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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of motivation within an activity system for adults learning English as a second language

Jenison, Priscilla Beth 01 January 2003 (has links)
This project attempts to conceptualize the relationship between the language learner and the social world, developing a comprehensive theory of identity that integrates the language learner and the language learning context, while trying to keep motivation high.

Using self-directed learning strategies and affective factors in educating adult English learners

Heald, Jennifer Margaret 01 January 2004 (has links)
The content of this project will serve to demonstrate that ample research connects self-directed learning to more healthy psychological dynamics in language acquisition. It will also show that self-directed learning strategies are practical and effective in teaching a second language.

Die erkenning van voorafleer as `n meganisme ter voorbereiding van ouer volwasse studente se sukses aan `n hoeronderwysinstelling

Langeveldt, Faith 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of the current study was to determine how the recognition of prior learning (RPL) process at the University of the Western Cape prepares mature adult students to be successful. These mature adult students gain knowledge, skills and attitudes through an alternative manner, which is acknowledged by the University of the Western Cape (UWC). During the portfolio development course, these mature adults students are expected to reflect on their prior knowledge in order to identify, formulate and document their prior learning according to the specification of the institute. This process stimulates cognitive competencies, introduces them to the formal education discourse, and improves their academic language skills. An interpretive research method was used to collect data. The qualitative data which was collected stems from a self-administered questionnaire, semi-structured individual interviews and also the textual data in the portfolios of the mature adult students who participated in this study. All interviews were recorded on a tape recorder with the consent of the respondents and were transcribed verbatim. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. The results and findings of the study indicate that a holistic approach is followed at UWC to develop the mature RPL students academically. All role players at UWC are involved including their top management. The implementation of RPL at the institute is a top priority where the mature adult students are given the opportunity to develop to their full potential. Support systems are also available to improve the academic performances of these adult students. The results indicated that these students are committed to their studies, are motivated to be successful at the higher education institute, and with the support of the mentors they progress academically. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal hoe die erkenning van voorafleer (EVL)-proses by die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWK) die ouer volwasse student voorberei om suksesvol te wees. Hierdie volwassenes se kennis, vaardighede en houdings wat op 'n alternatiewe manier opgedoen is (hulle voorafleer) word deur die UWK erken. Die ouer volwassenes word deur middel van reflektering in die portefeulje-ontwikkelingskursus die geleentheid gebied om hulle voorafleer te identifiseer, te formuleer en te dokumenteer volgens die spesifikasies van die instelling. Algaande word hulle kognitiewe vaardighede gestimuleer, hulle maak kennis met die formele opvoedingsdiskoers, en verbeter hulle akademiese taalvaardighede. 'n Interpretatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gebruik om data in te samel. Die kwalitatiewe data wat ingesamel is, spruit voort uit 'n self-geadministreerde vraelys, semigestruktureerde individuele onderhoude, asook die tekstuele data in die portefeuljes van die volwasse studente wat aan die studie deelgeneem het. Alle onderhoude is met die toestemming van die respondente met 'n digitale opnemer opgeneem en woordeliks getranskribeer. Data-analisering het deur middel van inhoudsanalise plaasgevind. Die bevindinge van die studie dui daarop dat 'n holistiese benadering by die UWK gevolg word om die ouer EVL-studente akademies voor te berei. Alle rolspelers by die UWK word betrek, met inbegrip van hulle topbestuur. Die toepassing en implementering van EVL is 'n topprioriteit by die instelling waar ouer volwasse studente die geleentheid gebied word om tot hulle volle potensiaal te ontwikkel. Ondersteuningstelsels wat akademiese vooruitgang van volwasse ouer studente bevorder, is ook beskikbaar. Die studie het aangedui dat ouer volwasse studente is ook verbind tot hulle studies, is gemotiveer om sukses aan die hoëronderwysinstelling te behaal, en met behulp van die mentors toon hulle akademiese vordering.

Vzdělávání dospělých v oblasti cizích jazyků v Českých Budějovicích / Adult Education in the Area of Foreign Languages in České Budějovice.

MALKUSOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis which is called ''Adult Education in the Area of Foreign Languages in České Budějovice' deals with characteristics of adult education, motivation, and barriers of this education. The thesis also examines particularities of adult education, their possibilities, purpose and aims with the emphasis on language education. Moreover, the thesis works with documents relating to adult education in the area of foreign languages. The part of the thesis deals with a foreign language, its effect on a culture, and intensification and improvement of international relations. The practical part presents quantitative research which examined the most learned languages, motivation and barriers of adult language education via questionnaire.

Factors influencing motivation of nursing students in the teaching and learning environment

Koekemoer, Anne-Marie 11 1900 (has links)
Many factors are present in the teaching and learning environment that could influence students’ motivation positively or negatively. This study explores and describes the factors influencing motivation of nursing students in order to identify student support strategies to enhance motivation in the teaching and learning environment. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive design was used. The accessible population was all final-year students registered for the certificate leading to enrolment as a nurse (R.2175) and studying at two campuses of a selected private Nursing Education Institution (NEI) in Gauteng province. The sample selection was non-probability, convenient sampling. Data was collected by means of semi-structured focus group interviews. The three main themes that emerged from the collected data were factors related to interpersonal relationships, factors related to the teaching and learning milieu and factors related to self-worth. Recommendations for student support in nursing education, student support in practice and for future research were made. / Verskeie faktore bestaan in die leeromgewing wat motivering van studente positief sowel as negatief beïnvloed. Hierdie studie ondersoek en beskryf die faktore wat die motivering van verpleegstudente beïnvloed om sodoende studentondersteuning-strategieë te identifiseer wat motivering in die leeromgewing sal bevorder. Die navorser het kwalitatiewe navorsing gebruik. Die toeganklike populasie was al die finale jaar studente geregistreer vir die kursus wat lei tot inskrywing as verpleegkundige (R.2175) en aan twee kampusse van ‘n geselekteerde privaatverpleegskool in die Gauteng provinsie studeer. Die nie-waarskynlikheids-, gerieflikheidsteekproeftegniek is gebruik. Semi-gestruktureerde fokusgroeponderhoude is gebruik om data in te samel. Die drie hooftemas wat navore gekom het uit die ingesamelde data was faktore geassosieer met interpersoonlike verhoudings, faktore geassosieer met die leeromgewing en faktore geassosieer met selfwaarde. Aanbevelings vir studentondersteuning in verpleegonderrig, studentondersteuning in praktyk en vir verdere navorsing is gemaak. / Ho na le dintlha tse ngata tse teng tikolohong ya dithuto tse ka bang le kgahlamelo e itseng ho baithuti ka tsela e ntle kapa e bosula. Diphuputso tsena di hlakisa dintlha tse ka bang le kabelo morolong wa baithui ba booki e le hore ho tle ho hlauwe meralo ya tshehetso e tlang ho matlafatsa tikoloho ya dithuto. Ho sebedisitswe mokgwa o nang le boleng, o batsi o hlakileng. Batho bao ho entsweng diphuputso tsena ho bona, e ne e le baithuti ba selemo sa ho qetela ba ingodiseditseng setifikeiti sa ho ya ithutela booki, ba ithutelang dikhemphaseng tse pedi tsa lekala la poraefete la Nursing Education Institution, profensing ya Gauteng. Mokgwa o sebedisitsweng wa ho kgetha, o ne o sa fane ka sephetho se hlakileng, se bobebe. Ho ilwe ha bokelletswa lesedi ka tsela ya dihlopha tse hlonngweng dipotso. Dihlooho (mokotaba) tse tharo tse ka sehlohong tse hlahellang leseding lena le bokelleditsweng, e bile dintlha tse amanang le dikamano tsa batho, dintlha tse amanang le tikoloho ya dithuto le dintlha tse amanang le boitshepo ya motho. Ho entswe dikgothalletso tsa tshehetso ya baithuti thutong ya booki, tshehetso ya baithuti kwetlisong le bakeng sa diphuputso tsa nako e tlang. / Health Studies / M. P. H. (Health Studies)

Motivators, contributors and inhibitors in adult higher education in the University of the Western Cape

Viljoen, Karin 01 1900 (has links)
Lifelong learning for adults has almost become compulsory for the maintenance of employability. In the South African context, The National Plan for Higher Education advocated an increase of adult learners entering higher education to facilitate lifelong learning. This study will focus on adult learners returning to institutions of higher education on a full-time basis. The study will determine factors that motivate adults to enter the learning environment, and it will identify inhibitors and contributors during their studies. A qualitative research design has been employed. Analysis of data collected by open-ended questionnaires and in-depth interviews indicated that the motivation to return to higher education was mainly personal and career driven. Students reported on situational, dispositional, and institutional inhibitors they experienced and had to overcome. Contributors identified included various support systems. Recommendations are made in view of the results of the empirical study to assist institutions of higher education in South Africa to meet the unique needs of the adult learner. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

Effectiveness of facilitation methods to motivate adult learners to participate in ABET programmes : a case study of the adult centre at Ekurhuleni

Dhlamini, Joyce Phikisile 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the facilitation methods used in the adult centre to motivate adult learners to participate in Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) programmes, as the majority of South Africans have a low level of literacy. The illiteracy could not be viewed independently of the apartheid policies that were in place before democratisation in 1994. After the democratisation the African National Congress (ANC) policies, prioritised the provision of ABET. The policy was for ABET provide education including basic literacy, numeracy to a level equivalent to the General Certificate of Education to adults who have had little or no formal schooling. ABET is viewed as a means to educate and train adults and is regarded as a force for social participation and economic development. The researcher was prompted to investigate the effectiveness of the facilitation methods to motivate adult learners to participate in learning or not. Adults’ participation in learning programmes will help them towards social participation and also to develop them economically. If adults are economically developed, South Africa will not be facing such huge rate of unemployment, poverty and illiteracy. As there are a number of development programmes that are offered at Ekurhuleni to equip adults with relevant skills required for development and equipping them with the skills to face economic challenges of the country, motivation becomes essential because if learners are not motivated to participate, they are not going to be involved in them and get the necessary education. The focus is also on the facilitation methods that are used in the learning centre. Qualitative research has enabled the researcher to gather enough data through employing interviews. Individual interviews, focus group interviews as well as observation were the tools used in this study. It reveals that facilitation methods that are used are not effective enough to motivate adult learners’ participation in ABET programmes. Thus recommendations and suggestions were made to assist the i facilitators in rendering effective facilitation methods for the benefit of the adult learners. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Motivators, contributors and inhibitors in adult higher education in the University of the Western Cape

Viljoen, Karin 01 1900 (has links)
Lifelong learning for adults has almost become compulsory for the maintenance of employability. In the South African context, The National Plan for Higher Education advocated an increase of adult learners entering higher education to facilitate lifelong learning. This study will focus on adult learners returning to institutions of higher education on a full-time basis. The study will determine factors that motivate adults to enter the learning environment, and it will identify inhibitors and contributors during their studies. A qualitative research design has been employed. Analysis of data collected by open-ended questionnaires and in-depth interviews indicated that the motivation to return to higher education was mainly personal and career driven. Students reported on situational, dispositional, and institutional inhibitors they experienced and had to overcome. Contributors identified included various support systems. Recommendations are made in view of the results of the empirical study to assist institutions of higher education in South Africa to meet the unique needs of the adult learner. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

Effectiveness of facilitation methods to motivate adult learners to participate in ABET programmes : a case study of the adult centre at Ekurhuleni

Dhlamini, Joyce Phikisile 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the facilitation methods used in the adult centre to motivate adult learners to participate in Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) programmes, as the majority of South Africans have a low level of literacy. The illiteracy could not be viewed independently of the apartheid policies that were in place before democratisation in 1994. After the democratisation the African National Congress (ANC) policies, prioritised the provision of ABET. The policy was for ABET provide education including basic literacy, numeracy to a level equivalent to the General Certificate of Education to adults who have had little or no formal schooling. ABET is viewed as a means to educate and train adults and is regarded as a force for social participation and economic development. The researcher was prompted to investigate the effectiveness of the facilitation methods to motivate adult learners to participate in learning or not. Adults’ participation in learning programmes will help them towards social participation and also to develop them economically. If adults are economically developed, South Africa will not be facing such huge rate of unemployment, poverty and illiteracy. As there are a number of development programmes that are offered at Ekurhuleni to equip adults with relevant skills required for development and equipping them with the skills to face economic challenges of the country, motivation becomes essential because if learners are not motivated to participate, they are not going to be involved in them and get the necessary education. The focus is also on the facilitation methods that are used in the learning centre. Qualitative research has enabled the researcher to gather enough data through employing interviews. Individual interviews, focus group interviews as well as observation were the tools used in this study. It reveals that facilitation methods that are used are not effective enough to motivate adult learners’ participation in ABET programmes. Thus recommendations and suggestions were made to assist the i facilitators in rendering effective facilitation methods for the benefit of the adult learners. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

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