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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model-Driven Software Modernization

Kowalczyk, Krzysztof, Kwiecinska, Anna January 2009 (has links)
This thesis elaborates the Model-Driven Software Modernization (MDSM), that has been identified by us, and is defined as a group of approaches toward modernization of legacy code. MDSM approaches are based on models, tools and processes known from the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) that aims in automation of modernization process. This thesis describes identified MDSM approaches and related standards. Additionally, it suggests that certain kinds of modernization can be implemented in a more efficient way, when a new approach, that has been proposed by the authors, is used. An exemplary modernization, that solves selected industry problem, is implemented to demonstrate that the alternative approach is feasible. In addition, the availability of tools for MDA, which can be adopted in MDSM process, is discussed and guidelines for implementing MDSM are proposed.

Schedule Based Code Generation for ParallelProcessors

Nygård, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Dynamic model driven architecture (DMDA) is a architecture made to aid in the development of parallel computing code. This thesis is applied to an implementation of DMDA known as DMDA3 that should convert graphs of computations into efficient computation code, and it deals with the translation of Platform Specific Models (PSM) into running systems. Currently DMDA3 can generate schedules of operations but not finished code. This thesis describes a DMDA3 module that turns a schedule of operations into a runable program. Code was obtained from the DMDA3 schedules by reflection and a framework was build that allowed generation of low level language code from schedules. The module is written in Java and can currently generate C and Fortran code for computational tasks. Based on runtime tests for matrix multiplication algorithms the generated code is almost as fast as handwritten code.

Une approche MDA pour l'intégration de la personnalisation du contenu dans la conception et la génération des applications interactives / An MDA approach for content personalization integration in the design and the generation of interactive applications

Bacha, Firas 16 May 2013 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche présentés dans ce mémoire se situent dans les thématiques de la génération des applications interactives et de la personnalisation du contenu. Cette thèse propose une approche de type MDA (Model Driven Architecture), indépendante du domaine d’application, permettant la conception et la génération semi-automatique des applications interactives à contenus personnalisés, compte tenu des informations sur le contexte d’utilisation et l’ontologie de domaine. Cette approche met en œuvre deux méthodes de personnalisation du contenu, à savoir le remplissage automatique des formulaires et l’enrichissement des requêtes. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons développé la solution technique permettant la conception, la transformation des modèles ainsi que la génération de l’IHM (Interface Homme-Machine) finale. / The research work presented in this thesis belongs to the fields of interactive applications generation and content personalization. This thesis proposes an MDA (Model Driven Architecture) approach, independent of the domain application, allowing the design and the semi-automatic generation of personalized content interactive applications. This generation relies on context information and the domain ontology. This approach implements two content personalization methods ; namely the forms auto-filling and the automatic queries enrichment. To achieve this goal, we developed the technical solution allowing the design, the models transformations as well as the generation of the final HCI (Human-Computer Interface).

Transformation of UML Activity Diagrams into Business Process Execution Language

Mustafa, Nasser Mousa Faleh January 2011 (has links)
Researchers in software engineering proposed design method for distributed applications to construct a set of communicating system components from a global behavior. The joint behaviors of these components must precisely satisfy the specified global behavior. The next concern is to transform the constructed models of these components into executable business processes by ensuring the exchange of asynchronous messages among the generated business processes. The introduction of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has helped to achieve this goal. SOA provides high flexibility in composing loosely-integrated services that can be used among business domains to carry out business transactions; this composition is known as service orchestration. Moreover, SOA supports Model Driven Architecture (MDA) such that services modeled as UML Activity Diagrams (AD) can be transformed into a set of Business Execution Language (BPEL) processes. Many researchers discussed the transformation of UML AD and the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) into BPEL. However, they did not discuss the practical limitations that some of these transformations impose. This thesis addresses the imitations of the transformation from UML AD to BPEL processes using the IBM Rational Software Architect (RSA). We showed here that the tool is unable to create the correct BPEL artifacts from UML AD components in certain cases, for instance when the behavior includes the alternative for receiving single or concurrent messages, a weak loop, or certain choice activities. Furthermore, we provided novel solutions to the transformations in these cases in order to facilitate the transformation from UML AD to BPEL.

Implementation and evaluation of data persistence tools for temporal versioned data models / Implementation och utvärdering av persistensverktyg för temporala versionshanterade datamodeller

Knutsson, Tor January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis was to investigate different concepts and tools which could support the development of a middleware which persists a temporal and versioned relational data model in an enterprise environment. Further requirements for the target application was that changes to the data model had to be facilitated, so that a small change to the model would not result in changes in several files and application layers. Other requirements include permissioning and audit tracing. In the thesis the reader is presented with a comparison of a set of tools for enterprise development and object/relational mapping. One of the tools, a code generator, is chosen as a good candidate to match the requirements of the project. An implementation is presented, where the chosen tool is used. An XML-based language which is used to define a data model and to provide input data for the tool is presented. Other concepts concerning the implementation is then described in detail. Finally, the author discusses alternative solutions and future improvements.</p>

TALISMAN: desarrollo ágil de Software con Arquitecturas Dirigidas por Modelos

Pelayo García-Bustelo, Begoña Cristina 12 July 2007 (has links)
La especificación Model Driven Architecture (MDA), es una especialización del desarrollo dirigido por modelos que separa la lógica del negocio del software y las plataformas tecnológicas. Para ello MDA define tres tipos de modelos. Los CIM, Computation Independent Model, asociados al dominio del negocio, los PIM, Platform Independent Model, asociados a modelos abstractos del software, y los PSM, Platform Specific Model, relacionados con modelos de software específicos de plataformas tecnológicas. Sin embargo MDA no detalla cómo deben ser los modelos CIM y tampoco describe cómo deben ser transformados a modelos PIM. Como solución a dicho problema, esta tesis presenta una recomendación que propone un proceso de desarrollo de software basado en la creación de modelos de procesos del negocio, clasificados como CIM, que son asociados a los modelos iniciales del software, considerados PIM. Partiendo de una interpretación válida de MDA, la recomendación propuesta se apoya además en la aplicación de otras disciplinas de gran actualidad. Entre ellas destacamos el uso de desarrollo ágil de software, para la definición adecuada de los procesos del negocio.

User Interface Test Automation and its Challenges in an Industrial Scenario

Pradhan, Ligaj January 2012 (has links)
The growing demand for UI test automation has triggered the development of many tools. Researchers and developers have been continuously working to further improvise the existing approaches. If we look at GUI test evolution we can observe a clear progress from manual testing towards complete automation. Numerous approaches have been made to automate the GUI testing process. Record and playback tools, key-word driven methodologies, event flow exploration strategies, model based approaches are continuously evolving with higher level of automation. Similarly, new ideas and strategies to make these tests efficient are also emerging. Optimization of this resource consuming activity is another very important aspect in this area.  Dependencies between different tests can create deadlock scenarios, while running larger test suites. A concept of Ordered Test Suite can be used to cope with such dependencies. Following the Model Driven Architecture initiative by Object Management Group, a new global trend of Model Driven Engineering is creating a big sensation in the field of model based software development. Using the same principle, studies have also been made to automatically generate tests from models. Behavioral models can be made using the model driven approaches and these models can be analyzed to generate tests automatically. This master thesis addresses different approaches made for Graphical User Interface test automation, some optimization issues and solutions, a case study done at a software company to automate User Interface testing and a model driven approach for automatic test case generation.

Konzepte der Beschreibung interaktiver Systeme / Concepts of describing interactive systems

Knöpfel, Andreas January 2004 (has links)
Interaktive System sind dynamische Systeme mit einem zumeist informationellen Kern, die über eine Benutzungsschnittstelle von einem oder mehreren Benutzern bedient werden können. Grundlage für die Benutzung interaktiver Systeme ist das Verständnis von Zweck und Funktionsweise. Allein aus Form und Gestalt der Benutzungsschnittstelle ergibt sich ein solches Verständnis nur in einfachen Fällen. Mit steigender Komplexität ist daher eine verständliche Beschreibung solcher Systeme für deren Entwicklung und Benutzung unverzichtbar. <br><br> Abhängig von ihrem Zweck variieren die Formen vorgefundener Beschreibungen in der Literatur sehr stark. Ausschlaggebend für die Verständlichkeit einer Beschreibung ist jedoch primär die ihr zugrundeliegende Begriffswelt. Zur Beschreibung allgemeiner komplexer diskreter Systeme - aufbauend auf einer getrennten Betrachtung von Aufbau-, Ablauf- und Wertestrukturen - existiert eine bewährte Begriffswelt. Eine Spezialisierung dieser Begriffs- und Vorstellungswelt, die den unterschiedlichen Betrachtungsebenen interaktiver Systeme gerecht wird und die als Grundlage beliebiger Beschreibungsansätze interaktiver Systeme dienen kann, gibt es bisher nicht. <br><br> Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Bereitstellung einer solchen Begriffswelt zur effizienten Kommunikation der Strukturen interaktiver Systeme. Dadurch soll die Grundlage für eine sinnvolle Ergänzung bestehender Beschreibungs- und Entwicklungsansätze geschaffen werden. Prinzipien der Gestaltung von Benutzungsschnittstellen, Usability- oder Ergonomiebetrachtungen stehen nicht im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit. <br><br> Ausgehend von der informationellen Komponente einer Benutzungsschnittstelle werden drei Modellebenen abgegrenzt, die bei der Betrachtung eines interaktiven Systems zu unterscheiden sind. Jede Modellebene ist durch eine typische Begriffswelt gekennzeichnet, die ihren Ursprung in einer aufbauverwurzelten Vorstellung hat. Der durchgängige Bezug auf eine Systemvorstellung unterscheidet diesen Ansatz von dem bereits bekannten Konzept der Abgrenzung unterschiedlicher Ebenen verschiedenartiger Entwurfsentscheidungen. Die Fundamental Modeling Concepts (FMC) bilden dabei die Grundlage für die Findung und die Darstellung von Systemstrukturen. <br><br> Anhand bestehender Systembeschreibungen wird gezeigt, wie die vorgestellte Begriffswelt zur Modellfindung genutzt werden kann. Dazu wird eine repräsentative Auswahl vorgefundener Systembeschreibungen aus der einschlägigen Literatur daraufhin untersucht, in welchem Umfang durch sie die Vorstellungswelt dynamischer Systeme zum Ausdruck kommt. Defizite in der ursprünglichen Darstellung werden identifiziert. Anhand von Alternativmodellen zu den betrachteten Systemen wird der Nutzen der vorgestellten Begriffswelt und Darstellungsweise demonstriert. / Interactive systems are dynamic systems which provide services to one or more users via a user interface. Many of these systems have an information processing core. To effectively use such a system, a user needs to know about the purpose and functional concepts of the system. Only in case of a rather simple functionality, the required knowledge is likely to be obtained by mere exploration of the user interface. For complex systems, a comprehensive description is essential for effective and efficient operation, but also for system development. Especially in the context of this publication, the focus is on the diagrams that are used for communication in the development process of interactive systems.<br><br> With regard to its purpose these descriptions vary in form and notation. In any case, it is the underlying terminology which is crucial to the understandability. Established concepts and notations for the description of generic information processing systems promote a strict separation of three categories of system structures: Compositional structures, behavioral structures and value-range structures.<br><br> This publication suggests a specialization of this approach for the description of interactive systems. The definition of specific notions and semantic layers is intended to provide a complement to existing description approaches in that field that constitutes a mental framework to enhance the efficiency of communication about interactive systems. In focusing to the description aspect only, design principles, system architectures and development methods are the context but not the subject of this work.<br><br> The separation of three semantic layers provides the foundation to distinguish purpose-related, interaction-related and implementation-related models of interactive systems. Each semantic layer is characterized by a specific terminology. Referring to the idea of equivalent models, the compositional system structure varies from layer to layer and provides the framework to ask for the observable behavior and values. The strict assignment of system aspects to system components distinguishes this approach from a simple layering of design decisions in the development of interactive systems as commonly found in the relevant literature. The Fundamental Modeling Concepts (FMC) provide the foundation for the identification and representation of system structures.<br><br> A selection of system descriptions taken from the relevant literature provides the starting point to demonstrate the application of the suggested concept. Purpose, content and form of each example are analyzed with regard to the implied system structure. Weaknesses in the original representation are identified. Alternative models complement the examples to illustrate the benefit of the new approach.

Žiniatinklio portalų kūrimo ir projektavimo metodika / Web application development methology

Žilinskas, Tadas 25 May 2004 (has links)
The nature of Web system development is significantly different from conventional software development. Good method for system development is needed. Analysis show, that main known system development methods are good at describing static web application aspects, but does not provide a good description for modeling web application behavioral characteristics. This work uses model driven approach as one, suitable for dealing with web application development problems. The key aspect of model driven approach is specifying system domain model independent of any particular technology (J2EE, Microsoft .NET, etc.) and then generating platform specific model or its implementation. The UML is user-friendly, easy to use and is useful for describing system effectively. Specification expressed in terms of UML can be rendered into an XML document using the OMG’s XMI DTD for UML, which makes UML suitable for model driven approach implementation. In this work, method for specifying application behavior design using UML was presented. This method gives rules for specifying web application behavior model, suitable for its implementation code generation. The main components used in today’s web application which implementation could be generated from the model were also described. It was shown, that it is possible to generate much of implementation, just using such a model representation in XMI. The main idea presented in this work is that web application development should be model driven as... [to full text]

Mobilios programos transformavimas iš vienos platformos į kitą / Transforming Mobile app Source Code from One Platform to the Other One

Bagatavičius, Evaldas 26 August 2013 (has links)
Mobilių technologijų populiarėjimas tarp vartotojų ir jų platformų įvairovė skatina mobilių programėlių kūrėjus užimti vis didesnę rinkos dalį. Kiekviena mobili platforma turi savo specifiką, todėl kūrėjams reikia vis daugiau žinių arba specialistų kuriant mobilias aplikacijas, tam reikalinga papildomų resursų, apmokymų,kaštų ir laiko. Vienas iš galimų problemos sprendimų, sukurti tam tikrus įrankius, kurie mobilių programėlių projektavimo ir kūrimo bei testavimo etape, leistų automatiškai suprojektuoti, suprogramuoti mobilias aplikacijas, nepriklausomai kokiai platformai išlaikant tos programėlės logiką. Tam pakaktų mobilių programų kūrėjams turėti vienai mobiliai platformai aprašytą modelį arba programėlę, ir iš jų remiantis MDA (Model Dirven Architecture) metodologijomis arba aprašytais karkasais atliktų transformacijas į reikiamą platformą. Šiame darbe pateikimas MDA principais paremtos sukurtos priemonės , kurios, atlieka programų transformacijas iš Android į Windows Phone. Įrodant transformacijų svarbą, atliktas transformavimo priemonių tyrimas, įvedant tam tikras metrikas ir jų palyginimą tarp atskirai realizuotų programų, šių priemonių transformuotų programų ir naudojant universalias priemones kaip JavaScript arba žiniatinklio principu veikiančių programų. / There is growth of mobile technologies and platforms providing for users so and developers of mobile applications need to take a larger market. There is some specificity of platforms, therefore developer needs a more knowledge or experts of mobile application developing where require a more resources, training, costs and it takes a time. One of the possible solutions to the problem, to make the tools which allow design and create mobile applications independent by platform keep the logic in design and development or testing phase. This is sufficient for developers to design or creates one mobile applications and using methods of Mobile Driven Architecture (MDA) and frameworks create transformations more applications many platforms. In this research paper representing the tools developed based MDA to carry out transformations from Android to Windows Phone. To prove the importance of transformations performed research of transformation tools with certain comparison of metrics between the programs of separated implementation, these tools transformed programs and used universal tools like JavaScript or web-based software implementation.

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