetet med pushnotiser är krävande, tävlingsinriktat och håller ett högt tempo. Målet att vara först ut med pushnotisen kan leda till att verifikationsprocessen nedprioriteras. Det finns även ett samband som visar på att för många pushnotiser ökar antalet avinstallationer av nyhetsapplikationen. Utöver detta dras slutsatsen att nyhetsvärderingen bakom Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters pushnotiser till viss del följer samma mönster som när det kommer till nyheter generellt. Utifrån teori och tidigare forskning har pushnotiserna visat sig vara en förlängning av vad som karaktäriserar morgonpress respektive kvällspress, där Aftonbladet respektive Dagens Nyheter fokuserar på de nyheter som följer deras profilering. Pushnotiserna ställer emellertid högrekrav på att lämpa sig för hela läsarkretsen.

行動簡訊服務關係之探討 / A study on the mobile news service relationship among system operators, content providers, and the user.

黃雅慧, Huang, Yi-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
隨著大環境的變異,傳統語音話費已不再是電信業者的主要收益來源。各家電信系統營運商為了提高用戶營收貢獻度 (ARPU),積極開拓其他服務。行動簡訊是其中重要的一項服務,因為操作方便、費用低廉,一般使用者容易進入。系統營運商進而透過行動簡訊結合各種加值服務,讓用戶在習慣使用簡訊服務之中,延長使用手機時間,增加每位用戶的營收貢獻度。 行動媒介首要目的在提供使用者快速尋獲與情境相關之資訊,並透過行動載具隨時隨地進行通訊、溝通與社會互動。本研究欲瞭解行動簡訊在行動系統服務的提供者(OP)、內容服務的提供者(CP)與一般使用者的三方互動方式。即在行動簡訊服務的推動過程中,三方各自角色為何,服務有待改善之處,以及如何改進及延續服務。 本研究方法採用深度訪談、焦點團體與資料分析三個取徑。透過系統營運商、內容提供者、一般使用者進行三方研究調查。首先深訪系統營運商以瞭解其規劃簡訊服務之背景;其次焦點團體訪談典型使用者如何使用行動簡訊服務;再輔以資料分析將行動簡訊服務中的文字內容、版面視覺、資訊類型等進行分析。 本研究有以下五項發現: (1)行動內容需要強調差異化-行動服務需要即時性的資訊與Web進行差異化,吸引行動用戶使用;(2)界面需要友善的設計-界面友善可帶動用戶易用,提高行動服務使用量;(3)期待新科技與新應用的引導-LBS服務為行動簡訊服務率先可以導入新科技服務,符合用戶對情境使用的需求;(4)與商業進行多元行銷互動-透過在LBS做置入廣告或行動廣告,可以提高用戶參與互動;(5)行動服務合作關係重組-未來OP跨足內容的製作,而CP發展自有通路,OP與CP在業務上互相重疊,原來的合作關係重組。 / With a dramatic change of the world, traditional phone service is no longer a main source of revenues in telecom business. Telecom system operators positively develop other kinds of services to improve average revenue per user (ARPU). Mobile-news is one of these important services because it is less expensive, easy to operate, and easily accessible to end users. System operators further provide a variety of value-added services through the mobile-news. While users are getting used to the services, they are going to extend their using time, which may increase revenues to system operators. The main function of mobile media is to provide users immediate and scenario-relevant information and to interact with others here and there at anytime. The research investigated how telecom system operators (OP), content service providers (CP) and end users interact in terms of their service relationship. In other words, the study defined how the three parties, OP, CP and users play a role, how to refine the services, and how to improve the service, in the process of promoting mobile-news services. The research used in-depth interview, focus group, and data analysis via the three parties, system operators (OP), content providers (CP), and end users. First, the researcher interviewed system operators about how they develop mobile-news services. Then, the researcher held a focus group to investigate typical users how they use mobile-news services. At last, the researcher analyzed text contents, visual layouts, and different types of information in mobile-news services. There are five important findings as following, (1) emphasis of different mobile contents: mobile information should be instant and different from web pages to attract mobile users; (2) friendly interface designs: User-friendly interface helps user easily access to the information and increase the mobile services; (3) new technologies and applications: LBS services could be the first mobile-news service which meet users’ needs at most occasions; (4) multiple marketing: mobile advertisement can improve users’ participation through LBS; (5) reconstruction of mobile service partnership: OPs start to produce contents in future, and CPs develop their own channels, which leads to an overlap between OP and CP business. The overlapping may reconstruct their partnership.

大家都不看新聞了?手機新聞接收的日常節奏實踐 / How to “read” the news? Rhythmanalysis on mobile news

蕭奕雯, Hsiao, Yi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以日常生活為研究範疇,探討使用者的手機新聞接收實踐如何鑲嵌於日常節奏中,並重新釐清該如何理解如此經驗下的新聞。故以液態現代性為基本認識架構,重新詮釋新聞如何液化;接著,再從液態的時間經驗轉向節奏,並從列斐伏爾物的節奏分析中發現「人-技術-日常節奏」的交互關係;最後以關聯性機緣了解節奏的生成,開展本文的分析架構:日常生活脈絡、主動揭露的技術、以及與整體媒介世界的關聯,進一步理解使用者殊異的手機新聞接收實踐。 因此,為了更深入瞭解使用者的個人經驗,以及如何詮釋意義,本研究採取深度訪談法。從中發現,當手機新聞進入使用者的日常生活,為了與原有日常節奏協調,使用者會形成一套調配時間與空間的邏輯,或建立特定接收規則,進而形構如「拿起來看一下」的接收節奏、和「都看討論比較熱烈」的篩選機制;這過程中,手機和接收平台的技術節奏、既有的功能條件、以及技術的社會意涵皆會影響使用者的手機新聞接收實踐;最後我們亦發現,如此接收實踐背後更隱含與整體媒介世界的關聯,且媒介世界的基礎結構亦會作為背景、認識架構滿實使用者自身的新聞接收經驗。 是以,我們不能只討論新聞本身,而需擴大到使新聞顯現的背景脈絡與整體環節,進而提出「新聞體驗」的想法,認為如此體驗是相應關聯下、具明確指向性的個人體驗,且是於世之中,由不斷連續的、當下的直接知覺形構而成,期盼能以新聞體驗的概念重新釐清新聞之於個別使用者的核心價值,這才是新聞不被淘汰的關鍵。 / This study aims at exploring how users’ daily reception of mobile news embedded in their everyday life. In order to clarify the essence of news, the study applies the concept of Liquid Modernity as the research framework, adopting Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis to reframe the interrelationships of “human- technics- daily rhythm”. In response to this question, this study develops three analysis units: contexts of everyday life, self-revealed technics, and the interrelation to the whole media world. In-depth interview is conducted to deeply understand user experience. It is found that, when mobile news enters users’ life, users adjust their thinking patterns of zoning time and space, and restructure the rules of reception for integrating original daily pace. The technical rhythms of the mobiles and the reception platforms, the technical properties, and social affordances of the technics, all are the factors to affect users’ mobile news reception. This study also found that the practices implying the interrelation with the whole media world, and the whole media world would be the background to fulfill user experience of news reception. In conclusion, this study suggests that, ‘News’ is an activity of experience. This personal experience is instituted by continuing direct-perception at a given time. Individual users have been changed from passive acceptance to active experience and restructure the value of news. The concept of ‘news experience’ helps us think the meaning of news for each user; clarify how to ‘experience’ news rather than “reading” news.

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