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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Morfogênese e estrutura do dossel de pastos de capim-marandu submetidos à lotação contínua e ritmos morfogênicos contrastantes / Morphogenesis and sward structure of continuously stocked marandu palisadegrass subjected to contrasting morphogenetic rhythms

Pereira, Lilian Elgalise Techio 10 June 2009 (has links)
A produtividade passível de ser obtida em sistemas de produção baseados em pastagens depende de estratégias de manejo do pastejo compatíveis com o ritmo de desenvolvimento das plantas. Para tanto, é necessário o conhecimento das respostas de plantas individuais às práticas agronômicas adotadas e seus reflexos sobre a estrutura do dossel. O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a morfogênese e a estrutura do dossel, assim como seus padrões de variação ao longo do ano, em pastos de capim-marandu mantidos a 30 cm de altura por meio de lotação contínua e submetidos a ritmos morfogênicos contrastantes criados por meio do uso de adubação nitrogenada. Os tratamentos corresponderam ritmos morfogênicos contrastantes criados por meio da aplicação de três doses de nitrogênio (150, 300 e 450 kg/ha de N) mais o controle (sem adubação), e foram alocados às unidades experimentais (piquetes de 1200 m2) segundo um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis-resposta de janeiro de 2007 a abril de 2008: densidade volumétrica total (DVT) e dos componentes morfológicos do pasto, distribuição espacial da densidade volumétrica e estrutura do dossel, taxa de aparecimento (TApF) e alongamento de folhas (TAlF), taxa de alongamento de colmos (TAlC), duração de vida das folhas (DVF), comprimento final das folhas expandidas (CFF) e dos colmos (CC), densidade populacional de perfilhos basais (DPPb) e aéreos (DPPa). A aceleração do ritmo morfogênico dos pastos resultou em aumentos de DVT, particularmente na densidade volumétrica de folhas e de colmos. Essas respostas foram mediadas pela aceleração da renovação de tecidos em perfilhos individuais, representadas por aumentos em TApF e TAlF, e pela aceleração na dinâmica de renovação de perfilhos no pasto, resultando em maiores valores de DPPa e DPPb. Essas respostas se refletiram de forma marcante sobre o fluxo de crescimento relativamente ao fluxo de senescência. Isso indica a possibilidade de aumentar a eficiência de utilização dos pastos por meio do uso racional de práticas agronômicas que acelerem o ritmo morfogênico das plantas, já que as respostas demonstraram uma natureza compensatória como forma de manter as características estruturais dos perfilhos e do dossel relativamente estáveis, sendo as diferenças função apenas das variações estacionais em condições climáticas. / Productivity of pastoral systems of animal production depends on the use of grazing management strategies that are compatible with the growth rhythm of plants. In that context, knowledge regarding the response of individual plants to management practices used and their consequences to sward structure is necessary. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the morphogenetic responses and sward structure, as well as their patterns of change throughout the year, of continuously stocked marandu palisadegrass swards maintained at 30 cm and subjected to contrasting morphogenetic rhythms created by nitrogen fertilisation use. Treatments corresponded to three nitrogen application rates (150, 300 e 450 kg/ha de N) plus the control (no fertilisation) and were assigned to experimental units (1200 m2 paddocks) according to a complete randomised block design, with four replications. The following response variables were measured from January 2007 to April 2008: total herbage (HBD), leaf (LBD), stem (SBD) and dead material (DBD) bulk density, vertical distribution of herbage components and sward structure, leaf appearance (LAR) and elongation (LER) rates, stem elongation rate (SER), leaf life span (LLS), final leaf length of fully expanded leaves (FLL), stem length (SL), population density of basal (TPDb) and aerial (TPDa) tillers. Faster morphogenetic rhythms (swards fertilised with 300 and 450 kg/ha of N) resulted in increased HBD, particularly related to leaf and stem components. Such changes were caused by increases in tissue turnover on individual tillers characterised by higher LAR and LER, and in the turnover of tillers in tiller population, which resulted in larger TPDb and TPDa than those recorded under slower morphogenetic rhythms (no fertilised swards and/or fertilised with 150 kg/ha of N). These responses were more pronounced on sward growth relative to senescence fluxes. This indicates the possibility of increasing herbage utilisation efficiency with wise use of management practices that accelerate the morphogenetic rhythm of plants, since responses showed a compensatory behaviour as a means of maintaining tiller structural characteristics and sward structure relatively stable, with differences being mainly a function of seasonal variations in climatic conditions

Morfogênese, acúmulo de forragem e teores de nutrientes de Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia submetido a diferentes severidades de desfolhação e fertilidades contrastantes / Morphogenesis, forage net accumulation and nutritional status of Panicum maximum cv Tanzânia under contrasting fertilization rates and grazing intensities

Resende Junior, Alonso José de 05 December 2011 (has links)
O nitrogênio, dentre os nutrientes, é o elemento que apresenta maior efeito sobre a produção de gramíneas forrageiras. As respostas da planta forrageira a adubação nitrogenada podem ser alteradas devido à condição, de área foliar remanescente e teores de nutrientes, que esta planta apresenta quando este nutriente é aplicado. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar as características morfogênicas e estruturais, o intervalo entre pastejos, acúmulo de forragem e os teores de nutrientes do capim Tanzânia submetido a distintas severidades de desfolhação e fertilidades contrastantes. Os tratamentos corresponderam a combinações entre três alturas de resíduo pós pastejo (20, 30 e 50 cm) e dos níveis de fertilidade de solo (sem adubação e com adubação equivalente a 500, 300 e 150 Kg/ha de nitrogênio, K2O e P2O5 respectivamente), totalizando seis tratamentos sendo que cada tratamento contou com cinco repetições dispostas em blocos totalizando 30 unidades experimentais. Cada unidade experimental correspondia a um piquete de 400 m2. O pastejo foi efetuado quando o dossel forrageiro interceptava 95% da luz incidente. A morfogênese foi avaliada pelas seguintes características: taxa de aparecimento de folhas (TApF), filocrono (FIL), taxa de alongamento de folhas (TAlF), taxa de alongamento de colmos (TAlC), taxa de senescência de folhas (TSeF), duração de vida da folha (DVF), comprimento final da folha (CFF), número de folhas vivas por perfilho (NFV), número de folhas em expansão por perfilho (NFEx), número de folhas expandidas por perfilho (NFE), número de folhas senescentes por perfilho (NFS) e comprimento do colmo (CC). Foram avaliados os teores de nutrientes presentes nas duas folhas recém-expandidas. A amostra foi composta pelo terço médio do limbo foliar de 100 folhas retiradas de 50 perfilhos sendo que a amostragem foi realizada na condição de pré pastejo nos meses de abril e maio de 2010. As adubações criaram um contraste nutricional entre os tratamentos avaliados. O tratamento adubado com maior severidade de desfolhação apresentou os melhores resultados quanto ao acúmulo líquido de forragem e taxas de alongamento foliar. Os resultados obtidos neste experimento indicam a possibilidade de melhoria da eficiência de pastejo e de produtividade animal quando alta fertilidade de solo é combinada a maior severidade de desfolhação. / Nitrogen is the most important nutrient regulating pasture production. Response to N fertilization depends on residual leaf area index and other nutrient availability. The aim of this study was to evaluate morphogenetic and structural characteristics, grazing interval, forage yield and nutritional status of Tanzania guinea grass under contrasting defoliation severities and fertilization rates. The six treatments evaluated were factorial combinations between three post grazing heights (20, 30 e 50 cm) and two fertilization rates (unfertilized and fertilized with 500, 300 and 150 kg/ha of nitrogen, K2O e P2O5 respectively), arranged in five completed blocks, totaling 30 paddocks (experimental units) of 400 m² each.25 beef cattle animals were introduced into paddocks to graze every time sward reached 95% of light interception.Measured responses were leaf appearance rate, phyllochron, leaf elongation rate, stem elongation rate, leaf senescence rate, leaf life span, leaf mature length, live leafs per tiller, elongating leafs per tiller, mature leafs per tiller,senescent leafs per tiller and stem length.Nutritional status was measured in the two younger mature leavesof each tiller, considering 100 leaves sampled from 50 tillers of each paddockbetween May and April 2010. Fertilized and unfertilized treatments presented contrasting nutritional status. A high fertilization level combined with the lowest post grazing height resulted in the higher forage yields and leaf elongation rates. The results point to the possibility of enhancing grazing efficiency and animal production when high fertilizations are combined with high grazing intensity

Structures modulaires de bandes pliées / Modular structures from folded stripes

Genevaux, Chloé 20 June 2013 (has links)
Les structures pliées intéressent architectes et ingénieurs pour leurs qualités structurelles autant que spatiales et plastiques. En prenant comme point de départ la bande rectiligne pliée, ce travail de recherche aborde non pas la conception de surfaces plissées mais celle de structures réticulées. La conception de structures “à trous” à partir de bandes pliées constitue un angle d’approche original. La notion de continuité induite par le pli transforme la manière de concevoir la structure réticulée, habituellement caractérisée par des nœuds et barres dissociés. L’emploi de bandes continues rectilignes est une approche possible pour rationaliser la conception de formes complexes en minimisant la quantité de chutes de matière. Cette recherche explore de nouvelles méthodes de conception des formes courbes. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont :- la classification des différentes approches possibles dans la conception à partir de bandes rectilignes pliées- l'étude d'éléments modulaires pliés dont l’assemblage permet la génération de surfaces courbes variables: la géométrie de différentes configurations de bandes pliées sera décrite ainsi que les assemblages autorisés / Folded structures are attractive to architects and engineers for their structural qualities as well as spatial and plastic qualities. Taking as a starting point a linear folded stripe, this research does not address the design of pleated surfaces but that of reticular structures. The design of structures with "holes" from folded stripes is an original angle of approach. From a conceptual point of view, the continuity caused by folds transforms the usual conception by separated nodes and bars of reticular structures. The use of continuous linear stripes is one possible approach to make more efficient the design of complex shapes by minimizing the produced offcuts. This research investigates new methods of designing curved shapes. The aims of this research are:- A classification of different possible approaches encountered when conceiving from folded stripes.- The study a modular folded elements which assembly allows the generation of various curved surfaces : the geometry of different configurations of folded stripes and the assemblies allowed will be described

Capim Massai manejado em sistemas de produção com doses de nitrogênio e potássio

Silva, Francianne Costa 28 February 2016 (has links)
Objetivou-se avaliar aspectos morfológicos, estruturais e agronômicos do capim Massai sob adubação com formulado 20:0:20. O ensaio foi conduzido na Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Escola de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia de agosto de 2014 a junho de 2015. Foram avaliadas as doses 0; 25; 50; 75 kg/ha de N e K2O realizada sempre após desfolhação do capim Massai, as quais foram arranjados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições de 9 m2 (3x3), totalizando-se 16 unidades experimentais. A desfolhação do capim Massai foi realizada ao nível de 10 cm de altura do solo, sempre após ao momento de recuperação de três folhas totalmente expandidas por perfilho cortado. Para as características morfogênicas a resposta foi significativa para os níveis de adubação onde a TApF variou de 4,95 quando não adubada para 10,98 quando utilizada a dose e 75 kg de NK/ha. Observou redução do filocrono, de 23 para 8 dias quando comparadas as doses zero e 75 kg de NK. As taxas de alongamento de lâminas foliar, colmo e senescência foliar foram incrementados em função da elevação das doses de adubo, em 33,29 e 23% saindo de 11,086 a 32,8135, 0,3311 a 1,1411 e 0,0499 a 7,0485 mm/perf/dia, respectivamente para as doses 0 e 75. O NFV não foi alterado em função das doses de adubo e atingiu valores médios de 3,81 folhas/perfilhos. A adubação reduziu o DVF de 71 e 40 dias/ folhas para a menor e maior dose de adubo, respectivamente.A DVF respondeu linear e negativamente à adubação nitrogenada. A densidade populacional de perfilhos apresentou efeito linear com ao aumento nas doses de nitrogênio, com estimativa de 1807 e 2339 perfilhos/m2 nas doses 0 e 75 kg/ha de NK2O, respectivamente. Em resposta as variações morfogênicas e estruturais a TPBF foi incrementada com a elevação da adubação, atingindo valores máximo de 236,49 kgMS/ha/dia para a dose de 50 kg/ha/ciclo de NK2O, sendo 56% superior ao da dose 0. A taxa de acumulo (TAcF), próximo a 50 kg/ NK2O, onde obteve uma produção de 173,94 kg/ha/dia superior 42% a dose 0. Produção de colmo de 43,43 kg/há/dia, sendo 78% superior quando não adubado. Sua máxima taxa produção de lamina foliar ocorreu com a dose de 50 kg/ NK2O com produção de 194,39 kg/ha/dia sendo 51% superior a dose 0. A taxa de acumulo de lâmina foliar obteve seu máximo com 49,37 kg/ NK2O e uma produção de 131,74 kg/ha/dia sendo 40% superior aquando não adubado. Com base nos resultados da adubação NK2O realizada com o formulado 20:0:20 conclui-se melhoria nas características morfogênicas e estruturais, que resultaram incrementos no crescimento do capim Massai. No entanto, mais estudos devem ser conduzidos, principalmente avaliando o melhor momento para realização da desfolhação. / Objective was to assess morphological, structural and agronomic aspects of Massai grass under fertilization with formulated 20: 0: 20. The test was conducted at the Federal University of Tocantins, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science August 2014 to June 2015. Were evaluated doses 0; 25; 50; 75 kg / ha of N and K2O always performed after the grass defoliation Massai, which were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications of 9 m2 (3x3), totalizing 16 experimental units. The Masai grass off the defoliation was performed at the level of 10 cm above ground level, where after the time of three sheets recovery per tiller fully cut. To morphogenetic response was significant for fertilization levels where the (TapF) ranged from 4.95 when not fertilized to 10.98 when using the dose and 75 kg NK2O / ha. Observed reduction phyllochron, from 23 to 8 days compared to zero doses and 75 kg of NK2O. The elongation rate of leaf blade, stem and leaf senescence were increased due to the increase of the doses of fertilizer in 33,29 and 23% coming from 11.086 to 32.8135, 0.3311 to 1.1411 and 0.0499 to 7.0485 mm / perf / day, respectively, for the doses 0 and 75. The NFV has not changed depending on the dose of fertilizer and reached average values of 3.81 leaves / tillers. Fertilization reduced the DVF 71 and 40 days / leaves to the lower and higher dose of fertilizer, respectively.The DVF said linear and negatively to nitrogen fertilization. The population density of tillers showed a linear effect with the increase in nitrogen, with estimated 1807 and 2339 tillers / m2 in doses 0 and 75 kg / ha of NK2O respectively. In response morphogenetic and structural variations TPBF was increased with increasing fertilization, reaching maximum values of 236.49 kgMS / ha / day at the dose of 50 kg / ha / NK2O cycle, 56% higher than the dose 0. The accumulation rate of (TACF), close to 50 kg / NK2O, where he obtained a production of 173.94 kg / ha / day higher than 42% the dose 0. Thatched production 43.43 kg / ha / day, 78 % higher than unfertilized. Its maximum leaf blade production rate occurred at a dose of 50 kg / NK2O with production of 194.39 kg / ha / day 51% higher dose 0. Leaf blade accumulation rate achieved its maximum with 49.37 kg / NK2O and an output of 131.74 kg / ha / day being 40% higher when unfertilized. Based on NK2O fertilization results performed with the formulated 20: 0: 20 concludes improvement in morphogenetic and structural characteristics, resulting increases in Massai grass growth. However, more studies should be conducted, especially evaluating the best time to perform the defoliation.

Avaliações morfofisiológicas do desenvolvimento de microplantas de pupunheiras submetidas a tratamentos com biorreguladores / Morphophysiological evaluations of the development of pejibaye microplants treated with bioregulators

Graner, Érika Mendes 14 August 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a atuação de biorreguladores (ANA, BAP, TDZ e 2iP) no desenvolvimento morfogenético de microplantas de pupunheiras. Para tanto, a cada 28 dias aferiram-se o número de propágulos, o desenvolvimento radicular, o comprimento e a taxa de crescimento da parte aérea, número de folhas, oxidação, número de centros meristemáticos na região basal dos explantes e nas bainhas e/ou nos primórdios foliares dos propágulos, número de complexos celulares pró-embriogênicos e as rotas e padrões morfogênicos. Todos os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os dados qualitativos foram apresentados como porcentagens e médias gerais e os dados quantitativos foram submetidos à análise de regressão polinomial ou exponencial. As avaliações morfofisiológicas evidenciaram que o TDZ isoladamente favoreceu o desenvolvimento de gemas adventícias, embora curtas e por vezes, com acúleos. Embriões somáticos somente não se desenvolveram em tratamentos contendo a presença isolada de BAP, TDZ e 2iP, nos demais tratamentos observou-se um comportamento exponencial, cujo número foi reduzido e variou apenas em função do período de cultivo. Maior número de raízes foi observado no tratamento contendo ANA em associação ao BAP, embora o tratamento controle tenha induzido maior porcentagem de explantes enraizados e com maior comprimento, sendo o único a evidenciar ramificação. A presença isolada do TDZ promoveu maior comprimento da parte aérea e sua associação ao ANA promoveu a maior taxa de crescimento. O melhor desenvolvimento da parte aérea de microplantas e explantes de pupunheiras ocorreu em meio de cultura MS isento de biorreguladores ou em meio constituído pela associação entre ANA/TDZ aos 140 dias de cultivo, sendo que o acréscimo isolado das citocininas BAP, TDZ e 2iP no meio de cultura MS promoveu tardiamente a taxa máxima de crescimento. A adição isolada do 2iP no meio de cultura promoveu intensa oxidação nas primeiras folhas desenvolvidas das microplantas em explantes de pupunheiras e a aplicação isolada do TDZ ou associada à ANA promoveu anomalias como dobramento foliar e desenvolvimento de acúleos. O monitoramento das rotas e padrões morfogênicos evidenciou que embriões somáticos com origem multicelular originaramse diretamente na região central da base dos explantes nos tratamentos isentos de biorreguladores, na presença isolada de ANA e de TDZ ou na associação de ambos. Pró-embriões com origem unicelular foram induzidos também na presença isolada de ANA ou TDZ e nas associações ANA/BAP ou ANA/TDZ, sendo que pró-embriões com origem multicelular foram induzidos na presença isolada do TDZ a partir da atividade meristemática apical caulinar e a partir da (bi) polarização de elevado número de centros meristemáticos presentes na extremidade distal da base destes explantes. Gemas adventícias com origem multicelular diretamente da extremidade proximal da base dos explantes foram induzidas em maior freqüência no tratamento isento de biorreguladores e no tratamento contendo ANA/TDZ. Entre os primórdios foliares dos explantes, estas estruturas foram freqüentemente induzidas em tratamentos contendo a presença isolada de ANA. / This study aimed to evaluate the role of bioregulators (NAA, BAP, TDZ and 2iP) on the morphogenetic development of pejibaye microplants. For this, every 28 days, the number of propagules, the root development, the length and the growth rate of shoots, the number of leaves, the oxidation, the number of meristematic centers in the explants basal region and in the leaf sheaths and/or in the propagules leaf primordia, the number of pro-embryogenic cell complex and the morphogenic routes and patterns were measured. All experiments were conducted in a randomized design. Qualitative data were presented as percentages and general averages, and quantitative data were subjected to polynomial regression or exponential analysis. The morphophysiological evaluations showed that the TDZ alone favored the development of adventitious buds, although short, and sometimes with thorns. Only in the treatments with the isolated presence of BAP, TDZ and 2iP, somatic embryos were not developed. For the other treatments there was an exponential behavior, in which the number of somatic embryos was reduced and varied according only to the cultivation period. Although a greater number of roots was observed in the treatment, in which NAA was associated with BAP, the control treatment has induced the highest rate of rooted explants and with greater root length, and has been the single one that produced branches. The isolated presence of TDZ promoted the greater shoot length, and its association with ANA promoted the highest growth rate. The best shoot development of pejibaye microplants and explants occurred in the MS bioregulator-free culture medium of or in the medium with NAA/TDZ association, at140 days of cultivation. Moreover, the isolated addition of the cytokinins BAP, TDZ and 2iP in the medium, later promoted the highest growth rate. In pejibaye explants the addition of 2iP alone promoted intense oxidation of the first developed leaves and the application of TDZ alone or associated with ANA promoted anomalies such as folding leaf and thorn development. The monitoring of the morphogenetic routes and patterns showed that in the treatments that were bioregulator-free, or with the isolated presence of NAA and TDZ, or the association of both, somatic embryos, from multicellular origin, raised up directly in the central region of the explants base. Pro-embryos from unicellular origin were also induced in the isolated presence of NAA or in NAA/BAP and NAA/TDZ associations. Moreover, in the isolated presence of TDZ, pro-embryos from multicellular origin were induced from shoot apical meristem activity and from the (bi) polarization of a large number of meristematic centers in the distal extremity of the explants base. Adventitious buds with multicellular origin from the proximal extremity of the explants base were induced more frequently in the bioregulator-free treatment and in the treatment with NAA/TDZ. Between the leaf explants primordia, adventitious buds were often induced by the treatments with the isolated presence of ANA.

Characterisation of local mechanical properties in living tissues

Cheng, Qian January 2017 (has links)
The process of a single cell evolving into a complex organism results from a series of coordinated movements of cells and tissues, especially during early embryo development. Although a wealth of morphological data characterises the shapes and movements of cells in embryos, how these movements are driven, patterned and controlled, and how this patterning is related to the mechanical properties of tissues remains unknown. Four-pole electromagnetic tweezers have been developed to probe the mechanical properties of living embryonic tissues that are undergoing active morphogenetic development. The device is capable of generating magnetic forces in the order of nano-Newtons on a grafted magnetic bead. The local passive mechanical properties of the tissues can be characterised by measuring the three-dimensional bead movement and analysing cell shape changes and cell rearrangement in response to this externally applied force. The magnetic device is used to probe the rheology in early zebrafish embryos between high stage (3.3 hpf) and the onset of gastrulation (5.3 hpf) when rapid cell cycles give way to a hollow sphere of cells. The tissue response to the applied force is modelled as linear visco- elastic. The embryo becomes stiffer and more viscous during this period of development, showing that a loose collection of cells becomes cohesive tissues. A computational model is used to explore how cells respond to local or global mechanical perturbations in two systems. First, the model simulates the movement of the bead within an embryo, and the results illustrate the generation, patterning and relaxation of the local cell stress around the bead. Second, the model reproduces the autonomous changes in mitotic cells within a stretched monolayer, and the results show that propensity of cells to divide along their long axis facilitates stress relaxation and contributes to tissue homoeostasis.

The mechanochemical basis of pattern formation / A base mecanoquimica da formação de padrões

Malheiros, Marcelo de Gomensoro January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado descreve um novo modelo para o acoplamento de difusão química contínua e eventos celulares discretos dentro de um ambiente de simulação biologicamente inspirado. Nosso objetivo é definir e explorar um conjunto minimalista de recursos que também são expressivos, permitindo a criação de padrões 2D complexos usando apenas poucas regras. Por não nos restringirmos a uma grade estática ou regular, mostramos que muitos fenômenos diferentes podem ser simulados, como sistemas tradicionais de reação-difusão, autômatos celulares e padrões de pigmentação de seres vivos. Em particular, demonstramos que a adição de saturação química aumenta significativamente a gama de padrões simulados usando reação-difusão, incluindo padrões que não eram possíveis anteriormente. Nossos resultados sugerem um possível modelo universal que pode integrar abordagens de formação de padrões anteriores, fornecendo nova base para experimentação e texturas de aparência realista para uso geral em Computação Gráfica. / This doctoral thesis describes a novel model for coupling continuous chemical diffusion and discrete cellular events inside a biologically inspired simulation environment. Our goal is to define and explore a minimalist set of features that are also expressive, enabling the creation of complex 2D patterns using just a few rules. By not being constrained into a static or regular grid, we show that many different phenomena can be simulated, such as traditional reaction-diffusion systems, cellular automata, and pigmentation patterns from living beings. In particular, we demonstrate that adding chemical saturation increases significantly the range of simulated patterns using reaction-diffusion, including patterns not possible before. Our results suggest a possible universal model that can integrate previous pattern formation approaches, providing new ground for experimentation and realistic-looking textures for general use in Computer Graphics.

Efeito da exposição pré-puberal ao arsênio sobre parâmetros morfofuncionais na próstata ventral de ratos pubescentes

Aquino, Ariana Musa January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Wellerson Rodrigo Scarano / Resumo: O arsênio é um metaloide associado ao desenvolvimento de algumas patologias, como doenças cardiovasculares, lesões dérmicas e diferentes tipos de câncer. Pouco se sabe sobre a ação do arsênio ou compostos de arsênio na próstata durante o período pré-puberal e puberdade, estágios essenciais para a morfogênese tardia da próstata. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo estabelecer se a exposição ao arsenito de sódio (NaAsO2) interfere na morfofisiologia da próstata ventral de ratos púberes. Para isso, 30 ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, no dia pós-natal 23 (DPN23), foram distribuídos, aleatoriamente, em 3 grupos experimentais (n =10/grupo). O grupo controle (Ctrl) recebeu água filtrada (veículo); o grupo As1 recebeu 0.01 mg/L de NaAsO2; e o grupo As2 recebeu 10.0 mg/L de NaAsO2. Todas as soluções foram diluídas na água do bebedouro e estiveram disponíveis aos animais do DPN23 ao DPN53. Os hábitos alimentares e a evolução do peso corpóreo dos animais foram acompanhados durante todo o período experimental. Ao final deste período, os animais foram pesados e, em seguida, eutanasiados (DPN53). Coletou-se o sangue para mensurar os níveis de testosterona. O fígado, os rins e a próstata ventral (PV) foram coletados e pesados. Apenas a PV foi dissecada e destinada às análises histológicas (hemilobo esquerdo) e moleculares (hemilobo direito). Os resultados dos parâmetros analisados durante o período experimental revelaram que o NaAsO2 não foi capaz de causar toxicidade sistêmica em... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Arsenic is an endocrine disruptor associated with the development of some pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases, dermal lesions and different types of cancer. Little is known about the action of arsenic or arsenic compounds in the prostate during the prepubertal and puberty period, an essential stage for late morphogenesis of the prostate. Therefore, this study aimed to establish whether exposure to sodium arsenite (NaAsO2) interferes in the morphophysiology of the ventral prostate of pubertal rats. In this study, thirty male Wistar rats, on the postnatal day 23 (PND23), were randomly distributed to 3 experimental groups (n = 10/group). The control group (Ctrl) received only saline solution; the second group (As1) received 0.01 mg/L of NaAsO2; and the third group (As2) received 10.0 mg/L of NaAsO2. All solutions were diluted in drinking water and were available to the animals from DPN23 to DPN53. The eating habits and the evolution of the body weight of the animals were evaluated throughout the experimental period. At the end of this period, the animals were weighed and then euthanized (DPN53). Blood was collected to measure testosterone levels. The liver, kidneys and ventral prostate (VP) were collected and weighed. Only VP was dissected for histological analysis (left hemilobo) and molecular (right hemilobo). The results of the parameters analyzed during the experimental period revealed that NaAsO2 was not able to cause systemic toxicity in both exposed groups nor cha... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Morfogênese e análise de crescimento de três capins tropicais em resposta à frequência de desfolhação / Morphogenesis and growth analysis of three tropical grasses in response to defoliation frequency

Faria, Ana Flávia Gouvéia de 06 October 2014 (has links)
Para que o potencial de cultivares comumente usados como o Marandu {Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) RD Webster [syn. Urochloa brizantha (A. Rich.) Stapf]; CIAT 6297}, com alta produção como o Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.), e recentemente lançados como o Mulato II (Convert HD 364®) (Brachiaria híbrida CIAT 36061) possa ser racionalmente e intensivamente explorado é necessário entender como as frequências de corte afetam as respostas produtivas, por meio de inferências fisiológicas. O objetivo foi avaliar e descrever o efeito de duas frequências (28 e 42 dias) sobre as características de análise de crescimento do Mulato II, Marandu, e Tifton 85, e características morfogênicas do Mulato II e Marandu. O experimento foi conduzido em Piracicaba, SP, o delineamento experimental foi de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. As respostas incluiram índice de área foliar (IAF), taxa de crescimento de cultura (TCC), taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR), taxa de assimilação líquida (TAL), razão de área foliar (RAF) e razão de peso foliar (RPF), filocrono, número de folhas vivas por perfilho (NFV), taxa de alongamento de folhas (TALF) e de colmos (TALC), taxa de aparecimento de folhas (TAPF), densidade populacional de perfilhos (DPP) e taxa de senescência de folhas (TSF). A TCC foi igual para o Mulato II e Tifton 85 mas a RPF foi maior para o Mulato II. O Tifton 85 com menor IAF residual apresentou altos valores de TAL e resultados semelhantes ao Mulato II de TCC. A TAPF e TALF foram maiores no Marandu do que no Mulato II. O filocrono foi maior no Mulato II comparado ao Marandu. Houve interação frequênca x ano para o filocrono, e aos 28 dias o menor filocrono foi no primeiro ano, e com 42 dias não houve diferença entre os dois anos. A TALF, TALC e TSF foram maiores com 42 dias. Houve interação frequência x ano e capim x frequência no NFV. Este foi maior no primeiro ano com 28 e 42 dias, e aos 42 dias nos dois anos. O NFV foi igual no Marandu e Mulato II com 28 dias e maior no Marandu com 42 dias. Tanto o Marandu quanto o Mulato II tiveram maior NFV com 42 dias. A TCC é similar no Mulato II e no Tifton 85, mas a RPF é maior no Mulato II. O Tifton 85 teve menor IAF residual, mas alta TAL e TCC similar ao Mulato II. O Mulato II e o Tifton 85 utilizaram mecanismos diferentes para alcançar a mesma TCC. 28 dias é melhor pois prioriza produção de folhas. Nas características morfogênicas, o Marandu é melhor pois apresentou maiores taxas de crescimento (TAPF, TALF ,NFV) e menor filocrono. Apesar do Marandu ser superior ao Mulato II isso não refletiu em maior acúmulo de forragem e valor nutritivo, devido à DPP ter sido maior no Mulato II. Houve maior TALC e TSF com 42 dias, portanto 28 dias é melhor para evitar altas TALC. Quando houver pluviosidade adequada é necessário a utilização de menor frequência (28 dias) para aumentar a eficiência de colheita da forragem. / For the potential of cultivars most commonly used as Marandu palisadegrass {Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) RD Webster [syn. Urochloa brizantha (A. Rich.) Stapf]; CIAT 6297}, with high forage production as Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.), and grasses recently released as Mulato II (Convert HD 364®) (Brachiaria híbrid CIAT 36061) to be rationally and intensively explored it is necessary to understand how harvest frequency affects productive responses, under a physiological standpoint. The objective was to evaluate and describe the effect of harvest frequency on the growth characteristics of Mulato II, Marandu, and Tifton 85, as well as to study morphogenesis characteristics in Mulato II and Marandu. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications. The trial was carried out in Piracicaba - SP. Response variables included leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and leaf weight ratio (LWR). In addition phyllocron, number of live leaves per tiller (NLL), stem (SER) and leaf elongation rate (LER), leaf appearance rate (LApR), tiller density population (TDP) and leaf senescence (LSR). Mulato II is a option to intensify and diversify pasture grasses in tropical areas due to its high LAI, CGR, LWR and LAR. CGR was similar between Mulato II and Tifton 85 but LWR was highest to Mulato II. On the other hand, Tifton 85 starts the lowest LAI but has high NAR and reaches the same CGR to Mulato II, showing also as good forage option. The LApR and LER were higher an Marandu than Mulato II. Phyllochron was higher in Mulato II compared to Marandu. There was an interaction harvest frequency x year to phyllochron, and with 28 days the lowest phyllochron was at first year, and with 42 days there was no difference between two years. The LER, SER and LSR were higher with 42 days of harvest frequency. There was interaction harvest frequencies x year and cultivars x harvest frequencies to NLL. This was higher in the first year with 28 and 42 days, and at 42 days in both years studied. NLL was equal in Marandu and Mulato II with 28 days and higher in Marandu with 42 days. Marandu and Mulato II had higher NLL with 42 days. CGR is similar in Mulato II and Tifton 85, but the LWR is highest in Mulato II. Tifton 85 had lowest residual LAI, but high NAR and CGR similar to Mulato II. Mulato II and Tifton 85 used different mechanisms to achieve the same CGR. 28 days prioritizes leaf production. In morphogenesis, Marandu is the best because it presented the highest growth rates (LApR, LER, NLL) and lowest phyllochron. Despite Marandu was better than Mulato II, it did not reflect in greater herbage accumulation and nutritive value, due greater TDP in Mulato II. There was highest SER and LSR with 42 days, so 28 days is best to avoid high SER. When there is adequate precipitation, lowest frequency (28 days) increase harvest efficiency.

Study of pronephric-glomerular morphogenesis in zebrafish

Huang, Chiu-Ju January 2009 (has links)
Midline convergence of organ primordia is an important mechanism for shaping the vertebrate body-plan at various stages of development, such as the morphogenesis of the heart and endoderm. Down regulation of wnt or noncanonical wnt signalling components, such as dishelleved (Dvl) or RhoA GTPase (RhoA), impairs midline convergence of the heart primordia and endoderm in zebrafish. This suggests that wnt signaling plays an important role in regulating midline convergence. At the early patterning stage of the zebrafish kidney, the two pronephric-glomerular primodia (PGP), which derive from intermediate mesoderm, converge towards the midline and fuse to form a functional pronephros. In contrast, during development of the mammalian kidney, the pronephros degenerates as the mesonephros develops without midline convergence. The hypothesis is thus that there is/are mechanisms underlying midline convergence of PGP in zebrafish, which is/are in addition to the control of the non-canonical wnt/Dvl/RhoA pathway and specific to kidney morphogenesis. In this study, the aim was to identify genetic factors that are specifically involved in the mechanism of PGP midline convergence by establishing a cell lineage tracing transgenic system with Cre-loxP, followed by the analysis of selected mutant embryos using the cell lineage tracing system, whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) and immunostaining. The cell lineage tracing system was generated, and tested. Constructs, in which β-actin promoter drives the transcription of the reporter genes, were microinjected into zebrafish embryos at 1- to 4-cell stages. The mRNAs in microinjected embryos (5 dpf) were analyzed by RT-PCR. The results show that the constructs induced indiscriminate alternative splicing. RNA splicing mechanisms were not affected by transcription termination when the polyA signal was located in introns. To provide an alternative approach, three mutants were selected after screening of available ENU zebrafish mutants. These mutants were chosen not only because of their genetic importance in cell adhesion and motility but also because of their respective developmental defects in tissues surrounding the PGP, such as the notochord (no tail, ntl), somite (spadetail, spt), and endodermal tissues (zygotic oneeyed pinhead, Zoep). Spt and ntl are key targets of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling in the trunk and tail respectively. EGP-CFC gene oep is a Nodal signalling cofactor. Firstly, a rapid genotyping technique was developed, which was applied in identifying the mutant alleles. Since the tools for tracing PGP using transgenes were unavailable, the three mutants were analyzed by WISH and immunostaining. Zygotic mutation of Zoep causes a PGP midline convergence phenotype of variable severity due to maternal Oep effects. In more than 90% of Zoep-/- embryos, PGP midline convergence was impaired. Even though the abnormality could be observed as early as 15 hpf, the differentiation of the PGP was not affected. Heart primordial phenotypes were also observed but they did not correlate with that of the PGP phenotypes. Embryos homozygous for mutations in T-box transcription factors, ntl or spt had normal heart midline convergence phenotypes. PGP midline convergence abnormality was observed in spt-/- but not in ntl-/- prior to 36 hpf. In addition the extracellular matrix (ECM) might play a key role in the mechanisms of PGP midline convergence. Furthermore, PGP midline convergence proceeds from 10 hpf (the specification of intermediate mesoderm) to 48 hpf (fused pronephric glomerulus) in wild type zebrafish embryos. The process was quantified by 2D image analysis of the PGP distance. Prior to 18 hpf, PGP midline convergence is closely correlated with the midline convergence of mesoderm but not at later stages in Zoep-/-. Spt is essential for PGP but not for cardiac primordium midline convergence. Data from this research suggests that there is not one universal mechanism, which controls all the midline convergence of organ primordia. Indeed, specific factors, which depend on tissues and development stages, are also required.

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