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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de modelo para estruturação de centros de controle integrados em cidades médias / Model proposal for structuring of Integrated Control Centers (ICC) in medium-sized cities

Bruhn, Jessie Carvalho January 2017 (has links)
As cidades, notadamente aquelas identificadas como de porte médio, acabam absorvendo mudanças de qualidade e passam a centralizar atividades econômicas. Se, por um lado, a urbanização traz oportunidades para o desenvolvimento social e econômico, de outro, resulta em significativa perda nas funcionalidades básicas e exerce pressão sobre as infraestruturas e recursos naturais. As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) surgem como aliadas no enfrentamento a estes desafios. Baseadas no uso das TIC, iniciativas de Cidades Inteligentes exploram a instrumentalização das infraestruturas da cidade. Na tentativa de unificar a gestão dos diversos aspectos das cidades, por meio do monitoramento e análise em tempo real de dados públicos, diversas capitais estaduais do Brasil já contam com o suporte de centros de controle integrados. Dado o exposto, o presente trabalho propõe um modelo para a estruturação de Centros de Controle Integrados (CCI), compatíveis com a realidade de municípios de médio porte. Para tanto, por meio da revisão da literatura e de uma entrevista junto ao Centro Integrado de Comando da Cidade de Porto Alegre (CEIC), realizou-se o levantamento das melhores práticas a respeito da implantação de centros de controle. Complementarmente, entrevistaram-se os responsáveis de quatro prefeituras municipais para a determinação dos modelos de controle instituídos em cidades de médio porte. Para fins de validação, deu-se a avaliação do modelo por três especialistas da área de estudo. O modelo proposto – composto pelas dimensões de (i) coordenação, (ii) design, (iii) gerenciamento, (iv) comunicação, (v) práticas e rotinas de trabalho e (vi) processamento e gerenciamento de evidências, resulta do cruzamento destas informações e contribui, como ferramenta de gestão, para o desenvolvimento estruturado das cidades de médio porte. / The cities, especially those identified as medium-sized cities, end up absorbing quality changes and begin to centralize economic activities. If, on the one hand, urbanization brings opportunities for social and economic development, on the other hand, it results in a significant loss of basic functionalities, jeopardizing infrastructure and natural resources. In this way, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) emerge as an alliy in face of these challenges. Based on the use of ICT, Smart Cities initiatives explore the instrumentalization of the city's infrastructures. In an attempt to unify the management of the various aspects of cities through real-time monitoring and analysis of public data, several state capitals in Brazil already rely on the support of Integrated Control Centers. Thus, the present work proposes a model for structuring the Integrated Control Centers (ICC), compatible with the reality of medium-sized municipalities. Through a literature review and an interview with the Centro Integrado de Comando of Porto Alegre (CEIC), the best practices regarding the implementation of control centers were surveyed. Complementarily, the heads of four city halls were interviewed to determine the control models established in medium-sized cities. Furthermore, the model was also assessed by three specialists in the study area. The proposed model - composed by the dimensions of (i) coordination, (ii) design, (iii) management, (iv) communication, (v) practices and work routines and (vi) processing and management of evidence, results from the cross-referencing of this information and contributes as a management tool to the structured development of medium-sized cities.

Avaliação da exposição à ocupação irregular em áreas suscetíveis a deslizamentos : estudo caso em São Bernardo do Campo, SP

Camey, Julia Tatiana Noack January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Ricardo de Sousa Moretti / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento e Gestão do Território, 2014. / Esta dissertação tem como interesse o tema da ocupação irregular em áreas de risco. O processo de urbanização do Brasil através da história se caracterizou por ser um processo acelerado com exclusão e desigualdade; as cidades não foram capazes de satisfazer as necessidades de produção e demanda de moradias, em especial para a população de baixa renda. Isso trouxe como consequência ocupações de assentamentos precários em terrenos frágeis como áreas de risco de deslizamento. A partir dessa problemática têm existido esforços institucionais para enfrentar a crise habitacional. Em 2003 foi criado o Ministério das Cidades, que é responsável pelo funcionamento e articulação da política habitacional em suas diferentes esferas: federal, estadual e municipal. Os municípios tomam vital importância para o cumprimento de programas e estratégias locais para evitar ocupações irregulares em áreas de risco. Por tal motivo surgiu a necessidade de propor um modelo matemático que tem como objetivo ser uma ferramenta a nível local, que permite auxiliar o processo de controle e fiscalização para a prevenção de ocupações irregulares. Isso foi realizado por meio de três etapas: 1) seleção e proposta de variáveis de avaliação da exposição ao risco de deslizamentos, 2) entrevistas com a participação de secretarias de habitação, membros da defesa civil da região do ABC e membros do curso de Extensão de Gestão de Risco da Universidade ABC, para estabelecer a ponderação das variáveis e complementá-las e 3) aplicação do modelo desenvolvido em áreas vazias e susceptíveis a deslizamentos no município de São Bernardo do Campo. As variáveis utilizadas na aplicação piloto foram: 1) proximidade a uma área vazia de uma ocupação irregular, 2) facilidade de acesso de veículos, 3) facilidade de acesso de pedestres à área vazia, 5) condições de declividade e vegetação de baixo porte, facilitando o processo de ocupação irregular, 6) inexistência de fiscalização e notificação de uma eventual ocupação irregular de uma área vazia e 7) existência de vazios por remoção de moradias por risco natural ou construtivo. A aplicação do modelo em quatro áreas do município de São Bernardo do Campo permitiu identificar a necessidade de ajustes não contemplados no início. / This dissertation focuses on the issue of irregular occupancy in hazardous areas. Through history, the urbanization process in Brazil has been characterized by being an accelerated process with exclusion and inequality; cities were unable to meet the needs of production and demand for housing, especially for the low-income population. This resulted in occupations in slums on fragile land in these landslide risk areas. Based on this problem there have been institutional efforts to address the housing crisis. The Ministerio das Cidades was created in 2003; it is responsible for the operation and coordination of the housing policy in its different areas: federal, state and municipal. Municipalities are of special relevance to meet local programs and strategies to prevent slums in hazardous areas. Therefore, it became necessary to propose a mathematical model that aims to be a local tool that supports the control and monitoring process for the prevention of irregular occupations. This was done in 3 stages: 1) selection and proposal of variables for the evaluation of landslide exposure; 2) interviews involving Local Secretaries, members of the Civil Defense of the ABC Region and members of Risk Management Extension course of ABC University to establish the weighting of variables and complement them; 3) application of the model developed in empty areas susceptible to landslides in the municipality of São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil. The variables used in the pilot study were: 1) proximity of an irregular occupation to an empty area; 2) ease of vehicle access; 3) ease of pedestrian access to the empty area; 4) declivity conditions and low-growing vegetation, facilitating the process of irregular occupation; 5) lack of monitoring and reporting of a possible irregular occupation of an empty area; 6) lack of fencing or physical barriers that impede access to the empty area; and, 7) the existence of empty spaces due to housing removal due to a natural or man-made cliff. The application of the model in 4 areas of the municipality of São Bernardo do Campo identified the need for unforeseen adjustments.

Desenvolvimento de apalpador de contato elétrico (\"touch trigger probe\") para atuação no processo de torneamento / Devefopment of a low cost touch trigger probe for CNC lathes

Marcelo Del Guerra 21 September 2004 (has links)
A utilização dos apalpadores acoplados a máquinas CNC se tornou uma realidade muito comum no mundo atual, principalmente devido à diminuição do tempo de preparação e possibilidades de realização de medições na própria máquina-ferramenta. Porém, ainda existem algumas barreiras a se transpor, como por exemplo, a dificuldade de programação, custo relativamente elevado e pouca literatura que trata exclusivamente a respeito da utilização dos apalpadores para medição nas máquinas-ferramentas. Nesse trabalho é realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o uso dos apalpadores em ambiente industrial, discutindo-se as tecnologias utilizadas na geração do sinal de \"trigger\" e é proposto um novo modelo de apalpador de contato elétrico, de baixo custo, desenvolvido especialmente para atender as necessidades de medições em tornos CNC. Os testes em laboratório revelaram que a repetibilidade do protótipo construído foi de 0,003 mm dentro de uma confiabilidade de mais ou menos 3 \'sigma\' ou 99,73%. Concluiu-se que tais características são altamente compatíveis com os requisitos necessários para a maioria dos processos de torneamento. / The use of touch trigger probes attached to CNC machines has become a world standard, especially due the reduction of setup time and the ability to promote work piece measurements on machine. However, some barriers like measurement routines programming difficulties, high costs of these equipments and the low number of technical literature about this subject, still need to be transposed. This work presents a review on the applications of touch trigger probes on companies shop floor, discussing the nowadays technologies used to generate the trigger signal. A new touch trigger probe model based on a simple electrical contact is specially developed to provide the measuring characteristics required for Lathes, with the needed characteristics and low cost. The tests of the probe developed in the laboratory shown a repeatability of 0,003 mm (more and less 3 \'sigma\' or 99,73%). Those characteristics are high compatible with the most needs of the industry.

Modélisation du processus de pilotage d'un atelier en temps réel à l'aide de la simulation en ligne couplée à l'exécution / Decision-making aid for production activity control in production by the integration of manufacturing executive system and online discrete event simulation

Mirdamadi, Samieh 17 June 2009 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche met en avant l'intérêt qu'offre la simulation en ligne comme outil d'aide à la décision, outil centré sur le pilotage d'atelier vis-à-vis d'événements se produisant en temps réel et pour un horizon à très court terme. Après avoir présenté le contexte général du pilotage des systèmes de production, nous avons étudié les outils existants et utilisés industriellement pour l'exploitation de la production, de même que les outils d'aide au pilotage permettant d'assurer le respect optimal des objectifs fixés. Après un travail préalable sur la simulation hors ligne, nous proposons de coupler un outil de simulation en ligne à un outil d'exécution d'atelier de type MES afin de piloter en temps réel le processus de production. Une démarche de modélisation faisant appel de façon complémentaire à deux approches, analytique et simulatoire, est finalement mise en place. Nous mettons en exergue l'utilisation de la simulation de flux en ligne pour aider au pilotage d'un processus opérationnel. Ainsi nous modélisons le processus de pilotage en temps réel afin de décrire les fonctions requises. Pour cela, nous utilisons différentes stratégies d'utilisation des simulateurs en ligne pour le pilotage, avec un ou deux modèles et avec plusieurs méthodes d'utilisation de ces modèles. La simulation en ligne apporte alors des informations objectives sur les conséquences à court terme d'un événement, ainsi que sur les divers scenarii de correction envisagés. Pour mieux convaincre les industriels de l'intérêt de la simulation en ligne, nous présentons des solutions pratiques aux spécifications et besoins énoncés précédemment en nous appuyant sur une plate-forme expérimentale. / This research work highlights the interest of online simulation as a decision support tool. This tool is focused on workshop control in relation with real time and short-term events. Online simulation enables to analyze and compare scenarios affecting the production, such as failures or unexpected orders. Moreover online simulation allows a very short term projection in the future in order to quantify the consequences of some unexpected event: we call it projection simulation. Finally, online simulation is helpful to choose the solution that will reduce the impact of a critical event, through the simulation of several scenarios. To conclude, online simulation is one the most interesting decision support tool in workshop piloting. However, there are few industrial applications in manufacturing systems. The first part of this research work introduces the overall context of production system management. The different generic functions of controlling the production, the modes of piloting and the evolutions of workshop are detailed. We also explain piloting typologies according to their reactivity. In the second part, we study the existing software tools used in industry for the operation of production, and support tools that ensure optimal compliance in regard to the objectives. After a preliminary work on the offline simulation, we propose to couple an online simulation tool with a type MES delivery tool in order to control the production process in real time. A modeling approach using two complementary approaches, an analytical one and simulation, is then introduced. The objective of the third part is to emphasize the use of online flow simulation to assist in operating a production process. Thus we model the process in real time to describe the required functions. Therefore we try out different strategies of use of online simulators, through one or two models and several methods of using these models. Online simulation then provides realistic information on the short-term consequences of an event, as well as on the different ways of correcting the scenarios. To convince industry of the relevance of online simulation, the fourth part presents practical solutions to the specifications and requirements previously stated. An experimental platform helped us validate the concept of online simulation as piloting support tool, but also underline the difficulties of development.

Propuesta de mejora para el seguimiento y control de entrega de proyectos informáticos a operaciones de TI en el rubro retail / Improvement proposal for the monitoring and control of the delivery of IT projects to IT operations in the retail sector

Valerio Solari, Pedro 05 December 2020 (has links)
En los últimos años, en el Perú el sector retail y la variedad de comercios minoristas han experimentado un crecimiento continuo y desarrollo sostenido de sus negocios, logrando maximizar sus inversiones y superando sus expectativas. Este escenario ha propiciado el ingreso de nuevos actores, tanto nacionales como internacionales, a este gran conglomerado de empresas que buscan sobresalir y aumentar sus cuotas de mercado a través de diferentes estrategias. Las empresas del rubro retail definen y evalúan de forma constante diversas estrategias e iniciativas a fin de afianzar sus operaciones en el Perú y mejorar la experiencia y preferencia de sus clientes, involucrando para ello sus pilares estratégicos personas, procesos y tecnología. El presente proyecto de tesis realiza una propuesta de mejora para el seguimiento y control de entrega de proyectos informáticos a operaciones de TI en el rubro retail, uno de los procesos más importantes de la gestión estratégica dentro de las organizaciones. Dicha propuesta se genera a través de la aplicación de diferentes marcos y prácticas, como el marco de trabajo ZACHMAN, la metodología TOGAF, las prácticas de la guía del PMBOK y técnicas de arquitectura de software. Se realiza un análisis de las diferentes perspectivas de las organizaciones, el análisis del proceso a mejorar y la definición de una solución tecnológica que cubra las necesidades de los involucrados en el proyecto. / In recent years, in Peru the retail sector and the variety of retail businesses have experienced continuous growth and sustained development of their businesses, managing to maximize their investments and exceed their expectations. This scenario has led to the entry of new players, both national and international, to this large conglomerate of companies that seek to excel and increase their market shares through different strategies. The retail company constantly defines and evaluates various strategies and initiatives in order to strengthen their operations in Peru and improve the experience and preference of their customers, involving their strategic pillars, people, processes and technology. This thesis project makes a proposal for improvement for the monitoring and control of delivery of IT projects to IT operations in the retail sector, one of the most important processes of technological management within the Organizations. This proposal is generated through the application of different frameworks and practices, such as the ZACHMAN framework, the TOGAF methodology, the practices of the PMBOK guide and Software Architecture techniques. An analysis of the different perspectives of the organizations is carried out, the analysis of the process to improve and the definition of a technological solution that meets the needs of those involved in the project. / Tesis

Untersuchung bildgebender Ultraschallmesstechnik für instationäre Strömungsvorgänge in der Magnetohydrodynamik

Nauber, Richard 16 April 2019 (has links)
Bei einer Reihe bedeutsamer industrieller Prozesse, wie dem Stahl-Strangguss oder der Kristallzucht für die Photovoltaik, ist die Strömung flüssiger Metalle oder Halbleiter entscheidend für den Energieaufwand bei der Herstellung und die Qualität des Endproduktes. Eine gezielte, berührungslose Einwirkung von Lorentzkräften auf die heißen Schmelzen kann dabei die Ressourceneffizienz eines Prozesses signifikant steigern. Die komplexe Interaktion von elektrisch leitfähigen Fluiden und magnetischen Wechselfeldern wird dazu in der Magnetohydrodynamik (MHD) durch Experimente im Labormaßstab an niedrigschmelzenden Metallen untersucht. Die dabei auftretenden instationären, dreidimensionalen Strömungsfelder erfordern eine nicht-invasive, bildgebende Strömungsmesstechnik für opake Fluide mit hoher Orts- und Zeitauflösung, welche derzeitig nicht für die MHD zur Verfügung steht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit soll mit den Mitteln der Elektrotechnik eine für MHD-Modellexperimente geeignete Messtechnik basierend auf dem Ultraschall-Doppler-Prinzip geschaffen werden. Dabei wird der Ansatz verfolgt, die Komplexität eines Messsystems vom mechanischen Aufbau hin zur Rechentechnik zu verlagern, um durch die dort in jüngster Zeit verfügbaren Ressourcen neuartige Signalverarbeitungsmethoden und eine höhere Flexibilität zu ermöglichen. Mit dem Ultrasound Array Doppler Velocimeter (UADV) wurde ein flexibles Messsystem für MHD-Modellexperimente geschaffen, welches eine mehrkomponentige Mehrebenenmessung durch Sensordatenfusion von bis zu neun linearen Wandlerarrays im kombinierten Zeit- und Ortsmultiplex erreicht. Die Signalverarbeitung ist durch eine auf einem Field Programmable Gate Array implementierte Datenkompression onlinefähig. Sie reicht trotz geringer rechentechnischer Komplexität bis auf Faktor 3 an die fundamentale Grenze der Messunsicherheit, die Cramér-Rao-Schranke, heran. Das UADV wurde über ein Kalibrierexperiment mit interferometrischer Referenzmessung auf die SI-Einheiten zurückgeführt. Das UADV wurde an einer magnetfeldgetriebenen Strömung in einem kubischen Gefäß angewandt. Numerische Simulationen sagen dort nicht-deterministisch einsetzende Instabilitäten im Übergangsbereich des laminaren zum turbulenten Strömungsregimes vorher. Durch eine simultane Zweiebenenmessung mit hoher örtlicher (3 ... 5 mm) und zeitlicher Auflösung (Bildrate 11,2 Hz) bei gleichzeitig langer Aufnahmedauer (> 1000 s) konnten die Instabilitäten erstmals experimentell charakterisiert werden. Eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse identifizierte ein gekoppeltes Paar von Strömungsmoden, welche eine spontan anfachende harmonische Oszillation mit der Frequenz f = 0,072 Hz beschreiben und durch komplexe Wirbel gekennzeichnet sind. Die Analyse der Messunsicherheit für das gegebene Experiment ergab, dass diese mit σ v,rel = 13,9 % hauptsächlich durch das räumliche Auflösungsvermögen bestimmt wird. Das Schallfeld ist bei ultraschallbasierten Messverfahren ausschlaggebend für die Eigenschaften der Bildgebung. Mit dem Phased Array Doppler Velocimeter (PAUDV) wurde ein modulares Messsystem mit adaptiven Schallfeld aufgebaut, wobei durch digitale Strahlformung die örtliche und zeitliche Auflösung signifikant erhöht werden kann. Eine aktive Kontrolle des Schallfeldes ermöglicht zudem die Messung durch Objekte mit komplexen, unbekannten Ausbreitungseigenschaften. Mit dem Time Reversal Virtual Array (TRVA) wird dabei eine effiziente Methode zur Bildgebung vorgestellt und auf die Strömungsmessung durch einen Multimode-Wellenleiter angewandt. Damit kann die Beschränkung bildgebender Ultraschallmesstechnik hinsichtlich der Betriebstemperatur der Wandler umgangen und heiße Schmelzen industrieller und technischer Prozesse für nichtinvasive In-Prozess-Bildgebung zugänglich gemacht werden. / In many important industrial processes, such as continuous steel casting or crystal growth for photovoltaic silicon, the flow of liquid metals or semiconductors determines the energy consumption of the process and the quality of the product. Influencing the hot melts contactlessly through Lorentz forces for a targeted flow control can significantly improve the resource-efficiency of a process. The complex interaction of electrically conductive fluids and alternating magnetic fields is investigated in the field of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) through laboratory-scale experiments in low melting metals. The emerging instationary, three-dimensional flows require a temporally and spatially high-resolved non-invasive flow imaging system, which currently is not available for MHD research. In this work, a flow instrumentation for MHD experiments based on the ultrasound Doppler principle is created through means of electrical engineering. The general approach is to shift the complexity of a system from mechanics over electronics to an algorithmic implementation in order to exploit the recent computational advances, enabling novel signal processing methods and increasing the flexibility. The ultrasound array Doppler velocimeter (UADV) has been created as a flexible instrumentation system for MHD experiments. It supports multicomponent, multiplane velocity measurements through sensor fusion of up to nine linear transducer arrays with spatiotemporal multiplexing. An online signal processing is realized through data compression on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). It achieves an uncertainty as low as a factor 3 of the Cramér-Rao lower bound despite a low computational complexity of the algorithm. The UADV has been applied to a magnetically-driven flow in a cubic vessel. Numerical simulations predicted a non-deterministic instability in the transitory region between laminar and turbulent flow regimes. A simultaneous two-dimensional two-component flow measurement with high spatial (3 ... 5 mm) and temporal resolution (frame rate 11,2 Hz) over long durations (> 1000 s) allowed to characterize those instabilities experimentally for the first time. A principal component analysis identified a pair of coupled modes with a complex vortex structure that performs a spontaneously onsetting oscillation at f = 0,072 Hz. The measurement uncertainty for the experiment has been evaluated to be σ v,rel = 13,9 % and is primarily caused by the spatial resolution of the system. The properties of ultrasound-based imaging are primarily determined by the sound field. The phased array Doppler velocimeter (PAUDV) has been developed as a modular flow instrumentation system with an adaptive sound field, which allows to increase the spatial and temporal resolution. Furthermore, an active control of the sound field enables measurements despite a complex, unknown sound propagation. A method to image through strong aberrations efficiently has been proposed with the time reversal virtual array (TRVA). It has been applied to flow imaging through a multimode waveguide, thus allowing to circumvent the limitation of common ultrasound imaging systems regarding their maximum operating temperature. This paves the way for in-process flow imaging of hot, opaque liquids in technical and industrial processes.

Probabilistic models for quality control in environmental sensor networks

Dereszynski, Ethan W. 04 June 2012 (has links)
Networks of distributed, remote sensors are providing ecological scientists with a view of our environment that is unprecedented in detail. However, these networks are subject to harsh conditions, which lead to malfunctions in individual sensors and failures in network communications. This behavior manifests as corrupt or missing measurements in the data. Consequently, before the data can be used in ecological models, future experiments, or even policy decisions, it must be quality controlled (QC'd) to flag affected measurements and impute corrected values. This dissertation describes a probabilistic modeling approach for real-time automated QC that exploits the spatial and temporal correlations in the data to distinguish sensor failures from valid observations. The model adapts to a site by learning a Bayesian network structure that captures spatial relationships among sensors, and then extends this structure to a dynamic Bayesian network to incorporate temporal correlations. The final QC model contains both discrete and continuous variables, which makes inference intractable for large sensor networks. Consequently, we examine the performance of three approximate methods for inference in this probabilistic framework. Two of these algorithms represent contemporary approaches to inference in hybrid models, while the third is a greedy search-based method of our own design. We demonstrate the results of these algorithms on synthetic datasets and real environmental sensor data gathered from an ecological sensor network located in western Oregon. Our results suggest that we can improve performance over networks with less sensors that use exhaustive asynchronic inference by including additional sensors and applying approximate algorithms. / Graduation date: 2013

Vėjo elektrinių parko informacinės sistemos prototipas / Wind farm information system prototype

Vaičiukynas, Evaldas 17 January 2006 (has links)
In the following Master’s degree research main information and communication aspects in wind power plant farm analyzed and demonstrated by constructing basic prototype. The wind energy market in Europe is growing and needs have arisen to develop standard-based information systems to support future expansion of wind energy in Lithuania. Introduction and first chapter overview the background for modeling such system. Requirements for data structures representing main measurements and information exchange inside and outside of the system are defined on the base of IEC 61400-25 standard “Wind Turbine Generator Systems - Part 25: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants”. Models, comprising such system are described and possible communication topologies enumerated. From several existing communication profiles, defined in above mentioned standard, SOAP / XML based web services for communication architecture are chosen and prototype built. Article based on this work was written together with coauthor professor A. Nemura and presented in international KTU conference “Automation and Control technologies – 2005���� and LEI conference “Application of information and management technologies in electricity energetics“. The purpose of article is to form and refine the wind farm information system problem introducing IEC 61400-25 standard.

Sistema de monitoreo de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para una empresa constructora empleando redes neuronales MLP para el análisis de imágenes en obras / Occupational safety and health monitoring system for a construction company using artificial intelligence MLP neural networks for the analysis of images on construction sites

Laos Barrantes, Jorge Augusto, Mauricio Flores, Marcos Jefferson 23 August 2021 (has links)
La seguridad y salud en el trabajo para una empresa de construcción, forma parte importante de los procesos misionales, visto desde la perspectiva humana, así como económica. En tal sentido, con el presente proyecto se propone una solución informática, tomando como punto de partida la información del negocio (mapa de procesos) para con esta realizar el análisis y diseño de un sistema de monitoreo de seguridad y salud en el trabajo empleando inteligencia artificial redes neuronales MLP para el análisis de imágenes en obras. De forma general, la propuesta tiene como objetivo reducir los accidentes y con esto los gastos (7% de ingresos) que se vienen presentando en la ejecución de obras por pagos de multas, penalidades o por incumplimiento de contratos. En la primera etapa se realiza el análisis de la información de la empresa, se emplea el marco de trabajo de Zachman y TOGAF, de esta manera se conoce la situación actual del proceso de gestión y control de obras identificando los problemas o debilidades que se presenten en este, con esta información se procede a realizar en análisis de la propuesta de mejora. La siguiente etapa se basa en diseñar la propuesta de solución partiendo por la identificación de requerimientos del sistema junto al usuario del negocio, teniendo esta información se identifican los drivers funcionales y no funcionales del sistema, finalmente se pasa a realizar el diseño del sistema empleando el modelo C4, plasmando la arquitectura de software a 4 niveles de aproximación. / Occupational safety and health for a construction company is an important part of missionary processes seen from a human perspective, as well as an economic one. In this sense, with this project a system solution is proposed, taking as a starting point the business information (process map) to carry out the analysis and design of a monitoring system for safety and health at work using artificial intelligence neural networks MLP for the analysis of images in construction sites. In general, the objective of the proposal is to reduce accidents and with this the expenses (7% of income) that have been presented in the execution of works for payment of fines, penalties or for breach of contracts. In the first stage, the analysis of the company's information is carried out with the help of Zachman and TOGAF framework, in this way the current situation of the process “Management and control of construction sites” is known, identifying the problems or weaknesses that it has, with this information, the analysis of the improvement proposal is carried out. The next stage is based on designing the solution proposal starting from the identification of system requirements together with the business user, having this information, the functional and non-functional drivers of the system are identified, finally the system design is carried out using the model C4, expressing the software architecture at 4 levels of approximation. / Tesis

3D shape measurements with a single interferometric sensor for insitu lathe monitoring

Kuschmierz, R., Huang, Y., Czarske, J., Metschke, S., Löffler, F., Fischer, A. 29 August 2019 (has links)
Temperature drifts, tool deterioration, unknown vibrations as well as spindle play are major effects which decrease the achievable precision of computerized numerically controlled (CNC) lathes and lead to shape deviations between the processed work pieces. Since currently no measurement system exist for fast, precise and insitu 3d shape monitoring with keyhole access, much effort has to be made to simulate and compensate these effects. Therefore we introduce an optical interferometric sensor for absolute 3d shape measurements, which was integrated into a working lathe. According to the spindle rotational speed, a measurement rate of 2,500 Hz was achieved. In-situ absolute shape, surface profile and vibration measurements are presented. While thermal drifts of the sensor led to errors of several µm for the absolute shape, reference measurements with a coordinate machine show, that the surface profile could be measured with an uncertainty below one micron. Additionally, the spindle play of 0.8 µm was measured with the sensor.

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