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Avaliação do efeito do uso de sequências sensíveis a líquido na classificação das alterações do tipo Modic na coluna lombar / Evaluation of the effect of the use of fluid sensitive sequences on the classification of Modic type endplate changes in the lumbar spineNascimento, Eduardo Deroide do 23 May 2019 (has links)
As alterações de sinal no osso subcondral dos corpos vertebrais foram descritas primeiramente por Modic, correlacionando o espectro das alterações da medula óssea no corpo vertebral relacionadas a discopatias degenerativas. O Modic tipo I representa a alteração de sinal do tipo edema, já o Modic II representa a alteração de sinal com padrão de lipossubstituição e o Modic III representa alteração de sinal relacionada a esclerose óssea. O objetivo primário deste estudo foi avaliar se há alteração na detecção dos padrões da classificação Modic na coluna lombar comparando a técnica Dixon com o protocolo tradicional. Como objetivo secundário avaliamos a correlação intra-observador e interobservador. O estudo foi realizado de forma retrospectiva com a inclusão de pacientes cujas ressonâncias magnéticas (RM) foram realizadas na Central de Diagnóstico Ribeirão Preto (CEDIRP). Dois médicos radiologistas de forma independente classificaram as alterações do tipo Modic permitindo uma avaliação interobservador e um dos radiologistas realizou uma segunda análise dos exames possibilitando uma avaliação intra-observador. Os resultados evidenciaram que a técnica Dixon apresentou superioridade na detecção do Modic I em todas as análises e também apresentou médias mais altas da espessura das alterações no osso subcondral. Houve correlações intra-observador moderadas e substanciais no protocolo tradicional e substanciais a altas com a técnica Dixon. A correlação interobservador demonstrou uma correlação moderada na avaliação deste tipo de alteração nos platôs superior e inferior de L3 e correlação inversa e não significativa para a o platô superior de L5 utilizando o protocolo tradicional. Já a correlação interobservador com a técnica Dixon evidenciou concordância perfeita entre os observadores na avaliação de tipo de alteração de sinal no osso subcondral do platô inferior de L1, correlação inversa para o platô inferior de L3 e superior de L4, correlação substancial entre o platô inferior de L2, platô inferior de L5 e superior de L5. Concluímos que a técnica Dixon apresentou superioridade na detecção do Modic I em relação ao protocolo tradicional, assim como permitiu detectar médias mais altas da espessura das alterações no osso subcondral. Também conclui-se que houve boa reprodutibilidade intra-observador e correlação interobservador variável entre os platôs vertebrais analisados / Signal changes in the subchondral bone of the vertebral bodies were first described by Modic, correlating the spectrum of bone marrow changes in the vertebral body to degenerative disc diseases. Modic type I represents the change of edema type signal, while Modic II represents the change of signal with liposubstitution pattern and Modic III represents signal change related to bone sclerosis. The main objective of this study was to evaluate if there is difference in the detection of Modic classification in the lumbar spine comparing the Dixon technique with the traditional protocol. We evaluated the intraobserver and interobserver correlation as a secondary objective. The study was performed retrospectively, including patients whose magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed at the Ribeirão Preto Diagnostic Center (CEDIRP). Two radiologist physicians independently classified the Modic type endplate changes allowing an interobserver evaluation and one of the radiologists performed a second analysis of the exams making possible an intraobserver evaluation. The results showed that the Dixon technique presented superiority in the detection of Modic I in all the analyzes and also presented higher averages of the thickness of the alterations in the subchondral bone. There were moderate and substantial intraobserver correlations in the traditional protocol and substantial to high Dixon technique. The interobserver correlation was moderate in the evaluation of this type of alteration for the upper and lower plateau of L3 and inverse and nonsignificant for the upper plateau of L5 using the traditional protocol. On the other hand, the interobserver correlation with the Dixon technique showed perfect agreement among the observers in the evaluation of type of signal change in the subchondral bone of the lower plateau of L1, an inverse correlation for the lower plateau of L3 and higher of L4, a substantial correlation between the lower plateau of L2, lower of L5 and higher of L5. We conclude that the Dixon technique presented superiority in the detection of Modic I compared with the traditional protocol, as well as allowed the detection higher averages of the thickness of alterations in the subchondral bone. It was also concluded that there was good intraobserver reproducibility and a variable interobserver correlation between the vertebral plateaus analyzed
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The heritability and morphology of lumbar Modic changes and their association with painMäättä, J. (Juhani) 15 November 2016 (has links)
Low back pain (LBP) causes enormous costs to society. Certain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, including disc degeneration and disc herniation, have been associated with LBP in epidemiologic studies. Even though LBP should be considered a biopsychosocial condition, there is a need to define the possible existence of specific pathological conditions beyond LBP. One of these possible conditions is Modic change (MC). Modic changes are subchondral and vertebral bone marrow changes revealed by MRI. Although their association with LBP has been previously studied, some results remain contradictory, and we need to explore MC more thoroughly and to determine whether they are a feature of intervertebral disc degeneration or whether they exist in isolation. Moreover, it is unknown whether heritability is a contributing factor to MC.
This study explored the heritability and morphology of MC and their association with severe, prolonged and disabling LBP. The data consisted of two general population samples, TwinsUK from the United Kingdom (mainly female), and the Hong Kong Disc Degeneration Cohort (HKDDC) from Hong Kong, China. The TwinsUK sample included a longitudinal ten-year follow-up, whereas the HKDDC sample was cross-sectional.
The heritability of MC was found to be 30%. Modic changes were associated with other MRI findings such as disc degeneration, disc displacement and Schmorl’s nodes. A greater size of MC increased these associations. Type 1 MC were more strongly associated with disc displacement and disc degeneration than Modic type 2 change. Modic changes appeared to be independently associated with disabling LBP; severe, prolonged LBP; and back-related disability. Posterior MC and MC in the whole antero-posterior (AP) length of the vertebral body were more strongly associated with severe, prolonged LBP than other MC. A greater number and size of MC increased this association. In terms of disc degeneration, MC were independently associated with loss of disc height and disc signal intensity. Incident MC were independently associated with loss of disc height and disc bulge in a ten-year follow-up.
Modic changes are heritable, and are associated with severe and disabling LBP. The location, size and number of MC affect the association of MC with other MRI findings, LBP and back-related disability. / Tiivistelmä
Alaselkäkivusta aiheutuu valtavat kustannukset yhteiskunnalle. Tietyt magneettikuvauslöydökset, kuten välilevyrappeuma ja välilevytyrä, on yhdistetty alaselkäkipuun epidemiologisissa tutkimuksissa. Alaselkäkipua arvioidaan yleensä biopsykososiaalisen mallin avulla, koska sen syytekijät tunnetaan huonosti. Lannerangan Modic-muutoksia pidetään yhtenä mahdollisena alaselkäkivun syytekijänä. Modic-muutokset ovat rustonalaisia, nikaman luuytimen muutoksia, jotka näkyvät magneettikuvantamisella. Tulokset Modic-muutosten ja alaselkäkivun yhteydestä ovat kuitenkin ristiriitaisia. Modic-muutosten sijainnin, koon ja muodon vaikutus alaselkäkipuun tunnetaan edelleen puutteellisesti. Lisäksi niiden perinnöllisyys on epäselvä.
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin Modic-muutosten perinnöllisyyttä ja tarkempaa morfologiaa, kuten sijaintia ja kokoa lannerangassa, sekä selvitettiin niiden yhteyttä haittaavaan ja voimakkaaseen alaselkäkipuun. Tutkimus perustui kahteen väestöperäiseen aineistoon: TwinsUK-kaksosaineistoon (pääosin naisia) Yhdistyneistä kuningaskunnista ja Hong Kong Disc Degeneration -kohorttiin Hongkongista, Kiinasta. TwinsUK-aineisto sisälsi seurantatietoja 10 vuoden ajalta, ja Hongkongin aineisto oli kerätty yhdestä aikapisteestä.
Modic-muutosten perinnöllisen osuuden todettiin olevan 30 %. Modic-muutokset olivat yhteydessä muihin magneettikuvauslöydöksiin kuten välilevyrappeumaan, välilevypullistumaan ja Schmorlin keräsiin. Tyypin 1 Modic-muutokset olivat voimakkaammin yhteydessä välilevypullistumiin ja -rappeumaan kuin tyypin 2 muutokset. Modic-muutokset olivat yhteydessä toimintakykyä alentavaan ja voimakkaaseen, pitkittyneeseen alaselkäkipuun. Koko nikaman läpimitan käsittävät ja nikaman takaosassa sijaitsevat muutokset olivat voimakkaammin yhteydessä alaselkäkipuun. Muutosten suurempi koko ja yhteislukumäärä lannerangassa voimistivat sen yhteyttä alaselkäkipuun. Modic-muutokset olivat yhteydessä välilevyn madaltumiseen ja signaali-intensiteetin laskuun. Kymmenen vuoden seuranta-aikana ilmaantuneet Modic-muutokset olivat yhteydessä välilevyn madaltumiseen ja välilevypullistumaan.
Modic-muutokset ovat perinnöllisiä ja ne ovat yhteydessä voimakkaaseen sekä toimintakykyä heikentävään alaselkäkipuun. Muutosten tyypin lisäksi niiden sijainti, koko ja lukumäärä tulee huomioida alaselkäkipua arvioitaessa.
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Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar degenerative bone marrow (Modic) changes:determinants, natural course and association with low back painKuisma, M. (Mari) 14 April 2009 (has links)
Modic changes are vertebral bone marrow signal intensity changes adjacent to the endplates of the degenerated intervertebral discs in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
This study evaluated the prevalence and the determinants of Modic changes and their association with low back pain symptoms in an occupational cohort of middle-aged Finnish men. The prevalence and the natural course of Modic changes were assessed over a 3-year follow-up period among sciatica patients. Finally, in a patient population, the characteristics of bone marrow changes in MRI were compared to the imaging findings in CT.
The prevalence of Modic changes was 56% in an occupational cohort of middle-aged males. Besides age, the determinants of Modic changes and disc degeneration were different. Weight-related factors, which add to the load of the lumbar spine, were associated with Modic changes, whereas whole-body vibration was associated with severe disc degeneration.
The prevalence of Modic changes among sciatica patients was 65%, type II change being the most frequent. During the 3-year follow-up, 14% of changes converted to another type, while the incidence of new Modic changes was 6%.
Among middle-aged working males, Modic changes located at L5–S1 and type I Modic changes were more likely to be associated with pain symptoms than other types of Modic changes or changes located at other lumbar levels.
Thirty-eight percent of the endplates with Modic changes had sclerosis in CT. Of specific Modic types, mixed I/II and II/III associated significantly with endplate sclerosis. Endplate sclerosis was not detected in MRI.
In conclusion, Modic changes are a common MRI finding both among patients and middle-aged working males. In addition to age, weight-related factors seem to be important in the pathogenesis of Modic changes. Modic changes can convert from one type to another and type II changes may be less stable than previously assumed. A considerable proportion of Modic changes are sclerotic as observed in CT. Modic changes were always found in combination with a degenerative intervertebral disc and thus they are assumed to be a specific phenotype of degenerative disc disease. Finally, Modic changes may be painful – especially when located at L5–S1 and type I changes.
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The heritability and genetic risk factors of Modic changesKraatari, M. (Minna) 13 November 2018 (has links)
Low back pain (LBP) is a highly prevalent musculoskeletal condition and the leading cause for workplace absenteeism. Lumbar disc degeneration (DD) is considered as a contributing factor to LBP. The role of genetic factors in the development of lumbar DD has been demonstrated to be significant, with heritability estimates ranging from 64% to 81%. Modic change (MC), a distinct phenotype of lumbar DD, is a subchondral and vertebral bone marrow change revealed only by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MC has been associated with LBP in both clinical samples and the general population. The genetic background of MC is largely unknown, and the heritability of MC has not previously been assessed.
The aim of this study was to assess the heritability of MC using a twin study, identify predisposing genetic factors for MC in a family-based design using whole-exome sequencing and to identify genetic loci associated with MC using genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analysis. An additional aim was to study the prevalence, incidence and morphology of MC. The data consisted of two general population samples, the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC1966) and TwinsUK from the United Kingdom, as well as two Finnish families from the Oulu region.
MC was found to be partly heritable with a heritability estimate of 30%. Two novel candidate genes, HSPG2 and MAML1, were found co-segregating with MC in two Finnish families. Both genes are important in the growth and differentiation of chondrocytes. Finally, a genetic locus on chromosome 9 was found to be significantly associated with MC using genome-wide meta-analysis of NFBC1966 and TwinsUK.
These results showed that genetic factors play a role in the development of MC. In conclusion, this thesis increased the knowledge on the genetics of MC. However, the specific roles of these genes need to be studied further. / Tiivistelmä
Alaselkäkivun kansaterveydellinen merkitys on suuri, sillä jopa 84% aikuisista kärsii siitä elämänsä aikana. Selkäkivun vuoksi Suomessa kertyy yli 2 miljoona sairauslomapäivää vuodessa. Välilevyrappeumaa pidetään merkittävänä tekijänä alaselkäkivun synnyssä ja perinnölliset tekijät selittävät välilevyrappeuman synnystä jopa 74%. Modic-muutokset ovat selkärangan välilevyjen päätelevyjen ja subkondraalisen luun muutoksia, jotka voidaan havaita ainoastaan magneettikuvauksella. Niitä pidetään välilevyrappeuman alatyyppinä. Modic-muutosten on osoitettu olevan yhteydessä alaselkäkipuun, mutta etiologia tunnetaan huonosti. Perinnöllisyyden osuutta Modic-muutoksien synnyssä ei ole aiemmin tutkittu ja niiden taustalla vaikuttavat geneettiset tekijät ovat pääasiassa tuntemattomia.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida perinnöllisyyden osuutta Modic-muutoksissa kaksoisaineistossa, tunnistaa Modic-muutoksille altistavia geneettisiä muutoksia perheaineistossa käyttäen eksomisekvensointia ja tunnistaa genomin alueita, jotka assosioituvat Modic-muutoksiin. Tutkimus perustui kahteen väestöperäiseen aineistoon: Pohjois-Suomen Syntymäkohorttiin 1966 ja TwinsUK-kaksosaineistoon Yhdistyneistä kuningaskunnista sekä kahteen pohjois-suomalaiseen perheeseen.
Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin, että Modic-muutokset ovat perinnöllisiä ja, että perinnölliset tekijät selittävät noin 30% niiden ilmenemisestä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin kaksi uutta alttiusgeeniä; HSPG2- ja MAML1-geenit. Molemmilla geeneillä on tärkeä rooli rustosolujen kasvamisessa ja erilaistumisessa. Tutkimuksessa myös tunnistettiin kromosomista 9 genomin alue, joka assosioituu Modic-muutoksiin. Väitöskirjassani osoitettiin, että perinnöllisillä tekijöillä on merkitystä Modic-muutosten synnyssä. Kokonaisuudessaan tämä väitöskirja kasvattaa ymmärrystä Modic-muutoksista, mutta lisätutkimusta aiheesta tarvitaan.
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