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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of pH on the structure and function of La Crosse virus

Wang, Guo-Ji, 1953- January 1989 (has links)
The La Crosse (LAC) virus is a member of the California encephalitis group of bunyaviridae (Porterfield et al., 1975 and 1976). It is one of an envelope virus and this virus under acidic conditions (below pH 6.3) has been demonstrated to result in cell-to-cell fusion (Gonzalez-Scarano, 1984). The LAC virus is also capable of forming virus-to-virus fusion particles. The focus of this thesis is the analysis of the structure and function of this virus-to-virus fusion by cryo-electron microscopy at different pH and temperatures. The results of this study provide the basis for further study of the structure and function of the LAC virus. The virus-to-virus fusion event shows a dependence on both pH and temperature. The frequency of the fusion event increases with an elevation in temperature (in the range 4 to 37°C) and with a decrease in pH from 7.3 to 5.4. The process of virus-to-virus fusion gives rise to the formation budding to a chain of fused viruses.

Ontogenetic correlation between muscle and nervous system novelties in a neritimorph gastropod

Ferguson, Samuel 14 August 2015 (has links)
Hatching larvae of neritimorph gastropods have a bilateral set of both larval and pedal retractor muscles, which is unique among gastropod molluscs. Adults also display a novel connection (“shortcut”) between the two pleural ganglia. To reconstruct the evolution of the novel shortcut between pleural ganglia and its functional role, I studied the development of the central nervous system and muscle innervation in three distinct larval and one post-metamorphic stages of Nerita melanotragus using light and transmission electron microscopy and surface-rendered three-dimensional reconstructions. My results revealed that the novel shortcut is derived from an ancestral nerve connective, which establishes an unconventional link between the ganglia that generate motor output to the bilateral set of larval and pedal retractor muscles to coordinate activity of these muscles. The unique characteristics of the shell, muscles and nervous system in N. melanotragus represent secondarily derived characteristics that co- evolved as an integrated functional unit. / Graduate / 0472

Unification-based constraints for statistical machine translation

Williams, Philip James January 2014 (has links)
Morphology and syntax have both received attention in statistical machine translation research, but they are usually treated independently and the historical emphasis on translation into English has meant that many morphosyntactic issues remain under-researched. Languages with richer morphologies pose additional problems and conventional approaches tend to perform poorly when either source or target language has rich morphology. In both computational and theoretical linguistics, feature structures together with the associated operation of unification have proven a powerful tool for modelling many morphosyntactic aspects of natural language. In this thesis, we propose a framework that extends a state-of-the-art syntax-based model with a feature structure lexicon and unification-based constraints on the target-side of the synchronous grammar. Whilst our framework is language-independent, we focus on problems in the translation of English to German, a language pair that has a high degree of syntactic reordering and rich target-side morphology. We first apply our approach to modelling agreement and case government phenomena. We use the lexicon to link surface form words with grammatical feature values, such as case, gender, and number, and we use constraints to enforce feature value identity for the words in agreement and government relations. We demonstrate improvements in translation quality of up to 0.5 BLEU over a strong baseline model. We then examine verbal complex production, another aspect of translation that requires the coordination of linguistic features over multiple words, often with long-range discontinuities. We develop a feature structure representation of verbal complex types, using constraint failure as an indicator of translation error and use this to automatically identify and quantify errors that occur in our baseline system. A manual analysis and classification of errors informs an extended version of the model that incorporates information derived from a parse of the source. We identify clause spans and use model features to encourage the generation of complete verbal complex types. We are able to improve accuracy as measured using precision and recall against values extracted from the reference test sets. Our framework allows for the incorporation of rich linguistic information and we present sketches of further applications that could be explored in future work.

Maize endosperm texture characterisation using the rapid visco analyser (RVA), X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT) and micro-near infrared (microNIR) spectroscopy

Guelpa, Anina 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Food Sc))--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Maize kernels consists of two types of endosperm, a harder vitreous endosperm and a softer floury endosperm, and the ratio of the vitreous and floury endosperm present mainly determines the hardness of the kernel. Maize (Zea mays L.) is a staple food in many countries, including South Africa, and is industrially processed into maize meal using dry-milling. For optimal yield and higher quality products, hard kernels are favoured by the milling industry. Despite many maize hardness methods available, a standardised method is still lacking, furthermore, no dedicated maize milling quality method exists. Using an industrial guideline (chop percentage), a sample set of different maize hybrids was ranked based on milling performance. Unsupervised inspection (using principal component analysis (PCA) and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients) identified seven conventional methods (hectoliter mass (HLM), hundred kernel mass (HKM), protein content, particle size index (PSI c/f), percentage vitreous endosperm (%VE) as determined using near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging (HSI) and NIR absorbance at 2230 nm (NIR @ 2230 nm)) as being important descriptors of maize milling quality. Additionally, Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) viscograms were used for building prediction models, using locally weighted partial least squares (LW-PLS). Hardness properties were predicted in the same order or better than the laboratory error of the reference method, irrespective of RVA profile being used. Classification of hard and soft maize hybrids was achieved, based on density measurements as determined using an X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT) density calibration constructed from polymers with known densities. Receiver operating classification (ROC) curve threshold values of 1.48 g.cm-3 , 1.67 g.cm-3 and 1.30 g.cm-3 were determined for the entire kernel (EKD), vitreous (VED) and floury endosperm densities (FED), respectively at a maximum of 100% sensitivity and specificity. Classification based on milling quality of maize hybrids, using X-ray µCT derived density and volume measurements obtained from low resolution (80 µm) µCT scans, were achieved with good classification accuracies. For EKD and vitreous-to-floury endosperm ratio (V:F) measurements, 93% and 92% accurate classifications were respectively obtained, using ROC curve. Furthermore, it was established that milling quality could not be described without the inclusion of density measurements (using PCA and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients). X-ray µCT derived density measurements (EKD) were used as reference values to build NIR spectroscopy prediction models. NIR spectra were acquired using a miniature NIR spectrophotometer, i.e. a microNIR with a wavelength range of 908 – 1680 nm. Prediction statistics for EKD for the larger sample set (where each kernel was scanned both germ-up and germ-down) was: R2 V = 0.60, RMSEP = 0.03 g.cm-3 , RPD = 1.67 and for the smaller sample set (where each kernel was scanned only germ-down): R2 V = 0.32, RMSEP = 0.03 g.cm-3 , RPD = 1.67. The results from the larger sample set indicated that reasonable predictions can be made at the fast NIR scan rate that would be suitable for breeders as a rough screening method. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mieliepitte bestaan uit twee tipes endosperm, ‘n harder glasagtige endosperm en ‘n sagter melerige endosperm, en die verhouding waarin die twee tipes endosperm aangetref word, bepaal hoofsaaklik die hardheid van die pit. Mielies (Zea mays L.) is ‘n stapelvoedsel in baie lande, insluitende Suid-Afrika, en word industrieël geprosesseer na mieliemeel deur van droë-vermaling gebruik te maak. Vir optimale produksie en beter kwaliteit produkte, word harde pitte deur die meule verkies. Ongeag die beskikbaarheid van verskeie mielie hardheid metodes, ontbreek ‘n gestandardiseerde metode nog, en verder bestaan ‘n metode om mielies se maalprestasie te bepaal ook nie. ‘n Monsterstel, bestaande uit verskillende mieliebasters, is op grond van maalprestasie ingedeel deur van ‘n industriële riglyn (chop persentasie) gebruik te maak. Inspeksie sonder toesig (deur gebruik te maak van hoofkomponentanalise (HKA) en Spearman’s rangkorrelasiekoëffisiënte) het sewe onkonvensionele metodes (hektoliter massa, honderd pit massa, protein inhoud, partikel grootte indeks, persentasie glasagtige endosperm soos bepaal deur gebruik te maak van naby-infrarooi (NIR) hiperspektrale beelding en NIR absorbansie by 2230 nm) identifiseer as belangrike beskrywers van maalprestasie. Daarbenewens, is Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) viskogramme gebruik om voorspellingsmodelle te bou deur gebruik te maak van plaaslik geweegte gedeeltelike kleinstekwadrate (PG-GKK) wat hardheidseienskappe kon voorspel met laer, of in dieselfde orde, laboratorium foute van die verwysingsmetodes, ongeag die gebruik van verskillende RVA profiele. Klassifikasie tussen harde en sagte mieliebasters was moontlik, gebasseer op digtheidsmetings soos bepaal met ‘n X-staal mikro-berekende tomografie (µBT) digtheids kalibrasie gebou vanaf polimere met bekende digthede. Ontvanger bedryf kenmerkende (OBK) kurwe drempelwaardes van 1.48 g.cm-3 , 1.67 g.cm-3 en 1.30 g.cm-3 is bepaal vir hele pit, glasagtige en melerige endosperm digthede, onderskeidelik, teen ‘n maksimum van 100% sensitiwiteit en spesifisiteit. Klassifikasie van die mieliebasters, gebasseer op maalprestasie en deur gebruik te maak van X-straal µBT afgeleide digtheid en volume metings soos verkry teen lae resolusie (80 µm) skanderings, was moontlik met goeie klassifikasie akkuraatheid. Vir heel pit digtheid en glasagtigtot-melerige endosperm verhouding metings is 93% en 92% akkurate klassifikasies verkry wanneer OBK kurwes gebruik is. Verder is dit vasgestel (deur gebruik te maak van HKA en Spearman’s rangkorrelasiekoëffisiënte) dat digtheidsmetings ingesluit moet word vir ‘n volledige beskrywing van maalprestasie. X-straal µBT afgeleide digtheid metings is gebruik as verwysings waardes om NIR spektroskopie voorspellings modelle te bou. NIR spektra is verkry deur van ‘n miniatuur NIR spektrofotometer, naamlik ‘n microNIR, bebruik te maak vanaf 908 – 1680 nm. Voorspellings statestiek vir die groter monsterstel (waar elke pit beide kiem-bo en kiem-onder geskandeer is) was vir HPD: R2 V = 0.60, RMSEP = 0.03 g.cm-3 , RPD = 1.67 en vir die kleiner monsterstel (waar elke pit was slegs kiem-onder geskandeer is) vir HPD: R2 V = 0.32, RMSEP = 0.03 g.cm-3 , RPD = 1.67. Die resultate van die groter monsterstel het aangedui dat redelike voorspellings moontlik is, teen die vinnige NIR skaderings tempo wat as rowwe vertoningsmetode geskik sal wees vir telers.

The control of mitochondrial morphology and dynamics in Arabidopis thaliana

Scott, Iain January 2006 (has links)
Mitochondria are ubiquitous eukaryotic organelles which carry out a range of essential functions, most notably the production of ATP through the process of oxidative phosphorylation. While the main biochemical function of mitochondria was established over 50 years ago, the processes which control mitochondrial morphology are, at present, poorly understood. The thesis aims to add to our knowledge of the factors that control mitochondrial morphology and dynamics in the model plant species, Arabidopsis thaliana. The phenotypic characteristics of two novel mitochondrial morphology mutants, motley mitochondria I (mmtl) and network mitochondria (nmt), were examined and quantified. mmtl has an increased heterogeneity of mitochondrial plan area relative to wild-type, which is matched by a similar chloroplast phenotype. nmt exhibits a reticular mitochondrial morphology, similar to the mitochondria found in yeast and animals. Genetic mapping of the two mutant loci has established that mmtl resides on a short region of chromosome 11w, hile nmt was mapped to a small area of chromosome V. This thesis describes the identification and functional analysis of two novel orthologs of yeast and animal mitochondrial division genes. Using TDNA reverse genetics, it is shown that disruption of the dynamin-like DRP3A or BIGYIN (an Arabidopsis orthologue of yeast FISI) led to an increase in mitochondrial plan area, which is coupled with a decrease in the number of physically discrete mitochondria per cell. Finally, the morphology and behaviour of Arabiclopsis mitochondria is investigated upon the induction of cell death. Abiotic stress treatments that induce cell death led to fast and irreversible changes in mitochondrial morphology. The role of these changes, as possible early indicators of cell death, are discussed.

Periphery Effects in Phonological Integration : Turkish suffixation of Swedish proper nouns by advanced bilinguals

Aktürk, Memet January 2008 (has links)
<p>This essay investigates how certain word-final Swedish rimes are integrated phonologically into Turkish by means of suffixation. Specific Swedish rimes have been selected for their unusual characteristics from the perspective of Turkish phonology such as vowel and consonant quantity as well as coda phonotactics. The data have been collected in an experiment, which involved the oral translation of a Swedish text including potential borrowings such as proper names and place names. The participants were advanced bilingual speakers of the standard varieties of Turkish and Swedish living in Stockholm. Two phonological properties of Turkish are relevant for this essay. Firstly, every word-final rime must have a vocalic, palatal and labial classification in order to be licensed for suffixation. Secondly, Turkish has a large and diverse periphery in its phonological lexicon due to faithful or partially faithful adaptation of a plethora of historical loanwords. The focus of the investigation is if the new borrowings are integrated into the core or into the periphery of the Turkish phonological lexicon or alternatively how faithful their integration is to the Swedish originals. In terms of resolving j-final coda cluster problems, the popular strategies are found to be palatalization, deletion and metathesis. The main body of data displays low faithfulness to the Swedish originals as well as an underutilization of the Turkish periphery. The participants are found to use the periphery of their phonological lexicon to a high degree for established words in Turkish but only to a limited extent when adapting new borrowings from Swedish into Turkish. This finding is explained by the fact that the structural and sociolinguistic conditions are not conducive to periphery maintenance in the present context in contrast to the historical context during the inflow of Arabic and Persian loanwords.  </p>

Person and Number Marking in Lakota

Fountain, Amy 02 August 2010 (has links)
A introductory problem set in morphology using Lakota (Siouan). Set includes a word and pdf version, but no answer key. Note that the word document uses the old SIL Doulos IPA93 font. / This collection consists of learning objects developed for use in courses offered by the Department of Linguistics. Learning objects include lectures, presentations, quizzes, activities, and more. Access to this collection is restricted to authorized faculty and instructors. For access to this collection, please contact Dr. Amy Fountain, Department of Linguistics, avf@email.arizona.edu.


KUTZ, SUSAN MARIE. January 1987 (has links)
A seliberia-like bacterium (SLO), isolated from reverse osmosis membranes was characterized by morphological, physiological and DNA studies. The helically twisted cells of this organism were often observed in star-shaped clusters. Depending on nutritional conditions, cells ranged from 0.5 to 21 um in length and possessed prosthecae. Small motile cells were produced by asymmetric fission or by a budding process. Ovoid "generative" cells were observed in mixed culture conditions or when the pure culture isolate was grown in the presence of humic acid. The SLO oxidatively utilized glucose, maltose, xylose, cellobiose, and several amino acids as sole carbon and energy sources. The organism is a strict aerobe and does not anaerobically respire. The moles percent guanine plus cytosine (mol% G + C) of the SLO DNA was 38% as compared with 63-67% for Seliberia stellata. Although the cellular morphology and physiology of the SLO closely resembles that of S. stellata, the SLO is considered to be a new species of Seliberia based on the presence of prosthecae and the mol% G + C.

Libyan Arabic morphology: Al-Jabal dialect.

Harrama, Abdulgialil Mohamed. January 1993 (has links)
This study deals with the morphological structure of one of Libyan Arabic varieties called al-Jabal Dialect of Libyan Arabic (JDLA). The main concern of this study is the morphological component of JDLA though a general overview of the phonological system along with major phonological processes have been presented and accounted for. Such a presentation of the phonological processes is justified by the fact that phonology and morphology do interplay greatly in many points in the grammar. This dissertation is the first study of JDLA. The presentation of this dissertation is conducted in the following way. Chapter I is an introduction. Chapter II deals in brief with the phonological system of the dialect. This includes the consonants and vowels, syllable structure, stress rules and the major phonological processes of JDLA. Phonological processes include syncope, epenthesis, assimilation, metathesis, vowel length, vowel harmony, etc. Chapter III introduces the morphology of verbs where the derivation and inflection of triliteral and quadriliteral verbs are presented in detail. This includes the derivational and inflectional processes of sound, doubled, hollow and defective verbs ... etc. JDLA morphology is a root-based morphology where different morphological categories are produced through the interdigitation of roots and vowels which might be accompanied by affixes. Such a process is a very productive method in word creation as has been pointed out in the main body of this work. Chapter IV is devoted to the morphology of nouns. The derivation and inflection of verbal nouns, instance nouns, unit nouns, feminine nouns, instrumental nouns, locative nouns, etc. are elaborated upon. Chapter V concerns with the morphology of adjectives. The derivational and inflectional processes of verbal adjectives, positive adjectives, elative adjectives and adjectives of color and defect are introduced and accounted for. Chapter VI deals with pronouns where independent and suffixed personal pronouns along with other pronouns have been dealt with. Chapter VII concludes the study by presenting the salient features of JDLA as well as recommendations for future research.


This dissertation presents a partial grammar of the Guipuzkoan dialect of Basque, and develops a theory of how to capture the syntactic and morphological relationships between arguments and argument-categorizing-elements (ACEs) in simple sentences. I assume the background of the theory outlined in A Syntax of Luiseno (Steele in prep.). Starting with the assumption that an ACE and an aux(iliary) particle sequence form together the sentential nucleus and represent the minimal requirement for sentencehood, I focus on the representation of the relations between the ACE-argument-structure and the morphological make-up of the aux form, that is, the aux-structure. I argue for a principle which determines whether the aux-structure satisfies the argument requirement of the ACE. In order to characterize overt case-marked constituents, I consider various syntactic phenomena. Then, I introduce and discuss (i) a rule which co-indexes directly an overt constituent with an argument-slot in the ACE-argument-structure, and (ii) a checking device which associates, on the basis of case-matching, an overt constituent with a morpheme (understood as a form plus meaning combination) in the aux-structure. Finally, I investigate the linear distribution of overt case-marked constituents. Special attention is given to the issue of focus in positive and negative simple sentences.

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