Spelling suggestions: "subject:"motor insurance"" "subject:"motor ensurance""
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Validity and effect of exclusion clauses against third parties in motor insuranceChannon, Matthew Raymond January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the regulation behind exclusion clauses and their use in third party motor insurance policies. The thesis answers three key questions. First, to what extent are exclusion clauses valid in third party motor insurance policies against third parties? Second, what is the effect of the use of exclusion clauses on third party claims? Third how should the law in this area be reformed? It further examines the effect on exclusion clauses of general contractual and insurance contract regulation on third party victims. Finally, the thesis will examine the role of the MIB and whether it provides adequate protection as a ‘fund of last resort’.
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On the infringements associated with the United Kingdom's transposition of European Council Directive 2009/103/EC of 1 September 2009 on motor insuranceBevan, Nicholas January 2016 (has links)
The United Kingdom (UK)’s transposition of the European Directive on motor insurance (the Directive) is shot through with provisions that fall below the minimum standard of compensatory protection for accident victims prescribed under this superior law. These expose third party victims to the risk of being left undercompensated, or recovering nothing at all. The author’s research has demonstrated that the handful of cases that had previously been perceived as isolated anomalies in the UK’s transposition of this European law are in fact symptomatic of a more extensive and deep-rooted nonconformity. His published articles over the past five years were the first to reveal the prevalence of this problem and the resulting lack of legal certainty. He has been the first to offer detailed proposals for reform, as well as fresh insights into legal remedies potentially available to private citizens affected by these irregularities. Sections 2 and 3 of this paper are a summary of the author’s views covered in his various articles and research into the causes and effects of this disparity. They explain that whilst both the UK and European Union’s legislature share a policy objective the different approaches to achieving that end have resulted in different standards of compensatory protection. Section 4 recounts the author’s empirical approach that led him to undertake the first comprehensive comparative law analysis in this field. Section 5 explains the original, if sometimes controversial, nature of the author’s case commentaries, articles and official reports proposing reform. Section 6 sets out the author’s contribution to legal knowledge and practice in this area. This includes his opinion, contrary to long established precedent, that the Directive is capable of having direct effect against the Motor Insurers’ Bureau.
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我國汽車保險行銷制度之研究 / Motor Insurance Marketing System in Taiwan連雪玲, Shelley Liel Unknown Date (has links)
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Personality Traits And Individual Differences As The Predictors Of Attitude Toward Motor Insurance In TurkeyYalingok Kiziltas, Esma 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study was aimed to identify the personality traits and individual differences that might predict the attitude toward motor insurance in Turkey. Demographic information, personality traits, self-esteem and locus of control were explored as the predictors of attitude toward motor insurance. Results were obtained from 343 people (201 males, 142 females) who participated an online questionnaire through internet or completed the printed form. Computer administered multi scaled questionnaire and printed form were used for data collection. The questionnaire includes Basic Personality Traits Inventory, Locus of Control Inventory, Self-Esteem Inventory and Motor Insurance Attitude Inventory in addition to demographic information form. The results of the survey indicated that gender, conscientiousness and openness to experience have power of prediction on the level of attitude toward insurance. According to the results, women have more positive attitude toward motor insurance than men. Also high levels of conscientiousness and openness to experience result in higher levels of positive attitude toward motor insurance. The findings of the study were discussed in the light of the literature and in relation to the implications of insurance ownership in Turkey. Limitations of the study and suggestions for future researches were also discussed.
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[pt] O mercado de seguro de automóvel no Brasil apresenta uma concorrência agressiva, indicando que as seguradoras devem investir na fidelização de clientes para buscar sua sobrevivência. Dado isso, este estudo visa testar e analisar hipóteses que abordam a formação da lealdade do cliente no seguro de automóvel com base na análise de efeitos de antecedentes relevantes, como satisfação, custo da mudança, atratividade das alternativas e confiança. A revisão da literatura apresenta e discute modelos de lealdade de acordo com os estudos de Picón et al. (2014) e Aurier e N Goala, (2010). Por meio de uma survey, foi coletada uma amostra de 230 segurados de automóvel. A análise dos dados e o teste das hipóteses propostas foi realizada por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados indicam que satisfação, confiança, atratividade das alternativas e custos de troca impactam diretamente na lealdade do consumidor no mercado de seguro de automóvel. / [en] The car insurance market in Brazil presents aggressive competition, indicating that insurers should invest in customer loyalty to survive. Thus, this study aims to test and analyze hypotheses that address customer loyalty in the insurance market based on the analysis of relevant antecedents of loyalty, such as satisfaction, switching costs, attractiveness of the alternatives and trust. The literature review presents and discusses loyalty models according to Picón et al. (2014) and Aurier and N Goala, (2010). Through a survey, a sample of 230 automobile insurance clients was collected. The proposed model was analyzed via structural equations modeling. The results show that satisfaction, trust, attractiveness of alternatives and switching cost directly affect loyalty in the car insurance industry.
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Návrh na zlepšení vybraného pojistného produktu společnosti Česká pojišťovna a.s. / Propsal for Improvement of Selected Insurance Product Company Česká pojišťovna a.s.Vránová, Markéta January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses problems connected with motor insurance of the company Česká pojišťovna a.s. and contains the project to improvement the offer of this product in order to be competitive and corresponding to the requirements of client.
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汽車保險運用財務再保險之研究--以時間、投資風險為對象 / A study on application of finaannical reinsurance to motor insurance - ime and investment risks as variiables張惠娟, Chang, Whe-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
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行銷通路對於汽車保險業務成長績效之研究─個案公司壽險、銀行通路實證分析許培潤 Unknown Date (has links)
我國汽車保險於產物保險業務結構中占約百分之五十,其業務消長與品質關係著保險公司經營績效。而業績消長與品質好壞又跟行銷通路息息相關。掌握通路即掌握業務雖對,但如何選擇好的通路及經營,就牽涉到保險公司自身之定位與優勢所在。金融控股公司法於2001年6月27日經立法院三讀通過,並於同年11月1日實施,自此金融相關產業正式邁入戰國時代,各大金融控股公司相繼成立。金控業者借由自身銀行、證券、壽險、產險等行業在資源整合、交叉行銷、One-Stop Shopping、與成本管控運用下,期待能正面積極發揮綜效(Synergy)以達成效益極大化之經營模式。非金控業者為求生存發展,也紛紛與其他異業合作,或尋求其他新興行銷營運模式,形成多元行銷契機。
本研究以個案公司經營壽險及銀行通路為對象分析,確發現產險公司若能有效發揮自身優勢,提供附加價值,積極爭取異業合作,尤其是壽險與銀行業之互利合作,藉由他們廣大之人力與據點通路,對汽車險業務之成長有很大之幫助。另外因為多元通路的經營,風險分散,也較不會因為不利事件或經濟環境不佳,而造成業務成長的瓶頸。 / Motor insurance business has played a dominant role in the Taiwanese non-life insurance industry. The written premium incomes from the motor insurance accounts for nearly 50% of the overall incomes of the domestic market. The underwriting quality of the motor insurance business is highly related to the profit result and is closely depending on the marketing channels. Therefore, the selection of appropriate marketing channels will have predominant influence in the performance of a non-life insurance company. In 2001, the financial holding regulation went into effect and all financial sectors, including banking industry, life insurance industry, non-life insurance industry, and security industry, had made efforts to integrate internal resources in order to lower operating costs, to develop cross-selling strategy, and to provide better customer service in order to achieve the synergy from financial holdings. At the same time, those financial sectors without joining financial holding group also look for new marketing strategy through strategic alliance and or innovative market channels.
The marketing channels of the motor insurance business in Taiwan are traditionally dominated by car dealers. However, since the new car sales in 2006 were seriously impacted by the irrecoverable loans or credits of the credit cards in 2005 and by the depression, decreasing almost 30% than that of previous year, of new-motor market in 2006. Nevertheless, the non-life insurance company might reduce the mentioned impacts if it can conduct multi-channels with good quality except for car dealers. Therefore, to cooperate with other industries, including life insurance and banking fields, to establish a strategic alliance will be very important for the development of the property insurance company in all aspects at present and the near future.
The model of the research is focusing on the case studies of the two channels, life insurance business and banking business, for the operation of the non-life insurance company. With the detailed analysis, we discovered that non-life insurance company can effectively increase growth of the written motor insurance premium by the approaches of developing self-advantages, providing additional values, and co-operating with the salesmen and the resources of the life insurance industry and banking industries. Furthermore, to run the multi-channels for the property insurance companies will be extremely contributive to disperse risks and will avoid the bottleneck of sales growth under the circumstances of the unfavorable events and of the recession.
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Stratégies tarifaires en assurance automobile : optimisation et expérimentation / Pricing strategies in motor insurance : optimization and experimentsBou Nader, Rami 07 December 2016 (has links)
Le secteur de l'assurance automobile est confronté à plusieurs bouleversements règlementaires, financiers, comportementaux et technologiques. Afin de faire face aux défis résultant de ces changements et maintenir leur profitabilité, les assureurs doivent innover en matière de tarification. Dans ce contexte, nous développons dans cette thèse deux thématiques liées à la tarification en assurance automobile. La première thématique s'articule autour de l'optimisation des stratégies tarifaires, en souscription et au renouvellement. La deuxième thématique est orientée vers l'utilisation des expérimentations dans l'objectif de mieux appréhender les déterminants de la demande d'assurance.Tout d'abord, nous nous intéressons à l'optimisation tarifaire au renouvellement. Nous illustrons comment les modèles de demande empiriques reposant sur les données dont disposent l'assureur peuvent être utilisés afin d'optimiser sa rentabilité et la rétention de ses clients. Nous élargissons ensuite le cadre d'optimisation en tenant compte des dépendances inter-temporelles entre les décisions tarifaires actuelles et les profits générés au cours des périodes ultérieures. Ainsi, nous introduisons le cadre de Valeur Client qui permet à l'assureur d'adapter sa stratégie tarifaire en fonction des comportements des assurés au cours de leur vie client tout en tenant compte du cycle du marché. Les illustrations empiriques des deux premiers chapitres reposent sur des données naturelles observées par l'assureur.Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous illustrons l'apport des expérimentions de terrain et de laboratoire à la compréhension de la demande d'assurance automobile. Une expérimentation de terrain nous permet d'affiner la mesure de l'élasticité prix des clients et de traiter le problème de tarification comme un problème de bandit contextuel. L'évaluation offline de plusieurs stratégies d'apprentissage par renforcement montre que celles appliquant une expérimentation tarifaire ciblée obtiennent de meilleures performances financières en comparaison à la stratégie myope, qui exclut toute possibilité d'expérimentation. Enfin, nous présentons les résultats d'une expérimentation de laboratoire dont l'objectif était de mesurer la valeur ajoutée des variables privées issues des modèles de décision dans le risque. En particulier, nous analysons le rôle de l'aversion au risque et la perception du risque dans l'explication des choix d'assurance automobile. La même expérimentation nous a permis d'analyser la validité externe en assurance expérimentale, c'est-à-dire la ressemblance des comportements des individus dans un contexte expérimental et dans le contexte économique réel du marché.En plus de la dualité expérimentation-optimisation dans le domaine de la tarification assurantielle, cette thèse illustre donc la dualité entre les données privées et les données publiques, ainsi que la dualité entre les modèles empiriques de demande d'assurance et les modèles théoriques. / The motor insurance sector currently confronts regulatory, financial, behavioral and technological challenges. Under these circumstances, insurers must uphold in improving their pricing strategies. Two topics related to pricing innovation are discussed in this thesis. We first take up the pricing strategy optimization for new businesses, as well as the renewals. Secondly, we highlight in the usage of experiments in leading us to a better understanding of insurance demand factors.On the first part of this thesis, we address pricing optimization at renewal, then illustrate how empirical demand models that rely on observable data could help the insurers to boost their profits and clients retention rate. We extend afterwards this framework by considering the impact of current pricing decisions on future cash-flows. Consequently, we introduce the Customer Value metric which allows insurers to reflect over the customers' behavior during their lifetime, when it comes to constructing their pricing strategy. The empirical illustrations of the first two chapters rely on natural data observed by the insurer.On the second part of this thesis, field and laboratory experiments will give us better comprehension of the motor insurance demand. Data from a field experiment refine the measure of clients' price elasticity. Offline assessment of several reinforcement learning algorithms shows how pricing experiments can achieve better performances compared with the myopic strategy which does not apply any kind of experiment. Laboratory experiments contribute to the understanding of demand models as well. In particular, we analyze the added value of risk aversion and risk perception in explaining the insurance choices. Furthermore, we examine the external validity of the experiment, i.e. the similarity between the behaviors of the customers in a lab environment versus their factual behaviors in the market.Aside from the duality between experiments and optimization, this thesis also illustrates the duality between private and public data, as well as the duality between empirical and theoretical insurance demand model.
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本研究係以個案公司加入金控後銀行通路經營績效加以分析,確實發現產險公司若能充份發揮自身優勢與定位,爭取加入金控,藉由金控所屬子公司廣大的銷售人力及通路據點,對汽車險業務的經營績效有很大的綜效。 / Motor insurance business has played an important role in the Taiwan non-life insurance industry. The total written premium income for Motor insurance in 2006 amounted to NT$57.334 billion, which accounts for 50.25% of the overall premium income of non-life insurance industry in Taiwan. In the meantime, the business portfolio of Motor insurance to that of non-life insurance has been maintained at 45% - 55% over the past ten years. The quality of Motor business is significantly related to the business performance and is also closely linked to the marketing channels of the non-life insurance companies. As such, the selection of appropriate marketing channels, which is certainly a great challenge, will have predominant influence to the business performance of a non-life insurance company in Taiwan.
Since the Financial Holding Company Law went into effect officially in November 2001, there are quite a number of mega financial holding companies were established afterwards. The aim of financial holding company is to integrate their respective resource among their banking sector, securities sector, non-life insurance sector, and life insurance sector, so as to achieve the synergy and to build up better business operation model as well.
The premium growth for the motor insurance in 2005 has achieved the highest record nearly a decade. In 2006, the new car sales were serious impacted by the dual cards crisis (credit cards and cash cards). This certainly led to the motor premium income was first time ever reduced in the past five years. Non-life insurance companies will suffer the same of the recession as mentioned for their motor business if they highly rely on the marketing channel through the car dealers. However, the impact on the motor business could be mitigated for non-life insurance companies if they are able to explore new multi-marketing channels along with good results. The premium growth can be also anticipated for those non-life companies if they can make good use of these channels. In view of this, it will be very important for non-life insurance companies to achieve better performance by way of joining financial holding company as a subsidiary and establishing a strategic alliance with life insurance companies or banks from now on.
This research is focusing on the case studies of the banking and financial holding maketing channels, for the Motor insurance business performance of the non-life insurance company. With the findings of this case study after detailed analysis, we come to conclusion that after joining the holding company, non-life insurance company can improve the business performance of synergy to a great extent for their motor insurance business by way of making full use of the sales force as well as point of sales among the subsidiaries of holding companies.
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