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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Morfogeneze orálního skeletu mihule ve vztahu k evoluci čelistí / Morfogeneze orálního skeletu mihule ve vztahu k evoluci čelistí

Romášek, Marek January 2012 (has links)
4 Neural crest-derived cellular cartilage is one of the defining characteristics of vertebrates. Elaboration of this tissue and its patterning allowed the evolution of jaws in the gnathostome lineage. Together these hallmarks helped jawed vertebrates become one of the dominant taxons in the animal kingdom. Lampreys, as basal jawless vertebrates, lie at a unique phylogenetic position that makes them ideal organisms for the study of evolution of vertebrate/gnathostome novelties. Larval lampreys possess a special oral skeleton composed of a tissue related to cartilage, termed mucocartilage. Despite considerable attention that has been paid to the evolutionary significance of mucocartilage, it is not yet clear, how this unique feature arises in development and to what extent it is homologous to gnathostome jaws. In this study, the development of oro-pharyngeal region was analyzed in the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus. SEM imaging revealed shaping and topographic relationships of embryonic tissues, detailed plastic histology coupled with expression analyses of several molecular markers were used to describe origin, histogenesis and morphogenesis of mucocartilage. Furthermore, genetic regulation of the tissue was investigated in order to identify its unique or shared features. Mucocartilage is seen to...

Du métabolisme carboné à la morphogenèse : Rôle interprété par YvcK, protéine de Bacillus subtilis

Foulquier, Elodie 07 October 2011 (has links)
La protéine de fonction inconnue, YvcK, est vitale chez Staphylococcus aureus mais non essentielle chez les bactéries modèles Bacillus subtilis ou Escherichia coli. Chez B. subtilis, les bactéries délétées du gène yvcK, sont sérieusement affectées dans leur croissance et leur morphologie dans des conditions de croissance gluconéogéniques. Les défauts observés peuvent être compensés par l’ajout de fortes concentrations de magnésium ou par l’inactivation de gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme. Ceci suggère que, les mutants yvcK présentent des altérations au niveau de la paroi bactérienne qui sont probablement dues à un désordre du métabolisme. Le phénotype lié à l’absence d’YvcK est similaire à celui observé chez des souches mutées au niveau de gènes impliqués dans la synthèse du peptidoglycane ou constituant le cytosquelette. La protéine MreB, composant majeur du cytosquelette bactérien, forme une structure hélicoïdale sous la membrane cytoplasmique pour positionner les enzymes de synthèse et la maturation du peptidoglycane. In vivo, la protéine YvcK est également localisée sous la forme d’une hélice. Par ailleurs, la surexpression de YvcK supprime le défaut de morphologie du mutant mreB et vice versa. Il a été montré que, chez B. subtilis, la localisation de la protéine membranaire PBP1 était dépendante de MreB. Une délétion de ponA, gène codant pour PBP1, rétablit la viabilité d’un mutant mreB et celle du mutant yvcK dans des conditions de croissance gluconéogéniques. La protéine de fusion GFP-PBP1 dans une souche délétée du gène yvcK, cultivée en milieu liquide CE-gluconate est délocalisée expliquant le gonflement des cellules. Ce résultat suggère que la localisation normale de PBP1 au septum due à la surproduction de YvcK dans un mutant mreB (et réciproquement) permet la restauration de la croissance et de la morphologie. De plus, nous avons montré que, comme son homologue présent chez Mycobacterium tuberculosis, YvcK est phosphorylée in vitro. Nous avons caractérisé la phosphorylation d’YvcK par la protéine kinase PrkC et nous avons identifié la Thr 304 comme site unique de phosphorylation. Cette phosphorylation semblerait jouer un rôle important dans la complémentation du mutant mreB et du repositionnement de la PBP1. / The YvcK protein is a bacterial conserved protein of unknown function. It is essential in Staphylococcus aureus but not essential in both Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. In B. subtilis, inactivation of the yvcK gene seriously affects growth and morphology on neoglucogenic carbon sources. The defects observed in a yvcK mutant can be offset by the addition of high concentrations of magnesium or by inactivation of genes involved in metabolism. This suggests that, when grown on some carbon sources, yvcK mutants display alterations in their cell wall probably due to a disorder in this metabolism. The phenotype associated with the absence of YvcK is similar to that observed with strains mutated in genes involved in peptidoglycan synthesis or encoding proteins of the cytoskeleton. The major component of cytoskeleton, MreB, an actin-like protein, together with other proteins, forms a helical structure at the cell membrane that participates in the organization and positioning of the enzymes of peptidoglycan synthesis and maturation. We showed that YvcK is organized as a helical like pattern localized near the inner surface of the membrane, independently of the presence of MreB. Surprisingly and despite that these two proteins do not harbour any similarity of sequence or structure, an overproduction of YvcK restored a normal morphology in an mreB mutant strain and vice versa. Furthermore, as already observed for the mreB mutant, in a yvcK mutant strain, the penicillin-binding protein PBP1 is delocalized and deletion of its gene restores growth of a yvcK mutant on gluconate medium. All these results suggest that YvcK is not only involved in the synthesis of cell wall from gluconeogenic carbon sources but also plays a role in cell morphogenesis. In addition, we have shown that similarily to its Mycobacterium tuberculosis homolog, YvcK is phosphorylated in vitro. We have characterized the phosphorylation of YvcK by the protein kinase PrkC and we identified the Thr 304 as the single phosphorylation site. Furthermore, this phosphorylation appears to play an important role in the complementation of the mreB mutant and repositioning of PBP1.

Caractérisation du gène Spatial et identification de sa fonction dans les cellules hautement polarisées

Yammine, Miriam 12 December 2011 (has links)
Le gène Spatial est exprimé par des cellules hautement polarisées : les cellules épithéliales du thymus, neuronales du système nerveux central et germinales du testicule. La différenciation de ces cellules est accompagnée d'une polarisation de la distribution de Spatial, dans des structures microtubulaires hautement organisées telles que la manchette, le flagelle et la dendrite.Mon projet a porté sur l’identification de la fonction du gène Spatial au niveau du thymus et du cerveau murins. De plus, j’ai été impliquée dans la caractérisation du gène Spatial chez l’homme et l’évaluation de son impact sur la spermatogenèse et l’infertilité humaine.Nos résultats montrent qu’au niveau du thymus, Spatial est détecté tout au long de l’organogenèse thymique jusqu’aux stades adultes. Son profil d’expression correspond à un « promiscuous gene » impliqué dans l’acquisition de la tolérance des lymphocytes T. Au niveau du système nerveux central, Spatial présente une distribution somatodendritique dans les cultures de neurones hippocampiques et son expression est fortement détectée lors de la poussée dendritique. Nous avons montré que le transport de Spatial du corps cellulaire vers les dendrites est dépendant de la kinésine Kif17. De plus, Spatial semble être impliqué dans la formation des dendrites via la voie de signalisation stimulée par le Nerve Growth Factor.Chez l’homme, le gène H-Spatial est fortement exprimé au niveau du testicule et son expression est spécifique de la spermiogenèse, étape de différenciation des spermatides rondes en spermatozoïdes. Chez les patients infertiles asthéno- et/ou tératozoospermiques, présentant des anomalies de mobilité et de forme des spermatozoïdes, le niveau d’ARNm d’H-Spatial est fortement réduit. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’H-Spatial est un marqueur potentiel de l’infertilité masculine.J’ai également participé à la validation des dendrimères PAMAM (poly-amidoamine) comme vecteurs efficaces pour le transfert de siRNA et d’ADN in vitro sur différents lignées cellulaires et in vivo sur des thymus murins. Ce système pourrait être un moyen thérapeutique pour traiter des immunodéficiences liées aux lymphocytes T. / Spatial gene is expressed in highly polarized cells such as, thymic epithelial cells, testicular germ cells and neuronal cells of the central nervous system. The differentiation of these cells is accompanied by the polarized distribution of Spatial in highly organized microtubule structures such as the manchette, the flagellum and dendrites. This project aims to identify the function of Spatial gene in the thymus and in the brain. Moreover, we characterize Spatial gene in humans and evaluate its impact on spermatogenesis and human infertility.Our results showed that, in the thymus, Spatial is detected throughout the thymic development, until adulthood. Its expression profile corresponds to a ‘promiscuous gene’, implicated in the acquisition of T lymphocyte tolerance.At the level of the central nervous system, Spatial showed a somatodendritic distribution in hippocampal neuron cultures. Moreover, its expression was highly detected during dendritic growth. We have also shown that the transport of Spatial from the cell body to the dendrites is dependent on the kinesin Kif17. In addition, our results suggest that Spatial seems to be implemented in dendrite formation by the Nerve Growth Factor mediated signaling pathway.In the humans, H-Spatial is highly expressed in the testis and its expression is specific to spermiogenesis: the phase of differentiation of round spermatids to spermatozoids. In infertile astheno and/or teratozoospermic patients with sperm shape and mobility anomalies, H-Spatial levels were drastically reduced. These results propose H-Spatial as a potential marker for human male infertility.Finally, we have equally participated in the validation of PAMAM (poly-amidoamine) dendrimers as efficient vectors for the transfer of DNA and siRNA in vitro, in different cell lines; and in vivo, in murine thymi. This system could serve as a new therapeutic model for treating diseases linked to T lymphocytes.

Morphogenesis Control By Mechanical Stress / Mechanism behind efficient plant growth

Khadka, Jason 29 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Intercellular coupling and mechanical feedback during tissue morphogenesis / Couplages intercellulaires et rétrocontrôles mécaniques au cours de la morphogenèse

Bailles, Anaïs 20 December 2018 (has links)
Un des mécanismes principaux de la morphogenèse des organismes est la contraction des réseaux d’actine sous l’effet du moteur moléculaire Myosine II. L’invagination de l’endoderme postérieur de Drosophila est causée par la contraction apicale des cellules par MyoII, mais la cause de sa déformation polarisée est inconnue. Nous avons découvert une vague de Rho1, MyoII et de déformation qui se propage à l’échelle du tissu et sous-tend la déformation de l’endoderme. MyoII est d’abord activée dans le primordium de l’endoderme par un ligand de GPCR, Fog. L’activation apicale de MyoII se propage ensuite à travers l’épithélium dorsal à 2.2 ± 0.2 µm/min. La dynamique de la vague n’est définie ni par les niveaux de Fog ni par leur motif d’expression. A la place, l’activité de MyoII est nécessaire pour l’activation intracellulaire de Rho1 et sa propagation à travers le tissu, indiquant une boucle de rétroaction. Des simulations d’un matériau viscoélastique contractile montrent qu’une boucle de rétroaction basée sur la tension peut générer une vague. Des perturbations de l’environnement mécanique du tissu avec des moyens génétiques ou mécaniques résultent en une augmentation de l’activité de MyoII et une diminution de la vitesse de la vague. Les déformations ou les forces du tissu procurent donc un rétrocontrôle sur l’activation de Rho1/MyoII lors de la vague, contrôlant sa dynamique. A l’échelle cellulaire, la vague de déformation implique la compression basale des cellules et l’étalement et l’adhésion du cortex apical sur la membrane vitelline, suivi d’un détachement. Ainsi la morphogenèse observée émerge de la propagation stimulée mécaniquement d’une vague de déformation 3D. / One of the main mechanisms of organism morphogenesis is the contraction of actin filament networks powered by non-muscle Myosin II motor proteins (MyoII). Drosophila presumptive posterior endoderm invagination is caused by MyoII-dependent apical constriction, but the cause of its polarized deformation is unknown. We unravelled a tissue scale wave of high Rho1 and MyoII activation and deformation which underlies the polarized deformation of the endoderm. MyoII is first activated medio-apically in cells within the endoderm primordium by the GPCR ligand Fog. Subsequently, apical MyoII activation propagates across the dorsal epithelium at a constant speed of 2.2 ± 0.2 µm/min. MyoII wave dynamics are set neither by Fog levels nor expression pattern. Instead, both intracellular Rho1 activation and its propagation across the tissue require sustained MyoII activity, indicating a positive feedback from contractility into Rho1 activity. Through simulations of a contractile viscoelastic material we found that a stress-based feedback loop could generate a wave. Perturbations of the tissue mechanical environment with both genetic and physical means result in an increase in MyoII activity and a strong reduction of the wave speed. Tissue deformation or stress thus provides a feedback onto Rho1/MyoII activity during the wave, controlling its dynamics. At the cell scale, the deformation wave involves cells basal compression and apical cortex spreading and adhering onto the vitelline membrane, followed by de-adhesion, that correlates with MyoII activation and propagation within cells. Thus the observed morphogenesis emerges from a mechanically driven wave of 3D deformation.

Morfogênese, dinâmica do perfilhamento e do acúmulo de forragem em pastos de capim-marandu sob lotação contínua. / Morphogenesis, tillering and herbage accumulation dynamics in marandu grass swards under continuous stocking.

Sbrissia, André Fischer 07 April 2004 (has links)
É inegável que o Brasil possui condições únicas no que diz respeito à produção animal baseada em pastagens. No entanto, os avanços têm sido homeopáticos e revelam uma inércia muito grande por parte do setor produtivo e uma fragilidade conceitual na interpretação dos resultados obtidos pela pesquisa, de tal forma que o caráter dinâmico e sistêmico de ecossistemas de pastagens devem ser sempre considerados. Dentro desse contexto, o objetivo deste experimento foi estudar aspectos morfogênicos, características de perfilhos individuais e a dinâmica do perfilhamento e do acúmulo de forragem em pastos de capim-Marandu pastejados por bovinos em regime de lotação contínua e taxa de lotação variável. O experimento foi realizado em área do Departamento de Zootecnia da USP/ESALQ, em Piracicaba, SP, entre 21 de novembro de 2001 e 21 de dezembro de 2002. Os tratamentos corresponderam a quatro alturas de dossel (10, 20, 30 e 40 cm), mantidas em steady state, e foram alocados às unidades experimentais conforme um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Características morfogênicas e de dinâmica do acúmulo de forragem foram avaliados em 30 perfilhos marcados por unidade experimental. Os intervalos entre as avaliações foram de 3 ou 4 dias durante o verão e com um máximo de 10 dias durante o inverno e início da primavera. As características individuais das unidades de desenvolvimento vegetativo foram avaliadas em 60 perfilhos colhidos em locais dos piquetes representativos da condição do dossel no momento da amostragem. As variáveis analisadas incluíram: massa, volume, área foliar média, relação folha: has te e razão área foliar: volume por perfilho. A dinâmica do perfilhamento foi avaliada em anéis de PVC de 30 cm de diâmetro fixados ao solo por grampos de metal. Mensalmente foram avaliadas as taxas de aparecimento, sobrevivência e mortalidade de perfilhos e relações entre elas derivadas. Os maiores valores de filocrono foram observados em pastos mantidos a 40 cm e os menores naqueles mantidos a 10 cm. Além disso, houve um efeito sazonal, onde os maiores valores foram registrados durante o início da primavera e os menores no final da primavera e verão. Pastos mais baixos apresentaram maiores densidades populacionais de perfilhos pequenos e vice-versa, evidenciando o mecanismo de compensação tamanho/densidade populacional de perfilhos. No entanto, análises de estabilidade dos pastos indicaram que a densidade populacional per se não deve ser utilizada como um índice isolado de persistência ou produtividade. Os coeficientes angulares da relação Log x Log entre densidade populacional de perfilhos e massa média por perfilho revelou que praticamente não houve vantagens em se manter os pastos de capim-Marandu acima de 30 cm. Adicionalmente, o acúmulo líquido de forragem foi maximizado entre as alturas de 20-30 cm no período de verão e entre 10-20 cm nos períodos mais frios e secos do ano, indicando que o capim-Marandu possui exigências sazonais de manejo do pastejo. / Brazil is a unique environment for developing efficient and sustainable pastoral systems of animal production. Advances in this area have been modest however, resulting in slow progress and revealing deficiencies of the current conceptual basis used for interpreting results from research, particularly those related to the dynamic and systemic characteristic of plant and animal responses to management in pastoral ecosystems. Against that background, the objective of this experiment was to study the morphogenesis, characteristics of individual tillers and tillering and herbage accumulation dynamics in Marandu grass swards continuously stocked by cattle. The experiment was carried out at Departamento de Zootecnia, USP/ESALQ, Piracicaba, SP, from November 2001 to December 2002. Treatments corresponded to four steady state sward conditions (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm sward surface height) and were allocated to experimental units according to a complete randomized block design with four replications. Morphogenetic traits and herbage accumulation dynamics were evaluated on 30 marked tillers per experimental unit. Measurements were performed every 3 or 4 days during the summer and at intervals no longer than 10 days during the winter and early spring. Characteristics of individual tillers were monitored on 60 tillers harvested in areas representative of the sward condition at the time of sampling. The following variables were recorded: tiller weight, volume, leaf area, leaf: stem ratio and leaf area: volume ratio. Tillering dynamics was evaluated within 30-cm diameter PVC rings anchored to the soil. Every 30 days, rates of tiller appearance, survival and death were determined and associations between them derived. The highest and the lowest phyllochron values were recorded for the 40 and 10 cm swards, respectively. There was a seasonal effect characterized by highest values during early spring and lowest values during late spring and summer. Short swards showed higher tiller population densities of small tillers than tall swards and vice-versa, indicating the existence of a tiller size/population density compensation mechanism. Tiller population stability analysis indicated that population density alone cannot be used as an index for characterizing pasture persistence and productivity. Linear coefficients of the Log x Log regression between tiller population density and mean tiller weight revealed no advantages for keeping Marandu grass pastures taller than 30 cm. Additionally, net herbage accumulation was maximized between 20-30 cm during the summer and 10-20 cm during periods of low rainfall and mild temperatures, indicating that Marandu grass has seasonal grazing management requirements.

Avaliação morfogênica da micropropagação de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) sob indução de estresse oxidativo / Morphogenic evaluation of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) micropropagation under oxidative stress induction

Coelho, Fabiane Aparecida Artioli 09 December 2013 (has links)
As condições divergentes do ambiente in vitro, como elevadas concentrações de sacarose, de reguladores de crescimento, de substâncias tóxicas, quando comparadas com o ambiente ex vitro, refletem-se em um desequilíbrio da relação entre compostos antioxidantes versus compostos oxidantes, resultando em elevada formação de espécies reativas de oxigênio, culminando no estabelecimento de um estresse oxidativo in vitro. No entanto, mesmo sendo capazes de conduzirem a morte celular, as espécies reativas de oxigênio atuam como importantes sinalizadoras do crescimento e desenvolvimento vegetal, por alterarem o padrão de expressão gênica, o metabolismo e a competência celular, sendo nesse aspecto considerado benéfico um nível moderado de estresse oxidativo para desencadear uma determinada rota morfogênica. Diante disso, o presente trabalho objetivou induzir o estresse oxidativo, suplementando o meio de cultura com reguladores de crescimento do grupo das citocininas e auxinas, com a finalidade de compreender a atuação deste evento nas respostas morfogênicas in vitro do pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.). Para tanto, utilizou-se sementes de pinhão manso de três procedências (CNPAE 101: Rio Verde, GO; CNPAE 115: Xambrê, PR e CNPAE 224: São Francisco do Glória, MG), as quais foram germinadas in vitro para a obtenção das plântulas e utilização do terço mediano do hipocótilo como explante nos experimentos de indução de estresse oxidativo in vitro. A análise morfofisiológica permitiu selecionar os tratamentos que induziram respostas organogênicas, que juntamente com o grupo controle, tiveram a quantificação da peroxidação lipídica, as atividades das enzimas antioxidantes catalase, superóxido dismutase e ascorbato peroxidase, determinadas, assim como o estabelecimento do perfil proteico de cada tratamento e a realização de análises histológicas e histoquímicas. Os resultados evidenciaram que as respostas morfogênicas foram dependentes do tipo e combinação de regulador de crescimento presente no meio de cultura; e ficou evidente pela quantificação da peroxidação lipídica e das atividades das enzimas antioxidantes, que a ausência de regulador de crescimento no meio de cultura foi o principal indutor do estresse oxidativo, permitindo constatar que quanto mais suave o estresse oxidativo, mais promissoras eram as respostas organogênicas constatadas nos explantes hipocotiledonares. Desta forma, o maior nível de estresse oxidativo constatado no grupo controle, relacionou-se negativamente com a resposta morfogênica obtida neste grupo, quando comparado aos demais tratamentos que apresentaram um nível de estresse oxidativo mais ameno e, consequentemente, uma resposta morfogênica mais promissora. O perfil proteico evidenciou o padrão existente de algumas bandas, independentemente da procedência considerada, confirmando a proximidade genética dos diferentes acessos de pinhão manso no Brasil. As análises histológicas demonstraram a ocorrência de organogênese indireta, com o desenvolvimento de calos organogênicos, ao passo que nas análises histoquímicas somente a presença de lipídios não foi detectada, enquanto proteínas totais, compostos fenólicos e amido foram constatados em pelo menos um dos três materiais analisados, para as três procedências de pinhão manso. Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram estabelecer uma relação entre o estresse oxidativo in vitro, a resposta morfogênica e o efeito dos reguladores de crescimento presentes no meio de cultura, além do potencial sucesso de produção de pinhão manso pela cultura de tecidos. / The environmental divergent conditions in vitro culture , such as high concentrations of saccharose , growth regulators, toxic substances, and others, when compared with the ex vitro conditions, reflected in an imbalance of antioxidants versus oxidant compounds relationship, resulting in an elevated formation of reactive oxygen species, which culminates in the establishment of an oxidative in vitro stress. However, even being able to conduce cell death, reactive oxygen species act as an important signaling of plant growth and development by altering the pattern of gene expression, cellular metabolism and cellular competence, being considerate beneficial in this context in which a moderate level of oxidative stress is required to trigger a morphogenetic route. Therefore, this study aimed to induce oxidative stress, supplementing the culture medium with growth regulators group of cytokines and auxin, with the purpose of understand the role of these event in vitro morphogenetic responses of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.). Hence, were used physic nut´s seeds of three provenances (CNPAE 101: Rio Verde, GO; CNPAE 115: Xambrê, PR and CNPAE 224: São Francisco do Glória, MG ), which were in vitro germinated to obtain the seedlings and the middle third of hypocotyls that was used as explant in experiments to induction in vitro oxidative stress. The morphophysiological analysis allowed to select the treatments that induced the organogenic responses, which along with the control group, had the quantification of lipid peroxidation, activities of antioxidant enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase, determined as well as the establishment of the protein profile of each treatment and the realization of histological and histochemical analyses. The results showed that the morphogenic responses were dependent on the type and combination of growth regulators present in the culture medium; and with the lipid peroxidation quantification as well as antioxidant enzyme activities, it became evident that the oxidative stress was mainly caused by the absence of growth regulators in the culture medium, allowing noted that the softer oxidative stress, were the most promising responses organogenic found in hypocotyls. Thus, the higher level of oxidative stress observed in the control group correlated negatively with the morphogenic response obtained in this group when compared to the other treatments that showed a level of milder oxidative stress and, consequently, a more promising morphogenic response. The protein profile showed some band pattern, regardless of the provenances considered, confirming the low genetic distance between different accessions of Jatropha in Brazil. Histological analysis demonstrated the occurrence of indirect organogenesis, with the development of organogenic calli, whereas in histochemical analyzes only the presence of lipids was not detected while total proteins, phenolic compounds and starch were found in at least one of the three materials analyzed for the three provenances of physic nut. Taking together all the obtained data, it was possible to establish a relationship between oxidative stress, the morphogenic response in vitro and the effect of growth regulators in the culture medium as well as prove the potential success of the production of jatropha tissue culture.

Controle do metabolismo e desenvolvimento da orquídea epífita Catasetum fimbriatum em resposta à incidência de luz no sistema radicular / Control of metabolism and development of the epiphyte orchid Catasetum fimbriatum in response to light incidence on the root system

Oliveira, Paulo Marcelo Rayner 09 May 2017 (has links)
O ambiente epifítico é considerado um dos habitats mais desafiadores para as plantas, pois a disponibilidade hídrica e nutricional pode ser bastante escassa. Além disso, as plantas que colonizam este ambiente estão mais expostas aos fatores ambientais, dentre eles a luminosidade se mostra bastante importante, uma vez que esta atua tanto como fonte de energia na fotossíntese quanto como sinal ambiental em repostas fotomorgênicas. Sabe-se, por exemplo, que a luz exerce forte influência sobre a morfogênese radicular de plantas em geral, porém impacta ainda mais o desenvolvimento de orquídeas epífitas, dada a frequente exposição de suas raízes aéreas à incidência luminosa. Tendo em vista que a auxina ácido indolil-3-acético (AIA), o ácido abscísico (ABA) e o etileno são moduladores cruciais no controle da arquitetura radicular na maioria das plantas, sendo também mediadores chave em várias respostas fotomorfogênicas, este estudo propôs-se a investigar o possível envolvimento destes hormônios durante diferentes respostas morfo-fisiológicas desencadeadas pela exposição à luz do sistema radicular de plantas de C. fimbriatum. A ausência de incidência luminosa sobre às raízes resultou em maiores taxas de crescimento e volume radicular, porém, com menor acúmulo de biomassa em relação às raízes expostas à luz. O incremento na biomassa em raízes expostas à luz esteve correlacionado ao espessamento da parede celular na região cortical, o qual ocorreu em resposta especificamente à luz azul. Em termos gerais, a exposição das raízes à luz induziu o aumento nos níveis de AIA e ABA, enquanto que os teores de ACC foram superiores em raízes protegidas da incidência luminosa. Estes resultados sugerem que a luz pode modular o desenvolvimento radicular de C. fimbriatum através de um fino controle hormonal que depende de ajustes coordenados dos níveis de AIA ABA e ACC. Também foi investigado o potencial envolvimento das auxinas e do ABA durante a remobilização de carboidratos entre pseudobulbos e folhas de plantas que tiveram seus sistemas radiculares expostos à (ou protegidos da) luz. Os resultados revelaram que a manutenção das raízes sob condições de escuro levou ao aumento dos teores de AIA e de todas as fontes de carbono estudadas (especialmente de glicose e frutose) nos pseudobulbos, enquanto que as raízes cobertas apresentaram apenas um leve aumento no conteúdo de AIA. O tratamento concomitante das raízes com a condição de escuro e a aplicação de um inibidor do transporte polar de auxina causou uma diminuição abrupta nos teores de AIA em todos os órgãos analisados e a elevação do conteúdo de ABA no sistema radicular. De maneira interessante, essa última condição experimental induziu um conspícuo acúmulo de carboidratos nos pseudobulbos, principalmente de sacarose. Assim, os dados deste trabalho reforçam a importante participação do AIA e ABA como possíveis mediadores da sinalização desencadeada pela luz incidente no sistema radicular de C. fimbriatum, cujas respostas induzidas regulam não somente a morfogênese de tecidos radiculares, mas também influenciam na regulação da partição de carbono no sistema caulinar por meio de um provável mecanismo de sinalização à longa distância / The epiphytic environment is considered one of the most challenging for plants, due to frequent scarcity of water and nutrients. Furthermore, the plants that colonized this biotope are usually more exposed to the environmental cues. Light is considered one of the most important signals controlling plant development because it can act as both an energy source for photosynthesis and an environmental signal for photomorphogenic responses. Besides, light can influence the root morphology of most plants, with even stronger impacts expected in aerial roots of epiphytic orchids due their frequent exposition to direct light. Since indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene are crucial hormonal signals modulating the root architecture in most plant species, and key mediators during numerous photomorphogenic responses, this study investigated the potential involvement of these hormones in different morpho-physiological responses regulated by either the darkness treatment or the light exposure of Catasetum fimbriatum root system. The absence of light incidence on the roots resulted in higher root volume and growth rate, but lower dry mass accumulation than the light-exposed ones. The higher accumulation of biomass in the light-exposed roots was closed correlated with a more intense cell wall thickening in the root cortex, which appeared to be specifically induced by the blue light. In general, root exposure to light induced increasing levels of ABA and AIA, while the ACC content was higher in roots protected from light. This suggests that light might modulate C. fimbriatum root development through a fine-tuned hormonal mediation, which depends on coordinated adjustments of IAA, ABA and ACC levels. This study also investigated the potential involvement of auxin and ABA during the (re)mobilization of carbohydrates in pseudobulbs and leaves of plants that had their root systems either exposed to (or protected from) light. The results revealed that covering the roots increased in pseudobulbs the levels of AIA and all carbon sources studied (specially glucose and fructose), while the covered roots showed slightly higher levels of AIA. The concomitant treatment with NPA and root covering caused a sharp decrease of AIA levels in all organs and an ABA increase in the root system. Interestingly, this last condition induced a conspicuous carbohydrate accumulation in pseudobulbs, with sucrose as the predominant form. The data obtained in this study reinforce the remarkable participation of IAA and ABA as possible mediators of the signaling cascades triggered by the light incidence on C. fimbriatum root system, which was capable of inducing photomorphogenic responses not only in root tissues, but was also able to influence the carbon portioning in the shoot system by a potential long-distance signaling mechanism

Características morfogênicas e estruturais de faixas etárias de perfilhos em pastos de capim-marandu submetidos à lotação contínua e ritmos morfogênicos contrastantes / Abstract Morphogenetic and structural characteristics of tiller age categories on continuously stocked marandu palisadegrass swards subjected to contrasting morphogenetic rhythms

Paiva, Adenilson José 09 June 2009 (has links)
Recentemente, estudos envolvendo o conhecimento das características morfogênicas e estruturais de plantas forrageiras adquiriram grande importância por auxiliarem na compreensão do que ocorre com estas nas pastagens, quando submetidas a estratégias de manejo do pastejo. Frequentemente a adubação nitrogenada é utilizada como forma de promover aumento do ritmo de crescimento das plantas que, por meio da renovação de perfilhos, pode resultar em modificações significativas da faixa etária de perfilhos que compõem o pasto, influenciando as respostas morfogênicas e estruturais da planta forrageira. O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a influência da idade dos perfilhos sobre as características morfogênicas e estruturais de pastos de capim-marandu mantidos a 30 cm de altura por meio de lotação contínua e submetidos a ritmos morfogênicos contrastantes gerados por meio de adubação nitrogenada. Os tratamentos corresponderam à aplicação de três doses de nitrogênio (150, 300 e 450 kg/ha de N) mais o controle (sem adubação), e foram alocados às unidades experimentais (piquetes de 1.200 m2) segundo um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis-resposta durante o outono/inverno de 2007 e o verão de 2008: taxa de aparecimento de folhas (TApF), filocrono (dias), taxa de alongamento de folhas (TAlF) e de colmos (TAlC), duração de vida das folhas (DVF), taxa de senescência de folhas (TSeF), comprimento final das folhas expandidas (CFF), comprimento de colmo (CC), número de folhas em expansão (NFE), número de folhas senescentes (NFS), número de folhas vivas por perfilho (NFV) e a faixa etária dos perfilhos na população de plantas. De forma geral, ritmos morfogênicos mais acelerados (pastos adubados com 300 e 450 kg/ha de N) resultaram em população de perfil mais jovial que ritmos morfogênicos mais lentos (pastos não adubados e/ou adubados com 150 kg/ha de N). Perfilhos jovens apresentaram maiores valores de TApF e de TAlF e menores valores de filocrono e de DVF que perfilhos maduros e velhos. Essas variações em respostas morfogênicas resultaram em maior CFF e NFV para perfilhos maduros, menor NFE para perfilhos velhos e menor CC e NFS para perfilhos jovens no outono/inverno. Já no verão, resultaram em menor CFF e NFV para perfilhos velhos, e menor CC para perfilhos jovens. Ritmos morfogênicos mais acelerados determinam uma população com um perfil mais jovial, caracterizada por aparecimento e alongamento de folhas mais rápido que perfilhos maduros e velhos, indicando que estratégias de manejo do pastejo e/ou práticas agronômicas que permitissem maior renovação da população de perfilhos poderiam resultar em aumentos de produção de forragem, contribuindo para aumentos de produtividade animal. / Recently, studies focusing on morphogenetic and structural characteristics have become increasingly important since they facilitate the understanding of forage plants when subjected to grazing. Quite often nitrogen fertilisation is used as a means of increasing growth rhythm of plants that, because of the turnover in tiller population, may result in significant modifications in the age profile of tillers comprising the pasture and interfere with their morphogenetic and structural responses. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the influence of tiller age on morphogenetic and structural responses of continuously stocked marandu palisadegrass swards maintained at 30 cm and subjected to contrasting morphogenetic rhythms created by nitrogen fertilisation use. Treatments corresponded to three nitrogen application rates (150, 300 e 450 kg/ha de N) plus the control (no fertilisation) and were assigned to experimental units (1200 m2 paddocks) according to a complete randomised block design, with four replications. The following response variables were measured during autum/winter 2007 and summer 2008: leaf appearance rate (LAR), phyllochron (days), leaf (LER) and stem (SER) elongation rate, leaf life span (LLS), leaf senescence rate (LSR), final leaf length of fully expanded leaves (FLL), stem length (SL), number of expanding (NEL), senescing (NSL) and live (NLL) leaves per tiller, and tiller age categories comprising sward tiller population. In general, faster morphogenetic rhythms (swards fertilised with 300 and 450 kg/ha of N) resulted in a younger tiller population than slower morphogenetic rhythms (no fertilised swards or fertilised with 150 kg/ha of N). Young tillers had higher LAR and LER and lower phyllochron and LLS than mature and old tillers. These variations in morphogenetic responses resulted in larger FLL and NLL on mature tillers, lower NEL on old tillers and lower SL and NSL on young tillers in autumn/winter. During summer, they resulted in lower FLL and NLL on old tillers, and lower SL on young tiller. Faster morphogenetic rhythms result in a younger tiller population characterised by higher LAP and LER than mature and old tillers, indicating that management practices that allow fast turnover in tiller population could result in increased herbage accumulation, favouring increases in animal productivity.

Morfogênese e estrutura do dossel de pastos de capim-marandu submetidos à lotação contínua e ritmos morfogênicos contrastantes / Morphogenesis and sward structure of continuously stocked marandu palisadegrass subjected to contrasting morphogenetic rhythms

Pereira, Lilian Elgalise Techio 10 June 2009 (has links)
A produtividade passível de ser obtida em sistemas de produção baseados em pastagens depende de estratégias de manejo do pastejo compatíveis com o ritmo de desenvolvimento das plantas. Para tanto, é necessário o conhecimento das respostas de plantas individuais às práticas agronômicas adotadas e seus reflexos sobre a estrutura do dossel. O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a morfogênese e a estrutura do dossel, assim como seus padrões de variação ao longo do ano, em pastos de capim-marandu mantidos a 30 cm de altura por meio de lotação contínua e submetidos a ritmos morfogênicos contrastantes criados por meio do uso de adubação nitrogenada. Os tratamentos corresponderam ritmos morfogênicos contrastantes criados por meio da aplicação de três doses de nitrogênio (150, 300 e 450 kg/ha de N) mais o controle (sem adubação), e foram alocados às unidades experimentais (piquetes de 1200 m2) segundo um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis-resposta de janeiro de 2007 a abril de 2008: densidade volumétrica total (DVT) e dos componentes morfológicos do pasto, distribuição espacial da densidade volumétrica e estrutura do dossel, taxa de aparecimento (TApF) e alongamento de folhas (TAlF), taxa de alongamento de colmos (TAlC), duração de vida das folhas (DVF), comprimento final das folhas expandidas (CFF) e dos colmos (CC), densidade populacional de perfilhos basais (DPPb) e aéreos (DPPa). A aceleração do ritmo morfogênico dos pastos resultou em aumentos de DVT, particularmente na densidade volumétrica de folhas e de colmos. Essas respostas foram mediadas pela aceleração da renovação de tecidos em perfilhos individuais, representadas por aumentos em TApF e TAlF, e pela aceleração na dinâmica de renovação de perfilhos no pasto, resultando em maiores valores de DPPa e DPPb. Essas respostas se refletiram de forma marcante sobre o fluxo de crescimento relativamente ao fluxo de senescência. Isso indica a possibilidade de aumentar a eficiência de utilização dos pastos por meio do uso racional de práticas agronômicas que acelerem o ritmo morfogênico das plantas, já que as respostas demonstraram uma natureza compensatória como forma de manter as características estruturais dos perfilhos e do dossel relativamente estáveis, sendo as diferenças função apenas das variações estacionais em condições climáticas. / Productivity of pastoral systems of animal production depends on the use of grazing management strategies that are compatible with the growth rhythm of plants. In that context, knowledge regarding the response of individual plants to management practices used and their consequences to sward structure is necessary. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the morphogenetic responses and sward structure, as well as their patterns of change throughout the year, of continuously stocked marandu palisadegrass swards maintained at 30 cm and subjected to contrasting morphogenetic rhythms created by nitrogen fertilisation use. Treatments corresponded to three nitrogen application rates (150, 300 e 450 kg/ha de N) plus the control (no fertilisation) and were assigned to experimental units (1200 m2 paddocks) according to a complete randomised block design, with four replications. The following response variables were measured from January 2007 to April 2008: total herbage (HBD), leaf (LBD), stem (SBD) and dead material (DBD) bulk density, vertical distribution of herbage components and sward structure, leaf appearance (LAR) and elongation (LER) rates, stem elongation rate (SER), leaf life span (LLS), final leaf length of fully expanded leaves (FLL), stem length (SL), population density of basal (TPDb) and aerial (TPDa) tillers. Faster morphogenetic rhythms (swards fertilised with 300 and 450 kg/ha of N) resulted in increased HBD, particularly related to leaf and stem components. Such changes were caused by increases in tissue turnover on individual tillers characterised by higher LAR and LER, and in the turnover of tillers in tiller population, which resulted in larger TPDb and TPDa than those recorded under slower morphogenetic rhythms (no fertilised swards and/or fertilised with 150 kg/ha of N). These responses were more pronounced on sward growth relative to senescence fluxes. This indicates the possibility of increasing herbage utilisation efficiency with wise use of management practices that accelerate the morphogenetic rhythm of plants, since responses showed a compensatory behaviour as a means of maintaining tiller structural characteristics and sward structure relatively stable, with differences being mainly a function of seasonal variations in climatic conditions

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