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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國汽車保險行銷制度之研究 / Motor Insurance Marketing System in Taiwan

連雪玲, Shelley Liel Unknown Date (has links)


薛國平 Unknown Date (has links)
汽車保險業務在產險公司的比重接近五成,是國內產險業最大宗業務,扣除無盈無虧的汽機車強制險,真正的獲利來源就是任意險,因此任意險中車體險扮演舉足輕重之角色。不過近年來由於業績掛帥,導致對於車險業務品質之不重視,故損失率不斷上升,而許多保險公司察覺到利潤才是公司最主要目標,若要追求利潤,就要找出那些是賺錢的業務,而通路以及其績效的分析就是重點之一,因此本文從車險通路和理賠方面思考,期望從分析中獲得改善通路以及績效之方法。 本文使用羅吉斯回歸進行分析,從分析結果可知,車體險甲式與乙式、車齡在兩年之內的車輛、裕隆、福特以及豐田三種廠牌之車輛、被保險人為女性、居住在台灣南北部、都會區之車輛、被保險人在20歲以下及20-25歲、自用車以及汽車公司銷售之保單其出險理賠的機率較高。最後本研究也提到要讓公司利潤提高,就要有品質佳的業務,而品質佳的業務所依賴的就是核保工作的確實。本研究利用汽車保險通路之分析得出較容易出險的類別,提供核保人員做一個參考。

汽車保險運用財務再保險之研究--以時間、投資風險為對象 / A study on application of finaannical reinsurance to motor insurance - ime and investment risks as variiables

張惠娟, Chang, Whe-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
汽車保險基於本身商品及其業務特質,須藉由再保險來分散承保危險的需求不高。目前須安排再保險的理由與汽車保險經營所遭遇的困難,及其再保險所欲達到的目的存有顯著的差異。本文主要探討汽車保險運用財務再保險此項理財工具以化解其所遭遇到的難題。 財務再保險,緣因於八十年代美國保險市場自然災害頻傳,損失幅度巨大,保險公司、再保險人蒙受巨額虧損,致使傳統之再保險市場緊縮,再保險人承保利益大為縮減,或發生虧損,保險公司難獲再保險之保護,於是財務再保險應運而生。運用財務再保險,保險公司對於承保之業務雖然不能獲得分散危險之保護,但財務報表之缺失卻可獲得改善。 以業務特性、公司經營政策及再保市場三方面分析,發現汽車保險比其他產物保險適合以財務再保險作為理財工具,加上汽車保險的業務量大,對於公司資金運用的經濟效益反具有較高的作用。在對於財務再保合約條款分析及條件例示後,發現財務再保險在運用於汽車保險時,會將直接及間接影響保險公司的營運。 分別就保險公司及監理機關雙方的觀點分析,汽車險採用財務再保險的優、缺點。繼而探討如何防範使用財務再保險所帶來的缺失。最後發現汽車保險在運用財務再保險時,須事先評估公司汽車險的經營狀況,並應正確瞭解財務再保險此項工具的功能及其運用之影響,能未雨綢繆,預為做好防範措施,才能達成其追求公司利潤最大化及永續經營的目標。

汽車保險整合行銷與商品創新之研究 / Research on integrated marketing and product innovation of auto insurance

陳文生 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要乃針對我國汽車保險當前所面對市場規模逐漸縮小的問題,探討其癥結所在並試圖提出因應之道,雖然過去已有不少的文獻針對汽車保險行銷或商品創新分別提出,但以台灣車險市場實務運作之角度及實況為出發點做探討,加入更多不同元素,提出較切合實務因應對策的相關文獻實屬有限。 我國汽車保險之保費收入多年來均約佔產險市場之半數。因此,汽車保險之發展對我國產險經營有著不可忽視的地位,即因如此重要,以致市場惡意競爭,經營環境紊亂,加上近年國內經濟環境惡化,更突顯業者在汽車保險經營方針上的偏差;而長期以來國人對汽車保險之投保觀念仍嫌不足,亦導致我國產險規模及普及率始終無法與國際先進國家相提並論,其中任意車險投保率長期僅維持六成水準左右,即證明了國人對汽車保險的不重視。綜合上述原因,遂使多數產險公司在汽車保險經營上瀕臨無核保利潤甚至虧損之狀態,嚴重影響我國金融保險市場之發展。 在探討汽車保險整合行銷與商品創新的研究中,本論文以目前我國汽車保險業者所面臨的真實困境為基礎,並結合行銷的元素及排除不符合市場運作情況,除以消費者的角度重新思考外,同時加入我國產險業實際運作上所面臨的盲點,提出數點建議,以期探尋出適合我國汽車保險經營的行銷模式及商品設計,本論文所提的問題多為筆者長期身處市場觀察之實情,期許能為我國汽車保險經營帶來改革,扭轉目前越來越小的產值規模,兼達消費者及保險公司雙贏之目標。 / Due to the decreasing automobile insurance market in Taiwan, in this research I try to focus on the true situation which I observe during my career. Though a popular topic, this issue was seldom discussed in research papers in a practical way. That is why I try to explain this situation at a different angle with a combination of various factors. Automobile insurance premium accounts for over half of non-life insurance premium in Taiwan and has been an integral part. Because of its enormous market stance, all non-life insurance companies would expand their market share of it at any expense. In doing so, non-life insurance companies face a vicious cycle of increasing competition followed by decreasing premium rates and it proves them wrong to implement these strategies. Furthermore, a merely 60% penetration rate of automobile insurance, which is below the average of developed countries, shows that Taiwanese people do not take it seriously. In conclusion, the non-life insurance market has been hugely impacted. By clearing the blind spots of Integrated Marketing and Product Innovation, in this research I try to find a new way to improve the even worse situation of automobile insurance market in Taiwan. With my career experience in this field, I give some recommendations in the hope of reversing the situation in the future.


許培潤 Unknown Date (has links)
我國汽車保險於產物保險業務結構中占約百分之五十,其業務消長與品質關係著保險公司經營績效。而業績消長與品質好壞又跟行銷通路息息相關。掌握通路即掌握業務雖對,但如何選擇好的通路及經營,就牽涉到保險公司自身之定位與優勢所在。金融控股公司法於2001年6月27日經立法院三讀通過,並於同年11月1日實施,自此金融相關產業正式邁入戰國時代,各大金融控股公司相繼成立。金控業者借由自身銀行、證券、壽險、產險等行業在資源整合、交叉行銷、One-Stop Shopping、與成本管控運用下,期待能正面積極發揮綜效(Synergy)以達成效益極大化之經營模式。非金控業者為求生存發展,也紛紛與其他異業合作,或尋求其他新興行銷營運模式,形成多元行銷契機。   汽車險業務經營傳統上受車商保代之影響很大,自2005下半年起因受銀行雙卡壞帳緊縮消費金融影響下,2006年汽車經銷商新車銷售大幅衰退,直接衝擊著汽車險保費的收入,因此若依賴車商業務較重之業者將承受相同衰退命運。但若業者能經營多元行銷通路,相對的可能影響就較輕微。因此產險公司如何開拓與壽險、銀行之異業合作,以提升汽車險及其他保險業務,對本身保險業務之成長就非常重要。   本研究以個案公司經營壽險及銀行通路為對象分析,確發現產險公司若能有效發揮自身優勢,提供附加價值,積極爭取異業合作,尤其是壽險與銀行業之互利合作,藉由他們廣大之人力與據點通路,對汽車險業務之成長有很大之幫助。另外因為多元通路的經營,風險分散,也較不會因為不利事件或經濟環境不佳,而造成業務成長的瓶頸。 / Motor insurance business has played a dominant role in the Taiwanese non-life insurance industry. The written premium incomes from the motor insurance accounts for nearly 50% of the overall incomes of the domestic market. The underwriting quality of the motor insurance business is highly related to the profit result and is closely depending on the marketing channels. Therefore, the selection of appropriate marketing channels will have predominant influence in the performance of a non-life insurance company. In 2001, the financial holding regulation went into effect and all financial sectors, including banking industry, life insurance industry, non-life insurance industry, and security industry, had made efforts to integrate internal resources in order to lower operating costs, to develop cross-selling strategy, and to provide better customer service in order to achieve the synergy from financial holdings. At the same time, those financial sectors without joining financial holding group also look for new marketing strategy through strategic alliance and or innovative market channels.   The marketing channels of the motor insurance business in Taiwan are traditionally dominated by car dealers. However, since the new car sales in 2006 were seriously impacted by the irrecoverable loans or credits of the credit cards in 2005 and by the depression, decreasing almost 30% than that of previous year, of new-motor market in 2006. Nevertheless, the non-life insurance company might reduce the mentioned impacts if it can conduct multi-channels with good quality except for car dealers. Therefore, to cooperate with other industries, including life insurance and banking fields, to establish a strategic alliance will be very important for the development of the property insurance company in all aspects at present and the near future.   The model of the research is focusing on the case studies of the two channels, life insurance business and banking business, for the operation of the non-life insurance company. With the detailed analysis, we discovered that non-life insurance company can effectively increase growth of the written motor insurance premium by the approaches of developing self-advantages, providing additional values, and co-operating with the salesmen and the resources of the life insurance industry and banking industries. Furthermore, to run the multi-channels for the property insurance companies will be extremely contributive to disperse risks and will avoid the bottleneck of sales growth under the circumstances of the unfavorable events and of the recession.

TOYOTA 車主購買車險的消費行為模式

白錫潭 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣汽車銷售業是個競爭激烈的行業,如何做好顧客管理,建立品牌忠誠度為汽車服務業相當重視的一道課題。本文以國內TOYOTA & LEXUS 專屬保險代理人-和安保險代理人(股)公司所承攬之車險保戶為研究對象,研究為2002年招攬承保之有效件數,計232,369筆資料。自車主購買汽車保險的消費模式分析,探討影響消費者投保險種需求的重要因素、不同區域被保險人的投保屬性、未來汽車保險消費者所需要獲得更大的滿足、以及保險人或保險代理人如何結合運用服務競爭策略,來輔助汽車經銷商提供車主最佳的服務品質與提昇顧客滿意度。 由實證資料分析中,得知目前影響車損險投保意願的最主要原因為保費太貴,投保不划算。然而因規章費率的限制,各產險公司無法對不同風險等級被保險人收取差別保險費,致使逆選擇情形愈趨嚴重。本研究針對分析結果,提出兩項建議。一為對產險公司未來之商品發展策略,包括(1)、採行車輛「主要使用人」為被保險人。(2)、車險資料庫的建立與統計分析研究。(3)、費率釐訂應視不同狀況予以差異化。次則為產險公司與車商保代如何結合以創造卓越的服務品質:包括(1)、視消費者的需求研發多樣化商品,提高產品附加價值。(2)、避免惡性競爭,進行差異化競爭。(3)、保代公司宜善盡保險輔助人的角色。(4)、建議網路行銷。 / To sale the automobile at Taiwan market is very competitive. The most important tasks for industry are how to build up customers relationship in order to improve brand loyalty. This paper, targeting the auto-insurance policy holders through Ho-An Insurance Agency - the exclusive agency of TOYOTA & LEXUS, evaluates 232,369 effective cases acquired in the year 2002. Through the analysis of automobile owner’s behavior in purchasing auto-insurance, we can assess the major factors that would affect consumers to buy various insurance; the attributes of insurance buyers of various districts; how to secure the satisfaction of the future auto-insurance policy holder and finally, how an insurance company or insurance agency could work with dealers to apply the competitive strategies of customer service for car owners with the best quality and to increase customer satisfaction. From the result of data analysis, we realized that the major factor affecting the customer’s purchase behavior of the auto-insurance is the insurance premium. However, due to the mandatory regulation, property insurers cannot charge the insurance plan with differentiated rates, which would cause high anti-selection. This study, based on the result of analysis, raises two suggestions. The first one is to advise property insurers the strategies for future product development : (1) acceptance of insurance application based on the major driver; (2) collaboration of one database of auto-insurance and conduct statistical analysis, and (3) differentiation of the premium rates according to various situations. Another suggestion is to propose that property insurers should work with insurance agencies to create superior service quality, including (1) development of one greater variety of products based on consumer needs to increase the added value; (2) avoidance of abcdrmal competition and implement differentiation competition; (3) the insurance agency should fulfill a supportive role, and (4) implement internet marketing of automobile insurance.

論費率自由化對產險公司車商通路行銷策略之影響-以個案公司分析 / The Affects of the Car Dealer Marketing Strategy after the Rating Liberalization – Analysis Study for specific insurer

陳德惠, David Chen Unknown Date (has links)
探討費率自由化第三階段實行兩年多來,汽車保險面臨費率自由化、及遵守保險業自律公約情況下,產物保險公司因應車商通路新競爭與新需求之行銷策略相關議題,藉由個案公司的分析探討,了解整體車商通路保險的現況與問題,提出有效建議車商通路汽車保險的關鍵成功行銷策略,並藉此拓展車商通路業績並達成利潤目標,以符合保險經營所要求的穩健性原則並創造保險公司、監理機關、車商通路與消費者多贏之態勢。 / 探討費率自由化第三階段實行兩年多來,汽車保險面臨費率自由化、及遵守保險業自律公約情況下,產物保險公司因應車商通路新競爭與新需求之行銷策略相關議題,藉由個案公司的分析探討,了解整體車商通路保險的現況與問題,提出有效建議車商通路汽車保險的關鍵成功行銷策略,並藉此拓展車商通路業績並達成利潤目標,以符合保險經營所要求的穩健性原則並創造保險公司、監理機關、車商通路與消費者多贏之態勢。


吳燦濱, Wu,Richard Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟發展與國民所得提高,汽車已經成為人們必備之交通運輸工具。近年來,假日休閒旅遊蔚為風氣,除造成自用汽車數量急遽成長外,亦因使用頻率增加而使汽車發生毀損滅失之機率增高。 汽車保險業務具有濃厚之地域性,而且與社會環境及國民習性密切相關,因此,經營汽車保險業務者,必須投入相當規模之資源,方能提供完善之服務。由於汽車保險業務之保費收入佔財產保險業所有業務之一半以上,其損失率高低往往牽動著保險業者之經營成效。 今日汽車保險市場積弊之一,乃保險業者拓展業務時,常以提高業務量為目標,爭相採取超佣、折讓或錯價等違規手段,造成市場之惡性競爭。再者,行銷通路亦與汽車保險業務經營成敗有緊密關連。 以汽車代理商而言,其有規模者之業務項目涵蓋汽車銷售、保險代理、零件價格與汽車修護等,完全掌握汽車保險行銷之競爭優勢。此外,貿易商、貨運行及代檢場,與汽車保險業務亦有密切關連,也是保險業者不可忽視之重要通路。 本研究以汽車車體損失保險為對象,針對上述行銷通路之運作實務作介紹與分析,並分別探討各種通路可能衍生之道德危險。最後,針對各類型之道德危險及理賠實務之缺失,本研究提出建議方案供相關單位參考,以期汽車保險市場能健全發展。 關鍵字:汽車保險、道德危險、行銷通路、汽車代理商、貿易商、貨運行、 代檢場 / 【Abstract】 Along with economy development and increase of national income, automobiles become a necessity for people in transportation and communication. In recent years, due to the trend in taking vacation by car, the amount of automobile has rapidly grew. Consequentially, frequent use has resulted in higher percentage of the damage or loss of the automobiles. As automobile insurance has characteristics in localism and territorialism, it is highly related to social environment and citizen’s behavior. Under such a scenario, all the automobile insurance companies need to invest all kinds of resources to provide full scale services. Meanwhile, since its premium volume accounts for more than half the overall property insurance business premium volume, its underwriting result in loss ratio usually has a significant impact on the overall performance in operation. One of the cumulated cankers in the automobile insurance market is that while extending business, insurance companies often aim at increasing premium volume, so that they take the methods against regulations, such as excessive commission, rebate and wrongful pricing. All of them may have deteriorated the unsoundness and stability of the insurance market. In addition, many marketing channels play a significant role to automobile insurance business. In light of automobile dealers’ operation, the ones in large scale normally carry on an automobile maintenance workshop at the same time. Their services cover wide range, include: car selling, insurance soliciting, components price controlling and repair and maintenance services etc. In this way, they acquire the advantage in the marketing competition. Meanwhile, merchants, forwarding agents and the vehicle-inspection workshops are also related to the automobile insurance, and certainly they are the important channels that shall not be neglected. By taking Automobile Insurance - Body Damaged Coverage as the main object, this research makes a thorough analysis on the operation of the above-mentioned marketing channels, and explores all the possible moral hazard stemmed from different channels. To eliminate the moral hazards and the claim insufficiency, this research submits certain recommendation to the regulatory authority and the insurance industry in order to achieve sound development of the automobile insurance market. Key words: Automobile Insurance、Moral Hazard、Marketing Channel、Automobile Dealer、Merchant、Forwarding Agent、Vehicle-Inspection Workshop


郭榮棠 Unknown Date (has links)
我國財產保險業之簽單總保費收入為新台幣1,141.05億元,其中汽車保險之簽單保險費收入為新台幣573.34億元,佔我國財產保險業簽單總保費收入的50.25%,故汽車保險之簽單保險費收入於九十五年仍居財產保險市場各險種之冠。同時汽車保險業務量占全體產險業務量的比重,近十年來一直維持在45%~55%之間,由於汽車險業務量之消長與品質關係著保險公司經營的績效。而業務消長與品質良窳又跟行銷通路緊密相關。現今如能掌握住通路即能掌握業務,然而如何選擇良好通路及經營,對保險公司而言,是非常大的考驗與挑戰。 金融控股公司法於2001年六月二十七日經立法院三讀通過後,並於同年十一月一日起正式實施,自此台灣金融相關產業正式邁入戰國時代,大型金融控股公司紛紛成立。各金控業者藉由本身銀行、證券、產險及壽險等子公司在資源整合下,冀能發揮綜效,以達到較佳的經營糢式。 台灣汽車保險保費成長在經歷2005年達到近十年來的高峰後,2006年受到銀行雙卡壞帳緊縮消費金融的影響下,汽車經銷商新車銷售呈現大幅衰退,直接衝擊到汽車保險保費的收入與成長,因而導致2006年汽車保險保費首次呈現衰退。若高度依賴車商保代的業者,將受到同樣衰退命運,然而若業者能提前佈局多元化行銷通路,其受到衰退的影響就相對輕微,甚至部份業者的業績仍然能夠逆勢成長。有鑑於此,產險業者如何透過加入金控或開拓與壽險、銀行等合作,藉以提升業務成長,益顯重要。 本研究係以個案公司加入金控後銀行通路經營績效加以分析,確實發現產險公司若能充份發揮自身優勢與定位,爭取加入金控,藉由金控所屬子公司廣大的銷售人力及通路據點,對汽車險業務的經營績效有很大的綜效。 / Motor insurance business has played an important role in the Taiwan non-life insurance industry. The total written premium income for Motor insurance in 2006 amounted to NT$57.334 billion, which accounts for 50.25% of the overall premium income of non-life insurance industry in Taiwan. In the meantime, the business portfolio of Motor insurance to  that of non-life insurance has been maintained at 45% - 55% over the past ten years. The quality of Motor business is significantly related to the business performance and is also closely linked to the marketing channels of the non-life insurance companies. As such, the selection of appropriate marketing channels, which is certainly a great challenge, will have predominant influence to the business performance of a non-life insurance company in Taiwan. Since the Financial Holding Company Law went into effect officially in November 2001, there are quite a number of mega financial holding companies were established afterwards. The aim of financial holding company is to integrate their respective resource among their banking sector, securities sector, non-life insurance sector, and life insurance sector, so as to achieve the synergy and to build up better business operation model as well. The premium growth for the motor insurance in 2005 has achieved the highest record nearly a decade. In 2006, the new car sales were serious impacted by the dual cards crisis (credit cards and cash cards). This certainly led to the motor premium income was first time ever reduced in the past five years. Non-life insurance companies will suffer the same of the recession as mentioned for their motor business if they highly rely on the marketing channel through the car dealers. However, the impact on the motor business could be mitigated for non-life insurance companies if they are able to explore new multi-marketing channels along with good results. The premium growth can be also anticipated for those non-life companies if they can make good use of these channels. In view of this, it will be very important for non-life insurance companies to achieve better performance by way of joining financial holding company as a subsidiary and establishing a strategic alliance with life insurance companies or banks from now on. This research is focusing on the case studies of the banking and financial holding maketing channels, for the Motor insurance business performance of the non-life insurance company. With the findings of this case study after detailed analysis, we come to conclusion that after joining the holding company, non-life insurance company can improve the business performance of synergy to a great extent for their motor insurance business by way of making full use of the sales force as well as point of sales among the subsidiaries of holding companies.

保險價格之決定性因素分析--美國汽車保險之實証研究 / An Analysis of the Determinants of Insurance Price---The Empirical Analysis of Auto Insurance in U.S.

鄭喬云, Cheng Chiao-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
市場中商品的價格往往都是由供給與需求來共同決定的,同樣的,在保險商品的市場中,亦存在著保險商品的供給與需求,而我們一般在買賣保險商品時,保險商品的價格往往是以總保費(Total Premiums)的觀念來做為討論,事實上,我們可以將總保費看作保險單位價格(P)乘上市場上消費的保險數量(Q),並且將總保費分成保險價格與數量來分開討論。 本文中對保險單位價格的定義是從損失率(Loss Ratio)的觀點來導出,並假設損失機率(π)為固定下,將保險單位價格定義為損失率的倒數,且將總保費除上保險單位價格來得出保險數量。在定義出保險單位價格及保險數量之後,在保險市場中,保險單位價格與保險數量應是會隨著保險商品的需求及供給之變動而有改變,因此,藉由一些與保險需求及保險價格相關的文獻,來找出一些可能影響保險單位價格與數量的因素,並藉由實証的過程來探討這些決定性因素與保險單位價格及保險數量的關係,和其可解釋的程度。 因此,本文的實証資料是以美國汽車保險的自用客車與商業用車之碰撞與綜合險及責任險為主,並以1979年∼1994間年淨簽單保費收入持續排名為前五十大的產險公司為資料採用對象,因此,在自用客車方面,有33家產險公司為研究樣本,商業用車方面,則有28家為研究樣本。 在實証模型中,是以保險單位價格及保險數量為兩大模型的應變數(dependent variable)。自變數(independent variable)的選取則有每人國民所得(NI)、淨簽單保險費(NPW)、行銷制度(MKT)、通貨膨脹率(INF)及利率(INT)五個變數。並以複迴歸分析為研究方法,得出其實証結果。 本文的實証結果顯示,在保險單位價格的模型中,不論是自用客車或商業用車,其解釋程度皆不高;在保險數量的模型中,兩車種的解釋程度則很高。自用客車的利率(INT)及行銷制度(MKT)兩變數,不論在自用客車或是商業用車方面,與保險單位價格的關係是符合我們所預期的,分別為反向及正向關係。每人國民所得(NI)變數在自用客車方面,與保險單位價格為反向關係,和預期相反,且P值並不顯著;商業用車方面,則為正向關係且顯著。 略 / 略

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