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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kriminalistinis žmogaus plaukų tyrimas:galimybės ir praktika Lietuvoje / Forensic Investigation of Human hairs: Practice and Opportunities in Lithuania

Plankytė, Jurga 25 January 2008 (has links)
Žmogaus plaukas – neatsiejama žmogaus organizmo dalis. Lietuvos kriminalistikos moksle plaukas priskiriamas biologinių objektų grupei, o tiriant įvairius nusikaltimus, neretai tampa puikiu informacijos šaltiniu. Baigiamajame darbe pateikiama trumpa kriminalistinio žmogaus plaukų tyrimo istorinė raida Lietuvos prieškario ir pokario laikotarpiu. Trumpai yra aprašoma žmogaus plauko struktūra. Pateikiami trys pagrindiniai kriminalistiniai plaukų tyrimo metodai: morfologinis, serologinis ir DNR analizės. Aptariamos šių metodų atlikimo galimybės Lietuvoje.Palyginimui pateikiamos naujausios žmogaus plaukų tyrimo metodikos užsienio šalyse (Anglijoje, Vokietijoje, Švedijoje) – žmogaus plauko kutikulės išliejos metodas; botaninės kilmės aplinkos dalelių (žiedadulkių ir sporų) žmogaus plaukų nuoplovose metodas; katageninių ir telogeninių plaukų DNR tyrimai, pasitelkus „LCN sistemą“; geno (MC1R), apsprendžiančio žmogaus plaukų spalvą ir odos tipą, mutacijų tyrimas; narkotinių medžiagų žmogaus galvos ir gaktos plaukuose nustatymo tyrimai. Analizuojama Lietuvos ekspertinių įstaigų 2004-2006 metų veikla, susijusi su kriminalistiniu žmogaus plaukų tyrimu. Aptariami ekspertų-specialistų anketinės apklausos rezultatai. Pateikiama išsami ekspertizės aktų analizė, statistiniai duomenys apie nusikaltimus, kurių aplinkybėms aiškinti buvo tiriami žmogaus plaukai, įrodoma žmogaus plaukų, kaip tyrimo objekto kriminalistikoje, reikšmė, tiriant smurtinius ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Human hair – a part of human body. Lithuanian Forensic Science it presents like the group of biological evidences. Due investigation of the variuos commited crimes, human hair becomes a wide source of important and useful informacion. Noted a short Lithuanian prewar and postwar history of forensic human hair exploration. Shortly described a structure of human hair. There were mentioned three, the main ways of forensic investigation of human hair in Lithuania: morphological, serological exploration and DNA analysis. The procedures and the opportunities of these methods applied in Lithuania, were discussed as well. Described the modern procedures of human hair investigation: a scale cast obtained from shaft of human hair; the exploration of polynomorphs (pollens and spores) in human hair; the DNA analysis of human catagen and telogen hair by Low Copy Number (LCN) method; a single gene (MC1R) extraction for identification of human hair colors from degraded DNR; the human hair analysis for drugs detection in it. Submited a comprehensive assay of activity in Lithuanian Forensic Institutes, which is dealing with forensic human hair investigation. There was offered an importance of human hair exploration in forensic trial. Equally, were presented an inquiry results of Lithuanian forensic experts. Were discussed a generalization of forensic experts reports, shown a statistic of commited crimes, where the human hair was found and took like... [to full text]

Morfologinio daugiareikšminimo statistiniais metodais parametrų tyrimas / Research of morphological ambiguity parameters by statistical methods

Žiemelis, Audrius 15 June 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe kuriamas įrankis, kuris padėtų nustatyti, kurios morfologinės žymos savybės yra svarbios sprendžiant lietuvių kalbos morfologinio daugiareikšmiškumo problemą. Morfologinio daugiareikšmiškumo problema išsprendžiama tuomet, kai pagal kontekstą vienam žodžiui priskiriama viena morfologinė žyma. Darbe naudojamas tekstynas, kurį sudaro daugiau nei 1.200.000 žodžių. Tekstyne žodžiams morfologines žymas nustatė ekspertas, o visos galimos žodžio morfologinės žymos buvo sugeneruotos su pagalbiniu įrankiu. Morfologinio daugiareikšmiškumo problemoms spręsti suprogramuotas ir taikytas Viterbi algoritmas, randantis tikėtiniausią sakinį atitinkančią kalbos dalių seką pagal sukurtus bigramų ar trigramų kalbos modelius. Atlikus testavimą naudojant dešimt kartų kryžminį patikrinimą, pasiekti toki rezultatai: • 90,10% – tikslumas, kuris parodo ar teisingai priskirta morfologinė žyma daugiareikšmiams žodžiams; • 96,39% – bendras tikslumas, kuris skaičiuojamas įtraukiant ir tuos žodžius, kurie turėjo tik vieną morfologinę žymą. / In this research was developed tool, which helps to determine, which morphological mark attributes are important when solving problem of morphological ambiguity in Lithuanian language. Morphological ambiguity problem is solved, when one word is matched with one morphological mark. Research uses corpus, which contains over than 1.200.000 words. Morphological marks in the corpus were assigned by expert and list of all possible morphological marks was generated with other utility. There was developed and applied Viterbi algorithm to solve morphological ambiguity problem, which finds the most expected path of part of speeches by created bigram or trigram speech models. Testing was implemented using cross validation with 10 folds. There was achieved these results: • 90,10% – accuracy, which shows if morphological mark was correctly match with ambiguous word; • 96,39% – total accuracy, which calculated when included non-ambiguous words.

3D geometrijos atstatymas panaudojant Kinect jutiklį / 3D geometry reconstruction using Kinect sensor

Udovenko, Nikita 23 July 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra tiriamos atrankiojo aplinkos 3D geometrijos atstatymo galimybės panaudojant Kinect jutiklio kombinuotą vaizdo-gylio kamerą: pateikiamas matematinis atstatymo modelis, jo parametrizavimui reikalingi koeficientai, apibūdinama tikėtinų paklaidų apimtis, siūloma aktualių scenos duomenų išskyrimo iš scenos procedūra, tiriamas gaunamo modelio triukšmas ir jo pašalinimo galimybės ir metodai. Atstatyta geometrija yra pateikiama metrinėje matų sistemoje, ir kiekvienas 3D scenos taškas papildomai saugo savo spalvinę informaciją. Praktinėje dalyje pateikiama sukurta taikomoji programa yra įgyvendinta naudojant C++ ir OpenCV matematines programavimo bibliotekas. Ji atlieka 3D geometrijos atstatymą pagal pateiktą teorinį modelį, išskiria aktualius scenos duomenis, pašalina triukšmą ir gali išsaugoti gautus duomenis į 3D modeliavimo programoms suprantamą PLY formato bylą. Darbą sudaro: įvadas, 3 skyriai, išvados ir literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 61 p. teksto be priedų, 43 paveikslai, 4 lentelės, 22 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. / The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possibilities of selective 3D geometry reconstruction using Kinect combined image-depth camera: a mathematical reconstruction model is provided, as well as coefficients to parametrize it and estimates on expected precision; a procedure on filtering out the background from depth image is proposed, depth image noise and possibilities for its removal are studied. Resulting reconstructed geometry is provided using metric system of measurement, and each 3D point also retains it's color data. Resulting application is implemented in C++ programming language and uses OpenCV programming library. It implements 3D geometry reconstruction as described in theory section, removes background from depth image, as well as noise, and is able to save the resulting 3D geometry to a 3D modeling applications readable file format. Structure: introduction, 3 chapters, conclusions, references. Thesis consists of – 61 p. of text, 43 figures, 4 tables, 22 bibliographical entries.

Morfologinės struktūros transformacijos centriniame miesto rajone (Lietuvos pavyzdžiu) / Transformations of Urban Morphological Structure in the Central Business District (On the example of Lithuania)

Alistratovaitė, Inesa 23 February 2005 (has links)
As urban development in the 20th century has become the issue of global concern, more and more new territories have been occupied due to high intensity of the development. International conferences devoted to the regulatory issues of city development held within the current decade (such as HABITAT II held in Istanbul, 1996, ATHENS’98 – in Athens, 1998, URBAN 21 – in Berlin, 2000, and a conference in Brussels, 2001, etc) emphasized the majority of developmental aspects including the great focus on the necessity to further form urban structures with the priority of internal city development looking for more effective and more universal functional uses of the territories, restoration of the existing downtown areas and preservation of their original character. As other post-soviet countries, Lithuania has been also facing the need to reorganize various spheres including urban development. Urban territories have been dangerously expanded, especially during the soviet period, due to the increased general city building-up areas, mostly expressed by the territorial expansion rather than gradual and consistent development (by the use of internal reserves of the city). After the restoration of Lithuanian independence, privatisation, changed character of housing construction, return of land and real estate to the previous owners and increasing value of land under the free market conditions remarkably modified the nature of urban development in Lithuania, at the same time revealing the... [to full text]

Reduplikuotiniai lietuvių kalbos žodžiai / Reduplicative words in lithuanian language

Uselytė, Jurgita 22 June 2005 (has links)
Reduplication is a morphological process in which the root or stem of a word, or part of it, is repeated. Reduplication is used both inflectionally to convey a grammatical function, such as plurality, intensification, etc., and derivationally to create new words. It is found in many languages, though its importance and productivity varies. Reduplication is often described phonologically in two different ways: (1) as reduplicated segments (i.e. sequences of consonants/vowels) or (2) as reduplicated prosodic units (i.e. syllables or morae). In addition to phonological description, reduplication often needs to be described morphologically as a reduplication of linguistic constituents (i.e. words, stems, roots). As a result, reduplication is interesting theoretically as it involves the interface between phonology and morphology. Reduplication often involves copying only once. However, in some languages, reduplication can happen more than once (and thus a duple is not created). Triplication is the term for copying three times (i.e. in Lithuanian language av av av; dū dū dū; bum bum bum; plest plest plest). Full reduplication involves a reduplication of the entire word (i.e. nunù, riri, rururù, ka-ka). In Lithuanian there are two types of fullreduplication: word reduplication (i.e. baubau, bė́bė; bobõ; būbū), syllable reduplication (i.e. girkšt girkšt, jo jo, kepu kepu). Partial reduplication involves a reduplication of only part of the word, eg. papákšt (veiksmažodis pakštelėti)... [to full text]

Morfologinės struktūros transformacijos centriniame miesto rajone (Lietuvos pavyzdžiu) / Transformations of Urban Morphological Structure in the Central Business District (On the example of Lithuania)

Alistratovaitė, Inesa 23 February 2005 (has links)
As urban development in the 20th century has become the issue of global concern, more and more new territories have been occupied due to high intensity of the development. International conferences devoted to the regulatory issues of city development held within the current decade (such as HABITAT II held in Istanbul, 1996, ATHENS’98 – in Athens, 1998, URBAN 21 – in Berlin, 2000, and a conference in Brussels, 2001, etc) emphasized the majority of developmental aspects including the great focus on the necessity to further form urban structures with the priority of internal city development looking for more effective and more universal functional uses of the territories, restoration of the existing downtown areas and preservation of their original character. As other post-soviet countries, Lithuania has been also facing the need to reorganize various spheres including urban development. Urban territories have been dangerously expanded, especially during the soviet period, due to the increased general city building-up areas, mostly expressed by the territorial expansion rather than gradual and consistent development (by the use of internal reserves of the city). After the restoration of Lithuanian independence, privatisation, changed character of housing construction, return of land and real estate to the previous owners and increasing value of land under the free market conditions remarkably modified the nature of urban development in Lithuania, at the same time revealing the... [to full text]

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