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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of low stereo acuity on performance presence, and sickness within a virtual environmnet

Kingdon, Kelly S. 01 July 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Prediction and quantification of individual differences in susceptibility to simulator sickness in fixed-base simulators

Yoo, Young H. 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Motion sickness in autonomous driving : Prediction models and mitigation using trajectory planning

Yunus, Ilhan January 2024 (has links)
The development of autonomous vehicles is progressing rapidly through extensive efforts by the automotive industry and researchers. One of the key factors for the adoption of autonomous driving technology is motion comfort and the ability to engage in non-driving tasks such as reading, socialising, and relaxing without experiencing motion sickness while travelling. Therefore, for the full success of autonomous vehicles, it is necessary to learn how to design and control the vehicles to mitigate motion sickness for the passengers.  This thesis aims to investigate methods for prediction of motion sickness in autonomous vehicles and how to mitigate it using vehicle dynamics based solutions, with an emphasis on trajectory planning. As a first step, a review and evaluation of existing motion sickness prediction methods were performed. The review highlighted the importance of accurate motion sickness assessment in the early phases of autonomous vehicle design. Two chosen methods (ISO 2631-based and sensory conflict theory-based) were evaluated to estimate individual motion sickness feelings using measured data and subjective assessment ratings from field tests. It can be concluded that the methods can be adjusted to predict individual motion sickness feelings, as shown by the comparison with the experimental data. To continue the work, a review of vehicle dynamics based motion sickness mitigation methods for autonomous vehicles was performed. Several chassis control strategies in literature like active suspension, rear-wheel steering and torque distribution have demonstrated the potential help to reduce motion sickness. Another effective approach to mitigate motion sickness in autonomous vehicles is to regulate vehicle speed and path using trajectory planning which was chosen to be further investigated. The trajectory planning was constructed as an optimisation problem where there is a trade-off between motion sickness and manoeuvre time. The impact of the trajectory planning algorithm to reduce motion sickness was analysed by simulating two different vehicle models in specific test manoeuvres. The results indicate that driving style has a significant influence on motion sickness and trajectory planning algorithms should be carefully designed to find a good balance between journey time and motion sickness. The research presented in this thesis contributes to the development of methodologies for predicting and mitigating motion sickness in autonomous vehicles, helping to achieve the goal of ensuring their overall success. / Utvecklingen av autonoma fordon går snabbt framåt tack vare omfattande insatser från fordonsindustrin och forskare. En av de viktigaste faktorerna för införandet av teknik för autonom körning är åkkomfort och möjligheten att ägna sig åt andra saker än körning, som att läsa, umgås och koppla av, utan att drabbas av åksjuka under resan. För att autonoma fordon ska lyckas fullt ut är det därför nödvändigt att förstå hur man utformar och styr fordonen för att minska risken för att passagerarna drabbas av åksjuka.  Denna licentiatuppsats syftar till att undersöka hur åksjuka kan förutsägas i vägfordon och hur den kan reduceras med hjälp av fordonsdynamikbaserade lösningar, med tonvikt på trajektorieplanering. Som ett första steg genomfördes en granskning och utvärdering av befintliga metoder för åksjukeprediktion. Granskningen belyste vikten av en korrekt bedömning av åksjuka i de tidiga faserna av autonom fordonsdesign. Två valda metoder (ISO 2631-baserad och sensorisk konfliktbaserad) utvärderades för att uppskatta individuell åksjuka med hjälp av uppmätta data och subjektiva bedömningar från fälttester. Slutsatsen är att metoderna kan justeras för att förutsäga individuell åksjuka, vilket framgår av jämförelsen med experimentella data. För att fortsätta arbetet gjordes en genomgång av fordonsdynamikbaserade metoder för att minska åksjuka i autonoma fordon. Flera chassireglerstrategier i litteraturen, såsom aktiv fjädring, bakhjulsstyrning och drivmomentfördelning, har visat sig kunna bidra till att minska åksjuka. En annan effektiv metod för att minska åksjuka i autonoma fordon är att reglera fordonets hastighet och bana med hjälp av trajektorieplanering, vilket valdes att undersökas ytterligare. Trajektorieplaneringen konstruerades som ett optimeringsproblem där det finns en avvägning mellan åksjuka och manövertid. Effekten av trajektorieplaneringsalgoritmen för att minska åksjuka analyserades genom att simulera två olika fordonsmodeller i specifika testmanövrar. Resultaten indikerar att körstil har en betydande inverkan på åksjuka och att algoritmer för trajektorieplanering bör utformas noggrant för att hitta en bra balans mellan restid och åksjuka. Forskningen som presenteras i denna uppsats bidrar till utvecklingen av metoder för att förutsäga och mildra åksjuka i autonoma fordon, vilket hjälper till att uppnå målet att säkerställa deras framgång.

I feel terrible! Can you measure that? : Exploring psychophysiological stress responses and their interactions with performance, subjective reports and health status

Sjörs, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Despite recent research advances, there are still several common medical conditions whose underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. In conditions with few or diffuse physical findings, it can be difficult to diagnose and determine the state of the condition and its effects on working ability or performance, and the health care practitioners have to rely on the patient’s self-reports. Identification of objective measurements that are sensitive enough to aid in diagnosis or determination of the state of these conditions would thus be valuable. Psychophysiological measurements are generally non-invasive and have the potential to serve as such diagnostic or prognostic tools. In this thesis, psychophysiological reactions to different stressors were recorded in two selected medical conditions; namely motion sickness and chronic trapezius myalgia (musculoskeletal pain). These subjective conditions are unpleasant, unwanted and apparently serve no survival purpose. It is therefore important to elucidate any physical findings associated with them to, eventually, find new means to prevent the development of these conditions or to ameliorate symptoms. The overall aim of the thesis was to explore the development of psychophysiological responses to stressors in relation to performance and subjective reports in healthy individuals and in women with chronic trapezius myalgia. More in detail, the purpose was to identify psychophysiological responses that could provide information about the mechanisms behind, or serve as candidates for characterization of motion sickness and chronic trapezius myalgia, respectively. Responses to motion sickness, triggered by optokinetic stimulation, were studied in healthy individuals, whereas responses to repetitive low-force work and psychosocial stress were studied in women with chronic trapezius myalgia and in pain-free controls. In both medical conditions, the psychophysiological responses were accompanied by subjective reports. The effects of motion sickness on two different aspects of memory performance were tested during exposure to optokinetic stimulation. In the studies of chronic trapezius myalgia, psychophysiological responses were also related to health status, i.e., being a patient or a pain-free control and measurements of pain intensity, psychological symptoms, sleep-related problems and quality of life. The psychophysiological responses to optokinetic stimulation were inconclusive. Moderate levels of motion sickness did not affect memory performance, whereas decreased short term memory performance was seen in subjects reporting high levels of motion sickness. The autonomic responses and stress hormone secretion in response to low-force repetitive work and psychosocial stress in the chronic trapezius myalgia group were similar to those of the pain-free controls. However, muscle activity in the trapezius muscle was generally higher in the chronic trapezius myalgia group. There were indications of negative psychological states being related to a slower response and lower circadian variations of stress hormone secretion. With the present methods, it was possible to measure general stress responses but none of the measurements showed sufficient specificity to serve as predictors or indicators of motion sickness and chronic musculoskeletal pain, respectively. Summarizing, I cannot objectively measure how you feel; I still have to rely on your description of your condition.

Ride comfort and motion sickness in tilting trains

Förstberg, Johan January 2000 (has links)
This thesis presents a systematic study of human responses to different motions and strategies of car body tilt control regarding ride comfort, working/reading ability and motion sickness on high-speed tilting trains. Experiments with test subjects were performed in a tilting train on curved track as well as in a moving vehicle simulator. The study is multi-disciplinary, combining knowledge and methods from the fields of railway technology, human factors and vestibular science. The main experiment in a tilting train was performed with about 75 seated test subjects, mainly students from Linköping University, making three test runs. In total, these subjects participated in about 210 individual test rides, each with a duration of about 3 hours. Additional tests on comfort disturbances with pushbutton technique have been reported in the project. The simulator experiments used a total of about 75 subjects, making some 320 test rides each of about 30 minutes duration. Test motions consisted of combinations of horizontal (lateral) acceleration and roll acceleration, together with either roll or horizontal acceleration. Rate of change of horizontal acceleration (jerk) and roll velocity were of the same order of magnitude as in a tilting train environment, but horizontal acceleration alone was about half the magnitude. Horizontal and vertical vibrations from a tilting train were added to the test motions, and train seats and interior train noise were also introduced to create a "train feeling". Test designs and methodology have been developed during the course of the experiments. The test subjects answered questionnaires, four times per test run in the train experiment and each 5 minute in the simulator experiment. The investigated variables were: estimated average ride comfort, estimated ability to work or read, and occurrence of symptoms of motion sickness (dizziness, nausea and not feeling well). Lateral and vertical accelerations together with roll motions were monitored and recorded for later evaluation. Results from the train experiments show that the estimated average ride comfort was about 4 on a 5-degree scale, which indicates “good”. Results also show that a reduced tilt compensation of the lateral acceleration while curving together with a reduced tilt velocity of the car body reduce the provocation of motion sickness. However, a reduction in tilt compensation may produce an increased number of comfort disturbances due to lateral acceleration in the car body. Regression analysis shows that motion doses from roll acceleration may be used to predict the incidence of motion sickness. The simulator experiments show that the primary sources of provocation of nausea and motion sickness are the motion doses from roll and lateral acceleration in the horizontal plane. The study proposes a hypothesis and a model of provocation of motion sickness. It is shown that motion sickness has a time decay, or leakage. A model for this leakage is proposed. The determinative types of motion for provocation of nausea and motion sickness in tilting trains are identified and future tilting train and/or simulator experiments are proposed in order to further investigate their influence. / <p>NR 20140805</p>

Validation of MobileMe : a psychophysiological recording system – from a motion sickness perspective

Almqvist, Ulf, Sjörs, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>MobileMe is a recently developed system for monitoring and recording physiological variables. It is wireless, and can therefore be suitable for field research, for example when measuring motion sickness symptoms.</p><p>The aim of this thesis was to conclude whether the MobileMe recording system was valid for research studies. A validation study, consisting of two parts and including 10 subjects, was performed. The first part was a laboratory study, where data from MobileMe and a reference equipment were compared. A field study was also performed, onboard a combat boat, to determine the equipment’s validity in uncontrolled environments. Furthermore, the field study included an investigation of motion sickness symptoms, and provided data for evaluation of motion sickness rating scales.</p><p>Statistical results from the laboratory study, and results from evaluation of data from the field study, showed that MobileMe was valid in both controlled and uncontrolled environments.</p>

Tilting trains : Enhanced benefits and strategies for less motion sickness

Persson, Rickard January 2011 (has links)
Carbody tilting is today a mature and inexpensive technology that allows higher train speeds in horizontal curves, thus shortening travel time. This doctoral thesis considers several subjects important for improving the competitiveness of tilting trains compared to non-tilting ones. A technology review is provided as an introduction to tilting trains and the thesis then focuses on enhancing the benefits and strategies for less motion sickness. A tilting train may run about 15% faster in curves than a non-tilting one but the corresponding simulated running time benefit on two Swedish lines is about 10%. The main reason for the difference is that speeds are set on other grounds than cant deficiency at straight track, stations, bridges, etc. The possibility to further enhance tilting trains’ running speed is studied under identified speed limitations due to vehicle-track interaction such as crosswind requirements at high speed curving. About 9% running time may be gained on the Stockholm–Gothenburg (457 km) mainline in Sweden if cant deficiency, top speed, and tractive performance are improved compared with existing tilting trains. Non-tilting high-speed trains are not an option on this line due to the large number of 1,000 m curves. Tilting trains run a greater risk of causing motion sickness than non-tilting trains. Roll velocity and vertical acceleration are the two motion components that show the largest increase, but the amplitudes are lower than those used in laboratory tests that caused motion sickness. Scientists have tried to find models that can describe motion sickness based on one or more motion quantities. The vertical acceleration model shows the highest correlation to motion sickness on trains with active tilt. However, vertical acceleration has a strong correlation to several other motions, which precludes vertical acceleration being pointed out as the principal cause of motion sickness in tilting trains. Further enhanced speeds tend to increase carbody motions even more, which may result in a higher risk of motion sickness. However, means to counteract the increased risk of motion sickness are identified in the present work that can be combined for best effect. Improved tilt control can prevent unnecessary fluctuations in motion sickness related quantities perceived by the passengers. The improved tilt control can also manage the new proposed tilt algorithms for less risk of motion sickness, which constitute one of the main achievements in the present study. Local speed restrictions are another means of avoiding increased peak levels of motion sickness when increasing the overall speed. The improved tilt control and the proposed tilt algorithms have proven to be effective in on-track tests involving more than 100 test subjects. The new tilt algorithms gave carbody motions closer to non-tilting trains. Rather unexpectedly, however, the test case with the largest decrease in tilt gave a greater risk of motion sickness than the two test cases with less reduction in tilt. It is likely that even better results can be achieved by further optimization of the tilt algorithms; the non-linear relation between motions and motion sickness is of particular interest for further study. / QC 20110429

Effects of Motion Sickness on Human Thermoregulatory Mechanisms

Nobel, Gerard January 2010 (has links)
The presented studies were performed to investigate the effects of motion sickness (MS) on human autonomic and behavioural thermoregulatory mechanisms during cold stress and in a thermoneutral environment. The roles of histaminergic and cholinergic neuron systems in autonomic thermoregulation and MS-dependent dysfunction of autonomic thermoregulation were studied using a histamine-receptor blocker, dimenhydrinate (DMH), and a muscarine-receptor blocker, scopolamine (Scop). In addition, the effects of these substances on MS-induced nausea and perceptual thermoregulatory responses were studied. MS was found to lower core temperature, during cold stress by attenuation of cold-induced vasoconstriction and decreased shivering thermogenesis, and in a thermoneutral environment by inducing sweating and vasodilatation. The increased core cooling during cold stress was counteracted by DMH but not by Scop. In a thermoneutral environment, the temperature was perceived as uncomfortably warm during and after the MS provocation despite decreases in both core and skin temperature. No such effect was seen during cold-water immersion. Both pharmacologic substances had per se different effects on autonomic thermoregulatory responses during cold stress. Scop decreased heat preservation, but did not affect core cooling, while DMH reduced the rate of core cooling through increased shivering thermogenesis. Both DMH and Scop per se decreased thermal discomfort during cold-water immersion.Findings support the notion of modulating roles of histamine (H) and acetylcholine (Ach) in autonomic thermoregulation and during MS. MS activates cholinergic and histaminergic pathways, thereby increasing the levels of H and Ach in several neuro-anatomical structures. As a secondary effect, MS also elevates blood levels of several neuropeptides, which in turn would influence central and/or peripheral thermoregulatory responses.In conclusion, MS may predispose to hypothermia, by impairment of autonomic thermoregulation in both cold and thermoneutral environments and by modulation of behavioural thermoregulatory input signals. This might have significant implications for survival in maritime accidents. / <p>Medicine doktorsexamen</p>

Validation of MobileMe : a psychophysiological recording system – from a motion sickness perspective

Almqvist, Ulf, Sjörs, Anna January 2006 (has links)
MobileMe is a recently developed system for monitoring and recording physiological variables. It is wireless, and can therefore be suitable for field research, for example when measuring motion sickness symptoms. The aim of this thesis was to conclude whether the MobileMe recording system was valid for research studies. A validation study, consisting of two parts and including 10 subjects, was performed. The first part was a laboratory study, where data from MobileMe and a reference equipment were compared. A field study was also performed, onboard a combat boat, to determine the equipment’s validity in uncontrolled environments. Furthermore, the field study included an investigation of motion sickness symptoms, and provided data for evaluation of motion sickness rating scales. Statistical results from the laboratory study, and results from evaluation of data from the field study, showed that MobileMe was valid in both controlled and uncontrolled environments.

Tilting trains : Technology, benefits and motion sickness

Persson, Rickard January 2008 (has links)
<p>Carbody tilting is today a mature and inexpensive technology allowing higher speeds in curves and thus reduced travel time. The technology is accepted by most train operators, but a limited set of issues still holding back the full potential of tilting trains. The present study identifies and report on these issues in the first of two parts in this thesis. The second part is dedicated to analysis of some of the identified issues. The first part contains Chapters 2 to 5 and the second Chapters 6 to 12 where also the conclusions of the present study are given.</p><p>Chapters 2 and 3 are related to the tilting train and the interaction between track and vehicle. Cross-wind stability is identified as critical for high-speed tilting trains. Limitation of the permissible speed in curves at high speed may be needed, reducing the benefit of tilting trains at very high speed. Track shift forces can also be safety critical for tilting vehicles at high speed. An improved track standard must be considered for high speed curving.</p><p>Chapters 4 and 5 cover motion sickness knowledge, which may be important for the competitiveness of tilting trains. However, reduced risk of motion sickness may be contradictory to comfort in a traditional sense, one aspect can not be considered without also considering the other. One pure motion is not the likely cause to the motion sickness experienced in motion trains. A combination of motions is much more provocative and much more likely the cause. It is also likely that head rotations contribute as these may be performed at much higher motion amplitudes than performed by the train.</p><p>Chapter 6 deals with services suitable for tilting trains. An analysis shows relations between cant deficiency, top speed, tractive performance and running times for a tilting train. About 9% running time may be gained on the Swedish line Stockholm – Gothenburg (457 km) if cant deficiency, top speed and tractive performance are improved compared with existing tilting trains. One interesting conclusion is that a non-tilting very high-speed train (280 km/h) will have longer running times than a tilting train with today’s maximum speed and tractive power. This statement is independent of top speed and tractive power of the non-tilting vehicle.</p><p>Chapters 7 to 9 describe motion sickness tests made on-track within the EU-funded research project<i> Fast And Comfortable Trains (FACT).</i> An analysis is made showing correlation between vertical acceleration and motion sickness. However, vertical acceleration could not be pointed out as the cause to motion sickness as the correlation between vertical acceleration and several other motions are strong.</p><p>Chapter 10 reports on design of track geometry. Guidelines for design of track cant are given optimising the counteracting requirements on comfort in non-tilting trains and risk of motion sickness in tilting trains. The guidelines are finally compared with the applied track cant on the Swedish line Stockholm – Gothenburg. Also transition curves and vertical track geometry are shortly discussed.</p><p>Chapters 11 and 12 discusses the analysis, draws conclusions on the findings and gives proposals of further research within the present area.</p>

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