Spelling suggestions: "subject:"morphogenesis."" "subject:"porphogenesis.""
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Cellular dynamics in Zebrafish optic cup morphogenesisSidhaye, Jaydeep 07 December 2017 (has links)
Organ formation is an important step during development of an organism that combines different scales from the molecular to the tissue level. Many organogenesis phenomena involve epithelial morphogenesis, where sheets of cells undergo rearrangements to form complex architectures – organ precursors, which subsequently develop into mature organs. Timely development of the characteristic architectures of the organ precursors is crucial for successful organogenesis and is determined by the choice of epithelial rearrangements that organise the constituent cells in space and time. However, for many organogenesis events the cellular dynamics underlying such epithelial rearrangements remain elusive.
In the work presented here, I investigated the morphogenesis of the hemispherical retinal neuroepithelium (RNE), that serves as an organ precursor of the neural retina. Formation of RNE is an important event in vertebrates that shapes the optic cup and sets the stage for subsequent eye development. I investigated RNE morphogenesis in the developing zebrafish embryo by visualising and investigating the cellular dynamics of the process in vivo. My findings show that the zebrafish RNE is shaped by the combined action of two different epithelial rearrangements – basal shrinkage of the neuroepithelial cells and involution of cells at the rim of the developing optic cup. The basal shrinkage of the neuroepithelial cells bends the neuroepithelial sheet and starts the process of invagination. However, my results show that the major player in RNE morphogenesis is rim involution. Rim involution translocates prospective RNE cells to their designated location in the invaginating layer and contributes to RNE invagination. My work unravelled the so far unknown mechanism of rim involution. I show that the rim cells involute by collective epithelial migration using directed membrane protrusions and dynamic cell-matrix contacts. If rim migration is perturbed, the prospective RNE cells cannot reach the invaginating layer. As a result, these migration-defective cells attain the RNE fate at an ectopic location and disrupt the tissue architecture. Therefore, rim migration coordinates the cellular location with the timing of RNE fate determination and orchestrates RNE morphogenesis in space and time. Overall, my work highlights how morphogenetic processes shape the organ precursor architecture and ensure timely organ formation. These findings provide important insights not only for eye development but also for epithelial morphogenesis and organogenesis in many other systems. / Für die Entwicklung eines Organismus ist die Bildung von Organen (Organogenese) von zentraler Bedeutung. Organogenese umfasst Prozesse auf allen Ebenen der Längenskala: von der molekularen Ebene, der Gewebeebene, bis hin zur Ebene des ganzen Organismus. Viele Phänomene der Organogenese beinhalten dabei Veränderungen von Epithelien, bei der sich Schichten von Zellen zu komplexen Strukturen - Organvorläufern - umwandeln. Diese entwickeln sich später zu vollständigen Organen. Die rechtzeitige Entwicklung der charakteristischen Architektur der Organvorläufer ist entscheidend für eine erfolgreiche Organogenese und wird durch die Wahl der epithelialen Umwandlungsprozessen bestimmt, welche die Zellen in Raum und Zeit koordinieren müssen. Für viele dieser Prozesse ist jedoch genau diese zugrundeliegende Zelldynamik unklar.
In der hier vorgestellten Arbeit untersuchte ich die Bildung des hemisphärischen retinalen Neuropepithels (RNE). Das RNE ist der Organvorläufer der neuralen Retina, weshalb dessen korrekte Bildung die Voraussetzung für die korrekte Entwicklung der Augen ist. Ich untersuchte die RNE-Morphogenese in sich entwickelnden Zebrafisch-Embryos durch Visualisierung und Untersuchung der zellulären Dynamik der beteiligten Prozesse in vivo. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das RNE in Zebrafischen durch die kombinierte Umwandlung von zwei verschiedenen Epithelien geformt wird. Zum einen findet eine Verkleinerung des basalen Prozesses der neuroepithelialen Zellen statt, zum anderen die Involution von Randzellen. Die basale Verkleinerung der neuroepithelialen Zellen verbiegt die neuroepitheliale Schicht und führt zur Einstülpung des RNE. Meine Ergebnisse zeigten allerdings, dass Involution von Randzellen noch bedeutsamer für die RNE-Morphogenese ist. Die involution von Randzellen transportiert potenzielle RNE-Zellen in das Neuroepithel und trägt zur RNE-Einstülpung bei. Die Bedeutung meiner Arbeit liegt darin, den bisher unbekannten Mechanismus der Randzell-Involution entdeckt zu haben. Ich zeigte, dass die Randzellen sich aktiv durch kollektive epitheliale Migration bewegen indem sie gerichtete Membranforsätze und dynamische Zell zu Matrix Kontakte etablieren. Wird die Migration der Randzellen inhibiert, so führt dies dazu, dass diese Zellen die eingestülpte RNE Schicht nicht erreichen. Sie landen dann an den falschen Positionen, wo sie die Gewerbearchitektur stören können. Daher koordiniert die Randzellmigration die Position der Zellen und orchestriert die RNE-Morphogenese in Raum und Zeit. Insgesamt zeigt meine Arbeit, wie morphogenetische Prozesse die Organvorläuferarchitektur prägen und eine rechtzeitige Organbildung sicherstellen. Diese Erkenntnisse sind sowohl für das Verständnis der Augenentwicklung, als auch für das der epithelialen Morphogenese und Organogenese in anderen Systemen von großer Bedeutung.
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Genetic And Biochemical Studies On Genes Involved In Leaf MorphogenesisAggarwal, Pooja 02 1900 (has links)
Much is known about how organs acquire their identity, yet we are only beginning to learn how their shape is regulated. Recent work has elucidated the role of coordinated cell division & expansion in determining plant organ shape. For instance, in Antirrhinum, leaf shape is affected in the cincinnata (cin) mutant because of an alteration in the cell division pattern. CIN codes for a TCP transcription factor and controls cell proliferation. It is unclear how exactly CIN-like genes regulate leaf morphogenesis. We have taken biochemical and genetic approach to understand the TCP function in general and the role of CIN-like genes in leaf morphogenesis in Antirrhinum and Arabidopsis.
To understand how CIN controls Antirrhinum leaf shape, we first determined the consensus target site of CIN as GTGGTCCC by carrying out RBSS assay. Mutating each of this target sequence, we determined the core binding sequence as TGGNCC. Hence, all potential direct targets of CIN are expected to contain a TGGNCC sequence.
Earlier studies suggested that CIN activates certain target genes that in turn repress cell proliferation. To identify these targets, we compared global transcripts of WT and cin leaves by differential display PCR and have identified 18 unique, differentially expressed transcripts. To screen the entire repertoire of differentially expressed transcripts, we have carried out extensive micro-array analysis using 44K Arabidopsis chips as well as 13K custom-made Antirrhinum chips. Combining the RBSS data with the results obtained from the micro-array experiments, we identified several targets of CIN. In short, CIN controls expression of the differentiation-specific genes from tip to base in a gradient manner. In cin, such gradient is delayed, thereby delaying differentiation. We also find that gibberellic acid, cytokinin and auxin play important role in controlling leaf growth.
Genetic characterization of CIN-homologues in Arabidopsis
Arabidopsis has 24 TCP genes. Our work and reports from other groups have shown that TCP2, 4 and 10 are likely to be involved in leaf morphogenesis. These genes are controlled by a micro RNA miR319. To study the role of TCP4, the likely orthologue of CIN, we generated both stable and inducible RNAi lines. Down-regulation of TCP4 transcript resulted in crinkly leaves, establishing the role of TCP4 in leaf shape. To study the function of TCP2, 4 & 10 in more detail, we isolated insertion mutants in these loci. The strongest allele of TCP4 showed embryonic lethal phenotype, indicating a role for TCP4 in embryo growth. All other mutants showed mild effect on leaf shape, suggesting their redundant role. Therefore, we generated and studied various combinations of double and triple mutants to learn the concerted role of these genes on leaf morphogenesis.
To further study the role of TCP4 in leaf development, we generated inducible RNAi and miRNA-resistant TCP4 transgenic lines and carried out studies with transient down-regulation and up-regulation of TCP4 function. Upon induction, leaf size increased in RNAi transgenic plants whereas reduced drastically in miR319 resistant lines, suggesting that both temporal & spatial regulation of TCP4 is required for leaf development.
Biochemical characterization of TCP domain
To study the DNA-binding properties of TCP4, random binding site selection assay (RBSS) was carried out and it was found that TCP4 binds to a consensus sequence of GTGGTCCC. By patmatch search and RT-PCR analysis, we have shown that one among 74 putative targets, EEL (a gene involved in embryo development), was down regulated in the RNAi lines of TCP4. This suggests that EEL could be the direct target of TCP4. We have tested this possibility in planta by generating transgenic lines in which GUS reporter gene is driven by EEL upstream region with either wild type or mutated TCP4 binding site. GUS analysis of embryos shows that transgenic with mutated upstream region had significantly reduced reporter activity in comparison to wild type, suggesting that EEL is a direct target of TCP4. We have further shown that TCP4 also binds to the upstream region of LOX2, a gene involved in Jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis (in collaboration with D. Weigel, MPI, Tubingen, Germany).
TCP domain has a stretch of basic residues followed by a predicted helix-loop-helix region (bHLH), although it has little sequence homology with canonical bHLH proteins. This suggests that TCP is a novel and uncharacterized bHLH domain. We have characterized DNA-binding specificities of TCP4 domain. We show that TCP domain binds to the major groove of DNA with binding specificity comparable to that of bHLH proteins. We also show that helical structure is induced in the basic region upon DNA binding. To determine the amino acid residues important for DNA binding, we have generated point mutants of TCP domain that bind to the DNA with varied strength. Our analysis shows that the basic region is important for DNA binding whereas the helix-loop-helix region is involved in dimerization. Based on these results, we have generated a molecular model for TCP domain bound to DNA (in Collaboration with Prof. N. Srinivasan, IISc, Bangalore). This model was validated by further site-directed mutagenesis of key residues and in vitro assay.
Functional analysis of TCP4 in budding yeast
To assess TCP4 function in regulation of eukaryotic cell division, we have introduced TCP4 in S. cerevisiae under the GAL inducible promoter. TCP4 induction in yeast cells always slowed down its growth, indicative of its detrimental effect on yeast cell division. Flow cytometry analysis of synchronized cells revealed that TCP4 arrests yeast cell division specifically at G1→S boundary. Moreover, induced cells showed distorted cell morphology resembling shmoo phenotype. Shmooing is a developmental process which usually happened when the haploid cells get exposed to the cells of opposite mating type and get arrested at late G1 phase due to the inhibition of cdc28-cln2 complex. This suggested that TCP4-induced yeast cells are arrested at late G1 phase probably by the inhibition of cdc28-cln2 complex. To further investigate how TCP4 induce G1→S arrest, we carried out microarray analysis and found expression of several cell cycle markers significantly altered in TCP4-induced yeast cells.
Studies on crinkly1, a novel leaf mutant in Arabidopsis
To identify new genes involved in leaf morphogenesis, we have identified crinkly1 (crk1), a mutant where leaf shape and size are altered. We observed that crk1 also makes more number of leaves compared to wild type. Phenotypic analysis showed that crk1 leaf size is ~5 times smaller than that of wild type. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that both cell size and number are reduced in the mutant leaf, which explains its smaller size. We have mapped CRK1 within 3 cM on IV chromosome.
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Information driven self-organization of agents and agent collectivesHarder, Malte January 2014 (has links)
From a visual standpoint it is often easy to point out whether a system is considered to be self-organizing or not, though a quantitative approach would be more helpful. Information theory, as introduced by Shannon, provides the right tools not only quantify self-organization, but also to investigate it in relation to the information processing performed by individual agents within a collective. This thesis sets out to introduce methods to quantify spatial self-organization in collective systems in the continuous domain as a means to investigate morphogenetic processes. In biology, morphogenesis denotes the development of shapes and form, for example embryos, organs or limbs. Here, I will introduce methods to quantitatively investigate shape formation in stochastic particle systems. In living organisms, self-organization, like the development of an embryo, is a guided process, predetermined by the genetic code, but executed in an autonomous decentralized fashion. Information is processed by the individual agents (e.g. cells) engaged in this process. Hence, information theory can be deployed to study such processes and connect self-organization and information processing. The existing concepts of observer based self-organization and relevant information will be used to devise a framework for the investigation of guided spatial self-organization. Furthermore, local information transfer plays an important role for processes of self-organization. In this context, the concept of synergy has been getting a lot attention lately. Synergy is a formalization of the idea that for some systems the whole is more than the sum of its parts and it is assumed that it plays an important role in self-organization, learning and decision making processes. In this thesis, a novel measure of synergy will be introduced, that addresses some of the theoretical problems that earlier approaches posed.
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Genetic analysis of a signal transduction pathway : the regulation of invasive growth and starch degradation in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeVan Dyk, Dewald, 1975- 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are able to change their morphological
appearance in response to a variety of extracellular and intracellular signals. The
processes involved in morphogenesis are well characterised in this organism, but the
exact mechanism by which information emanating from the environment is integrated into
the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and the yeast cell cycle, is still not clearly
understood. Considerable progress has, however, been made. The processes are
investigated on various levels including: (i) the nature of the signals required to elicit a
morphological adaptation, (ii) the mechanism by which these signals are perceived and
transmitted to the nucleus for gene transcription regulation (signal transduction pathways),
(iii) the role of the cytoskeleton, particularly actin, in morphogenesis, and (iv) the
relationship between cell cycle regulators and factors required for alterations in cellular
The focus of this study was on elements involved in the regulation of one of these
morphological processes, pseudohyphal formation, in S. cerevisiae. During pseudohyphal
differentiation normal oval yeast cells become elongated and mother and daughter cells
stay attached after cytokinesis to give rise to filaments. These filaments are able to
penetrate the growth substrate, a phenomenon referred to as invasive growth. Actin
remodelling is a prerequisite for the formation of elongated cells during pseudohyphal
development and invasive growth. Its main contribution to this event is the directing of
vesicles, containing cell wall constituents and enzymes, to specific sites of cell wall growth
at the cell periphery. In order to fulfil this cellular function, actin is regulated on several
levels. Signal transduction pathways that are activated in response to external nutritional
signals play important roles in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton during pseudohyphal
differentiation. For this reason a literature review was compiled to introduce various
aspects of actin-structure, the regulation of this structure and the functions actin performs
during morphogenesis. The connection between signal transduction elements involved in
morphological processes and actin remodelling is also reviewed.
This study entailed the genetic analysis of numerous factors involved in the
regulation of pseudohyphal differentiation, invasive growth and starch metabolism. Several
transcriptional regulators playing a role in these phenomena were investigated. Apart from
the transcription factors, which include Mss11p, Msn1p, Ste12p, F108p,Phd1p and Tec1p,
additional elements ranging from transporters to G-proteins, were also investigated.
Mutant strains deleted for one or more of these factors were constructed and tested to
assess their abilities to form filaments that penetrate the growth substrate, and to utilise
starch as a carbon source. Complex genetic relationships were observed for various
combinations of these factors. Specifically, F108p,Msn1p and Ste12p were shown to act
independently in controlling invasive growth and starch metabolism, suggesting that these
factors are regulated by different signal transduction pathways. Mss11p, on the other hand, was found to play an indispensable role and seems to act as a downstream factor of
Msn1 p, Fl08p, Ste12p and Tec1 p. The exception to this is Phd1 p, since multiple copies of
PHD1 partially suppress the effect of a MSS11 deletion. The data suggests that Mss11 p
functions at the confluence of several signalling pathways controlling the transcriptional
regulation of genes required for invasive growth and starch degradation.
Different nutritional signals were also found to differentially regulate specific
signalling elements during the invasive growth response. For example, Tec1 p requires
Msn1 p activity in response to growth on media containing a limited nitrogen source. This
dependency, however, was absent when invasive growth was tested on glucose and
starch media.
Evidence was also obtained that confirmed the transcriptional co-regulation of
MUC1 and STA2. MUC1 encodes a mucin-like protein that is required for invasive growth
and pseudohyphal differentiation, whereas STA2 encodes a glucoamylase required for
starch degradation. Unpublished results indicated that several transcriptional regulators of
invasive growth also exert an effect on starch metabolism. The data generated during this
study complemented and confirmed published results. It also contributed to the
compilation of a more detailed model, integrating the numerous factors involved in these
signalling processes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Saccharomyces cerevisiae gisselle beskik oor die vermoë om hul morfologiese voorkoms
in responstot 'n verskeidenheid van ekstrasellulêre en intrasellulêre seine te verander. Die
prosesse betrokke by morfogenese is goed gekarakteriseerd in hierdie organisme, maar
die presiese meganisme waardeur inligting vanuit die omgewing geïntegreer word in die
reguleringvan die aktien-sitoskelet en die gisselsiklus, word nog nie ten volle verstaan nie.
Aansienlike vordering in die verband is egter gemaak. Die prosesse word op verskeie
vlakke ondersoek, insluitende: (i) die aard van die seine wat benodig word om 'n
morfologiese aanpassing te inisïeer; (ii) die meganisme waardeur hierdie seine
waargeneem en herlei word na die selkern vir die regulering van geen-transkripsie
(seintransduksie paaie); (iii) die rol van die sitoskelet, spesifiek aktien, in morfogenese en
(iv) die verhouding tussen selsiklusreguleerders en faktore wat benodig word vir
verandering in selvorm.
Hierdie navorsing fokus op elemente betrokke by die regulering van een van hierdie
morfologiese prosesse in S. cerevisiae, naamlik pseudohife-vorming. Gedurende
pseudohife-differensiëring neem tipiese ovaalvormige selle 'n verlengde voorkoms aan wat
tot die vorming van filamente lei. Hierdie filamente is in staat om die groeisubstraat te
penetreer, 'n verskynsel bekend as penetrasie-groei. Aktienherrangskikking is 'n
voorvereiste vir die vorming van verlengde selle tydens pseudohife-ontwikkeling. Die
hoofbydrae van aktien tot hierdie verskynsel is die oriëntering van uitskeidingsvesikels,
wat selwandkomponente en ensieme bevat, na spesifieke areas van selwandgroei op die
seloppervlak. Aktien word op verskeie vlakke gereguleer om hierdie sellulêre funksie te
vervul. Seintransduksiepaaie wat geaktiveer word in respons tot ekstrasellulêre
voedingsseine speel 'n belangrike rol in die regulering van die aktien-sitoskelet tydens
pseudohife-differensiëring. Op grond hiervan is 'n literatuuroorsig saamgestel vir die
bekendstelling van verskeie aspekte van aktienstruktuur, die regulering van hierdie
strukture en die funksies wat deur aktien gedurende morfogenese vervul word. Die
verband tussen seintransduksie-elemente betrokke by morfologiese prosesse en aktien
herrangskikkingword ook behandel.
Hierdie studie het die genetiese analisering van verskeie faktore betrokke by
pseudohife-differensiëring, penetrasie-groei en styselmetabolisme, behels. Verskeie
transkripsionele reguleerders wat In rol speel in hierdie prosesse was bestudeer. Buiten
die transkripsiefaktore Mss11p, Msn1p, Ste12p, F108p,Phd1P en Tec1p, was addisionele
faktore, wat gewissel het van transporters tot G-proteïene, ook ondersoek. Mutante-rasse
met geendelesies vir een of meer van hierdie faktore is gekonstrueer en getoets om vas te
stel hoe dit hul vermoë raak om penetrerende filamente te vorm, asook om te bepaal of
stysel as koolstofbron gebruik kan word. Komplekse genetiese interaksies vir verskeie
kombinasies van hierdie faktore is waargeneem. Dit was waargeneem dat F108p,Msn1p en Ste12p onafhanklik funksioneer tydens die regulering van penetrasie-groei en
styselmetabolisme, wat impliseer dat hierdie faktore deur verskillende
seintransduksiepaaie gereguleer word. Mss11 p word beskou as In onmisbare rolspeler in
hierdie prosesse en dit kom voor asof hierdie protein as 'n stroom-af faktor is en vereis
word vir die funksionering van Msn1p, F108p, Ste12p en Tec1p. Phd1p is egter 'n
uitsondering, aangesien veelvuldige kopieë van PHD1 die effek van 'n MSS11-delesie
gedeeltelik oorkom. Die data impliseer dat Mss11 p by die samevloei van verskeie
seintransduksiepaaie, benodig vir die transkripsionele regulering van gene betrokke by
penetrasie-groei en styselmetabolisme, funksioneer.
Dit was ook waargeneem dat verskillende voedingsseine die faktore betrokke by die
penetrasie-groeirespons differensieel reguleer. Tec1 p byvoorbeeld benodig Msn1paktiwitieit
in respons tot groei op media met 'n beperkte stikstofbron. Hierdie afhanklike
interaksie is egter afwesig wanneer penetrasie-groei bestudeer word op glukose- en
Resultate wat die gesamentlike transkripsionele regulering van MUC1 en STA2
bevestig, is ook verkry. MUC1 kodeer vir 'n mukienagtige proteïen wat benodig word vir
pseudohife-vorming en penetrasie-groei, terwyl STA2 kodeer vir 'n glukoamilase
essensieël vir styselafbraak. Ongepubliseerde resultate dui daarop dat verskeie
transkripsionele reguleerders van penetrasie-groei ook In effek uitoefen op
styselmetabolisme. Die data wat gegenereer is tydens hierdie studie komplementeer en
bevestig reeds gepubliseerde resultate. Dit het ook bygedra tot die samestelling van 'n
gedetaileerde model wat die verskillende faktore, betrokke by hierdie
seintransduksieprosesse, integreer.
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Shape Selection in the Non-Euclidean Model of ElasticityGemmer, John Alan January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation we investigate the behavior of radially symmetric non-Euclidean plates of thickness t with constant negative Gaussian curvature. We present a complete study of these plates using the Föppl-von Kármán and Kirchhoff reduced theories of elasticity. Motivated by experimental results, we focus on deformations with a periodic profile. For the Föppl-von Kármán model, we prove rigorously that minimizers of the elastic energy converge to saddle shaped isometric immersions. In studying this convergence, we prove rigorous upper and lower bounds for the energy that scale like the thickness t squared. Furthermore, for deformation with n-waves we prove that the lower bound scales like nt² while the upper bound scales like n²t². We also investigate the scaling with thickness of boundary layers where the stretching energy is concentrated with decreasing thickness. For the Kichhoff model, we investigate isometric immersions of disks with constant negative curvature into R³, and the minimizers for the bending energy, i.e. the L² norm of the principal curvatures over the class of W^2,2 isometric immersions. We show the existence of smooth immersions of arbitrarily large geodesic balls in H² into R³. In elucidating the connection between these immersions and the nonexistence/ singularity results of Hilbert and Amsler, we obtain a lower bound for the L^∞ norm of the principal curvatures for such smooth isometric immersions. We also construct piecewise smooth isometric immersions that have a periodic profile, are globally W^2,2, and numerically have lower bending energy than their smooth counterparts. The number of periods in these configurations is set by the condition that the principal curvatures of the surface remain finite and grow approximately exponentially with the radius of the disc.
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Genetic and physiological aspects of flax morphogenesis induction / Linų morfogenezės indukcijos genetiniai ir fiziologiniai aspektaiMasienė, Ramunė 23 January 2014 (has links)
Research objective. Investigation of consistent patterns of the induction of flax morphogenesis process, assessment of genetic and physiological aspects of this process and optimization methodologies. Proposition: 1. MOrphogenesis capacity of flax isolated explants depends on a genotype only, but on a composition of a medium and the cultivar type (fibre flax or linseed)also. 2. Cells of different organs of the same genotype have different morphogenic capacity. 3. Combining hormonal ratio with the affect on explats by exogenic factors enables targeted control of the morphogenesis process in vitro. / Darbo tikslas - ištirti linų morfogenezės proceso indukcijos dėsningumus, įvertinti šio proceso genetinius ir fiziologinius aspektus bei optimizuoti regeneravimo metodikas. Ginamieji disertacijos teiginiai: 1. Linų izoliuotų eksplantų morfogeninė galia priklauso ne tik nuo genotipo, maitinamosios terpės sudėties, bet ir nuo veislės tipo (pluoštiniai ar sėmeniniai). 2.To paties genotipo skirtingų organų ląstelės turi skirtingą morfogeninę galią. 3.Derinant hormoninį balansą su eksplantų paveikimu egzogeniniais veiksniais galima kryptingai valdyti morfogenezės procesą in vitro.
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Lelijų (Lilium L.) morfogenezės indukcija in vitro / Lilies (Lilium L.) morphoghenesis induction in vitroSabaliauskaitė, Lina 16 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiami lelijos (Lilium L.) morfogenezės indukcijos in vitro tyrimų duomenys. Darbo objektas: lelijų (Lilium L.) veislės ˈRed Beautyˈ, ˈWiener Blutˈ, ˈSėkmėˈ, ˈNoLimitˈ. Darbo metodai: lelijų (Lilium L.) izoliuoti eksplantai – svogūnėlių žvyneliai – auginti modifikuotoje MS maitinamojoje terpėje, kurios makro druskų koncentracija sumažinta iki 0,5 pradinio koncentracijos lygio, su skirtingais augimo reguliatorių deriniais. Vertintas mikrosvogūnėlių ir šaknų susiformavimo dažnis (%) bei mikrosvogūnėlių kiekis iš eksplanto (vnt.). Darbo rezultatai. Lelijų mikrosvogūnėlių formavimosi dažnį in vitro lemia augimo reguliatorių ir genotipo sąveika. Tos pačios lelijų veislės pasižymi skirtinga regeneracine galia, priklausomai nuo maitinamosios terpės sudėties. Iš tirtų veislių didžiausia regeneracine galia pasižymėjo veislės ˈRed Beautyˈizoliuoti eksplantai. Veislių ˈWiener Blutˈ ir ˈNo Limitˈ mikrosvogūnėlių regeneracijai in vitro maitinamąją terpę tikslinga papildyti 1,0 mg l-1 BAP + 0,3 mg l-1 2,4-D deriniu. Augimo reguliatorių derinys 2,0 mg l-1 BAP + 0,3 mg l-1 2,4-D labiausiai skatino veislės ˈRed Beautyˈ mikrosvogūnėlių susiformavimą. Veislės ˈSėkmėˈ izoliuoti eksplantai mikrosvogūnėlius formavo intensyviau augimo reguliatorių derinio 3,0 mg l-1 BAP + 0,3 mg l-1 2,4-D poveikyje. Intensyviausiai šaknis in vitro formavo veislių ˈRed Beautyˈ ir ˈWiener Blutˈ mikrosvogūnėliai. / The master work presents the results of increasing of lilies induction of morphogenesis in vitro studies. Object of the work: lilies (Lilium L.) cultivars of ˈRed Beautyˈ, ˈWiener Blutˈ, ˈSėkmėˈ, ˈNo Limitˈ. Methods of the work: Explants were cultured on the MS regeneration medium supplemented with macro salt concentration which is reduced to 0.5 of the initial concentration level, with different combinations of growth regulators. Evaluated for micro bulbs and root formation rate (%) and micro bulbs quantity of explant (units). The results of work. Lilies microbulbs formation in vitro is determined by the frequency of growth regulators and genotype interactions. The same varieties of lilies are characterized by different regenerative capacity, depending on the composition of the nutrient medium. Among investigated cultivars the highest morphogenic potention distinguished isolated explants of ˈRed Beautyˈ. For micropropagation of cultivars ˈWiener Blutˈ and ˈNo Limitˈ most suitable is medium supplement by 1,0 mg l-1 BAP + 0,3 mg l-1 2,4-D combination. Growth regulators combination 2,0 mg l-1 BAP + 0,3 mg l-1 2,4-D influenced cultivar ˈRed Beautyˈ. All isolated explants of cultivar ˈSėkmėˈ formed microbulbs on medium with 3,0 mg l-1 BAP + 0,3 mg l-1 2,4-D. The most intensive roots in vitro formed microbulbs varieties of ˈRed Beautyˈ and ˈWiener Blutˈ.
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From Polarity to Morphogenesis PAK Behaviors and Mechanism for Bud Sensing in Morphogenesis CheckpointKang, Hui January 2016 (has links)
<p>Bud formation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a fundamental process for yeast proliferation. Bud emergence is initiated by the polarization of the cytoskeleton, leading to local secretory vesicle delivery and gulcan synthase activity. The master regulator of polarity establishment is a small Rho-family GTPase – Cdc42. Cdc42 forms a clustered patch at the incipient budding site in late G1 and mediates downstream events which lead to bud emergence. Cdc42 promotes morphogenesis via its various effectors. PAKs (p21-activated kinases) are important Cdc42 effectors which mediate actin cytoskeleton polarization and septin filament assembly. The PAKs Cla4 and Ste20 share common binding domains for GTP-Cdc42 and they are partially redundant in function. However, we found that Cla4 and Ste20 behaved differently during the polarization and this depended on their different membrane interaction domains. Also, Cla4 and Ste20 compete for a limited number of binding sites at the polarity patch during bud emergence. These results suggest that PAKs may be differentially regulated during polarity establishment.</p><p>Morphogenesis of yeast must be coordinated with the nuclear cycle to enable successful proliferation. Many environmental stresses temporarily disrupt bud formation, and in such circumstances, the morphogenesis checkpoint halts nuclear division until bud formation can resume. Bud emergence is essential for degradation of the mitotic inhibitor, Swe1. Swe1 is localized to the septin cytoskeleton at the bud neck by the Swe1-binding protein Hsl7. Neck localization of Swe1 is required for Swe1 degradation. Although septins form a ring at the presumptive bud site prior to bud emergence, Hsl7 is not recruited to the septins until after bud emergence, suggesting that septins and/or Hsl7 respond to a “bud sensor”. Here we show that recruitment of Hsl7 to the septin ring depends on a combination of two septin-binding kinases: Hsl1 and Elm1. We elucidate which domains of these kinases are needed, and show that artificial targeting of those domains suffices to recruit Hsl7 to septin rings even in unbudded cells. Moreover, recruitment of Elm1 is responsive to bud emergence. Our findings suggest that Elm1 plays a key role in sensing bud emergence.</p> / Dissertation
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The role of the planar cell polarity pathway in branching morphogenesisYates, Laura Louise January 2011 (has links)
The development of organs such as the lung and kidney occurs by branching morphogenesis. Changes in the cytoskeletal architecture, cell-cell adhesion and cell polarity are necessary for the formation of new branches. Interactions and reciprocal signalling between epithelial and mesenchymal cells mediate these organised cell movements that give rise to a complex system of tubes suitable for the transport of gas or fluids. Mutations that disrupt formation of either the correct number, or shape of epithelial branches, affect lung function. This, in turn, can lead to congenital abnormalities such as cystadenomatoid malformations, pulmonary hypertension or lung hypoplasia. Defects in lung architecture are also associated with adult lung disease, particularly in cases of idiopathic lung fibrosis. Identifying the signaling pathways that drive epithelial tube formation will likely shed light on both congenital and adult lung disease. This study shows that mutations in the planar cell polarity (PCP) genes: Celsr1; Vangl2 and Scribble, lead to disrupted lung development and defects in lung architecture. Examination of Vangl2 mutant kidneys reveals similar impairment of branching morphogenesis. Detailed histological and immunocytochemical analysis reveals that lungs from Celsr1Crsh/Crsh, Vangl2Lp/Lp and ScribbleCrc/Crc mice are small and misshapen with fewer branches, and by late gestation exhibit thickened interstitial mesenchyme and defective saccular formation. Moreover, epithelial integrity is disrupted, cytoskeletal remodeling perturbed and mutant endoderm does not branch normally in response to the chemoattractant FGF10. In ex-vivo culture, inhibition of Rho kinase, an important downstream effector of the PCP signaling pathway, can mimic the branching defects observed in these three mouse mutants. Furthermore, all three proteins are present in restricted spatial domains within lung epithelium. ScribbleCrc/Crc lungs, the most severely affected line, exhibit additional defects in components of the tight and adherens junctions; this in turn affects lumen diameter. These findings show that components of the PCP pathway: Celsr1; Vangl2 and Scribble are required for normal foetal lung development, thereby revealing a novel signalling pathway critical for this process. Examination of postnatal mice was not possible as homozygous mutations result in embryonic lethality. However, an assessment of Vangl2Lp/+ mice reveals that loss of a single copy of Vangl2 is enough to cause defects in embryonic lung development that persist into adult life, affecting lung function. Similarly, Vangl2Lp/+ mice show a small but significant reduction in kidney glomeruli.
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Contribution à l' étude de la morphogénèse des mitochondries chez la drosophile / Contribution to the study of the mitochondrial morphogenesis in Drosophila MelanogasterMacchi, Marc 05 October 2012 (has links)
Les mitochondries sont des organelles de quelques micromètres qui proviendraient de l'incorporation d'une alpha-protéobactérie dans le cytoplasme des cellules eucaryotes par endosymbiose. Dans les cellules eucaryotes, la mitochondrie joue un rôle central dans la production d'ATP, mais aussi dans la mort cellulaire programmée par apoptose ainsi que dans la biosynthèse de nombreuses molécules. Les mitochondries sont très polymorphes, leurs taille, forme et organisation varient considérablement selon le type cellulaire ou l'état physiologique ou pathologique de la cellule. Depuis une vingtaine d'année, l'étude des mécanismes qui contrôlent la morphogenèse, la dynamique de fission et de fusion mitochondriale et leurs rôles physiologiques est devenue un domaine majeur dans la recherche sur la mitochondrie. De plus, avec les progrès de la vidéo-microscopie, il est devenu possible de filmer des mitochondries dans le cytoplasme de cellules vivantes. Durant ma thèse, j'ai participé à la caractérisation de la fonction du gène Pantagruelian Mitochondria I (PMI), un nouveau déterminant de la morphologie des mitochondries que nous avons découvert chez la drosophile. PMI est une protéine de la membrane interne qui, en intervenant dans l'organisation de cette membrane, est indispensable à la formation de mitochondries de forme tubulaire. J'ai également contribué au développement d'outils et de méthodologies permettant la visualisation et l'étude de la dynamique mitochondriale dans des embryons de drosophiles vivants. / Mitochondria are organelles which are a few micrometers long and are originated from the incorporation of an alpha-proteobacteria in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells through endosymbiosis. In eukaryotic cells, mitochondria play a central role in ATP production as well as in programmed cell death and in the biosynthesis of many molecules. Mitochondria are highly polymorphic in size and form. Their organization also varies considerably according to the cell type or physiological or pathological state of the cell. In the last two decades, the study of the mechanisms controlling morphogenesis, dynamic of mitochondrial fission and fusion and their physiological roles has become a major research field of mitochondria. In addition, the progress in video-microscopy enable to record mitochondrial dynamics in the cytoplasm of living cells. I participated in the research on the characterization of gene function called Pantagruelian Mitochondria I (PMI), a novel determinant of the mitochondrial morphology that we discovered in Drosophila. PMI, a protein of the inner membrane, is involved in its membrane organization and essential to form tubular mitochondria. I also contributed to the development of experimental tools and protocols to visualize and study the mitochondrial dynamics in living Drosophila embryos. Interestingly, a stereotyped process of mitochondrial remodeling during Drosophila embryogenesis has been found and it raised a question about its role in developmental processes through my work.
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